OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS 16 THE OSHAWA TUMES, Wedneedey, November 8, 1961 WESTMOUNT CHURCH LEAGUE WOODVIEW PARE U.S. HORSE SHOW Ladies High Triple -- Doris Stuart MIXED 1¢-PIN LEAGUE 679 (270, 233). For the third week in a row The anda a Men's High Triple -- Ken Cobb 659|Aces have blanked their opposition for (238, 226), Alex Sinclair 640 (259, 205),|4 points, this week their victims were Leod 629 ¢ Howard Mac! 215, 215, 200),|the Stickers. The Jets took 3 points e e Gord Holbrook 604 (191, 228). _ from the Selects. Ladies 200 scores -- Betty Clark 262,/ League members were glad to see l 10n |Mary Slator 237, Hilda Shearer 216,/not Dawe out bowling again and we Irene Rahme 210, Betty Love 209,| an hope Dot that you are well on the Thelma Owen 209, Judy Holbrook 206,! road to recovery. i 5 Annabelle Cobb 203. | ia A 19, Stick NEW YORK (CP) -- Thejing Top Gallant was fourth with) Men's 200 scores -- Jim See ae ee ee eee United States won its first two/five points. Jim Elder of Au-|220. 213, Morris Love 211, John Harris)" sit Lich single -- B, 'Clarke 202. | 208. | i i jumpi i : h, 1615 events in international jumping rora, Tom Gayford, the show's) This week no new members to the |Ladies' high single -- L Cornish, 161; at the U.S. Nationai Horse Show defending top cider, and six celer dwellers put - fie ples berate gt Bollea ge bed : i; La i notable new mi e week, . lp . Monday and dropped Canada to other entrants also had five|Worg itn gs, 72. Was it the twist of third place from second in team points but Stone's time of 13.5 the wrist, Jean? OPUC LEAGUE standings. seconds was the best. Team Standings -- Orbits 21, Astro-| Team Standings -- Go Getters 18,940; $ : " ts 20, Rascals 20, Yokels 19 Lucky|Lions 18,814; Unknowns 18,603; Jets 18,- Kathy Kusner, 21, of Arling- In the evening event, Frank|tiiyes is, Ho-Loos 13, Hep Cats 10,|551; Mad Pacers 18,194; Buddies 18,170, ton, Va., in her first year of in-|Chapot of Wallpack, N.J., Was\pin Hedz 7 Ladies High Single -- Maureen Com- ternational competition, won the the second winner for the U.S., CATHOLIC LEAGUE IP tadlie High Veihia <= Mansean Conk Royal Winter Fair Trophy, rid- riding off with the International, 1,1, ysaix saved face this week bylerford 707 (213 186, 308). ing High Noon. The trophy. is Challenge Trophy with the only ,ouing « 674 game for the men's high| Men's High Single -- Gerald Bull 261. donated by the Royal Winter perfect ride of 15 entrants. triple and a 265 for the high single for Piogciteg lade -- Gord Boddy 650 Fair of Toronto ~ , : yeek. Elder, on O'Malley, tied for 'he wee : : Bava vet $<. ik os a x . Mary Ekker went al! out when she ' Miss Kusner scored 21 points, second in the event with Miss roed » 641 for the ladies' high triple 220: Harold Whitbread 222; Cathy Laid nuit a nl ; EPS da 231 for the high single. |ler 264, Jackie Boddy 214, Marie Smith followed by Lieut. Eduardo Cas- Kusner, Lieut. Castaing and and s 23) game for tne vag ae Me-| 20 Bea Colvin 207, Frank Grant 201, taing of Argentina with 13 and Lieut. J. P. Daly of Ireland. All coona "12, Houston 16, Halik 14, Burrows|Pop McLaughlin 223, Ted Colvin 201, Dr. Hugo Arrambide of Argen- had four faults, Gayford and)11, watts 6, Ekker 9, O'Malley 6. Pag seedy 249, Denton Grant 204, tina with seven. Dr. Arrambide Stone each 'ad eight faults. Over pol eo ant tous tans Laahee < Gatien Ak is the show's leading rider with Argentina leads the team 91, 993, B. Wetmore 209 J. Wrubel|Grant 79, Carol Boychuk 93 Paddy 38 points. | 81, 98, Marilyn Barrett 92, Melvin Stone of Toronto, rid-U.S. has 62 and Canada 59, standings with 91 points. The 210, M. Ekker 208, 231, D. Wetmore 244, /Grant 67, 10-PIN ACTION M. Halik 265, 253, C. Henning 213, B.|Dave Jackson 69 Houston 233, T. Halik 201, B. Lavergne) iF 202 E, Ekker 233, Father Beriault 218, STORIE PARK BOWLING |J. W, Cardinal 208, 217, 202, D,-Bas-| Cuberts took Burtons for three points |tarache 242, 230, E. Kelly 228, J.\to take over the top spot in the stand- |O'Malley 218, S. Chaban 203, 200. jing with 19 points. Hibberts could only | Lemon League -- E. Romhanyi 87,\get one point from Mills to take over iM. O'Brien 97, ©. Henning 95, C./second place with 17 points. With only O'Malley 57, 70, 38, J. O'Lesky 93, A.|two nights left in this section, this is| Blasko 76, developing into quite a battle. e , * It was nice to have a visit from (@ | ] ' NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES Albina Kellingbede after her recent ill- T Standi -- Reading's 27, Col-|n¢8s. Hope to see her bowling soon. +920, Campbell's 19, Ward's 16, De-|_ High triples -- Charlie Nash 723 (216, lins' 20, Campbell's 19, Ward's 18, De. |Pratto's 17, Alexander's 14, Bracey's 13 |229, 278); Lou Locke 690 (262, 228, 200); {Pearse's 13, Mcuade's 10, jus' 9,|Albert Porter 681 (247, 276); 'Only six "60's" this week! Maybe |672 (230, 282); Ozzie Whitmee 670 when the new pins get broken in a|(3!9)s Jim Scott 663 (318); Oscar Mor- little more, gals, we won't see so many rison 652 (238, 238); Joyce Porter 640 (327); Colin Wilson 621 (279); George EASTWAY MEN'S LEAGUE | LADIES' CLASSIS LEAGUE ("Tayr,"'Mcxiniey 'was high with o4| Arkwright 603 (226), Harry Williams} HIGHLIGHTS It's con-| Fairley Bouckley had the 201, 224)s Eleanor Henney, 655 u25+| "Over $00 ar Role NG ad stays a 8 ie "i Pics ae | 3 3 E s 33, He. 4 " gratuiations to Mackie's Van and|high triple for the night, 476,|Depratio 648 (215, 208, 295); Mildved {Jean Whitmee 257, Reg. Wood 253, Mil- Storage for winning the first|and along with Berenice Differ,|Witterick 634 (271, 218); Yvonne Du-|!!@ Cameron 244 Blanche Norton 23 ection this week Bill Ka- led the | leading Terriers |#¥2¥ 605 (219, 222). jJames Scott 236, Eddie Gresik 231, Alf 5! eee | le e league F4 s Maria Cummings led the singles with | Redknapp 231, Vince Craddock 229, Joe tocs and Charlie Andor bothito 3 points over the Goofers.|274, 213; May Lenius and Ev Camp-\P8ts0ns 229, Louise Porter 225, Bill Short 224, 208; May French 223, Jack Mclean 215, 200; Ziggie Benkowski 214, Rhoda Winfield 213, Reg. Winfield 209, Ruth Snudden 205, Harry Norton a Tony Killingbeck 203, Gord Scott Lemon League --Eva Arkwright Jessie Barr, Dolly Bright, Marj. Crad- dock, May French, Pearl Locke, Alice Short, Barbara Thajer, Ann Williams, Eva Wilson. Team standings -- Cuberts 19,Hib- berts 17, Cromwells 15, Oxfords 15, Burtons 14 Hillsides 13, Mills 13, Sim- coes 13, Tresanes 12, Colleges 8, 10F LEAGUE Pins weren't falling so well this week, your secretary having more than a fair share of troubles, maybe we should have a lemon league. I'd sure be there. However Arn Greene seemed to have no problems as he rolled a nice 706 triple (238, 238, 230). Nice going. "600's" -- Wes Stata 662 (241, 214, 207); Ford Bennett 632 (212, 229); Don Robinson 631 (228, 205); Wes Richards 618 (231, 231); Josie Brown 616 (255); George Killen 615 (217, 236); Al Smith 613 (278); Don Brown 609 (254). | 200's" -- Art Virgin 270, Len Der-- jvent 223, Ron Swartz 222 Winnie Killen 220, Barb Pisani 219, Ev Stata 215, Joe Laurie 215, Art Peeling 214, Ewart | Carswell 214, 211, Ron Flewell 213, Dick |Stata 211, 233, Lucy Peeling 208, Hor- jace Hartshorn 207, Jean' Pratt 205, |Edna Richards 203. | Nearing the end of the first section, jand anything can happen yet. Points jtaken -- Imps 3 Aces 0; Jams 2, Jets 1; Untouchables 2, Stoppers 1; Smart- jies 2, Flops 1; Toppers 2, Hitters 1. FRIENDLY 48 LEAGUE | There were some good scores bowled |today with one double and nine scores over . | Double: J, Slater 423 (235). Over 200 scor L, Collins 251, M |Nicholson 230, E, Wilson 229, C. Grif- |fiths 222, G. Gwilliam 214, O, Fast 208, J. Thorburn 205, C, McLean 204, I. Way 201, | Points taken today were. Super Jets 3, Rockettes 0; Starlets 3, Slow Starters |0; Fireballs 3, Try Hards 0; Sixers 2, | Hopefuls 1. Point Standing: Super Jets 16, Star- | lets 15, Sixers 15, Rockettes 13 Hope-| jfuls 12, Fireballs 11, Try Hards 9, Slow| | Starters 5. | | Pin Standing: Super Jets 12,347; Star- lets 11,658; Hopefuls 11,640; Sixers 11,- }596; Rockettes 11,596; Fireballs 11,340: {Try Hards 11,245; Slow Starters 10,611. bowled over 550 to lead the sec-|Newcomer Judy Baxter helped|beli 249 each: Ella Hall 246; Kay be presser tion winners to 3 points and vic-|the Danes take 3 of the 4 points|Pearse 229; June Yuill 218; Mary Pirie tory .. second place Goch Su-|fror: the Poddles, with Dora Di-|217; Edna Ward 216; June Smith 215; pertest picked up four points|Cesaro the only shining light /Eotis Coline ime. Mary Hobbs 208; with the Hutcheon brothers to|for tle losers. Brenda Bracey|Fio Litster 202; Julie Roesch 202; Nell the fore . B; Worsley was|had a fine 468 to lead the Das-|Brady 201; and Helen Fetchison 201. | high man this week with 574.|chunds to 3 points over the Box-| sHERIFF's TAILORING LEAGUE Unfortunately his team, Du-jers, despite Isabelle Cyr's 463) sheriff's Bake Sale was a big success | mont Aluminum, dropped 3 of|for the losers. on Wednesday night with lots of "Good. | the 4 points to Cadillac Hotel .. .| High scores -- F, Bouckley 476 (169), \t Helen Brown, Win Tenuie" Moone | Ray George had a fine 561 to fe al ov Sdn as? saleee Tureski, Ruth Canfield, Marion Rice rT " , . esaro . a. i lead McLaughlin Fuels to_ 4/439 ciea), €. Nathan 428 (164), J. Baxter |Our first, section was rolled off too | points . . . Ron Mione and Ev) 425, D. Brabin 425, J. George 424, M. |the Pixies taking it with 23 points, fol: | Edwards were the key men in|Mothersill 420, D. Vann 418 (160), B.|iowed '"'very" closely by The Fiint-| Progress Brand Clothes' 4 point Thompson 416 (162) and A. Walker 400. stones with 21, Oddballs 18, Starliters erie P Standings -- Terriers 15, Danes 14%, /17, Atoms 16, Dixies 13 | win... one more night remains) nachshunds 14, Goofers 11, Boxers 9%| Mary Gilkes had the only high triple| in this first section. and Poodles 9. of the night, a lovely 651 (247, 208), Results -- Blue Boys 2, Robinson| Leading Averages -- Dora DiCesaro|Faithful Mary! Honorable mention go- Motors 2; Mackies Van and Storage 3 |153, Fairley Bouckley 148 and Isabelle|ing to Bella Watson with a 597 and) Crazy Eights 1; Progress Brand Clothes |Cyr 146 jJoan Wall 585. | 4, Art's Vending 0; McLaughlin Fuels 4 at cee eee ee ae Subway Lunch (0; Houdaille Industries! LANDER-STARK CLASSIC which had its highest: membership yet. | Eveniss Sales 1; Cadillac Hotel 3, 'Du-| CAPSULES -- The Falcons|,°p,hom, Scing to, Bella Watson with ete Mente Were on suPertest itook over sole possession of first/231, Millie Glowaski 223, Ev. Snow 222 | High Scores -- B. Worsley 574 (207),/place by virtue of their two|Janet Taylor 219. A new member to (200, », I t 4 . ee the 200's, Diane Duncan 214, welcome! Bae tice tee ates wee wine over, the Flyers the/Dorene Eyre 211, Ona Zambonelli 209, | |Manilla 244; Helen Anderson 234; Betty| your own car battery or 6 TRANSISTOR PORTABLE CAR RADIOS This is the most versatile car-portable radio ever built! Powered by either flashlight batteries, Price installed Picasa Se it regular Andor 551 (208), D. Brady 544, J. Den-/Same Flyers rolled all three| Marg. Ferguson 208, 207, Isabelle John. CoN a ia enn er Brome say [games over 700, but ""lady) "sist one tittle lemon drop. OK if we " Standings -- Mackies Van and. Stor- |!uck"' was not with them and/don't mention your name, Mary? We're age 31, Goch Supertest 25, Art's Vend-/they only managed the one Setting better girls: and off we go to ing 24, McLaughlin Fuels 22, Dumont ' ? " Aluminum 22, Jokers 20, - Progress point Doug Vann set the GAR RADIOS from CAR RADIOS ftom... GO.00 Brand Clothes 19, Black's Men's Wear new high single mark with a. TOWN AND COUNTRY LEAGUr 19, Robinson Motors 19, Parker Electric | i 2 i High Triples -- D. Brabin 644 (228, 1s, Cadillac Hotel 17, Houdallie Indus. (S7ashing 240. . . Bill Grant had/45)0"y_ "Bannon 630 (280); M. Good. tries 14, Les Eveniss Sales 12, Blue|2 8reat 612 triple to top the! win 610 (200, 244); B. Yuill 390 (234); | Boys 11, Crazy Eights 8 and Subway|league this week . some- Ue binge sa (a0 z Patterson 7. eee g me , 57 ); ones { » 2179; Je) _-- ad "--_ rioge vid did not) Townes 560 (218); M. Stovin 549 (209) ee \have a split in his three games|D. Randal) 532; M. Richardson 528, | EASTWAY MEN'S MAJOR accel Reid took Jhon as| High singles -- J. Walker 202, The Slapsticks took over the)". E fon ith 183 ; Lemon League -- R. Bradley 93, D.} A -_,|average leader wi . . . in-|Holliday 92, B. Lang 88, V. Willi league lead by a single point : 88, J. Anderson 83, B, Rantz 83, 81; M.| : cidentally, George leads the - 5 de as they whitewashed the a-| ' Bertrand 79, H. Eccles 76, 70, 86: D, H ty javerages in two other leagues. Fisher 75, A. Gallas 72, M. Scott €4,| oos. The Washouts and Cor-| Results -- Eagles 2, Colts 1; Royals 75; D. Pilkington 54, 68, 58. vettes picked up three of the|2. Lions 1; Falcons 2, Flyers 1; Chiefs sie Pee ernie 193 Dirty i |2, Hawks 1 and Regents 2, Jets 1 rds 17; Tweety Birds 12; Vultures 123 four points from the Bombers Standings --- Falcons, Jets, Eagles, Cuckoos 11; Ravens 11; Chickadees 10 DOMINION TIRE STORES IDOMINION $5.00 DOWN $1.00 WEEKLY 48 BOND W. (Corner of Church) 725-6511 and Nathan Sunoco. Colts, Hawks, Regents, Chiefs, Royals,|and Bobolinks 9 points Standings -- Slapsticks 25 Corvettes|Flyers and Lions. 24, Bombers 17, Nathan Sunoco 17, Wa| Top Ten -- Bill Grant 612 (210, 203), Hoos 8 and Washouts 8. George Reid 580 (212), Ken Fisher 578 High Scores -- John Waldinsperger | (212), George Lawrence 573 (202) Stan 361 (217), Mickey DiCesaro 570 (216),|Hodgson 557, Doug Vann 556 (240), Bill F. Sobil 536 (206), Walt Scott 524, Harry | Joyce 554 (210), Doug Keeler 546, Mike Joyce 517 and Mike DiCesaro 500. DiCesaro 545, and Jim Lamont 538 Leading Averages -- George Reid 182, | (204) | Mike DiCesaro 178, Walt Scott 175,| Leading Averages -- George Reid 183, Charlie Andor 175 and John Waldin-|Mike DiCesaro 180, Ralph O'Reilly 180, | TITLE FIGHT OFF? NBA Ratings Oust! Terry Downes, Eng- Sonny -Liston of Philadelphia|!and. 2. Florentino Fernandes, as regained the top contender's| "Uba; 3. Dick Tiger, Nigeria. spot in the National Boxing As-|,, Welterweight -- Champion pres : enny (Kid) Paret, Cuba; 1 sociation's heavyweight rankings Emile Griffith, New York: 2 Cc B for October as a result of his|Ralph Dupas, New Orleans; 3| recent reinstatement by the| Jorge Fernandez, Argentina. Pennsylvania State Athletic a Commission. Liston was dropped from the NBA rankings after his suspen- sion in Pennsylvania because of trouble with the law. Liston's return nudged Bos- ton's Tom McNeeley out of the top 10. McNeeley, who has a ti tle fight coming up- with cham- pion Floyd Patterson in Toronto Dec. 4, was rated 10th in the September rankings. Bob Cleroux of Montreal was listed seventh and George Chu- | valo of Toronto 10th among the! heavyweight contenders. Lightweight champion Joe Brown of Houston was named boxer of the month for beating| Bert Somodio of the Philippines | in Manila. It was Brown's 1ith| successful title defence The ratings include: Heavyweight -- 2, Eddie Ma- chen, Portland, Ore., 3. Inge- mar Johansson, Sweden; 4.| Henry Cooper, England; 5. Ale- jandro Lavorante, Argentina Light - heavyweight -- Cham: | pion: Harold Johnson. Philadel-| phia; 1. Archie Moore, San) Diego; 2. Doug Jones, New York; 3, Eddie Cotton, Seattle.| Where there's a BILL, Middleweight -- Champion: Gene Fullmer, West lartan,| ube have the @nswer ----]]_ with EXTRA CASH-fast! WINGER INJURED PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pitts.} burgh Hornets said Monday that left winger Bo Elik may miss| an American Hockey League game against Springfield In- dians Wednesday but probably, will be back in action against Providence Reds here Saturday night. A Hornets spokesman TOO MANY BILLS IN YOUR FUTURE i. Before introducing Seagram's 5 Star, Seagram tested* this great new brand of rye whisky from coast to coast against the three leading brands in its price class... and Canadians liked the taste of 5 Star best. Next time try Seagram's great new brand with the Five Stars on the bottle. See Seaboard today: SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY 292 SIMCOE S. *Tested under the official aupervision of a leading PHONE Research. Organization. | Jn test...after test...after test : y] seagram's Patterson's Fee New brand Mpecial Canadian. PyeWhihy said Elik, a native of Gerald- ton, suffered a charley - horse in last Saturday's game against 728-6283 ) Hershey. flavour BE YOUR REFRESHER LET A| KOOL