14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 7, 1961 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 4 Wy 99% 5614 6A BIRTHS CORNISH -- Jim and Marie (nee! Leddy) are very happy to announce the! birth of a daughter, Ann Louise, (8 Ibs. | 3 ozs.) on Saturday, November 4, 1961,' (Quotations i ncents unless marked $. Dom Tar 1365 at Oshawa General Hospital. a--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- Dom Text 200 |rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is Econ Inv 225 Emp Life 2s Fam Play 2100 Fanny F 360 Fed Farms 25 Union Ace 735 Gatineau 3 Un Gas 325 Gen Bake 50 $1 1% 11% U Corp B 320 GMC s 3 3 Vendomat 212 GP 1400 1015 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $15% $18% TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press 'Teronte Stock Exchange--Nov. 7 Stock Sales Suptest pr 2 Texaco 50 Tor-Dom Bk 255 Tor Iron 225 T Fin A 160 Tr Can PL 475 Trans-Mt 505 Stock Dom Str 5 Sales 1510 DERRY -- Ray and Jo are happy to from previous day's close.) announce the arrival pe ong rans Ibs. 15 ozs., at the Oshawa General) on Monday, 6, 1961. | INDUSTRIALS A sister for Randi, Paul and Peter. Our 1) Net thanks g out to Dr. Culp and the High Low a-m. Ch'g $3814 38% 38% -- Acad-Atl $12% 12% 12% nursing staff. LARMER -- Wally and Joan (nee Acad-At! A $22% 22% Reynard) are pleased to announce the/ Alta Dist 5 265 265 birth of their daughter, Patti Lowise,/AltaDis vt 5 Ibs. 15 ozs., on Saturday, November!Alta Gas 4, 1961, at the Oshawa General Hospital./ AltaGas pr Thanks to Dr. C. E. Mcliveen. |AltaGas w | Beav LEGACY -- Gerry and Glenna (nee) Bell Clark) are happy to announce the birth | Brazil of their daughter, Catherine Diane, 8 Bright Ibs. 5 ozs., on Thursday, Nov. 2, 1961,|BA Oil at the Oshawa General Hospital. |BC Forest BC Pow McTEAGUE -- Jim and Mary (nee BC Phone Leveque) are happy to announce the |Build Prod birth of their daughter, Mary-Jo, born | Burns Sunday, November 5, 1961, weighs 7 Ibs, Alumini --2 Stock Abitibi Sales ped Drill A GS Wares GL Paper WCoast Tr 515 $17 r NGas w i WCoast T vt 75 5% 15 15% ri sreat West " 175 W Cop wts 100 60 b « Weston A Weston B Wstn 4% pr West A wts Vulean Walk GW Lum Phone Price Br next edition. Oshawa Page-Hers 600 1095 Gas pr 110 Gas wits 80 z15 500 § Rothman 100 $1 Royal Bank 217 Trans Can Hu-Pam 10 «6 U Canso vt 2 3 Hydra Ex 500 31 4 Un Oils 00 Int Nickel 235 $83 , Wespac Irish Cop 600 120 W Cdn OG Iron Bay 100 185 W Decalta Jellicoe 5 Cdn Pet pr MeCULLOUGH, Charles |Cdn Salt Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- let 2 eral Hospital on Monday November 6, Berta Royalite 120 1961, Charles McCullough, beloved hus- bed Bid "i Royalite pr 250 band of Eunice Flint, in his 52nd year. | (oo Gan 1060 $2i%6 9 St Maurice 500 89 9 Jowsey 2 2 ah Genweias wick cnemoriis: servis | Oott? sade wee as " 960. +10 Kilembe 218 218 Home, Oshawa, with memoria] service |Coronation 5250 Salada wts 45 : Kilembe aie 38 in the chapel Thursday, November 9 at Crain RL 225 $1 Shawin 325 $ Acad Uran 3 1 : , Du 11 a.m. Cremation in the Toronto nist seag 555 $ Simpsons 225 Advocate Pred 'i cise Pg a te Crematorium. (Friends are asked notin Bridge 180 Slater Ind 250 Anacon vatin Am 5 ; : Southam 5 4 Area Lencourt 10% 10% 10% + % vt xd 200 1600 70 1725 225 «$24 24 24 Steel Can SAMANSKI, Anne Florence ID \Steinbg A After a prolonged illness at the Osh-|-- -- awa General Hospital, on Sunday, No-| vember 5, 1961, Anne Florence Kellar (of 802 Byron Street S., Whitby), belov- ed wife of Edward Samanski, dear mo- ther of Jane and Susan, at home in her 47th year. Resting at the W. C. In Ab rti in orton Bankfield 15% Macdon 105 20 240 = i Base Metal 3% Man Bar --2 TORONTO (CP) -- A witness/ Bicroft i 66 66 66 Mcintyre 100 4 ed > ue ¢ " A A rj Toronto, testified Monday| Provinces, if they continue to, pal subsidies amounting to only Bralorne 600 --15 McWat 1750 +2 3 +4 'compelled to yer ¢ llected school rev ; Bult Av aur ean tee +3 |an abortion. pelled to take over certain! enues. Now, * Dyno 215 206 =-6 |N Goldyuse 800 3% gi* gz} charges of manslaughter, 'con-|"urrent study school costs represent about 28 Hardee 210 Captain ee Noranda 720 $503 50% + % 100 3} , opened in Supreme Court before the Foundation states: 7 7 u, imp Life 500 Cent Pore Normetal 268 STILL, TOO EARLY Ind Ace n 445. $33% 33% 335% -- » ; i 4 23% 231 Coin Lake 10 rT O'Leary The charge was laid follow-/ municipalities is not soon re-|1962-1967 tax agreements may \ g 215 Int Util pr 225 Halli Sled her, last March 11 grapher, last March Ul, ond place to a group of largé' nicipalities ici ie nicipalities might participate. , hes A i 13 ozs. A baby sister for Tommy, Doug | Anthes ,\inv Syn A Slartion Sansone ment on March 11, Dianne was) uc ; - f IMPORTANT: Choos.| Bank Mont dock | wts Anchor oprand Que Lab Sooner or later, as the de-\densome in general, they are m, Laur 200 pr 7 ? ? 3 ? owpat 1000 an: - . , n Cem Calalt. 1000 'Sie 2 OWE : Q Metal the apartment t ». : want to know your choice. Name|Can a partment to shop. Wheni qr municipal tax gatherer will/ Foundation says. ac Oshawa Times Birth Announce-|Can Malt Cdn Dev Deer Hora 2008 2 Reeves was holding a spoon in Dianne's ; y *\self - preservation, might bels, acer: A har @ ace tm lca Bene se Sse 4 3 S18 18% pig cro yBlie Pp 8 it difficult to meeting rising ; ephone police and the fire de- sibilities." i ict 4 € Cel | pr Mon Foote 1) 316 18% Home B Gaitwin Sherritt : increased living costs. Resi- us % 16 Starratt y, ter was on bed. Marilyn said; The Foundation says that, Ny a | lg Permo $15% 14% manville, on Monday, Nov. 6, 1961,\C Gas In pr Teck-H fied her sister's body at thejthat a great deal can be done saddled with 'area' rates, school Sapphire H of Lake 19500 11 mbill a ; cemintd aikk Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service CIL there are muricipal sales taxes,| Wel! pyramid the basic tax rate Un Keno iJ "It seems likely that this will Welland Firm Young HG 1500 jthe Royal Agricultural Winter} Bulolo | a a -- ee Pot - ----_---- | An estimated 250,000 persons|ji;eiy that A'berta and Mani-|Ltd., of jworld's biggest country fair, jices to a leading Indian steel |INCREASE MODEST A ti BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT U Di 1 : 11 Net 11 Net | s Stock Bales High Liw a.m Ch'ge| Stock Saies High Low a.m. Ch'ge 15% 15% 1000 te 2 42 | Caring Barnat 161 162 --3 | MacLeod 500 105 | Bary Expl 21 --1 | Madsen 900 3 3000 3232 Bea j % ig iescua asi00 & er ty at the manslaughter and abor-',, By FORBES RHUDE rental agreements, - the prov. 6 : , tion trial of Robert Graham, 39, Canadian Press Business Editor|inces provided general munici- Bordulac 12% McKen 1000 +1 (of t c Bouzan 9 49 +1 |McMar 3000 that she heard her sister tele-; make increasing contributions| about one per cent of total mus Broul Reef 2% --1 Mentor 4500 50 50 phone Graham to arrange for|'® Municipal revenues, may feel/nicipal and municipally - cole Buff Ank 5 Merrill 1000 +3 : ss ; antiviti ~ , rinci A seiap. Chih 5 745 Mibray' Mt teste - bie The trial of Graham, a for-; Municipal activities, the Cana-| however, provincial contribu- Tung 182 181 --2 Nama Cr 1500 + % mer Sudbury jail guard, on dian Tax Foundation says in a|tions to general municipal and Cdn NW 21 9 --1% N Mylam 45550 --2 ae * -asts * Guar Tr Can-Evin 500 40 «(39 --1 \N Senator 2000 , ++ % Spiring to perform an abortion! In the 10th of a series Oe cout of Ahese costs on the homme PH 405 270 $1 : Cana $196 13% eras Bid and performing an abortion,|studies on municipal revenues,|#Verage across Canada. Hur Erie 50% Cent Pat 152. 151 Norlartie 1000 A 4 im Ol oa =a fe oer ae Mr. 'Justice DC. Wells and a) "If the division of responsibil-| "While it is too early to tell," Imp Tob Chib-Kay 18% 18 Norsp A wi 200 jury ities between the provinces and/the study comments, "the new Inind G w n M 5 i 6 g ath ee ag Alay 500 26 2 Coemioks ing the dea:h of Dianne Labom-|solved some of the provincial|afford a new source of provin- int Uti 25 ( ; barde, 19, 4 Toronto steno-| governments will be taking sec-\cial revenue in which the mu- Con M § Pardee Int Stl P 150 175 C Mogul Pce Expl Her sist arti 4 . ere E: r sister, Marilyn, 25, said y 2 5 an and Peter. Many thanks to" Doctor | Argus ' ( Gral wed at h {and powerful urban municipali-/ Ajthough municipal property tion 1 Jefferson pOrene C Persh Pick Crow sraham ariived at her apart ties Doherty. ated Jockey C Conwest Pros Air fe taxes have net grown more bur- t 7 a! oa Labatt n Coulee 1000 Que Lith there also, and f ore and cal) lik i ing » name for your child should| Bank NS BE pcceatee EPE « Bailey S$ A ule we Lith Mativn ta ' « mand for more and more Wcal|likely to be onerous for partic: be a real pleasure and others wil)|Cal Pow . x Banif Craigmt Lad Que Man Marilyn testified that she left) -ovenues continues, the pos.tion|ular classes of taxpayers, the your child as quickly as possible|CCC Stone 105 1 ¥ c 03 Zz 4 Calvan Con Deering 1000 Quemont s returned sis yas 'and use the individual name in/CI Fndry 22% 2 ee a veers C Delhi D'Aragon 2500 Realm - oles gosninet 8 any Grates become intolerable to the prov-| «ome owners on fixed in 5 % a g s to OBE shear . call our Classifieo yom tase 75 2 pe 31% =~ %IC Ex Gas Denison i" Rio Algom inces who then, from sheer comes, for example, have found se eg nee wiiicas Brew : ae Seer 2a sae © Drage 5 ae ockwin. mouth. forced to take over some of t : Notes 'te te(CBAL A w M Leat Mill 100 $16% 1644 16% C MicMac $62%4 62% San Ant She said she left again to tel- ha nn, €\local costs just as they have Just dial RA 3-3492 |Cdn Can A are oP tt Dome Pete 13% 13! 'a a 3st 8 Sand Riv more burdensome local respon-/round it difficult to meet other S Ol sient Lace 435 bie' 38 lee 3 8 'partment. When she returned StS. 5 DEATHS C Chem a} 25: 340 a eee Jupiter Pg oreo #216 Silvermag Graham was gone and her sis- CAN DO LITTLE jdents of new. sub-divisions in le curt W aiioit ° 2 oti = ys ter we he bed. Marilyn sal on rapidiy-expanding suburbs are ~_ C Dredge 5 Steep R ° --10 that later that day she identi- ; ' 25 - another group who are often Petrol Grandroy 5 a 22 Sullivan 100 +3 2 . the whole, it does not appear Phillips Gunnar 55 3 5 ks 2 4 : Musenein Bichasss in het BOS, Yeahs aaety Heard 9 109 109 +4 | morgue. to increase local revenue sour-| bui'ding ~~ that aay : G lusky Territory 1 Me tefal te ns e : « 7 3) 2 ges wife of the late James 8. Gill and dear 3 ; \Souar Pres Headway soe 2 erritory a he trial is continuing. _ CCR Except in Quebec, where provement cnarges at may South U 4 High-Beil 5 ibag 2 y asic te chapel on Woaneeiey at 2 p.m. Can. oil in Chib 4 R al Wi e the trend hac been to finance|t® burdensome levels. interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 4 oy int Tt mainly through the property tax : g ) Ventures ao" +. Fair Openi illroy a A Wiltsey 7000 ' as alr pening be the future pattern, with the é Dy i {possibility that the proceeds or TORONTO (CP) -- Canada's|! ; ed Yukeno 4700 gor Gr) part of the proceeds of provin- 0 SSIS " Zulapa 2375 s |Fair---opens Friday with an im- oo gages pene es or ap te Indian Company te oe at tee funeral home belee in C Gen ns 20 ; Me 4 : 185 +1 Gaspe Cop pressive roster of firsts for the| ,... Figes : BERCr Wednesday afternoon.) Dom Elect 125 afford 3 5 Ms A Arcadia 49 --!. |Lorado 1000 185 185 zs M. STOCKS |grants - in - aid. Now that this ies ¥ Hy 5 2 $78% 78% 78% Aumacho 4 10% 10% Lorado wts 1050 122 120 122 +3 MONTREAL 11:30 AM. erp WELLAND (CP)--Atlas Steels | will view the country's topitoha will delay too long the in-/ awarded a multi-million-dollar L ] r & ll Is Ver Heavy horses, hens, sheep and wheat/troduction of provincially-ad-/contract to supply _ technical | running eight days this year. Whit : company. | 8 More than 125 judges will] ile the Foundation sees) Company officials said the Trading Atlas Steel Am Leduc NAMES ARE lCdn Celan Milt Brick 500 250 250 250 Home A Frobisher 10 10 Sheep Cr 300 745 $164 16% 16% -- | Hanoi 24% 24% GILL -- At Memorial Hospital, Bow-|C Frbks B Provo Gas Hasting 2000 130 mother of Harold. Resting at the Morris C Imp Bk C Tidal Hud Bay 275 $54 7 Ult-Shaw and provincia: grants. Yk Bear 1000 show window of agriculture-- 'Corb i jcially - imposed income taxes bs 4 . ; Pag ry 32nd annua! spectacular. trend is established it | $7.27 27 Aunor 315 315 315 --10'Lyndhst 27000 17 15% 15%- Gaspe Cop 225 $24 rend is established: it seems un- Wellead. Yha heen samples on display at the/ ministered sales taxation." ..|{raining and engineering serv- quiem mass in St. John the Evangelist u his : ' B Chureh, Whitby, on Wednesday, No- aware: some four miles of rib-\little prospect of any consider-| .ontract was won in competition vember al a.m. ntermen! . ibons and rosettes to the exhib-| able increase in local revenue) vith specialty steel producers John's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Whit- by. The Reverend L. J. Austin will offi- ciate. The Knights of Columbus will recite the Rosary Tuesday evening at/ # 8 p.m. | STEWART, Brian James | Entered into rest in the family resi- dence, 116 Eastmount Street, Oshawa,| ¥ on Tuesday, November 7, 1961, Brian! James Stewart infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, brother of Sandra and David, age two months. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home with Memorial service in the chapel on Wednesday, November 8, 11 a.m. In-| terment Oshawa Union Cemetery. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all, 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Nearing Reality | OTTAWA (CP) -- Establish-jspeaking--could be enrolled at {ment of a Canadian labor col-|the start. lege is moving closer to reality. "f final agreement is worked out, the college will be estab-) lished in Montreal in association} witn McGill University and the University of Montreal. The idea has been approved in principle by the two major uni- versities and by the two main central bodies of organized la- bor in Canada -- the Canadian Labor Congress and Quebec's Unions. "We are closer to having a says Max Swerdlow, CLC educa- tion director. The college--a dream of many jbenefits of a rounded, jions in labor leaders who moved up in|°ffer course |NEEDS FUNDS The first effort of the new board would be to "The future Confederation of National Trade|unions need more than a skill jin negotiation and organization.| \They need a solid background| jeducation--would probably start|run by a full - time principal,| jin retited quarters in Montreal,|with professors from the two the Dufault said Mr. highlights. leaders of trade 'Monday TORONTO Toronto Stock Exchange and Lake Dufau!t tacked on an- jother 55 cents to $6.90 after ris- tec, ¢ ing to $7.30 during the first 20/°en's. Dec. 1, minutes of prospect advanced as ia ihe armani and the social | circulated that a significant find ; » (in the a r has been made in the third hole! labor college than ever before, |sciences as well as in the theory | pored. 'and practice of trade unionism." | reached 450 feet, The college would probably} Speculatives generally were| Common 18 cents, Class A 18) s in economics, po-| better and industrials, after see- \the union movement without the|litica' science, history, sociology | S4Wing all day, finished on the formal and trade unionism. It would be|UPside with advances among steels, refining oils, banks and financial institutions and foods which Friday , (CP)--Industrials|Glassco, Toronto businessman, | With | launch aj and speculatives fared well dur-| wij) achibj ; *| provinci y Steel Ltd., completes construc- country - wide campaign for|ing extremely heavy will exbibis part of 'his herd of a i funds--at least $500,000. t 'The need for a labor college|Monday with a burst by arises out of the expanded role land responsibilities of trade un- Canada," Swerdlow in an interview. high Trans - Canada Pipe Line the trade. liters of 10,000 entries from all| sources, it also states: |throughout the world. lover the world. "Over the last 20 years mu- : hate : A tend: calito introduced cipal taxation has increased| Indian technicians will be \to Canada only a few years ago|Considerably, but this increase|ttained at the Atlas plant here hontai ; seems modest in comparison|WHile Atlas men are expected will be shown when J. Grant} Maa enotaneek arowth of|t0 go to India when Hindustan trading on|the Santa Gertrudis beef breed,|Same period. Moreover, when|0n of an $80,000,000 plant at {municipal taxation is expressed | Durgapur, about 100 miles from DIVIDENDS ja8 a percentage of personal in-| evince! cai a ie |come per capita the actual load sec sth loupe compares ep et oa ace By THE CANADIAN PRESS |°rably with pre-war years." ae et ) S, ain- Aunor Gold Mines Ltd., five| In the main, says the Founda- less, pint' and other special- record Noy. 17,\tion, the comparative stability/PUTPOSe steels. -- copper| , Bowater Corporation of North|in local taxation has been due| About 100 Indian technicians rumors| America Ltd., five per cent pfd.jto the changing fiscal role: ofjare expected to be trained in 4/624 cents, 5% per cent pfd./the provinces. Before the war,|Canada during the contract's 68% cents, Jan. 1, 1962, recordjand before the advent of tax-llife. Dec. 8. | ee Canadian Tire Corporation, | Lak volume in The had Pry the LAGHM TEST Wriian Y cents, Dec. 1, record Nov. 17. Great Northern Gas Utilities Ltd., $2.50, pid 62% cents, 1957 series 70 cents, Dec. 1, record] Nov, 22. | 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 7 55 GEN Bibles are a continuing me- morial, For placement contact funeral director or phone 725-2327. IN MEMORIAM DZUGAN -- In loving memory of my) dear wife, Joyce, who passed away N 0- vember 7, 1959. My heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how I miss her In a home that is lonesome today. When evening shades are falling And we sit in quiet, -alone, To our hearts there comes a longing-- If she only could come home. Friends may think we have forgotten When at times they see us sm | But they little know the heartache| Our smiles hide all the while. --Sadly missed by husband Joe, daugh-| ELGART ON PHONE ion a 15-week summer course. : 1 |making the difference. Trans-| Hy the world Bar | Canada traded more than 60,000 shares, mostly on institutional! Noy. } buying and rose 50 cents, while! International Nickel Company he jnew highs were reached by|of Canada Ltd., 40 cents (U.S.),| Eventually, it would hope to|Crown Zellerbach, Consumers! Dec. 20, record Nov. 20. | Montreal universities and lec- The aim is to launch it next|turers from other universities ' 4 as well as from the trade union summer--if the money and suf-} hae y {movement itself. ficient student interest are avail-| } } Lid., 25 cents, Nov. 30, record Hi - Tower Drilling Company| 10, Al jable. Forty-five students -- 30/offer a full university term of|Gas and Investors Syndicate A,| Siscoe Mines Ltd., 2% cents, {English-speaking and 15 French-|courses. tall with gains as high as $2. |Dec. 15, record Dec. 1. Band Leader Les Elgart takes a telephone call at the | Lincoln police station Mon- | day before his arraignment | in county court on a narco- | tics possession charge. Elgart pleaded innocent but six members of his band pleaded guilty to the charges, filed after police discovered mari- juana in their hotel rooms. --(AP Wirephoto) ter Noreen and son, Ronny. DZUGAN -- In loving memory of| our dear sister and aunt, Joyce Leona, who passed away Nov. 7, 1959. My lips cannot tell how I miss her |{ Beside your grave we often. stand } With hearts both crushed' and sore, | But in the gloom the sweet words| me "Not lost, but gone before'. As angels keep their watch up there, Please God, just let her know That we down here do not forget, We loved and miss her so. --Lovingly remembered by sister Ma- bel and brother-in-law Bill, nieces Leona and Kathy and nephew Leonard. ESSEX -- In memory of David G.| Essex, who passed away November 7, 1951. | Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him 'near. / Ever remembered by wife Elsie and daughter Vinnie. Injunction To Restrain Seafarers TORONTO (CP) -- A perman- ent injunction restraining two officers of the Seafarers' Inter- national Union (Ind.) and their agents from approaching the vessels' Northern Venture and Wheat King within Ontario with any firearms, explosives or sim-| ilar weapons was granted Mon-| CARD OF THANKS m4 by Mr. Justice J. L, Wil- | TABNER -- The family of the late Mrs. Florence Tabner wish to thank their relatives, neighbors, friends. Spe- cial nurses, Dr. Lindsay, Dr. Butts and Rev. Stanley Armstrong for their kind- ness during her illness and passing. Grants Awarded | To Care For Aged TORONTO (CP) -- Welfare Minister Cecile Monday an-! nounced the awarding of grants| as construction subsidies in On- tario's care of the aged pro-| gram. The city of Brantford and| county of Brant home for the aged will receive $73,326 as a partial subsidy of construction costs. The city of Peterborough will receive $6,149, the final payment! of a total provincial subsidy of $601,95 for its new home for the aged A grant of $53,750 will be for- warded to the May Court Club of Ottawa as a final payment on the May Court Convalescent Home, of which total provincial subsidy was $110,500. NATURAL DRUG Digitalus, a drug that is sometimes used in treatment of heart ailments, comes from the leaves of the foxgiove piant. The injunction was sought on| behalf of Isiand Shipping Lim- ited against Leonard J. Mc- Laughlia of Montreal, secretary of the SIU, and Paul Gagne of St. Catharines, its local busi- ness agent The order forbids the defend- ants to fire upon the vessels, picket them, interfere with com- pany's employees, try to induce breaches of contract, or encour- age anyone else to commit the acts of which the company has complained. Mr. Justice Wilson granted the permanent injunction on grounds that McLaughlin had failed to file an appearance and deliver a statement of de- fence, and that Gagne had failed to deliver a statement of de fence METS SIGN LEPCIO NEW YORK (AP) -- New York Mets Monday signed Ted Lepcio, veteran third baseman, as a free agent. The signing brought the roster of the new National League club to 29.) Lepceio, 31, began his major }league career with Boston Red 'Sox in 1951 and has played with Detroit Ti ges, Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago White Sox and Minnesota Twins. He played some last year with Syracuse it the International League. | look at Plymouth alive with great new engineering features 62 PLYMO CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH a Se ee ea rate } Plymouth Fury 6 or V-8...a quality product of Chrysler Corporation Engineering. NOW 62 Plymouth brings new life to motoring with brand new engineering features. "Low Effort" manual steering and "Shift Ease" transmission brings you new driving ease. Special seals and improved lubricants mean you need not lubricate Plymouth's chassis for 32,000 miles, A safety transmission park lever on pushbutton automatics and new self-adjusting brakes give increased safety and efficiency, See your nearby Plymouth dealer today and discover the new life Plymouth puts in driving. DISNEY MOTORS LIMITED Kingston Road and Church OSHAWA, ONTARIO PICKERING, ONTARIO See your local Plymouth dealer for "Top Quality" USC CATS tennessee