12 TH OSHAWA TIMES, Tesedey, Movember 7, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS CE DIRECTORY 14 Employment Wanted COUPLE would like position as care-| Money to Loan ener of con Aare building. MONIES FOR MORTGAGES LADY seeks housework by pore fel Fro ything Monies available on First Experienced; an Telephone 725-8725, Mortgages at 7% per onnum without bonus, 16--Female Help Wanted Monies also available on ROSSLAND - BUCKINGHAM area -- ya to mind two children, aged 4 and her home. Beas telephone 23. im0 for further de! GIRL to work in "ion ng bar, five to eleven-thirty p.m. Telephone 725-1644 Second Mortgages. Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased. z Short term ond Builders' Mortgages at _ reasonable WOMAN, between 28 and 45, for house- rates. 26% King St. East enh Bod a with five Oshawa, Ontario Fre board. For tay | please pared Re Pame, BR 2, Whitb; 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage FULL - time clerk for paint and sails Brokers' Registered Act, Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSIN Accountants MONTEITH, MONTEITH, Co, Chartered Accountants, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshaw: WH 2-0890. ye . RIEDLANDER, a oe econ! tants and Auditors,| rates. 5 Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64/pO@ THE DOLLS in your home need King Street East, Oshawa: B. L. Yale,/new wardrobes? Also mending and CA; F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA.|siterations. Telephone 728-3859. fied Public Accountants, a min East, Oshawa, ¢ 'Oni 725-3508. FURRIER ggg BURROWS, i armond DRESSMAKER Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South. 'Aiterctlons. Remodelling id F. D. Wilson, CA,| New, Alterations on ean a basins CA, 728-2571. | LOW PRICES mE. paws nd ee Pagers ae ROWE STREET and Auditors, C 728-6706 tario Street, Rend onae: 'at | Foot and Wood Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- |FacTORY teed automotive parts and accessories. lata for danas, |Telephone 728-8535. 145 King Street West. Os = pel - be ys to serv pct |FIREWOOD, ary, good, for ceo ih H nace or fireplace. Free delivery. Tele- Barristers _|phone CO 3-2275. eat FREE Z. T. SALMERS. BA, Barrister, Solict- Furnace cleaned every year. tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. Office 723-1101; Residence 725 9542 "Round the Cicck' 24-hr, burner service. BOWMAN DAVI Automatic delivery tor, 3% Simcoe South dence 725- 0264. It's "White Rose" Fuel RICHARD H. WESTERN OIL CO. Solicitor, Notary Public, 725-1212 North, 728-2991. Res. 728 2765 Gardening and Supplies HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Humphreys, QC; G A;| Fall Sale of Nursery Stock, High" 'str t W. A. Hillman, LLB; 364 King Street) East. Phones: Office 725-1177. Res: | Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, Bulbs. 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-276); 725-1721 Money to loan. Barrister, Soli-| ng} 55 GLOVER RD. DRIVEWAYS Notary, rll Bidg., . 723-4943. Mortgage monies | EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED REASONABLE PRICES UNITED PAVING CO. 728-4801 PLAKMEYER OFFICE HOURS: © 8 \.M., to 5 P.M. Monday to F Somme © 7 22--Store Space & Garages STORE for rent, aay fer s.ardanecye pod Simcoe Street South 4738 or 725-3243, WINTERIZED storage for boats, motors .}and lawnmowers, 74 Barrie Avenue, Telephone 728-2791 or 725-4633, 24--Houses for Rent HOUSE for rent or for sale in Whitby area, Low down payment. Available after November 13. Call after 4.30 pm, to to )_ Pickering TE 9-1763. SEVEN-ROOM house, oil and hot water heated, on College Avenue, close to south General Motors. 725-1291 after 5 p.m. FOUR-ROOM winierized cot Preys in Oshawe, $45, sow stmimedt 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FOUR-ROOM apartment with private 655-|bath, jults 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent be ape Garge) apartment, priv N decorated, cl downtown aulet district Tel ce ah = FIVE-ROOM ground ag Ritson and Highway 401 Bea Avail. pe December 1, 725-4183 between § NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING.WEST Next to Western Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city. ESS SERV Dressmaking ALTERATIONS -- Reasonable prices. BIER sod Quick service. 104 Brock Street East. a; Ajax.|Telephone 723- __|DRESSMAKING and R | ladies, '8 wea | HUNTE + nas entrance, large L- ving room with 728-8066. mae panelling. SINGLE or double rooms for gentie- FOUR-ROOM apartment, furnished oF men, single beds. Close to bus; park-|"furnjshed. Apply 496 Simcoe Street No: or dial 728-3945, | CLASSIFIF-D AD RATES 25 words or tess Cash Chorge ing space. Located on Wilson Road South. Telephone 723-1733. FOUR-ROOM apartment, in ment building, large stove, refriger- ator, built-in cupboards, laundromat, parking. 725-3938 or 68 Wayne Street, D floor, t iroom, electric- equipped, near south GM, washer ind dryer, On Wentworth Street, Avail- able Dec. 1. 725-6338. aceon brick house i rd TWO large, Recreation room, garage, paved drive- way. Close to schools and churches. Available December 1. Apply 543 Ritson Road South. Telephone 728-3281. 350 -- SIX-ROOM house, 95 | |Street. No furnace, vacant, 723-921 IVE type home. three room, two fireplaces, breezeway den, King East area. FRanklin 2.9992, | 2-83 Cobourg. NI » finished rec- midnight |eation room, fenced yard, south Oshawa, $90 monthly. I pos- session. Telephone 728-4060. TEN-ROOM house, furnished suitable for roomers or boarders or sub-letting. Very central, Available immediately, Telephone 725-8133. FOUR-BEDROOM new DUPLEX apartment -- two bedrooms, bath, living room and kitchen. Apply Ph pada Street South or telephone THREE-ROOM apartment, central loca- tion, $65 monthly, T Lioyd Realty (Osha 565--FOUR-ROOM sink, Verdun Roa Verdun Roa p 728-6820, THREE rooms including kitchen cup cup boards and sink. Private bath, TV out- \let, in very clean quiet ag Apply 124 Tyler Crescent for de' MONTHLY and up, Sa osiaes saa ee one oF at apartments new apart all -onveniences, beau thy decorated, centrally located. 728- apart- 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 225 2.48 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 tf not paid within 7 days the Cherge rate will spply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered ot o toter date constitute o new original order Professional ond Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily Each additional fine 21.60 per month, Each Wiltia: 'etter abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure. counts os © word, Box charge '5¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the day be fore publication except Births, Memoriams, Cards ef Thanks which will until 9 a.m, Deadline for Lost end Found and Concellations 8:30 am, Office Hours: Daily 8-5. Saturday 8- 12 REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, mor for more thon one incorrect. insertion of any adver tisement, nor beyond the price charged tor o single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And alsc reserve the right to classify advertising according to its own classification. in the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be hela responsible for more spoce thor that in which the actuol error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce el! advertising matter correctly but assumes no fiability ot advertisement cre contoined it any inaccuracies in ary torm therein. alterations ir. 2--Personal GOING WEST? Drive our new. and late model cars to Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg. Gas paid. Toronto Drive-Away Service Limited, 5385 Yonge Street, Toronto. BA 5-7754, ELECTROLYSIS Removal] of superfluous hair, Morie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Nov. 7th and 8th, Phone Genosha Hote! on these dates for appointment. 3-464) 3--Pets & Livestock aa' HOU NDS ~- 'Two Beagles _ 'and one} Blue Tick. All one year old, Telephone | 723- 9353. | | WRITE BOX 720 OSHAWA TIMES SWWroaic Help W Wanted SALESMAN -- full or parttime for $2,000, | Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax!" 4 area, to present Ontario's most pro- --.|gressive food plan, Telephone Homar- and|ket Food Freezer Company, MO 8-5875 Keast, |between ® and 6, and "|LICENSED mechanic, Apply Jan «ewww | Garage, 40 Albert Street from 8 a.m. to rea for! \7. r hours, call 728-6964, paper store, experience an advantage §. T. HOPKINS and Company, Cert! Dut ot essential, ability to meet the public and some ing imperative, Ap- Ply Box 526 ppotnpind cS stating edu- cation age etc, LADY wanted to live in, care for 'boy while mother works, in exchange for room andi board and small remunera tion. Telephone 723-1300. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, live in, care of three smali children while mother works; private room, weekends free, Apply 351 Ritson Road South, SHORT ORDER cook . for shift. Apply Genosha Hotel. EXPERIENCED waitress required for coffee shop. Apply Genosha Hotel. GIRL for light office duties, typing. telephone work. Apply Mr. Carr, 32 |Park Road North, between 10 and 2. LADY required to take care of mother- less me, Telephone 728-1337 at noon w further Anformation, HAIR DRESSER 40-hour week, highest salary plus commission basis. All replies confidential clean unfurnished rooms, with private bath. Apply 157 Warren Avenue or telephone 725-9309 after 4 pm, FOUR ROOM basement apartment, U/light, heat, laundry, rangetie, refriger- ator. Close to bus and shopping. Tele- phone 728-3076 after 6 p.m. THREE room apartment, central, pri- Na 725-0332; Immediate 7 'bath, Telephone 723-9891 or p21 NR RE era NENT 25-5380. He oped apartment: single house MONTE keeping room, private entrance, cen» ie LY. Three 700 oo uabaraleh tral, Parking Reasonable. Apply 98 Pr heavy wiring, includes heat, water, hydro, 318 Albert Sjreet. 728-7703. 'LOW rental apartments, BW srrgov one year old, $87 monthly, m nar Wee ie ee ee ee Toom, tive rooms, free' ' in: By dryer, Trimble, RR 3, Bowmanville, Ontario |P&™*ing. 726-3377, THREE- and four-room apartments ts (Rock Garden). ti, MORTALY. Tin on, Sagran aha Ma ae cee \coadtaear private bath and entrance, qhtick "bungs-|neat, hydro included, Close to south |SAeine- 725-2098 or 68 Wayne Street, low, attached garage, Donevan highiGyg, schools, bus. 728-5851, ___.|school_ area, Immediate possession! ternal Children welcome. Call 728-1005 for in-|GRO' floor, two-bedroom ultra mod- formation. jern apartment FOR RENT -- three bedroom bun low, $90 monthly. Three-bedroom split. Inue level $105 monthly. Two-bedroom apart-| --"-- fireplaces, Suit- furnaces. Mortgages" FIRST AND SECOND mortgages ar ranged, W. Schatzmann Mortgage | Broker, 101 Dundas West, MO 8-3338. $2,000 AVAILABLE for a second mort-| gage: repay $30 monthly private, Tele- Phone 655-4471 evenings. CLIENTS' money to Joan ¢ on first mort gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- doch, a FIRST mortgages, industrial and com- mercial projects, second mortgages on houses. D, W. Holden, 51 King East, Oshawa, 728-6081 and 723-3376 1 FIRST and second mortgages, Sale| agreements purchased and sold. Hen-| nick and Henni Barristers, 31 King) Street East. 723-7232. bs hac AAR PASE SE SE MORTGAG -- arranged, bought and) |sold. Call Mr. Bolahood. anytime, 725-| }6544 or 725-8333, John A, J. Bolahood,| Ltd. Realtor." | MORTGAGE LOANS 40 years experience. Resi- dential, acreage, opts., bus- iness.. Members of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Associa- tion J. E. Harris, F, G. Harris ond R. C, Bint, SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA PHONE 725-3568 |Nursing Services |PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or hi day, 8.30 to 5.30, 581 Simcoe North. | 2604. THREE rooms and bath, stove and [ovigg tris y idea! for couple, in build- ig bloc! Very central. Telephone BE netggiorend eaulpped,| 725-4277 or 725-3911. Apply 208 Cromwell Ave-|TELEPHONE, television jaundry facil- ent On, ewes Ng ag = hyper Twe oe A tae pinserseictimmm ms, closets, an binets ment, $75 monthly, Bowman and Gibson |ATTRAC © large four-room unfurn-| \kitchen and ving Serabined. sae: 3 MO 8-3521 eae gp veep ghd entrance, | Ritson Sout! South. ore Soo aeRaS pores athroom closet space, modern kitchen, | ae : GALOW, brick, five rooms, oll | TV outlet, central. Adults preferred. ; - ROOM basement aj apartment, eating, close to transportation, schools, | 795.4937, refrigerator, stove, washer dryer, TV and Shopping Centre. Immediate pos- | a -------------- bata, parking, $70 monthly, in apart- session. Telephone 723-7871, [mest large --. furnished apart-|ment building. FR East. 10, -- ment, modern kitchen, secon - TWO BEDROOM bungalow, "oll, heated, | 1 \THREE- ROOM, |on Wilson Road South, two blocks from |Tcitrtone arena cue rent. 381 Mary St. |apartment, ae. joranenle December 1, Telephone L., Barrister, Soll 725-9592. Rei Unified WANTED _ horses "for 'boarding ¢ dur- ling winter season. Reasonable rates. Telephone 655-4774 afternoons or eve- nings. FOR SALE -- two budgies with ca and breeding nest box, $12.00. Tele- | phone °728-3265. NUTRIA for sale, 70, Greentand, ¢ pagne, pens and equipment, |Reply to Box 522, Oshawa Tim PALOMINO ge gelding for gam jparade purposes, Apply Jane Orono, Ontario. Telephone 1642 inna jquire for appointment to see. 'H. FLIM and TROLLOFE: Ontarlo | BEAUTIFUL baby budgie 5 Adelai venue " |Land Surveyors, 216 elaide training, talking strain. Apply " sire! Or ager accountant, perma- |East. Phone 725-6881. 00 ___|Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. aint position. Sew office ia, Port Wane, |DONEVAN AND 1 FLEISHMAN Ontario PUPPIES for sale -- German Shep-|Ontario. State education and experience Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue-print- herd, three months old, black and tan.|in first letter. Apply to box 624 Oshawa ling. 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. | Telephone 723-9921 after 5 p.m, Times, | Tailors EXPERIENCED man for | 4-Market Basket les "| SPANISH onions, $2.25 per bushel, W. |Eymann % mile east of Nichol's |Garage, Courtice. Go north to first} jcorner. |WINTER apples; $1.00 and up. Spys, |Secords Golden Delicious and Russets. MayBelle Orchards, 1% miles north of | Watthy, on Highway 12. MO 8-2163, WINTER potatoes, "734 pound 'ba \per bag, free delivery. |lin 655-4690, unfurnished uj heat, hydro supplied, sink re oe. laundry _ facilitie: S$ preferred. Close to bus Telephone 725-7273, nt |Telephone 725- 1042, ATTRACTIV E 'three-room self. contain-| Ad upper duplex, central, newly-deco-| ed, electric stove and refrigerator. |= ture couple parerre: Telephone | 583 after 6. BACHELOR apariment, private home, furnished bed - sitting room, large cup- boards, completely equipped kitchen, central, guilt one or two. Telephone 725-8876, THREE- "ROOM heated apartment, sepa- rate bath, outlet, located Dear North General Motors. Immediate pos- session. Telephone 725-1636. Ask for Mr. Dayes, between 6.15 and 7 p.m. ONE or two bedrooms, $89 per and up, parking, broadioom, dra) washers and dryers, stove and ri janitor service, downtown location. Call Douglas .L. Gower Realtor 728-4651, FOUR-ROOM apartment, newly deco- poor ae bath, and i nlaeaed very 725-1829, '4s ences, heated, Ideal for two or three|jsa: children. $75 per month. Telephone |7: Newcastle 2491, THREE. a RANCH bungalow, Mary Street, has triserator" and s' large living room with fireplace and large modern kitchen three|i932. Art . 725-33! large bedrooms, attached garage de- BOR Ltrs sirable location. Schofield Ake' J-|ONE bedroom apartment, central, TV Estate, Telephone Henry Stinson, 723-|9utlet, laundry facilities, completely pri- 0243. vate, ae Seatly or ae including SIX-ROOM house, with coal furn: and new gas stove, very central. se | poUR-aGoT ae batten apartment, Gibb Street. Telephone 728-9705, unfurnished, cupboards, sink, one block lade fi ing Cen' now. 65 FIVE-ROOM house, large kitchen, | ppl Shopping Centre, Vacant Call barrister, Solicl- Street E hones: 368; Ter- GREER po | KELLY, tors, ete, 114 King eg 723-2278. Residence . M. Greer, &e., 7 Sain V. Kelly, BCL, RALPH JONES, BA, and "THOM H GREER. A Associate Barristers and Soll- eltors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans available BRUCE V. MACKEY. BA. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public, 264 King Street Es East. 728-2381, Res. vu 5-2127 McGIBBON nd BASTE: DO. Barristers, Solicitors, Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North; 725-3566, Charles C. McGibbon, Qc, lo, QC YGAN, to loan st, Oshawa. BA e, private y eatrnaoe, PA, 725- | ------ used car LEN PULLAN (ENGLISH TAILOR) for all tailoring require- ments use our experienced services for both suit and dress repairs and alterations 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 (next to Bus Station) Nem ainied cal experience not ecessary, Full com- pea benefits, Apply Mr. B. Kane at Used Car Lot, Cliff Mills Motors Ltd. a tk oe ™ Apply 112 Stevenson's Road North, All Survey Real Estate Lid.. 728-7531. BASEMENT. apartment, central, three. FARM house for rent, 20 miles east of privat . ne 7 yet pou Private Oshawa, one mile north of No, 2 High-| 210 Caaabace a Bireet, Tas 1098 way. T Al 4-5365, Sea FOUR-ROOM apartment ¢ THREE-ROOM house, 339 Eulalie, ofl rooms, private bath, private entrance, heated, hot water tank, TV aerial. builtin cupboards and sink. Telephone | 725-1783. 183 Oshawa Blvd. South, 728-1723 after four. ia ramemmaerm pcre sem "a tuted SELF CONTAINED, part Six. M house on Drew Street, hot|FIvE4 ROOM, second floor ai -acat EEF aera. Ttpeien ei water heating, aluminum storm win-|private garage, TV aerial, heat and bathroom, Fo rmore information tele- dows, lovely home, clean condition, Ap-|hot water included. $80 monthly, 725- phone 725-6964, P 1343, St Aarne whe FOUR furnished rooms, SIX rooms bungalow, south end, FURNISHED three-room apartment,|room, one or two bedrooms, private at soo, oll hear broadloom, van conveniences, heat, ot js park-/bath entrance, TV outlet, garage, monthly, Available Dec. 1 ing. Children welcome. Telephone 728- dults, 3 728-3392, __|4386 or 723-9180, adults, central. 97 Elgin East. 725-1408, NEWLY decorated five-room house in country. Heavy wiring hot and cold water, cupboards, good roads, $45, Telephone 728-2820. LOVELY fi brick Cadillac Avenue, oll heated, $95 month- ly available December Telephone 723-2834. FIVE room bungalow, large lot, Whitby Township, $80 per month, option to buy. Call Mr, Green, evenings MO 8-5680, |DAVIDSON off-set pressman. Must be capable of producing top quality color work, Permanent position with all bene- fits Apply 75 Richmond Street West, | -- or telephone 723-2233. Ask for Mr, G. ~~ | Dowling. » $1.25 Telephone Brook- After 6 p.m | APPLE various kin $1 up, bring \containers. Algoma Orchards, Thickson --smam| Road North, half-mile of Taunton Hoad. Purchase your de-humidifier 5--Farmers Column $10 down -- $7 per month, | Remove the dampness from your basement. Rent a tele- vision --- only $7 per week from MEAGHER'S 5 King St. W 723-3425 |TV - Radio Repairs : . €-|TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, ail) 7----Trailers makes. Thompson Electronics, 157/qEATING equipment and service.| Elliott Avenue. 723.9792 (Fred), |Accessories for small and large trail-| ers. Miller Heating, Ajax. WH 2-3491, | SAMSON | TV TOWERS 8--Hunting } |DE®R and moose, skinned and cut. Telephone 728-4095 or 93 Agnes Street. Antenna Installations Len & Lou's- T.V 725-7844 or 728-5804 a "QC, Barrister, | Office 14%} 728-8232, JOSEPH Solicitor. Money King Street Residence 725. Sh 2S aN DONALD BLAKE DODDS -- Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Telephone: Business 723-2201, Resi- dence 728-5373. MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD | POSITION WITH A FUTURE One of our clients has « chal- lenging new position avail- able on January 1, 1962, for a young man qualified in accounting. He must be copable of assisting in setting up the accounting records. At first he will be required to perform all office services but as fairly rapid expansion is anticipated he eventually will monoge ond, supervise the office staff. Apply in writing to: Monteith, Monteith Riehl and Co. 135 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA _ cee kitchen, living $100 Telephone | | Pare offered to |you daily in the Oshawa Times Classi- \fied Ads. Check Classification 25 now. NURSING HOMES SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home. RN in attendance. No 2 highway between Whitby and Oshawa, Call 725-2330 REGISTERED accommodation for ladies on ground floor at Lyntonhurst Rest Home. Orono 1308. SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home. commodation for private and semi- Hey vate patients, lounge, TV, Fully lice ed, new building modern, Visitors wel-| come. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Reasonable| rates. Phone Newcastle 4441, | Optonr-etrists F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne, Evenings by appointment, 723-4191 c. i. Tuck, RO, Optometrist pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- ined at home. Dial 725-4587, |DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721, | Margwill Fur ame zyroce Ltd. 115, |FOR SALE |bales h ry FIVE-ROOM apartment, u | ment, in apartment house, TV jOshawa, laundry facilities, Shopping ae Adults. 212 mn =~ 400 800 Bye hy oats, to Dushels ed. Telephone MA 3-2837, | Bowmanville, atter 5 p.m, \ror MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, collect. 24-hour, seven-day service, aerial, Td Cleve pathy 412 Pavey Street ort FOUR-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, private entrance, and with | baleony, close to Shopping Centre. "abe stainers, Telephone 723-9738. $62 MONTHLY -- ground floor three- room unfurnished apartment, private T R oom on eenett, ~ rehab eo 5. ment building; Bell Telephone ity. 2 Apts. & Flats for ent Adults only. Suit quiet couple. Avail- ONE-BEDROOM apartment, all con-|able now. veniences, Available December 1 $58 monthly, Apply 801 Stone Street. ee 525 MONTHLY -- three-room oom flat, pre vate entrance stove and refrigerator, tiled t parking, close to bus, south plant. 725-54 5442, FINEST apartmen town, all conveniences everythii eet two bedrooms, $9$ monthly, end, 7617, THREE-ROOM apartment, partly fur nished or unfurnished, warm and com- quiet working, or elderly couple desired, on bus line, 728-2798, FOURROOM bi sement apartment. All stove, - | cupboards and sink. TV outlet, Parking space. Telephone 723-4519. sup- south business couple. Telephone 723- lephone 723-7530, MODERN four-room 4 ate bath, cupboards in ment, pri- kitchen, in- MODERN two - bedroom bi nt |cludes heating, hot water and parking. | apartment with three-piece bath, large|Near South General Motors, Apply 254 | living-room with rug, kitchen sink and|Malaga Road | cupboards, heavy wiring, parking, TV ih - ROOM. well.contained" _____|aerial, $65 monthly including he bay wht baer kee eae ut eg ia lot at Daag = 3ser, entrance. trance and bath TV antenna and cup-| MODERN four ¥ rooms, main floor, fours FIRE AND CASUALTY} ou --- |boards. Apply 375 Mary Street, fa./plece bath, heavy wiring all comveni- INSURANCE [ERBREBOOM | furalahed FOUR ROOM itpartment, auiet pbuild-|¢nces, near 7 egies Centre, $60 month- 4 lot water, stove, refrigerator)': Ss a |seneers bie to pencin A PNovember [Supplied Laundry, parking, Bus close.|BRIGHT, att rtment, @own- PE R ex Apply Aes Kendal 'hveuné. Verdun Road, 723-3096, = location, three rooms and bath, ; he |BEAUTIFULLY located on Grandview Tefrigerator, stove. Reasonable rent for We require @ mon in his NORTH: END Spariment, three 'reo rooms, Street. e-room Apartment, private|g00d tenant, Telecunns Mr, mid-twenties, with ot least, | Pefrigerator. Close 'to hospital. ove aults| bath and entrance, heat, lights and/Clayton, 725-3510, 8 a.m. { a completed Senior Matricu- only. Telephone 723-3518. [water supplied. Adults only, 728-8111, _|FOUR-ROOM duplex with private eo: f mn |THREE unfurnished "rooms, upstairs, rance, parking space, with gt ga os oninspector | BEAUTIFULLY located on Grandview | share bath, separate entrance, refriger-| space. Telephone 728-8079, This position requires exten- sive travelling, consequently the candidate should be free to travel away from his res- |treet. Three-room apartment, private stor Reasonable rent, Bal . y |bath and entrance, heat, lights and Apply 711 Hortop Street, 725-0804, 26--Rooms for Rent SINGLE room for one gentleman, very ident location, for periods up to two weeks. | |water supplied. Ideal for newlyweds. THREE-ROOM central, Apply 182 Athol Street East. Re location to Toronto not 728-8111, lapartment, - stove, refrigerator, cup- LARGE unfurnished housekeeping room necessary. |LOVELY two - bedroom apartment, |ppariment, | stove, | retr : , ry, private en- jbrand new building, refrigerator, wash-|)7snce" continuous hot water, 904 Grier- for rent, Located at 28 Prince Street, Oshawa. Company cer ond full ex- penses are provided, jer and dryer included. Apply 1070 Rae json Street after 6. Couple preferred. _ LARGE bright furnished bedroom i la This is an opportunity to be- vine Road, Apt. 5 or call 723-4893. |THREE-ROOM dy Privileges if deste: Near bus in goo come associated with a well- TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, stove jand refrigerator, Private entrance and modera, on bus line television outta, 725-1615 or 301 Gibbons Street, vate home, Write to Box 215, Oshawa Times. established Fire and Casualty Insurance Company. A full | bath, parking oe Apply 43 Nassau|@! APARTMENT iio program of employee bene- | Street or 725-56 | THREE-ROOM "ajarioaaat with hard- bedroom and kitchen pi oy tan, and cup- SIMCOE and ABERDEEN jboards, private sjool, parking space, Bachelor Apartment, elec- fits. Please write giving com- | plete details, to -- | wood floors, private entrance and bath, heated, garage available. 723-4847 after Apply 156 Agnes Street. ; ONE i trically equipped, parking. vg ede grove rape pe di $70 monthly, Federated Mutual |5 p.m dead-end street, north of hospital Pri- Telephone 725-3302 Fire and Casualty Insurance Bookkeeping BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting) Service. Complete bookkeeping service. 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. |DEER hunting, housekeeping cottage: |$20 - $50 per week, guide extra, todge accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook good Duck hunting season now open, ame rates apply. Contant Boh Wed. laden RR 1 Clarendon, Ont, Mi-Jo Camp | TAXIDERMIST -- deer heads mount Jed, $22.00, Birds and animals mount- SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT |ed. Rugwork. Contact Richard Flewell, IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! |RR 1, Claremont, T.V. and RADIO | CALL 728-5286 | All OSHAW. ce agg "ELECTRONICS ~| | | | | | | | Please L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCCME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Buildina Trades TERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork- ing, all floor coverings Free esti- ma' Work guaranteed. 728-0850. YOUR local chimney cleaner, Chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- tes. 723 REMODELING houses, additions, kit- chen cupboards, verandahs, brick-| cement work Experienced. CO 3-2628.| | ALL TYPES building repairs, toofing, | eavestroughing, chimneys, <ireplaces,| sidewalks, stoops. 728-0394. Gordon May SHINGLE your roof now, $120 and up. Workmanship and materials guaren- teed. Easy terms at 6 per cent, with no red tape. Phil Harper, Whitby MO hawk 8-4558. SPECIALIZNG in roofing and repairs. Also all type home remodeling. Free/ estimates. Phone Harry 723-2413. HOMEOWNERS! Beautify and increase Painting and Decorating CAR FOR SALE? Bring uyers right to your door with a fast-action Oshawa Times Classified Ad, Dial 723-3492 now. PAINTING & DECORATING Residential, Commercial, Industrial. Expert in Colors & Wallpapers Workmanship Guaranteed, CENTRAL DECORATORS 728-6809 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting,. Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent BANCROFT -- Furnished, two-bedroom |lakefront cottage, inside toilet, automa- tic heat, refrigerator, stove, well, Ex- jcellent. hunting, fishing, $4,250. L, Green 44 Fairside Avenue, Toronto 6. |GA 1-1068 [Ti--Articles for Rent } | bie T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST 728-8180 | SICKROOM EQU!PMENT | FOR RENT OR FOR SALE | Hospital beds, wheel choirs, invalid walkers, commodes, crutches and canes, also roll-away . beds and slenderizing machines, Phone Aia Sickroom Rentals, 725-1644, 12--Articles Wanted PRACTICE plano wanted, must be in good condition and have nice tone, Will pay about $100. Telephone 723-2481. WANTED used bicycle paris, Tele-| | Terms. Open esi OSHAWA T.V Free Survey and | Estimates. | eaictrentanercinenaim 22 2WHY Because we give -- Real Service Fast SAME DAY! Efficient SAVE MONEY y | } | | bedsides, h m = |FURNISHED three-room \ed apartment, private bath, central, |parking space, heated. Adults. Apply | 150 Division Street, TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished kit-| chen, heat, lights, water, suit one lady| jor business couple. 723-4817, 343 Ritson| | Road North. [rive room two bedroom apartment, |parking facilities, Immediate posses- sion, Apply 786 Simcoe Street South, "nelf-contain- SOD SUPPLY TOPSOIL . ans BOMAL MANURE WARTZ, Barristers, citors, No- fees ner" yan en Bie! BROOKLIN. 655-3049 dence, Dial 723- 4029 GREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and) Potio and Flagstone MURDOCH: Barret Commerce bidz,|(Shrubs and Evergreens Crelgion, GCL N.C. Fraser, QCi G. Ke Holland Bulbs Drynan, G si Murdoch, NHA mort Top soil and sods. . MacDONALD, BA, LLB., | Betrsier sad Solicley,ond Net Eee|_,. OSMAWA vee, ene, Ontario, Client parking (GARDEN CENTRE availiable. i Sussect 7; MURPHY, pa Us OPEN TO 9 P.M, shawa, Ontario, 728-2971 some oN Barrister, Sol| 1259 SIMCOE NORTH SS eae | LOAM GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED | TRACTOR, LOADER WORK| Reasonable Rotes DIAL 725-2156 BLACK LOAM Driveway gravel, fill and sand. TELEPHONE 725-5279 WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING MO 8-4172 Removed, Pruned, ete, All work insured, Call 'collect-- NICELY furnished room, continuous hot water, central to hospital, North Gen- eral Motors. Light housekeeping if de- jsired; garage: board optional, 723-9895. = | | | | vate home, og to bus route. Tele IMMEDIATE Phone 728-2758, Personal Service POSSESSION the value of your home with Reynold's Aluminum Siding and Colonial Stone ~Eliminate painting forever. As low as $5 weekly. Industrial Home Construc- tion, Box 406, Oshawa Times. FREE estimates on "digging baseme BALDWIN 2-105] _| R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING | | iE. NOW OPEN HERBERT and FURIO Experience SATISFIED ! DRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes checked, glass and tuner cleaned, set up for best phone 728-4758 |SILVER tea service | Must ig in good cond set, ce tray. | Tel TREE Clarge) room apartment, up- tstairs, kitchen, hydro and heat,' private bath, very central, near bus stop. Apply 500 UNIVERSITY AVE, | TORONTO BROWNIE complete outfit, Telephone 728-8077, "gize 10. '18--Male or Female Help | Wanted | 119 Cadillac South. | BACHELOR and 2 BEDROOM APTS. Store, 'frig., washer and dryer, locker, paved park- |LARGE bright furnished bedroom, re- |fined business lady preferred. Home privileges if desired, pl bus in pri- = home. Write to Box 215 Oshawa mes, NICELY furnished room, | i | } | | | | HAIR STYLING 682 HORTOP ST. PHONE 728.9611 SIM LASH and HIS TRIO- Porties Dances Weddings Banquets Reasonable Rates Free Auditions 725-8762 continuow hot water. central to hospital, North General Motors, Light housekeeping if desired garage, board optional. 723-9895 SINGLE furnished room, ample park. al continuous hot water, _ minutes = Apply imeoe Street South, Two » furnished upstairs, separate entrance, mae lights, water, Couple preferred, Centr: $45 monthly. .725-0886 after 6. NICE clean room with bright kitchen, {built-in cupboards, sink, range, refrige erator. Located in quiet district. Suit gentleman. Telephone 728-4245. FURNISHED bedroom in new bunga- low, suit girl. mre area, Near ih stop. Telephone 961. picture ! A TOWER ? TRY US Moving antenna? Same day? Repairs? As good as new? TRIO TELEVISION 171_BOND_ EAST 728-6781 \Well Drilling-Digging | W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN Jo" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST., WEST P.O. BOX 329 | TED VEENHOF LUMBING and heating supplies.| WELL DIGGING lan Phone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark,| Lta., plumbing. heating and engineer. CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS and and grading by bull dozer MO 8-561 BRICK, block, cement work, home re- | pairs, roofing, fall-out shelters, P.| Wolters. 3 MO 8-2294. | DRAFTING SERVICES -- Mechanical and plant layout. Telephone 728-3566. HOME OWNERS Roofing, asphclt ~ flat, Chimneys -- cleaned, rebuilt, lined for gos and oil. Eavestroughs -- cleaned, repoired. Waterproofing -- interior, exterjor. Your local contractor-- ONTARIO CONTRACTORS 344 | AVAILABLE NOW--. any n two! |MODERN: APARTMENTS two part-time lesmen or} Telephone 725-8597, Women, three deliverymen. Phone for| Stove, frig., laundry facili- ties, locker, T.V, outlet, low ~|appointment, Stan Ibbott, 928-3 3996. WANTED rental. Call ANTED -- and accordion | MO 8-3092 SCRAP IRON, POULTRY WANTED Guitar teachers by progressive music cra | or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 AND FEATHER TICKS Se coner TURNER ization. Good advancement and remun. ONE BEDROOM 723-2043 723-3374 (collect) APARTMENT The Oshawa Times. FULLY EQUIPPED AT SHAW | AUTO WRECKING CO 741 SIMCOE N. | Wants cars for wrecking. 728-3506 Parts for sa:e, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought NEW APART MENTS Open Saturday all day, Phone OPEN FOR. INSPECTION NOW LEASING | 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. 13---Business Opportunities ee 'OPEN a [CRIP truck = A rent. om urther particulars, telephone 723- BEAUTY parlor for rent, furnis ! P.M.-4 P M. Apply 7 P.M. - 8:30 P.M FIREPROOF & SOUNDPROOF MODERATE RENTS -- MANY EXTRAS AP Hy Celina Street or PARK PLAZA APTS. 170 PARK ROAD SOUTH COME ON IN FOR TRANSPORTATION 725-6544 or 723-3398 EXCLUSIVE AGENT JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LTD. | | ing. Very low rates, Special rates for adults, APPLY AT: 213 MONTRAVE AVE EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONTHLY Also 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK $95 MONTHLY Telephone 728.5282 SERVICE Top soil and sod, Repairing and lawn maintenance, patio and sidewalk slabs, 725-6047 Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save | to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For! Palen service at your home, call! TWO skating dresses, size 9, one pair FULLER BRUS' figure skates, size 2 or 3, set of bunk/ full-time, beds, doll stroller. | } 'Canvassers Wanted | i For heating ond air condi- D. W. HOLDEN, $1 King East, Osh- nie Srey: awa, 728-6081 and 723-3376. Fire, auto and casualty insurance. Salary and Commission | _725-4729 |20---Room and Board PICKERING, eight room brick house | with 20 acres land, 10 minutes =| schools, shopping, Reasonable liable tenants. Apply 169 War: Bh ghd | nue, Oshawa, NICE room or room and board, new home, office girls, teacher or student. Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and 5. Teleplione 723-2481, SPACIOUS room, suit two, single beds, private washroom, close to Fittings jand General Motors. Telephone 728-3357. | | 14--Employment Wanted |FOR YOUN 'MEN in friendly home| EXPERIENCED -- Ral ith good food, TV, very central: Apply | Reliable young) woman desires general work in round 31. Colborne Street East. Telephone office. Full or part-time. ---- --_ experience. Write Box Oshawa| ROOMS for gentlemen. Board if de- | Times. jsired, pong og rong very central. | Apply 296 King Street East. | RIVATE rooms, in lovely quiet i sake: | | good home cooked meals, lunches pack-/ --~----|\ ed if requested for two gentlemen. Ap- by to 292 King Street East. | * | PONTIAC INN -- room and board avail ATTRACTIVE efficient young lady |able home cooked me lunches pack- 20), with three years' cffiee ex:|2. itn » TV lounge. Telephone 725-0078. perience (dictaphone, bookkeeping, pay- |noom and board for Rice clean, quiet | roll) fequireg position in Oshawa "office | man, good home. Best home cooked! or district. References available. Write|meals, free parking to bebe | te Box 514, Oshawa Times. where. $1 Park Road South. CLEAN central, facilities; as -9225. TWO rooms and kitchenette, complete- \ly furnished, refrigerator and heavy duty stove, hydro included. Adults only. Apply 641 Merritt Street, Oshawa. NICELY furnished room with light housekeeping privileges, separate en- trance, parking facilities. Close te a3" General Motors. Telephone 728- |7453, leaning room, heavy duty stove, cup. boards. Suit one gentleman. 62 Gren |felt Street, Telephone 725-8721. [ONE "large room, nicely furnished, clean, central, close to the bus stop, [Cooking privileges if desired. Reason- rates. T lephone 728-8402, ONE furnished "housekeeping room |frigerator, Imundry facilities, central, |suitable for lady. Apply 253 Athol Street \|East TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plute, half chicken with french fries, fish ond chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes, MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER--725-3887 Instruction LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School, acro- batic. Friday and Saturday. Masonic |Temple, Centre Street, 723-7253. |HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, \tap, RAD ballet, Highland Register joens 424 King Street West, 725-6122. j | | LEARN TO ORIVE Cartage | at the Oshawa Driving School JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa-| Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip- insured. furnished room with kitchen continuous hot water, parking sult gentleman. Telephone Christmas Trees CHRISTMAS TREES Pruned -- Forestry Grown Scotch Pines All sizes ----- wholesale prices, FOWLER. FORESTRIES 306 KING WEST Oshawa's Finest PARK LANE APTS. BACHELOR SUITE 2 BEDROOM SUITE --Elevator Service --Privote. Balcony --Paved Parking --Controlled Entrances |Plumbing and Heating |PURNISHED bedroom and light house: telephone Standard and Automatie Day and Evening Lessons 728-009 | Lawn Mowers i+ | Professional Instructors Duol Controlled Cors, Phone | 728-3661 |Rup--Upholtery Service 921, loving? CALL CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-| covered like new. Get the best for tess jat Modern, "pholstering, 142 Simcoe South. Call 128-6451, free estimate CHESTERFIELDS rebuill, re-covered like new. Why pay more? Our rates! tare reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | {Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311 CHESTERFIELDS | re-upholstered and re-styled. Free estimates. See our ma teria] for re-covering. Dalton Upholster- Charles 1a3-Tal. ' WILL give good 'care for baby or youn child in my own home. For further in. formation telephone 725-4 |RELIABLE Swiss girl de: the day, $1.10 per hour. H. |Please call Ursula 725-879 WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE USA CALL... STAN'S CORNER "KING AT BURK 723-3224 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD N. 728-8671 | i Contact . DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors STS. 'ing, 7 Realtor | | | | | Insurance