THE OSHAWA TIMES, 7 Saturday, November 4, 196, CENTURY FOOD CLUB Oshawa's Most Progressive Food Plan Will Supply Absolutely Free Your Next Week's Groceries CHILD GUIDANUE How To Curb The Use Of Obscene Language Parents of refined tastes don't)Prayer and Love and Restraint, use profane and obscene lan-|may be had by sending a self-| guage, and wish their children|addressed stamped envelope to) didn't. But most children, even|me in care of this newspaper.) | before beginning school may) Q. Why don't you tell parents) hear such language from theirjto provide good playthings and| playmates and more of it later|/books and read stories to their from schoolmates, either inj|children to divert these young-, public or private school. sters from viewing Westerns| The extent and intensity ofjand other programs of violence| profanity and obscenity seem to}on TV? : vaty from school to school and] A. In most instances it would neighborhood to neighborhood. (be futile. What can compete for A Califofnia mother is wor-|interest to the young child with ried that her 14-year-old son has|the most violent programs on picked up 'filthy words and ob-|TV? scenities" at school. She writes: | - ol I ' . j | | prt it wce'ty sor" Diane Flintot! 7 20th --anot also. | ; written--another boy |Feted Bride-Elect COMING "T transferred him to as nied Fe eevee tT caretuly| Miss Dianne Louise Flintoff, screened his new compani whose marriage to Mr. Joseph but today found he uses. some ee ges: ft obscene language here at home. P H . Dathall "My other son, 12, tells me|People Roman * olic that things are awful at his ortega honored ai cog ge HO gt gg lg Pr A trousseau os was aA at > don't|the home of the future bride's| | nd that Ne" is. considered a{mother, Mrs. Glen Roy Flintoff, TWO 'goon' by some of them because Nipigon street last Saturday he doesn't talk filthy." afternoon. Assisting were Mrs.| To many of my readers this Cyril Usher and Mrs. Larry LOCATIONS Ylis not news. Many. of them are Sleeman. On display were gifts! To Serve. You Better || 4\also concerned about the mat- from several showers and many | ter wedding gifts. ahi , A miscellaneous shower was While some' parents could as | WA H match the foregoing from their|held at the home of Mrs. Wil-| ' C w school-day memories, the prac-|iam Saxby, Marquette avenue. | FOR THE a Ns tice is probably more acute and Sh WK ihe eenae We ides an years| hostess 8. . DUTCH COUPLE EXCHANGE VOWS szccrss 'ty OPENING OF OUR IF YOU ARE NOW FOOD & FREEZER THROUGH SPENDING Cyril Usher and Mrs. Larry At the Rehoboth Christian | Frahk Glasbergen, RR 2 Yel- 2nd 20th CENTURY FOOD CLUB $20 . took place this Mary of the Church | several per week Many children today get ob-|Sleeman served. Reformed Church, Bowman- | verton, and the bridegroom i8 |e, some girls and women en-|held at the home of Mrs. Nich- gage in obscene talk and chil-/9las Hall, Buena Vista. Many lina Mettha Glasbergen be- | Van Der Meer of Newcastle. | Gren in many a "refined" home|°f the future bride's school came the bride of Auke Van | The couple will live at RR 2 |oan easily read pornography | friends showered her with gifts. | Der Meer. The bride is the | Port Perry. | the best sellers' their|Serving were Miss Noel Fer- ' wae ey ris Fat Nie vonal shower was held DISCOUNT | wisely censor some of the books) § yas Lovell H&S Holds lthey are reading. By precept|at the home of Mrs. Joseph pprox 13 99 | thes b Fall-Garden Tea GROUPS, CLUBS size refined talk and taste at|ing were Mrs. William Towns,| ° : : AUXILIARIES lhome, |Mrs. Earl Rowden and Mts.| 2 | Although they can and should|Thomas Anthony. Oshawa's First and Only True |! 5 ° jat the Canadian Imperial Bank) aay agg be ong ating A ing--and the school bus driver|4! © : I 7 | Discounts on Every Item! Cee eer ete and int peer commen f (Ren do so on the us, and earl Commerce honored her with approx. 18.50 School Association held a most|Girl Guide Association was held|&TS a School--not much can be | 'Phe problem remains for us|Pantry shower at her home on| 35 21 50 pind a oe at the| Mrs a the presi-|+4 cultivate more home satistac-|Colborne street. Mrs. Bert Mac- '410 ko 8 Se Se approx. e Everett Graham, assisied by Roll call showed 10 members tends coming te sur home, in|asssted in serving, D SCOUNT an atmosphere of family com-| Miss Connie Crossman held a | $40 d pp 25 00 R. H. Broadbent, who opened/read the treasurer's report and panioaship. Ven't {t a matter of miscellaneous shower at the an up . e r) e qa rox. ® nl oom, ander the |" Mies Maceo. Tae Coney ae tne, anleens enone | ROUSE oil wae separated from the sale where abundant mutual esteem/Sharon Crossman assisted in of baking by a small white pick-) et fence with little gates. The} ed bittersweet and Norwegian) pine, The tea table with a lace| cloth and lime tapers in silver scene suggestions from the mov-|, A. miscellaneous shower was ville, tecently, Cornelia Rosa- | the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans \ fro: . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. --Photo by Mary's Studio | mothers are reading. nandez and Mrs. Graham |and example they might empha-|Sobanski, Nipigon street. Serv-| CENTRE itor' gh they can and should) Thomas Anthony approx. 15.49 In Auditorium 10TH PARENT COMMITTEE forbid filthy talk in their hear-| workers of the future bride $30 . is di i Mrs. Walter Do ed successful tea and bake sale./in the Salvation Army Citadel,|0Me In this direction alone. abit agile Sag OSHAWA i assisted in serving. the wife of the principal, Mrs.|present. Mrs. William Sloman re eee Wo eae home, 2 ltivated tastes in a family|Crossman, Gibbons street. Miss rection of Mrs. L. E. Nancekiv-/LA report was read by Mrs. de head 7 fence was decorated with twin-| holders, was presided over by Mise Theo Lakin. land love abide? The December meeting will) (My bulletins, be in the form of a Christmas| social tea. | Pry sng were served by| LODGES AND Charles Langfield and Mrs. William James. A parent's| | SOCIETIES | prospective bridegroom's par- 728-0311 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fer- nandez, Veterans avenue. | |serving. The guests were school friends of the bride-to-be. After the rehearsal last eve- ning the bridal party was enter- tained at the home of the Present Address : 290 ALBERT ST. (Between Gibb & Olive) 20th CENTURY FOOD CLUB CAN PROVIDE BETTER FOOD AND A FREEZER TOO... / FOR LESS PER WEEK THAN YOU ARE NOW SPENDING ON FOOD ALONE! SAMPLE ORDER ~~~ FAMILY PACK VEGETABLES DRY GOODS SNOW CROP 3 Instant Coffee 5 ibe, Pees 3 Ibs. Ground Coftee 5 Ibs, Com Tea Bags 5 ibs, Mixed Ibs. Jam 5 Ibe, Green Beans Tins Soup 2 Ibs. Brussel Sprouts tbs. Peanut Butter Ibs. Sugar FROZEN JUICE PAK Ceke Mix doz. Jell di 6 Orange Juice ad er tg 6 Grape Juice Tins Appleseuce Bottles Heing Ketchup 6 Grepefrult Juice Tins Pork end Beans 6 Lemonade Tins Carnation Milk Tins Peaches Robinson. former ' I ----_--___-- - teacher and Mrs C. A. Powel Santagram Brings VICTORY LODGE The table centre of status,| Tj 1 tee Loe a ae slp il | miniature cat tails and bitter-) 4 IMCLY Message ea ee ee cin lI e sweet was artistically arrang- cently in Orange, Temple with f, fi, Wace. Lk } ed by Miss E. A. Found, the) You no longer have to tel]| Worthy Mistress Sister Elva vite principal. She and her|your children to be good for|V&" Slyke and Deputy Mistress| SCHOOL OF DANCING QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF D.E.A H 2 Blade Roasts 3-ibs. each Grade 8 students with-their art|Christmas. Now there is an|Sister Mildred Carnochan in) work of autumn leaves, some|easier way: send them a Santa-|their respective chairs. Devo-| branches of bitter sweet, red|8"am. tional exercises were performed | oak leaves and a profusion of| Introduced on Oct. 1, the|Y coeteee me Betty Athens) multi-colored chrysanthemums|Santagram is essentially a tele- Rt fe sence of Sister -- transformed the auditorium into|Ztam to small-types from St.|Moberts, Short Rib Roasts, 3 Ibs. each a most delightful garden. The| Nick Flags were presented and/ Steaks, assorted guests were seated, cafe style,|,, ach Santagram is dated at|pledges repeated. The minutes] Keidd Geach Roast, 9 ths. at small tables with white cloths|{"¢ North Pole and contains alwere read by Sister Ann Bur-| : . : +: each with a 'small plant for % small verse reminding children|gess. | ump Roast, 3. cenire piece that Christmas is just around] Sister Elda Howard reported Ibs, Lean Minced Beef Mea NW. Gusselt and har the corner. Some parents prefer|on afternoon bingos. ibe, Stew Boot committee sent most attractive to make up thelr own text, but) It was decided to meet at Ibs. Steakettes Ibs. Baby Beef Liver Roasting Chickens 3% Ibs, to 4 tbs, average PORK LOIN PACK INCLUDES i] 1 Loin Roost 25 Loin Pork Chops Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, Pre-School, Character, Acrobatic Cy FRIDAYS ; there is a variety of stock mes-|different members homes for| refreshments from the kitchen.| cages availu Nanas |t and The sale of baking was in the|S28°5 ,,a¥ailable from Cana-/bingos. The draw prize was do-| P dian National Telecommunica-| pq) i charge of Mrs. Warren Bowden: tions which handle the special e+ igh ging reg Seni SATURDAYS This successful and pleasant ya AT THE telegrany. autumr event was convened by| The Santagram is unique in| Strong. MASONIC TEMPLE Mrs.. Robert Smith and Mrs.!Canada in tnat it comes on ai, .te next meeting will be held Donaid Burden was responsible|specially-designed multi-colored|°" Wednesday, November 8 at 8) 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA 5 tbs. Wieners Information: 723-7253 | 2 Ibe. Pork Sausage for ticket sales. form with Santa's signature at OSHAWA Several hundred parents have| | 3 Ibs, Assorted Cold Meats ! 4 Ibs. a new look -- wider, higher and | Christmas eve. | PBEBUBIBULULUBEBABABABABEBEBABEBABEBABUBULALULIBABEBABABABABALABABABAL i; © originally designed by Tanya) 725-2211 WILL BE IN OUR STORE FROM agence 95 the bottom of the message, NOW HAS already ordered Santagrams for} . Side Bacon more dramatic. z aaa Moiseiwitsch and Tyrone Guth-| by the Board of Governors on "heme ie Care tor Guaranteed by Zenith's MONDAY, NOV. 6 TO SAT., NOV. On a local delivery basis, the To celebrate its 10th season, children, arranging delivery for| Discussed and planned over | IT'S FROM BIRKS rie in 1953, have been approved the recommendation of Artistic Hhdouabe se 10-DAY MONEY-BACK OFFER! . ® Call in and see these interesting pieces of fine Santagram costs slightly more than a deluxe Christmas card. Average price is 70 cents, scheduled to open on June 18 ; Ah ei | a week or two before Christ -- pilin 5 patesenons abel bei actual 1962, the Stratford Shakespear- cont honor. Gas ssdere (0 €s:| ean Festival will give its stage|jiver many |Santagrams on| a Lge of two years, the pro- When you need | posed changes to the famed ib i " pillared platform, which was HOME-NURSING | Cali a V.0.N. Nurse Director Michael Langham.| : H EA RI | fj | V | f | ECONOMICAL NEW 7 ; > sre h Zi jewellery. Each piece so individual, with the fine *50-Ri and unusual handcraft of their era, HEARING AID ~ NwWuwuwoe---wWwNn weoawwewort oe FROZEN FRUIT 2 Ibs. Strawberries 2% Ibs. Blueberries 3 pkgs. Raspberries Festival Stage To Have Changes PROVISIONS HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1200 Faee-Elle 12 Rolls Toilet Tissue 12 bers Ivery Soap 10 tbs. Drench Detergent 1 Liquid Detergent 1 gel. Javex 1 box Salt 1 Pepper ECONOMY DAIRY PRODUCTS 9 Ibs. Butter 4 tbs. Margerine T gal. lee Cream 6 pkgs. Cheese Slices 3 Ibs. Shortening 2 Cheese Whiz FISH 3 Ibs. 3 Ibs. 3 Ibs. | | Cod Ocean Perch Haddock _ ms >A aa ~~ BIBIBEBEBUDUbABUBE uetey! including BIBIBIBEBAZE Ch is @ Small... htweight... full-pow d! @ Operate. for only about 10¢ a week! 1 @ Combines famous Zenith Quality with maximum performance and economy! 20th Century Food Club 71 Bridgeland Ave., Toronto | | | © Convenient fingertip control! | These items would be of special interest to anyone wanting 'Something different' for Christmas gifts. BIRKS ,ePE LE ERS OSHAWA Atk about 1-Year Warranty and 5-Year Service Pish. A model for every type of electronically correctable hearing loss, Come in or Call for free demonstration *Manvlocturer's suggested retail price. JEM HEARING AIDS ee Deferred Payments If Desired Imperial Optical 11 ONTARIO $7. 728-6239 | TOTAL FOOD AND FREEZER PER WEEK 49 17 CU. FT. BELWOOD . CONTINENTAL "507"' ALUMINUM LINED CHEST FREEZER WITH A LIFETIME WARRANTY CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION IN OSHAWA pt a ay 728-1128 ae IN BOWMANVILLE | ss ia count PE ase canes MA 3-3132 i. hagaletigiablasice as FREE FOOD OFFER LIMITED -- CALL NOW CENTRE 18uB8 Bavesd BABIBVESIVIBIBEIBe I HOBITIBSBES SHOPPING APARARABARARARARARARARARARABARARARAR TP IMTANARARARARAA AR IRABAB AB TRABABE: PABECABUaBEBEDEBabUbYbObUbUUbUbUvEBEBEbABaBUBULUbULEBEbUBUBEBEBaBaBE