WHITBY And DISTRICT | WHITBY SPORTS | PARADE By GERRY BLAIR THE nassblonahed TIMES, Seturdey, November 4, 1961 5 Stole Railway Parts, Remanded For Sentence | A Brooklin resident, Ronald {Lewellyn Waikinson, 24, of 19 Torian street, was Friday con- HUMPHREYS AND DAVIE -- ROUND TWO Well they're at it again! Jack Humphreys, with Les Moore a Guelph scout for the Whitby area, acting as mediator, and Ivan Davie, general manager of the Whitby Mohawks, time there is so violation on the part of Mr. have locked horns once more. Davie. Bob Campbell, who was one of the players mentioned in this corner-a few weeks ago as part of the contro- versy involving Guelph draftees and players from this area invited to the Royals rookie camp, has been re- fused his release by the Junior Club, Campbell is in Tillsonburg, attending high school and expecting to play Junior "B" hockey providing releases are forth- coming from the Whitby Minor Hockey Association (which has been granted) and the Mohawks. He can not sign with Tillsonburg until these sanctions are finalized. Davie says no! And he has a good bargain- ing point. Rick Switzer, the main youngster involved in the recent hassle over who should play where, re- fused to report to Guelph's training camp, after being drafted. At the moment he is sitting idly by with no This: victed of twe charges of stealing from the CNR. Judge Strange, of Kingston, who presided, re- manded the accused in custody for two weeks for sentence. He was convicted of stealing a quantity of scrap steel from the CNR at Whitby, between Oct, 27 and Dec. 21, 1960; and steal- ing a railway jack, eight bear- ings and other articles from the CNR in Oshawa. A charge of jpossession of stolen goods was jdismissed by His Honor. Harry Green, operator of the M. Greenberg and Son scrap yard on Bloor street, in Osh- awa, told the court that his rec- ords indicated that a car bear- jing @ certain licence number jhad made six sales of scrap iron and steel during Decem- ber, 1961. Russell Curry, assistant master of the CNR, told the court that rails, angle bars, tie plates and other paraphernalia of a rail line had been piled along the tracks on a CNR spur road 'All but about night of Dec, 20. All the tools had been taken, he said, includ-' ing a 25-ton railway jack, angle | bars and car parts. He esti- mated their total value at $757.) $4 worth have, been recovered, he said, Detective McGregor, of the| Oshawa Police Department, said! that he checked the licence number in the Greenberg rec- ords and found the car register. ed to the accused. The accused} was. brought TOWN OF WHITBY Notice of Sittings of Court of Revision Toke notice that the Court of Revision of the Town of Whitby will hold sittings in the Town Hall, commencing Thursday, November 9th, 1961, st 10 o'clock a.m., to hear and de- termine the app the A Roli of the Town of Whitby, for the year 1961 for taxation purposes for the year 1962, And further notice thet all persons who have appealed against their assessment ere hereby requested to ottend, Doted: at Whitby this 25th doy of October 1961, JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby. into the station on, Dec. 22 and gave a statement, which was read in court, In the statement, not signed) by Watkinson, but ruled admiss-/ able by Judge Strange, it was stated that the author had pick: | | ed up the steel at the CNR in Whitby: and had sold it to Green-| berg. The author denied all knowledge of the breakin at the, CNR tool shed. FAKED PAPERS BERLIN (AP)--A West Ber-| lin elementary school teacher, Wolfgang Heiwig, 31, was given| a five months suspended sen-/ When winter comes outsmart the weather Be prepared. Order your fuel for winter comfort now! It takes only a phone call and we deliver any time . . . any weather. COMPLETE LINE OF FUELS Texaco Fuel, Stove Oil © Hardwood and "Blue Cool" Softwood Siebs Stoker Coal ® Building Supplies Coke and Cannej Coal hockey future in sight for this season. Ivan Davie will release Campbell if Humphreys will in turn release Switzer. The Guelph concerns fee] it is not fair young Campbell to be unable to play in Tillsonburg, when the Whitby Junior club did not send him an in- vitation to their camp, so undoubtedly they were not interested in his services -- which they probably still aren't. They want Switzer. An appeal has been sent by Bob Campbell to the Ontario Hockey Association for permission to play in Tillsonburg incidentally a farm club of Guelph. But all this could have been avoided had Switzer reported to Guelph, had his trial, and then if he didn't prove himself useful Rovals, probably could be playing now Mohawks, providing a suitable agreement was reach- by Davie and Humphreys: You be the of this one! tence for inserting mistakes in pupils' exercise books. He was) Rese charged with "forgery of docu- ments by an official," after a 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE MO 8-3524 AFTER HOURS MO 8-3071 JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-3524 at Whitby, He had checked checked them on Oct. 27, 1960 On Dec. 19, he said, he check od again and found 57 angle bt "700 aa aintes 290 track Policeman, father of a bright bolts, 500 pounds of spikes and pupil, became suspicious. Ac- 2 400-pound car stop missi je cused confessed to the fake er- valued these articles at $986.25. Tors {o justity the low grades he Two days later, he said, most "45 S!ving of these articles were recovered from the Greenberg scrap lot. TOOLS STOLEN George William Yates car inspector, said that his shed had heen entered on to SGT. ROBINSON AND CHIEF FINGERPRINTS --Oshawa Times Photo. CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, Nov. 6 Co-op Credit Whitby Baptist Church Explor Whitby Ontario Nurse's Alumnae United Church Senior Evening Auxiliary WMS All Saints' Anglican Evening Guild Branch Palmerston H and § Assoc RANKINE STUDY CNR too! the to the TOWN OF WHITBY with the Union bank night ed judge Family Monuments aOR) MY crs 12 Individual Requirements STAFFORD anos, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 H-ospital Statement of a question to be submitted to the electors at the annual elections to be held on December 4th, 1961 "ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF THE FLUORIDATION OF THE WHITBY WATER SUPPLY"- TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a correct statement of the question to be submitted to the vote of the electors of the Town of Whitby pursant to By-law No. 2358 passed on the 2nd day of October, 1961. MOHAWKS AT MLG TOMORROW But in the meantime, Mr. Davie is almost as of obtaining the services of Bill Collins and Joe Laframboise after all. Davie called Collins again, and persuaded him to come back, with a job in Whitby waiting for him, Unfortunately Collins won't see action against his former Toronto Marlboro teammates to- morrow afternoon in the Gardens, as he his. recuperat- ing from a bout with the flu. Both players should he in uniform some time next week. The Mohawks are out to prove to hockey critics In the Metro area (in- cluding yours truly) that they can handle the more experienced Marlies, even though Broda's crew are the cream of the crop, In the second half of tomorrow's opening twin-bill St. Michaels College Majors are' on the spot having to prove for crew-cut Staff Smythe that the Metro Junior "A" group is as strong as the OHA Junior "A" circuit, when they meet Peterboro. : sured Church TUESDAY, Nov. 7 Whitby Red Cross work room Whitby Baptist Church CGIT Faith Baptist Church YPA United Church YPU Whitby. Baptist Church en's Mission Circle United Church afternoon WMS St. John the Evangelist Church CWL St. Andrew's Church WA Wom The day for taking the vote of the electors upon the said question, the places where the votes are to be taken and the Deputy Returning Officers shall be the same for the election for the Municipal Council and the Re- turning Officer appointed to hold the said election shall take the vote. Presbylerian WEDNESDAY, Nov. & St. John's Anglican Church WA work meeting Senior Citizens Kinette's Club John's Anglican Ruth WA Royal Can. Legion LA |Kathieen Rowe H and § Assoc RATE YOUR AND NOTICE is further given that Monday the 27th day of November, PRAISES 1961, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West in the Town of Whitby, has been fixed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend the polling places and at the final ss ™ ming up of yotes by the clerk, Group TOWN AND COUNTRY . Whitby's two fine Junior high school football teams squared off yester- day in a sudden-death Lakeshore COSSA play-off game with Henry emerging victorious, 8-0 over Anderson. Jim Nicholl with a touchdown and Barry Good with a pair of singles accounted for the scoring. Henry now meet the Bay of Quinte winners for the Eastern Ontario title ... Unionville Seaforths provide the Mohawks with their next opposition on Monday night at the Community arena. Game time is 8:15. SAVE 35% PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL CREAM COLD WAVE Reg, 9.95 6 45 PRE-CHRISTMAS PRICE s Haircut end Personalized Styling. St Church FURNISH HEAT AMAZES THURSDAY, Nov. 9 Salvation Army Women's HL Sinclair H and § Assoc. Whitby Garden Club Henry Street High School On Tuesday, the Sth day of December, 1961, at the hour of 10..00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Municipal Building, the Town Clerk shall attend the sum up of the votes given'for and against the said question. Doted at the Town of Whitby the 4th day of November, 1961. S DUSTED BY SGT --Oshawa Science Aids Police | In Investigation Work For the past two year Whitby Police Department been conducting its inal invest basi In « » af the vest cated BEER BOTTLE | Times Photo H-S John R. Frost, Big Sisters Have Clerk, Town of Whitby. Hallowe'en Party On Monday, Oct Sister Hallowe'en Party was held at the Whitby Baptist Church. The CGIT group spon- sored the party for the Ex plorers. Miss Donna. Holliday and her group were in charge of the games. Singing and music was convened by Miss Mary) Elian Sinclair and her group and Miss Marie Slack and her group were in charge of reception 412 CHESTNUT ST., MO 8-2991 WHITBY 30 a Big the has own crim gation on a full time quires a.set of prints for a visa or civil service purposes Other files kept at the depart ment contain details of fradulent cheque passers, occupations of known criminals other names used by known criminals and other vital information which can be used in criminal investi- gation Files This Includes Shampoo, iminal in For Appointment Phone MO 8-8591 CHIC BEAUTY SALON 102A LUPIN DR, WHITBY OPEN DAILY 9 «.m, te 5:30 -- Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. te 8:30 p.m. -- Closed Monday. JUST IMAGINE, This is mu friendly little animal that is the key to at the police Gerald: Robinson partment's plain clothes Sgt. Robinson seven. week course inal inve ion, fin and phot yhy at school Otlawa he branch was tation, is the de officer completed a im gerprinting ie RCMP shortly after instigated 1 rk he is on. pending under investig also kept and are cases on er cases ation your financial independence in a more secure man- Games hearty very were sing fitting played and a song enjoyed. A devotional period was presented by Mrs. John| McLeod. Miss Mary Ann Hardy|~ presided at the piano, for wor- ship A tasty lunch was served by Mrs. H. Crawforth, Mrs.. Wm Hewis and Miss Maude Cam- eron. Miss Sharon Mehring gave Let's All EMMANUEL REFORMED Go To A GaNclesiGne Weer, OF HIGHWAY 12 Church e This Sunday! MUG The Mug front BOOKS depar Books' and = side in ner than you have ever had perviously offered. has contain pictures iminals who are brought tice on the local scene. In ddition, RCMP mug sheets are also placed on file The detecting branch also performs its own photog- phy. The main piece of photo aphic equipment is, of course the camera ment also which profile fingerprin by Cpl. Morte Now you will be able to start your own business with a small investment which is secured in a co-opera- of all CRIMINAL FILES to jt The nuclet is its fil tains a aca tive offer without further cost or time on your part. information on iternationa system is crime national and riminal linked files such Nutria Canada's newest and most ie R C "MP tment r police depart- ments in the detection and pre- vention of crime All suspects who are arrested in Whitby and charged with an indictable fence are finger- printed and photographed at the criminal investigation branch of the Whitby Police Department RCMP L ay Files co-operates Sgt Robinson uses a Crown of the group, thanking the WMS Graphic press camera with , for the refreshments double extension bellows in his ladies for the refreshments. investigations. The camera Mrs. MacMillan thanked all capable of photographing who helped with the party for jects at close range, their fine co-operation in this fingerprints united effort In closing, a large A photographic darkroom was Circle was formed and Taps installed in the department with was sung. Each girl received a ( special treat of candy and the construction of the Town Hall last and there Set, apples. The offering for the Robinson i to process all evening was sent to UNICEF kept ch pictures tak The CGIT group will resume include picture finger Therefore meetings at the regular time, prints. In addition jlicates of the Whitby Tuesdays at 7 o'clock in the ihe pictures. and DI are filed is Sunday school hall. Miss Helen ee Tamplin, teacher at the Ontario The branch Ladies' College will commence service by fin the Bible study project. All in- cares 2 terested girls from 12-15 are eee invited to attend progressive fur industry. is ob- such as a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs 10:30 A.M : MacMillan and the CGIT group Dutch Service ° . . Your investment will give you 40% or better annually for the lovely party and Miss Louise Pogson spoke on behalf 10:30 A.M Sunday School, English =e Your investment is fully secured siete Service, Whitby 30 P.M year Woedin' at Bowmanville ue on are We supply necessary food, accommodations and maintenance We insure your Nutria for fire, theft, death and disease We operate under government control idual case for ¢ 1 crim Bowmanville Sunday School EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St. N., Whitby Rev, E. C. Corbett, §.Th it can be Police Department keep ahead of the com munity requirements in the protection of life and property and the prevention and detec tion of crime BROCK EVENING SHOWS AT 6:55 & 8:20 (Whitby) LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:20 "THE GREEN HELMET" ill Sete to the men who live \C iL // for speed™. . ond the girls who can't help loving them! said that ing ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 17 AM MORNING. WORSHIP NURSERY (INFANT CARE) BEGINNERS' CLASSES JUNIOR CONGREGATION 9:45 A.M CHURCH SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME Whitby Baptist Church REV. JOHN McLEOD W. E. Summers, A.T.C.M IP in Ottawa performs a public ing free of sident who re- Pastor 9:15 AM Radio Broadcast CKLB 9:45 AM Bible School Hour 11:00 A.M, & 7:00 P.M Our Pastor Search For Hunter Hampered By Snow VERMILION BAY (CP)--The -search for a hunter from De- troit and his guide, missing in the bush near this northwestern Ontario resort town, was ham- pered by a snowstorm Friday. Police reported that a ground party was to have gone into the bush in the general area where the men disappeared but the storm, which left about seven inches of wet snow on the ground, caused a postponement Earlier, a search by light air craft had failed to uncover any trace of the men, Elwin Meyers, 26, of Detroit and Thomas Strong of Vermilion Bay They were flown into the bush Saturday to a spot about 36 from this commiunits which is 60 miles east of Ken ore | Preaching Special Music in the Evening. WHITBY UNITED CHURCH 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 P.M CHURCHES FOR NEW TIMES 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors, . Aduits 11:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL Infant Care, Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Mrs for all ages 11:00 A.M. "Stewards of Life 7:00 P.M. A Night to Remember Communion Servies and Reception of New Members We have assets of $50,000 For any one oble to prove Nutria is not the best investment on the market and that you do not receive 40% or more on your share, we offer 2 pair of Nutria volued at $1,000 aos « reward. MYRTLE STATION "7 y"" FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION: Phone anytime -- Brooklin -- 655-4876 or -- THE OSHAWA PET CENTRE (Joe) 728-0403 Plus Second Feature Attraction MO 8-4952 BRING THE FAMILY OUT ANYTIME INCLUDING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY FREE HORSE AND PONY RIDES FOR THE CHILDREN, COMPLIMENTS OF THE COMPANY "SEPTEMBER STORM" COLOR JOANNE DRU © MARK STEVENS SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 Baptist ing Peor t a Peor Starring mile All Young P ere tordially intited i.