---- aan s ait = rsh breeds of cattle, sheep anfijtries. In the rare cases where Industry Development Authority S k THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 4, 1961 19, ee 'this with other trends,|pigs are shipped or flown to|foreign breeders have achieved) wants Pietrain pigs from Bel- tee WOT. ers e,°@ adds up to a heavy infiltration|countries all over the world, |something pg Eon ed eerie gium to find if they will pro- the bargaining unit at the Port DIE IN REFRIGERATOR Britis ree ers into the pedigreed aristocracy of Canada, i eaginced 4 = ser ers apo Bhs ie duce leaner meat than British Make Move -- yefinery of Interna- BORDENTOWN, N.J. (AP)--~ hich proudly claims | propo: "T of ickel Company of Can- ive- i ode the stud farm of the world. {livestock from Britain. hesitated to say "Let's have|breeds. a rey, Two five-year-old boys, first ' "7 k ada Limited. A certification vote|cousins, were found dead in a Str ains BUILT BIG BUSINESS ions 7" - - oe por tng "*That is what lies behind these|NOTHING DEFEATIST For Ta eover requires 45 per cent. jrefrigerator Friday . The ye Cw For decades, Britain's pedi-\ is 7A". Sf 065.000 have gone|importations. The Danish red| Dr. Joseph Edwards, scientific] TORONTO (CP)--The United) At Sudbury a similar sttugyle| ben were, Roe ye gree livestock breeders have| cea, A few days ago, a bmg « age -- begat Myre adviser of the Milk Marketing eee -- ---- Hage J 2 Rag the TOPCSSERLD| ate when they heard the ona By M. McINTYRE HOOD Britain of 87 cattle from Den-|built up a nag "ony hog cargo of sheep shipped from oe ta co eiaid oe samt Board, and a world authority on Friday te take evet bavueinialInce 'a04 Folomernas san were missing. The dead boys Special to The Oshawa Times |mark. At Brest, in France,|wide reputation, ey ha' . Hull will complete a $90,000 pur- the East Anglian Red Poll|cattle breeding, is one of thelrights of the Port Colborne local|Mines. A Steelworkers applica-|Were Donald and James Dyson. LONDON -- An invasion of ees Scat 30 French pong te pre 'ad wreoting oa rage aon Peco asta ay Sesilish" red blood is|keenest enthusiasts for testing|of the International Union of|tion for certification there is ex: beng Bee a * Sar "ne ahi the United Kingdom, like the is i i jl pcccoreeai : ted b; up of Dairy|foreign breeds. Mine. Mill and Smelter Work-|pected in mid - November. j : a ae , llais breed are|mals which will produce more wanted by a group o ry ign : : ee eS ae Noa water retnaages 'this country.|and better meat or milk more|QPENING DOORS Shorthorn breeders to see if it) "I see nothing ,,defeatist (in ers (Ind.). The inter - union struggle has|- eistags, police see Ark, is gathering force ae Plans are under way for the| quickly. While British livestock breed-|will do the same for their breed.|what 1s happening," he said. "It The Steelworkers filed mem-|also extended to Thompson.| a. a ae ue '0 i setation of other strains of| Their success 1s reflected injers have long been isolationists,|The massive French Charollais}is a natural and wise policy|bership cards with the Ontario|Man., where an open season for/been assigned to the Uranium breeders are in the "eat je salty from Sweden. A govern-|the substantial export business|the more progressive breeders|bulls are being brought over for which might enable us to secure|Labor Relations Board which|bargaining rights at the Inco/City area of northern Saskat- cae le dats bas been 6 * pong sponmred organization isithey have built up. Thousands|and scientists have been watch-|beef-breeding tests with Brit-|certain qualities we have not got/they claim represent 60 per strains. P 2 it-}¢ e project there opens Jan. 1. Ajchewan, another Mine + Mill cent distribution to farmers in|anxious to bring in some Bel-lof pedigree animals from Brit- ing developments in other coun-lain's lighter dairy cows. The Pig]in our own breeds. cent of the 1,183 employees in'Steelworkers' organizer has also stronghold. SERTA "ORTHO-COMFORT" MATTRESSES Smooth-Top style in 3 sizes . . .39",48" and 54" 15.00 off! Ordinarily 59.50! Constructed with bracer edge designed 'to prevent sagging. 312 coil spring count in 54" size gives firm yet resilient all-over support . . . padded with a thick layer of soft new white felt and layer of sisal insulation. Moreover at this BIG SAVING you have a choice of 4 attractive covers in rayon- and-cotton blends. A combination of careful craftsmanship and fine quality materials -- RESULT ~~ relaxed, well-supported sleeping comfort. ae' 44.50 MATCHING BOX SPRINGS Ordinarily 59.50 Regular and extra firm -- designed especially forthe 'Ortho-Comfort' mattresses. Note the coil spring construction in the 54" size. EATON Opportunity Day Special, each ....-:.....6.. SET OF 6 SCREW-IN LEGS. ORDINARILY 5.00 EATON Opportunity Day Special, set EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 271 "nAOORECRAFT" You have all the good features of "BEAVER" 1200 / Cil Base + tuigt te contd wit» | Q"? Tilting Arbor Flat Finishes EATON Budget-Charge Account Circular Saw It's designed to help you do your shop- oe ping quickly . . . no down payment is oe erent Fim Tee ule: WeoeNere: OF st end no minimum purchase. You The 'Beaver 1200 -- centralized finger- just show your identification card and tip blade control -- extra-large 26 x 18" sign your name. You will receive a mon- grid-design--full-length rip fence with a thly statement with copies showing your width - of - scale on both sides of the minimum monthly payment and service blade. Complete with 3" pulley and charge. Come in person, telephone or 30" belt. EATON Opportunity Day 19 mail your request to the EATON | Special, gal. 8 628s Opportunity Day ey .3O CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTS OFFICE Special, each .......cxcx. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, PHONE 725-7373 et Complete with stand ceilings in living room, hall, bedrooms. Dries to a soft, no - shine velvety smoothness. White; may be used as a tinting base if desired. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 253 PHONE 725-7373 COME AND SEE ATO N'S ws di 7 A HOST OF NEW AND TRADITIONAL TOYS TO DELIGHT The HEARTS of CHILDREN 7 3 by? Pee Dolls ...doll carriages... cribs... pretty doll's outfits; trains, trucks, wagons, tricycles; alt kinds of games . . . construction kits... nurse and doctor kits . . . cowboy and spaceman out- fits . . . something to please every child this Christmas ! EATON'S TOYLAND, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227