WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: Manager: Lloyd Robertson 111 Dundas St. West |AT KIWANIS CLUB THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Nevember 2, 1961 5 WHITBY Says Fluoridation - Tel. MO. 8-3703 Halts Dental Cripples Members of the Kiwanis Clut of Whitby were told this wee! by a Whitby dentist that, they were aware of the num ber of dental) cripples in th | town, they would realize tha something must be done soor Dr. John Davies, a member c the club, urged the Kiwanis t support fluoridation of th town's drinking water at thr December plebiscite Dr. Davies traced the histor of the studies on fluoridatio since it was first noticed i Colorado Spring, U.S.A., in th learly 20th century. In 193) {sodium fluoride was establist led as the substance which ha jreduced the incidence of dente | \caries, or decay, in children' BOWLING NEWS WHITBY MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Over 600 -- Marty Jordan 774 303); Harvey Roberts 729 (376): 'New Organization sobel Mothersill 705 (320); Bil In United Church bringing together two very dis.|"ollins 686 (255); Ted Munns) Jn January 1962 the existing;Woman's Missionary Society asteful words." | 78 (245); Millie Peggs 67<\women's organizations of the|and the Woman's Association is He said that it is true tha'| 271); Wilf Anthony 664 (251):|!Jnited Church of Canada will be|preparing for the new organiza- odium fluocide in concentra-| 'ohn Brueckle 662 (204); Wendy|disbanded and a new organiza-|tion by arranging for the In- on is used as a rat poison Yotherspoon 658 (246); Fordjtion called The United Church|augural Meeting and Service, ut, he added, ordinary table) ohansen 655 (288); Clara Row-|Women will be inaugurated. and by securing nominations alt has been used as a methoc| :en 648 (225): Don Grant 643) The new organization is so or-/for the 1962 Executive of the f committing suicide in Chinz| 214); Doug Peggs 642 (219):|ganized that the essential values'local United Church Women. mw centuries:too, Would it bc} 'ohn Mclvor 640 (298); Allof the existing organizations.|Also, by notifying every lady of ibelled a poison also, he asked | 'young 633 (217); Georginc;Woman's Association and|the congregation of the forth- One part of sodium fluorid'| yimegeers 630 (267); Jenny|Woman's Missionary Society coming changes in the women's ver million, said Dr. Davies | -owler 627 (251); Doc Dafoe 627\will be preserved. program within the church, and 'ould not even remotely be con | 917): Ron Pascoe 617 (235);| The Constitution as it relates|seeking to secure from them an idered a poison. For a persor| youg Rowden 609 (259); Harold|to National Church Boards gives|indication of their interest and » become ill from too mucl| :ordon 609 (247): Bev Childr|women a greater representation |desire to participate in the life uoride in the water, (241);° Jean Batherson 60C\and a stronger voice in the ad-|and work of the United Church is 392), |ministration of the Church's|Women Over 200 -- Chuck Gill 202;|work in 'Canada and overseas.| Each lady has received an in- i Jordan 213; Merv Bemis 238:| There will also be representa-|tormation card which she is to rian Findlay 200: Ron Blactitives of the United Church turn as soon as possible to he said would have to consume 2 allons of water at one sitting. Others, he said, have ques oned whether the unit dispen ig the fluoride can run wil? : Bes gl ~ 4 328; ae 4 Hot- ---- ie wad pF vie the Secretary of the Provisional cer Puig piney all or. church committees Committee, Mrs. E. Quantrill. fie |irolled studies of the effects c f order, the amount 'of fluo |. rcivor Sli; Hatela Miare In the Whitby United Church} Other members of the Pra- fe \fluorides in drinking wate | ide would be decreased °. 159: Isobel Mothersill 291: Rite|the Woman's Missionary Society|Visional Committee, which is were made in Sarnia, Bran' | topped altogether, automati | lansen 223: Bilas Hen : ob and the Women's Association|'inder the chairmanship of Rev. lford and Stratford, he said | "ally. sce co Wig | Maan eee ype! "| will conclude their activities in|J. M. Smith, are Mesdames L, |Sarnia draws its drinking wate | The ad aice to tees thel athe SOEe Wie Tha Gar. December 1961 and the in-|!. Richardson, A. Price, C, iB [ftom the Great Lakes, wher | ORIN WALWt 10 One eT wall a0) Deus Wat_(2ugural_ meeting of the local|Broughton (WA _ representa- fluoride is present in no appre-| evel se 2 ag pa Fee | a ee ae Ril oti i United Church Women will be|tives), Mesdames M. G. Me- ciable amount; Stratford Grew: aoe bit a suk Pi appropri ul al al rae O15 ag held on Tuesday, Jan. 9 and the|Carty, J. Breckenridge, H. T. its water from artesian id at bags ic Me s "gre dai us : é y ts air: ings 209; Inaugural Service will be held|allaise (WMS representatives), with a fluoride count of 1.6) Anya ee teeth." gaid the| sn S10 Cock Peace ane yon Sunday, Jan, 14. Mesdames E. Quantrill, C, ac goes hae ee |dentist "the dental cripples a'| ie ie Selene bed ay.,| At present a Provisional Com-| Hoag, G. Lawson (Congregation- ford's water was added enough |¢ e is ms er cia tind re 8 section winners were) nittee comprised of representa- al representatives), Mr. R. Law fluoride to provide 1.0 parts per|an ves y age, By psoas li he Sabre Jets with 38 points. tives from the congregation, the| (Christian Education Committee mivion ak = nee ere e . League team standings ---- ------/representative) and Dr. J. B, T 'esults ¢ e studies, he ; _ eaben | F aa i Rous. | 2 ! ae Dg Linge Pee the inci The cost of filling one tooth, ole pe Pidig ye kage ok 209, Joan Reed 228, Jean| Davies ee and a a "1 . pihe said, would provide fluorides|)0% 7+ (Cnoes 31, Foker Chips)king 207, Jean Newstead 210,\coan ~Ommuttee representa dence of dental caries among ? a -|24, Woodpeckers 25, Cubs 29,/ B ~--e *itive) Brantford and Stratford chil-/for that person's drinking water} : . "|Pat Brown 290, 204, Marion) dren was 65 per cent less than|for more than 20 years | yr. Davies assured his lister iteeth. wetn rs that if the machine got ov | From 1945 until 1958, . cor 'i io 0 ld Sg 3 ss hase ONE INJURED IN STREET ACCIDENT smaller car, Inez Maundrell, 45, of 811 King street, Whitby, received a bump on the head and taken to Oshawa General Hospital for observa tion. She was driving west on estimated ai $1,800. The acci- dent was investigated by Const. Ernest Stoneman of the Whitby Police Depart- ment Pictured above are the re Chestnut street when her car sults of a two-car pile-up at the intersection of street north and Chestnut street west at 1.30 p.m., Wed nesday. The driver of the WHITBY SPORTS PARADE GERRY BLAIR Centre was --Oshawa Times Photo BAUXITE DEPOSITS Total team points: Winstons' Since first. development in 23, Kools 22, Winchesters 17,|1942, Jamaica's deposits of Buckinghams 16, Black Cats 16, bauxite, the aluminum ore, Exports 13, Players 12, Cameos|have been estimated at 300,000,- 000 tons. DRESS WI An exploding gas heater in a oe ra truck cab was blamed Wednes- day for a fire in a_ tractor- trailer on Highway 401 near Whitby. Before the fire was ex- tinguished by members of the Whitby Volunteer Fire Brigade, the interior of the cab was com- WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY KIWANIS GUESTS Guests at this week's meet- ing of the Kiwanis Club of Whitby included five members of the Kiwanis Club of Osh- awa. They were Ken Smythe, Alex McKay, Harle Wells, Frank Harris and Ivan Par- rott By ST. MIKE'S CUP WINNERS AGAIN? The question of whether or not, the OHA Metro Junior "A" standings will develop into two divisions, what with the difference in calibre pitting St. Mikes and Marlboros against ille, Brampton and Whitby, could be answered on Sunday after: at the Gardens. Whitby Mohawks tackle the Marlies, rated favorites for Sunday's opening game of the first doubleheader of the season. On Tuesday night, St. Michaels ran roughshod Unionville Seaforths, even in the smaller arena, expected to be in Union- ville's favor. The Majors errupted for seven goals in the third period as the polish began showing after the two clubs battled on even terms for 40 minutes Unionville coach, Cliff Simpson was none too happy about the inevitable outcome. The Leaf organization has been aware of the College powerhouse, and have had plenty of time and opportunity to balance the remainder of the league with proven Junior "A" talent. Fans in Unionville, Brampton and Whitby ean't be expected to swallow beatings such as the one administered by the Irish on Tuesday. A comparison in strength between the Seaforths and the Whitby Mohawks will be measured on Monday night at the Whitby Community arena as the two clubs square off. Brampton who were pathetic at times against the Mohawks on Monday past, and expected to be about equal to Unionville, will need considerable bolstering to keep pace with St. Mike's and Marlboros. After watching the Mohawks against the Seven-Ups, play- er- aid is needed here also. Only one forward line showed much promise, Julie Kowalski, Bill Smith and Wayne Weller -- they accounted for the four Whitby goals. Unionv oon 556 over SUSPEND SENTENCE Milton James Reid, 20, of 118 Division street, Oshawa, was Tuesday placed on suspended sentence for. two years by Mag- istrate Robert Dnieper who found him guilly of stealing a pair of pliers from Wall's serv ice station, East Whitby Town- iship, on Sept. 16. Robert John Wilson, 20, of 724 Margaret street, Oshawa, was acquitted of a similar charge The pair appeared in Whitby police court DUPLICATE BRIDGE SCORES North and South: Mrs. Bow- man and Mrs. D. Irwin 8114, Mr. and Mrs. Winter 79, Mrs Love and Mrs. Baxter 77; East and West: Mr. and Mrs. Wells 86, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Mac- Gillevray 76, Miss Forsyth and Mrs. Beaton 73. came into contact' with a south bound car driven by Charles Grandy, 22, of Lot 25, Concession 6, Brook'in. Total damage to both vehicles was bd County Bow! 15, Whitby. Clean- H | <i , Sturgess 226, Agnes Johnson} ] l eater Sarnia. In addition. he said,| He concluded with an appeal|©'s 34, Hopefuls 28, Headpins 31,| 7 8 8 I : x od n in Sarnia. In ' | : f the fluoridation) Porky's Prides 34, Beginners 16, |" no mottled enamel or pitting| for support of the fluor 1 Stok gga * had occurred on children'sjof Whitby's drinking water on at Neighbors 22, Munns : " ) ess teeth and further studies had|the December ballot bhi . | res ranspor indicated no other unusual skel Pig gone to fem Roberts | , tal changes or any effect on r rolling a big game. letel aa and teat a Oh satis < WHITBY pie rolling a 300 ganee were: °" pletely gutted and traffic on the 9") °°), ; sobel Mothersill 320, Don Grant! Dr. Davies said that much of » rsi . n Grant busy er was brought al- the objection to adding fluorides PERSONALS 314 and Marty Jordan 303 most to a halt he hit to drinking water had arisen CIGARET LEAGUE Proceeding west on the high . *s fear of the ae *ARET LEAGUE way, about a half-mile west of pepecanttii people's Mrs. A H. Lear, a rye Triples over 550: Bernice Whitby, about 3:30 p.m., was as ed sodium|street west, entertained at her) Moase 689, Pat Brown 688, Iso-| " : E Some have labell edad t llaneous bridal . truck owned by Trans Canada fjyoride as rai poison," he said home at a misce bel Mothersi!] 680, Ev Moss- Hichway Express Lid. of Bd -- = ---- ----"|shower in honor of Mrs. Gary crop 654, Clara Rowden 607,| monton, driven by Karl Heinz- ro the Pryorsed porea A gai Glenna _ McConnell. 605, Marg F All T] re) H '! mayer, also of Edmonton. He h i A ickery, who vce shhaive McCoy 590, Jean King 577, Joan or Fa ccasions told fire fighters that the heater C Olr ppears All Saints Anglican Ms gio On' Reed 575, Eileen Dolby 575,| mae exploded and flames enveloped Saturday, Oct. 7. The hostessiGrace Sandford 575, Eileen T T the truck's fire extinguisher be- N itny . bo = -- ga " arene te OPCOA S$ fore he could reach it n ew Gowns ed by friends i & He stopped his vehicle, carry- . Mrs. Paul Tran, 1247 Dundas) Singles over 200: Carson| by Clinton ing a load of tires, and lowered F Anniversa street east, and co-hostesses pega A 201, Isobel Mothersill You'll tind the warmth but not the weight the dollies on (ie trailer, Aye Oe ry Mrs, Paul Martinson, Mrs. 739. 2 . Taras 230,\1 of these new topcoats. They'll give you passing transport stopped, and : Norm Kilby entertained at Mrs. Pernice a eh 224, 283, Eileen|}| comfort right into the coldest weather. a chain was fastened to the front. Rev. R. J. Scott, BA, BD. trans residence at a. miscel- Moore 202, 210, Glenna McCon-|} Available in a wide selection of new pot- bumper of the stricken tractor, minister of Whitby United |janeous shower. The hostesses|Nell 225, 200, Vi Jordan 200,)) terns and popular colours. It was then pulled away from Church, 1950-54, and now ASS0-| served a dainty lunch. A pres-/Barb. Howe 236, Grace Sand-| the trailer ciate Minister of St, Luke's/ entation was made by her co-|ford 237, Marg McCoy 206, 207,| re TO re The driver explained that the United Church, Toronto, was the! workers of the Whitby Town|Bev Childs 200. Eileen Dolby] long-distance truck is equipped) 2UeS! speaker at the ar -- Hall. Light refreshments were 231, Clara Rowden 235, Alice! with a gas heater rather than a pining Service on Sunday | served, Hewis 233, Verna Sandford 216, Top Styles in : . Ev Moss . wot at ae i 'coe His message was based on the| Recent guests at the home of| | v fosscrop 207, 265, Bea Hud- parked while the driver foits Beatitude "Blessed are: they/Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Smith of 2 . the bas heater Meape the cab which hunger and thirst after/Palace street, were their son Miracle Cushion righteousness; for they shall be Mr. Robert Smith of Riverside warm, without the engine run. 7h)! , and Mrand Mrs, Harry Vv. ning, thus preventing any. dan. fille : i ? Holds False Testh We hove a large selection of new Fall Hats 7 by Stetson ond Adoms-- 7 95 to 12 95 FROM a = ' MEN'S WEAR 103A DUNDAS WEST ger of carbon monoxide poison. During the service reference | Carling of Kincardine. ing. was made to the ministry of} 4). 34a Mrs. Robert A. Smith Tight - tases Sore Gums Snug ® brand Denture Cushions, a sen. music, and a prayer of thanks- F ¥ , ; and daughter Dianne of Bayview , the c hs sic b giving for the church's musical avenue spent last weekend in sational new plastic re-lining, keep wob- bliest plates firmly in place. Ease sore gums, NYLON TIPS heritage and of rededication to ; MONTREAL (CP)--Tips for this ministry, was offered. The ites th Ont ay Gee theit| give perfect comfort. Eat, laugh. : Plates "stay put". Applied in minutes -- prolonging the life of nylons\choir robed in new gowns of). . F.C x spects to the late Dr. F. C. from hosiery expert: Roll the|&rey blue for the occasion sang tamiiton, former Superin- plain tactics je deation, hoe cae the anthem "'Sanctus" by Gou- r, : ie : | out when repl v stocking down to the toe before nod and Mrs. R. Broughton sang og eal bi Mie en win on eplasensest a neodad, No Sally slipping it on your foot, then\the solo "The Penitent" : 7 : or lower plates $1.50. Money-back guar. straighten the seams and rein-| Flowers in the Memorial St. Michale's Cemetery ani Ae jim -- forcements as you slowly unroll|Vases were placed in memory! Mr, and Mrs. D. S. Tushing- it up. Stand to fasten the back/of Mrs, C. R. Collins ham, formerly of Hallett ave- that the nue, Whitby, have established) WHITBY garter first, then sit to fasten, It was announced the front or side one. When re-|Sacrament of Infant Baptismiresidence in Oshawa. Their! moving, unroJl it from your leg;|would be observed on Sunday, friends wish them happiness in never pull it from the foot Nov. 19. their new habitat. | Mr. Malcolm Stott of Kapus- * \kasing spent last weekend with : his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stott of Brock street #4 \south. He also attended a wed ding in Toronto accompanied by Miss Pat MacLellend of that city. RBOWMANVILLE MEET TRENTON TONIGHT The OHA Lakeshore Intermediate league is start ing to take shape and will open its activity around |? a te i gs a | the middle of this mont Bowmanville Shamrocks have an exhibition tilt with the Trenton Globetrotters tonight in the Bowmanville arena starting at 8:15 p.m Six teams comprise the Lakeshore group two of them defending champions Uxbridge Black Hawks, last year's OHA Intermediate '"'C' winners, and Nap- anee OHA Intermediate "A" champions. Other clubs are the Belleville MacFarlands, Port Hope Ontarios, Bowmanville and Trenton. The Shamrocks have employed the services of Bill "Squeak' Morrison as coach for the coming 1961-62 season, Bill is certain- lv no stranger having played for the Oshawa ago, id currently the top the National Hockey Terry Masters is acting as player- manager the Bowmanville club Miss Joanhe Strowger of Ot- tawa spent last weekend with .|her parents, Mr. and Mrs. §. Strowger of Craydon road. Miss Strowger is Choir Director of Fisher High School in Ottawa Comets, ' Scout Mothers 1 Seek Members *| The First Whitby Scouts and .|Cubs Mothers' Auxiliary held its 4\first meeting of the year at the jhome of Mrs. E. Rivett. Presi- dent Mrs. J. Dair opened the |meeting with the Scout mother's promise. Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved. Moved by Mrs, I. Hicks, seconded by |Mrs. Warman, that the auxiliary |purchase a flag for the new Rover troop starting up from First. Whitby Scouts The next meeting will be held at the primary department of Baptist Church Sunday school me ihe fourth Tuesday of Novem- » ber The group urgently needs the 'support. of the mothers as it {seems an impossibility to carry on with six mothers attending. | Please make an effort to come out at the next month's meet- ing Points will be given to the Scout patrol or Cub six who will have most mothers present. SAVE 35% PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL CREAM COLD WAVE Reg. 9.95 PRE-CHRISTMAS PRICE This Includes Shempoo, Haircut and Personalized Styling. "REGENT" SPACE HEATER with TANK Designed to our own severe specific- ations! Baffled flue outlet avoids wasting heat up the chimney. Cab- inet expertly finished in light wal- nut, heatcresistant enamel. 35,000 B.T.U.'s per hour, Heats 2 to 4 rooms, Convenient side access door for lighting and cleaning. Tank capacity: 3 gallons. NO MONEY DOWN (Retail sales tax payable with purchase) to local hockey fans, Generals several years linesmen ar 1s one of League for in Bill Orme, a new- 1e Bowmanville area is handling the public- He held a similar post with Wallaceburg Hornets when they Senio B" competition going around find the Uxbridge c to build a strong contende 1 trying to secure the services "e Whitby Dunlops -. Fred nko (Samson) and Bus Gagnon. > MOV up to Intermediate "B" with the "C" , Vern Ferguson, Wayne (Whitby Mohawk coach) were talwarts rumors are tremendous club, A" cate- have their own private play-off at the year's plav, while the remaining four clubs will fight it out for "B" laurels BROCK EVENING SHOWS AT 6:55 & 8:20 (Whitby) LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:20 "THE ET" comer to t ity were Rumors ib are attempting of former Etcher, George Samole The Black Hawk status this -vear af wal Jim Che Redshaw, Bob Cherry a few of last g away title last season k eason's If these true, they }] ive Belleville and Napane gory, ar end of thi themselves a e are entered in the ' id will gees ee yee, bite ADING FOR DOWN In about two months time, | Whitby Police Constable Jack | Mason and his family will be | making a 22.000 mile global | hop to New Zealand. A mem- ber of the Whitby Police De- | partment for the past four years, Const. Mason recently handed in his resignation to es Chief George Rankine. Pic- tured above pointing out New Zealand on a globe to her mother and father is Jayne, aged 9, a Grade 4 student of Kathleen Rowe Memorial School. The Masons are look- ing foreward to their three- week cruise but at present THANK YOU! To the great host of friends who worked s0 hard are undecided on their future | plans when they arrive their destination --Oshawa Times Photo at GREEN HELM [PH Salute to the men who live | i for speed®. . and the girls who can't halp loving them! Model 109B. 45,000 B.T.U.'s per hour. Heats 3 to 5 rooms, 5-gallon tank (extra). 89.95 90¢ ONLY WEEKLY ADAMS O.GOLDWYN-MAYER presents BILL TRAVERS EASY CREDIT TERMS OPEN TOMORROW NIGHT UNTIL 9 "WHERE QUALITY and VALUE MEET" 103 DUNDAS W. TEL. MO. 8-2933 WHITBY For Appointment Phone MO 8-859) 'ane BEAUTY SALON | OPEN DAILY ? a.m. te $:30 -- Thursday and Fridey 9 a.m. te 8:30 p.m. -- Closed Monday. in my behalf at the recent leadership convention, Plus Second Feature Attraction "SEPTEMBER STORM" COLOR Serring: JOANME DRU @ MARK STEVENS SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 I shall long remember such support. M. B. DYMOND |!