. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 2, 1961 3 Nobel Prizes Won By Three Men In States STOCKHOLM (AP)--The last two 1961 Nobel prizes were awarded today to two American scientists and a West German. All are now working in Cali- fornia. The prize in chemistry went to Dr. Melvin Calvin of the Uni- versity of California for his work in photosynthesis. The physics prize went jointly to Dr. Robert Hofstadter of Stanford University and Dr. Rudolf Moessbauer of Munich university for basic atomic re- search. Moessbauer now is working at the California Insti- tute of Technology. The Swedish Royal Academy of Science said Hofstadter was 'honored for "his pioneering | studies of electron scattering jin atomic nuclei and for his jthereby achieved discoveries concerning the structure of the \nucleons." | This constituted one of the |greatest steps toward making jpeaceful use of atomic power |possible, | Moessbauer was cited "'for his} lresearch concerning the res-| Branch 43, Royal onance absorption of gainma jradiation and his discovery in| LEGION LADIES' AUXILIARY PLANS FOR POPPY DAY Among the hardest work- | Legion, which will be held, on the Cenotaph in Memorial , Richard Burkhart, Mrs. Mat- ers in the interests of the an- | this Saturday, are the mem- | Park on Remembrance Day, thew Bell, Mrs. Robert Wil fa - COMMUNITY INFORMATION SERVICE PLANS ACTIVITIES The members of the Com- | improve its service. Caught | member and W. John Naylor, | when the picture was taken munity. Information Service | by the camera seated, from | advisor. Standing are Rudi pranidebaneg Meee me he section of the Oshawa Com- | left, are Emslie Dick, chair- | Secerbegoese, left, committee | SXTC\8t¥: = 'ato pacciiang s "By continually taking out of a community, without putting something back into it, the com- munity will become sour as well'. Mr. Famme 'said. Questioned about the possibil- ity of extending the payroll de- duction method of contribution into offices, Mr. Famme says he Karoly Nagy, | boulevard south, found out that |ciated at the service. Interment it can be a costly business being) was late for work, when he was con-| and careless driving in Oshawa|Horn, Ralph Hunter, Hubert survive. Magistrate's Court, Wednesday.|Carter and Raymond Miles. is was peotecsioed by Gb ined $100 and costs! S Hig |p steg yr first charge) NORMAN JAMES BROWN eeaiat 3 a as gered and: $50 and costs or 30 days on| A life long resident of Osh- (De ia), in and by the second, and had his licence awa, Norman James Brown, Ke suspended for six months. These died suddenly at the Oshawa |were his third and fourth traffic|General Hospital Wednesday, offences. Nov. 1. He was "The City of Oshawa has had|¥ear. : enough deaths and stupid traffic The deceased was the son of p. Oshawa. Scarborough, was fined $20 and costs or six days in jail in Oshawa Magistrate's Court, Wednesday. Griffin was convicted on a charge of failing to come to a full stop at a stop | sign. 1 P Nae A 1 of bers of the ladies' auxiliary. | from left, are Mrs. Herbert | liams, Mrs. Alyn Elliott and tl gh i ale epi gis 3 es Seen here with some of the | Bathe, Mrs. James Anderson, | Mrs. Edward Bouckley. Canadian | wreaths which will be laid | Mrs. Norman McEvers, Mrs. --Oshawa Times Photo. : A ith yonnection o! the effect advisor and Rudi Maeder, |. ; , | munity Citizenship Council | man; Jan Drygala, chair- | member and Hans Haagmans, | committee member. which bears his name. ' laid plans Wednesday night to | man; Geza Angi, committee | committee member. Absent --Oshawa Times Photo | The German scientist's wor " |chances for future space flights FUNERAL OF jand was married in Oshawa W 1] R d ® Ld |between planets when radiation RAYDON KENNETH ADAIR Sept. 1, 1921. e ecelve y ans (ele) 1nic |has to be overcome. The memorial service for) Mr. Brown was a cement : | Businessmen not directly con- DISTRICT " di died at the Oshawa General contractor here for 40 years i Finds pee Ing hee wes the Anecavone Fineral United Church. Community Chest as well as |Home at 2 p.m., Wednesday,| Besides his wife, the deceased chest directors are becoming FINE CARELESS DRIVER | j Aali M Mrs.|more and more optimistic that | 8. R 'i S 1 ost y usiness 70th year. David Stephenson (Betty) of) the campaign will meet ae sur- ervice The Canadian Red Cross So-jare answered include, Who can|street, Oshawa, was fined $50| | William Boyko, of Jehovah's|Oshawa and a son, Clifford J.|pass its $215,000 target this year, i. \ciety has. released a new pam-|give blood?, What does the free|and costs or 15 days in jail] 89 Oshawa) witness Park Unit Church, offi- Brown of Oshawa. As the campaign rapidly nears The Community Information| ,yjet which they hope will in-|Blood Transfusion mean to the|when he was convicted on a| ity Citizenship Council at @/donating blood. The pamphlet|ful?, and How often may a per-| Magi ; : A 7 s : rer agistrate R. B. Dnieper, Wed- meeting this grr reviewed its! answers many questions that|son give blood? lnesday. The charge la laid activities and laid plans to im-|the average person will want to| Many of these questions con-|after an accident at Simcoe and . The section provides a 24-hour |at Red Cross Clinics across Can-| phlet are questions that are ask-| service with one member of the/ada. ed of Red Cross workers across| CHARGES DISMISSED * committee always being avail-| {he pamphlets will be made|Canada, and by supplying) Charges of careless driving > disposal. Quite a number havejas churches, lodges, service|is the hope of Red Cross offi-| Darlington, and Edwin Kavan- * already benefitted by this serv-|cjubs and community organiza-Cials that more new donors willl oh of Ajax, were dismissed ice and it is felt that such altions, with the hope that more|become available to keep the|i,' Oshawa Magistrate's Court, = awa where many people of dif-|blood for use in hospitals at Red | hospitals. ferent nationalities reside. |Cross Blood Donor Clinics. Oshawa Branch Red Cross) FINE SCARBORO MAN Letters, with the names of | CHAIRMAN CONCERNED |President Fred Roberts and) x | Oshawa Red Cross Blood i e : been sent out to a number of se , | Blood Donor Clinic, are concern | groups and organizations. Let-| Donor Clinic Chairman Robert/ed over the lack of new donors ® fers will be forwarded shortly|#- Stroud, is concerned over the/showing up for the Red Cross to other organizations, institu- ; a | san tions and offices to ensure that| See's peggy ao next clinic scheduled for today, the service is available to all| 7 Selit is their wish that the public who have not as yet come forth! wil} get behind this drive and jis a factor in reckoning the CI AND |Raydon Kenneth Adair who T I and was an adherent to Kedron nected with the Greater Oshawa Needs Donors |Nov. 1. Mr. Adair was in his|is survived by a daughter, Peter Drazilov, 221 Arthur | , Two sisters, Mrs. Roberticompletion, more than $180,000 _ Service section of the Commun-|form the public on the subject of|donor?, Is donating blood pain-|charge of careless driving, by * Prove its. work. know before they donate blood/tained in this Red Cross pam-| Ash streets, Oct. 13. able. It has 10 languages at its| available to various groups such|gToups with this information it/ against T. Rolland Vallieres, of | service is badly needed in Osh-|new blood donors will offer their|SUPPly of blood flowing to our) yGnocday. | y * members of the committee have |Mr. Stroud, chairman of the| crescent, jlack of new donors locally, and| clinics in Oshawa, and with the * citizens in need of help or guid-|14 donate blood. | $50 AND COSTS John Kastel, 50 Switzer drive, Oshawa, was fined $50 and ance Th Red C os |register at the Clinic. : "These Red Cross pamphlets} The information service com-| entitled 'So precious Ha rauen | CLINIC HOURS « mittee had its origin with a i ive' i | The clinic will be held in St. a 99 meeting in March of this year y Fond ob fhe ma Gregory's Auditorium and the|costs or 30 days in jaii in Osh- wher inter-group relations and/and we hope that they will se-|hours will be 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.|awa Magistrate's Court, Wed- « the appointment of a committee|cure a supply for all their| and from 6 to 9 p.m. in the eve-/nesday. Sentence was passed was named to carry on a pro-|members, so that they might be| "ng. lafter Kastel was convicted of gram to bring the various ethnic|better informed on donating) Donating bjood is not painful,| failing to change lanes in safe- groups together for better fel-| blood at the clinics," stated Mr.|in fact there is no discomfort/ ty. Kenneth Griffin, 16 Basildon | accidents," Magistrate R. B. [Dnieper said after passing s°0* 1890, in East Whitby Township Mount Lawn Cemetery. '2 Parked Cars 'Shop Director Suffer Damage yt med By Board Oshawa Police Department re-| ported two accidents involving parked cars, Wednesday. G caused in a collision on Parkigave its approval to the ap- for the R. S. McLaughlin © road south when a car driven|pointment of Cecil Jensen as posite School. by Margaret H. Leech, 24,/shop director of the R. S. Mc-| (h)--That an advertisment be Kingscourt Apartments, Ajax,|Laughlin Composite School and inserted in The Globe and Mail struck a parked car owned by;also decided that the shop teach-'to counteract the effect of the; Robert Gibbs, 24, 195 Gibbjers still in the employ of the ad previously placed for a shop iC in Mount Lawn Cemetery. 'Shorten (Annie) and Mrs. Al-|of the $215,000 has already been ( Pallbearers were Morleyifred Jones (Mavel) of Oshawa collected. Canvassers, general- victed on charges of speeding) Powell, Peter Miller, Allan Van and seven grandchildren also|ly, are being met with more en- thusiasm by their clients. GIVING MORE Not only is the need becoming brother, Robert, in 1957, both;more apparent to Oshawa citi- zens for the services rendered The memorial service will be|by the Greater Oshawa Com- in his 72nd held at the Armstrong Funeral munity Chest's 17 participating Home Saturday, Nov. 4, at. 2/agencies, but, contributors are m. The service will be con-|giving more this year than in) the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert ducted by Rev. Robert Love of|/any previous campaign. Brown. He was born June 21, Columbus. Interment will be in) Chest officials said today that jincreases of up to 10 per cent and more in the amounts con- tributed by both individual don- ors and business establishment contributions this year. T. L. Wilson, a member of the Community Chest board of directors, said today that so far this year, The Oshawa Board of Educa- resolution regarding the adver- canvassers have done better to An estimated $400 damage wasition, at its meeting this week, tisement for a Shop Director|date than in any previous Com- munity Che-+ campaign. are reater Oshawa OMPAREL TO FARM Walter Famme, manager of . E. White Insurance, King street east, an Oshawa business- noteworthy is most definitely in agreement with the idea. He said that if payroll deduc- tion was extended into business offices, he is sure that individual contributions would be increased greatly. PAINLESS GIVING Mr. Famme, like many others working with the Community Chest, feels that an employees' payroll deduction plan is a pain- less way of giving to this worth- while cause. "There is no question whatso- ever of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest's usefulness. Without the 17 agencies it sup- ports, there would be a pretty black outlook for Oshawa," Mr. Famme said. He agreed with statements made earlier by Board of Edu- cation Trustee George K. Dry- nan, QC, that anyone who has never given to the chest appeal before should just experiment by giving as little as $1, then, when they see the campaign go over the top and see the work being carried on by all 17 par- ticipating agencies, they should lowship and promote a clearer| Stroud. lin giving blood donations. Every) understanding of what each| Any group wishing copies may|phase of the program is under| STORE ROBBED group has to offer to the com-|phone the Red Cross office at|professional supervision and| UXBRIDGE -- Approximately munity. 723-2933 and state their mem-| specially trained nurses will|$2400 in cash and cheques was As a result a committee was|betship of the group, and the|take your donation. |stolen early today from a safe elected to plan a conference on|P@mphiets will be sent to them.| A donation of blood at a Red| in the Uxbridge Co-operative Su- inter-group relations in Oshawa.|__ Questions in this booklet that|Cross clinic will take approxi-|permarket after entry was made Emstie Dick arranged this gath- rag gph Renggs ce Alger ig s = ny The| ering which w ® me for resting, testing, regis-|break-in is believed to have oc- CRA a a Me Bom Fine Follows tration and refreshments. The|curred between 2 and 3 a.m., George Roberts, principal of the |actual giving of blood takes only|but full details were not avail- OCVI, as chairman. {four to five minutes, and only|abie. The bulk of the $2400 was|nesday afternoon. Total estim settle back and "take a heart test." "It would give them @ good feeling inside," Mr. Famme said. man not directly connected with iboard on Sept. 1, 1962, move qj i | stron, Oshawa. Constable G = the chest, but interested in its ;_|with their shops from the OCVI oY ; --" ravemnenies OW OPP" the. naw school. ; B86 roo reply to a letter success, says he is optimistic A car, driven by John M.| gee "a ree rt actin ondary School Teachers' Feder-|'"at the aprsien ON yer ue Richards, 78, 342 Elgin. street|°! the board at its meeting the stion" they be advised of this|SUPass the $215,000 target ob- Spat, truck 8 parked cor, which ne oe ae cited: |jective. action with regard to the ad-| ' . was in charge of John Kemp,/AD AUTHORIZED My, Mamime sald & community vertisement for a shop director. 39, 142 Eastbourne avenue, on| A meeting of the special man- (d)--That Cecil Jensen be ap-|Chest campaign can be compar- 'Adelaide avenue east, near thelagement committee was held pointed as shop director for the|¢d to a farm. By continually intersection of Wilson road, Wed-|Thursday, Oct. 5. At this meet-R. S. McLaughlin Composite| 'aking out of the farm, wtihout a-|ing the committee recommend- School. |putting anything back into it, ed that the board of education' (e)--That shop teachers still|the land will become sour. tuffy Head : Aeon pr gly con gest opens nas rehevee miserable ey saouti-braetana," a. Medicated Do to Chase thi t of a pint, one | three-quarters ; jae At the conference a resolution| The end result of a chase by twentieth of the Pd spe St od 10 Be cnet. \ted damage was $190. Mildly Mentholatum advertise for a principal and in the employ of the board as was passed to set up a commit-jcar and on foot in the early|content is taken. This is re- tee to provide an information|hours of Oct. 6, through the| pjaced within twenty-four hours. service, similar to others in/streets of downtown Oshawa,| 4 man may donate blood Canada, to assist any resident) was a fine of $50 and costs or|every three months, while a of Oshawa. It was felt such a/15 days in jail for an Oshawalwoman every four months. A OLD WOODBINE ENTRIES see eee FRIDAY, Nov. 3... |shop director for the R. S. Mc- of Sept. 1, 1962, move with their Laughlin Composite School, and shops from the OCVI to the that a special committee of R. S. McLaughlin Composite trustees be authorized to draw School. up the required advertisements. | Members of this committee DISAGREEMENT BASIS service would be of special ben-|mah Wednesday. doctor may advise giving more efit to immigrants and new-| Joseph G. McGillivray, 27,\often, but Red Cross officials comers when in difficulty. 670 Edith street, was convicted|Point out that you are not likely _In compliance with the resolu-|o, @ careless driving charge by|t0 be called more than twice a tion a committee was formed) Magistrate R. B. Dnieper af-|Yeat- maidens. 7 furlongs. with the power to establish this) io; evidence was given which| The need for persons who) 1. Fiddlestick, Potts 120 service. Members of the com-| owed the accused had driven|have not donated blood is ur-| 2. Dunc Moon, Rogers 120 mittee are: Jan Drygala, chair- through a stop-light and three-| ent, and an appeal is made to} 3. Lady Himount, Ditifach man; Hans Haagmans, co-chair- all persons in Oshawa to get| 4. Bimini Blossom, Kru A ; n Os : som, Kruger man; Miss Deanna Buldyke,|*t0P streets. ibehind the Red Cross at this secretary; John Naylor and) McGillivray abandoned _ his! november Blood Donor Clinic. Harold McNeill, advisors; Rudi|C@r behind a service station on| an average of one bottle of Maeder, Geza Angi and Rudi| Bond street and was finally ap-\pi99q must be collected every Secerbegoese, committee mem- prehended after.a shot was fired) 15 seconds of every working day| bers. over his head. ito maintain an adequate supply | COMING EVENTS lof whole blood and blood prod-|1 ucts. More than 555,000 bottles) will be required for transfusion|SECOND RACE RUMMAGE sale, Simcoe Hall, Friday, NORTH Oshawa Park Bingo at the November 3 at 1.30 p.m. (Household Avalon, Thursday, Nov. 2, at 7.30 p.m.| donors \therapy for patients in Cana-| «gpardale". Claiming ali $2,500 items) Auspices of Oshawa Lionettes.|$6 and $10 and seven jackpots. FIRST RACE "Bon Bon". Claiming all $5,000. Purse $1,900. Two - year - old 110 . Wi'lanne, Pafnell X105 . Sergeant Butch, Robers 113 . Haven Miss, NB 117 3 4 5 6. Misteo, NB 110 7 8 9 0. Krisuelor, Stadnyk 120 dian hospitals during the year. | p, 1,800. Th - year - It is urgent that new blood phe py 7 pale rong ase attend the ; Mini . On the Nail, Harrison X113 Red Cross Clinic. " Sarano, Stadnyk 112 November CAR FOR SALE? Bring >uyers right to| EUCHRE -- Scout Hall, Gibbons and your door with a fast-action Oshawa/Buena Vista, Friday, November 3, 8 3. Scotch Fairie, Rem'd 115 . Red Engine, Parnell X107 05| 1. Brierama, Robertson, 113 . Burning Hoofs, Robinson 113) i olds) 1, Hammer 'n Tongs, NB, 115 were Trustees R..B. Stroud,!, The disagreement at Mon-| A. E. O'Neill and Rev. P. day's meeting arose over which | 9; Quick Edition, NB 113 |Coffey. committee has the authority to) | At a special meeting of the make recommendations :to the) FIFTH RACE board on Thursday, Oct. 12, board in regard to operation) "Burnside," allowance, purse the board accepted the recom- 2Md management of Vocational) $2,400, Canadian foaled, three- mendations of the special man- Schools. ; and four-year-olds, one mile. agement The duties of _ the advisory advertisements were placed in Vocational committee are con- The Globe and Mail according- tained in section 38 of the by- iy. laws of the board of education The report of the: advisory of the City of Oshawa. These, vocational committee meeting State that subject-to the ap-| Oct. 16 contained Proval of the board, the advi- ¢- Sory vocational committee shall! 7. Princess Teddy, NB 115 8. Vinetu 2nd, Kallai 112 committee, and the . Elvinjo, Cosentino, 116 . Lady Gangster, Harrison, | X105 | 5. Whitville, Parnell, X114 QUINELLA BETTING of Monday, ) SIXTH RACE among others the following re WOMEN LEAD IN BUYING POWER Fastest growing feminine market is young women of 18 to 35; they now number 21 million and will reach 26 million in 1970. Their income 44 per cent. Wise women of all ages are turning to the Oshawa Times Classified Ads every- day to find terrific bar- gains in the things they want to buy. They've dis- covered you have more, spend less by shopping this busy marketplace. Turn to the Classified Section today. Ointment ARRANGEMENTS 728-6201 be in charge of operation and} - 4 : ommendations. "Giblen,"' claiming all $10,000,' management of vocational) purse $2,200, two-year-olds, (a)---That the boant of educa. schools, which includes the em- 7 ti ind it .|furlongs. tion be requested to rescind its ployment and retirement of staff. Its function is to make] | recommendations to the board,| 'Plan Workshop and the board, before refusing these recommendations, must give the committee an opportu-| | 3. Prince Sparkle, Stadnyk, | 114 | 4, Caledon Belle, Dittfach, 109 | 5. Prince Sadi, Rogers, 122 Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 now. |p.m. Six prizes, refreshments. Admis- OSHAWA NAVAL VETERANS' AUX, Sponsoring a DANCE ON SAT., NOV. 4th AT OSHAWA AIRPORT (OFFICERS' CLUB) Adm. $2 per couple NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. et ST. GEORGE'S HALL, |sion 50c. |ST. Peter's Church WA, corner Cedar jand Thomas Streets, Fall bazaar, Satur- |day, November 4, 2.00 to 4.30 p.m. Tea, |Bake Sale THE SALVATION ARMY MAKE ME OVER FASHION SHOW FRIDAY, NOV. 3 TWO SHOWINGS Kennedy Gets Lots Of Help On Trade Bill . Hathaway, Cosentino 115 . Rochie Creek, Walker Ti4 . Itehytwitchy, NB 115 . West Montana, Fitz'ons 112 . Win Flight, NB 109 . Michalena, Watters XXX99 11, Cedrela, NB 115 12. WASHINGTON (AP)--A drive} ing of the reciprocal trade pro-| gram--one of the toughest tasks) facing President Kennedy's leg-| ALSO ELIGIBLE: 111; 117; Ariel's Best, Miss Keith, Flickamaroo, Har'son XX110| 3. Time} for re-enactment and 'broaden-|Clock, NB 120; First Lead, Mc-| Comb 123; Navy Grand, Rock) Rasmussen) Kruger} islature. lieutenants -- has been|XXX102; Good Friend, Kruger} launched witn the help of offi-/XXX10.5 cials from three administra- tions. THIRD RACE Recommendations for "a giant|"Knoll". Claiming aii $5,000 step" away from remaining re-|Purse $1,900. Two - year - 0) strictions on international trade| maidens. 7 furlongs. Division and a trade partnership with the|the First. Common Market, the potent new} 1. Double Bugs, Rogers 110 . Hasty Fox, Kruger X105 economic entity in Europe, came from Christian Herter,| 3. Ampo Maid, McComb 117 . Learned Friend, Kallai 120 2 3 state secretary in the Eisen-| 4 5. Li'l Grandad, Cosentino 113 6 7 8 9 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. TICKETS 75¢ Lunch inc'uded. Proceeds for Building Fund. To be held in Citadel. REMEMBER, REMEMBER THE THIRD OF NOVEMBER ! ! OSHAWA & DISTRICT OLD COUNTRY CLUB PRESENTS GUY FAWKS NIGHT DANCE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd U.A.W. HALL, AUDITORIUM DANCE TO BERNARD TIERNEY'S ORCHESTRA FROM 8:30 P.M. - 12:30 A.M. LICENSED BAR REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE ENJOY YOURSELF FOR 1.25 (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $150 JACKPOT INCLUDED) Door Prize $15 i hower administration, and from William Clayton, undersecretary| 6. Nora's Reward, Brown 110 of state for economic affairs in| 7. Romaleeza, NB 117 the Truman administration. | 8. Our Danny, Fitz'ons 113 The Kennedy administration| 9. Sauvagette, Parnell X105 spoke in much the same terms} through George W. Ball, under-/ FOURTH RACE ea "Helm", Claiming all $2,500. secretary of state for economic ss Purse $1,900. Three - year - olds affairs. Ball in a speech Wednesday|@nd up. One mile an< three- sixteenths. night before a trade convention in New York, called for "open| 1. Dark Valley, Robinson 108 competitive trading" and as-| 2. Evg. Express, Parnell X118 . Lord Lyric, Griffiths X111 1 2 sailed what he termed the de-| 3 featism of those who unduly; 4. Running Gold, Robinson 108 feared competition with the! 5. Rd Spray, Cosentine 113 6. Bull Marine, McComb 111 Common Market. | a SEVENTH RACE "Twinex," claiming all $4,500, purse $2,100, three-year-olds an up, one mile and %,. Welland Canal, Cosentino, (A)111 Stormy Morn, Rasmussen, 110 - Musical Prince, Griffiths, X108 | 7. Tadoussac, Parnell, | ° (B)X111 | 8. Bobby Pin, Waiters, | (B)XXX105 | 9. Bon Courier, Cosentino, (A)115 4 i Whip Out, Dittfach, 118 rf 1. Prince Tour, Griffit ,hsX10g dren, . Power Chance, McComb, 113 For Adult Pupils It was announced, at a meet- board. jshop Committee has begin this month. d-ing of the Oshawa and District | Association for Retarded Chil- bylaws that the board cannot| that the Glenholme Work- refuse the report of the advi-| made Sory vocational committee with- iplans to set up a workshop for out giving that committee the adult pupils and that work will py tense to be heard before e It was also stated that a store : > in the Station Plaza has been of the advisory vocational com-| leased and an instructor will mittee, has pointed out that the) ibe hired. Work is being soli- board agreed to accept the com- jcited and a new duplicator and Mittee's report Monday night, jequipment has been purchased. with the exception of items a nity to be heard before the! It is further contained in the! ard. | John M. Greer, vice chairman) FREE 62 PAGE BOOK! by R. D. Pope, M.D. ON RAW VEGETABLE JUICES The lack or deficiency of certain such es org elements it needs. For FREE book by R. D. Pope, M.D., on the value of row juices and diet. Write or Phone 728-7721 DIETARY SPECIALTIES 328 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH y of diet, is the primary couse of nearly every sickness ond disease. This book is a guide for the furnishing of the body with the from our customary OSHAWA, ONT, IThis project is a step forward and b/of that report. lin the education: of jchildren in the community. | Mrs. W. Wilson and Mrs. W. attended the educa- retarded 1d of (A) Hellenic Stable entry |Campbell (B) §S. Cosentino andM. Viola entry tion conference in Ottawa re- cently with the teachers of the Glenholme School. | EIGHTH RACE A flag raising ceremony is) "Mist Hawk," claiming all being held at the school at 2.30) |$2,500, purse $1,900, three-year- p.m. Friday, Nov. 3. The Cub} olds and up, one mile and 3-16, Pack, composed of pupils of the} |division of the fourth. school, will participate. Mem-| 1. Sundry, Harrison, XX106 bers of the CP and T committee) 2. Man O' Valor, NB, 112 of the Odd Fellows, The Sorop- . Son Ator, NB, 111 timist Club and Imperial Order . Mance's Rule, Griffiths, lof the Daughters of the Empire) X11 have been invited .o attend. | C,; Ridley, home care chair-! man, attended a con/erence in Cooksville. His committee is) janxious to contact more parents jof retarded children in the dis-| trict. Dr. C, H. Jackson and Dr. i ---- Stick, Rasmussen, 120 3 4 5 6. Alpine Pete, Harrison, X106 7. Thermonuclear, Morreale, 118 8. Kingwood, Dittfach, 125 9. Bet 'N Win, Armstrong, 114 |POST TIME 1.30 P.M. Van Verhulst gave interesting CLOUDY AND FAST jtalks on the setting up of the AAC--X-5, ,XX-7, XXX-10 Ibs.|Oshawa Mental Health Clinic. | 230 KING STREET WEST Cliff Mills 48-Hour Special DODGE with custom radio CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 1955 SEDAN *295 725-6651