Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1961, p. 18

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18 THE GSMAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Movember 3, 1961 BIRTHS | MURRAY -- John and Marilyn (nee McKnight) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Pamela Elizabeth, 6 Ibs. 8 ozs., on Tuesday, October 31 1961, a sister for Kirk and Bret. Many x thanks to Doctors Ferrier and Miller PATTERSON -- Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Patterson happily announce the arrival of their daughter, Suzanne Elizabeth (8 Ibs. 4 ozs.) on Wednesday, November 1 1961 at the Oshawa General Hospital A sister for Shelley, Stephen, and Scott Many thanks to Dr. Lindsay. SKITCH -- Ross and Dot (nee Brunz- low) wish to announce the safe rival of their son, Brian Robert, 7 Ibs. Monday, October 30, 1961, at the Osh awa General Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Maroosis and Dr. Miller and staff on fourth floor. Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings TORONTO lt A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Teronte Stock Exchange--Nor. 2 (Quotations in cents unless marked § Odd lot, xd--Ex-lividend, xr--Ex rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is from previous day's Close.) INDUSTRIALS Sales Biggest Gains By Industrials | TORONTO (CP)--Industrials -- took their biggest index jump: since Sept. 13 and speculatives| made sharp advances in heavy bred mii . 52 trading on the Toronto Stock 5720 195 192 195 Exchange Wednesday. 1000 186 Industrials rose 3.98 to push Mee sae ge through the elusive '600 mark" 105 : : for the first time in four weeks to 600.96 and to record the lar- gest individual rise by the 20- -- By ig Pape F gay David' Bollard, late of the '4 oy 5 wien i gaine rey City of Oshawa, in the County olume was the largest since fi P sa Pe of Ontario, deceased, who Oct. 12 and finished at 5,532,000) Gio4 on or about the 7th da " ? ' 7 e y shares compared with 3,876,000 ¢¢ September; A.D. 1961, ore Tuesday. wee : | hereby notified to send in The industrial rise produced @ to the undérsigned Solicitors number of new highs in key) for the Administrator on or trend-setting issues--Bell Tele- efore the 15th day of Nov- , Phone, Algoma Steel and Inter-| ember, A.D. 1961, full par- provincial Pipe Line among) ticulars of their claims. Im- them. mediately after the said 15th Steels fared best with steel day of November, 1961, the company of Canada ahead $2.50 assets of the deceased will be to 7734 on a volume of 5,345 distributed amongst the par- shares on today's news that net ties entitled thereto, having profit for the third quarter this regard only to claims of year is more than double last) which the undersigned Solici- year's figure. tors for the Adminstrator Speculatives featured a 65-cent, shall then have notice. gain to $5.90 by Lake Dufault on DATED at Oshawa this 24th a volume of 155,401 shares and ay of October, A.D. 1961. , a %5-cent rise by Canadian Dyno HARRIS, HARRIS to $2.78 on 169,765 shares, & WALLACE, On index, base metals rose .81 Box 338, ; to 200.53 and western oils 1.05 Oshawa, Ontario, to 103.20. Golds fell .26 to 90.61 pie cogs ial , Western oil trading was brisk yi cays a hh with Hudson's Bay reaching its 'Aish Ueekbec da hi e s annexed third new high in as many days --up 5% to 165% Special - size transactions in- cluded: 5,000 shares of consoli- dated Paper at $43, 2,000 of B.C Power at 334%, 5,000 of Rio Algom at 10% and 5,000 of Al- goma Steel at 4914 NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bell Telephone Company of Canada, 9 mos. ended Sept. 30: 1961, $42,314,971, $1.85 a share on 22,871,272 shares; 1960, $39,- 669,279, $1.87 a share on 21,166, 481 shares. Geco Mines Ltd., 9 mos. ended Sept. 30: 1961, $2.197,700, 73 cents a share; 1960, $4,383,000, $1.46. Horne and Pitfield Foods Ltd., year ended April 15: 1961, net loss $1,016,234 (reflects reserve) of $1,126,525 for doubtful ac- neutrom bomb project has high counts from unconsolidated sub- priority in the current U.S. tests. Sidiaries); 1960, net profit $246,- slide rule, computers and the 506 projection of nuclear physics, Senator Thomas J. Dodd) Moore Corporation Ltd., 9 facts, (Dem. Conn.), urging resump-'mos. ended Sept. 30: 1961, $9,- The idea is that a precisely|tn of U.S. nuclear tests in the 068,632, $1.36 a share; 1960, $9,- harnessed nuclear detonation atmosphere, said the U.S. must 098,221, $1.37 can pe made to produce a burst Press "every possible effort to Normetal Mining Corporation of intense radiation by high-|Comvert the neutrom bomb from Ltd., 9 mos, ended Sept. 30: speed, deep-penetration, lethal 2 theoretical concept to a prac- 1961, $949,500, 25 cents a share; neutrons--without also creating tical reality 1960, $1,126,000 30 cents. the intense shock. heat effects| Unofficial but informed specu. Quemont Mining Corporation and radioactive contamination of lation seems to be that an N- rg a ae grin ne' opresent bombs bomb might have a lethal radius : "1960. | share; 1960, $1,587,000, ranging out from a_ thousand cents. yards to a mile or so. Assuming that a.useful weapon could be refined down to the proper size, delivery could be made by cur- rent missiles, planes or artil- lery. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) :35--Legal Shope! NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF SYDNEY DAVID BALLARD All persons having claims against the Estate of Sydney 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $37% 37% 37% + % $514 514 51% $54 54 SK $1B14 18% 1844 - $18% 18% $50 11 Net u High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales $20% 2% 20% + we Alba Expl 10000 $6 6 6 Anglo Hur 2400 Ansil 4142 13 Area 1400 A Arcadia 5350 AArcad B w 1000 Aumacho 500 Aumaq 2000 Aunor 300 Bary Expl 1000 B Metals 6500 2500 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 280 $27 2% 27 +% 18500 605 585 580 9500 25 mu 25 Net High Low Close Ch'ge 3% % Stock Gatineau 150 GMC 218 Gr Toy 50 GL Paper 400 GL Pow w i GNG 20 pr GNGas w Greyhnd Hardee Hard Carp Horne Pf Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep n Bales 1100 150 700 294 100 725 Bales Stock Un Gas Un Steel Vulean Walk GW Webb Knp WCoast Tr Westeel 300 Weston B 800 5 s 16% 1614 + % West A wis 75 125 3 Woodwd A i00 160 $1 1 14 Wdwd Aw 4 200 Curb 2631 Asbestos 410 2155 1 CD Sug 167 710 $3 y C Paper 60 Inland Gas 250 5 D Glass 210 Int Util 100 Dupont 110 Int Util pr 5 Lob Inc 20 4 Inter PL 75 MacLaren A 350 Inv Syn A Jefferson Jockey C Jock wts Labatt n Stock Tenders addreised to Property & Maintenance Committee, Women's Weltore League, 387 Simcoe St. South, Osh- owa, will be received up to noon; November 14th, 1961, for supplying fuel oil, for Simcoe Hall Settlement House, for a period of one year, Jonuary ist, 1962 to December 31st, 1962, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Infor- mation may be obtained from H. W. McNeill, Simcoe Hall, 387 Simcoe St. South, Osh « owo. 450 320 435 +1 il Net Stock High Liw a.m Ch'ge Abitibi Acad-Atl Alta Dis w Alta Gas AltaGas w Alta Nat Alg Cen Algoma Alumini xd Analog Anthes A Argus Atlas Stee! Bank Mont Bank NS Lafarge Bath P A 3 3 Lakeland Beatty n 5 LOnt Cem Beatty A 5 HN 94 Laur Fin 125 225 Bell Phone Laur Fin 200 100 Brazil Lob Co An 152 Bright LobCo A w 5 BA Oil LobCo B BC Forest -- ° nr BC Pow ob G B pr : r ral Hospital on Wednesday, November Build Prod Loeb M pig Pete 1, 1961, Norman James Brown, beloved Burns MB PR 10 1 j = 4 nee. husband of Elizabeth Anne Rosena Cal Pow Maher : voce Woodward and father of Mrs. David Can Cem 5 : saat hil oad Stephenson (Betty) and Clifford J. Can Foils 3 3 sr > i et bickg NO Brown. and brother of Mrs. Robert ©! Fndry Sen pr Fels Shorten (Annie) and Mrs. Alfred Jones (.#%, Malt egg ee Gr Plains 3 (Mabel), in his 72nd year, Resting at pio Mid-West Home A i ade ak : the Armstrong Funeral Home with Me- an ace Milt Brick Home a i morial Service in the chapel Saturday BAL gs yen * Molson" A HB OUG November 4, at 2.00 p.m. Interment Cay Can aiisen Jump Pnd . Mount Lawn Cemetery. an Calan Mon Foods Jupiter Moore Li Pete Nat Drug Long Point NO NGas Marigold Page-Hers Medal Pbina Midcon Photo Eng Mill City Pow Corp N Davies Premium Northeal QN Gas NC Oils QN Gas pr Okalta Rapid-G n Pac Pete Reichold 4 Pac Pete w Robertson Pamoil 6000 44 43 AV C Petril 2500 60 Place 1500 37 Ponder Provo South 1 Stanwell Triad Oil U Canso vt Un Oils Wsburne W Decalta Curb 4 Dalhousie Maritime Martin Maybrun Mcintyre McKen McWat Mentor Min-Ore Mt Wright Multi-M Murray M New Ath New: Hoseo N Kelore Newlund N Mylam Noranda Normetal North Can Norvalie O'Brien Opemiska Ormsby Pardee Paymast Peerless Pick Crow Placer Pow Rou Quemont Realm Reeves Rio Algom Rix Athab Roche Rockwin San Ant Satellite Sheep Cr Sherritt Silvrmq Sil Miller Siscoe Starratt Steep R Sullivan Sylvanite Taurean Thom L 2 Towag 95 58 $35 35 $234% 23% bt) 43 Bralorne $86 86 Buffad $25% 2544 Buff Ank $13% 13% 134 Camp Chib $23% 23% C Astoria . OILS Sales High Low 120 192 192 250 810 "810 100 128 128 1485 $1 17% Cdn Dev 200 380 380 C Ex Gas 500 152 150 C Homestd 2100 81 80 Cent Dei 2977 680 665 Charter Oil 1000 100 350 345 100 710 100 A BAPPY occasion -- The birth of your ehild. To tell the good news to friends and neighbors The Oshawa Times is as near as your telephone The day of birth, just telephone RA 723.3492. The rate is only $1.50. DEATHS ee BROWN, Norman James Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen 'dn tan-Erin ariboo assiar ent Pat 8800 Cent Pore 20500 *hester 2500 hib M 500 himo 6200 'och Will 400 oin Lake 500 on-Key 2500 Discov 1600 Mareus 500 on MS 180 Migul 4800 Mosher 100 ons Que 1000 Regcourt onwest oprand oulee Croinor Deer Horn Denison Dicknsn IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO TO WIT: UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to me directed, issued out of the Supreme Court of On- tario, wherein NATIONAL GROCERS COMPANY LIMI- TED is Plaintiff ond WILBUR HARRIS, doing business un- der the firm name ond style of HARRIS GROCERY,' is Defendont, | have seized and taken under Execution, and will offer for sale by Public Auction in my office in the Court House, 416 Centre Street South, in. the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, on Friday, Novem- ber 24th, 1961, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon all the right, title and interest ond equity of redemption of WILBUR HARRIS, to, in and out of the following lands, namely; 11 Net Stock a.m. Ch'ge Alminex Bailey S A Banif Cal Ed iy Bat SSaes 300 195 300 200 700 Mill 4000 826 $10% 4300 400 250 $3 500 1000 10% 3000 270 395 " $5500 514 261 900 3 7 1000 5 875 207 500 26 6000 1514 100013 500 «6 2900 180 500 30 5399 $11% 11% 320 700 665 ( « < c c c c : . C 2 17% 4 c 260 --20 c 5% + ! + WEST, Annie Louisa ( At the home of her dau C .E. Patterson, Whitby, on Wednes: ri « November 1, 1961, Annie Louisa Ru: o€ c r r c c « « c c ( ri « t Will ,in her 90th year, beloved wife of the «late George W. West dear mother of » Mrs. Hall (Elsie), Marie and Mrs, Pat- «terson (Doris), dear sister of Mrs. Rice » (Bertha), and Mrs Baffingthwaite (Susie), loving grandmother of Doreen (Mrs. McMaster), Marilyn (Mrs. Cool midge) and Laurie. Service private, Sat- « urday, November 4 at the Lake Simcoe , residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. E ,. Patterson. Interment Pine Grove Cem @etery, Prince Albert, Ontario » ( Faraday Fatima Frobisher Geco Mines Gnt Masct Giant YK GF Mining ! Grandroy 6 Trin Chib Granduc 10 Ult-Shaw Gunnar 10 85 5 U Asbestos Gwillim 5 5 Un Keno Har-Min Upp Can Headway Ventures High-Bell Vent Deb Hollinger Violam Hud Bay Waite Am Int Nickel Wiltsey Cop Yk Bear Young HG Yukeno Zenmac 7000 1000 1000 ockshutt ins Baks ons Bidg 'on Bidg p on Bidg wt Gas 2000 500 «32 1300 173 CANCELLATION OF AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE NO T-3711 Prospective purchasers of a parcel of land containing ap- proximately ten and one- quarter acres, being part lots 9-15, R.P. 11, and part of lot 9, concession 2, Township of Hope, County of Durham, situated south of Highway 401, three-quorters of a mile east of Welcome Inter- change, ore hereby notified that the Auction Sale pre- viously advertised to take place ot: 11:00 A.M. E.S.T. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 9 » Crush Int " Dist Seag CHAPEL D Bridge D Fn Kindness beyond price tom' yet within reach of all Port of Lot 7, in the fourth concession of the Township of East Whitby, in the County and Province of Ontorio There is o grocery the . premises. ARTHUR WELSH, Sheriff, County of Ontario, DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Acadia-Atlantic Sugar Refin- eries Ltd., common 12% cents, Class A 30 cents, Jan. 2, 1962, record Dec. 11; five per cent pfd. $1.25, Dec. 15, record Nov, 20. Canadian National Corpora- tion Ltd., 25 cents (U.S.) and extra of 15 cents, Nov. 30, re- cord Nov. 14 British American Oil Com- pany Ltd., common 25 cents, Jan. 2, 1962, record Dec. 4. Catelli Food Products Lid., Class A 12 cents plus 25 cents extra, Nov. 30, record Nov. 16, Combined Enterprises Ltd., 15 cents, Dec. 1, record Nov. 8. Hudson .Bay ..Mining .and Smelting Company, 75 cents, Dec. 18, record Nov. 17. Scythes and Company Lid., common 25 cents, pfd. 31% cents, Dec, 1, record Nov. 13. 1000 583 1000 16% MINES Acad Uran 9000 19 10 Advocate 100 585 5a5 Agnico 3130 35) 14 Secrecy Covers Neutron Testing By ELTON C. FAY by WASHINGTON (AP) The first tentative experiments to try out the theory of a neutron bomb, to kill without leaving wide destruction, may be made in Nevada underground nuclear test caverns. When preliminary field re search might start or whether it had begun was a tightly held United States government k 10500 Store on Jonsmith Jowsey Kerr Kopan Pend Ore 200 205 Ald Sales to 11 a.m.: 948,000. nuclear physicists have specu- and all lated similarly. Officials from the White House down declined to comment on reports published by the New York Daily News and the New York Journal-American that the 24 "GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me- *morial, For placement contact funeral «director or phone 725-2327. -. In loving memory who passed away if we could say same old way, and see your HAS BEEN CANCELLED DEPARTMENT Of HIGHWAYS ONTARIO. wond EDWARDS In loving memory of God , Dorothy Connely, beloved wife of Ed "ward T. Edwards (Dick) and dear mother of Valerie and dear sister of 1 Robert and Ruby, whe passed away _ 1} pvingly November 2, 1958 Edna, Walt As a wife devoted As a mother affectionate, As a friend, kind and true Bless Leona Andres Dom 'Text Switson Fed Farms 300 %6 6 T Fin 37 a IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS passed away November 2, 1954 cept my heartfelt thanks for your pray ; y al Ever remembered by wife and family chat alae At tha uneuital a" havolar STEPHENSON congregation of Faith Baptist Church What we would give and his assistant, also Doctor A. P. To sit with you and chat awhile care during my stay. May For yo never know the heartache Dom St a 728 6226 Diw Brew Tor-Dom Ford Com 180 $155 155 5 Tr Can , LOCKE'S FLORIST occasions. LAW In loving memory of a hus ANDRES To my family, friends, E RVI dies we 25 - Love's last gift, remembrance ers, lovely flowers, chocolates, cards one. I would also like to thank Rey. E. ¢ of Dad, Charles for their prayers for my recovery. A "Helle Dad" in the So oO who have a father All of you 1 you see his vacant ehair Dom Tar Fanny 2175 $23 T Fin A 390 KING STREET WEST Fraser 325 $27 Trans-Mt Funeral arrangements OSHAWA SHOPPING band and father, Charles A. Law, who relatives and neighbors, please ac jo and your get-well wishes. You made my Corbett for his visits to me and the November 2, 1960. specia} thanks to Doctor R. C. Ross smil and nurses aides on 3A for their Cherish him with care i a daughter, YOUTHFUL STAR BEDFORD, England (CP)-- Soccer halfback Stan Vickers, who has been playing in Can- ada for Hamilton, has joined Southern League club Bedford Town for a trial period. Vick- ers, 21, played for First Divis- ion West Bromwich Albion be- fore going to. Canada a year a remembered 'by and family LOTS OF IDEAS WELLINGTON, N.Z When c(P)-- New Zealand civil serv- ants were asked for ideas on how to simplify official forms, cret today. the response was overwhelming. : e the close of the campaign But the theory of an "N-!by non-governmental and former 1,600 suggestions were in, and bomb" secmed to suggest government experts during the more were coming. The govern-|Strongly that the first effort 'ast several years have sug-| ment hopes to achieve substan-|'vould be to find out whether the gested that such neutrons could tial economies by examining the nuclear reaction, in actual test,/penetrate steel armor and even suggestions. would be like that worked out'several feet of concrete. Soviet STEPHENSON --.In loving memory of my dear father, Charles Stephenson, who passed away November 2, 1960 Gone, dear father, gone forever, How I miss your smiling face, But you left me to remember At None on earth can take your place, A happy home we once enjoyed, How aweet the memory still, But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill Sadiy missed and ever remembered Evelyn, Cliff and family se- STEPHENSON -- In loving memory 15% ef a dear father, Charles Stephenson "who passed away November 2, 1960 Wonderful memories woven in gold This is the picture we tenderiy hold; Deep in our hearts his memory is kept, To love, eherish and never forget "Sadly missed and lovingly remember. 4 by his daughter Elsie and son-in w Dave. Various papers and comments COMMONS TOTAL The 1961 Canadian House of Commons total of 265 seats compares with 181 members at Confederation in 1867, OUR BARGAINS GIVE YOU TWICE THE VALUE OF ANY DISCOUNT OPERATION SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT LATEST IN LADIES' WINTER COATS BOYS' -- 3 TO 6X ASSORTED CHECK PATTERNS REG. 98c FLANNEL PLAID Fur trimmed and untrimm- ed, Sizes 10 to 20. Reg. OSHAWA AJAX 21 BOND ST, WEST Th SHIRTS 24.95 to 69.00 FROM G29 0 49.99 HARWOOD NORTH Limited Quantity - Men! ... Save 20,00 ON _2-PAIR PANT SUITS These are all first-quality suits which sold for 29.95 They are now discontin- ued and you save the dif- ference, Checks. Ivy Lea- gue, Etc. Sizes 35 to 42. BOYS' LINED 2-PIECE SHIRT & JEAN SETS BOYS' AND GIRLS' 3-PC. SNOW SUITS @ Fully Quilted Lining @ Jacket hes zipper front Reg. 12.99 3-PCE. SET @ Fully cut, ski type pants 2. 77 NAME BRAND CIGARETTES 2.99 CARTON WITH ANY PURCHASE of 1.00 3.19 Per Ctn. Without Purchase BOYS' TOP QUALITY 4 TO 6X FULLY LINED CORDED PANTS Woist Band Ex- 44 GIRLS' TAN LON CHECK SLIMS "or 99: BOYS' WOOL PLAID DUFFLE COATS @ Pile Lined @ Sizes 4 to 6x Hood Reg. 9.95 kets in Jeans © Corduroy Johnson's BABY POWDER Shirt © Breast Pocket LARGE SiZE REG. 75c BRYLCREEM FOR SMART tension, Zipper SAVE AS MUCH AS $5.00 ON LADIES' CAR COATS A Made in Canada. Sizes 12-18. Reg. 11.88 .... 10-12 ONLY REG. 3.98 MEN'S PARKAS Heavy water-repel- REG. 10.98 Sizes 38 to 42 HIGH SEAS 7% OZ. FANCY COHOE SALMON 45: 2 FOR 88c REG. 49c TIN Zipper Clos- sure BOYS' 8 TO 14 YEARS ALL WOOL CAR COATS Quilt Lining Reg. 10.95 8.99 "AUER" LIGHTER FLUID LIST PRICE 29¢ @ 2 Pockets @ Storm Cuffs © Attached Hood @ Thermo Lin- ing. Sizes 8-14. LARGE 4'2-0Z. TIN HAIR GROOMING REG. 73c OUR PRICE LADIES'--100% IMPORTED WOOL CHECKED, BOWLING pleats @ Made in Canada @ Reg. 9.95. a 3.49 Sizes 10 to 14 298 BOYS' 8 TO 14 LINED WASH AND WEAR DRESS SLACKS @ Front Pockets REG. 3.98 One back pocket - Looped top gy Plaid Fleece lin- a 2 pockets Zipper front CLEARANCE -- MEN'S BETTER GRADE WHITE Elastic Waist Thermo-Quilt Lining | & 4 & (SOME SLIGHT- LY SOILED). Reg. 4.98

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