10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 2, 1961 4 7 |Indians Question \Daley Rejects sse'si'tine.™ veara is "7 iged Woman Hurt ae M m ion | \General Mators and 2 concila'| Alone 18 Hours ; CHa) Court Told e ber Sales Regulation In. UAW's Request tee oticer eave this week BRANTFORD (CP) -- Mrs. |dians on the nearby Six Nations George Woodley, 80, lay he'p- a reserve are not paying the prov-|, TORONTO (CP)--Labor Min-| presented a case. less with a Jeg injury for 18 4 | Threatened Purchase ince's sales Ge a peal mils (oe Daley Wednesday refused} hours before she managed to at- made on the reserve, Henry|'® permit the United Auto Work- HAPPY WORKERS tract a neighbor into her Water- iS ; Gelt of OTTAWA (CP)--A Montrealjter was informed in- October ofjHawkesbury about six months pe pl: gies b Fa the rien ppc gr el or te DERBY, England (CP)-- te ggg Borge ies loubin [busttvesainn tastifieg Wednes, that year iiss the ,government| previously, the MP had advised fay eaneS- conciliation board hearings. |Here's an odd twist, A group alone, injured herself in a fall. jday that former Liberal MP/|was willing to buy his property|Bergeron to offer his property)""y i snoarrier gai -| He said the law requires con-\workers from the Midlands§She was taken to hospital at cof Rayan Sonny, recy ower On for t,he urement AB, aan ei Malate Smt anton har iene ae ee ee HAINAL ment land parchase in 1958 un-| Mr. Arel said he told Bergeron moment of enthusiasm, 'If I can\25ked the province for an eae exception should be made. --, ahi ripened they ar don mn her tapping on: a "'lless he received a $10,000 pay-|that Bruneau, then MP for Glen-\get $80,000 for that property ee ak pag = Lg e rejected the UAW's. charges|happy in their work. wbenantoll Nate, off. \garry-Prescott, expected to re-\from the government, it will Cini Crean' Gener AG A 7 | The evidence was given by|ceive $10,000 afier the sale, ac-/mean $10,000 to you,'" the wit- disk ant " ql | A > q i i 2 ness said, a z cas Antonio Arel, 69, chief account-|cording to a promise Bergeron|ness s said the Indians notified! H ~\ant of G. B. Lefebvre Company, had made. : The public works department Quack': Park in August. they| JEWELLERS at the opening of the second) "Bruneau said he had re- purchased the Bergeron prop- would not pay the tax. No of-| SINCE 1886 ||trial of Abbe Bergeron of Corn- ceived another offer from a erty Oct. 9, 1956, for $48,000. A ficial reply has been received.| & |wall, Ont., on a charge of cor-|party in Hawkesbury, who was $170,000 post office subsequently pies ae | :|ruptly giving $10,000 to Bruneau. |also ready to sell land to the was built on the site. WRONG COUNTRY | *, | The first trial ended Oct. 18,80vernment and give $10,000 to| pyigence was given that Mr. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, Eng-| % . \with a hung jury. Bruneau has|the member,' Mr. Arel testified.' , +o: accompanied Bergeron to land (CP)--Jean Andrew here is| _ been charged with corruptly ac-|sAYS INSISTED Bruneau's office in the Parlia-|accustomed to having persons| "7 \cepting a bribe. Both charges' He said Bruneau insisted on ment Buildings on Oct. 11, 1956, call her on the telephone and| e 4 carry a maximum penalty of 14/ getting the amount "If Bergeron and that Bergeron handed an en- then find it's a wrong number.| f 4 years' imprisonment. wants to sell his property." velope containing $10,000 in $20,But one recent call did startle im i 4 1 Mr. Arel, who was a creditor) The witness said that at a and $100 bills to the MP. her, It was from a new Yorker; + of Bergeron in 1956, said the lat-|meeting in Bruneau's home in| The trial continues. (who wanted Newcastle, Ont. | | ae Bet | FIXTURES , | FOR ' Imc for the most SALE! 3 i base Q >} MN O a Ox in valle Everything Must be Sold Regardless of Cost! in fashion. . MEN SHOP" "WHERE SMART WO | BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! ACTION POINTS -- megane) | Cold weather specials! | SPECIAL! reported in various parts of in Khanh Hoa province (3), MEN'S--LADIES' BOUDOIR ALARM CORO southeast Asia. Government on the South Viet Nam * Genuine Leather troops killed about 100 Com- SS . | coast. In neighboring Laos, i ; fey J cubberland, Dror | tribesmen Teel to Vieniane | QTIMED RIGHT-PRICED RIGHT-SHOP NOW & SAVE Bhai) BU Wat cre TT ap ice | inicesannine sr 'i | munist Viet Cong rebels Wed- : government were said to have north of Saigon (1). Sevent 8 y Reg. 2.00 ...,. 1600 ' cut off pro-Communist rebel yy ; : $2 ae members of Communist bat- headquarters towg of Xieng * Cs te, en nc egg i | LUMINOUS DIAL talion were slain in three- Reg. 4.00 2.67 g. 4. sede hour battle in Kien Hoa prov- Khouang' () iis i a REG. % ' e ince, in Mekong Delta area | --AP Wirephoto Map) , ~ ee : 6.95 Reg. 6.00 A al Holds U € Enter AVE UP TO 30% ! : | ar? balls P | 2. petite RIGHT, waleans 4 | DIAMONDS | DIAMONDS Mine-Mill Case | -- nl Cc © A T Ss b | Va-Carat 3 DIAMOND 3 DIAMOND SUDBURY (CP) -- A hearing|cal 598 and the Canadi Lab: / H of unlawful assembly charges|Congress. ee eaniel FIRST 66 , ALL WITH CHAMOIS INTERLINING i, Solitaires yg piety against ten mine - mill union; "The meeting was held to cre QUALITY nesday until Feb. 6, after Mag-|see they were admitted," the oe 1% CARATS OVER 2 CARATS members was adjourned Wed-jate a body of men sufficient to : | -- Ian Munro denied a de-| magistrate said. "The common 3 pairs $1.90 .88 $ 95 | DIAMONDS lence motion for dismissal of! purpose was to give a show of tee the charges. " 8 Reg. value $1. or. Reg. A force. The lengthy adjournment was| He ruled there was evidence | 295.00 made necessary by defence/that "persons in the neighbor- REGULAR VALUES UP TO $39.95 counsel Aubrey Golden's deci-/hood" anticipated a disturbance AOC, IMP TED sion to appeal the denial of the/of the peace when they saw| [f t 7 PM x Lotest styles... some coots fur-trimmed .. newest muted tones... motion by way of a '"stated/Smith and his supporters march-| b Yi) oes i Febries Include: case."' A Supreme Court justice|ing to the arena. y AD KNITTED WOOL ® WOOL TWEEDS © CROPPED WOOL ® ANGORA & WOOL will be asked to make a ruling} "If the men had not paraded} i Se OK @ WOOL & ALPACA BLENDS on two points of law raised at|there in a mob, there would not| "ts . HATS © LONGHAIRED WOOL & MOHAIR SHAGS the hearing. ' jhave been any trouble about! Before the adjournment, Mr./their being admitted," he said. ve -- eegued a to| the motion for dismissal. + ence he sale cai Magistrate Munro called for a|'NOTHING WILL STOP us' Reg. value $2.98 i } * aces eek y Goon bad cobabtetees rckens|the stbsiance of cee eee'| | From. italy, five head-hugging styles . « , 2 STRAND 11.95 ..... NOW 5.95 ae eee tracers te clmetens tet A-~ccurohe-emnbvovuhr ec-ediieled tiene : 3 STRAND 14.95 .... NOW 7.50 consluted unlawful assembly. | An advertisement Inviting , a BULKY KNIT Tou BIEN "REGULARLY 898 ggg -- The magistrate said it ap-| members of Local 598 to the = : ¢ Asi ce peared that the assembling of|Trally was aimed at individuals, | / n es SWEATERS | y My . ¥ ty STERLING SILVER CUFF LINKS AND MATCHING TIE BAR Golden oir " 'cae ba Magistrate Munro also heard| ; q messes ready to testify. The/submissions by Crown Attorney} / proceedings in connection with) A. G. Burbidge before rejecting| | & 3S | AURORA Necklace & Earring Sets | ™ a members of the International|the prosecutor said. "It did not SET. Hand Engraved. Gift Box. Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter|specify a solid phalanx of peo- ga \a . Workers (Ind.) round the ceno-|Ple. y Nes \ 4 REG. 10.00. taph was motivated by reports| In his motion for dismissal, ay \ Aya. \ $5 that National President Ken! Mr. Golden contended the Crown GLOVES Smith and three other officials|had not produced anyone in the would be denied admission to|/neighborhood "who feared the the rally at the arena, jointly|assembly would disturb the : y 7 . ¥ . a ' : ayaway our : urc ase sponsored by rebel Mine-Mill Lo-)peace tumultuously." EN Noses tn oa i ------ --| Deputy police chief Bert Guil-| @ p lla uo Reg. value $6.98 let, the last Crown witness, said Fashion indispensable . . . in care- free air-light 100% super-soft or- U ' M b things were peaceful when he Hon em er pg aghtecRe lg nrg Bch | Regular value $5 ' lon, Sizes S.M.L. in white and Decline Noted re a an it Fine quality gloves from Italy, lined with ¥ 4 beige. | 4-PIECE 5-PIECE 7-PIECE ' oe gh tai un- ~ bef gnarl * sicias ac rie <_ warmth, Black, brown & COFFEE "se COFFEE and COFFEE and ion membership in Canada is e sai e aske mi 0 aey . TEA SET TEA SERVICE § § TEA SERVICE declining--a decline that is aj 'form up his men in an orderly| major preoccupation of the Ca- manner" but that Smith could) | nadian Labor Congress, CLC re-|not obtain the crowd's attention) |? ' FAMLESS SILVER ON COPPER SILVER ON COPPER BY INTERNATIONAL search director Dr. Eugene For- because of a faulty microphone. | sey said Wednesday night. "I finally threw out a tear gas| ' REG. 9 REG. Dr, Forsey told McMaster Un-| grenade and the crowd moved| N 29.95 ¥ 99.50 a iversity's Political Economy|away from the front of the} | beak : Club that the "organizing of the|arena," the deputy chief said. | TIGHTS ene Bore mas! CUCU UU P jor problems facing Canada's P. = ¢ F FLANNELETTE : eg eee i trade unions. Automation, un- aving ompany | , | it ta PYJAMAS. & GOWNS ||{ WATCHES |: WATCHES |! action are others. _ To Pay Workers | * Nm rade union membership is a Rae : . Reg. value $2.98 * ont standing still, it is going TORONTO (CP) -- A paving Weg. "Bem : MEN'S -- LADIES' MEN'S -- LADIES' OUR OWN IMPORT own," he said. "'The bulk of company, eight of whose em- j i 2 the Canadian workers are unor- ployees alleged they were forced Wirst quality in S.M.L. sizes, Black, beige, G R U E N S B E N R U Ss Automatics a atl . be Pod Se gece rar threat} olive, royal included in the colours, & Ca j : "The number of women enter- of dismissal while working on a : ing the labor force now is city contract, has agreed to re-| } 39.75.....19.88 49.50.... 24.75 and than the number of men imburse all employees who} 4 ' ' 42.50 21.25 62.50... . S428 entering it," he said, "We are claim there is money owing to! ; M sy, cute styles... A ese es : experiencing trouble organizing them, a total of $658. Sak ee es 7 3x: AO BO. 24.75 79:50. 601 Bee them, perhaps because they are Board of control Wednesday| : i more individualistic than men accepted the advice of city so-| QUILTED mas .. . shift, long & i} f 57,50, ... eee 89.50 ... 44.75 SS uae but certainly because they are a licitor J. Palmer Kent to take} OFF sleep-coat gowns, Pais- i 59 50 125.00 ce 59.50 ae 'here today, gone tomorrow' fac- no direct action against With-| DUSTERS - ley or novelty prints. j , So een aes tor on the labor scene." row Paving Company. But the . os menre pong it clear that any ' Ive $8.98 7 { pad YC Woah? Ate ® : 'a the A i Xf f ¢ ' Big B.C. Winds fair wages would cut i tt per ng "yf of le FRID AY poor TH uy DOOR & manently from city contracts, | : 4 d 4 ms maT het sep Hamper Service | 36:88 | A . BUSTER BUSTER exanao, nc cr-wines Dispute Blocks sea Nga CUFF LINK and 17-JEWEL an pout nigh ad -- early Wed- M C , ; nesda s : vices fe i i - 4 tent n Tomei cect "ORE GOMCOLES | fom ow wi wee se g\ ES ice a hi] WATCHES TIE BAR SETS aground at Nanoose Bay, nine' TORONTO (CP)--Two weeks) miles north of here. of concerts by the Toronto Sym-| "°"™ tricot acetate, double : g@ -- eS | Hard in the mud but undam- ead oe were cancelled} Sollor,. lace detailing and a ie & Si VALUES VALUES aged is the P: igh-| Wednesday in a deadlock with) sparkling 'Lurex' thread : Be ? ¥ | a ged is the Panamanian freigh A ., § TO 35.00 e TO 9.95 e 3 ' 7 ter Belpareil. She had been load ~~ musicians' union. stitching. Sizes S, M, L in ing logs and cedar shakes for|, The union bajked over rebat- 1... lilac, beige and white. Japan when caught by the| ing talent fees from a television . if . wind. Her anchor dragged for| Performance to the TSO. 800 yards before the vessel went, Union president J. Alan Wood SAVE i SAVE J aground with a crew of 40. said rebating or kicking back al i ; TV fee is aga h ' watts sted? nS AMS tnt oe Noon Feat EVERY PURCHASE IS BACKED BY REITMAN'S @ MINTON raped tic Musicians mal | er A neces aoe ts ec. SATISFACTION OR MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE | BROS. © MiDO a postponement of four concerts ' 2 DESPERATE PLEA The union said Tuesday night Fashion stores located from coast to coast across Canada | © SHELLEY Jewallars Sinea 1806 ANG e 41 JEWELS a Fide Nene domed Seven |? orchestra board of directors @ INTERNA er bnesty ' anded the tnion an ultimatum| 29 SIMCQE STREET SOUTH -- 725-6221 . a RONSON church pleads: "If you must put/that if the dispute was not set- SMART WOMEN SHOP OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE wae 4163 TION AL 12 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA e buttons in the collection, please!tled by the end of the week the Aras . don't tear them off the has-|entire season would be can- OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 P.M, socks." a lealled.