Vela Pah ae a4 TE BS ed MEN'S BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS Ordinerily 3.00, 6.00 and 7.00... red by @ notionelly-known meker at savings of 1.01, 2.01 end 3.01! Made in Canada of sturdy, hord- wearing cotton broadcloth, "Sanfor- ie j Bs i ized" for lasting good fit, Jackets in ; g ' iE & 'és ete j ede % rs ji oe tangy lapet collar style; trousers : ave drawstring waist with elastic in- Special Purchase! Men's High-Count Save .96 and 1.96 Special Purchase from Prominent Maker! LONG-SLEEVED serts. Choose from fancy allover pot- Special Purchase! terns in shades of blue, tan, wine, +4 green or grey. Sizes 36 to 46 in the Broadcloth Shirts Long-Sleeved LONG-SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS CARDIGANS Group -- end 'some have matching HANDSOME SPUN t ily low priced for this quolity 3 ° Ordinarily 5.00, 6.00 and 7.00! ere, EATON i Oe Cee ree Grate wchl Genrouny Polo Shirts Seve 1.01, 2.01 or 3.01! : RAYON ROBES fo the square inch} Gensroury Se 'Seconds' of much higher priced line! CEPT. 238 out, gorefully get apes pci Ea ol Sete Ordinarily 4.95 and 5.95... Handsome leisure shirts of finely woven, hand- Ordinarily 16.95! Seve 6.96! Syed with neat short-peint fused collar, soft two- From one of Canada's noted makers! Hond- SeneeN Sioa ie pg HA a Ag F leerabd Tiny imperfections should not aftect wear or good NOTED MAKER CLEARS ' Exceptionally low pricec, due to @ way cuffs to wear linked or buttoned. White -- washable cotton-knit shirts in classic two- ally advertised maker. Medium-spread collar hae looks! Classic button-front cardigan in hond- LEATHER BELTS special purchase!' Hand-washoble, crease, tn Me aa ecg tah sie tees ae ond three-button neck openings, Button 'permonent' stays, concealed top button, breast washable fambswool-and-camel-hair (some all- Ordinarily 1.30 ond 2.00! istant gowns for ail wear. Spun EATON Anniversary Sole, . cuff sleeves, breast pocket. Excellent selec- ie thd tad Rt rece, Sow woo! included.) Ribbed cuffs and waistband, two Supple leather belts, plain or pat rayon has a fine wool-like texture... tion of dashirig patterns; predominantly in green, grey and blue. Sizes small, medium, large pockets. Rich shades of grey, ton, blue or terned, in 1" width, Brown, blac these are in neat shadow-tone checks in blue,. ten, black, wine, grey, gold-colour, and extre !srge In the lot. olive. Sizes small, medium and large in the group rey ne ah tongue ie shades of wine-with-black or medium- IE TIES reen. Sizes small, medium and large in EATON Anniversary Sale, . . « please state second colour choice, rng Ee eT We eee navy-with-light-blue, Sizes small, med- eee eee eee 9 (*] Sizes 30 to 44". 7 'Seconds' from mush higher priced lines! Sifke, the group. 3.59 pias a a spas f) EATON Anniversary Sale, each ........ Sele, lum, large and oversize. EATON g ae) reyens, silk-and-rayon blends, 'Dacrons' in 196} EATON Anniversery Sele, each . DEPT. 228 DEPT. 228 ANNIVERSARY SALE, each ., Ga' Las JO 3°" 1.50 OEPT. 228 2 POR 7.08 aT. 228 BEPT. Big Specret "Bey? r ii , Outstanding Value . Men's Underwear 7 ds Men's "Thermal" trem Leading Makers | ) "\ ANA Cotton Underwear "STANPIELDS" WHITE ' . ; Keer 2 re -- -- ian T. H " , : ; : 1% nternationally-known line! Cotton T-Shirts .--) Dy as y b. e Woffle-stitch cotton underwear, de- Seconds" with popular 'Security' labels! Well- ; 4 . *% a 1 signed to insulate against the icy pe rol ggg oil bad oA 5 ; ™ 2 Be a, : cold of Canadian winters' Shirts have length. Sizes emal!, medium and large, ; k @ > \Ak . RN short or long sleeves; drawers ore DEPT. 228 . ' ; Th, : pak rh with elastic waist. Exe z s, . : " t fds. Ka ; cellent outdoor work, sports, hunte BROADCLOTH % j . - \B. ae ak ing. Washable; white, in sizes small, Boxer Shorts ; ' ium and large. medi id Finely eut, well made by 'Hansley'. Good quality : Be é Z EATON Anniversory Sale, 2.29 cotton broadcloth; solid. shades of blue, grey, q é tan, yellow, green end eolourful stripes 3 9 a aa and a incy patterns. Elastic waist, Sizes 30 te if . . a5. 2 FOR 4.50 44 included, : DEPT, 228 : 4 stl DEPT. 228 "STANFIELOS" Jerseys and Briefs . te me ri "seconds with same (open! Stoavelars jor ; ° 4 ¢ y i seys, elas ist f b- ite ; 3 5 3 Ls Men's and . me ory fon' Tiny, imperfections: should wet affect 'wear ; LAMBSWOOL-AND-NYLON Young Men's ' J a uf ' ik sizes small, medium, forge and extre 4 H 4 ' ' ANKLE SOCKS ; ihale 9° J pis DEPT. 228 . 4 : : : oe WORSTED FLANNELS ps ; = coe . p a\\ , : Ankle-length socks in e hard-wearing, soft - tex- Ordinarily 16.95! Save 6.96! . . 4 ' BATON ANNIVERSARY SALE ; y. . tured lambswool and nylon blend. Fine quality, all-wool worsted flennels te €om- ' % : ® Z iil First . ; : : quolity in fancy patterns; predominantly grey, ea asia fet, ster nie soniye Six. ; ? A , : : powder blue, beige, green; sizes small (10 to 'Continental' plain front style. Handsome seasonal 4 fs $ her aad ; F : 1014), medium (11 to 11Y2), large (12 to 1242). shodes of grey, brown ond loden green; waist sizes 3 é io ' : 5% "Substandard" in plein rib knit; bei bro 30 to 46 in the group. sil as 'is 3 Ne ' -- Mg pl pte : ge, ner EATON: Anstianers Salk aah 3... 99 j ; AM : pony gtey, blue, green, charcoal; sizes 10% DEPT. 429 i p AY to 12. Not all colours in every size. i" 19 MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S BET Whee EATON Anniversory Sale ,polr COVERT CLOTH SLACKS age _ 3 PAIRS 2.25 Ys Below Usual Price ! 11.95! Quality wool-and-viecese covert cloth in @ well tailored slack; @ good weight for Fall and Winter wear, Styled with regulor pockets ond pleats, self-belt. In two serviceable shades; Medium grey or Charcool grey. oWist sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40 only. EATON Anniversary Sale, ecch ..., 4&8 DEPT, 429 Save 10.517 on a Handsome SPORT COAT Ordinarily 29.50 ae 2 ee 3 <5. ae 2 Gee = Here Is a fine selection of men's and young men's fine tweed sport coats . . . all In new Fall and Winter stylings and shades. Make your choice from small, neat pat- terns In many varying shades of browns, greys and greens. All in popular 3-button style, with centre vent. Sizes range from 36 to 46, with some talls and shorts in the lot. MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S BIG SPECIAL PURCHASE! EATON Anniversary Sale, 2-Tr : MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S WOOL WORSTED SUITS EACH Priced Rati er Wo usted Suits WINTER OVERCOATS Reg. 75.00... Save 25.00! peop epg ol aca pnt thie A timely 'buy' allows us to bring you these fine Ends-of-bolts in en impressive fobrie cholee! Rich wool worsteds press retention, In neat, good-looking smoll fericy. pat- Winter overcoats at a substantial saving! Good qual- in neat checks, self weaves, muted stripes; firm wool worsted terns and checks) with a few plain shades in the lot. ity all-wool velours ond worsteds . . . in popular semi- flannels in solid shades. Eoch suit will be skilfully tailored te igen in ow ger es --_ Froaligh obred -- boa pong a por gases be ig Ps your personal measurements . . . with the same coreful attention vent, note japels, ond trim notura \oulders, es eee a comforta! 'or se to detail P A cat of grey, blue or brown in the group; sizes range from blustery days, See them in deep rich shades of grey, po rl Lb isan gm higher-priced suits! Shop early: 36 to 46 regular, 39 to 44 tall, 38 to 42 short, 49 95 brown, navy. Sizes 36 to 46, 49 95 anvene A lection is ai . 50 00 BATON Anniversary Sele, 3-pc. suit s EATON Aninversery Sele, each nniverssry Sole, 2-pe. sult ..........., a MEN'S WEAR DEPT., EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 end 229 PHONE 725-7378 DEPT. 230