Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Nov 1961, p. 23

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 1, 1961 INTERPRETING THE NEWS UK. Criticized For NATO Force By ROD CURRIE Royal Air Force would not be) Canadian Press Staff Writer |involved since they have no se- The announcement that the|rious manpower shortages. British government intends to, The latest oft at the gov- take steps to strengthen the|ernment's policigs came follow- armed forces follows recentiing recent N4TO exercises in complaints that Britain is not}Germany when it was claimed pulling her weight in the NATO|that the regular army was being : alliance. hampered by lack of manpower. October 30th to at a {| | D A D R U G STO Defence Minister Harold Wat-|It also was reported that it was N mbe 4th . . ° kinson insists that the situation|necessary for the United States ove r é is not as bad as opponents make army to provide helicopter as- ie out, jsault groups and mobile bridges) ' , wid Nevertheless, he is known to|for the British exercises. | - R DRYER 7 be concerned about manpower) . } : P 22--~ARRESTED : |WASTAGE HIGH : r ARRESTED ios inane ot pei po Bowat Recent recruiting figures have} TT Portable Electric , F SOM'been encouraging but, unfortu-| ' | ; Kerr's Vari 4 i i Roger Allard, 23, of Mont- |nel--and is working on a white nately, this bag necessarily Solo Safety-tip | Inside Frosted | ASSORTED TOFI of | 1.D.A, Brand hod , Lightweight Dryer, real was arrested and +e be pissed Proposing & ee aes the problem since wast- B08 PINS LIGHT BULBS FFEES | Saccharin Tablets g M, Has long, flexible hose with capital murder Monday jgetting more men w je right) i ' i - d ; viter » bank holdup in Toron- |qualifications into the services.|0° is high. Many leave the Bisck or Blonde | 40, 60 oF 100 watt and HARD CANDIES 00's ' gnin Mae and extra-large hood! Can | army or are discharged as un- | reg. 65¢ 'by be set i to in which one man was shot | The announcement contained). i:,n1e a few months after they 150 for 44c 2 for 44c 1 pound bag 4dc 5 Z » sles . alg cold air. eo aie: 1.D.A. Brand " j Kgs tS ' to death and two others criti- wth or Gane us sone join up. | A i - ne ee ton ing of Parliament, indicates that Also there still are shortages Dennison Bargain Bag 200 Assorted BABY couGH 14 95 attack and was taken to hos- |immediate legislation is planned Age Be pal parent -- SEALS, TAGS and GARDS ...... 2... ccccccccsssvcccee. AM SYRUP . i h t's truck {to fill the gap until Watkinson's ---such d i bins oy san Eashed is aby (amie, Manning cane ut esovernment poly tn FOIL ICICLES --Ternishroot and Fireproot--Rogulary 25¢ pack 2 for Ade =m Polyethylene | CLUB BRUSH See copes ated in 1957 ae y Bevo Colourful Stick-on pia: ee CHILDREN'S PAIL ' end COMB SET oe nee NAVY-RAF EXCLUDED * wink H ISTMA B Ww . Press reports say that, as a/Sandys was defence minister, CHR $ BOWS for gift parcels 5 for 44c COUGH SYRUP Ideol for ear washing, serv | All plastic set of clubatyle Ore Carrier. in errs ir ecto | Rae "= ta oy, 0 mate btw | ad oo oy of all-reguiar voluntar orces : : omb, national service draftees by six|with the last national "service: Girt WRAP PAPER 5 for 44¢ | Your choice 66c ell or Ivory colour months and recall others who! man out of uniform by the end seh | own n 0 already have served their two-|of 1962. | , eas Boog : year call-up period. Although this target date now : seh ; ke \ : ; * , 'ae Rock Shore These would be selected on will be extended, observers be-| : ; : fe: wg : 07 Off Regular Price! " . the basis of their qualifications |jieye that Watkinson still has/ bs at 4 y/o y -- Heatmaster" Electric to serve in certain sections! confidence in this policy gener- "< £ b é F Ps y, ( PORT COLBORNE (CP)--The|Where there are shortages. lally and is hopeful he will not Vif ; ney nd Ve HEATING PAD 346-foot ore carrier Steel Prod-| The Royal. Navy and thejhave to revert to conscription, | k ; a oe Y an , Guaranteed for 2 years, 3 controlled cts dragged her anchor 50 ' : ; Gens d ards Tuesday and was blown x . Z ¢ ' 4 2 _ Dome-fastened, floral-print flanne! onto rocks at nearby Elco bs Beach. ? id Wd 3 = Beir a7 3 a bere Reg. 4.95! Only 3.88 The vessel, which operates POLYETHYLENE FLASHLIGHT and REFRIGERATOR 4-COMPARTMENT "EASI-GLOSS" mainly on Lake Erie, was ap- parently not holed and the four | BUTTER DISH 2 BATTERIES CONTAINERS SET CUTLERY TRAY FLOOR WAX men aboard were unhurt. oe : Complete... ready to Set of twe netural-eclour Coleurful, unbreakable DRAINBOARD | DISH The 3,719-ton ship was being ni sshd gh yeas ie! viel All-metol flashlight polyethylene containers tray to keep your cutlery Best quality Carnaube | t d into Port Colborne from age for a full pound of with 3-position switch, with tight-fitting lids... neatly stored. Perforated = °™ One pplication ean TRAY | DRAINER aren 4 Sheet butter, Unbreakable, bulb and two stondard- ene 22-02, and ene 35- bottom maki id be rebutted egain end Manitowac, Wis. by the tug . es @ secon lean. Rogers when she was left at an- Sls boss Assorted size, leckproof betterles, ez. capacity, Handy for tray ideal as @ drainer again, keeping your floors Hiexlble polyethylene; san"t Mendy tn any kitchen, Four m% natural- 5 "ty 1 ids i highly polished. 1-pownd ; chor five miles east of here. iin han Ln eee ee ha ake inl, NN | Sempertment, ipgrect pety | She was stuck firmly about 150 | ethylene drainer, 13" x 17", yards from shore, Attempts to remove the crew members were foiled by high seas but rescue officials sald : they are in no danger. ty e ee eae cic sey ; : : 3 ze a The Steel Products was re- ; e q be. , : { 5 : ' 3 ; cently purchased for scrap by ' : q bas sy S45 bs f ; OS i, DRESSER SET Marine Salvage Limited from PE e ; j ' aNd 5, bi ea gg. \~ Stee] Products Steamship Cor- a - % : Eee | 4 j : i pam) : . Was z - : The quality and styling of this so poration : k ' : : f ? VAG holies the low price, Bevelied-edge dustin mirror with gold-eoloured metal Legislation ; ' | |LOSS Co A eee ee | ee .D.A. BRAND --'.DA, BRAND JEANETTE MILK 0 ORIENT 3.98 | } Ot Alcohol | MINERAL OIL MILK OF BATH SALTS MAGNESIA BUBBLE BATH MAGNESIA TABLETS : A Snel county St Wee a cin ay ter oon | OO Oe Oe ela MAGAZINE RACK F pli I lubricant. ' dance of delicate): ir pos EMEP Po } i 1.0.A. Milk of Magnesia ts I beth d one to take Milk of Mag- os Bae Suggested OpcicantrTes ¢) : tion, Rega prin LOA Maka Mowreee hiya beh dns 2 dnt rented ibe" le" Ld, Nedand sl th J ciiadialdianai Heavy - grede = internal Odouriess ond lish eordurey ba ' contains active Hexe- oy bd io that's < tenes rena thai pov refresh you. In five ~ ag on dilorephene deodorant no-vcratch plastic feet. About lust the @nswer for carrying | TORONTO (CP)--Dr. W. J.) '. during evr Fall Drug Sole, itis, Reg, 50c--save Ot. popular fragrances, oe hao * Four populer edours. 19" high, 14" long, 10" wide, slippers er extra shoes. Get Deadman, consulting pathologist; . , 50¢, : Fite well with any reom decor. © second one for evershoes. with the provincial crime labor-| MILO MENTHOL ': 16-01. 44¢ 16-02, 44¢ 3-Ib, bag 44° 100 tablets 44° 2-Ib, hag 44* oe atory, Tuesday proposed legis-|, ; | 88e 88c lation making it an offence to drive with more than .05 per cent alcoholic content in the| blood He made the suggestion dur- the discussion at the ninth an- we meeting of the Canadian ciety of Forensic Scientists. He said in an interview later than the .05 limit in the average | @ | erdinery blankets -- yet se light LDA man is reached after he has) ; . | A i' ' -D.A. i drunk three ounces of spirits or Ke uli: Haale: becelee series White { two bottles of beer. j 1 maintains constent under-blanket | 70's ¢ or C } Under present Ontario legisla- : , | | temperature--at the eomfort you tion, a person is considered im- - sodas ae paired if his blood has an. alco- j ere, Perilevierly | eppropriete | hol content of .15 per cent. | for arthritic persons or bed potients, | . sea Dr. B. B. Coldwell of the| y) : om 1.D.A. RCMP crime laboratory in Ot- e UeS\s "Utility", Reg. 1.99. tawa got the discussion rolling § . 3-yr. guarantee e s va ee by reading a list of gers al- ; . pele conning ora | 21c OFF rarer meet eer ot ae | | HIGHBALL GLASSES isles Vocact S 1.05 Ah tenth ye tale Chiefs and the states of North| i | Colourful Antique Guns Pattern veryn rowar ave : laugh or sneeze?' Don't be Dakota and New York which| | annoyed and embarrassed by have such legislation. é TIS DIE CRAIN] HAND and BODY FASTEETH, on alkaline ( pon _ ---------- | \y a y ' olne (non | é # YA Lhe y am LOTION acid) powder to sprinkle on Wid ' M | | off fas fs; your plates, holds false teeth idow's Money| : "Et Yd He : f / AND MINERALS Windsor widow left in a large ; 4 ; 2 Ry: : | i) 7% charity as she directed, Mr. Jus-| : re ; Your guests will admire these 12-oz. size, visited the rectory of St. Anne's ; America. Gold band on rim adds a distinct softens -- pre- Rr; rae STRONGER TOO Roman Catholic Church Oct. 3, touch of quality. Perfect as a man's gift. vents red, rough siho 3495 WHEN WET OR DRY BECAUSE Visiting solicitor N. C. Mac- parties involved in the case. fee club announced Tuesday:| LET A| KOOL |BE YOUR REFRESHER Ne dl 725-3525 725-8711 land Indians as a coach and 12's reg. 51¢ more firmly. 9-ounce bottle. MULTIF LE brown envelope at her parish) Easy-to-take capsules Git Cohecrized tice D. R. Morand ruled Tues-| ; . Z heavyweight glasses. Each glass illustrates Convenient 1960 and offered the envelope to hands. vs MELOBONDED! the pastor, Msgr. F. J. Bren- : ® so NI in CAPSULES | 'TISSUE STATIONERY | COVER and PADSET | 2 for 65c did not want ir rareens's com | Reg. 2 for 29 iis ot Bae s disclosed. Mr. MacPhee! 1 ' enn: * | 30 sheets " / drew up a memorandum outlin-| ahs wast 3900's | Pink- Blue- Yellow | = ee cay ~-- Modess ing her instructions and sent a | Reg. 1.15 Reg. 2.29 Reg. 4.29 - Green - White Reg. 49c a pack or metal: boards | Sy hg | Regular large yeiope is ls ; Mrs. Brazeau died March 29. 89c 1.89 3.49 2 for 25¢ | 2 for 49c 99° | | é s ' =| flavour = | JAMIESON'S | LAW | MeCORDICK WINNIPEG (CP) -- Winnipeg! The parent St. Louis Cardinals) t | Beautifully - decorated clear watcher. Katt he ; 28 KING ST. EAST 3514 SIMCOE ST. N 9 SIMCOE ST. N bullpen catcher. Katt had eyed 42 » N, om 2 { or 89c buying @ bottle any time s Laurel cumicsumer WAX PAPER "i332" 29, 2 t0 57 Double-bed size 72" « 84". Provides the warmth of up to three En errr a eT Wie | MY hs Vp hin ie isle For Charities | fs a? EY fs on \ ) Regularly 1.00 VITAMINS abc 67e 1.13 church constitutes a valid trust] ae amine ---- 12 minerals day i me Ge j : and names a different "Gun of Former squeeze bottle. , to be kept during her life- | } sii - gan map, te be boot Sang Dot Soe | 1.D.A, BRAND 1.D.A. BRAND STUART HALL IRONING BOARD ee The ruling follows a request The most trustworthy Goldeyes of the Class C North- GLASS of the National League have in- aP | 4 close decanter for storing signed to manage the Goldeyes 723-4621 725-4734 723-3431 TORONTO (CP)--The $5,000 a % we g ( Mekal RiPesp pes 5) Tare ete and should be distributed to} . Bottle of 100 Mrs. Eglantine Marie Brazeau - 6 Days", over a frosted relief map of North mooths and | Man Size... . 33¢€ ~~ HALIBUT LIVER O1L TOILET | VELLUM-FINISH, for clarification from several napkin ever created. ern Baseball League have lost 241 KING ST. EAST 1 WE , LSO their new manager, Ray Katt,| } DECANTER aue CKER DRIVE 360 Wi N RD. S. formed the club they have re- fy Fiy and serving fruit fuices, 'j r leased Katt, a former major ; ' milk, ete. Magic flipper cop z v Jeague catcher, from his con- pes | s opens and closes auto tract so that he can join Cleve- Swe x matically. ; about a month ago.

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