14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 1, 1961 e os | "I'm not trying to be nosey,|sies, my boy. This is my da: é ' | Remarks To mind you, but would you tell me off. What are you selling? You asino 2 ] ] I i } @ | e | what the lady next door bought are? Well, my line is life insur- from you? She just moved injance. Now, have you ever con- Salesmen last. week. How does she keep|sidered that if you just .. ." house?"' "Til take the 39-cent size, if "My husband told me not to you can cash a personal cheque ears e Ti Ld buy any mre of that dandruff for $25." - p ring cure from you. He says it not. "Never mind what you're sell- only doesn't help his dandruff-- ing. Here, take this screwdriver NEW YORK (AP)--Remarks i! '¢2ves him with a terrible and help me fix my vacuum TORONTO (CP) -- They're|was headlined as the resident with the stress on strippers doing things to the Casinc|comedian for a year before the| wearing exotic names and di- " A Theatre that would make Sally|Second World War. minishing - costumes. ie ena Salesman gets hangover cleaner. There's a rattle in it : earing: Sit down and.rest your toot- somewhere- Rand drop her fan and cause; Producer Chuck Gregory's 12-| oy _ : | the Gregory Girls to pause in/girl chorus line, renowned as AIMING HIGHER 2 Whatever it is you're peddl- | the middle of a provocative|much for their courage as for| Little says he had been con-|ing, we got already. pirouette. grace and precision, danced|*!dering the current transfor-| "Lock the screen door. Here The dowager queen of Tor-|twice-nightly for 15 years to the) mation for months and believes/comes another one." onin's burlesque houses is hav-lreedy 'strains of their theme|the demand is growing for good) "So what if you are trying to 2 ing her face lifted while she|song, "Little Girl.". |drama. "People are getting! work your way through college, @ turns her~back on 25 years of| : jtired of canned entertainment) young man? I'm trying to keep. bawdy vaudeville and prepares| WARTIME BOOM : |and want good, live theatre," my wife from spending our way : to play hostess to "legitimate" During the war, servicemen he says. "The kind of show we! into the poorhouse-" } drama. stationed in Toronto or passing | will present will be diametric-| 'What in the world would I | 'The Queen Street institution through to a new postin gjally opposed to the canned want with an encyclopedia set? closed Oct. 12 with a G-stringed flocked to the showplace in/theatre of television. We already got a book--and if - bump, the parting gesture of| thousands. The wartime form-| The new producers, Harvey there's anything I don't know - "Tha cy Si hant-| i : ' call i F \ 8 . its oF gang Magen 4 -- jwar years. to present both touring and lo- "If the supermarket gives & The 1,100 - seat theatre is| Bui in 1951 the Gregory Girls|cally produced plays that will|trading stamps, why can't you?"" lig scheduled to reopen Jan. 2 with|Were retired and slapstick vari-|be "new and exciting, presented | "You've been so patient listen- : f a revamped stage, recondi-|ety was tossed out to make way)at reasonable prices and aimed|ing to me tell about my opera- tioned lighting and a new name, for five lush years of shows/at a young, vital audience." \tion for two hours that I'd be Civic Square Theatre--in recog- built around topline recording} Audiences at the Civic Square |glad to buy a lipstick from you K ol ST. SIMONS ISLAND, GEORGIA / nition of its rich position op-|St@rs and movie names. Eartha |"will have to. think," says man-|--but you don't have any in my ; posite the site of Toronto's| Kitt, agg, ge eager b id Little, a process _ rarely rire esi hae anes v located off the Atlantic Const on the Golden Isles of oj 25,000,000 city|Clooney, Duke Ellington, Patti|required of patrons in the lusty y ave any free sam- 6m Gecmiawent mats ' Ee a mrt "|Page, the Mills Brothers, Julius|heydays of the Casino. ples, I'll try them out, and let > wv ecani tonne Nile boda eae In place of strippers and jug-| LaRosa, Nellie Lutcher, Rudy} jyou know next week for deli Private pool. Skeet shoots. Oeitoordondio 9 x ink vhether I want to buy the large E : ' ts, Vallee, Mickey Rooney, Van| |W want Gaal emis t. Cuish Foscisen gers: angers and, acrobats uns, Victor Borge and Red| ELIMINATE STUNTS. |cconomy size Poin ing lige wba lg aps higga theatre will offer|Ruttons played one-week stands) REGINA (CP) -- Saskatche-) "Of course, I thought you were é pa negsaestmarap va penx 2s iding patos Mo teovaneal con-/2nd packed in the patrons. wan pranksters are being/|the new minister. Why else do f "aches akon f ve ecake Everything to teniporary" plays, in tie. iced Johnny Ray in those days was|robbed of an old Hallowe'en |¥Ou think 1 toring you baci bee Z ; asa cied flat: A teal oP manager Murtay Little. jthe top draw for the Casino's/stunt. The Saskatchewan AssO-| cake ot Sipe Ac heat? ai J Wr new-found bobbysox audience.) .:.4; R Sfunieipatities my Dest Cnina; rite today. NOT SORRY sf wmamber whan he text ciation of Rural Municipalities If this foot powder is so good p ; } Tittle a. Sivennold. imprelcame ih we Were vaying hin recently asked the provincial | for tired, sore and aching feet, sario who tied his showbusiness|$400 a week," Little recalls.;government to try preventing |JUst ive vad hang thing: Why are career' to the Casino 30 months|"'At the end of the week wejdestructive Hallowe'en practice. |" oe after it opened in April, 1936, |raised it to $4,000. The next)/The government's reply said it}HOLD ON admits to no nostalgic reluc-|time he came back he got already is trying, with a sew-| "This article looks interesting. tance at the passing of vaude-/310,000 a week." ; fy A t eliminat-| it while I read it clear ville in his theatre. | The recording star boom be-|98° Program aimed' at elimina'-| through, and if I like it I'll take He believes the transofmra-|$2" to slump by 1955 and the|ing one of the pranksters' prime|a six-month subscription to the tion responds to a new demand|Casino returned to burlesque,|targets--the outhouse. magazine--maybe." 1 for live, serious theatre and i a ; ; wants the Casino to cash in as - ieee : Bate an early supplier. G-STRING ERA PASSES Popular taste in entertain- ment moves in cycles, Little | |says, and the Casino is goin struction of new hotels at several sites and famous but rarely-|sa75 erst 2 iS r Agr : "legit Pe nowledge- Campaign | OF centres along the Nile. A lux-|visited temples along the river.| ment peg FAB oc 8 urious new hostel also is to be} He says the Casino has Nile Visitors gore? tel"" the Nil | NEW USE switched styles several times in 1 g hotel on the ei LONDON (CP)--The farthing,|the last quarter-century in or- CAIRO (Reuters)--The Egyp-|'° due to eae into service the small quarter - penny coin|der to keep pace with shifts in tian government is workong on|Shortly. The ship will accom-|that was taken out of circula-|Showbusiness. an all-out campaign to attract}modate 250 passengers and will|tion last year, has reappeared.| In the thirties, local producers more visitors to the historic Val-|carry tourists on cruises from/|A jewelry firm has been buying|built variety shows around ley of the Nile. |Cairo to Aswan, in upper|them and making them up into|girlie acts, resident performers The first stage will be con-\Egypt, past several historic/bracelets and necklaces. jand traveling stars. 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Get New Blend Sanka FINE PRODUCTS oO Coc COL. This is the New Blend Sanka we're intro- _ today, get complete coffee satisfaction or your ducing to you today... challenging you to try money back. H A a K LY'S & E Vv E a A G E S (0$ # AWA) L : wl | T E D NEW BLEND SANKA-STILL 97% CAFFEIN-FREE TO HELP YOU RELAX BETTER, SLEEP BETTER, FEEL BETTER } | J OSHAWA, ONT. : datterized bottler of Fante under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. TRADE MARK REG. Ginger Ale Lemon-Lime Golden Orange