John Alexander Nicolson Weds |Lorraine Chartrand!" Tonge AND ~~, str wie sms ot Piclis, whl hr, Ser wx e|_THE AWA TOME, Waban, None 1,161 N Di H ° T t Becomes The Bride S OCIETIES tures". Mrs. Fraser in her talk,/ed with "Scribblings of Chil-| Refreshments were served by| PENGUIN CONTRASTS ancy Diane Hayes in Toronto yt -(the hostess, assisted Mrs. Of Dieter Raphael faye. Saeihing "sco [Par Metals and rt. Har at's large. te foro old Ball. In Rosedale United Church, A reception for 130 guests BETA SIGMA PHI ) conducted by Mrs. Spicer. tall, dignified Emperor type' Toronto, recently, John Alex-|was held at Adams House, Wal- The marriage of Lorraine Di-| Mrs. Mervin Perkin, presi- ander Nicolson, son of Mr. and|mer road, 'Toronto, where the|,1n4 Chartrand and Dieter|dent, presided at the recent * Mrs. A. Alexander Nicolson, of bride's ther received a 2\ Raphael was solemnized on Sat- meeting « of Ontario Gamma Ep. M1) ' Manager Dave Carnie Oshawa, took as his le urday, October 28, at the Romanisilon pter eta Sigm: Rany Diy pn degre ably |i car Se. Greo ae tom Her as sicoe Tasatee Gives Gnother reason why r. an rs. Jo! e Great. , ' ' of Tcronto. chids. The bridegroom's mother), . 1 ide is the daughter of| During the business meeting ii : - Tin, Reverend |G; Mectrenc eee De cae enced acees,|Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chartrand of|Mrs. Percy Bradley read from i ad ut iV 4 CR ESCENT SERVES YOU BETTE R° nee sea ae played ty Mr. sories and an orchid corsage.|Oshawa and the bridegroom isithe Book of Beta Sigma Phi. iy 3 é ed Bradley. The couple took a ne 1g bod thes ree ticket A report on the Chapter's|™ Ve eH ae « 'M IN i L re) , ' He fe a4 The bride was given in mar-|ding trip through the Niagara and the late Mrs. Raphael, |cbristmas card project was ' a i eae ine Peninsula. As they left, the . of con ot aie coi bride was wearing a gold wool] The Reverend L. T. McGough given by Mrs, Ernest Spicer. de soie with a baroque neckline. ~ and on te srg angerniet B® ------ = the tea to be held py 'tone| il F : 3 SE. RVI CE '| Mr. and Mrs. Nicolson was played by Mr. Jack Drisco PERRI B EEE ees ed with rls and se- of Mrs. Harry O. Perry, 46 ; agine and fiiten sleeves. The mabe their heme te St. Cather) Given ip marriage by herlRossland road east, on Satur-|§ @ DRAPERY To cover those "flat jbouffant skirt swept into a econ were present from To- white taeciens yey 'amoed day afternoon from 3 - 5 p.m. @ BROADLOOM periods" between pays train. A cn psi ap 7 ronto, Oshawa, Montreal, Oak-|with tiny gold colored buttons Mrs. Harold _ o's the @ SLIP COVERS Peg Crescent offers a nas ns Maes pe get ore a ville, Angus, Ottawa, Hamilton,|and a picture hat of gold velvet|?Ze winner 0 je twice @ BAMBOO YF ers a fast on Tweed, Caledar, Port Credit,|and gold colored gloves. Her|™onthly prize donated in this @ UPHOLSTERING $50 repayable in two Se a ae Kingston, Brampton and Chi-|corsage was red roses. instance by Miss Kennedy. 4 Miss Roberta Rogers of Mont-| ae Lunas. The bride's only attendant,| 'The guest speakers were Mrs. Pe bed boty a rps : Miss Teresa Jordan was in green a charge of just ; setaneniae were Mise Jan Free Should Santa Bring silk shantung with winter-white aut RODUCTION ii eiae 8 3 : t. ser and Miss Sanae Hagino, both An Ele ctric Train ? accessories and a corsage of 5 ; Gy *Mini-Loan' service is = ink and yellow carnations. » ; <s, : of Toronto. They wore short p : p 4 original with Crescent "4 \dresses of mandarin green satin} «ow to buy the electric train Mr. Michael Coe acted as best' papeamaccy -s --developed to help - on princess lines with bell-|pest suited to your child (or his nee | 3 ee @: Be j 3 : P p= FASHION AUTHOR: shaped skirts featuring surplice|father)" -- that's the theme of| A reception was held at "The WA p A YS ere serve you better. Poland's top fashion author- folds in the papetlecing. | = a timely article in the or "any . i the -- -- ws, eu e bodices which had scoop neck-|Buying of Consumer Reports|bride's mother wore taupe bro- y, i 'alae oleae be lines, V-d at the back. magazine, just out. The gt Pg satin seage = trim , Loans to $3,000 or more--Up fo 36 Months to Pay--3-Way Protection on J fferent train sets andjand a corsage of pink carna- bat, y the state-controlled Moda Pol. | The junior bridesmaid, Miss| covers 38 di " j ska tee Cateye "biggest Sharon Nicolson, Oshawa, and|about a hundred aera ee te tions. rescent jnance Loans over $1,500 fnatlon house. iusnt in tix |the flower girl, Miss Janis|-- special cars, Slgnsis, com As the couple left for a wed- by popular'demand languages, she has travelled |Hayes, Montreal, wore bouf-/™°t i Ot. cing the report, Con-|was wearing a black silk be CORPORATION LIMITED ina £ ? ee yer! vl eee visited Lm ag al ae yl ogres sumer Report suggests four ba-lcocktail dress with gold acces- MORE DISNEYKINS 10 Simcoe St. South, --CP Photo |tendants wore matching bow sic. quiestions to be considered! sories, The newly wedded pair TO COMPLETE YOUR SET CANADIAN, COAST-TO-COAST Phone 728-7311 headdresses and carried roses ore ae electric train-|wint live in Oshawa. ERASE WALL SPOTS and chrysanthemums in au-| win the child have enough Keep a large soft rubber or tumn hues. play area at his disposal for art-gum pencil eraser with your). Mr. Donald Scott, Toronto,|an expanding layout, or only for cleaning supplies and use it on formerly of Oshawa, was bestia smail set? painted walls and woodwork to|man. Ushering were Mr. Stan-| Will he be able to keep the remove marks. Clean the eraser|ley McCormack of Angus, On-|trains set up indefinitely, for alj itself by rubbing it on sand-|tario, and Mr. David Jobb of|few days at a time, or only for paper. Oshawa. each play period? ZELLER'S sk SAR P AY LESS$""' SMART SYNTHETIC a A Ss platen eo» 4-88 ___|BARTLETT PEARS i, wea 4 Guardhoir . . . a distinctive synthetic fur thot is extro-sturdy ST. WILLIAMS ----- WITH PECTIN 9-OZ. JAR ond ever so expensive looking. Warm interlining os well as the ottractive toyon satin lining, Grey, Beige. At Zeller's, only A RT E D JA M S SERVE CHILLED--BRIGHT'S FANCY 48-oz. TM ernest $50 TOMATO JUICE NO DOWN PAYMENT AYLMER 20-0Z. TIN ~~ --|CHOICE TOMATOES 9-3 APPLE suice © MITCHELL'S FANCY 15-0Z. TIN 'HEAT AND SERVE--PURITAN 13-0z. TIN snow suts |APPLE SAUC Bier STEW a AYLMER -- CHOICE EXCELLENT POR WRAPPING SANDWICHES 100 FY. ROLL t 15-OZ. TIN " ES KI MO' UNGRADED PEAS" 649 , == SPECIAL * , ) ua | L | | a ee , BI os 'oy 3: Bitinssinit min 1 CANADA NO. 1 10-18. BAG ee pala 6.77 | Picnic ¢ COOKING 3 Q: Two-Fruit MARMALADE APPLE & RASPBERRY OR APPLE & STRAWBERRY 24-02. JAR zs ex, | SHOULDERS ONIONS NORFOLK JAM : SPECIAL ye & 74d $.X. RINDLESS BREAKFAST -- CALIFORNIA SUNKIST GHERKIN PICKLES NYLONS y : BACON «79° ORANGES *: 2 ~: 79° PILE-LINED HOOD opens into big collar; jocket tri j S.X. PURE BEEF ONTARIO FANCY APPLE ' . with matching pile and goy e LB. ic "tim" bet awilted | SAUSAGE ray 49° MacIntosh 3 «29 SEAMFREE HOSE in lovely 1 Fall whodes. Stock up now ' lining. Uined downhill GEISHA SOLID WHITE 7-62. TIN Gt tae cass ot > style slacks. Willow, red, |] CALDWELL'S (BY THE PIECE ONTARIO WASHED TUNA FISH 3 roe Zellier's Special Savings =" Caribbean. LB i BOLOGNA 29° CARROTS 3rouucl7° : ts. POLY BAG AYLMER. CHOICE HALVES 18-02. TIN SPECIAL! : -- poe PEACHES ~ 5 sh ALUMINUM WIENERS 2 sas ind CABBAGE 2 vs2 5° BE eur ruro 168, sorna : FRY PAN ; > ¢ ON TELEVISION'S EXCITING GAME! CATSUP 5 ron Reg. Price $12.99 ' : : ' DR. BALLARD'S 15-02, TIN i oy Pm |: DOG FOOD ) " : # FOR SIZE 10% x 10% DE si ! y (ie -- DAILY BETWEEN 10. 30 AM & 1. 30 PM ON ie EVAPORATED CANNED MILK 16-02, TIN se ae eee om > CFTO-TV CHANNEL 9 TORONTO : Toms CARNATION 7 ron luminum. t - resistont on at feeds Viiordeas gate , F DAILY $100 CASH WINNERS ENDING OCTOBER 13TH CSA. ed. A Second $1,000 ie P ag ; MRS. E. BUSS MRS. BARBARA HORE ics td hapa Grand Prize WINNER ; : 63 Poplar Rd., West Hill, Ont. 154 Ward Ave., Hamilton, Ont. |] MRS. LAURA RUNNING MRS. JEAN HEBER MRS. DORIS BOLAK = ocr Z E LL ER'S LT D. Fa, vel H 499 Westmount Ave., Toronte 10, Ont, 21 Highville Rd, Scorborough, Ont. 488 Crawford St., Toronto 4, Ont, a