@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Teesdey, October 31, 1961 police confiscate the gun for a|His Worship that on Oct. 1 the period of one month. accused was driving south on Harwood avenue, failed to stop Shooting Fatal To Bystander at a Bayly street stop sign and came into collision with an east bound car on the through street. Dowson, who has no driving record, was informed by Mag- istrate Dnieper that 80 per cent of traffic deaths were causd by drivers who exceeded the speed limit and failed to stop at through streets. welcomed by President Victoria Frank. Mrs, Rhoda Anderson and Mrs. Audrey Cookson conduct- ed an auction sale of. articles donated by the members with the proceeds going to furnish- ing the Business and Profession- a) Club's room at the hospital. The two guest speakers from the Canada Permanent Mort- gage Company, Miss Lewis and Miss Clarke who spoke on the Mrs. colored slides. Taken largely around the Hudson River and Great Lakes, the slides highlighted Mr. Tem- plar's obvious passion-ships. Kiwanians were no doubt sur- prised after being warned by the amateur photographer that he knows nothing about taking pictures ('and I don't care') to see some beautiful shots; especially some late rainy even- ing views of various parts of Miracle Cushion Holds False Teeth Tight -- cases Sore Gums Snug® brand Denture Cush: antee, Get Snug brand Denture today! At all druggists, e . a 2 « ronto in the wreckage of his f te Gun [Fails ToStop |Auction Sale Pickering Man err ater it cotided with | on 1SCa M Fi $50 rt transport truck in suburban ts an ined 2 F ll H Scarborough. y; taff A Whitb: Profits Sent ata Y u Police said Mr. Glover was or Vne on gg ge A : oa Ding 'west from bis car by} man, who pleaded guilty in a In Collision travelling west from his |Ajax "Magistrate's Court on when it went out of control AJAX (Staff) -- A Toronto,that he was using the gun for Monday to a charge of failing 0 OSpl David Oscar Glover, 54, of|and struck a hydro pole before man, who contravened an Ajaxitarget practice. pe stop, was fined $20 and costs Pickering died Monday in To-|veering into the path of the ios aad cade too Gee «lb sang sroeuted that thel™ four cay MRS. A. L. HOOEY castbound truck, 'driven by fined $5 and costs or two days in|cuting officer, req . AL . é jal by Magistrate Robert|gun should be confiscated, He nt ee eee a BOWMANVILLE--On Thurs! (*h arog Templar Donald Anderson of Whitby. Dnieper in Ajax Magistrate's\said that over the years many); p99 Henry street, Whitby, day evening, the Business and ¥ Fire broke = Bojer ping Court on Monday for discharg-|Toronto residents had discharg- boosted the levy to $50. Magis- Professional Women's Club en- At Ki wanis from the wrecked car was ig- ing a firearm. ed guns in Ajax. trat Robert Dnieper fixed the|tertained the presidents and nited by sparking power wires. A plea of not guilty was enter-| "In Ajax we have a large! ccct dosts at $30 because one|Wives of presidents of all or-/ BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|Traffic in both lanes of Kings- ed bec gh ga ree ve cong Ae geeagee Ml goa Crown witness' mileage alone caged in -- ys wom-|Charles Templar of Oshawa en-|'0n road was beg ange ss ie 1 P inn"? totalled 220 miles. en enjoyed a pot-luck supper|terjained members of the Ki-| Mr. Glover's dea roug! soda oan "ree ge ge ogreg weapon,| Const. Robert Joel of the|im Memorial Park Clubhouse|wanis Club of Bowmanville|Metro's 1961 traffic fatality to- understood. His Worship ruled that the|Ajax Police Department told when some eighty women were) Monday night by showing his|tal to 98. Const. Eric Place of the Ajax Police Department said that on the day in question the d and two other men fled as he tried to challenge them in the vicinity of the Ajax Scout Hut. He said that he eventually caught up to the man and later | |discoverd a pellet gun in the accused's car. At that time, he said, Kovelos admitted dis- charging Pi og within the boundaries of Ajax. Kovelos told His Worship that importance of having a will|Manhattan Island silhouetted he ran away from the officer| T2RONTO (CP) -- A would- P 4 5 : Nicaiae ts was eirait: He added be pger nal end on nage ork gating hg gst x tn nd _ many enlightening = mounted on "'an azure Hud aon ies with a sawed - off|Scene of an accident on Oct. 6, : : : ifle Monday, then fled through|an Ajax High School student Appointments lanes gia vy '+ a sinian was Monday fined $1 and costs TOMORROW ... AT NEW LOW PRICES ! ta foot, O: f his\or two days in jail and was A d pr gig 53 ore S| suspended from driving for one nnounce The bandit was captured by| year by Magistrate Robert AJAX -- Four key appoint-a passerby who thought the|Dnieper in Ajax Magistrate's A | : ™ \ments to the organization man-;man had been running from aj Court. . J | jaging the public appeal to raise/routine traffic accident. Wayne Donald Balanoff of 109 rae : $495,000 for a new Ajax and) J. Reid Muttart, 43, died|Emperor street, Ajax, pleaded NEW YORK--This 30-foot stee] beam, falling from the 17th floor of telephone com- pany building upder construc- tion at 54th Sfreet and 10th Avenue, killed pedestrian --(AP Wirephoto) WILLIAM W PRES? TATION THE SPECTACULAR LOVE STORY THAT THRILLED MILLIONS , DAMD.OSEZNICKS // waneaner wocners ¥ GONE WITH THE WIND woo GLARK GABLE VIVIEN LEIGH ' LESLIE HOWARD-OLIVIA deHAVILLAND "zecHmcoton) A SELZNICK INTERNATIONAL PICTURE- neceaseo ay METRO.GOLDWYN MAYER me | Feature Starts 12:30-4:20-8:15 P.M.--Regular Prices! PTTS.a: | NOW PLAYING! Oty Ue ; "g x ' ' Wig 3 wee ITECHNICOLOR® CAMERA 6B_ SHOWN DAILY AT 1:30 and 7:30 P.M. SATURDAY AT 12:00, 4:00 and 8:00 P.M. emlutes ADULT ENTERTAINMENT MATINEES at 1:30 p.m. EVENINGS at 7:30 Adults ... 90c Students .. 75c Children .. 50c LOGES 10c EXTRA Today Only: "Morgan The Pirate" and "Torpedo Run" A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Call me iy? often!" ¥ 1 The ARISTOCRATS of SINT iff NEVER BEFORE A PERMANENT SELF-IRONING COTTON SHIRT LIKE THIS Forsyth Launder-Matic brings you exciting new achievements in Wash 'n Wear broadcloth. Gone is the scratchy feel of old-fashioned resin-finished shirts and fussy laundry care. Enjoy the wonder- ful luxury of lustrous fine-combed cotton, always soft, absorbent and comfortable. And when you wash it--it's guaranteed safe to bleach--just spin, drip, or tumble dry without a worry in the world. Launder-Matic is made from permanent self- ironing cotton, unconditionally guaranteed for top Wash 'n Wear performance. CHATELAINE SEAL--The Forsyth Launder- Granted the Chatelaine Seal of Approval, -- Matic shirt has been granted the coveted Chatelaine Seal Launder-Matic is a quality white shirt backed by of Approval--the guide to good quality for millions of over 50 years of fine shirt making. In three Canad s. Launder-Matic is exclusive with favourite collar styles, Pal (fused), Picand Dome _ Forsyth and is the result of over five years of development Tab (soft) collars. At better men's shops through- and research to produce the finest No-Iron shirt available. out Canada. $6.00 pletely Wash 'n Wear for the life of the shirt. Spin, drip, or tumble dry--Launder-Matic maintains its smooth, sleek appearance, keeps men immaculate-looking all day long. DOUBLE LIFE COLLAR AND CUFFS--Perma-Tex collar and cuff fabric actually doubles the wearing life of this shirt . . . gives you more for your money! Launder- Matic shirts actually resist soiling, last longer, keep their sparkling whiteness forever. SANFORIZED PLUS--This famous quality control is further assurance of the complete satisfaction you will enjoy with Forsyth Launder-Matic shirts. Pickering General Hospital have more than an hour after he took|guilty to the charge, laid by walking past construction site | the girder injured two work-'|_ Balfour Sleightnoim of Valley sawed - off .303 rifle at close| Const. Robert Joel said that Monday. The 5,000-pound gir- | men. Victim was identified |Farm Road in Dunbarton has|range. He was pronounced dead|the accused struck a car which der sent the pedestrian's body | as Robert Crell, 24, of Madi- |been named Chairman of the/at hospital, but doctors revived) was parked on Emperor street Crashing through sidewalk | son Township, N.J., father of |ATea Canvass. Mr- Sleightholm, him briefly by opening his chest|on the day in question and grating at which firemen are | two. jae a retired merchant, has. been/and massaging his heart, only|caused $35 damage. standing. On its way down teh eee area's Kiwanis| to a him succumb to his| Balanoff told the magistrate d hase ny. _.,_ }wound. that he had ben driving for . ; | "The quick and enthusiastic! frank Zdanceiwiez was in\one month. { re! n I ) ad Ik and Township people to serve on early today with wounds in the|sus i j f | 3 y . suspension from driving would tto ispl y Ss S ill gd oe real'! right side and hip, while John|be a better judgment than a " A a : Sleightholm said. "More than ai param suffered a leg|heavy fine. per cent of the Hospital's pa- yl 'iat fan. Ae S 1V1 ar 1s Oridl! ] tients come from this area. The) |, sa enol Hes " Sips DESERT TRADESMEN people here are well aware of\@'ty Richmond, suffered a) TEL AVIV, Israel (AP)-- 3 at. 5 u : sohe! : on the Hospi hospital when the bandit's truck|desert have joined the Israel the Job he doves so well -- writ-\place in the library of every/out -- there have been other vauch better perp hag nt! crashed intc the cab and wedged/ federation of labor, believed the ing about the American Civil/true lover of U.S. Civil War)times in other centuries when it han the new hosnitel § +4 »|Richmond into the seat with the} first of the desert nomads to be- War. history -- it brings into sharp|was forecast with great fi] PRED Me Oe ospital is built." ! ' : & ete) dd 2 g conil-| Walter Anderson, Works -Man-|!mpact. come trade union members. In his latest book, "THE|focus many of the questions|dence that there would be | Du P C | of Canada Ltd.) he writes about|that have been enshrouded in|pope and that the Church would mg he x3 gba ponte Ltd.,| the coming of the Civil War with|fog for so long; as always,|die. in Ajax, will be chairman of| deep felling, artistry that com-|Catton is highly readable. How many realize that as re.(ene Commerce and Industry} mends respect, and a sure grasp; Civil War books in recentjcently as 1878 it was predicted ; ; : of his subject that holds atten-jyears have become a minor in-|by thoughtful men that the Pa- pd a it gh olay | iton throughout' the narrative.|dustry within the book business.|pacy was nearing its end. It tlonalie ce known 'publicist and| This book represents he first|The boom dates roughly from|was said that if the Holy See Veeietian of the P tt si Z wide| of a three-volume "CENTEN-| 1934 and Douglas Southall Free-| survived at all, it would be so Fire Prevention campaign and| NIAL HISTORY OF THE CIv-|™an's Robert E. Lee'. Injweak few would heed its mes-| ther public service efforts, has| IL WAR" commissioned six|1961, the Civil War's 100th an-|sage. accented the 4 t tof ra niversary year, more than 250' 'This happened at the death I C MPPOlimeny. & years ago by Doubleday and the Civll War' beuke have been S happ' e Public Information Chairman New York Times. Researcher > most of trivial have a sale of 5,000 and aoe ete ere BD See eatean, project and travelled 50,000\yp : cog ave ne rope. Lake|_L. H. Taylor, manager of the miles completing 15,000 pages! Pius IX, once hailed as a "'lib-\Pickering branch of the Cana-| of notes. BOOK ON MODERN POPES |¢Tal' at the time of his death'dian Imperial Bank of Com-| Cala sou the tine j|, Francis Sugrue has written| ¥8* Se arti be,meree, and a member of Pick-| tlicke hg i a fliet| interesting life stories of the six| terre oe oie living in(erns Rotary Club, has been aunts at tho - nA eka men who led the Roman Catho-|ieved the Church was living in| named treasurer of Our Hospital mes An | --1eo XIII, St. Pius X, Bene-|i8 told here. Business, industry, individu-| FRANCOISE = oo ate s cone dict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII and) Leo XIII, who was Pope fromials, clubs and other organiza- ARNOUL ww HAAvARA With headaches, Mas.|0002 SOO 1878 until 1903, met the first\tions are being asked to con- sachusetts' Congressman Ben.| The name of his book is Cmacizemis Gevdinyaees bn Qu tribute $495,000 to help pay for amin Butler: d Republican|"POPES IN THE MODERN) 28 when he issued "Rerum N %-'the planned 110-bed hospital. § onload Patton pi an ORLD" (Ambassador Books Meghan an a ~ -- Government grants would be ea ee It is Catton's belief that such|Ltd.) It describes these Pontiffs|"@ ©xPressed sympathy for ane\provided for the remainder of ' leaders with their uncontrolled|as human beings with human|UMderstanding of the great so|the $2,348,000 total building .. 60¢ agi A the late 19th century. d to the "cottage! the rip-tide controversy helped| growth and might of an ancient Prscdye A e-aldieh snig.(25 Opposes , ge! to fire the flames for the var institution that has faced Shel Seen, af the Coaree By ae Py or rio © . ho Haha Says Catton: "'Of all the lead-|Problems of the 20th Century| 27 hosizing the importance of{ yr) qa Teeny and ers, two men had the terrible| With dignity and resolution. The| (or munion and by codifying se tee capacity to make men love them|humor and warmth of John : "rt aes Sea tos Bonetal 6 8057) and to strike with unrestrained| XXII, the extravagant gener-\Church law. dy of thelr will be working on the fury -- Robert E. Lee and|0Sity of Benedict XV, the other-| This is a fine study Ai 4 €/ appeal when it reaches intensive Abraham Lincoln -- the follow-| Word piety of Pius XI, the intel-;more modern Papal state dur-| canvassing in early December. | never desert them, no matter|are all discussed in this human|™any troublesome times. how great the odds. book which should be of inter-| This book. is different than|est not only to those inside the) BACK PORCH anything Bruce Catton has ever|Church, but to many outside. | Unlike the kangaroo, the Tas- written before. The reader| In this country there neverjmanian devil, an Australian meets the men who guided --jhas been any doubt that the marsupial, has its pouch facing and who followed -- the United|death of onc Pope will be fol-/backwards. States toward conflict. These| lowed, as the night the day, by) erates and those men, great and|cardinals will come to Rome.) small caught in between. They will hold secret conclave Bruce Catton asks such ques-jin the Sistine Chapel. They will] / | & tions as: "How did it happen?" \elect a new pope. So we say: | =) "A | and "Was the Conflict Really"'The Pope is dead, Long live P : em I : 1e Jew Forsyth Irrepressible?" \the Pope". | 4 - CL MM, = 'i = ce Shi A ff aunaer atic rt YOU SAVE | Ni u H € g UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED IN EUROPE! KLM's 17-day excursion fares* save you $128.00 on an Economy Class round trip -.-enough to pay for that second, fun-filled week in Europe. Reserve now! *Oct, Ist to March 31st See your TRAVEL AGENT Peay wate been announced. a blast in the abdomen from aj Ajax police. response of Pickering Village|serigus condition in hospital) Magistrate Dnieper ruled that Bruce Catton is again doing, This book will surely find a| Despite this -- the book points|tte extent to which they rely|feart attack and was taken to/Thirty Bedouins from the Negev Division of the appeal. Mr. An-| Dh. Long wee hea mer net|published -- even the Pius XI. The Pope was dead'with the hospital appeal organ- like Alabama's William Lown.|¢ Church in the 20th Century the age of feudalism. His story|puilding Fund, | anger and vacillations against|qualities. It is the story of the|Cialist and labor movements Of/costs, The "'city-type" hospital 35c ers of these two men would|lectual brilliance of Leo xim| ing which the Church survived were the extremists, the mod-|the naming of a new one. The YOUR or call KLM Offices in 14 principal Canadian cities PERMANENTLY SELF-IRONING--Thanks to revolu- tionary new developments your Launder-Matic stays com- First and foremost with No-lron in Canada JOHN FORSYTH CO.LTD., KITCHENER, CANADA BOOK THROUGH -- Donald Travel Service | 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY MO 8-3304 Available At: Available At: | CANNINGS LIMITED || BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR Lid. 14 KING ST. W. 20 KING ST. E. 74 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Available At: JOHN PRESTON'S MEN'S SHOP 201 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH LAST DAY FEATUKE TIMES: | 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:25 = 7:30 - 9:15 |