10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 30, 1961 GEORGE DIXON = (28), Montreal Alouettes ball-car- | rier, is shown as he sets out | behind the blocking of his | feammates but he _ hasn't much room to go _ forward. The action took place in yes- terday's Big Four game in Ti-Cats Claw Riders: Argos In Second Spot | Toronto, which Argos won 15-9, to take over second place. Only other players | identified by sweater num- and end Marv Luster went 84 yards for a touchdown on a pass and run play. from quarterback Gerry Thompkins. In the third quarter Bobby Jack Oliver kicked a 14 - yard field goal for their other points. Rote threw touchdown passes SPORTS WIN LANCASTER TROPHY CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES Football Lakeshore COSSA Conference --(Junior League)--Donevan CI vs O'Neill CVI, at Alexandra Park, 4:00 p.m.; 2nd game of home - and - home, _total-points series. ltalia In Su -- ° sa s On Sunday,.the Oshawa and etro Junior "A": 'pistriet Soccer Association con- elgg eral pis oy a cluded its 1961 season before an- p.m.; Opening game ceremonies Other large attendance, with at 8:15 p.m. the replay of the Lancaster Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc Trophy final at Kinsmen Sta- Practice hours: 5:00 p.m. to 6:09 dium. Italia once again faced p.m. Canadian Tire: 6:00 p.m. Hungaria and the former came fi 7:00 p.m Houdaille Indus. Ut winners to the tune of 7-1. tries) 7:00 rs mn to BOD i The first half started out as 7 1 p.m. to 5. P.M.) nlay ended the week hefore, Scugog Cleaners; 8:00 p.m. tO with some good fast soccer and 9:00 p.m. Local 205 and 9:00 p.m./i only took eight minutes until to 10:00 p.m. Local 2784. | DiDanielli put Italia ahead, with GAMES FOR TUESDAY low shot into the corner of ' sc the net Hockey ; ; ? ii nas Four minutes later, Lopez in- aol ronan ag ae Pp iA creased the lead and let Italia 8:30 p.m. Pee Wee All-Stars; At 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Civitan pac} |Bantams; 9:30 p.m, to 10:30-p.m. - | Juvenile Ail-Stars. Pajor, the right bers in the above picture are Jim Andriotti (41) and Dick Fouts (69) of Toronto. --(CP Wirephoto) Scandinavians Want Amateur Rules Changed OSLO (AP) -- Scandinavian track and field officials agreed 2 "© rie Sunday that present amateur '¢rmediate Northern Rugger rules for athletes are outdated Conference by defeating York and voted unanimously to chal- County 19 to 8 on Saturday at lenge the International Amateur Lakeview Park Athlétic Federation to change This marked the fourth league ' , 2 jthe rules in order to justify lost win against one defeat, matching lead from Ottawa's Ron Stewart) income. the season's record .of 'Toronto with his ninth, 10th and 11th) 'The 1961 Scandinavian Track Nomads. First place should be touchdowns of the season"and|anq Field Congress, attended by decided this Saturday when the ripped up the Riders defence for| officials from Denmark, Fin- Vikings and the Nomads clash 93 rushing yards. land, Iceland, Norway and Swe- in an all-important league game. McDougall scored on.a 76-yard| den, will submit a proposal to, During the first part of the burst up the middle and took|the next IAAF calendar con- fixture it looked like the York two touchdown passes from|gress in Belgrade next year in County boys might pull off an- Oshawa Vikings climbed into for first place in the In-} Vikings By Defeating Yorks Thumps Hungaria dden-Death Replay tempt to put past for a comer,|Council informed the manage jia's best season yet and they kicked the bal) into his own|ment of Hungaria that if they deserved their run away victory, goal, to make it 3-0 for Italia.|continued bringing the gamejas every player was keyed up From then on, Hungaria quit/into disrepute, they would be in|/for this one and outclassed playing soccer and did every-| serious trouble. |Hungaria. There was not one |thing in their power to bring} In the second half, Hungaria failure in the Italia team anda jthe game to ridicule. It was| playing now with nine men,|iot of credit is due to Frank now all Italia and at 44 min-|tried a little harder but Italia/yaiawy, the coach, who has 'utes, DiDanielli made it number/held them at bay and after five) played - big part tin Ttalia's four. minutes, Duiella got number | victorious year five. Three minutes later Ped- : ; TWO PLAYERS OUSTED retti, with a iovely drive, made|. Next Sunday, the discipline Before half-time, Belak of it 6-0 and at 25 minutes Di-Dan-|Committee will meet for,,their Hungaria got his marching or-|; \last meeting of the season and lli finished off th ing fo : ~ ders from the Referee, when helftalia. be AER ae ~ On te ct ee ie attempted to strike the Italia; pyngaria's lone goal came at ; é goalie, in a display of childish-|39 mirates, from Danai. ad I seta of their team on i} | Sunday. ness. Five minutes later, Teli | : i tae was bounced for using filthy lan- CLIMAX BEST SEASON Watch The Times in mid*week guage. Italia have won their first for a final sum up of the 1961 During the half-time interval,,Trophy since their entry into season with the final league a representative of the League'the League. This has been Ital- standings, Trophy winners, etc, me K-W Beavers Tie For Top Fo oie To Boost Lead By THE CANADIAN PRESS Kitchener - Waterloo Beavers, Eastern Professional Hockey League leaders, beat the second- pace Frontenacs 4-2 Saturday night. That widened their first- strong from the opening whistle.) Challenge Game Wayne Voege ran into the York| On Saturday, Vikings lost a end zone for his second try ofjhard fought "Challenge" match the afternoon and Terry Kelly|to the powerful Toronto Scottish converted, bringing the Vikings| Club by the score of 11 to 3. |pjace margin to four points. within one point of York Coun-| The Scottish, playing without) Sudbury Wolves played to a |ty. jsome of their All-Stars, quickly/2-2 tie with the third-place Hull- | Then Bill Watson of the Vik-|grabbed the lead 5 to 0, with|Ottawa Canadiens Sunday and jings pushed Oshawa into the| Jack Harding's try and Bruce|caught up with North Bay Trap- 'lead for the remainder of the|Murray's convert. Minutes la-|pers in fourth place as the game by bulling over from five|ter Jack Collins scored another Trappers bowed 5-1 at Sault Ste. yards out. Once again Terry] try from 20 yards out but the|Marie to present the Thunder- |Kelly converted and Oshawa|convert attempt by Murray was|birds with their first victory of was ahead 13 to 8. wide. the season. With ten minutes remaining| Just before the first half end-, Playing coach Red Sullivan, in the game, Terry Kelly con-\ed Brian Talbot kicked a 15 yard|/0n Rochefort, Bryan Hextall a's hare |streak. Gary Mork counted for |the Trappers. | | | | 2 times." He also received a | television set, an easy chair, a movie camera and, to top it all off, a $100 personal cheque from Montreal coach Perry Hamilton Toronto 7 Ottawa 7 Moss. Kuntz, who plays on offence and inside line- backer on defence, was cheered on by a delegation from his home town of Kitch- ener. Off the football field he is general manager of the family electro-plating firm in Kitchener. The idea for a Bobby. Kuntz | Day originated between man- aging director Lew Hayman of Argos and a former Toronto fullback By THE CANADIAN PRESS will be Nov. 11 if in Ottawa and Hamilton Tiger - Cats locked|Nov. 12 if Toronto wins. The Football Conference Saturday|home - and - home, total-points and did it with an awesome dis-|series Nov. 17 and 25 mgans nothing but trouble for; mony before 23,316 rain - damp- their opponents when playoff'ened fans, was showered with Fullback Gerry McDougalllyears of two - way service with/Ron Morris. The Argos got two|Faloney also tizew to end Paul/track and field championships. | a; the end of the first he ; e ; 5 Kitchener - Waterloo: Saturday t ; | e er the first half. ess. He booted a beautiful 45-)a 11 to 0 half time margin. ; ' came up with a three - touch-|the Argos. converts from Bill Mitchell and| Dekker for a touchdown. Full-| The main reform in the Scan- York County's scoring was all| yard penalty score for three| In the second half, Oshawa night as goalie Jack McCartan game of the season as the Ti-|Kitchener, who says he's retir-'Mann (Butch) Rogers, the latter/submitted here by Sweden, is|talented backfielder. Milner) Then in the last minute of|and slowly moved downfield. 1t| Lorne Ferguson and Tom Mc- cats smashed the skidding Ot-ling at the end of this season, A dark note in the victory|through recovery of an end-zone|that athletes should be granted pan a toy nail in ie game|play, Kelly drop-kicked for Boag r Carthy fired the only two that iv, | ' | Viki "kfi sc ny a A ' gonauts' 15-9 victory over Mont-jtwo good chances to score|fered by Toronto defensive end kicked four converts, a 17-yard|for a maximum of 28 days a, iets : q 2 : ? ,. {McCreary preserve: e Cana- Day in Toronto Sunday, dropped|Rote made him the ball - carry-|out of the lineup two or three other field goal try. However, Wayne Voege, Osh-/has drop-kicked successfully for|rensive tactics for both teams! Playing coach Bob Armstrong, Ottawa to third place, a' pointling workhorse and he chaedlweeke A not tar tik senabn For Ottawa, quarterback Russ F working forward, the Vikings. Terry Kelly s ten) and the score ended 11 to 3. handling the club for the first scored a try minutes later for|points for the afternoon's work ' The Argos and Riders battle| gained on the ground three Viking points. But once} boosted his lead as,the top scor-| Lockwood, Paterson, ay enreng] en ers oe -- F oy Pd n d : : | | i illi § :|rookie Bi asterton. Gord Ha- it out Saturday in the season| The Als, suffering their eighth|pletely outclassed the Rough|downs on short plunges. Gary . : ork . |Boyd, Nielsen, Williams; Scrum } | asy inner scored his second try from ten OSHAWA LINEUP: Backs-- : lie kudincy. eoal-gettars gets the home venue for the|jumped into the lead on their|their previous two outings. Mc-|picked up a single on a field! yards out and ended the scoring| Kelly, . Nancekivell, -- Williams, rt a lait er The Thunderbirds got two-goal s $ 9s ad » ' Z. t "é 2 sc | ' s ; 3 sudden-death semi-final which! second play from scrimmage|Dou all took the league scoring!goal attempt ae Over Somodio OSHAWA DOMINATES quharson, Scrim: Pringle, peor g | en : The second half was dominat-| Head, 'Lace, Voege, Derry, Wat-| Vikings 2:30 p.m. Saturday, No- es rt rues "Chit Schmauts -) oo : vember 4, at Lakeview,Park. (|? wasp beside oe Brown o ouston, Tex., . \twice flooring his younger oppo -- Picked On Tuesda FE D ON SPECIAL DAY By THE CANADIAN PRESS | mS : Y modio of the Philippines Satur- E Canadian Football League The Oshawa Industrial Basket-|qay night while making a rec BULGARIA TOPS FINNS SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP)--But- TORONTO (CP) -- Bobby WL T F A Pt. pratice session this Tuesday| world lightweight championship Toronto Argonauts for six 10 3 0 334 272 20/ night at Simcoe Hall, beginning} Brown, 35, sent the 27-year-old years, was presented with b n / 6 0 324 262 14 Players wishing to play this |count in the fifth round and for money in his honor prior to the start of the Eastern Foot- Montreal Alouettes and Argos. The 30-year-old Kuntz, who would retire at the end of this season, came to the Argos with Kitchener Waterloo Dutchmen of the now-defunct Union. Halfback Dick Shatto pre- to Kuntz from his teammates | onto player fo be given such with the remark it was being | an honor was the brilliant a little bit bull - headed at | early 1950s. Q M G 1 ll By THE CANADIAN PRESS field goal put McGill in the pic- The senior intercollegiate foot- ture in the second quarter be- up as a battle of the passers. Robertson got the first of his Quarterback Cal Connor fired two touchdowns. Jim Rhodes, up day as Queen's Golden Gaels| three converts downed University of Western Skypeck heaved a scoring pass undefeated in four games quarter and early in the fourth 'Yom Skypeck, whose throwing a dislocated kneecap suffered by Gill Redmens' march last sea-|*%¢ Blues' downfall. Keith Ache son to their first championship son took over but was unable to at Varsity Stadium as the Red- Skypeck started firing again men squeaked past the sup- hit Taylor for his second touch- Toronto Blues 24-21 end John McLernon The Red men's second win Sicked three converts in addi- Queen's. The Blues and Mus- tangs bring up the rear with a Adios Butler The Mustangs, playing on thei: home campus at London, the score 7-7 in the third quar- ter Connor threw two touch- World Record Jr., son of the Queen's coach, : eee and one to halfback Bill Sirman.., INGLEWOOD, Calif. (AP)-- the 11- sint ; .. record for 1 1-16 miles Saturday yard line in the first quar and scored a 3'4-length victory and Gary Strickler kicked three|/" the second. leg of the $80,000 converts. Fullback Gary American Pacing Classic at Hol- a The five - year - old champion for Western's lone touchdown... pitendinas ' : ad Ton Wayne puhted for asain eliminated from the - bet- : favorite, covered the distance in All told, Connor was good on|9:03 3.5. This cut 1 3-5 seconds by Sunbelle. Adios Butler also BEGIN WELL 7 Pashoag Whone Solal sculiie holds the mile record of 1:54 3-5 was one touchdown, started out 1 pa eed and Aduceus was with a vengeance before 7,924 Ae : ler, who won the first leg of the Defensive tackle Murray|classic a week ago Saturday, Rowan scooped up a Skypeck punt in the first quar-|$2.60 and $2.40. Caduceus paid ter and raced 18 yards for a/$2.60 and $2.40 and fourth-place up first place in the Fastern'survivor meets Hamilton in a play of scoring power that, Kuntz, in a pre - game cere- time rolls around gifts and acclaim for his six to halfback Dick Shatto and end|quarterback Bernie Faloney.|connection with the European other upset as they led 8 to 3/tinued his capable kicking prow-| penalty goal giving the Scottish and Dave Balon scored for down performance in his finest) The rugged 190-pounder fromja_ 57 yard single by Davejback Larry Hickman and Alldinavian proposal, originally | accomplished by Jack Milner, a|more points. jplayed more defensive rugger kicked out 35 Kingston drives. tawa Rough Riders 44-29 jemerged as the game's indivi-|was a shoulder separation and|fumble, scored other Hamilton|a daily allowance of £5 (about anq converted. it paid off as Eric Nielsen, al got past him real Alouettes on Bobby Kuntz|touchdowns. Quarterback Tobin|Dick Fouts. It will keep him/field goal and a single off an-| year. ee 0 lead time in three games that Kelly|of the game showed tight de-idiens' tie agains< Sudbury. off Toronto. out 136 of Toronto's 151 yards Phy _ - Cats, watched by| Jackson and halfhack Dick Des-| Joe Brown Is : OSHAWA LINEUP: Backsjtime, set up both MeCreary's 20,27 amilton fans, com-|marais each scored two touch-} again Milner from York County|er tor Vikings. | windup at Ottawa to see whojstraight defeat by the Argos,|Riders after losing to them in|Schreider converted all four and Warrell, Head, Lace, Rodger,|morth and Dennis Kasian were for the first half |Nielsen,, Boyd, Paterson, Far- Teagu Toronto Nomads vs. Oshawa|Performances from Merv Kury- ARGOS' BOBBY KUNTZ 1S FOOTBALL SCORES Basketball Teams lee (AP)--Fast-punching| ed by Oshawa as they came outl son, Sheppard, Lockwood. to end a seven-game winless nent, easily outpointed Bert So- e e Eastern Conference ball League will hold its finallord 11th successful defence of his Leafs Gain Split Kuntz, a two-way star with jgaria beat Finland 3-1 in a 5 1232 223 15) at nine o'clock. |challenger to the canvas for no several gifts Sunday at a cere- ball Conference game between announced last week that he in 1956 after three seasons Senior Ontario Rugby Football sented a 600-pound live steer | great, Art West. The last Tor- given to him because "he is | quarterback, Joe Krol, in the U se Pass Skill ball race this year is shaping fore Toronto halfback Peter three touchdown strikes Satur- from the junior Blues, kicked Ontario Mustangs 27-7 to remain t© end Don Taylor in the third arm was the big factor in Mc- quarterback Jim Israel started in 22 years, duplicated the feat move the team posedly hopeless University of down and clicked for another to left them four points behind shad to Ns field goal victory each made little headway after tying Sets Another down passes to Frank Tindall Mike Pettit barged over from Adios Butler broke the world ter to open the Gaels' scoring): mer bucked over from the one iywood Fark aingte. ting because he was such a solid 13 of 17 passes for 183 yards.!off the record set here in 1959 output in three previous games Dancer Hanover finished sec Verde taxis With. no betting on Adios But- blocked/Dancer Hanover returned $4.60, touchdown. H arry Haukkala's|Mr. Budlong paid $3 to show. Haukkala : Montreal 3 9 1192 219 Western Conference WLT F A Pt. 1 0 333 219 24 ' Winnipeg |Edmonton Calgary Sask BC 2 9 § 0 249 284 12 410 1192301 9 112 2208 350 4 Saturday's Results Ottawa 29 Hamilton 44 Saskatchewan 17 B.C. 17 Sunday's Result Montreal 9 Toronto 15 Tonight's Games Saskatchewan at Winnipeg Edmonton at Calgary Senior Intercollegiate WL ye 0 0102 27 8 2 0 73 43 4 Western 1 3.0 37 83. 2 Toronto 1:3 0.21 2 Saturday's Results Queen's 27 Western 7 McGill 24 Toronto 21 Saturday's Games Toronto at Queen's McGill at Western SATURDAY'S RESULTS Ontario Intercollegiate Waterloo University 20 OAVC 8 RMC 7 Ottawa 20 McMaster 15 Carleton 14 Western Intercollegiate Alberta 6 BC 13 Ott.-St. Lawrence Intercollegiate Loyola 51 Bishops 7 Intercollegiaté B Anne de Bellevue 1 Ottawa Pat's 13 ORFU Intermediate East York 13 London 7 (First game of two-game tal-point final) ORFU Junior Windsor 22 Sarnia 12 (Windsor wins best final 2-1) Little Big Four Andrew's 62 Trinity 8 Ridiey 13 Upper Canada lege 19 Atiantic Conference U. of N.B. 0 Mount Allison 29 Dalhousie 0 Shearwater 52 Maritimes Senior Mount Allison 27 U. of N.B. 0 SUNDAY'S RESULTS National League Chicago 21 Baltimore 20 Cleveland 21 St. Louis 10 Dallas 17 New York 16 Detroit 28 Los Angeles 10 Minnesota 19 Green Bay 28 Philadelphia 27 Washingotn 24 San Francisco 10 Pittsburgh 20 American League Boston 18 Dallas 17 Houston 28 Buffalo 16 Denver 0 San Diego 37 New York 14 Oakland 6 Western Canada Junior Vancouver 17 Edmonton 14 (Vancouver wins semi-final) Saskatoon 7 St. James 29 (St. James wins two-game, to- tal-point semi-final 51-27) 2 4 8 Queen's 4 McGill 2 Ste St to- - of - three t Col- FORCE THIRD MATCH BERN (Reuters) -- Switzer- land beat Sweden 3-2 in a World Cup soccer qualifying tourna- ment match Sunday and forced ja third match to decide the win- ners of their group. Both coun- tries scored six points from itheir four qualifying matches. season are urged to be on hand Tuesday, to be placed on the various teams as the leagu 1 301 235 19 Will be opening on November 7th. Any player unable to make this coming workout and is plan- ning to play, should contact Dave Kelly at 725-1983 or Ed Kolodzie at 723-3209. A special attraction is plan- ned for the Industrial League e| a nine count in the llth. He |world soccer cup qualification ) |match Sunday. Bulgaria is te Uu eo | Ss O n play France Nov. 12 in Sofia. ripped open a cut on Somodio's left cheek and staggered him py THE CANADIAN PRESS jwith a solid right cross in the x4. its up to Toronto Maple DEER For the Leafs, the marksmen were veteran Red Kelly and Other Montreal scorers in Sat-| urday's triumph were Don Mar-| : shall, Jean - Guy Talbot, J. c, | John Macmillan. Tremblay, Ralph Backstrom| At Toronto Saturday, sopho- and Marcel Bonin. jmore Dave Keon scored twice Norm Ullman scored his first|Within 62 seconds and assisted goal of the season and helped|°" another goal to lead the set up two others for the Red| Leafs' attack. |Wings. Other Detroit scorers} The Leafs spotted the Rang- were Gordie Howe, Allan John-jers a first period goal -- by | seventh. : z : Referee Arch Hindman scored Leafs to devise a formula to happy it 74-62, judge Tony Petronella|St0P Montreal s goal |71-65 and judge Rafael Torres of Canadiens |Manila 71-65, all for Brown. The National Hockey League's | A crowd of 25,000 saw the four other teams each have Filipino start and finish fast. had two cracks at the Habs and The victory was the 8ist for wound up second best. | Brown, who won the crown from Detroit Red Wings were the 'Matthews Bac players as an All-Star team wil]|Wallace (Bud) Smith Aug. 14, latest. They lost 7-5 at Montreal} be selected to take on the In-| 1956. Saturday and 6-3 on home ice termediate '"'A" Oshawa Hawks) Sunday night. entry on Saturday evening, at victories lengthened the Donevan Collegiate, in an ex-| Tubber Kobrinsky tate lead atop the NHL stand- | Drowning Victim ing to three points. hibition tussle. ; : New York Rangers held on WINNIPEG (CP)--Dr 33 000 W Mor. to second place by turning back " elc ris Tubber Kobrinsky, 47, wel!-|the Maple Leafs 4- 9 |known Winnipeg surgeon and ice Sunday night. : lformer member of the Blue, Toronto beat Rangers 5-1 Sat-| {Bombers of the Western Foot- urday. In the only other week-| ball Conference, was drownediend game, Chicago Black Saturday in Lake Winnipeg|Hawks tied the Bruins in Bos- while on a duck hunting trip ton Sunday night A companion, Max Marmel of, eee as Winnivan, was able to swim two THIRD LINE SHINES miles to Gimli Harbor, 50 miles The Canadiens' third line of north of here, after their boat Billy Hicke, Phil Goyette and capsized. Gilles Tremblay did most of the In addition to being a half-\damage against the Wings ack on the Grey Cup cham- Hicke scored four times-- pion Blue Bombers team of 1935, twice in each game -- and also| Dr. Kobrinsky was well known added two assists. Goyette) for his ability in hockey, soc-|helped set up six goals while cer, lacrosse and rugger. He Tremblay scored once -- in Sun- jalso played for the Blue Bom- day's game -- and got three as- |bers in 1936, sists 'he ome To Stoke City LONDON (AP) -- The magic! name of Stanley Matthews is back where it belongs -- in the! soccer city of Stoke. | Stoke was where Matthews,| star for Engiand in dozens of|h internationals, started his car-| eer 30 years ago as a gangling, | unknown 16-year-old. The bewildering soft - shoe shuffle of the bow - legged Mat- thews quickiy made its name. Blackpool bought him from on home} son, Val Fonteyne and defenc-|Camille Henry -- and Billy Har-| man Pete Goegan. iris.evened the score 1-1 in the! At Detroit, the Canadiens second period. Leafs then rat- packed four of their goals in|tled home four 'goals in the the first seven minutes of the|third with Frank Mahovlich and second period. Other Montreal Dick Duff scoring besides Keon. lscorers besides Hicke and G.| Murray Balfour's goal at Tremblay were Tom Johnson, | 18:13 of the third period gave) Henri Richard and Claude Pro-|Chicago a tie at Boston. The vost. Provost's goal was his 99th|Black Hawks had fallen behind of his seven - year NHL car-|2-1 just 15 seconds earlier on a} eer. |Boston goal by Doug Mohns. inos'|Bobby Hull scored for the} Allan Johnson was the Wings | Hawks in the first period and big man on offence -- scoring} twice and setting up the other|20n McKenney for Boston. for Vie Stasiuk. BATHGATE HELPS In New York, Andy Hebenton scored once and assisted on two y one OPENS NOV. 6th JUST 1 WEEK AWAY ! USED RIFLES MODEL 8 REMINGTON 300 Savage guto- matic Beart S 59.95 Model 760 REMINGTON -- 270 MUST PLAY OFF PRAGUE (Reuters) --Czecho-| \slovakia earned a playoff with) Scotland for the right to com-/} other goals by Ted Hampson) ete in the world soccer cup| and Dean Prentice. The league's| Finals hy deteatin rl : | S by g the Republic leading scorer, Andy Bathgate, | 5¢ Iveland V1" Sunda ; y. This got the ~ sgl eae -- makes a third match necessary effort. The rainy ate P ie |Detween Czechoslovakia and cums Wonlen He watenod va (scotland, both having collected concussion in Detroit Get. a1, | % otnts in thelr' group. | RS aR ES a Model 760 ADL REMINGTON 30/06. Cal. Complete with scope and tip-off mounts, 189,00 Model 760A REMINGTON 30/06 Cal NEW RIFLES Stoke 14 years ago. The towns-| people of Stoke rebelled at the transfer. Matthews spent 14 years HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS Model 742 REMINGTON 308 Res 148,95 Reg. 153.50 . 336 MARLIN 30/30 bringing fame to Blackpool and England | Then came an offer for the . Plead - oid Matthews from nis home town of Stoke. Black-| pool accepted and transferred|New 'York the wizard of dribb'e back to|roronto Stoke for only £3,000. | Detroit Matthews turned out for the Chicago first time for Stoke against Hud-| Boston dersfield Saiurday. A crowd of 33,000 -- four times the usual-- watched the match. t's By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League Wi.T F 7 42 5 35 25 31 19 27 Saturday's Results Detroit 5 Montreal 7 New York 1 Toronto 5 Sunday's Results Stoke,' said Matthews after ; h s > 3. |Montreal 6 Detroit 3 efping Sioke_{o 2.30 fhe [ore 2 New York 4 Chicago 2 Boston 2 Gary Player Adds Tuesday's game To His Golf Loot | New York at Chicago American League Western Division _SYDNEY, Australia (AP)--|, ,. * Gary Player of South Africa|Bulfalo Swept past Australian golf stars| Rochester for a victory Saturday in the|Cleveland professional tournament at the| Pittsburgh : Lakes course. Eastrn Div Player won by three strokes with a two-under-par 286, firing] a 71 and a 69 in Saturday's rounds. Arnold Palmer of La- trohe, Pa., finished eighth with -- ae easl a 294 Saturday's Results Eric Cyemin of Australia was| Rochester 4 Cleveland 6 oon re a 289 followed MY eacoen 1 Pi ceded 4 eter homson and Bruce|Quebec 1 Pittsburgh 2 | Crampton, also from Australia,| Buffalo 0 Springfield 3 Los with 290 each. Stan Leonard of Sunday's Results I Vancouver was ninth with a 304.| Springfield 3 Buffalo 0 Player took first-prize money | Hershey 3 Providence 5 iOf $1,792. Quebec 1 Rochester 3 Tuesday's Game Providence at Quebec Eastern Professional Wit oF A oe i 39 28 14 23 1810 21 9 6 6 3 2115 33 12 Kitchener 3 9) Kingston Hull-Ottawa North Bay Sudbury S. S. Marie 6-14 turday's Result Kitchener 4 Kingston 2 Sunday's Results 2 Hull-Ottawa 2 1 Sault Ste. Marie 5 Tuesday's Game t Kitchener Western League Northern Division WL To Bd g 5 00 28 & 3.0 40 ° 23 10 3 0 20 29 4 33 8 Vancouver pe eae ae Fe | 23 2 Southern Division Wit FA Pt 7 23 2114 4 25 18 9 Los Angeles 3 22 44 6 San Francisco 1 § 22 53 2 Saturday's Results Vancouver 2 Spokane 5 Los Angeles 2 Calgary 6 San Francisco 1 Seattle 11 Sunday's Result Angeles 1 Portland 4 OHA Senior WLT F 11 20 warrr wonderful to be with! Sudbury North I y Kingstor A Pt. Edmonton 17 10 Seattle 4 2 1 A Pt 18 10 23 10 21 8 23 6 Portland Springfield Spokane Hershey Providence A Pt 8 5¥] Windsor i Strathroy 5 01 01 5 \\wllell WINTER ig the 2s 'IDEAL' TIME «+ « to start your whole family drink- || ing Guernsey Gold |) Milk. It's tops in }} Food value, yet low |) in calories. Call }) Ideal Dairy. 728-6241 | Woodstock Galt Chatham |Belmont | Stratford Sarnia | Waterloo Saturday's Results Sarnia 6 Strathroy 10 Chatham 0 Galt 7 Sunday's Results Woodstock 7 Waterloo 3 Strathroy 4 Windsor 4 OHA Junior A WD tk. A.Pt 0 Model Cal. MON. B7.98 6 Cia. -- 219 SAVAGE 30/30 { Res. 42.60 ...... O90 Res 13495 108,94 Reo. 139.95. 112,00 @ SPECIAL @ JUNGLE CARBINES 303 Calibre 15.00 uP nNowo _ noe cocoon ts Hamilton St. Catharines Peterboro Niagara Falls Guelph hus BUDGET TERMS NO OUTSIDE FINANCING ontreal /~ DOMINION 1B SipoAlasn Distinctive Clothes for Men Ready-to-Wear and Made-to-Measure, Exclusively at 48 BOND WEST (Corner of Church) 725-6511 10 KING ST. W. 725-0233