| She Oshawa Zimes |SECOND SECTION | MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1961. PAGE NINE 'Whitby Hunter Dies 'When Boat Capsizes A lifelong resident of Whit-|(Eileen), of Whitby, Mrs, J.]swim to shore after the boat up- by, Thomas_Henry Morton, 32, Voyde (Doreen), of Ajax and |set. jof 1613 Ctiadies street, Port) Mrs. V. Banks (Lynda), of Ux-| Carl Little and Ken Woods, |Whitby, drowned at Luther|bridge, and four brothers, two officials of the department |Lake, near Arthur, Ont., Sat-| John, of Oshawa, Fred, of West\of lands and forests doing re- urday night. \Hill, David, of Brooklin and| search work at the Grand Valley He was one of three duck/Aleck, of Whitby, also survive.'Conservation Authority reser- hunters who died when their) The remains are at the W. C./voir-lake, said they heard cries \1l-foot punt became swamped/Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby,'for help about dusk Saturday. in high waves. His brother-in-|for service in the Chapel) Wed-| law, Glen Angus Jones, 35, of|nesday, Nov. 1, at 2 p.m. In--GROUP MAROONED Brimorton drive, Scarborough,|terment will follow in Groveside. The two men found one group died of exposure as a result of| Cemetery, Brooklin. Rev.\of hunters marooned on an is- the same accident. Also dead is|George Nicholson, rector of St.\land in the Jake but were told Bruce MacLennan, 38, of Col-| John's Anglican Church, willjother cries for help had been lege street, Toronto. conduct the service. heard. About 10 p.m. they pti F His brother-in-law's funeral! found Jones clinging to the gun- BORN IN TORONTO -- service will be held in To- whale of the canmeed heat, He Born at Toronto, Morton was) ponto, also on Wednesday. The never regained consciousness de- a "gd a append co two men will be interred to spite efforts by Dr. Wil- or Weuby. and eee eer aeieer at Groveside Cemetery, liam Lover, of Orangeville and 1952 in Yonge Street United|/pIES OF EXPOSURE -- others to resuscitate Church, Toronto, to the former! Mr. Jones was found uncon-!™ a4 Jean Wray scious, Saturday night, with his Police were hampered in In recent months, he was|arm hooked over the boat's gun- their search by the theft of a employed by Price Air Condi-|whale. He died an hour later Propeller blade from the lone tioning Co., Toronto, as a sheet from exposure. Morton's body rescue boat in service at the metal worker. He was a mem-|was found Sunday under some|!ake. A new motor was brought ber of St. John's Anglican! decoys about 1,000 feet from the|'0 the scene. - 4 Church, Port Whitby. dam. A Luther Lake is an artificial RAIN CURTAILS DRUMHEAD SERVICE He is survived by his wife, a| Dragging the lake is continu-/lake created by damming a ae iy z i i daughter, Gayle, 8, and twoling for the third body, creek through Luther Swamp.| Heavy rain Sunday after- Alexandra Park to Memorial | war dead. yi Rev. ro sons. Danny. 5. and Wayne, 3.| Police believe Mr. Morton|Mr. Jones was found more than| "oon halted the Royal Cana- | Park to be greeted on their ar- | Woolcock, is shown at right, Three sisters, Mrs. R. Bryantjand Mr. MacLennan tired to\a mile west' of the dam. dian Legion, Oshawa Branch | rival by a sudden rainstorm. | while the wreath is bing laid. -- : wea ee ASN ERC ica ceS 43, 35th anniversary drum- | Her Warship Mayor Christine | Following the wreath laying 4 %, i, 4 : 5% " ; m head service slated for Me- | Thomas, took the salute by the | ceremony, the yer Post < - mm ME : W ] P | morial Park during the after- | Armories then she and Branch | Reveille, Legion officials de- Bie ns 7 ee 'yes GM Workers Give a ter itman noon, Legionnaires from Osh- | 43 president, Donald J. Iver- cided to call the remainder of Bal PE Be MEE ae ONS Se ' . awa and many neighboring | son, shown above at left, laid | the drumhead service off. Will Address communities paraded from | a wreath in memory of the | as "MISS 0S AWA CREDIT UNION CROWNED aera anne - cacti At a gathering in the Ost : )sen as Miss Oshawa Credit | awa, who was last year's $60,015 To Chest Meeting Here 25 IN ONTARIO awa UAW Hall Saturday nigt Union. She is seen here being | winner. : e e ; ' 5 " P i p] . George Ewen, rocer Miss Mary Louise Paton, 619 crowned by Mis: Bridgit Le ie : Byron S. Edmondson, of Gen Colees Beraty waiter Blunan BA MA Mary crescent, Oshawa, was Surf, 307 Malaga road, Osh- --Oshawa Times Photo eral Motors, announced during |Cedardale Scrap Iron ; ¥ A, A, ' e @ ---- the weekend that $60,015 has/Cedardale Snack Bar member of parliament for . been subscribed to the Greater Anne's Beauly Parlor He Peterborough Riding, is to be al idd 1d I is ] a eetc rocery . Oshawa Community Chest cam-|General Motors Employees 60.015.00 the speaker at a meeting to be astor onore igeon u paign by General Motors em-|Mr. and Mrs. A. A. 1, Waisglass. 5 held in Hotel Genosha Wednes- . I Miller 5 iw ployees Tlsseatinil Ceclage Ltd day, Nov. 1, at 8 p.m. The T A ] e ' ® The chest executive, in ac-|E. C. Cooke 5 pag is et eet ef ed I W d A | d t 5 ' | savin ; ne m Alger Press Ltd 50.00|New Democratic Party o ns n e , At St Stephen S | rophies re knowledging this tremendous); * Readoch 2 tario Riding. e & I l ¢ s¢ m4 oe n ol . support from the people of Osh-| Aiberto-Culver of Can, Lid. oe ne hi awa's leading industry, feels|Herbert G. Cole : emg toe - ~ pedal By THE CANADIAN PRESS alone in Ontario, and four duck;discharged accidentally on a that this should serve as an eX-|osnawa Acme Hauiece Lid. 1M Ne LOEY Capea 1 eevee tie Muitiple deaths on Canadian|hunters drowned when their|/farm near Martintown, about 10 Sunday, Oct. 29, was ma both, services special resente ample for others to follow. Mr. and Mrs, H. Davey 1 ks Seiad Feb a 1 © highways and a triple drowning|boats were swamped. Two men|miles north of Cornwall; by special services at St. Ste- music was arranged by the The list of contributions, not National Grocers Co. Lid, ioe ip in History at the Toronto|SWelled the weekend's accidental|died in a two-car crash, a| Glen Jones, 35, of Toronto; phen's United Church, Nortt eader, Mr. S. C. Rundle. rhe annual social duaning and peeyouely acknowledged, fol- 4) Fiim 10.00 Tiniversity in 1081 aaa iy its death toll. 'mother and her child drowned| Thomas Morton, 32, Whitby and Oshawa, in commemorat mgregation, which filled | 57° distribution of the General oe 100.00 many interesting articles) 4 Canadian Press survey ofjwhen their car plunged into a|Bruce McClennen, 42, Toronto, the congregation's 5lst ar t rch at both services to Racing Pigeons Club was held 1, , , 4A08 stipe Lath: Pas<Acoutien TAH; BOP toe Yun Petarbarough aati tay accidental deaths from 6 p.m.|canal, and a couple were killed|drowned Saturday night in Lu- sary and the completion of 25 ywing, much appreciated Saturday evening when Mr. and WV 15.00| Mrs. W Beeson 25. and the Commentator. 'He was local times Friday to Sunday|while crossing a street. |ther Lake, about 30 miles north- years inistry by the ( endered by the guest ; cP, BF : 7 t § : z ¥ | m 7 - 7 years of ministry b , Mra.' Herb Cooper, of Hibbertin" FF Nise eee ioo|W. B. Bennett Paving Lid 200.00 the New Party candidate in the|Midnight revealed. an over-all] In Saskatchewan three mem-|west of Guelph when their duck Stephen G. Saywel i B hcg : og Ay pd givisol. Were. hosts io. the mentilesm eG wale 3.09|Holland Nursery and Landscap. 10.00| Peterborough by-election in 1960,|t0tal of 40 across Canada, 29 of|bers of one family were killedjboat was swamped by high At the morn Service pied © bers, their wives and friends St. Mary's of the People Parish 35.00 tetag Bill's, Garage 15.00" When the election got under- them traffic deaths. Saturday in a head-on collision.| waves; = R. K. Shorten, as wn re ampbe f Raglan, in the © isk Warn daa 10.09 | Hayden Macdonald Lid. " ; | Joye hear pte diame , 3 The out of town guests pres-'s Snoychet 100.00| and Employees 406.10 way last October, he was given| Outario led with a total of 25) | LIDE tary of the United Church Boars ' ent were: Alex Coutts, Mr. Mc-'J. Soychet 500.00 Total to Date $164,586.45 very little chance by his oppo-|deaths, 20 on the highways, four ONTARIO HAS MOST age ee og of Home Missions, was guest 4+ the evening service the/Allister, and Ted Easley, all of|l; J. Courtice 10.00 i nents. Nevertheless as the cam-|drownings and one a shooting| Individual provincial figures,| Patrick Croke, 42, of London, speaker. His gubject was: "Run-.s+-stephen's choir was aug-"Toronto, 'also W. Meiers of pobesd Restsur pe with traffic deaths 'bracketed: |Ont., and Joseph W. Burtch, 23, =< ee > Restaurant 25,00 paign progressed his ularity | Mishap. ; nlpg the racy. Bs 'Cosi ans. mented by the choir of Raglan Brantford. raplovess. Bo Fabs Restaurant A8ar To Address and ability gained hike rapper! Three persons died in one car| Ontario 25 (20); Quebec 4 (3); einer gio ee peter Pada a Pg ie Z Peoed i { Church Mr 'Coutts did the honor Of Auto Workers Credit Union Rinplovess and he was elected in a consti-|-- cs sani SSD & Saskatchewan 4 Mal serra ie a ae e 3S ike pel Pt ' atinn Wk weare o he GIFT PRESENTED presenting the Donna and Len Johnston's Men's Wear Employees 20.00 tuency which has been regard- e lumbia 4 (1); New oundlan : 8 yo , Led aot nat" ste Ste im et te Na lacainthaie rest ss challenge tro-| Anonymous 100.00 ; iaunion i at (0); Nova Scotia 1 (1); Mani-|Chatham; pointed out how much we f , wae the: evanlin' ae Prescott 300 miles challenge tro-| jnons rks Charter) ot ed as a Progressive Conserva goa John Patrick McMah 65. of to those who have gone before ico retrechments were served Ply to Ernie Smith, also the/Harry Law Pharmacy 10.00 u eet tive safe seat for many years. wo njure toba 1 (0). Prince Edward is-|, Jonn =a Niad Site ais e, refreshments were served rq Gibson 400-mile challenge The public is accordingly in- land, New Brunswick and Al-|Linwood, killed Saturday night us by the W , sbi ! te i . "Every generation," 1 he. Wom te oer "7 trophy to Mrs. Fred Cowle- i vited to attend and help in the jberta reported no accidental|when struck by a car on High q 1 de rs s The pears) the Mass é : Mrs. Jack Houck, of Bramp- fo, ; itn 4 ld 85 th of Kitchener-Wat- q 4 at : ' éfres ont f P- f t f this .deaths. | way north 0} itchener-W a a rh poy ,,, many friends felicitated Mr. Pi ln "Trophy er the aie au : ton, president of the Peel and hier he ee Thabane n 1X 0Ca This survey does not include |erloo; experien é Saywell upon his long and de-| ars of the 500-mile race went ;\Halton Branch of the United Party, natural deaths, industrial acci-| Steven Maracle, 13, killed Sat- duty is to add tu the high trac istry, wishing him Nations Associa ill spe ici | i i £ stry, NRE abies: } s Association, will speak d snow urday when the car in whi > tions we inherit, ever straining and Mrs. Saywell many more|'® Jim Strachan and the Coop- . lents or known suicides. jurday n which he s ain ind XV ae : ; Pipaiitell at a meeting in the library at A d t T : |was riding rolled and smashed towards the goal of establi 1 n which to lead the con- er-Smith old birds average O'Neill Collegiate and Voca- CCl en S ne, COHAN eae . . paven in ou E g y . wle 3 j Herman Rosenthal and hisjinto a post on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Heaven in o zation to new heights of | Challenge trophy to F. Cowle : tional Institute at 7.30 : Sw t Ad l ne ; : i : community and in the world." an effort. : DIpLOMIAS "were "DreKented to Me \day. The meeting is belng held ee elines The Oshawa Police Depart- Wife Joanna, struck by a car in|Brantford; : the winners of the first four ' ; ; * ment reported six idents over Toronto Friday night as they) Harold Goyeau, 23, of Leam- "THE HIGHER GATE" sa token of panna puulioag' Sa. each Ok. the 11a ; ie as ing oor Nations Give Concert the A ee er crossed a street on their way to|ington, killed Saturday when the birsdlpsig | 'Or. & a pied Mt s yerail witb or Faces sponsored by the club ag 4 é In 1955 Mrs. Houck was the minor injuries and an estimat- 4 Synagogue, F ° car ba. was Ariving sessed HRS ducted by Rev: Dr. George Tel- |] ee: ae . oes Sarwell After the presentations, the i only Canadian woman delegate| . The auditorium of the O'Neill ed total damge of $2,018, John Seed, 63, killed Saturday|a tree 25 miles south of Wind- ford, whose theme was "Th 'paste Baral bouquet. |Sathering enjoyed a fine buffet : to the United Nations General Collegiate and Vocational Insti-; Ted Large, 23,.1174 Ritson|in a three-car collision on High-|sor, Higher Gate.' Dr, Tel ord. said Wi! I y flor uq fineh aed dancing ual aid: | Assembly and the only woman) tute was the scene of the fourth|road south, was taken to Osh- way 22 about 20 miles west of Charles Allen Duval, 21, of Le- it is our duty and our privilege -The address of presentation | night, when all joined hands and on the Canadian Broadcasting Annual Harvest of Harmony|awa General Hospital Sunday|London, Ont.; vack, who died of injuries Sun- ooo een oe ide by Mrs. Nellie Dear-|with the singing of Auld Lang a ; orporation board of governors Saturday night. The show, cali-/afternoon suffering from a leg Edward Berry, 25, drowned|day after his car went out of gates" to new levels of conduct bo now of Newmarket, the Syne the curtain came down, -- : from 1956 to 1958 a! "ed 'Country Capers" was spon- injury caused in a four-car col- late Friday when a boat cap-|control on Highway 544 just out- and of beauty, as Mr. Sayw viving charter member not only on an evening long to 3 be | A native of the United States sored by the Oshawa Chapter|lision on Simcoe street south sized tipping him and two fellow|side Sudbury; has been doing for a quarts small group which found- he remembered but also a : and a graduate of Cornell Uni-|Sweet Adelines. near Metcalf:street- He was re-|hunters into Lake George, about| Fit.-Lt. Keith Wilson, 44, killed century. d the church in 1910. splendid season of sport in ' versity. Mrs. Houck is a natural-| Besides the Oshawa Chapter|leased after treatment and X-/20 miles east of Sault Ste. Ma-|early Saturday when his car pigeon racing. ' ist and an ardent Canadian. She ---- ue a the direction < ryas were taken. rie; |struck a lampost in Ottawa; . ee ; is a member of the national Dewy Tutton, several other) The four cars involved were > alae enaae Extra Police Orchestra ARE SKEPTICAL | gem | jexecutive of the-United Nations|8toups entertained the large/driven by Joseph E. Cochrane,|4t BY FREIGHT Re ak tk ie ob HONG KONG (AP)--Western : eo Association. and appreciative audience. 20, of Enniskillen; Phillis M. ,,1nomas Franklin Brant, 26, . 5, ais a aie oe pe ill W k 0 intelligence sources here Sunday | fat j | Mrs. Houck was a member of|These included a group from) Akitt, 46, 14 Queen Victoria ay- Ethyl Lorraine Maracle, 23 and oe a sap eed ried k 3 e 1 or n " . oe ee a ; te. the Brampton and District Board| Euclid, Ohio, known as the Re-\enue, Toronto; William Gang, !imothy Maracle, six months,/car plunged over an embank- cc alme vit ne We i os an un- of Education for 12 years, ajlated Four; a foursome from|i8, 278 Evelyn avenue, Toron. all of the Tyendinaga Indian re-| ment and struck a tree beside confirmed report that Commu-. NAMED DIRECTOR president of the Peel Memorial the London Chapter who were|{o and Williams Lee, 21, 147 Serve, killed Saturday when the| Highway 5 near Erindale, just ' biiee cts Californian Carindiz ae charter member of the Bramp-\the 'Hi-Liters' from Oshawa stable Charles Hiltz investigated W@S in collision with a freight) Arthur Joseph Gamache, 47, oncer said he monitored a Russian-/ Canadian Corps Association, |ion and District Recreation As-|Chapter and a couple of young the accident. : train near Belleville; iof Timmins, killed Saturday sociation as well as a memberjmen who have done some tele-| Cars driven by Barrie R. Mc-., Sally Keast, 13, killed Satur-/night when the car he was driv- rector at the annual meeting of the national board of the vision work known as 'The Two : i and convention of the On- |YWCA, a commissioner on the/ Tones'. As the night of witches and 'hobgoblins approache ) again, Chief Const Herbet The Oshawa Symphony Or- Flintoff today issued a warnir | ra opened its fourth season viese border is being evacuated to 'Cees : uspicious fashion Saturday jpecause "of the forthcoming nu. tario Command, Canadian Extra police will be on dut wt in the bata -- tle Hallow -'en night to keep order Colles itorium. / arge ksters are warned nd enthusiastic audience ac- fi. sagoae ly damaging orded the musicians well merit- 5 : in : gated. riding crashed into a rock-cut onjinto the Holland River Canal perty will be prosecuted without ©4 applause ' . : At 3.25 p.m. Sunday Con- Highway 17 near Simon Lake, about 30 miles north of Metro- hesitation fhe program presented un- cue : or. istable A. J, Lavender was call-/about 12 miles west of Sud-|politan Toronto; . Chief Flintoff made a special der the direction of Francis J.| iu et ed on to investigate an accident|UTY; Edson Donnelly, 52, killed by appeal to parents to warn t! 4 ncluded selections i be pe c 8 ' : i : , at the corner of Gladstone av- bls H a r vou 18, fatally a car which did not stop in children to keep out of mischic from Haydn to the mod- . we cnue and King street west. wounded when a :22-calibre rifle West Toronto, Friday night. and be careful in traffic. 'The ' ympositions of LeRoy An- é : , ae Parl sabe were. driven by streets will be dark and treach ) eter Spilchen, 53, 224 Cochrane language radio broadcast Satur-, Oshawa, whe was elected a di- day declaring a_ 2,000-square- mile 'area near the Soviet-Chi- ' Py Hallowe en ly pedi ch Sed Frank Davis, of Unit. 42, |Hospital women's auxiliary, a| introduced as the 'Merri Notes',!Brock street east, Oshawa. Con-/C@T In which they were riding|west of.Metropolitan Toronto; At = ' : day night when she was struck|ing rolled on Highway 101 about sake yee BM icoug hd or by a car as she crossed High-|30 miles northeast of Timmins; Hope Royal Commission on) Miaster of Ceremonies Merv), } aa we ; way 27 west of Toronto; Mrs. Victoria Berek, RR 2, Education, and aprovincial di- Dale kept the program running mub, 10, 378 Park road. south, Terrence Carter, 17, of Ot-|Schomberg and her daughter ar tests by the Chinese Peo- Corps Association, in Niagara | rector of the Mental Health As-\smoothly and on the whole the si pahaip ih pe Pigg hg -- tawa, killed Saturday night|Catherine, 18 months, drowned ple ; Republic Falls. sociation. evening was quite successful. Constable Gary Patton investi-|Wnen the car in which he was|Sunday when their car plunged \ . * ; : : ye |street, Whitby and David S. Har- erous so the Sucaalotl should b M Jan Drygala, soprano, ey ee e c . : : ris, 19, 405 Chestuut street, Whit- Damage Is Small piri 5 of oe paver oe who 4 accompanied by her} : , Fa . 2 : : by. ore being allowed to leave toy Reginal G. Geen, won| j '6 e , : ; |. Wesley J. Oram, 19, 364 : home"' he said 1e he of the audience as| 4 ~~ ;Buena Vista avenue, suffered a gg seven of the Oshawa 1g two groups of vocal/) % x a ey abrasions to the right knee, n ote aze 'olice Department wish to se imbers. Her solos included} z ae i es ep ot Be: jminor chest, abdomen and the children, and grownup lleluja" by Mozart:"' "Songs! % 4 e fe : : % right elbow injuries, St y af- . alike, enjoy themselve n Tother Taught Me" "ey| is : : 4 ? © tang ine, when his sa ane oat About 35 guests at Hotel Gen-|hotel lobby and led a sing song Hallowe'en night as long vak: "Little Buterfly" by| : : i, ; |driven by Edward P. Malachow- 0Sha_ left their rooms early|while firemen battled the two- they stay within the limits of A ff; "Villanelle" by Dell| : ; ski, 19, 238 Kaiser crescent,/SUday morning when fire/alarm fire. the law." y the Waters of Min-| fm : |came into collision on Thorn. SWept through a ventilation Firemen prevented the flames the Jaw : . inesanes coe ' j Iton's road north: shaft, near the hotel's elevator|from reaching any of the rooms. 5 . ! Chloe" by Edward , A passenger in the Oram car, agg from the basement to hae pein Poin permitted to F F Paul Leger, 21, 270 Jarvis, 'he sixth floor : return after firemen brought the Ire 1g ters ; i : jstreet, also suffered minor in- d ag haga erg said later se fire under control. e orchestra drew enthusias-| { : |juries. Damage totalled $600 4@Y that only minor. smoke : Ha 5 C l] tte lause for every selection.) } : ; : jand the Oram vehicle landed in damage was incurred: in some ge bia Ate tators ve alis ( Francis J. Francis, ada 4) la field following the impact. Parts of the hotel. Doors at the) oodeq the area and police Oshawa Fire Department rec 2m-{h¢, orchestra through its : Ess : Damage totalled approximate-|°Mttance to the shaft on eachi+4° 15 reroute traffic around C j arty €- paces with the greatest of ease. ' \ly $650 when. cars driven by|{00r and some laundry and the|ie pote oF th ceived five calls for aid Sunday,/The entire orchestra showed} A , |Louis Magda, 29, 276 Centre hotel's bread storage room were onle A : muaereaa a ranging from a minor house gi strength in all parts of} 5 - | Soe RE ae ag ~ burned, people watching firemen at Te 8. =m 8 r of | 5 ' . street and Michael Joseph Mur work, many were turned. away i at ae ere je Qingeeba ke 4s scores and at times Ht |dock, 17, 155 Garrard road, col- HOLD SING SONG |from' the hotel's 24-hour coffee yr act al a anal om at veciaitiy ti ai i m prvi ige me pie gong Bond Some of the guests, out-of-| shop when it was ordered closed The fire fighters were called sk alway 3 dis la od ; ee lat 12 PP iy 6 turd: PE caine town Sweet Adelines, here to/during fire fighting and clean- to hose down a gas spillage onithroughout the pi gg ~ van ' was inj erie th e ishe Saab ange sree leo th geo 8 dh ys Sb ete Bade oe ee oak cee e Pigg rear mind gees : | Hache : oe ied mishap, - ter's fourth annual "Harvest of| Crews from the city's three a thor oa ? Rag dks ie woo nines ant v vy 4 ly $60 ti eer ace ws ee, Harmony', sang in the crowded Se stations were on duty at Salvation Army Citadel to j tior rried a brief but effective weut ic jneth Marvyn Linton, 17, 113 STEAL $5,400 s oe os ae tigate a smell of gas in a s |Church street and a car owned re . ee so an GRAPHIC ARTS INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION HOLDS MEETING br Frank Wiliam Cassa of MONTREAL (CP) -- Manager| 6°04 eh me Dla had by hosing down the offendir mcerts to be presented at the The workshop of the 'East bs = sas F 104 Brock street south, Whitby,|Gordon McLeod of the Guaran-| An elevator operator sounded poly a idea Coen | Coa: -- Palen a ans nding. vgs also toured -- of the association; .Past Presi- | Oshawa ahd Bill Paynter, |were in a collision on Ontario|teed Pure Milk Company was|the alarm after smelling smoke The ambulance was called ihe O 1 Symphony: Orches-| Industrial Association haps : Room ar an We arti me -- dent Len Taylor, Ontario In- General Printers Limited, |Street, at 8.40 p.m. Saturday,|forced to open the company safe| when he boarded his car on the inte service eight times during 'ra. The next two are scheduled held in Hotel Genosha Satur. | Swe : eo lortrcycr | telligencer, Belleville: Mike | Oshawa The Cassady vehicle was park-|Saturday and hand over $5,400) hotel's main floor. Causé of the the same period for tl te Hoes wenosha Satur- | Swanston, of Peterborough | -- ne : : ed on Ontario street at the time cash and $2,600 worth of milk , ifor the winter and spring. i day with about 55 printers | Printing Co., who is president | Clayton, Alger Press Limited, | --Oshawa Times Photo lof the mishap. : * leauge to four bandits a eee