Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1961, p. 13

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MANY BOYS come to Sim- | the left are Danny Romano, 15 | Raymond Gionet, 10, exchang- | coe Hall daily after school to | (left), and Jim Watts, 13, en- | ing punches, Assistant Di- | > | ' work out in the gymnasium. gaged in a strenuous bout of | rector at Simcoe Hall, Tim Activities, including sports, Indian wrestling. In the | Nelson (centre) is looking on. | | handicrafts and movies, are middle picture is Terry Le- | A total of 967 boys are regis- ranc ar Ss the Blane, 16, sprawling in mid- | tered at Simcoe Hall at the | : sponsored by Women's : : Welfare League, in affiliation | air above the trampoline. The | present time. The Hall is open ___ 2s ith the Boys' Clubs of Can- | picture to the right shows | every day except Sundays. NID ¢ } ra] AY OCTOBER 26. a, ig aur tase tx tan activa to | Bary --Oshawa Times Photo |SECOND SECTION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1961 PAGE THIRTEEN Children Seek FaesTotalS Community Chest Hold Sweve SUth Anniversary -- | | ; iF M Id sera | dian Legion provincial presi-|along with local veterans|Your Friends Day. or a riving Not Carele dent, will be at Legion Hall here| groups. ' | Thursday, Nov. 2 -- Concert i ota tonight to officially open Branch} The parade will leave Alex: |in the auditorium. The Motor oney Fines totalling $325 were * ' . ae 43's 10-day 35th anniversary|andra Park at 1.30 eg outa Cay anbwing a z ies ro Sie swerving to avoid a pothole) celebrations to the Cenotaph. The guest|three quartets: e Tec yles : a i ele Widely, OX. eke gee eae noes Oshawa Auto Trim s.o|in the road does not constitute District zone commanders, |speaker will be Frank R. Hills, |from Scarboro, The Vocalaires Trick or treat!' is the cus-jHa sah magic UE : ; Stephen Macko careless driving even when in civic officials and the general|regional vice - president of thejand the Casualaires from Osh- tomary cry on Hallowe'en|when Unidentified Flying Ob-| violations which ranged from Tuesday night totalled $96,861|Robert S. McCallum Real Estate doing so you become involved! public will be on hand tonight|Legion. Buses will be available|awa. across the U S:, oo wer par ahgghdlee y hw be aged bia to littering the high- against a campaign goal of Lloyd Metealt Real Estate Lid s.o9|in an accident as the gala anniversary cele-|to 'take members from the Le-| Friday, Nov. 3 -- Dart Tourn- ep eEaues Uh enene ce ae sue, BrOUe Me perpen mo) War S215 000, At WEE ANAOUACED| | 3, Make This was the ruling handed/brations officially open. One of|gion Hall to Alexandra Park. /|ament. The Legion is sponsoring down by Magistrate. R. B, |the highlights of tonight's offi-| Monday, Oct. 30 -- Two bar-ja singles competition for the Bie goal gp nee vane = ited of pga The following were convicted| Wednesday by A el mi pia goodies on hand next Tuesday,;candy and cookies ready for), y . te ROR. Dai secretary-manager of the es d D s DY. t ; be . : jar) M ' and don't forget to help the chil-| your young visitors, Just in case by Magistrate nieper: | Fittings Ltd, employees have gD, Mae aee ete Dnieper when he dismissed ajcial opening will be a mass|bershop quartets, The Canadian|championship of Oshawa. dren share by dropping pennies|you haven't, may we offer a| John McLean, Gordon Ram-| ontriputed or pledged a total, H. Millen careless driving charge against|initiation of new Legion mem-|Clippers from Scarboro and The|Ladies' and men's playoffs will ; nlf 4 | Smith 0 |Thomas R. Watson, 53 Shirley! bers. Casualaires from Oshawa, will|be held and suitable prizes will ir UNICEF boxes to help few suggestions? sey, Joseph N. Cook, John P. his i Cc. $i | é rid ce one p iscorg of ae nee : : |Calderone, Harvey Rosell, basi': $2,641.60. This " ne reer | is eee 'Olavenue, Barrie, Wednesday Branch 43 officials have open-|entertain visitors both upstairs|be presented. car g volta a oe es pat Vail, Eddie Bain, William of: 36. percent over the amount) 3. wield r morning ed their meetings to the general and down Saturday, Nov. 4 -- Poppy Day worl favorites mentioned above.|!€ i, & , sontributed to the 1960 cam-| Peacock Real Estate 7 coh . : ae . . In recent years an increasing) You'll need them. Then, how D. Hall, Allan E. Ellement, sean othe was "cae Ly anon On another chargé of having Public every day from tonight) Tuesday, Oct. 31 -- Ladies'|in Oshawa. Grand finale dance number of Oshawa school chil-|about carloads of powdered|Slavcho Kumbarov, Hiemardin with 12 percent fewer ' em- Flintoff liquor illegally, the accused was Until Saturday, Nov. 4, the an- Auxiliary Night. ie jin the evening. dren have been carrying UNI-| skim milk for children who have| DeJong, Vincent Desveau, John) piqvees than one year ago te adh mycto fined $50 and costs or 15 daysnual Royal Canadian Legion -- oe CEF boxes on their except never had enough to make their|Sheehan, Alexander McLay,| rottowing 1s a list of contri- Co. Dien : in jail, Poppy Day. . rounds. This year is expected to) hones grow straight and sound:|Egan Schmidinger, John P. Gil- butions not previously acknow-| ¥° Risto Constable F. C. Miraglia of {LIST PROGRAM Cadi Remands the CPP testified he came upon, Following is a complete list of P. Ristow set a record as regard the num-| drugs and trained personnel for|mour, Vincent Larocque, Glen! jedced H. Forder g } the accused's car while on anniversary celebration events ber of children participating and! pre. and post-natal clinics in|p, Brooks. Tozer Electric $10.00/ M. J. Dell the total return. hundreds of communities in less Economy Forms of Can. Ltd. 10.00 /Schofield Real Estate patrol near Greenbank, Satur-| scheduled for the next 10 days: day, Sept. 23. The car appeared' Thursday -- General meeting 5 Area Y ouths to have been involved in anjto which the public is cordially accident which had caused anlinyited. The provincial presi- Have you laid in your supply| fortunate. countries; supplies) 2%! Fuhre, Bernardus Heo-/mrs. Edith Annis ; W.G. Mert ef goodies for 'Shelling out?"| and equipment to help fight the gendan, Fred E. Green, George|>. 7: Martyn (Snelerove Co.) 12.00) ino. : 4 i: : : -- $200 damage to the deni, ge te Pipers will be) BOWMANVILLE (Staff)--Six|house. He missed $950 in apple : : _ _|present. District and zone com- icker's pay. The accused at first denied|manders along with civic ofti-/ Bowmanville youths wae: taeeti® he had been involved in an\cials will alsu attend. There will|multiple charges of theft, break--OTHER CASES "sete mre at -- mie eoayd time ibe a mass initiation of new ing and entering of various} Brown and MacDougall enter- ut later on admitted he had. A! members, ; ; ed the billiard room of George ity j ; remises in the area were con- ns B' quantity of liquor was found in Friday -- Veterans' Night.| | Almond, King street east, and the ditch near the car, the con- The Legion extends an invita-/Victed and remanded on baill toe a 'total of $110, Sept 22. perc igeaiiay eg cA: tion to all veterans' clubs in the|Until Nov. 21 in Bowmanville) 7) breaking and entering of When asked by Magistrate city, Members and their wives Magistrate's Court Tuesday. Herbert Gibsons apple storage Dnieper if the accused had will be welcomed to enjoy a so-| In asking for a pre-sentence plant by Browning. He switch- been drinking, the constable cial evening and an excellent report in each case Magistrate 7 gk the power of the gasoline said he had been. When asked) j | if the accused's condition might|oncert. R. B, Baxter instructed rng Pumps and filled the gas tank of his car. Haga. wartuniel' an imualced Saturday, Oct. 28 -- Hallow-jyouths to stay '"'separate and} driving charge, the officer said e'en Dance. Open to the public. apart" in the meantime. The theft of milk bottle money the accused was a 'borderline Cre ee moves rong were 18 ape in Orono by Brown and Mac- case in his opinion. Sunday, Oct. 29 -- Drumbead Se de , ae . Tehe Dougall. : Watson told the court he had) service. All Legion branches in| gin street; yiliam The theft of nozzles and oil, been driving on a_ recently| : 2 "S "|Brown, 17, 242 Liberty street,/valued at $66 from the office of paved stretch of highway, parts Robert Louis McDougall, 19,/H. Sturrock and Sons by Brown, of which were under construc- Li 7 36 Liberty street, John Wesley|MacDougall and Mallery. tion, when he was suddenly con-) in ay eam Mallery, 19, 61 Liberty street,, The breaking, entering and fronted by an unpaved stretch | Valle Steven Babich, 19, 19 Wav-|/ theft at Hogan's Barbeque, Man- just over the crest of a hill. He) L erly street and Thomas Eugene|chester by the same three men. said he swerved to avoid some) LQ ponsor Lambert, RR 1, Bowmanville. Brown, MacDougall, Lambert potholes and thereby lost con- Also Brown was fined $15 or|82d Babich forced a door at the trol which resulted in the acci- LINDSAY -- Efforts to find five days in jail after pleading Bowmanville Golf and. Country dent. |a sponsor for an. intermediate|euilty to careless driving, Sept.|lUb Sept. 16, and stole two cas- Magistrate Dnieper said there/hockey team have failed and/91, One reason offered by the|€S Of beer and two bottles of befepic rer ees see the|as a result there will be no in-l|accused as to why he didn't\iquor. This they, drank at sec Use tate OPP evidence re (termediate hockey in town this|stop when driving at speeds up|L@mbert's home. tating ta the acca' year, it was announced Monday. to 90 mph with a police cruiser|,, The Fireside Barbeque, on Es AUN PEE It had been proposed that ifj/in pursuit, was that a passenger| Highway 115 suffered a $53 cash a sponsor could be found the! said: 'Keep on driving the cops|!0Ss at the hands of Mallery, . Peg aa da eck ae Re MacDougall and Brown. Plan Construction Lindsay and Oshawa teams'can't catch you. } chiara "snd Shih: would merge and. be known as} MacDougall also pleaded guil- slght were removed from. the the Lindsay Combines. a . ivi | ; Late November John Tozer and "Rags" Rage, ogee ving On Sept-loremises of Blackstock Motors \ ee Ste. oy ags ag'/16. He drew a penalty of $20 orn. Brown, MacDougall, Babich BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- !an said they would manage and five days in jail. and Lambert. A tool box con- Plans for the Port Hope High|C0ach the team if a sponsor 'The youths pleaded guilty to|taini ; 7 ares Ue catdnat tiene e could be obtained. iy Ge pleaded guilty taining $800-$1000 worth of tools na ension will) S008 | ae _ all charges involving: |was taken a short distance and be completed by Oct. 30, at ote i The breaking and entering by| dropped. which time tenders will be ex- SPECIAL METHOD |Brown of Forbes Heyward's| MacDougall was also convict- pected, it was announced at a} pit and grease on skin home on Concession street east.jed of breaking and_ entering recent meeting of the Durham| should be removed by hand|He kicked in a side door, search-|with intent to commit an in- Tenninga Del ree 5.00) EJ, Drumm County High School Board. jcleaners with a vegetable base|ed the kitchen, pried open ajdictable offence at the Carna- E. Thomas (Barber) vag oe _It is expected that construc-|such as cornmeal, oatmeal or|steel cabinet with a tire lever,|tion' Flower Shop, King street Ginsiers Debartinens Blore ' 35.00 . tion will begin in late November.|flour. then searched the rest of the'west, Aug. 14. Joseph Rybka Shoe Repair ... 2.00 mil é NE ASH PS Sie AE ERE rc e . 5.00 . : gpa eee Marie Marlowe Beauty Salon levied in Oshawa Magistrate's Lup wna Naren RFU SSs cick -/ age-old diseases -- yaws, ma- R. Richards, Kenneth J. Willa-|p. p. podds 15.00 H. Stinson : : | i illiam|¢. : P :00, G. Osbor laria and tuberculosis -- that/her, Gary W. Gooding, William|G. and H. Transport ta ed Sedans '\ d A Radar Trap In sap the life of youth the world| Doherty, Steve Hedvigi, Murray|iazei van Dyke ° r J. Smith, Murray Keith Smith,/ Mr. 7. B. Elliott s+ you say? of|Charles V. Massey, Donaldjw'c. patie s Far-fetched, " 3 rong ATION course it is. No one pons) meses Robert Dickerson,| Mrs. H. E. Beath 3 3 D. Stradeski John A. Sheriff Real Estate J. A. Sheriff S. E. Goodfellow G. Miller M. 0. Tindall Real Estate . ' | Ralph ickery Real Fistate Canadian parents to hand out|/Frank J.° Rosel, Ronald A./osnawa Dis. Labor Council RH. Vickery Magistrate R. B. Dnieper,| these things. No one, that is, ex-! Mills, Douglas J. Heffernan, Miss Sandra Clark D. Smith * > 7 t h | Mi h J " » 1,| Miss Betty Morris RB. Peyton who presided in Oshawa Mag-\Cept our own youngsters, who|Michale J. Huczyken, Hendrick! cian pligdon Battery Service |. 5 W. J. Irvine istrate's Court Wednesday, dis- Will come calling on Hallowe'en|J. Jansen, Gerald Kilborn, A. W. H. Price a W. Wilson Real Estate Lid missed a speeding charge/©xpecting the goodies you al-)Frank Foch, James J. Bourke. Nt ,and Mrs. H. Barker ....... 15 <wme : y Canadian children. | - iene : é i ig ane d K. Goodwin, of ¥2Y5 Bive M. Olect ' ; A. Weinbi against Donal Expecting, too, pennies for their c.M Wallace . 15.001M. E imei Brooklin. 1 special ittle boxes marked Miss Velma Harris etntsase 5.00 John A. Bolahood Lid. (Real Estate The maxisiate ruled that a "UNiope "henner tat MUSt Attend 4.5 com ie om NICE + rs. EB. Hastings © .>. 1 leby radar speed trap had not been) wi} help provide all those es- aos a eae eet aiding set up in the proper location at! sential things, that will permit T s = 8 Mrs. L. Richer Se «ae Siblock the time of the incident. our children to share their good Ya 1C nic Catal cattare tee sa ay Fi ir After hearing the testimony) fortune with less privileged chil- é To.-Peterboro Transport Co. ... P. Bolahood of Constable A. C. Whiteside of! dren round the world Ellsworth Richmond, of Hali- gg ah M bi aie al nee * ered cee ene heel Rataie : > - ae '. nie - tener 5.00 J 5 the OPP and Goodwin, who) Kids today haven't changed in|burton, convicted of failing to|y yr Smith 20:00| WN. Hodgson stated he did not have the dis-\most things. They still enjoy|Change lanes in safety, was|Upright Scaffolds Lid Lil.) 25.00/ J. M. Sandy | pay . + fined $25 and costs or five da Joseph M. Mangan 50.00 Corson and Young Realtor: tance necessary to slow down|Hallowe'en treats. But one thing ik jail Wednneday when he a H. G. Roughley Insurance 25.00' Lloyd Corson . on entering a 30-mile zone, The! different. In this one world, nthe P- Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. 40.00, R. Young ; : : eared in Oshawa Magistrate's| Nel J. Ward y : i : w e chi p § S|Nelson J ard 5.00 E. L. Disney Reaj Estate magistrate dismissed the aco pd cig ok _ Yourt. Quality Food Store LY a00|'m."L. Disney charge. MEXICO, : | Lebanon, -- Mr. S. Majchrzk tee 5 _ will share the decisions of to- Richmond was charged after|Mrs. F. Park (Paint.-Dec.) .... 15 morrow's world with ours, chil-|/he was involved in an accident| Ireland Studio vee 5 4 5 5 ove 83: 3333333 eSase er ee » Syeuw unub wuwesst NNN an xs 00; M. Winstanley 00|/H. Goldstein Real Estate 00| H. Goldstein s5 ee | ) : ee : : "8 |Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Lamble .. %5.00| J. Penicka TO RECEIVE DEGREES dren are world-minded. Theyjon Highway 401, near Fairport|gaipara's Beauty Salon 00| Douglas L. Gower Real Estate Robert W. Munday and Davia\W@"t to share with other chil- road, Aug. 4, which caused|M and C Drygoods sss» 15.00/ D. L. Gower ar , dren -- not just the ones next)some $125 damage to his panel! Harry's Lunch Bal ah toe a Roberts, of Oshawa, will re-|4.°" ; uae ks i Me ape Mare 35.001 Vo es ios. thats hachal f a door. Knowing what we know of | truc and another driven by! Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Johnston .. 135.00| V. H. E. Hulatt ceive their bachelor of arts de- world history, can we tell them Colin J. King, of Toronto. Ontario Steel Products 500.00|W. Ernest Holmes Real Estate grees at the fall convocation! they shouldn't? He was further ordered to| Zim Drivetn 'r++ 2-00| Howe and Peters Real Estate RP at FB ' my le 2 " estern Tire (Kents) Donald Howe Oct. 27 of the University of On Hallowe'en help them enjoyiattend the Oshawa traffic| Employees of Western Tire .--. 5 Keith Peters Western Ontario. 'sharing' through UNICEF. clinic in November. Virginia Fish and Chips re 5 R. Tierney 63 Pele tat z Stan's 'Sharpening -Rentals ..., 5 FE. K. Allen reutty mientcimome Fisheteria 2 B. Johnson J. W. Cornish Watch Repair 2 J. Crawford Giovanni Campochiaco Grocery W. O. Martin Roto-Burger 2 S. D. Hyman Real Estate Richard Grove (Sign Writer) Ss. D. Hyman College Hill Market sees 5 7. Mackinnon Bilenduke's Grocery sees 1 Segal Fred Strelchuk Grocery ....++, Stevenson W. Wacko (Grocery . oe 5 ». Hartford New View Lunch oes +» 5.00) D, Bullied Rev. J. R. Leng, DD 5 + 2 Uriah Jones Real Estate Lucky Strike Grill : 5.00/ U. Jones Sherwin Williams Co. Ltd, 2.00/ G. Coady Charlie's Shoe Repair 10.00 | Lioyd Realty Deluxe Shoe Repair 5,00! L. A. P, Bolahood Rose Bowl : 5.00, W. Millar Lloyd Smith (Barber) ee I. Cruikshanks John Wilson (Sign Painter) .... B. Horner }Tenninga Delicatessen soe 8 E. J. Drumm toes as $3 323233 3333335 83333 33 $3 33 333 3333333 3333 2333 3333 333333 333%5 8 PRRNNw - an waNeo 133388 A. MacLeod (Tammy Shoes) 10.00 Tt. Chernick . 2,00 Uptown Meat Market 5.00 B Ch Mrs, Mary Dobko (Hairdresser) 2.00 onus e es A p Le k «¢ fe 2 na i) ~ x Teighem Carice : Foul. PETERBOROUGH -- Gordon Mary Zygmont (Grocer) 2.00 Perkins; 41, of Oshawa, and a t J 5 ah Ff 9 "olan Me ap dda oa eg oy, William Wayne Robinson, 27, J. Keys (Pet Shop) 2.00'0f RR 2, Blackwater, were re- General Meat Market 5.00 8 ' is 3 Moses Bondaruk (Tailor) x99, manded one week by Magis- Mrs. G. McCullough (Mette)... 2.00 trate W. R. Philp in court Tues- Miss Kay Sifered (Edwards) ' 1.90} ae s Bert Edwards (Barber shop) .. 2.00/4aY after being jointly charged A and A Surplus Store ... §,00, with stealing six family allow- Mrs. Krawezyk oe 50 ~ in a Henderson +pp ance government cheques, Mrs. E. Hood 2.0 They pleaded guilty, They Igniters Rod and Custom Club 10.00) also pleaded guilty to forging and uttering two of the cheq- s ® ues, Train Kills Police stated that the cheques, ea totalling $138, were stolen last Riding Horse week from rural mail boxes in the areas of Cavan, Millbrook, UXBRIDGE -- A $250 riding)and Campbellcroft |horse was killed by a CNR! Const. Edward Stephens told freight train near Uxbridge re-|the court that police answered cently when. the horse wander-|a call to a local supermarket ed out of a pasture and onto|Friday after a clerk had be- the tracks. |come suspicious after seeing The horsc was owned by J |Perkins attempting to pass a Watts of Maple Park; which is cheque after he had previously ton the outskirts of Uxbridge |passed one. Police found four Mr. Watts said the horse was|haby bonus" cheques on his one of his 'top riding horses' : The horse got out of the pas-|" mp, ec hak at ture throuph an inlocked 'pats The constable further stated lhe said that clerks had seen another | _.|man drive away from the scene | person, SIGN AID AGREEMENT and took down the licence num-| MONKEYSHINES IN TORONTO | JAKARTA. Indonesia te a pers was RA E cS: as BE ala e fers) -- The United States will mig a sae provide Indonesia with another) Other evidence was that one} : ILWAY PIONEER IS HONORED any (55,000 tons of rice, worth $6,700,-| Of the cheques in addition to A plaque honoring Sir Wil- | real's downtown Windsor Sta- |; here after the ceremony are, , Minister Dinsdale; Mrs. Van attempts. at being captured, /000 under an agreement signed/One passed at the supermarket) liam Van Horne, who headed | tion Wednesday by Mrs. Wil- left to right, CPR president | Horne, and Associate De- : here today as part of the Food| was passed at a downtown de- the CPR in its formative | Nam Van Horne, widow ' Semon A "Mini i (CP. Wirephoto) 1S, Di ' ne. 2 | Nam Van Horne, widow of | N. R. Crump; Northern Af- | fence Minister Sevigny: \for Peace program. partment store. ' years, was unveiled in Mont- ! Sir William's grandson. Shown | fairs and National Resources | --(CP Wirephoto) TORONTO -- This monkey | and running on rooftops in| of the area but evades named Baby escaped from its| the Brock Street area of Toronto home. eight days ago | downtown Toronto. The mort and has been living in a tree | key is being fed by a resident | wh hl Pa De Nt Be th A Bat Brite Aen

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