29-----Automobiles for Sale |30--Automobiles Wanted 's8 CHEVY, four-door sedan, V-8, Peed OR '61 Volkswagen wanted, cash THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 25, 1961 27 PONTYPOOL Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Thexton, Peterborough, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Richardson on Thursday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Farrow, Millbrook, spent the weekend with their son Lorne and family. ENTIRE contents of Ajax aotel ,0F sale, Ped Pac no service in the o 0 chairs ete./ chu ere on Sunday due 'to 423-4641, ask for Mr. Finer. special service in Bethany. Our ENTS, uulins, , ground i Bh usea' tortane, |Service will continue on Sunday 2:30 p.m. as usual. Church Street. 723-7624. KBS 11 International, fifth wheel and) Everette Mitchel is home foster, Gallon grader for parts, meael| asain after nearly a month in 103, serial MD12400. Telephone' 725-7631.|Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. MOVING to Ui S.A., 2-plece chesterfield Verdan Lathangue is in Ross oubie bed, dresser chest, aight tables,|"emorial Hospital, Lindsay. We like news also TV console, sewing ma- wish him a speedy recovery, chine, A number of people from here Phone 728-5787. this A Stevenson at 728-6286. §. D. Hyman|door sedan. Cash, trade or, terms, Nie.|32--Articles for Sale [of igirmgeei taceage iggy " with $0) visited the funeral parlors, Realtor. ol's Motor Sales tag Brock Street/SiINGER sewing ma chine, electric por-|Shone 725-7743, a Port Perry, on Sunday and also On Anse Hu. Giieab deen Asranee" a ae Sewiig C bap orp c MODEL washing machine, just been |@ttended the funeral on Monday low. Apple Hill. $1,000 760 PONTIAC station wagon, Leuvren-|Sewing Centre. Telephone WH 2-6561 mente Owner transferred, 738-7814." |tian, good 725-5132. |MO 8-5467, 2 F|put in A-1, condition, locomotive type. Mehl « * we Mrs. Jim cMullen at St. Mary's Cem- Ber-| etery, Lifford trand RR No. 1 Port Perry, telephone id . 985-7596 for full particulars. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Nicholson, PRIVATE sale six-room solid brick|'54 MERCURY, four-door, ew THREE sewing machinec, all demon- WINE recipes of 15 for $1.00. sena|Leskeard were supper guests of bungalow close to school and GM/for quick sale, T strators, selling at cost, Portables and south plant. 728-0796 after 5 p.m. 58 PONTIAC, money order to "Recipes", PO Box 265, bs gst neha . the H. M. Richardson's on Mon- day evening. FOUR-BEDROOM home, two baths,|paint white and oil heat, and tile floors, large|ment, good condition, One owner, GOING out of business, final sale, all kinds of dress material, fur fabric up-|, At a meeting in the Church modern kitchen, close to shops, schools |7867. house stove, frig., kitchen set, bed out- and bus. A buy at only $12,900 bag oh '51 OLDS. Super 68, power steering, fit, small tables. 51 Aberdeen Street. holstering, a variety of remnants, all/basement on'Tuesday evening, it less: than half-price. Bargain Store, 12l was decided to hold our Thank down payment and easy terms. phone 723-2106 after 6. 6544|Power brakes, radio ete. A car you will} -- now, ask for Mr. Swarbrick, 725: be proud to own. Cash, trade or terms. RIDING horse, 3 years old; also two Prince Street, next to bus station. i VACUUM aaaaae repairs, all makes, Offering Service on Sunday No- vember 5th followed by a Turk- or 725-8342. Nicol's Motor Sales, Ltd., 512 Brock|western saddles and een, practically $300 DOWN five-room tome with fu-|Street North Whitby. MO 8-8001. new, T 655. parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free.|ey dinner on Wednesday, No- vember 8th. bee very clean, low taxes, Ajax area. HALF-TON truck °53 Chevrolet, in si i n good | SIX"month-old at Asking $4,500, K. Chomko MO 8-4606,| ondition, Will take trade. MO 8-5631,|also rifle, 300 mo Savage, perfect condition Rentals. tS ara Cleaner Repair Serv- ice, 728-0591 anytime, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Whitmee, Brooklin, were guests of Mr. Joseph Bosco Realtor. 2 x BLACK Beauty, °51 Mercury dor, penn pple? Oa ee aoe | standard transmission, ;adio, white| BUYING or -- of used furniture, * walls, good condition. $15? or best|@PPliances, etc. Call Elmer, 30 years' TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, ijan- terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Best and Mrs. John Payne on Sun- | day. Our sympathy goes out to Mr. ated, landscaped lot. For further 'nfor- offer. MO 8-5631. experience, COlfax 3-2294. prices in town. Dominion Tire Store 4 and Mrs. Mickey Adams and mation apply 549 Albert. a WE pay highest prices in the city for SIMCOE North, 5-room brick, private used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Bond Street West, 725-6511. Terms uit you. children over the loss by fire on Sunday night of their home and drive, garage. Close to school and bus, Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. jfurnace, hardwood antenna, 4-piece|---- GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's SELLING furniture? We'll puv it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, all their furniture, clothing, etc. Mickey and Marion both lived tiled bath. $3,800 down. $12,800 full at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele. price, Terms. MA 3-3247 Bowmanville. vision, 918 Simcoe Street North, Your stoves, etc. For top cash sffer -ontact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. here before they were married. Mr. J. Hirschberg, optome- color TV store, TO RENT TWO pair ~~ Jeng trist, Toronto, is here this week TELEVISION General Electric com. floor length drapes, 10 APPROXIMATELY calling on his old customers. 27--Real Estate For Scle |27--Real Estate For Sale TWO lots 82 260' on Taunton Road|FOUR-room house, three-piece bath, East. One mile outside townline. Rea-|heavy wiring, Fp -- ae two build-jradio rear speaker, | whitewall tires. sonable. Telephone 728-1986. ings. Ritson owner. pelig y eb ville fle MA 3-3828. Cash trade or FIVE-ROOM brick, bungalow, $2,500 BUILDING on main aioe of Neweas tor Sales Lid. siz Brock Street North,|31--Automobile Repairs a . Must sell, Telephone! 1. HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 HILLCREST SUNOCO for ALL your Motoring Needs 1 mile East ot Oshawa ') No. 2 Highway OPEN 'TIL iy NIGHTLY 811 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent APARTMENT, self-contained, bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom, $60 per month. possession. Apply 137 Rosehill Bivd. SELF-CONTAINED four-room apart- ment, parking space, recently decorat- ed private entrance and bath. In Whit- by. Telephone MO 8-3246. EXCELLENT three - room -- in apartment vember 15. No children. Aply 103 wil. son North, Apartment 3, FIVE-ROOM central, Oshawa, private heated, stove refrig monthly. Telephone MO 35367 for ap- 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|26--Rooms for Rent pri-|ONE large room, clean, in quiet home. Telephone 725-3604. ROOM. for rent, cooking facilities if desired. ine a Albert Street for further information. VERY CENTRAL, furnished room, sink, stove, cupboards, ideal for couple or single. Apply 200 King Street West for further particulars. LARGE front bed-sitting room in quiet district in north Oshawa for one per- son or two to share. Private house, T 728-2758. FURNISHED room for man or lady in quiet district, north of hospital. Bus service, private home, parking etc. -ele- phone 728-2758. THREE large room apartment, vate bath, stove, sink cupboards, one lchild welcome. Apply 52 Drew Street, off King, 728-2272. TWO: housekeeping rooms, partly fur- nished, close to bus and Shovping Centre, suit working couple, one child welcome, Apply 378 King Street West. 26--Rooms for Rent BASEMENT bedroom, suit two gentle- men, twin beds, separate washroom, . Apply 187 Wilson Road South. ROOMS for retired elderly couples, busi- ness sanies. Absolute abstainers. Fur- nished or unfurnish Good location. Available November 15. Write Box 501, Oshawa Times. EXTRA large room, fi 3 _ heat, lights and water included. Centrally lo- MODERN three - room apartment onjcated. Suitable for girls or young cou- main floor of see gap building. Pri-|ple. Apply 92 Elgin East, vate S1)Two rooms, Celina or taothen: 725-5513. kitchen and bedroom, sink and cup-/MASSON Street, nice six-room family a Gee Guan boards, private entrance, central, iaun-/home in lovely condition on treed lot #15 FOUR room self contained apart- sell Apply 253 Athol. East.|newly decorated and new oil furnace ment, new stove and refrigerator, close /Sry_{aclities._ APPIY 01 _East. 13,500 with terms, John Sandy 725-8010 to downtown. Available Nov. 1. Tele-iTwo large warm rooms, Romengag sd phone _725-4569. furnished for light cluding electric refrigerator and eere. Use of washer and dryer, Central to down town and shopping centre. Suit working couple, $15 weekly. Telephone 725-5227. eae od one Your choice of 55 ile sedan or °55 Pontiac, two- door sedan or °55 Ford Fairlane = "56 Ford sedan. Cash. -TO 9795 -- 51.000 DOWN, lovely Wailea ta Wowlar wis cee. Polar Foddema. Readior,|Geacon ann hee ied agg vt tay oo Bowmapville, RR 4, MA 3-3644. Jol jandy |, Joseph poses Beaker. NLA opportunity. || Four 700m frat |Nichol's Motor Sales Limited, 612 Brock 2% STOREY, $700 down. Ideal family|pectea, sewer, water, newly : Street North Whitby, MO 8-801, or income home near north GMC con-|fruit trees and bushes recreation room. |syyING sisting of seven onus nicely m oil heat- ing, and handy to schools and shopping. Price $10.500, Ernie, Holmes, Realtor, 204 King Street East. 725-2363. OWNER LEAVING FOR U.S.A. MUST SELL N.H.A. in excellent condition. Laughlin Boulevard after AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, HOT air furnace with stoker, reason. able. Telephone 725-5132 for further in- formation. a car? Need money? For Private. Apply Box 650 Oshawa Times. |iowest rates, fast service, Seaboard Fi- FOUR-ROOM house and garage, on|Bance, 29% Simcoe Street South, or {two lots in Oshawa, $4,000 cash. Tele- = 728-6283. phone 728-2769. reggte! Street East, five room bungalow lovely has nad bachelor apartment, and two-car garage. Trees and shrubs. Telephone 728-0334 after #: if. entrance, erator. Priced for quick sale at ives oorvh Service Station, 627 Simcoe Street FOR RENT -- Partially two- bedroom basement apartment. Central- ly located. Near shopping centre. Avail- able immediately. Phone 728-6563. room, light house- , sink, Close to 725-9683 "60 CHEVY two-door sedan. Must 2 a ideal fam! car. rat or rms. beard gies id as ge og ------ = Nicol's Motor Sales Ltd., 5i2 Brock of land. Excellent value, pol 9 el dem ali Stevenson at 728-6286. 8. Hyman /|'53 AUSTIN in good rurning condi- itor. tion. og offer accepted, "elepnone $500 DOWN, must be 728-8882 for further information. sold, with gig drive, plus oll heating, four/$55 TO $295 your choice of °53 consul piece tiled bath. and many extras. Sac-|four-door sedan, °53 conver- rifiee a. See one. Call Bobjtible, 53 Ford sedan, '50 Pontiac, two- suit girl. 475 King Street East. 27--Real Estate for Sale resole ---- five-room bungalow on large land- scaped lot. Immaculate con- dition, 12 x 17 living room, aluminum storms and screens, oil heating. Ideal family home, close to schools, Highland Avenue. Can now be bought $11,800 with excellent terms, Call Evelyn Walker of Stephen Macko Realtor, 728-4661. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER A HOME OF DISTINCTION 5¥%-room brick and stone bungalow in a top location. Just'a stone's throw from separate or public schools, churches, and shopping. Yes inspect this home and vou too will say, "It is the best value of today's 1? Joseph Bosco Realtor 725-9870. CLOSE to downtown, six-room bunga- low with large lot and low borg $1500 down. Newt. Hodgson 728- Joseph Bosco Realtor 725-9870. $8,100 FULL price, five-room home on large lot overlooking Oshawa Golf Club,. NEWLY decorated furnished room, or room and board one or two girls to low taxes, terms, Frances Hallowell. ae ---- to downtown GM, hospital 25-4344 Joseph Bosco Realtor. 723-7 SMALL three-room house on beautiful FURNI light mone-acre lot in Oshawa, Fi age for gentleman. Tovty 171 Nassau Street Price $4800. Telephone 728-61 for further details. GLEAN furnished room with Mlichen|$$ INCOME PROPERTY $$ gar yen vl ga Re $1,500 down, excellent terms for the balance, immediate ion. Two apartment home, upper now rented to good tennants, leaving four large rooms for owner. New forced air oil furnace, home completely renovated, very central. For full particulars, call today. HURRY, IT WON'T LAST, $8,000 OR OFFER Bungalow, North-west area, 2 bedrooms with loads of closets, living room with natural fireplace, family-size kitchen, built - in cupboards, paneiled rec-room ideal for children's play-room, sun porch at rear, Oil fired hot water heat. Garage and nice UPPER duplex, three rooms plus bath- room, hasement, completely private, hardwood floors, heat electricity, hot water included. Telephone 725-5798. GENTLEMAN to share three-room furnished apartment on Simcoe North. Divide. monthly rent. For further in- fe af 728-7802. STEAM Jenny for sale. Call A. FOUR-ROOM self-contained apartment,| -- heat, heavy duty, private entrance and bath, TV antenna and cupboards. Ap- ply 375 Mary Street, Oshawa. $65 PER MONTH to the right tenant, newly renovated bachelor apartment, living room, bedroom, kitchenette and bath, stove and refrigerator and hot = water included. Located on first floor within half block of Four Corners. See Mr, Kozak at Johnston's Men's Wear, 8 Simcoe Street North. ONE-BEDROOM apartments for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 496 Simcoe Street North or telephone 728- 3945 good Also one vacuum cleaner, extra equip- demonstrator. Telephone 723-3055. 725-|WALNUT dining room suite, Westing- fourioor sedan, light h room with refrigerator, Free parking space. Apply 163 Simcoe South. LARGE, bright bed-sitting room, mod- ernly furnished, two minutes walk to Shopping Centre. Apply 460 King Street st. E large room, nicely furnished clean, central, close to the bus stop, cooking privileges if desired, reason- able rates. Telephone 728-8402. ROOM in apartment building, living room and kitchen facilitie only, central location. Telephone 728- 2718 after 6. IN DOWNTOWN Oshawa, bed-sitting room large, furnished or unfurnished, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Rent Phone T 728-3000. FUR bedroom and light house- keeping room, heavy duty stove, sink, cupboards, suit gentleman. Apply 63 Grenfell Street. 725-i +8721, Rn eee ONE furnished room, housekeeping '$4 BUICK hardtop, new tires and muffler, excellent condition. $425 or swap for small car. 839-2709 D '35 PONTIAC convertible, matic, paint and interior immaculate, good motor. Best offer. Apply 130 War- ren Avenue. '58 ODSMOBILE four-door sedan, au- $90 AND UP extra large two- apartments, stove and frig, free wash- er and dryer, paved parking, locker space, close to downtown, Call 725-6544 or 7: 725-8333. $60 THREE-ROOM apartment, _ newly decorated, private bath and entrance. {lose to bus and north General Motors. Telephone 723-9615. $50--FIVE-ROOM apartment, garage, heavy duty wiring, in village on paved road. Oshawa fifteen minutes. Tele- Phone CO 3-2394. PRIVATE bright and washer, aerial, centre, Adults venson South. V-8 auto- market! Call Irwin Cruikshanks today ot 728-5123. NEAR HORTOP 6 ROOM HOME You will be pleased when you see the fine condition this home is kept in. Large mod- ern kitchen plus dining room, gs. P tomatic power brakes new white wall ey. overhauled $08, Phillips 31" tires, two-tone paint. Telephone 728-2753 time panels, grey mosaic, excellent condi- tion, $35. Grey rug, 9 x 16'. Telephone 50 ACRES OF WORKABLE LAND parlesdlechidetteser Saunt sane hers, 5 King Street West. TUMBLER-FREE with $3 worth of|TyPEWRITERS for students. Guaran-|723.9513, SEVEN-PIECE walnut dining room For 3 or more years on Stevenson Rd. N. Partial use gasoline at The Hilltop. Open from itee standards at low prices. Bill Ham- 10 a.m. until ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. 61 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, four-door,|FURNACES, forced air, ten beautiful Honduras Maroon, white roof,|antee, $2.25 per week, no down ooey. 8000 actual miles, like new, trade and|ment. Package dea] $130. finance, sacrifice, 728-1203. 725-4729. '59 PANHARD Dyna, only 2,500 miles. suite, All pieces in excellent condi- tion. Suitable for apartment or small house. Telephone 723-3276. 25 HORSEPOWER boiler with Iron Fireman stoker. Excellent condition. apartment, rooms, clean, four-piece bath, parking, near shopping $70 monthly. 212 Ste-/ three rr THREE-ROOM, apartment, stove, completely refrigerator, cup- boards, automatic laundry. Private en-|-- trance, continuous hot water. 904 Grier- son Street after 6. Couple preferred. THREE- "ROOM "upper "duplex, entrance, all conveniences, heavy wir- ing heated, paved parking. Telephone 725-1113, 8 a.m. to 5.30 ».m.; evenings, three-room unfur- artment, heat and hydro in- cluded, ample cupboard and _ closet space, jaundry facilities. TV outlet 269 Thomas Street. THREE rooms including | kitchen, © cup: boards and sink, private bath, TV out- tet: in very clean quiet home. Tele- Phone 721 726- 3818 for details. furnished ~ private Apply 723- privileges, close to downtown. 23 Elgin Street East. Telephone 7814 IED bedroom on second floor. ge furnished bed-sitting room central parking. Tele- FU Also on first floor, phone 7%5- 3206. TWO rooms and kitchenette, , complete- ly furnished, refrigerator and heavy duty stove, hydro included. Adults only. Apply 641 "Merritt Street, Oshawa. SINGLE or double furnished room, ladies or gentlemen, use of kitchen and washing machine, central location. Tel- ephone 725-8150. THRE-ROOM newly furnished deco- rated. Privated entrance private home, Lidar space. Girls or couple only. 162 Warren Avenue. 728-2359 after five-week particulars: p 723-1121. 7 large room throughout, ner, double at large lot nouse on pave only $10,000 Gown. fenced-in yard. For more lease phone SUBURBAN HOME s, redecoroted built-in cup- boards and sink, 3-pc, bath on main floor, new oil bur- tached garage, 142 x 330 feet. Beautiful avenue of trees to d road, Asking with $1,500 excellent living room for re- arranging your furniture, pri- vate back yard with patio. Immediate possession . Phone Bill Millar at 728-5123. Llogd Realty Wshawa) Ltd., Realtor, 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. D. W. McQUAY, REALTCR 76-acre farm, seven-room of barn possible. No live- stock. For further informa- tion Dial 725-9970 or 725- 9929. 48 miles per gallon. New condition. quick sale. Apply 72 Cadillac Avenue South. '54 CHEVROLET good shape. Keith EXECUTIVE HOME IN EAST END Five-room bungalow, gum- wood trim with sun-room and finished recreation room, two fireplaces, broadloomed liv- Goulet, RR 1, Oshawa, Simcoe Street North. 725-7087 between 4.30 - 9. '58 ZEPHYR (British Ford), 6 cylinder, 90 HP, black, red and cream interior, radio, whitewalls. Ownee driven. ue book PIANO upright, in good condition, no reasonable offer refused. Can be seen at 200 St. Lawrence, Whitby. Reasonably -- priced. Wood Products, Orono. Boiler retubed. Only two years old. Apply Curvply IMPRONTU WILL VICTORIA, B.C. (CP)--Ger- USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- ton, CO 3-2241. ZIG ZAG sewing macihne, sews for- bbe and reverse, makes buttonholes, stitches. Origma] price on tests A-1 condition. Foieea to sell. Eve. nings only 728-2004. '$1 PONTIAC station wagon, a t- | doe: $179, Can be had for balance owing, $47.00 cash of seven payments of $7, Write Box 428 Oshawa Times. four doors, with radio, Excellent condi- tion. Telephone 728-8742. 1957 CHEVROLET coach, two-tone, one owner, snow tires. This car cannot be equalled for condition, 725-7298 after 4. COMPLETE SAE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm windows and Prime ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp-|® PAINT, interior, - exterior. prices. All colors, loss, Oshawa Hardware and 8 Church Street, 723-7624. guaranteed, Electri Bargain flat, hard Knud lost for two days while hunting, says he used his last bullet to make out his will, writing it on his driver's licence. TYPING paper on sale, lel bboy newsprint, buy in iter size, bulk lots and save, 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. Circulation Department. Oshawa Times. When found he was in fair.con- dition. 30-80 RIFLE, Savage, used two se sons, Good condition. 0717. Telephone 728- 32--Articles for Sale ORDERS taken for ly new with min 725-2500 after 4.30. LADY'S black cloth coat, size 20, near- ik collar. Telephone 'wood storm sashes, No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. RADIATOR, excellent condition, suit- FRIGIDAIRE range, refrigerator, large size, and across top freezer, both able for smal réom, $6 for quick sale, 262 Bruce Street, 723-7776 evenings. '60 CHEVROLET, four-door automatic, radio white walls, padded dash. Excel- lent condition. Terms or trade. Tele- phone 725-0758. "56 BUICK, power equipped, four-door hardtop, radio, automatic, best offer. 289 Malaga or 728-0079. TRANSPORTATION car, "49 Chevrolet, fully d winterized, snow tires, $90 or best offer. Apply Clover Bar, 580 Ritson Road South, '51 GMC %4'ton truck, radio, heater, ai- rectional signals, good tires closed in plywood box. Call CO 3-2068. '52 FORD, four-door sedan, very condition, custom radio and signal lights. Telephone 723-7043 for further particulars. 1957 FORD long wheel-base % ton, like new, one owner. Truck from west, no rust, 728-5924. VOLKSWAGEN truck, good motor, transmission and tires. Front end needs some body work. Cheap for quick sale. Telephone 725-7743. 1949 PONTIAC Chieftain eight in good running condition, hydromatic, radio, ete. Giving up driving. Make an offer. Telephone 723-4303. 'ST PLYMOUTH ebirecidge V-8, auto. matic rd-to) r Phone MO 8-2349 mane a p.m, clapboard house, with. four- piece bath, attached garage, barn 36 x 70 with running water, 100-ft. long pig pen. Located between Bowman- ville and Oshawa. $22,000, easy terms. 35 acres. South of highway 401. Excellent market gare den soil. $250.00 per acre. 10 acres. with stream, four miles from Bowmanville, ideal for park, $1,000 will handle. days. ONE large furnished housekeeping room, sink and cupboards, refrigerator. Suitable for ladies or gentlemen. Ap- ply to 320 Frontenac avenue for more particulars. SINGLE rooms, parking facilities,' in clean quiet home; cooking rivileges. Five minutes to four corners. Gentle- men preferred. Telephone 723-7237. TWO nice furnished rooms with light housekeeping facilities. Close to North |General Motors. Parking space. Tele- ing and dining rooms. Sub- stontial down poyment re- quired. TELEPHONE 725-5598 DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 204 BOND ST. W. 728-4651 Riston South below King, five room brick bungalow featuring oil heat, rec room, large size family room, broadioom. This home has spacious landscaped garden. Only $9,600 with $3,000 down and long term mort- goge arranged. $5300 full price. Storey ond half insul brick, Courtice area. Needs decorating, good size lot. Possession arranged. Mortgage terms available. Wilson Rd. area, bedroom brick bungalow, 5%2% N.H.A. financing. $77 monthly carries. Decorat- ed inside ond out, all land- scaping done. $12,400 full price with down. payment arranged. Call Sally Wallace, Hulatt, Doug Gower, 28--Real Estate Wanted WE HAVE BUYERS FOR LOWER PRICED HOMES We urgently need |istings on properties -- R , or under. For free appraisal KING Street East, furnished, kitchen dinette, living room, bedroom, bath, self-contained, Adults. Immediate pos- session. Separate entrance. Bus at door, 723-7763. FOUR-ROOM apartment with private entrance and bath, close to General Mo- tors south plant, parking. Telenhone 725-1168 for further mation, ONE-ROOM, kitchen, _ built-in and} cupboards and bathroom. Available fur | nished or unfurnished. Apply 495 Dun Kirk Avenue. - es 7 phone 728-0764 bee riage litle gag partment. | -oRNISHED b bedroom in private home, private bath, heat, hydro | , schools, b , shop-| good locality, gentleman preferred. facilities, near park, schools, bus, shop- iPhone TOE GTO on 123-4900. ay one child inthe ve tin 2254. [APIRACRIVELY Pirsiaed Goons "6 2 BEDR OO MA South. Telephone 728-0852. APARTMENT Available Nov. 1 Upper split level brick duplex, free garage, washer, dryer. Stove and refrigerator. Spa- cious front and reod yards. LANSDOWNE DRIVE 725-2790 fully automatic, excellent condition,| what not, all wave antenna bar. 725-0851 THREE-PIECE bath fixtures, pink new, china cabinet, oil space heater, washer, desk, cream separator, chain saw, paint sprayer, sewing machine, wood, stove length, many other ar- ticles. Call CO 3-2068. YOU'LL pay less for furniture and ap- pliances at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe |? Street South, 728-4873, Call us for wash- er, range and radio repairs. OIL space heater large size, 45 gallon drum, reasonably priced. In g con- dition. Apply 324 French Street. REMINGTON 30-06 pump, has not fired) poag one box of le ate -- Blackstock pesos or 72-3 ings, RITE! ¢ registers, : hc ers, sales, service, new, used. Bil! Ham- RADIO, console, with S-apeed changers |ijton, TV, table model, good Tele- ft o'clock for par-|FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- phone 728-4155 after § loc! P eral trade-in. allowance. pd ticulars. 34--Lost & Found ONE Coca Cola pop cooler, almost new, 0084. LOST in Kendal area, 15 inch male $190. Telephone 723-9448 or WH 2: beagle, black white and brown, ear GIRL'S winter coat, size 12T, $10, reg- ular $29; green wool, chamois lining tattooed RKSM3. Telephone 725-6014 epl- lect. good condition, Telephone 725-9218. URED storm windows, various sizes, in "alae cl gentleman's, grey frames, at Areatee. evening. doors. Please telephone 7: 35--Legal IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HENRY SAWYER, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, RETIRED -' MILLWRIGHT, DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of WiL- LIAM. HENRY SAWYER, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 5th day of October, A.D, 1961, are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of November, A.D. 1961, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED at Oshawa this 23rd day of October, A.D. 1961. CLARENCE DILLON SAWYER and JEAN DINGLEY, EXECUTORS By their Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., 14% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, COUNTRY LIVING $9,300 buys this compact bungalow with garage, 3-pc. bath, forced air oil furnace, situated on 2 acres of land just east of Oshawo. Ideal for V.L.A, For inspection call today, CORSON & YOUNG REALTORS 18 BOND ST. W. 723-1121 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. After Hours Call-- Don S$. Smith 728-4879 Dick Young .... 723-7183 Lloyd Corson .... 723-2537 windows and doors only $40. Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 DON'T WAIT ! THESE ARE REAL BUYS PRIVATE, SALE Chesterfield & Chair, $30.00 (2 months old) New Chrome Set, $40.00 Frigidaire, large size, $75.00 Natural finish Walnut Bed- room Suite (2 months old $100.00 Lomps, Children's Furniture, Aquarium, etc. 728-7132 After 6 p.m, FALL SPECIAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS $45.00 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS ;MUSKRAT lady's fur coat, modern styl- ing size 18, as new. Original price $250. 725-0684 for further information. BOAT with controls paddies, lights, windshield, life jackets, '56 22 hp Eito and trailer. MO 8-5156 noon to 5, 'LADY'S grey Kidskin fur jacket size 16-to-18, red wool dress, size 14. je- phone 725-6405. ELECTRIC razor service, Sunbeam, Remington, Schick, Philashave, Ron- son ete, Cords, cutting heads in stock. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. SIMPLICITY washing machine, reason- able, p08, onion: Apply 763 Ritson 10 acre buiiding lots, near Highway 401. $5,000 with $1,500 down, Liberty Street South--Three- bedroom bungalow, $1,000 down, $9,500 full price. BRIGHT. in private 'home, very ral, ig mattress, suit gentleman. Apply 102 Elgin Street East for further information. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK ROAD N. 728-8671 WHITBY CLASSIFIED MANURE for sale, lawns. . Phone MO 8-45: JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LTD. Insurance 167 Simcoe S. Office Hrs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. $1450 DOWN $1450 2 years'old and selling at less than cost! Modern 5- room bungalow with alumi- num storms ond screens, one N:H.A. mortgage. To make sure you don't miss a good one, call Mr. Ratcliffe to- night ot 725-6544, BEG, BORROW OR -- $1500 down or offer and get your nome on this terrific buy!' Here's why -- North-west location, good- size lot, 3-bedroom split- . level with garage, brick con- struction. All this for only $14,900, asking price with easy terms. Immediate pos- session. Call now, ask for Mr.. Swarbrick at 725-6544 or 725-8342, $500 DOWN $500 $8,800 full price -- Central, 7 rooms with garage, almost- new furnace, taxes only $141.11. Why rent when it costs less to buy? To inspect call Mr, Siblock at 725- 6544 or 725-4362. 200 ACRES 8-room 2-storey brick. house, double barn, gorage, plus other storage buildings. This is good light !oam soil, slight- ly rolling land. Owner will take duplex or other inccme property in Oshawa in trade, Full price $22,000.00 with $4,000 down; balance one mortgage at 6%. For fur- ther particulars call Mr. cube 725-6544 or 728- We are now leasing stores and offices to be erected in the new shopping plaza across from Dominion: Store and Brewers' Retail on King Street East, Bowmanville. Call WALTER FRANK MA 3-3393 177 CHURCH ST., BOWMANVILLE LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR 725-4330 728-5109 COLBORNE ST E. $9,950 00 Seven-room two-storey brick, situated on a lot 62 ft. by 132 ft. The rental of this property for parking could take care of the monthly payments. There are two kitchens, a separate en- trance to the second floor. A good investment for the handyman. N.H.A, RESALE CENTRAL PARK N, Two-year-old six-room bun- galow ,over 1100 sq. ft. Attractively decorated, 4-pc. tiled bathroom with vanity, recreation room, aluminum: storms and screens, oodles of cupboards. Situated on a lot 60 x 100. Carries for $78. a month principal ond inter- est. also ielephone 723-7606. T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with = all- channel antenna, al! galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year, TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 Realtor BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, --- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 VOLVO Most dependable, The leader on the road and track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 LOOKING FOR A GOOD USED CAR ? TURN TO PAGE 17 OF TO-DAY'S PAPER. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto. Wreckers want care for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181. CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid oft. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. 723-9421 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off, NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST: N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 large three ge ' Colonial Aluminum Sales Co. OPEN 9 A.M.-9 P.M. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. 728-4614 LATEST MODERN DES!GNS In living room drapery ma- terials --- 79c a yard and up. Bedroom drapery in satins and rayons ,.. 1.40 and up, Kitchen drapery materials. 69¢ up Drapes made to order by ex- perts at nominal cost. Also a selection of ready - made drapes at discount prices. M & C DRYGOODS 74 Celina Street 723-7827 SARGEANT'S TABLEWARE RENTALS Punch bowls, chafing dishes, ice buckets, dinnerware, glassware, tableware . rentals for weddings, show- ers, anniversories, buffets, reasonable prices, 38 for gardens and|SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West. Phone MO 8-2563, BUY YOUR FURNITURE DISCOUNT PRICES ! Baron's Home Furnishings 424 SIMCOE ST. S. Vic Good Reconditioned REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS All parts and service AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North AJAX -- WH 2-6410 FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best, Eat better for less, 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment, Call now for demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith. 9-6100. MERRY MENAGERIE = : SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. Daytime 723-2265 725-0243 728-8423 725-1726 29--Automobiles for Sale CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car- radios, lowest prices in town, Do- minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. BUY your car for cash. Fast confiden- tia} service, convenient terms. For in- formation, telephone 728-6238. Sea- board Finance, 29% Simcoe Street 5S. Evenings 14. MALE help ~ wanted, desk clerk and} light general work around front desk.|FOR RENT: Unfurnished three room Hours 3-12 p.m. Apply Spruce Villa|self contained apartment, available Hotel. MO 8-3386 poked 1. Heat, light and water sup- -- ie iso unfurnished bachelor apart- FOR RENT: Large two room self con- ment, self contained, close to business tained apartment, frig. and stove, built-| section, Phone _MO 8-2503 in cupboards, main floor. Telephone} ---------- - MO 8-2398. |FOR RENT -- Two- ce furnished paca japartment. Small kitchenette, stove THREE bedroom unfurnished ~ apart jand refrigerator. Suit couple, 305 Perry ment, central location in Whitby. Apply | Street, Whitby. Phone MO 8-4470. . t ne |- Pb pig ca Road South or telephone| |WANTED woman to care for a fam- ih BoE, lily of three while mother works, live in. FOR RENT -- Five- 'room apartment on | Telephone MO _8-3000 after 56 p.m, upper floor, private entrance. Central.| taper - 7 room a er partment clean and Apply 112 Colborne Street East OF quiet, in residential district with pri- phone MO 8-5333, == ~--_s__vate entrance, adults preferred. MO FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auto: 8-4252 after 6 p.m. matic defrosting refrigerator; four ele-| YOUNG man as sales clerk with auto. b 5 auto- ment, heavy duty Gurney stove. MO| motive experience preferred. Reply to 8-8509. a |Box 404: Oshawa Times giving full de- BC SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping | tails. service for small businesses, weekly,|/tageEE-room apatiment private bath. s ag cit EE- partment private bath- monthly or as desired. Staiements Pre-| room, unfurnished, central location to pared income tax returns. MO 8-8252./ downtown, Telephone MO 8-4339 RELIABLE lady required to look after) Room une | ne two children while mother works. Tele ltwo willing ogy bees Fbea gg od phone MO 8-4103 after 5 p.m. Telephone MO 8-4509 or 924 McCullough FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartments, | Drive. $90 and $100, in modern building; 768 BENG: Biiek aah ee te a EN joard and room for one stoves, refrigerators. MO 8-3591. gentleman in quiet home. Parking THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, | space. Phone MO 8-5268. on second floor, with private bath a ~ FURNISHED bachelor ap t One child welcome r apartment, $55 heavy :duty wiring. One child wele month, livingroom, small bedroom, kit- chen and bath. All utilities. Central and MO 8-, 3577. Telephone MO 8- -5709. SPECIAL FREE HAIR CUT WITH EVERY SHAMPOO AND SET ALSO FREE SHAMPOO AND SET WITH EVERY PERM FROM OCT. 24 to NOV. 4 INCLUSIVE HI-FASHION HAIR STYLISTS 109 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY--MO 8-3621 ini gold Gruen wrist watch, brown cord sted, reward. 318 Mary Street West or phone MO 8.4294. DRESSMAKING, « suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit- tings our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 8-2372. Trade your boot on a car--= New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. 912 MARY ST. Five-room trick bungalow, with double garage, attrac- tive living room and dining room, natural fireplace, rec- reation room, awnings. Priced ot $14,500. Owner leaving city, and can give early possession, WHITBY -- upper duplex, three bed- rooms, jarge living room, modern kit- chen, tile, hardwood, downtown location. 725-1841 or 272 Ritson n South, Oshawa. FOR SALE OR RENT -- three-bedroom bungalow, clapboard, paved drive oil- heated, rent $90 monthly. Vacant No- vember 1. Apply 717 Dunlop Street West. MO 8-4780. SELF-CONTAINED four - room apart- ment, in Whitby, parking space, recent. ly decorated, private entrance and bath. Telephone MO 38-3246. SMALL furnished room, caatanan hot water, good parking facilities; suit gentleman. Telephone MO 8-4123. 821 Dundas West, Whitby. STUDENTS! A super value, pommel mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) ly $1.00, Apply Oshawa Times Whitby, 111 Dundas Street W THE MATTRESS KING has some wonderful values in bedding for you! MONEY MAKER Restaurent. downtown, good turnoyer. Owner has other interests and must sell. Ask- ing only $8,900 with $2,000 down. To inspect call Mr. Appleby, 725-6544 or 723- 3398. © 1961 Walt Disney Productions World Rights Reserved Open evenings or weekends Irene Brown .... 725-3867 Roy Flintoff .... 725-3454 Phyllis Jubb .... 723-3240 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 HILLCROFT STREET Come see these beautiful homes just completed, four to choose from, new paved road with curbs, fully paid for: Three ore 3- bedroom bungalows, one is a 'four-bedroom split level --- homes priced from $13,800 to $17,800. OSHAWA BLVD. N. Ideal income home ---- 6-room 2-storey brick hore, upstairs rented. Modern kitchen, venetian blinds throughout. T.V. 'aerial, garage, fenced-in yard. Home in excellent condition, An excel- lent buy at only $12,800.00. AFTER 5:30 CALL Marion Drew; 725-7610 Everwett Elliott, 723-9290 John Kemp, 728-2392 Dick Borrioge, 725-6243 Joe Megs, 725-9191 Members 0,.D.R.E.B. Mortgages Arranged, Bought and Sold. Smooth-top high quality mat- tresses. No buttons. No tufts. Pre-built border. 8 air vents. Reg, $69.50. Half Price $35. SCHNEIDER'S FOOD PLAN, through ECONOMART, 15 or 20 cu. ft. FRIGIDAIRE Freez- er, one piece, NO WELD ALL-STEEL CABINET, a pro- duct of GENERAL MOTORS, App. $16.95 per week assures a family of four GOOD LIVING and is your total cost of freezer and 90% of your food in your home. Full - WARRANTY food and freezer. Our food consultants will gladly ex- plain our plan in detail. NO DOWN PAYMENT, NO OBLI- GATION, for. appointment call MO 8-5381. We GUAR- ANTEE to save you money end time. _ ECONOMIZE WITH ECONOMART, ca est. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement, Gravel Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boats; Shot ~Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden and Lawn Equipment. MO 8-3226. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED x g x x Smooth-top continental beds complete with headboard and legs. Reg. $89. Discount Price $54.50, xx x x xx x * Me KK x x bt atet tad xxx x * RK = MK OO x * =x x Pt atateted ~~ bed bed x = Spring-filled mottresses. Hun- dreds of coils, All sizes, Dis- count price $16.88. PS ttt : i COAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Serta, Sealy, Restonic, Spring- wall and Simmons. Ali on sale. See the Mattress King, Ed Wilson, 20 Church St. Oshawa, 0-25 "Tt looks delicious--mind if I have a bite?"