THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 25, 1961 25 TELEVISION LOG | enietiiaiimaaaes _ | SsHAWE: \@BCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton © CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto : BOWLING NEWS 'WGR-TV Channel 2--Butfalo WBEN-TV Channe) 4--Buffalo ee, ae "¢é DIAMONDS E WKBW-TV Cha~~el 7--Buftalo WROC-TV Channei 5--Rochester 4 ' as ; ss ? 0.P.U0, : : . : S RING SPORT PAGE -- OSHA iG ,CFTO-TV Channel 9~Toronto CKYR-TV Channel 3--Barrie : : . ef 08 Pn rig Os aon one 1h Mad ' H j . ; ) : 'acers 3 3 Unknowns WEDNESDAY EVE. | 2--Funny Funnies l1--Popeye with Capt. On S Sos 'Of f \ -* ea\ 0 . ne ee eee : 5:00 P.M. 9:15 A.M. ¢-Weaa's 'teae | ; Sh p=. i ; ne ; Ladies' High Single -- Bea Colvin £77. t1--Family Theatre The Debbie Drake 4:15 P.M. I Y : © f . y; } 'et igh Triple -- Bea Colvig. 751 : 6--Historical Sites ¢ 5 S| A : a? High . j Cad : x Men' 's High Laurel ne Harty de | 601 (1M, 144, 313). 64-- | S-Here's Hollywood y 2--Three Stooges 3--Shirley Abicaire THURSDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. u--Family Theatre Single Miss Brooks 5-2--Piay Your tuned Loye Lucy 10:45 A.M. ~ rl s asl 3--Man From Mars | : > I 2 Highway Patro: 1 6:15 P. Hy in 12:00 NOON 6--National Velvet 1i--Bugs Bunny ané 3-Farm Report Sewn: Weather: 9-4 News: Weathers # dros Asni Sukas etn iG Wh' oe: NY el oom eee re ey WN meee |g sommes (aatemiy Te -- | CROSSWORD | HL} of (pgs oa! ta i re 7:00 P.M. Ni = cmt TIT 5--Top Cat 1. Posts 4. Tennis taker [SSSI 12:30 P.M. 4--News, Weather 6. Cut stroke " = Sport: Names miese =| _rh'Funttonss «| 22-Apportion . S, Branches 5-2--It Cond ne You | 2--Royal Canadian 12,-----branch 6, Travelers' 4--Search For Mounted Police | 43. West helpers , Tomorrow 7:15 P.M. | Pointer 1. Toward 7:30 P.M. | 14, Refund the enteanated | 15, Negligent lee 1--Ossle and 4 Berne 16. The 8. Mr, Van -- widow's Winkle [ition Cireus contribution 9, Girl's -- eet | 18. Half em name nae | 19. Emerald 10. Algerian 7--Donna Reed are governor 63--Sir Francis Drake 20. Moslem 17. River in 8:30 P.M commander -- Our two Lemon, Leaguers for the evening were Roger Hayward 95 and Jack Worsley 85. MICKEY MOUSE : . Asia 11--OHA Junior Hockey 23.Musicnote 19, Hawaiian bird 1 M s . 7 > he q 3 Campus Comedy Shew 2:00 P.M. Cs. 24. Satiric pe 4 ws GE Me can " q dye VETERAN WRITER DIES 10:00 P.M. 7--Number Please 5-2--Dt, Kildare | 26.Swimmer's 20, Soon : berg ae : { £ ' : HO Yk BOSTON (AP) -- Melville E. '1--Bob McLean 6-3--Chez Helene 4--Bob Cummings Show | stroke 21, Disease of eight ' ) ; ' , ' ' . $--Jim Backus Show | $-2--Jan Murray Show 9:00 P.M. | 99. A fine sj t | te a fe Webb, 85, Boston Globe sports 63--News Magazine sword 'didiy Vans Ooms . sheep . : ' : SW = = , writer for more than If Stans Revert HIS P.M. | $3-ine "Deiendore | Pott Ts e : died Monday.' He fe 5 'ather . = - 4 7--Aecent On Youth 'The investigators psoralen century, jonday. He re- 9: | .M. tired in 1953. $--Big Four Playback ¥ 1--Margie vt Tacks SALLY'S SALLIES 7--The Untouchables | e WHEN GRANDMA GOES ON] | |... THERE MIGHT BE OTHERS A DIET GHE FORGETS... WHO'D LIKE A COOKIE 7--Gueen Fors Day ce dee NOW AN! THEN, 6-3--National Schools " $-2--Dr. Malone 4--The 3:90 PM. 4--Big ye Hall 29 $2--Jack Paar 9-Selenee . : i----Starlight Theatre Fiction a, Robin McGraw tse 11:00 P.M. 7 Yj 7--Who Do You Trust THURSD 3--People and Places |\1-*7-65-4-3-2--News: ty 4 8:00 A. " {The Verdict 1s Yours Seerte . 55 'ilieea" Mace' $2--From These Roots ae .M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 3:45 P.M. t 7, Y Dave Garroway saat ag Around the M7) ML Sho u 4:00 P.M, 11:30 P. bas AS 144 The Hidea: 7~American 'Bandstand Late DOWN 46 +8 | &2--Jack Paar i te 10-25 62 PONTIACS ai 1962 BUICKS |_-- HEM ait .. 0nt§ CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. rae e e 266 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 723-4634 © HEAVY EQUIPMENT USE YOUR CREDIT! o-AND THE GOLD BOARD: 88 KING WEST 725-4543 THE LONE RANGER MUGGS AND SKEETER DONALD DUCK TECHNICOLOR SHOWN TODAY AT... 2:00 - 4:00 - 6:05 - 7:55 - 10:00 ' & & 4 AND NOW, MISS: fe \) A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE (T'S KINDA HARD j : , ay ak ae { g . 10 TAKE YOUR, E'S SO eee READ 'OWN DICTATION. sed } - oe, tegen ai iy INE... yous MISS JONES. 'FALL PLANTING TIME IS HERE AGAIN! We have en hand « good sup- ply of High Quality -- Top Size aed (af ei | HOLLAND WELL FINO THAT AND A FELLOW ASKED 4 sia BULBS SOMETIMES IF ME TODAY IF t WAS \ ast X\ YOU DON'T TOUCH MARRIED ap f SN | Peat Moss, Bone Meal, MRPORT . THOSE THINGS, Fertilizers and Master THEY GETALL. Dog Food. RIGHT BY THEMSELVES STE 54 CHURCH ST. Oshawa DIAL 723-2229 LARRY BRANNON ----------