GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES 8TH SCOUT AUXILIARY ([Bunner, Mrs. C. E. Spicer, Mrs. The 8th Oshawa Sea Scout|D. L. St. Andrews; sewing com- Mothers' Auxiliary held its an-|mittee, Mrs. George Fitches, nual meeting recently. After the|Mrs. Robert Clayton, Mrs. M. monthly business, Mrs. George/B. Proctor, Mrs. John Robert- Fitches, president, called on son. : Mr. Stanley Gales to preside. Guests at this meeting were Mr. Gales, chairman of the|Port Skip Donald Thompson group Committee installed the) and Starboard Skip D. Hewitt new officers. He spoke words ofand assistant Scoutmaster Mr. congratulation to them, and/D. L. St. Andrews. Mr, Thomp- thanked the group as a whole|son and Mr. Hewitt thanked the} -- making all the scarfs used by all the boys of the 8th Sea Scout Groups. Mrs. John Robertson will repre- lsent the 8th Sea Scout Mothers' | Auxiliary at the regional confer- ence at Thornhill in November. ing with the Armed Forces) should be sent a Christmas gift. The reading of the different) \annual reports showed the great! |need for the financial success of) jthe projects given by the group.) 'The maintenance, improvement) Mrs. D. L, St. Andrews and|ang heating costs of the Hill- jcroft Scout Hall are paid for by |the Sea Scout Mothers' Auxil- iary. The Eighth Oshawa Scout Mothers bazaar will be! held November 8 at 2:30 p.m.) lorial Church, Refreshments were served by, Mrs. Robert Clayton's Curlew THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 25, 1961 1 Patrol. drews and Mrs. Roche gave the ST. DAVID'S SOCIETY, AUX,|'reasurer's report. The October meeting of the) Mrs. Isaac Hughes, member- Ladies' Auxiliary of the St.|ship convener, reminded the David's Welsh Society was held|members that October 28 is the as an evening meeting recently, deadline for membership dues. at the home of Mrs. Thomes| Arr its were d finali Roche, Bloor street west, with'for the Christmas Tea to be a good attendance. held on Monday, December 4, The president, Mrs, Jack) at 6.30 p.m. at the CRA. It was agreed that any past/in the parish hall of Christ Mem-|Russell, presided. The minutes} The traditional Welsh doll were read by Mrs. Robert An-|dressed in national costume was on display and will be donated to the Hospital Auxi- liary for its annual Festival of Gifts. Refreshments were served by the hostess. DEADLY SNAKE The fer-de-lance, | poisonous snake measuring five or six feet and found in tropical Amer- ica, is related to the rattle- | snake. scout from the 8th Oshawa serv- for its excellent support of Scout-|mothers for their support over ing. the year, and spoke of their The new officers are as fol- scouting plans. | lows: past president, Mrs. A small gift from the mem- Douglas Redpath; president, bers was presented to Mrs.| Mrs, George E. Fitches; vice-| Frank Williams by Mrs. Asthur| presidents, Mrs. Clare MeCul-' Clarke. This gift carried with it) lough and Mrs. D. L. St. An-|grateful thanks to Mrs. Williams, SUPERMARKET Free drews: secretary, Mrs. Regi-|who for many years has been jnald Coombs; treasurer. Mrs. rans fa 5 R. J. Ross. Corresponding secretary, Mrs.| J e |F, N. Farncombe; to be assisted] |by Telephone committee, Mrs.| Cc "in- e J. W. Button and Mrs, Norman, ' | pulpit GLECOFF 174 RITSON RD.S. _|,,;,.,,| AMPLE FREE PARKING SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26-27-28 Choice of Fresh and Smoked Meats |; CIGARETTES «=-3,09 Laughlin; visiting, Mrs. Robert Dove: uniforms, Mrs. Douglas |Barton; social, Mrs. Douglas |Redpath and Mrs. M. W. Sutton; press, Mrs. Roy Day. | Patrol leaders, Mrs. Arthur] Clarke, Mrs. Stanley Gales, Mrs.| M. B. Proctor, Mrs. Dwight! WENDY DAWN 'All ready for a game of | Harbour, Ontario, and great- | ball is Wendy Dawn, yn granddaughter of Mr. and month-old daughter of Mr. | wee Joseph R a Poronte and Mrs. Edward Russell, cig buepastad Reams a Simcoe street north. Wendy | and Mrs. William Cadeau, Victoria Harbour. Entered in is the granddaughter of Mr. the local baby picture con- and Mrs. Curtis Russell, | Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. | test taking place this week. Photo by Ireland Wilfred Beauchamp, Victoria DID YOU KNOW this is the name | of a wild flower with a blossom | |shaped peculiarly like a pulpit? Jack-in-the-pulpit is also one of the flowers inthe new Brooke Bond picture oard series: Wild | Flowers of North America. These full-color cards are free in Red Rose and Blue Ribbon teas and coffees. All 48 picture cards have interesting 'descriptions. of the flowers on the backs, by artist- naturalist Roger Tory Peterson. j ANIMAL COLLECTORS: To com- plete your animal card collection, see order form in packages con- taining Wild Flower cards. COLLECTOR'S ALBUM: Holds all 48 Wild Flower cards. 25¢ at most grocers or from: re | Card Dept., Brooke Bond Canada Limited, 4305 Céte de Liesse Rd., Montreal 9, Que. | | NEED A NEW STOVE OR 'FRIDGE? © ' BUY 'EM WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED Tots To Model with a clothing problem but also to Home Economics students who may be contemplating a career in dressmaking. The clothes will be for sale at "Make Me Over" Fashion Show the close of the evening and all proceeds are the building scoria SCO ia The committee of the second fund (aA VA annual "Make Me Over"' fash-| The committee responsible for Te al fon show is busy preparing for as i 3 ' ' the Fashion Show is -- Director, | LOAN this event which will be held on| : assistant, Mrs THE BANK OF Friday evening, November 3, at|Mr: Jack Coull; set design- NOVA SCOTIA Reguler 2 for 43c WITH OR WITHOUT DRESSING -- EVISCERATED [ +4 C H I C K E N S 2% to 3 LB. ¢ FIRST GRADE LB. AVERAGE LB. 3 : c hg WHITE SUGAR 10.83 BEEF POT ROASTS =» 39° | WHITE BREAD SMOKED RINDLESS CHRISTIES' FOR 1-LB, BREAKFAST BACON ms 69° } HALLOWE'EN KISSES »< 25° FRESH--WITH OR WITHOUT DRESSING-- : PER SHOULDER OF PORK =» 39°; KRAFT DINNER «lle P K K LBs Ys MORE PRODUCT AT NO EXTRA COST , e SWIFT FRA -- pty 7 CELLO ¢ G I A Nn T F A B PER PKG. 87° SMOKED WIENERS wer wu 49 ris . AJAX CLEANSER::.2 39° WING or T-BONE STEAKS ». 79* | ae SLICED . Size LEAN COOKED HAM ©" 98° ; PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 °:.: 41¢ 7.30 and 8.30 o'clock, in the Sun-|William Short, Jr.; day school rooms of the Salva-jer, Mrs. Maynard Nelson; re- tion Army Citadel, Barbara Pol- =: 5: te s ceiaea Imvk CKLB will be the com- freshments, Mrs. Fred shoes J I eoowereenen, Seat i ees ar The children of the Sunday BINGay,: Bre: - achool will be the models and| oe SHOPPERS | BEING the clothes will be a FESTIVAL ° wr-s assisting are Miss Audrey Thomas Salisbury Derry. SOCIAL NOTICE Ll OVERNIGHT TO CHICAGO E ..»no lost time when you travel by train Leave Oshawa at 8:59 p.m.; arrive refresher in downtown Chicago at 7:25 4.m. Day Service also available. For information, PPHONE 723-4122 CANADIAN NATIONAL 66-61 made from| carefully selected used clothing which has been given for this project. Each article of cloth- ing has been carefully taken AT HOME apart, and cleaned, then re- Mr. and Mrs. William Barker, styled. Mrs. James Garvock is|197 Verdun road, will be at designing and making the/home to their neighbors and clothes, which will range in/friends on Sunday, October 29, sizes from Tots to Teens. \from 2 to 5 p.m. on the occa- This presentation will be of|sion of their 50th wedding anni- " thers' versary. 10 for CHECK THIS WEEKEND SPECIAL! eee" ng rene 4 - f= = Cy ad fee " Bread and Butter PICKLES "-" 29¢ jer HEINZ SWEET MIXED PICKLES '{.;" jer HEINZ Kosher Baby T1-ox, bottles a7¢ Crispler... crunchier, Look for them in the handy new screw-cap jar. THE HEINZ CHEF SUGGESTS THIS WEEK HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 49¢ . >: INSTALL AN AUTOMATIC NATURAL GAS BURNER IN YOUR PRESENT FURNACE : : : WHATEVER ITS TYPE WHATEVER ITS FUEL Regular 2 for 27¢ NOW 11¢ each (with cream edded) YOU KNOW THEY'RE GOOD BECAUSE THEY'RE HEINZ 11-OZ. BTL. 2 for 49° SPECIALS LADY GALT -- GIFT-BOXED Floral Towel Seis VICKS VAPOUR RUB VICKS VA -TRO-NOL VICKS COUGH DROPS RICHARD HUDNUT SHAMPOOS KOTEX | COTTAGE | TOILET TISSUE IN OUR DRUGGETTE AND CLOTHING DEPARTMENTS 2.49 REGULAR 64c -- FOR 50° REGULAR 64¢ -- FOR 50¢ YOUR CHOICE- 2 PKGS. 25° REG, 2.00 1.29 CHOICE FRUIT and VEGETABLES EXTRA LARGE LATE--FOR SAURKRAUT, ETC. 1.39 CABBAGE 2.25 3 om 1,00 SWEET SUNKIST 163 FOR LB. 35° REGULAR 2.98 Special This Week DOZEN HEADS NORMALLY ......:..- 209.00 SPECIAL ALLOWANCE... . 150.00 TOU PAY ONLY: :........ . SROO FREE INSTALLATION . . . FREE BURNER SERVICE Get All The Facts : . . Call This Number Now fie ede wi: 728-9441 SHORGAS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LIMITED PHONE 728-9441 ORANGES = SNOW APPLES sauowers BAG SEEDLESS GRAPES. 29° 4 gg BIRDSEYE -- CHICKEN, BEEF OR TURKEY 29¢ FROZEN PIES package l gc Regular BIRDSEYE 2 for 39c. package 15¢ COD FISH STICKS 3-Ib. tins 2.69 DEMPSTERS BREAD CRUMBS KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES SPECIAL Glasses -- 25¢ 3 kinds te choose from. package 12 IN PKG. REG, Sic FOR LARGE BTLE 39° ome COOKED HAM MAPLE LEAF 4 vous 33° § PEANUT BUTTER Ge SQUIRRELL Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S -- Open Every Night Till 10 p.m.