"SEEN FROM left to right are Mrs. Joseph Haas, co- Hadassah Instals Co-Presidents Piyah Chapter of Had h president; Mrs. A. H. Vix- man of Montreal, Associate Director of Canadian Hadas- Morrison, co-presideni; Mrs. Bernard Jack Appleby, past-president. --Oshawa Times Photo sah Wezo; Mrs. Dr. John Leng officiated at the marriage of Margaret Dor- een Leyden and Donald Douglas Gray in a double ring ceremony at St. Andrew's United Church on Saturday afternoon, October 21. Mr. E. Kelvin James played the wedding music and accomp- anied Mr. Kenneth Mayberry who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "O Perfect Love'. The bride is the\daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matfhew Leyden and the bridegroo: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oshawa. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a full- length gown of carnation white peau de soie sweeping into a Cathedral train. Beaded guipure lace outlined the scoop neckline of the slim bodice which was offset with lily-point sleeves. Appliques of the same lace lent interest to the billowy skirt LODGES AND SOCIETIES held its first dinner meeting recently at the Hotel Genosha. Hadassah was honored in having as its guest speaker, Mrs. A. H. Vixman of Mont- real. In April, 1957, Mrs. Vix- man was honored by the Queen's County Council La- dies' Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans with the Grant of Women of the Year Award. She has served for many years on National Boards of Hadas- sah and the Women's League of the United Synagogue of Amer- ica. She was executive director of Young Judea and is now serving as associate director ef Canadian Hadassah Wezo. Thgt evening she was instru- mental in electing and install- ing the new executive for the coming year as follows: Presi- dents, Mrs. Joseph Haas and Mrs. Bernard Morrison; vice- presidents, Mrs. Murray Swartz and Mrs. Edward Gla- sier; secretary, Mrs. W. V. Stemeroff; financial secretary, Bowmanville, and welcomed. All committee SUNBEAM CHAPTER OES The regular meeting of Sun- beam Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, was held at the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Marianne Girard WM, presided assisted Mr- William' Henderson, WP. Mrs. Cora Lyons, Conductress, introduced Mrs. Ann Creighton, Mrs. Meta Moore and Mrs. Agnes Kemlo, all PDDGM's Worthy Matron gave them a special welcome thanking them for their loyal support through- out the year. The following past officers of Sunbeam were heartily wel- comed, Mrs. Martha Dunlop, Mrs. Laura Stewart, Mrs. May Lang, Mrs. Nance McLeese, Miss Sybil Langmaid, Mrs. Iva Cliff, Mrs. Bert Wight, Mrs. Meta Moore, Mrs. Agnes Kemlo, Mrs. Betty McKinstry, Miss Flora Purdie, Mrs. Dorothy Haley, Mrs. Frank Train and Mr. William Henderson- Mrs. Eleanor Train, PM from was _ introduced Installation; November 23, Whit- by Installation. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Jean Scott and her com- mittee. SILVER CROSS WOMEN The regular meeting of the Remembrance Association of the Oshawa Chapter of the Sil- ver Cross was held at Simcoe Hall with the president, Mrs. Herbert Prateby presiding. Mrs. Jack Hogan read the minutes and Mrs. Charles Gibbs gave the treasurer's report. Cor- respondence was read and a let- ter from Hillsdale Manor to at- a beautiful anniversary cake. vember 1, Ar I its were tend a meeting on October 31 when Mrs. M. Smith from To- ronto will be the speaker and will answer questions and an- swers. Also help will be appre- ciated for their bazaar on No- also on the sash ends of the bustle bow highlighting the waistline. A double crown of pearls held her finger tip veil and she carried a cascade of stephanotis Mrs. David Nicholishen was jmatron of honor and the brides- Margaret Leyden, Donald Gray Wed In Afternoon Ceremony silk crepe with a flower trim-j/sult with harmonizing hat and ajsent from Toronto, Galt, Pres- med velvet hat and a corsage|corsage of gold roses. On their|ton, Kitchener, Stouffville, King- of tinted pink chrysanthemums.)return the couple will reside injston, For the honeymoon trip, the| Oshawa. bride travelled in a taupe wool' Out of town guests were pre-'and Warren, Ohio. Vallaceburg, Smiths Falls, Port Credit, Detroit, Michigan, maids were Miss Doris Leyden of Toronto and Miss Joan Rich- ards of Oshawa. They all wore identical street length gowns of danube blue peau de soie fash- ioned with brief sleeves and bell skirts of unpressed pleats. They wore matching pill box hats. Miss Janet Howie of Oshawa was junior bridesmaid in a short gown of intermission blue peau de soie styled similar to that of the senior attendants but with billowy skirt of unpres- sed pleets. She wore a match- ing bandeau bow knot headdress. All the attendants carried round colonial bouquets of white and blue' tinted chrysanthemums with tulle florets. Mr. Ross McMaster was best man for his brother and the ush- ers were Messrs. William Ma- son and Julius Minacs, The reception was held in the banquet hall of St. Andrew's Church, where the bride's moth- er received in pure silk apple green with a turban hat of cham- pagne beige silk plush, match- ing accessories and a purse cor- sage of bronze chrysanthemums. Assiting was the bridegroom's mother who chose sapphire blue "ASK YOUR AGENT ABOUT... @ Scenic-Dome rail travei B All-inclusive fares (including meals, berth, ete.) @ Group discount fares @ Overseas Steamship services @ Great Lakes ond Alaska cruises @ Hotels ond resorts across Canade @ Airline service across Canada-linking 3 continents ® Mediterranean Cruise --1962 Information and reservations from H, G. Davidson 11% King Street East Tel. No. 723-2224 The World's Most Complete Transportation System RANLWAYS © STEAMSHIPS © AIRLINES © HOTELS * COMMUNICATIONS © EXPRESS © TRUCKING » MGGYEACR sary was beautiful floral ed for the Silver Cross ba' to be held in the Legics Hall November 16 at 2 p.m. Draw prizes were won by Mrs. Jack Hogan, Mrs. Charies Gibbs and Mrs, Fred Guscott. The president, who was cele- brating' her wedding anniver- presented with a zaar| arrangement made by Mrs. Charles Smith. The Chapter presented her with UPER SAVE SETS the PA reports were given and Mrs. Mabel Alpin gave a report on her visit to the Grand Chapter Session in Toronto. It was decided to have a night of cards on November 8 and the following invitations were ac- cepted: November 9, Blue Ray Mrs. Louis Sklar; treasurer, Mrs. Morris Segal; publicity efiairman, Mrs. Herman Gold- stein; Jewish national fund chairman, Mrs. Samuel Hor- wich; convener of yearly spring bazaar, Mrs. Richard Erman. MORE DISNEYKINS TO COMPLETE YOUR SET COMPARE AT 25cl--ALWAYS A FAMILY FAVORIT" ICE CREAM COMPARE AT 32c!---BRIGHT'S---FAMILY SIZE ° APPLE JUICE Hallowe'en Goodies HALLOWE'EN PACKAGE OF 50 SUCKERS 3% 28-02. 55* HALLOWE'EN--CELLO BAGS we 29" KISSES ==: 25* 12-02. 29° GOLDEN HOUR HALOWE'EN CELLO 19° 79° xe, 29° 8 ms 5] SSRBBSRGRERELGREBABEBABABEBESABASABEBULELEDEBUNUDEBABOBEBABABSBABEBIBABEBABABaBavABEBES 3 DAYS ONLY October 26th - 27th - 28th 48-07. TINS Sa eee {TS FROM BIRKS dB 18-02. TINS 15-OZ. IN SHELL--FRESH TINS GOLDEN HOUR POPPING CORN PLANTERS-- TRICK or TREAT KINGSDALE CHOCOLATE MALLOWS AMERICA DRY GINGER ALE SUNKIST ORANGES 31.00 E-SEASON--FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 10< 49: Cee TTT TTT STITT MILD CURED RINDLESS PURE PORK BACON 4; 69° |Sausage +,.)'5..69° uw. 59 LB. CELLO BAG PKG. OF 50 20-02. TINS os for Wedding Gifts e+» for Bridal Showers ee « for, Christmas Gifts BIRK'S Cup and Saucer Sale An eagerly awaited event which continues to delight hearts of all hostesses. Three famous English bone china makers are featured ... in a wonderful choice of designs, shapes and colours. j Group A -- 2.65 -- 4 for 10.00 2 Wonderful Price Groups ¢,.,3_ 1.694% 650 Group "A" Including Aynsley, Paragon, Hammersley patterns 2.65 each four for 10.00 13-02. TINS COMPARE AT 29c!--STOKLEY'S FANCY 10-02. Qi COMPARE AT 2 FOR 37c! COMPARE AT 3 FOR 3ic! COMPARE AT 24c!--CULVERHOUSE COMPARE AT 2 FOR 25c!l--WHOLE KERNEL, 8-OZ. CREAM STYLE, 10-0Z. TINS CORN 10™ COMPARE AT 2 FOR 27c!l--CAMPBELL'S KLEENEX TISSUES 7" COMPARE AT 2 FOR 31c! 8 PKGS. COMPARE AT 28c!--LIBBY'S FRUIT COMPARE AT 25c!--CRUSHED OR SLICED 48-07. A ins reg. values $3.50 to $4.00 RED BRAND STANDING RIB ROAST LEAN, TENDER, CUBE STYLE RIBS «39. Compore et 23c!--Birds Eye GREEN PEAS 12-oz, Pkgs. $s] Compare at 2 for 49c! Old South ORANGE JUICE ee Pre-Dressed Grade "A" Plump CHICKENS For Frying er Roasting FRYERS 29 c SPROULE'S ¢: SUPER SAVE , corner or KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA J SHORT CUT WELL-TRIMMED PORK SHOULDER STEAK 49. Compare eat 2 for 39e! Birds Eye FRENCH FRIES food | Compere at 33c! Birds Eye Fillets OCEAN PERCH ee 235° GROUP "B" 1,69 each--four for 6.50 MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY BIRKS JEWELLERS FRARARARANIRARABE RT ONARARARARABABABABABABARARARABABABABABABIBIBABABABAAABAB OT CABABABABABABESABABABEBABABESABEBaBaBEBe: 6-ox. Tins in the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE UPER AVE MARKETS BIRKS * 725-3511 | Stores Open Friday Evenings ABaBABABABABABIBALABABSBABABABABABABaBABIBAABABEBABABABABABApApapAcapapaBAsABABALAG a g : & S & & & E : z & & 3 E g & E 2 a a FY & & & 3 B 3 3 3 Es 3 EY & @ B 3 3 FF & 3S b B FY Ey & & & & & S & ES & & 3 & B98 SaRARanssanapasasasasasasas