10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, October 24, 1961 BRANCH 43 HISTORY © (Continued enthusiasm of the Branch was also outstanding. During these years the need for a permanent home for the Branch was very apparent. A building fund was started, but progress was still slow..An ap- peal was made io the city coun- cil for a grant to purchase the o site on which the Legion Hail now stands on Centre street. The Legion delegation appeared before City Council and showed that the welfare and adjustment services of the Branch had saved the city tens of thousands of dollars in relief expenditures, from Page 9) and the city set aside a sum of $2,000, with which the site was purchased and handed over to the Legion. : With the majority of the mem- bers unemployed on account of the depression the building fund grew too slowly te give much hope for the buildine of a hall on the site. However, these members volunteered to supply the labor if the necessary ma- terials could be made available. A Building Committee under the chairmanship of Arthu1 Tierney, prepared plans, and a Finance Committee, under M. McIntyre |Hood went to work to raise /enough money to buy the ma- terials. In 1933, with some $700 in the fund,. it was decided to make a start on the project as the committee felt that once a start was made, money for the materials would come along. | Within a week assistance came from Col- R. S. McLaugh- lin who guaranteed the funds to complete the first floor of the hall, his contribution amounting to some $4,000. His brother, G. W. MeLaughlin contributed $2,000 and other prominent citi- zens donated money and ma- terials, the Branch staged a series of garden parties in Alex- andra Park which together with other fund-raising projects, col- lected enough money to complete the building. The first floor was completed and formally opened on Feb. 12, 1934, at a banquet at which Jules L. Ferry of Sudbury, then Provincial President, was the speaker and W. J. Locke was President of the Branch for 1934, Work continued on the second floor until the funds were ex (Continued on Page 11) Oshawa Sand and Gravel 877 KING EAST Are proud to salute Branch 43 of the Oshawa Canadian Legion on their 35th year of con- tinuous support to the community. LEGIONNAIRE WEEK SPECIAL AT M. COLLIS FURNITURE 78-82 KING STREET WEST Combine to Offer You Your Choice of $79.95 Quality Mattresses or Box Springs ALF PRICE! Qos ...and no skimping on the usual quality! Every one of these beauties includes every f SERTA feature you find in fine quality SERTA mattresses and box springs. SERTA's usual guarantee, of course! -- just as if you paid the reg- ular $79.95 price. Here is more value than you've seen in a long, long time. Don't miss it! Act now while selections are complete. MATTRESS or BOX SPRING -- STANDARD SIZES M. Collis Furniture Co. 78-82 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 725-0332