WMS HOL On Tuesday of the week St. Paul's United Church in Ajax was the scene of an area | rally of the Oshawa Presby- | tery (Western Section) Wom- Three Join Legion Ranks MRS. A.L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE: President J. Woodward, Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion presided re- cently when three new members were initiated into Legion com- radeship. They were Comrades H. Or- miston, R. Fraser, and A. Cook. The vice-president R. Mc- Knight and- Sergeant-at-arms J. Knight assisted with D. Camer- on and W. Mitchell acting as escort and color party. A dart league is to be organiz- ed for winter activity. An eight- man team is being entered in the Legion Provincial Golf Tournament at Chippewa. Sports Officer Knight spoke of the sponsored PeeWee and Bantam baseball teams and ajspectatdys boosted the boys on) vote of thanks was given to/to thé end of the game, when| coaches M. Bate and R. Mar- jerrison. / The branch will entertain the baseball teams to a social eve- ning at a later date. Poppy Chairman P. Bathgate announced that National Poppy Day would be held Saturday, November fourth and a Re- was attended by close to 100 delegates throughout the pres- bytery. Pictured above are | members of the WMS execuw- | tive and past presidents of the organization Front row, left | S AREA RALLY AT AJAX to right, are Mrs. J. Norton of Markham, a past president; Miss Bessie French, a WMS missionary; and Mrs. Zula Jackson of Port 25 years. Back row, left to Ajax Lions Win | AJAX: The Ajax Lions {Club Bantam Baseball Team |won the 1961 Ontario Champion- jship' against the Riverside |(Windsor) team in a best two} out of three game series re-| cently. | Ajax won the first game 5-3. This is the first time since 1955 that the title has been won by Ajax. This was a very close game, and the score going into the 9th was 7-5. A Riverside player hit a home run to bring the score gloser to a tie. How- eyver the Ajax team put out the three next batters to win 7-6. Approximately--1000, cheering BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE -- Mr. and)when a second championship] 19 iMrs. Wm. Quick have return- ed from a visit with their son Donald, Montreal, Que. ¥ Miss May Wood, Eastbourne, | | banquet Title the Ajax Fire Department went into action, packing the team on the fire engine, and headed a long parade all over town Deputy Reeve Pat Sheehan has announced that a civic will be tendered the boys, and that they will receive suitable recognition for gaining this new honor for Ajax. It will be a fitting tribute to the Ajax club, and also to the popu- lar coach Art Rennick\who tams. MIDGETS TESTEDE | The Ajax Legion beaten in their first game of the Ontario finals 7-0 came back on Saturday\\to beat Stratford 9-3. The finahgame will be played in Ajax next Saturday is very probable. In the semi- finals Ajax lost to Oshawa 8-4 in the first game, coming back Perry who | was resident of the WMS for | has announced that this is his! final year as coach of the Ban- (Branch 322) Midget Team, who were Bowmanville WA Made 47 . By S. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE -- The gen- eral Women's Association meet- ing was held récently in Trin- nity United Church with the president, Mrs. L. Goddard, presiding. Six members of the group, ie |Mrs. Puk, Mrs. W. Cawker, Mrs. S. McMurter, Mrs. Gar- son, Mrs. C. Cowan and Mrs. Hammond, took part in a dis-) cussion on the coming change in the women's organizations of all United Churches. It was planned to have a bake sale and tea in November, with the following committee to make arrangements Mrs. C. Hockin, Mrs. J. Van Nest, Mrs. Woolley, Mrs. B. Colwell, Mrs. P. Greenfield and Mrs. L. God- dard. 7 Calls ft was decided to sell the heavier dishes in the church kit- chen and when sold, to pur- chase dishes of fhe finer china now in the cupboards. The president thanked all members who had helped with the recent Bible society canvas. Groups 4 and 14 held a suc- cessful rummage sale. The WA is sending $15 to the mas. The church congregation is to have a social evening in Novem- ber with dessert and coffee to be served by the WA groups. On the third Sunday in No- vember the elders will visit the church members and a luncheon will be served to them prior to their visitation. The Junior choir are to be talking right, are Mrs. H. Ferguson of | Bowmanville, a vice - presi- | dent; Mrs. H. A.*Mellow of | Northminster, 1st vice-presi- | dent; Mrs. Fred Read of Sun- | derland, president; and Mrs. | | T. Fallaise of Whitby, a vice | president. | --Oshawa Times Photo | { MICKEY ROONEY OEE ES AT (Collect $2,100 | 'CNIB Canvass BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- \Latest returns from the Bow- They go a million |} | | | , 'Everything's Panicky . . . Everything's Wacky . ... With Scuttlebut the "EVERYTHING'S DUCKY" 1 EA AR APPL LN TRACTION and land a million miles' out in space ! "WALLEY "% DRAGONS" Duck! @ BUDDY HACKETT miles back in time jmanville - West Purham advis- jory committee sjonsored Cana- \dian National Institute for the Blind canvass, conducted Mon- day, jndicate that nearly $2400 | has een collected. 'é Returns from outlying areas| two Korean children for Christ- FP entertained to a supper on Oct. 19 with a committee of Mrs. Woolley, Mrs. C. Ives, Miss M. Jewell, Mrs. I. Buttery and Mrs. L. Goddard. The group leaders reported their members made 477 calls during the month. Plan UNICEF Flag Day BOWMANVILLE (Staff) The Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club will hold a UNICEF (Mnited Nations Children's Fund) Nog day this tiday evening' and all day Saturday. UNICEF aids the govern- ments of 106 countries in their fight against disease, ignofance, and hunger among children. i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 19, 1961 7 Children Baptized MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE--The Sacra- ment of Baptism was solem- nized at Trinity United Church on Sunday,- October 15 with Reverend Wm. K. Houslander officiating. The flowers were placed in the church by the family of the late Dr. C. W. Slemon. The following children received the baptismal rights: Keith Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barrie, Janet Grace, daughter of Mr. Mrs, Gerald Brown; vin Crago, Susan _ Dianne and Kevin Dane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cal- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mundy; Rodney Alfred, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dewell; Kevin Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Woolley; Donna Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brock; Daniel Wil- liam Josef, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Schmidt; Scott-Freder- ic, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Markell; Patricia Cory, daugh- ter of Mr."and Mrs. Johh Rob- ert Marshall. BENCH COMPLAINT VANCOUVER (CP) -- Com- pensation for stipendiary mag- istrates is woefully inadequate, said Magistrate Roderick Haig- Brown, noted aaturalist and au- thor, in an interview here. He estimates he gets about 75 cents an hour for sitting on the bench at Campbeli River. ' jhave not yet been received. jPle who missed the canvasse' jare urged to forward contri |tions to James Bell, Ban Montreal, Bowmanville. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) |The speaker at the Canadian |Club of West Durham's next dinner meeting, Oct. 24, will be the well-known artist and de- signer, Thor Hansen. Commencing at 8.15 p.m. at ithe Lions' Centre, Mr. Hansen will deliver an address entitled "Arts and Crafts". Since coming tg9/Canada in 27 from his nafive Denmark, the speaker has achieved wide recognition in his field, stressing motifs of Canadiana in the de- FAMOUS*PLAYERS THEATRES , Paced coo JUST TURM ae * SY of Hits Metto-Goldvin-Mayer me errect placing, ho WMalivsing) to win 2-0 in the second, and/sign of new buildings for his membrance dinner would be|Sussex, England, is on a three ON, cinching that championship by employers, the British American winning 21-1 in the final game.l/Oil Co. : held Saturday, November 11. | week visit with Mr. and Mrs. The merchants have been asked to close their business during the Cenotaph service November 11. A church parade will be held Sunday November| 12th. The monthly Legion 50-50 draw was won by Miss Muriel LaTrobe, Young St. Toronto. Proceeds from the annual car draws were $1,700. and from Millionaires night $1,400., which ' wyill be used for furnishing the Legion ward at the n wing of Memorial Hospital. Hold Inspection AtBowmanville BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Bowmanville Fire Chief Frank Calver and his assistant, Thom- as Lyle, reported "excellent conditions" after their annual inspection of the community during Fire Prevention Week. They reported that schools were quicker to evacuate. build- ings than in former years;- and were "pleased with the clean- liness of store basements and other industrial properties". Colin Taylor" and other rela-| \tives in the district. Miss Wood |travelled by jet. | At St. Paul's United Church fon Sunday morning a new or- gan was dedicated as a memor- ial "To the Glory of God and in honor of those who served in |war, 1914-18 and 1938-45". Rev- }erend Harold A. Turner was in | Church organist Murdoch Bea- ton, LRAM, ARCM, LTCL, pre- sided at the organ. Mrs. B. A. Green, Barrie, is \visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. | Hooey. SAVED MAIL ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--One post office was evacuated dur- ing the province's long siege of | forest fires. The postmistress at |Noggin Cove on the northwest shore gathered the mail before fleeing with other villagers, and brought it back when they re- lturned several days later to the | undamaged office. TAG MOOSE i WINNIPEG (CP)--A six-man crew of the Manitoba game branch, working from canoes, | |placed car tags on 530 migyrat-| charge of the special service. | KENNETH MORE- DANIELLE DARRIEUX the GROnGaAg?e Summer introducing SUSANMAH YORK cs nee "= ADULT CinemaScope MetroColor i FEATURE TIMES -- 1:4¢ 40 - 5:40 - 7:4 ETE SHOW 9:20 a 3: LAST COMPL GATERTAINMERT "JUST DUCKY" NEW COLOR CARTOON "KSSIGNMENT PHILLIPINES"| TRAVELOGUE IN COLOR | WILSON & LEE LTD. OFFER YOU AN IDEAL ARRANGEMENT jing moose as they crossed north-| SHALLOW WATERS jern lakes. This is the third year/ Great Salt Lake, in northern|in which the program has been| Utah, has an average depth of|carried out, with the object of 'only about 12 feet. tracing migratory habits. SEE IT...SHOCK BY SHOCK! FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS ! The truth about jamlAye4 those' camps... and the barbed wire nightmares! to OE AN BUY ONE NOW . (WHILE THEY LAST) FOR ONLY 199.00 EVEN LESS WITH APPROVED TRADE!! Other Philco Console 229 ¥4S ° e " Models Available at THIS IS WHY ... THIS IS WHAT YOU GET... The quality-built PHILCO LOW- BOY Firestone Stores bought the balance of PHILCO'S 1961 LOW-BOY TV stocks . y . . thus this tremendous value. Our 21 TV with -- "Mastercraft Cab- inetry . . . Convenient Top-Tuning. . . Built-in Antenna . . . Full Power supply is limited, thus we urge you to Transformer . "Qut-Front"' Sound. take advantage of this exceptional of- You Can't Go Wrong! ! "FRY Berore vou BUY" CHOOSE YOUR PIANO -- KEEP IT IN YOUR HOME FOR SIX MONTHS -- TEST YOUR CHILD'S ABILITY AT THE KEYBOARD THEN DEDUCT THE RENTAL CHARGES FROM THE PRICE OF YOUR INSTRUMENT. USE OUR RENTAL - PURCHASE PLAN If you aren't sure your child will take to piano lessons, WILSON & LEE LTD. will rent you a brand new small piano and bench for less than 3.00 per week (plus cartage) for a period of six months. Here then is an economical way to test your child's ability at the keyboard. All the rent plus cartage 1 paid by you will be deducted from the price of the instrument should you decide to purchase. Budget Terms Available -- Take Up To 36 Months To Pay * EASTERN .ONTARIO'S LARGEST! MUSIC CENTRE 'WILSON & LEE LTD. music store 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA PHONE 725-4706 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. 4 « fer while our stock lasts! So Buy Now and Save! TO BUY: @ 'LAY AWAY PLAN 5 WAYS © CHARGE ACCOUNTS @ BUDGET TERMS @ REVOLVING CREDIT | 'STORES 190 KING EAST -- 725-6566 = SS ae -- PLENTY OF FREE PARKING --s Prater end "eee Oy woe 2, MUURY DEXTER" RUSS BENDER me ETH CASH PEARL AN Associated Producers, me. Production COLOR by DELUXE CivemasScoPe {BILTMORE 19 sec poetay 9 TY ¥ xX OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. ¢