30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 19, 1961 32--Articles for Sale 35--Legal ENTIRE of Ajax notel ror sale, consisting of beds, dressers, chairs etc. 723-4641, ask for Mr. Finer. USED sewing machines, portable and console models, all guaranteed priced from $15.to $100. Elna Sewing Machine, 165 Simcoe South, 728-2391. } CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 29) 32--Articles for Sale ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes. No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates! free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. BUYING or disposing of used furniture, appliances, etc. Call Elmer, 30 years' experience. COlfax . 3-2294. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. SHOTGUN, Higgins automatic; also 300 Savage rifle. Both in new condition, Apply 476 Cromwelj Avenue after 4 p.m. GOLF elabs 9 irons, 3 woods, bag, 32--Articles for Sale . < Sant nae : suite, P B, F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- complete with mattress and springs. Ex- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele-|cellent condition, $125. Telephone 728- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. 2510. |STOVE, Frigidaire Imperial, 40" wide.|34--Lost & Found in excellent condition. Apply 17 Me- seve mS Laughlin Boulevard after 5. LOST -- smal] brown notebook, near 16 FT. cedar strip boat, 1961--40 horse-| YWCA. Please return to Oshawa Times Power Evinrude motor, trailer, com-|Classified Department, ("0 plete with controls, lifesavers, etc. Also| nog, smal], black, with white chest 30-30 Winchester rifle and Stevens 12! nd legs, part Labrador Retriever. Lost gauge shotgun, Telephone 725-9589. fter car accident, in vicinity of Olive WRITING desk with chair, $25; book-|and Albert, September 30, Reward. Telephone | Finder telephone 725-7574. case $25; all like few, iaiie. stein cart, left hand, Wright and Ditson|728-1071 before 2.30. SHOP the Car Market the easy way. petals lacuadateere -- |18" PETERBOROUGH canoe with pad-|Check the many offers under "Autos GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's'dles, sacrifice sale. Only used four|for Sale" everywhere in the Oshawa at reasonable prices. Parkway fele-|times, Save $75. Apply 669 Shakespeare| Times Classified Section. Turn to classi- bingy ag Pad Street North. Your! Avenue, off Wilson Road South color store, fication 29 now. |= ee | TELEVISION General Electric com. |e yom write, oe e ree: Lloyds) pletely overhauled $69. Phillips 21"|s05 reiephone 723.0318 0 console, $99. All sets guaranteed, Meag-|- Pat lia diana hers, 5 King Street West. |GREEN chesterfield and chair, good : jcondition, foam rubber, 5 years old font tin et ee two |very reasonable, Telephone 725-7639. Want-Ads Don't : = Cost-They Pay KStephone 725-3621. 'eplace patti, eartaies: 'free, awn-| HAND hair dryer, Oster, new; electric ings. lawn roller and miscellaneous, |39---Legal pag Re ugh gE ye god on rr he es io tite me fee| TERIDCRO TOR CLEANING VENETIAN BLINDS DRYER, Westinghouse, in very good|teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. working order. Apply 119 Banting Ave-|Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- rye -- telephone 725-7690 for further |ice, 728-0591 anytime. ee ___ |AWNDD 21" TV, three years old, General Elec-|free e tric, new picture tube, guaranteed, $95 Tenders, addressed to The Chairman, City Property Com- mittee, in care of the under- signed, for the cleaning ot the venetian blinds in the Osh- a Civic Adminstration or best offer. 725-7488. CRIB with mattress, baby carriag aw Building, 50 Centre St., Osh- awa, Ontario, will be received high chair, all in good conditoin. Apply 304 La Salle Avenue. until 5.00 p.m. October 30th, 1961. OUEBEC lew colt ne nny rn | MAN'S brown overcoat, size 40, in ver: wood, 5. "Telephone: Sie8"ateer"g £004, condition, "Too large for owner p.m. for full particulars. Telephone 723-2847 after 6. rP Fi } for sats Guavan.|HOT air furnace with stoker, reason- ts Makes ot Teen Bi Hawn: |able, 'Telephone 725-5132 for further in-| ton, Ashburn, Brooklin. J ulede- ccc a OE OE ROS SS WESTINGHOUSE frigidaire, T ca te TOURIST tent 9 x 9, screened window Perfect condition, freezer compartment. |scteened zippered door, floor, canopy. | For quick sale, $65. T 725-5' Excellent condition, Reasonable for) Prospective tenderers shovid contact the caretaker in charge of the building to ascertain the amount of work involved in removing the blinds for washing, renewing tapes, timing of the work to" | avoid interruption of office staff, etc., before submitting S, canvas. Prompt service, mates. Chair table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. ~|MOFFAT heavy duty range, large size, four burners, two ovens, two storage drawers, Telephone 723-3276. Phone MO 8-5940 lid eieccron tabs OER BINT MOVING -- Sale of household furniture, TYPEWRITER, portable, like new, yea-|consisting of stove refrigerator, ches-| sonable. 10 key electric adding machine, |terfield, beds, chairs, large oak secre-| subtracts, multiples, cash register with |tarial desk, baby carriage and miscel-| tax contro! button. 723-4434, laneous small items. MA 3-2738. Congratulations TO NORDHEIMER baby grand plano, rose-|22"- 92 Tecumseh (next to | a tender. good . melodeon; Sheraton breakfast |S™c°e A and P). table, whatnot. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Pine chairs, table,|WINTER jackets, girls (@) like new,| chest. Cranberry glass, ~hina, papier|size 10-12. Pink party dress size 8, sev- mache table, ete. To clear estate,/era: smaller dresses and skirts, two| 723-4254. |good spring mattresses. Mrs. Jack For-| VACUUM cleaner, Hamilton Beach, atili |Ster, Prince Albert, Ontario. Phone| under guarantee, All attachments. Tele. Port Perry. 985-7766. | H. E. TRIPP, Treasurer, Corporation of the City of Oshawa; 50 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontario. A --> NEED a in the 14 Ch job? The place to find it is Column of the Oshawa Times Section. Check right now, OTONABEE REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TENDER FOR STATION WAGON , Tenders marked "Tender for Station Wagon" will be re- ceived by the undersigned at any time up to 12 O'clock noon on Wednesday, November 1, 1961. for a four-door, eight-cylin- der station wagon, Complete details and specifications may be obtained without charge at the office of the Field Officer, at 386 Burnham Street, Peterborough, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GWYNETH HOYLE, Secretary, 386 Burnham Street, Peterborough, Ontario. TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON TENDER FOR 5-TON TRUCK Sealed tenders, plainly mark- ed as to contents will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 12 noon on Thursday, November 2nd, 1961 for the supply of a 5-ton 4-wheel drive truck equipped with snow plow and wing. Tender forms and specifications are available at the Township Office, Hampton. All tenders must be on torms supplied by the Township. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted R. M. SHORT, Road Superintendent, Township of Darlington. W. --, RUNDLE, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Darlington. MORRISON' FURS & SPORTSWEAR We are.proud to have been chosen to install the modern store front in Morrison's new location. BEST WISHES FROM... OSHAWA & WHITBY GLASS & MIRROR LIMITED 307 BEECH ST.W. WHITBY MO 8-5111 642 KING ST. E. BEST WISHES MORRISON'S ON THEIR GRAND OPENING Installation of Air Conditioning and Cold Storage Equipment by... OSHAWA REFRIGERATION SERVICE LIMITED PHONE 728-5115 {from polio like herself, cerebral SWIM CLASSES ; Thanks to service club mém- bers, they pay syearly visits to hockey playoffs, the Calgary Stampede, circus and ice shows, and catch exhibits and performances at Calgary's Al- lied Arts Centre and Jubilee Auditorium. The Kinsmen Club takes the whole group to the mountain resort of Banff each summer for a day-long excur- sion that includes a boat ride. Nearly all belong to the YMCA swimming groups, and many have certificates. _ In the day classes at the cen- tre, some receive only guidance for courses they take by cor- respondence. Others are taught dressmaking, copper tooling, leatherwork, painting and h to make novelties and costume jewelry. Mrs. Bergstrom, the club's only counsellor, says the jus- tification for the 40-hour week she often spends as a volunteer at the centre comes from watching the spirit of the teen- ers and their happiness to- A NEW HOME FOR... MORRISON'S FURS & SPORTSWEAR Our Best Wishes on the Occasion of your - »« GRAND OPENING Teen-Age Group Opens Girl's Life By DENNIS ORCHARD CALGARY (CP) -- The girl was stricken early in life by polio. Told she would never vaik again, she sank into a de- jected, lonely life at home. She kept up her schoolwork by correspondence but refused to venture out to the stares of normal people. One day she agreed, unwill- ingly, to be taken to a meeting of teen-agers at Calgary's re- habilitation centre. They too suffered afflictions -- paralysis te people, the other the training of hands and minds. Many of the teen-agers have led withdrawn lives, either be- cause they have avoided mix- ing with others or because they have been hidden by over-pro- tective parents. Few have ever gone to school. The socials are designed to increase confidence and the method is simply to keep the handicapped youngsters enter- tained. Even square dancing proves easy with the mechanical aid of four - wheel spinners, and there are charades, wheelchair races and singsongs, as well as visits from companies of Rang- ers and Girl Guides. palsy, epilepsy, multiple sclero- sis, heart conditions, defects of birth But they were happy because they enjoyed each other's com: pany and no one drew atten- tion with a smirk or stare to their physical defects. - | The girl joined in their play and began attending day school as well, with handicapped chil- dren of all age groups. Helped by an instructor and sur- rounded by other classes and projects, her school work went! ahead quickly. | Today she attends university, still in her wheelchair, but life has opened up. She is a whole} |person again and a near-normal future is the prospect. The girl is a fairly typical graduate of Calgary's Handi- capped Teen-Age Club. ATTEND SOCIALS | Started in 1956 as a social] group, the club now draws sup-} port from the Calgary public school board, 'service clubs and the Community Chest. Once just an idea in the minds of Mrs. Jack Gorman arid Mrs. Marion McKay, the} club brings together youngsters' ranging in age from 15 to 22.) Its founders and its counsellor now, Mrs..Jean Bergstrom. con- FROM... PARKER ELECTRIC |day school. | sider the twice-monthly social evenings inseparable from the 252 GOLF ST. PHONE 728-8621 gether. "They get a bang out of everything," she says. "Some of them have never had fun be- fore." Witchcraft Faith Strong In Africa JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) African belief in witchcraft as the cause of disease still per- sists strongly even though the victims may turn to western medicine, says an article pub- lished in the South African Med- ical Journal. Doctors and nurses who ques- tioned a group of African and Indian patients in a Durban hospital reported 54 per cent 'si attributed their disease to witchcraft. lIll-wishers accused of casting the spells included relatives, neighbors, romantic rivals and fellow-workers. The doctors and nurses said there was no significant rela- itonship between the beliefs of African patients and their standard of education. ASKS CONFERENCE WASHINGTON (AP) -- Peru moved Friday to convene a hemispheric foreign ministers conference, presumably to con- sider the problem of Cuba. Peru called formally for a special meeting of the Organization of American States Monday to re quest the foreign ministers' con- ference. ABOVE ALL... You'll Want A New AWNING! ! And so did MORRISON'S. We are pleased to have been called upon to install the awning at their new location. CONGRATULATIONS MORRISON'S On Their GRAND OPENING CLEVE FOX @ AWNING INSTALLATIONS @ TABLE AND CHAIR RENTALS 412 SIMCOE ST. NORTH One emphasizes adjustment| High Styling .. . Luxurious Quality from RUTHERFORD'S... BRAEMORE ... BEAUCRAFT 5-Pc. French Provincial Room Grouping Specially selected for Rutherford's Planner Home, this beauty has all the quality and styling you've dreamed of at a value-right price. @ushioned with downy foam rubber , . . styled with the graceful French Provincial flair . . upholstered and tailored in quality metallasse fabric in a rich range of colors. Built by Braemore --- the most respected name in fine quality living room furniture. Add to this the beauty of Beaucraft French Provincial tables with delicately tooled gold bordered leather tops and you have the ultimate in luxury and gracious living. Only Rutherford's could bring all this together for you at so economical a price. YOU CAN SEE IT NOW! bys 'iib e% store, it was our job to meet the opening deadline. the first blow was struck. An outmoded store -.. Slowly at first, then with increasin to take shape until finally the sidewalk and ions for Women. n 342 PARK NORTH AS GENERAL CONTRACTORS for Morrison's Furs and Sportswear's new Just 4 short weeks ago, began to take on a new look g speed this modern new store began barricade was removed. It will be Thursday afternoon or evening by the time this issue arrives at your home TOMORROW MORNING THIS WILL BE MORRISON'S Pictured above is our crew of expert builders and carpenters, just 26 hours before Morrison's Grand Opening. When you next see this store it will be completely finished, tastefully decorated, and stocked with the newest fash- OUR SINCERE BEST WISHES TO THE STAFF AND MANAGEMENT OF MORRISON'S ON THEIR GRAND OPENING! HENRY KIEZEBRINK Commercial & Industrial ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS - REMODELLING PHONE 728-0187 or ® King-Size 84" Sofa @ Matching Deep Back Chair @ Leather Top Coffee Table @ TWO Matching End Tables VISIT US AT | 154-156 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH IN OSHAWA 725<6559 OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M, -- FREE PARKING Retherfords Enjoy Rutherford's Budget Terms '309 FULL 84" SOFA a ry 7 MAOTT CAO TITES ASE SANTA SINCE ACS GILG A en de A PLANNER HOME ele art tea et ie a sg LD hit dl, tls aa ta il ie Fat