pe Bp Foe ge Ee ae Geigy ce ew giae ong 25--Apts. & Flots for Rent/25--Apts. & Flets for Rent/25--Apts, & Flats for Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale '27--Real Estate for Sale '27--Real Estate For Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 19, 1961 29 -- Apts. & Flo as n | q 311,400. | 5-room bunga- ie ; ROOMS, redecorated 'house . Separe e -- t bed-sit- FOUR room house: and 6 garage on n two| FORCED sale, low down paymeat,|REAL bargain TWO three - room 'apartments, $63 OnLy Ravel Baye sote ae Pbvoy rapt Me iad ther, Richa nears sink. |lots in Oshawa. $4,000 cash. Telephone|modern bungalow, three bedrooms, two low. Apple Hill eed ig La jentrance apartment. oil ge fe gba '29---Automobiles tor Sale 32--Articles for Sale pear periion? We Gacheane:" Whitby, three piece bath, parking Auply . MA Reciad Boon Sema. tareiare, i Soettnes arate. seinem itt NGS Bthest Bout Moe ae. For mem Owe Rdeloed -- -- --| gain {9 halt or all cash, Call 7233770 CUSTOM in the dash) tes stor car USED furnnure and appliances cost. Quire Hovlevaia South ance. 'Cnn to South CM. Tantair."" $2.00 DOWN] New seven-room wnt |appeimiment cal Toronle RU Tih" MUST ve sold, large tome "vih four mornings hy coven tr Faion fowent rites i town Tye. aneatgaupera, Ree (> Smee yore 7 ~ - level brick, fastefully decora' ----~--\ bedrooms two kitchens, bath and extra tnihion Tine , Bond Street Suen t furnished tice lowe bedroom "apartments, $87 and, up, $00 MONTHLY -- three-room unturnish-|praised $13,940, Will sell' for $10,000, |SERVICE station, lunch counter. with stool in basement, newly decorated, IVE-room brick bungalow, $8,500 with Minion 'Tire Stores STAKE body for rg : Beit yours. eoauie, stoves: seirieaee Telephone 728-7552. ed apartment, private entrance, heavy|balance one \i per cent government./apartment above, excellent tenants. |separate hydro meters, excellant. for|$3,000,. down ist sell. Telephone +49 ENVOY, A, on, 21,000 origin-|form 9° x by 6", 514' solid sides, ply- ne children, please, Very central. Apply central ocatlon. | Telephon wiring. One child welcome. Telephone |725-1343, |Owner will sell for $2,000 less than Cit¥'two families or large family? near high| 126 0978 ena er ane penitin [form 9° by 8'. S14" solid, siden, ply. 63 Drew Street, 725-3140. illiam os - 725-9123 after 5 PHILLIP My ae" ia - =. tale of Oshawa ee eee e: ver school, public and separate scaoo) and DOWN ov olla, On the taba, oo | 730 9838 beh 5200 pa TWO-KOOM | n im - fy ; gna " ~ | PHIL tray Avenue -- 'armichae 'olborne Stre $11, '500|* hb " vite poteeaen wallet, capmaerts, Welmania fleet bt wave Waser gettins det SELF-CONTAINED ihree -room base-\pungalow, elght rooms, twelve thousand|tcg" ~ down. 'Telephone' 723 or gi hava reas sellent lot. Five rooni frame bome.| 'se 'PONTIA A coach, snow (res. Saky Two" damaged ah paltenimum ax and ginss v nee nae a -- star! es ol showcases, suitable for restaurant; alee id vate entrance and bathroom. Parkin&/ment apartment, heavy wiring. Close to/nine hundred, must sell. Bargain, thir: a ae a ae aie cues laundry facilities. Phone 728-4409 Couple preferred. Telephone 725-\teen hundred down, make offer. Jores|SIX room modern brick alow with sso) DOWN, three-bedroom brick bun-\£4 furnace. Private. WH 2-0296 after 6/793.7504 ____|feducing vibrator. Telephone 728-5207 ule Lees ' ' fe, completely landscaped and de> ip.m orege RAL cl -bedroom|THREE room apartment, equipped with | 7940. Realtor, Prince Street. eee Bee els bee Scans' dalow, Hallywood kitehen, tile bath} ; SACRIFICRT "Two door hatiiog Tl bpp hlnesrg ei Kitchen, refrigera-|stove, refrigerator, chesterfield and ae sc built-in cupboards, TV out-|chair. Close to bus: parking facilities SALE or rent, 7 room brick. 160 Park|puick, automati hitewalia. antan.| - in inal . _ st Rea.|NHA mortgage. Gerald Barrow, Broker me wick, automatic, whitewalls, heater,/TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cota, are arto tne veorecer ten ae: ACRIFICE SALE aeetae tanen Price Fidbee'" terme, (T95-3008 corner lot. Good income possibilities, 'at, Excellent condition, One owner. sheets. rentals. Oshawa Hardware, & let. Partially furnished, parking. tacili-|Telephone 723-1052, Adults only ence, auiel new home. Adult. Tele > \e 2 Apply 846 Sylvia Street. Telephone zh 525.8133 597 Grierson treet, 725-5494 Churep Street. 723.7624 Telephone 725-1918 599 AND UP extra large two-bedroom phone 725-9297. 3 - -@ CHEVROLET, original interior. in| felepbor Three new summer cottages 723-0134. _ on | PORT PERRY SniCK bungalow wie S waceeemte "orig ri TUMBLER free with 3 worth of ganas 19 good condition throughout, $150, Tele-|line at The Hilltop. Open f apartments, stove and frig, free wash- f cor ie ine) al e 'op. Open from, SINGLE businessman to share four- Pei d ici ker for sale on north side o room apartment in central Whitb: and dryer, paved parking, loc' s1)26 Rooms for Rent j city limits on three acres of land. VLA} | phone 725-2902. unt/i midnight, t t bedroom mod B : <a ' 3 close to downtown. Call 7 Rice Lake only 43 miles | Attractive two , approved. City water. 725: |'33 AMERICANS S" Pontiac, good condi-/ELRCTRIC tazor service Would suit teacher. Reasonable. Write 725-8333. {wo furnished housekeeping "FoomseL, from Oshawa -- 75' x 200' | ern stucco bungalow, good [300 ACRES land. about 60 acres clear-|tion. $110 for Cquiek hen ton,, Schick, Philas Box 345, Oshay eg {|STREET level three-room apartment, |kitehen and bedroom, sink and cup-\* lot, complétély wired. $2,500 | ei TWO-ROOM unfurnished apartmen pavaie entr; : <~-owanreamaeremennste smneearemeiate +N NNER EE AS sale, Telephone location, double lot, attach ed, remainder timber. Good hunting|7 0 for_more ormation. c is, eutti nee and bath, $60 includes|boards, private entrance, central, laun-| "O01 with $500.00 down. LIST WITH LLOYD ed garage, oil furnace, well [gel 13, miles "north Bancroft, FD 'Auatin. Priceth ior quick vate --; [Me "m 5 King Stree--West, No children. Centrally located on La-|heat, hydro, 730 Simcoe South. 723-2315. |dry facilities. Apply 253 Atho) East Al 75' x 200' cotr lot THEN CALL YOUR MOVER, landscaped, reasonably priced ph ictiend i to Service Station~627 Simede Street|SELLING furniture? We'll suv it. Ree eee re er PO RARRNY apantioent. Fan INEMRIEGEO ltkac GEER aS ~s : lores FULT PRICE. $8,900. $4,000 down, $75 |South. |frigerators, TV's, washers, o'anos, Spm aaa Ne. 4 ; ; ' ins same. location r only monthly. at 7 per ec@nt, open mortgage. |stoves, etc. for top cash offer nontact ERN spacious unfurnished apart: |ated, children welcome, Close vo south |/urmisned for Haht raise aad viove,| $800.00 with mall down | TWO FOR REAT4) H. KEITH LIMITED renewable in three years. Lot 76' 6" x . FUMRCERF ne &. *, yen trom {19 Prince Street. Phone at. MOD! P: ' . " So cole (cluding electric refrigerator al ; A OR SALE ' 250°. Five-room bungalow; garage, on|82#0 e Pp. Op ment, private bath, heavy sty wiring, |Genera! Motors and buses. 728- Use of washer and dryer. Central to, payment. Call Oshawa 723- | Mr. Helm, Port Perry the take. 725-8489 10 a.m. untii midnight TENTS, camp cots, use of washer and dryer parking faciii-| piyy t bedroom apartment,|down town and shopping centre. Suit Tel 985 288) " terns, picnic jugs, ties, close to bus. 725-7789 parking facilities, werd posses-| working couple, $15 weekly. 'Telephone (378 Three - bedroom bungalows, +8 9-48 SIX fobm house, with eee acre laud, PONTIAC station wagon, four door. . Best ; . j '0, low mileage, 6 cylinder, stand: rices rE town Dominion: tire Store, & pon in pgemygelir gg h Migg "5 en yes atl tena ag add cme hollywood kitchen, beautiful East Oshawa, about 19 minutes rid i iw mileage ylinde: B furnished or unfurnished. Apply 496 further particulars ond Street West, 725-6511. Terms te - - A $5,900. 725-1062 jard transmission. Very clean. Best t : |LARGE. bright bed - sitting room, mod in every respect. If you wish SELLING YOUR sking 7 ce otter. 725-7922, suit you, Simcoe Street North or telephone 728-\7HREE-ROOM heated second floor jernly furnished, two minutes walk to 3945 UPAUTIFUL six-room bungaluw. close FREE welipaper ai Edgars Paint and you can purchase. tor os low > ria" G 1 Motors. plant. Low|'53 CHEVROLET deluxe coach, custom Ww. sted regull japartment, separate bath, semi-private|Shopping Centre. Apply 460 King Street es $400 down. Phone Bill PROPERTY Sein median per cant 'rerigage.! 'radio, back-up lights, good tires, excel- tel ag a ne ~¥ "i Millar at 728-5123 N G 1 Motor LLY located three-room mod- [Telephone T3s1098. Kak jeneral Motor. | West . : : Realtor and General : get one roll free at Edgar's Ee er aes Leinaey|7 Bam i ioe er ee ee ee Insurance Y USE THREE bedroom solid brick bungalow,|'58 FOUR door pontiac deluxe, aato-|King Street West frigerator, venetian inds, uw | dies or gentlemen, use of kitchen ani ew a' Gas te tr viii room with facilities on same floor, §73/THREE-ROOM ground floor apartment,|washing machine. Central location. Tel-/ \ewcastle Phone 3341 | WILL RENT WITH oil heated. low soya peneren: baie mae: agi ce aud tae FILTER Queen Sales and [service, tib- monthly. Apply *proule's (corner King| centrally located, on Cadillac South, re- jephone 725-8150. | OPTION TO BUY ~- re eT te "4 i on 728.1489 after 8.30 p.m chet Tele i lo gw ee mon- at_Ritson Road), Iron Gecereied, Private eniTanDe, | ou eGeTARLR Aodbie or Maglio 160 f tN tH aR set i an J me ery pa eotewanet Rho, enn AB t= front and back, reasonable Telephone | 7 oa . * m9 -acre farm o ewcostie, FIVE 0: h e Maynooth. Full he Tl "station 'wagon, four door, TYPEWRITER % h 6 add- SE ox -- LE sone coun? 728-7282, ies car whlch aba ietcaeal 'Mo. nice level lond, stream, 100' Six-room ranch bungalow me FOR aye oe Close to schodls and good : excellent condition. Tele-|ers, sales. bce pea Lg Ham- Ped, near Shopping Centre, automatie! R-ROOM apartment, quiet build: |tors, 105 Ritson North. 725-1300. 36° dhkbam: wotar én fee 8 a ge ag to recreation area. Telephone 728-6438. phone fa acces jilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. washing facilities. Apply 208 Cromwellling. Hot water, stove, refrigerator|. - - ee i sc Ss an shopping an RUYING & home? Need money? For|'34 CHEV LET. £00 condition, \Z1G ZAG 3 sewing Avenue, Apartment | supplied. Laundry, parking. Bus close.|THREE -room basement apartment tap; 8-roomed house, running . seth with' $1,500 lowest rates, fast service. Seaboard|radio, backup lights, wheel discaleatq agg Sewing macihne, se "i furnished. sink, cupboards. refrigerator A purchase a 1 4 eh APARTMENT. self-contained. bedroom,|!65 Verdun Road. 723-3996 a Cons ta conih GML Abe Tk hot .and cold water, kitchen down, Call 'twin Cralicshabtis Finance. 291 Simcoe Street South, or|whitewalls, low. mileage. 105 Ritson does decorative stitches. Origina) pries living room, kitchen and three-piece APARTMENT -- three-rooms, _unfur-| Hibbert Avenue cupboards Consider house tode ae 728-5123 P phone 728-6283 : North. Telephone 725-1300, |$179. Can be had for balance owing, bathroom, $60 per. month. Immediate nished, three-piece bath, private « due Ghia an ie, en for trade Y sath da CALI . '58 AUSTIN in good running condj.|$47.00 cash of seven payments of 47. possession. Apply 187 Rosehill Blvd. trance, plenty of hot water. One chile eg ocr age irra rai SN 36 DAIRY FAR Sov heal THREE room furnished apartment,|Welcome. Apply 417 Osnawa Boulevard rechibet oo privé 2 ocre 0 M neor oy ealty Osh ) Ltd T F R A tion. Best offer accepted "Telephone | Write Box 428 Oshawa Times. Lloyd R (Oshawa 728-6882 for further information N 5 for $1.00. 6 ty 0 Hiteen 'ros LOTS FOR SALE [WINE recipes of 18 for erat near shopping centre, good parking; | South ee ee ee eee ee Orono with large L-shaped Realtor, 728-5107 available November 1. 77 GibbonsipHREE-ROOM apartment snd bath 728-17 36 FORD Fairlane, two-tone paint, Money order to "Recipes", PO Box 265, :|7WO furnished rooms, large and bright,, C°MKbarn, silo, muchine shed, 728-5123 KING ST. E. & ROSSLAND RD. |automatic, radio, good tires. Rest rash |Whithy, Ontario, pth oe SE tee ik dace ton naee Rlichéa be is. sink. re.| bulkcooler, wdterbowls. etc 101 Simcoe St. N ' offer. 26 Westmoreland Avenue, Tele-| FURNACES, forced akwten year guar- a "4 ye, |heated. arage if desired. Telephone kitchen has built-in cupboards. si : 4 RISTOW & OLSEN, REALTORS - phone 723-1333 $2 yeek a THREE rooms and bath, fridge, stove ue » garage F frigerator, stove; private stool; parking 2 streams; |0-roomed home R V YK . > $60.00 per foot. N.H.A. ap antee $2 5 per week, no down pry. 75 monthly includes heat and hydro. | 723-4847 after 5 p.m space. Apply 156 Agnes Street th all modern con 19 ATHOL ST W., OSHAWA : 195 OLDSMOBILE two door hardtop, | ment (Package dea} $130. Telephones | MOIS TEREE-ROOM apartment, heav7 duty i Madea Sel aetih a ahaa JOHN A. J proved. Builders terms omatic transmission, *adio, many | 725-472! Telephone 728-5643. wiring, built-in. cupboards and sink stabbed la LY aac yor ovat Price and terms arranged IN APARTMENT building, private Adults only, reasonable. Heat and) Priva ome bs bak dat lent condition. One owney, LADY'S fur coat, muskrat, full length, 728-0852 100 tarm, located § BOLAH D JONES rivate 294 in excellent condition, Reasonable. Tele- 728-11 ¢ leph 728-0852 acre- faorn located three-room apartment, modern through-| water supplied. Telephone 728-1145 after poutine be ephone tat ia nillag th Ciohawer hice SRE. % ! AUSTIN A-50 sedan, blue good |Phone 728-0309 between 5 and 6 pm out, bright, clean, washer, TV aerial, 5 FURNISHED soem dou att aga Ms tie lone she be 3 pas LTD res.' in good condition, Reasonable |UsED parts and repairs for all "makes Parking, near Shopping Centre. Adults. BASEMENT apartment, well insulated, lounge, parking table November We cs < streams Realtor Insurance i. REAI ESTATE Tel ephone 723-7914 of wringer type washers, % hp motors, Apply 212 Stevenson Road South three rooms, private bath and en-|two gentlemen. Avaita ler roomed brick house with all tk} tin THREE-BED2.00M =O NI MODERN one and two bedroom apart-|trance, partly furnished, $75 monthly. | Telephone 3-943: appointmen imcoe mednin 1936 STUDEBAKER, fair condition. Will |S 0 $8. guaranteed reconditioned wash. i > conveniences > i: ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ments, stove and fridge, laundry facil- Telephone 725-9087 evenings RIGHT, furnished room in private, Office Hrs. 9 a.m. tX9 p.m HOUSE 728-1566 sei to highest bidder. Located at Osb-/t0 "Co 3.ongi ~ ities, parking space. Triplex. south end. paRTIALLY furnished two-room home, very central. spring mattress, 00-ocre farm n awa Shopping Centre. Telephone Mr neor estie ' \ t gel rn iy 102 Fl to Enclosed © pore! all newly \ | Parkes, 725-1139 REFRIGERATOR, stove, both tuliy Telephone 725-5808 basement apartment. ventrally located, sit & ntler ea ApEly ay: Pade Street ton with excellent set of RITSON RD NORTH ' ated apis cape | iT F R SALE : vier " automatic: Fedders air conditioner, A-1 TWO-ROOM unfurnished apartment, near Shopr ing Centre. Available imme: | Fast for further information buildings, olmost-new barn decorated w r ey Ck 60 PONTIAC stallion waaon, Lauren ri diately. Telephone 728-6563 COMFORTABLE - bright and newly decorated, kitchen patterns to choose from. Buy one Felephone 728-6156 after 3. lent condition $265. Telephone 725-9688 Hes ie "macihne, sewa for- } condition; what-not, small tables, 'ri Baath We ule Reon waterbow! teel stanchion $14,500 -- Brand-new 5/4 built-in "* tight lamp, all-wave antenna bar. 254 equipped Are aie papreares aoe MODERN three £00 n ap artr : 3 F Aad Lag 8-roomed home with oll mod room brick bungalow with large r nmedia a ON WAY) A\' ENUE ih MERCURY, four-door radi cheap Suiaes 'Ress : sink af 'entrally locate ply 163 Heavy duty range and refri rat aor. pelt ter, ba vi + convenlanie A attoched garage, Hollywood ne } ¢ tor for quick sale. Telephone 725-9365 CLEARANCE sale of 1961 models, New ng Avenue private entrance, plenty of closet and SU eae oo te f " > I l a6 TRA rhines and demonstrators. Savings bs A $ ai rth-west dist ric shower Telephone 5 2 30 ¢ a paeeys) kitchen and mahogany cup quic : TRS Wyerla Con-s, wie Whoels, |nhohin E APARTMENT, bedroom. sitting room, |cupboard space. North Ent $30,000. Terms arranged bebedik MUN BE eal: haw 65' x 116% overdrive, hardtop, new paint and car-|"p to $100. Lay-away plan until Christ. dining area and kitchen: centrally lo.) 4 e a. oe pA REI OES 200-acre DAIRY FARM a ear 2 7 CRY RN pets In excellent condition. 728-9572 af.|Mas: Elna Sewing Machines, 165 Simcoe cated, heated jonable rent. Suitable| CENTRALLY jocated four room apart. FURNISHED light housekeeping contact Mr. Sibdlock tonight % 2N t South. 728-2391 for bachelor or young couple. APPlY ment. $70 per month, Telephone 728-1876 on Beverly Sireet, bus atop at door going concern with all cattle, for a@ real good deci, 735 PHONE er 6 72.74 Simcoe Street North for further larermetinn Telephone 728-6890 for further informa 9 72 po i ' tion ; 6544 or MODERN three room apartment, pri- St PONTIAC sedan excellent ruaning gate p Mae lhe 725-4362 193-3011 728-6158 cudnt to, Tae ston TA TOWERS vate entrance and bathroom, in new IMMEDIATE SINGLE rooms, parking facilities in Lindl L ' tian. good condition. Telephone 725. machinery and crop, large home; attractive large rooms and win a te _ signals, $225 or best offer. Telepnone clean quiet home: cooking privileges bulkcooler, et 10 8 SUITES 728-0122 after 5 p.m. dows: laundry facilities. Telephone POSSESSION Five minutes to four corners, Gentle roomed brick house with all i ieee 40-tt. structure with alle men preferred, Telephone 723-7237 modern conveniences Price Apt. Building Five 2 bed : 1©) RENT Canal wate i ie BACHELOR end - BASEMENT bedroom, suit two gentle $33,000 Terms sith -- | bedroom, al! V O [ V a || Gee gaeeee tae AD nen i ds . washroor ; rented, wner very: anxious MAIN FLOOR | 2 BEDROOM APTS. penis Kpniy i hoon hose teuwer"| 36-acre farm, . east New \ - DP 4, aig : Segoe finn ot Nine || 4 aalk Lew Bann papioone APPROXIMATELY Most dependeble. .7~'| TRIO FELEVISION Store _ frig wesher an ROOM in Svardimeat Gouding. share 8 stl eee w . able, goo Gf will tele @ house ony trices 50 ACRES OF The leader on the road and 171 St. East, 728-6781 co ROOMS dryer locker paved park oom abd kitchen fariittes { $s x bankbarn es down. doyment Ae panies WORKABLE LAND track - teats. ina Pe) ng. Ver tow rates. Special niv central location Telephone water on tap; hen house x: Y . J & ' A AG WITH KITCHEN veges aly) = Conta aoriee WEE Gcrecried one one long-term mortgage THE AKE BILL'S GARAGE | BUY YOUR rotes for adults : a ote or he c ' ' APPLY AT FU RNISHED single and double rooms. with all modern conveniences. Call f further particulars, APPLY 21a GRTRAUE ave. [unélopusie;! ben st Kitchen. Apply 6 For 3 or more years on FINA SERVICE 7 Asking $18,000. Term Mr, Zurbo, 725-6544 or Stevenson Rd. N Partial use 449 Ritson $ 728 0921 FURNITURE 7 Se6anA. Avenue haa ¥ rms c la sli i a tek ae ici 716 CEDAR ST. 728-0569 { .) of barn possible No. lives at COMFORTABLE furnished room. kitch 6B-ocre farm located 1 mile | iB ' stock. "For™further informa- Trad boat fen MODERN, QUIET en privileges, near hospital, bus and east of Oshawa, large barns HERE IT IS : : tion Diol 725-9970 or 725. | ro nee mig froilg ca DISCOUNT NOW RENTING 2-BEDROOM ae oe | tome, bie. Partial | ens ante vias bine aku 1 LCE ee ae SMITH'S SPORT PRICES ! "BE 725.0748 on sidential. Price ar Se ae ee : 'Ss 5 ' FURNISHED room for ote xetlieman.| joue oe rice and wanted, N.H.A, resale in OPEN NOW Pa ea SUPERTEST : Baron's Home Furnishings Bachelor APARTMENT "tetany tere, ce io 'imignn.| gos ranged north-east location, beaut!" | MODEL HOMES ON ediote Possess S 3 424 SIMCOE ST. S | ' a Apply on Highway ful brick and stone bunga- c 2-BEDROOM APTS. | North Simcoe tat Conlin Rd --_---- and 2 Bedroom Apts. ot eh EEO aT het ; vs : near Fort Hope. Exceller low 5' rooms, _double DISPLAY FROM 2-9 Stove, refrigerator, dryer, 2 RA 8-5912 Good Reconditioned Adults only er with children SINGLE room to let across trom North soil, large stream, 122° 2 Hollywood kitchen, 3. bed- EVERY DAY bl Ny f cg Hedda "aed Open evenings or weekends REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS NIPIGON AND ELGIN CT | over 12. Apply at Apt. No. 2 (GM. Comer store, William an bonkbern, 10-roomed home rooms, good-size living room, THAT'S HARMONY Lcdpieedihs A le coh agin - ai in same building FURNISHED room, in private' hame with all modern conven A-pc. ceramic bath, air- if CALL OSSIE MARTIN 30---Automobiles Wanted | ' parte"Gnd service Built-in chine cabinet, colored Sl dae Batting Gone Wik iences. Price and Shopping Centre. Parking space terms aor- conditioned, oil heating, VILLAGE EAST OF bath, frig., stove, free auto- | TWO-BEDROOM Girls only. Apply to 169 Warren Avenue ranged LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want AJAX ' 9 completely decorated. Vacant DONOVAN COLLEGIATE HOWE & PETERS iat wrecking. Highest prices oad | BARGAIN CENTRE matic wosher ond. dryer, FURNISHED rooms, suit gentlemen, HARDWARE STORE and shoe possession Asking only | ON HARMONY RD | 125 ved porking, T.V. outlet, APARTMENT j parking space, laundry. Pa Ra repoir business with $350 $12,750 with $800 down | 0 S| Rakion 1952 OR 1053 ce Special, standard | Harwood Avenue North mboo ai > funy eauniiba: On South. 728-0146. eae weekly turnover. -- Asking and balance on one N.H.A. JOHN A, J, | 67 KING ST. EAST rust. 728-0874 Posy mum be Ghed, ve} AJAX -- WH 2-6410 ¥, $7,500. Terms. : mortgoge. Call Mr. Appleby, ' : _ -- usp ys "6 Ai eh i Hi $75 - $100 onthly SIMCOE ST. N. | FURNISHED front room in quiet aduit| home, single beds, continuous hot water, 72B-RTS4 simp 'bathing aren mua hot water.| 26-roomed brick home in | 729-6544 oF 723-3398, BOLAHOOD 725-4701 a? COMPLETE SAcE OF TELEPHONE 725-6343 gentlemen. Apply. 25 Quebec Street Bowmanville. Ideal for apart- Members O.D.R.EB Evenings 728-9714 SALL CASH$. 725-1196 2-7 P.M. 9TOS5P.M CLEAN furnished room with kitchen ment house. ;Nice location. Mortgages Arranged, Bought Real Estate -- Ins. Ltd central, contiiious hot water, parking Price and terms arranged facilities; suit gentleman. Telephone ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ond Sold Exclusive Realtors 28--Real Estate Wanted For clean cars we deal up or Storm windows and Prime 23-9225 5-roomed, extra well built RE Leen e emer eee a down, Liens paid off windows and doors only $40, tae 1 , Ins Canada's fines: é LARGE combination room. light house Babli ge gow New- H A R R Y M | | [ F N WE HAVE BUYERS | NICOLS MOTORS LTD ola cg parte van Aehinea: salon wiles 725-9683 pce bt : i $12,800 . FOR LOWER PRICED 512 BROCK Sf. N., WHITBY reasonable price. Call with $2 : . : MO 8-800! ATTRACTIVELY Het iie pathaints REAL ESTATE HOMES | ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 TWO roomed furnished apartment./SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Walter Ward . 2-roomed bungalow on No. 2 : | ne Small kitchenette. Stove and fridg. Sult|204 Chestnut West, Phone MO. 8.256) FURNISHED ROOMS highway wilh all modsrn son, We urgently need listings on SPOT CASH Conia. 20 Pansy Cyst, Wally, Phase) a fs uate veniences. Well built home 728 1679 properties --- $10,000, or SARGEANT'S uo haere MANURE for sale, for gardens and Available ir cata | - eee plied PAID FOR Von RERS) Pockuaad Tacos becax PARES Phone MO 8-4514 ble in private home, Price $7,000 Terms . ' under. For free appraisal Gosd cc a Sa TABLEWARE or gentlemen, Fridg. 305 Perry Stre@..>-9 large bright rooms firepiace groomed pungolow: in News TAKE ADVANTAGE 1! keeping room, two beds. Sult two giris|FOR RENT: Unfurnished apartment 82 PARK ROAD N watts BF Gia Lleke Gand one RENTALS Whitby, Phone MO &-4470 Urban Vos, private onttance' pareve | between 5 and 7 pm. castle, all modern conven- SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD ing $8,500° with $1,500 is situote: © fine lot in one of Oshawa's better areas and 723-9421 los bi tinge our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO giassware, tableware resets Ki " 5 broadloom in APPLES -- $2 and up. Bring own con-iwood floors, large closet space. vers $500 tnd: cele water, Ext lat rec-room with fireplace, bar and extra 2-pc. powder room 725-1726 Buying « New Car? reasonable prices, Telephone MO' #2163 piece tiled bath and many extras. Sac W c Talk "Cash" to the New watch, brown cord strap, reward. 318/1y decorated, private entrance ard Reastor DODD MOTOR SALES Punch bowls, chaf h t i Cle fi 21 f +h , ' unc wis, chafing dishes, DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresses, |8Pace, block from Shopping Plaza. MO 728-8671 ience lose to school. Ask Of this we who reolizes this is @ buyer's market. His home 314 PARK RD. §. fee - buckets, "dinherwois, alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit- |8-5188. * 1280 Daytime .. 723-2265 dowr ; consists o} over sq. ft, of living space, loaded with built- vas isl 4 FOR REN e room f ' 9 , veni u STi remens " i Ne Tos Rent pill contained thre room 27---Real Estate for Sale bcdemed:- hone in Mewcuila ins in three bedrooms, dish washer in kitchen, Evenings .. 725-0243 Sane rentals for weddings, show- + pea DOWN, must be sold, bungalow with furnace, running hot living and dining rooms. All this plus a mahogany finished 728-8423 CARS WANTED ers, anniversories, buffets, tainers. MayBelle Orchard, .i%« miles ctntral. Available November MO with private drive, plus oil heating, four 3 : eas | north of Whitby. Highway 12. West side. |.9393 , is Sell d Car to "Tea! 725 3338 s * sell your use -ar to e pa : SELF-CONTAINED four - room apart.|rifice sale. See this one. Call Bob Price $6,500. Terms 29-----Aut i P LOST - Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist/ment, in Whitby. parkiag space, tecent, Stevenson at 728-6288. 'SD. Hyman Building lots on Taunton Rd Asking $21,500 and open to offers aor 'omob les for Sale | ze | Contact Charles Smith, Days 728-1679 -- Evenings 728-825 960 PONTIAC, jade green metaliic,| Car Dealer and "SAVE" MO 8-4294, Price and terms arranged amitn, Day: Evenings 72 254 Wey street West or phone bath Teephone MO 328 ee ou, er quam "Teams! TED CAMBIN' MOTORS | FALL SPECIAL FOR SALE: Late "model Crosley auto- PRIVATE sale, three bedcoom brick least of the city limits, with one acre Frank Hunter. 725-2974 matic defrosting refrigerator: four ele.) cenit level DOUGLAS v radio, low inileage, one owner. Tele.| phone 723-4033 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 home, newly decorated,/of land, Excellent value. Cail Bob ment. heavy duty Gurney stove. MOlproadioom, low down nayiment. $13,906|\Stevenson al 7286288. SD Hyman Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 GOWER 8.8509 Pan RE RN RANE "ee % COMBINATION ALUMINUM BUY "your ear for cash. Fast full price. Telephone MO 8.5206. Being | Realtor Lorne Perrault, Clarke 2231 FOR RENT: Furnished three roomed transferred lial service, convenient terms, For in- -- i i DOORS $45.00 Suburban living five minutes to deuriewn Oshawo. 3-bedroom formation, telephone 728. 6238. Sea- 31 Automobile Repairs self-contained heated apartment. OneisMAaCt furnished room, continuous hot atone ALUMINUM. WINDOW: ranch-style bungalow featuring:' Corlon and broadloom floors, board Finance, 29% Simcoe Street §.| t AWNINGS CANOPIES" child weleome. MO 8-5947 water, good parking facilities: | suit ee H @) FI ELD- A K F R time-saving kitchen, 'storms and screens, 2 natural fireplaces, |BUYING a car? Need money? For) HOUSTON'S GARAGE RATINGS A BC SERVICES. Complete hookieeping gentleman. 'Telephone MO 8.4129. 821 tastefully decorated, brick and stone construction, full bose aes ing Ukios Meat ae ee and SERVICE STATION service for small businesses, weekly, » Whi ment, patio, attached garage. Th ore for the | ¥ pe or as desired, Staiements pre-|\STUDENTS! A super value. approxi REAL STATE 9 9 is and more for the low price phone' 728-6283, BRAKE. SPECIALISTS, COM- Colonial Aluminum pared income tax returns. MO 8-8252./mately 630 sheets of letter size typing eigal' Yeu cu wa hee ¥ x ; rseid. Yeu ehectinen te Hagges '33 FOR Plymouth station wagon;| PLETE BRAKE SERVICE | Sales Co co tirenecotonll - 'alue toda '51 Chevrolet: '50 Pontiac panel; *52 MOTOR TUNE-UP AND = NT -- Small cottage infurniah-|PAPer (news print) for only $1.00 ua s ev y x J On Ohne cee sees Apply Oshawa Times Oitice, Whitby iesiekala ND PA RK é Austin, Priced for quick sale at Fins! CENERAL REPAIRS | come. Apply 840 Dundas Street East, |!!! Dundas Street West Jorth-west area, Shopping, playgrounds, transportation schools a Station, 427 Simcoe Street . 67 KING cr Ww OPEN 9AM..9 P.M. anytime BEAUTIFUL six-room bungalow with ; sik jai a ia at your fingertips. 3 large bedrooms, L-shaped living and dining - ate ; oa3 Bus ol ar attached garage, close to High Schoo!, 5 17 acres of picturesque wooded iand with 2 creeks room, completely decorated, st d I oft SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, |i" "8 shoo: : . f . ody mn plet®ly decorated, storms and screens, landscaped witn ¢ ae 134 SIMCOE ST. §. Soi Cheataut Street West. Phone MO $110 monthly. Available December | , nes, on edge of Oshawo. 1135 ft Fr ntage On No. 2 trees, patio and flower boxes. New garage. 6% N.H.A. finon BUYING OR SELLING SEE 4.2563 Highwa sildings consist of 11 cabins fully equipped and bs men | E C --Articles for = 728-46 A ing. Full price $15,500 with down pay t orranged | D AMPIN 32 : ; re 'or rent, rooms an heated cottage plus large house of 11 rooms, conta ae bath, pated Hal blocks from dave M E HELP WAN ED 9 P a io} m ining We ally cliace rs ». Domes tomatic } $ F As / roorr 4A rooms ith t 0 Vv 5 w, : ; ples ainer : . rig-zag, console, with stool "desk, 3 side z a cern CAR ETAKER bathrooms. Hot water heating with oil. A wonderful opportunity Mary Clarke Doug Gower M T RS machines 'flawer' cabinet peiion fae LATEST mon iy ark af wiry 7 pool drive estourant m tel etc Diail = ." ) , FOR SALE: 1960 BSA motorcycle C perk and swimming drive-in r rant, motel, a Ric 4 O Sawa RE Golden Flash, 12,500 miles. Phone MO Asking $63,000: with terms. Phone Henry Stinson, 0243. | Gust East of Wilson Road) | BOILER, "oi 'ae aig, bat MODERN DESIGNS 4 ce te 84224 " $2970 ¥ $3420 723-4494 BREN Res. 72 55; [nk pressure systema, piping and In living room drapery mae RELIABLE lady. required te seek a 723-7088 H. Ch terials -- 79¢ @ yard and up. phone MO" #-4103 'fier 5 p.m REQUIRED BY FEDERAL W | Fi L | S qintetion, exterior. Bargain) Bedroom drapery in satins THREE room apartment for rent, busi DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE LIMITED I teed, flat,) le preferred, Also | sing in. 'Oshawa Haraware and" Bete | edie + 1.40 vc ness couple Als Ks st "oa 8 Church Stree' 23-76: ' n rapery moteriais. room 'for gentleman, MO #4252 afte PUBLIC WORKS REAL ESTATE 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 MOTORS TERING peer oo can Week is, he hi 'int, bi in bulk | id | a SPACIOUS modern two bedroom apart WHITBY, ONTARIO 728-1 679 BROCK ST. W TAUNTON RD. EAST white eengorist, bug 2 ba x Jone a and | Drapes made to order by ex ments for rent. from $85. Call Mr. J Circulation Department. Oshawa tee | Perts at nominal cost, Also a Daly, MO 8-4775. Open only to quolified resi Your AUSTIN. Dealer --- ~~. FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartments, dents of Whitby, Ontaria "MASSON ST..""-$24,500.00 7-rooms, close to downton, public and separate cibretuinse | : ' ONE Lioyd blue and white baby car.| Selection of ready - made $100, in modern building; stoves. retrigerators MO 8.3591 To be responsible for clean ge, in good condition, 815. Telephone dropes at discoun prices. sc ools, immediate occupancy Asking $8,000.00 We have @ good assor ' 735 ris? is hs ; FOR RENE --- Spacious three-room ing, heating, and general ARCHITEC DESIGNED FOUR-BEDROOM HOME E with low down payment of Used Cars MAN'S 'size 42 Mary Maxin Sweater: IM & & DRYGOODS - sicantarnee t maintenance of the Federal By : : i Ly ing. Mr. Gay, 208 Brock Sireet n Building, Whitby, Ontario 2} g room -- fireplace --- 2 picture windows -- 18' family pa one baby butler; also large crib; all in OSHAWA dD 1254 33 1 food condition, Reasonable, Telephone 74 Célino Street V ae MOhawk 4 ; a : ; dining room opening into landscaped gardens Longe modern BLV N : ised \ rticulars as to de THREE-ROOM { unfurnished apartment t kitchen with dishwasher and built r neabls Brent | hy as ny BOSE ERS REE 723-7827 on second floor. with private bath and residence, quolification re fast room with picture window. Powder room "tiled breve. peeaeyrome, G-room, 2-storey brick home, upstairs | SELLING OR BUYING "STEW" IS WORTH TRYING heavy duty wiring. One child welcome quirements and application : erie sual seiae a Cbs Sree rented. Modern kitchen, venetian blinds throuahout, was double go i IJpstoirs ---- 216 ; Telephone MO : fGrins, see ONIN DH ABBINY: | saaster bedroom: wih Twin eloetE <--. Ihiee Gthee hadicon en TV. aerial, garage, fenced in yard. Home in excellent OSHAWA'S LOWEST PRICES ATTENTION HUNTERS at the Post Office sewing alcove. Professionally landscaped lot condition. An excellent buy at only $12,800.00 q We rent: Cances, Cor Top Apply immediately to the ' ' re Civil Service Commission, 25 See It Now By Calling AFTER 5:30 CALL $25.00 DOWN TO RESPONSIBLE ADULTS ae oe re Oe | St Clay. Mek, Mast, Teeete | Chores Smith Days 728-1679 == Evenings 728-8254 | Marion Drew 725-7610 oe ee oe ee Lwreen Kellett. ..... Rays 728-1679 -- Evenings 723-3770 ean wo want. Quote competition Peete John Field Doys 728-1679 ~~ Evenings 723-2874 Joe Maga 725-9191 Everett Elliott 723-9290 WILDE \ RENTAL "7982. AT THE CENTRE '53 CHEV. ....... $195 'SAPONTIAC ...." $245 DON'T PASS UP SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY DO YOU : ARE Y A ) | Radio, a good one New valve and ring: job, THAT BARGAIN ScHNcioERS Joe ay | LIKE TO SELL? | CASTLE HOMES --~$600 DOWN OU A HANDYMAN ' radio FORD 2 TON $195 BUY YOUR BOAT NOW w through ECONOMART, 15 or Here is © sound investment opportunity where you can ; ; : ITH A 20 cu. ft a re eck ONE MORTGAGE ieee $7] MONTHLY pa 40608 or ton ans y e you Pick-up, good body, tires '52 CHEV $95 er, one piece, LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED imagine -- a large floor ~ plan ALL-STEEL CABINET: a pro- and earn good money selling ranch bungalow with six spacious rooms, situated on @ large and motor, Certified roadworthy, Hee SU ENERAL MOTORS YES, AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT level lot in an ideal suburban location uc ° b) c > Just needing some finish "9 work to ke it the hom f yor Thré st _ erE08 car wank AVON ing wor! ma e e of your dreams hrée master $600 is your full down payment for the 6-room brick sized bedrooms, plus large living and dining room and a real SERVI "E SPECI < assures £ tor y D-FOC q M SERVICE SPECIALS GOOD. \ Se oa uit ae CHRISTMAS GIFTS bungalows, complete with storms and screens and family sized kitchen complete the nicture, School bus passes the | " E ( i ' i : ' oak cme} re ; tote!' cost of freezer ond | in your own' community storm doors. There are no second mortgages and door. Only $9,900 with a reasonable down payment and easy AUFFLERS SUPPLIED AND. INSTALLED FROA E k Ngee 2 A 7.45 terms on one mortgage. See it todoy and make your off Sik a j : ' 4 90% ot eur on a CALL 725- 8466 ae --e to buy ben our model home just west Pe Si this Aiea: last! ' ee dias " SHOCKS SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED FROM 11.95 per PAIR home ru -- oO awa Shoppin entre food and freezer. Our food shopping on Cabot Street. (One consultants will gladly ex- GRAVEL - LOAM block west of Stevenson's Road.) . | BRAKES SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED FROM 14.95 complete set | LOAN : oe Nm Mtn ig Cement, Gravel, ; : 725-1186 \WV/ | os * N Re a ie I FULLY LICENSED GARAGE. CLASS A MECHANIC [HE BANK OF iy A W ewoy Gravel and Fi EVENINGS CALL: pepe soe) ge GUAR: i Monday to Sot pr R.A LLED 125.0104 ae HANDSON--77 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN TILL 9 STEWART MOTOR SALES . : ba _e ash se" ONOMIZE ERIC C BRAN TON i NET 't AMSON Ken Haan 723 7963, ( Hedlie Rankine, 7 ¥ 3682, i ie F : WITH ECONOMART, l MO 8-2660 REAL ESTATE LIMITED Art Weinberger 723-7244 ' 822 KING ST. W. (at Thornton) 725-1667 ANYTIME John Kemp 728-2392 Any Make, Any Model new or used | ee Dick Borriage 725-6243 x x isd * bo x aM MRK x x * x" * iotateted xxx x <x «MK x xxKxMxM XK OK oigiel Soc 3 xxx ge ordre KKKX KxM KM * x *" = (Continued on Page 36)