Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Oct 1961, p. 2

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s : A ba Seeking Way Claim Kickbacks Mo oe ToAssist Total $940952 [m.. 0, year-old hired hand was_ar- . ie. : Guiana By RICHARD DAIGNAULT | So far, some 150 persons have "ested by provincial police Wed- ; QUEBEC (CP) -- Kickbacks| testified before the royal com-|"®S ze e di aia ah iad | By JACK BEST paid out to Union Natiohale|mission they had received mo-)" #5 70) Seiriont Might. mites "very sympatheiic"' -- in the|party workers _ and supporters|ney for political work. ; Goxthivast of St. homes. re |words of External Affairs Min-|*gtalled $940,952 between 1955) The names of two men have Dead is Mclver Darius Apple- ister Green--to British Guiana's) 20a 1960 five Quebec companies! come up again and again as in-|ford, 53. His bullet-riddled body need for economic assistance. |testified Wednesday before a/fluential in arranging such pag-| was found in the back of a "We are looking for the ques-|royal commission investigating) ments; Gerald Martineau, nickup truck near a storage tion of how we can give them a|purchasing practices under the! member of the legislative coun-/ shed. jhand," Mr. Green told report-|former provincial government. |cj] and UN party treasurer,| The youth was tiken to Elgin jers Wednesday following a 1%4-| Papers and documents pro-jand Joseph D. Begin, former County jail in St. Thomas. | jhour méeting he had with Brit-\duced by the five companies| minister of colonization and) Police wera notified by Dr.| ish Guiana Premier Cheddi Ja-|listing amounts paid in the|chief organizer of the party. |McLay Miller of Aylmer, called |gan. ; {form of sales commissions rep-| wy Martineau was to appear|by Mrs.. Appleford. Mr. Apple- The controversial young pre-jresent only part of the sums/inis week but UN counse] Ed-|ford appeared to have been |mier arrived Wednesday morn-|paid by various companies who! guard Masson requested an ad-| shot while loading grain into the jing from Montreal for two days/did business with the UN g0v-| iournment, shed, 100 yards from his house. lof talks with Canadian officials.}ernment. Several companies| ee ' hich ad-. Police recovered several .22- He said the purpose of his/have yet to produce full reports|, The .commission, which ad- cartridges near the true k and trip was "to inform Canadians\and are scheduled to do so|Journed its hearings until Tues- ; 9-calibre riff aeeet British Guiana." But it/later day, may hear Mr. Martineau !ater -- _ was Clear, from a talk he had} Appearing Wednesday to give|S°me time next week, No date 'rom the farm. with reporters, that one of his! complte figures were represen-|@%.been announced. objectives is to solicit Canadian!tatives of Chas.. Cusson Ltee..| During the satire pile R t s U } economic aid. dealers in heavy machinery|™erous sittings since it started es rain nion | | At present the sparsely-popu-| who paid $305,000; Cie J.B. Rol-|it8 probe last spring into the i. . lated colony on South America's |land et Fils, distributors of fine| UN administration's purchasing} Of Mine Mill Inortheast coast has internal|papers, $260,027: Brandram-|methods the system of kick-| " self-govetnment, but Mr. Jagan) Henderson Ltd., paint manufac-|Dacks has been described. TORONTO (CP)--An_ injunc-| hopes to lead it to full indepen-|{urers, $181,500; Sico Paint) Alfred Hary, former director tion, restraining the national! | dence ert pont. He < Wed-|Limited, $164,325; Cobra Indus-| Of ene, purchases, was leadership of the International : ES y British Guiana when in-| trie: », $30,100, ess. ae Uni ; ; x oman will apply for men ea pee 2 Py reounong -- on ter Mciaee daly ban pew ON ROYAL COMMISSION ip i a C on- >} ul r e government's crder sheets . : ne 4 , i on ; : pening ant be Ofeaneaton of} Evidence given by other cam-|the savies of those who should el Mee aeteat oe W..T. Brown, 49, president | commission was announced American. States. , |panies earlier showed a total of|receive, the sales commissions. .°C@! 9¥% #1 Sucbury | of Odlum? Investments Ltd., | bY Prime Minister Diefen- ------- | $1,049,800 in kickbacks but|He said all these names were ee, bere ge Vatinouver, wak one ok seven | ahee | - \statements from other firms are|on a master list. They had been tho High Court of Justice can d Wednesd --(CP Wirephoto) C t jexpected to increase this total|provided by cabinet ministers|'M© Heh Cou hig, } Men name ednesday W a - > Corruption by several hundred thousand|or other high government off. Oat pane gon diy | royal commission on banking | Troops of U.S. garrison in | American district __Zehlen- | manoeuvres. (dollars. \cials, until today when a u! . * " i * = Red-ringed Berlin are in full | dorf borders Russian 'zone, | _ --|ing before him is expected' to| and finance. Make-up of the You cart ya ALL OUT | iref 'i i |be completed, battle' dress as they march | Troops were posed today to | --(AP Wirephoto via radio be completed alongside border fence where | go into action in major fall | from Berlin) Trial Has INTERPRETING THE NEWS The injunction was to have, VARIED TALENTS If you feel 'ALL-IN a expired Wednesday. However,,) paRNHAM », (CP)--Rev. |Donald Gillis, president of 598,| an Se TROOPS READY FOR MANEUVERS H. O. Slattery, 33-year-ofd rector, _ Today's tense living, overwork, \ bd Hun u |brought the applicatiowfor ex- ' OF | worry, may affect normal kidney action. + Q ost nterest |tension. of the Anglican church of St.| Ifkidneys slow down impurities remain mm. T ac S ' ] eT OTTAWA (CP) -- The 'first |. Counsel for the Sudbury local James, is equally at home at in the system: Then backache and that |trial of Abbe Bergeron charged |spent nearly three hours Wed-| tired" feeling often follow. That's the : with corruptly giving money to} ese jthe drawing-board and sewing time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. ° e |nesday of ihe case ag : : : ime : as f V ground of the case f . Jus-|Machine as in the pulpit. The) Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to Se use ie cee In Berlin 1ew tice Morand. He is scheduled to| Yorkshire - born clergyman de- ee oe ee Get an an e& om li uy pee " . jresume again today, with coun-|signs and makes his own) Dodd's Kidney Pills now. You ' 1 Gainty Court Judge Peter J By ROD CURRIE German peace treaty by Dec.|sel for the national group to fol-|religious vestments and altar depend on Dodd's. n : \Macdonald ordered a second| Canadian Press Staff Writer |31. jlow later. |pieces. : [> WASHINGTON (CP). -- Dr.| Toronto or Montreal and its sa-jlue of NORAD would be de-|triaj after the jury reported it The®wo major points to be dis-|_ she suggestion that he feels i "Ralph E. Lapp, a United States|tellite communitits. ' creased. | jtilled out of the more than six fford t 1 A 3 i yas unable to agree on a ver- eee - |e can afford to relax a bit be nuclear scientist, said Wednes- | He said that when bombers/qict after nearly five hours of|H0urs of talk by Soviet Premier] €Tibause of his bigger and better! ° ° S ic ; rate-| VEIGH TONS arc loaded with atomiesor hy-! gejj i Khrushchev Tuesday are his|hombs seems less likely. Cl ff M I] 48-H Spe | bog ciara ------ The two 24-megaton bombs/qrogen weapens, care is ri Ma esti 45-year - old Corn-|€W views on Berlin and his big-| | 1¢ he is suftinianils Ae Bus I His our i cia wallop greater than Russia's "pen Mini regi - rie 13\to make sure the weapons are|wall service station operator, |Pomb Penge "Western capitals,| Weakness seldom _-- charged ss ss t 1961 preposed 5C - megaton nnicléar | aathod ti wells re uot armed or activated. Activ-|was charged with corruptly giv- santas nae sees Khrushchev's| against him -- to believe that uy €; HE bomb U anto. the planes has been dale triggering, a porbling $10,000. in 1956 to Raymond speech to the Soviet Communist his talk of a 100-megaton bomb é "These B-52 bombers. would! jwould be under control at all/Bruneau, then Liberal MP for j i P waquld make the West cringe, he pas ie . -~|vised. He could not disclose de- : A sosscage party congress in Moscow,| ; . & , , aig be airborne over Canada injtaij, because of a secrety times. tes sg gel nae a a|Showed more interest in his pro.|°ez}ainly was disappointed, a be ; times of an alert," the atomic! njedge, In other words, if a bomber e@ case revolved around a ee é i : e the German sit-(~* bomb of that magnitud 3 bomb piokeer and former U.S. sy arose where|#4.an accident there would be|sale of land to the federal gov-|Nouncements on the G lverges on the ridiculous, "883" SEDAN defence department consultant|,, If am emergency arose where|4 crash and some spill of radio-|ernmett. His milder tone in~this area|Khrushchev himself said that he ae dded in an interview these weapons were needed,| activity but no widespread ex-| Judge Macdonald told the brought new hope in some quar-|hoped he never would have to é ; " " id 1S. has built UCY likely would be flown! piosion. 'And the radioactivity|jury that the key word in the ters, but basically what he said/exPlode it "because we might! f ies power, oennest See ee Lapp said the U.S. has built across Canadian territory to the sight be contained to the plane indictment against Bergeron qiq not represent any great de-| break our own windows." . : ee 24-megaton hydrogen warheads|enemy, he added, but declined! area itself. was "'corruptly."" This implied), ture from his formt& view. | | Commented the London Daily --eduivalent to 24,000,000 tons of to say what part of Canada| Halay cea" aah a "evil feelings and evil inten- : ace ; _| Herald: 4 $28 5 YNT--and that each of the B-52|would be involved. He observed| is ie 9 Bisse oe a One! tions" by the person giving the ue tis negios Gee Gast ool Sit Minewedey dink Fe en cae rt ate WIG Rl octh: Carctinin some years ago, |[MCRET 10 WA MP, he sald. of f peace treaty with East Ger-|that the big bomb will make it Command is capable of carry-jclear weapons fly over Canada Radi avy. bed be hee Earlier Wednesday, the judge| Wahy and his stress on coexist-|easier for him to get the West. THE ing two of these warheads @njwhenever an "alert" is called. me at ar Agi a the vl te |rejected _ motions by defence| ence" seem to present a better|ern powers to do his will? Does : long-range flights to Russia. Lapp said there have been sev- sth Posie voles ol an. alert counsel R. B. Sorensen of Ot-| atmosphere for negotiations. Butjhe think it makes him more se-|f CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD The two 24-megaton bombs\erai such alerts called during|as an emergency occasion gwhen|'@Wa for dismissal of the case|there is no suggestion that he |cure from attack than he al-| e would do more damage than). iont years the headquarters 'of the North|2"¢ for a directed verdict of|has withdrawn from his insist-| ready was? It is hard to believe| 230 KING ST. WEST 725-6651 one 50 - megaton weapon be-| 7 : American Air Defence Com-|2t guilty. ence that East Germany mustjthat he thinks either of these! . cause in these massive weap-| Asked whether the Canadian} | ; A -| things."" ' a mand sights someth «| j eventually control access to Ber it ons of annihilation some of the|government must give approval] 4 . sy Seyi A a fin wad that it must become wi ar screens which gives them| < Ss " extra energy from each explo-jeach time before these B-S2/cause for concern and planes| tom i Ss free" city, 1 sion is dissipated, Lapp said. |bombers fly over Canadian ter-|are "'scramblek" forga closer| TALK HELPED? The attacking plane could|ritofy with a nuclear load, Lapp|took to prepare for movement It is possible that something drop one 24-megaton bomb at|said he didn't know. But he|tcward the enemy. Alerts also . { out of the secret talks one centre and carry the other|presumed NORAD would havelare called when the danger of| For Navies ' pepe the British and American elsewhere. Each of these hydro-|authority to send these bomb-|war has intensified and bomb-| ; \. |foreign ministers and Russia's| gen bombs would be big enoughjers over Canadian territory in|ers take to the skies periodic- bad bd "S|Gromyko that gave pause to to knock out a city the size of!times of emergency or the va-'ally as part of air defence. ritain Khrushchev's threat to sign a er RE SESS essence - x3 " OTTAWA (CP) -- Nuclear- |powered submarines and speci- R ] Y k ally - designed assault ships, oya OT carrying troops and tanks, may) spearhead the British Navy's bed a |future operations. ] 0 ie | Lord Carrington, Britain's \first lord of the admiralty, said| s |Wednesday the Royal Navy is| V ] t A t- Bq | gearing its development to cop-| 10 a e C ee Teas iathatc, pie ee eat ta | ing swiftly and effectively with TORONTO (CP)--Magisttate brish fire emergencies in { mae iste, |Thomas Elmore ruled Wednes- : i sis f pod heh of the la through | day the Royal York Hotel did pee ot ye P pags oe ha tabs anid jnot violate the Qptario Labor : Bis : sig ges ps now is enter- | relations Act by -- dismissing 4 ; A jing the nuclear submarine busi-|***: sical ape ere : se e . si |striking employees July 16. - ; i Sod SG 4 : pee but at present has no plans | The Hotei and Club Employ- AN AUTOMATIC ae fs gee: to equip them with Polaris Mis-| nes . Union (CLC), acting én ' 5 : * , Bm wie, 7 ew aritish policy has been to| permission from the Ontario| As FRANCO A « ull cy ig fast jet bombers for de- Labor Relations Board, had ? i : every of nuclear weapons With! -harced the CPR, which owns ' 4 j $ f a possible switch to air-|- : ' Fe / |launched ballistic missiles in the hotel, with using the threat |the mid-1960s, Se en or | : BURN ER Lord Carrington spoke at 8 | der pails . a" press conference after a three-| . he ; ; | David Lewis, counsel for the jday visit here during which he}. ; cad i i lconferred witht Prime Minister |(U™o™ said during thg trial that |efenbaker, Defence Ministes|{t@ act prohibits employ-| ; IN YOUR PRESENT ' Bavenaas on oy usterlers from dismissing workers| : |Harkness and the navy board. |ony partici ate in the lawful! CLEARING TONIGHT | Britain, he said, is aware of " is ; : i activities of a trade union. | : ' , ee . te 'i cae eeaie "eo ee ae " ee? In his written judgment, Ma-| A FURNACE r ee WEATHER FORECAST |Peterborough ..... 5 lh coasts and that it ic tain |sistrate Elmore said there is no| . : Trenton a : postgres gh fairly| section of the act "specifically | up | Killaloe ... 4 5 Hehing © not there for' siving the right to strike," How-| 4 Muskoka .... 3 50 etc OREN __sjever, 'different sections of the/ . : : Mau ily Suni Ly |North Bay . «o 40 5 S$ |act restrict the right to strike," | ~~ WHATEVER' ITS TYPE iSudbury . " ; : g shan"ae 5 : jhe said. | : , . . eeencas-<: 8 3 Two Surveyors aunty collate agreed aE | WHATEVER ITS FUEL During Friday Plcbadcagadag - 5 | Die In Sewer |with the hotel had expired be-| . -- ; : 3 ++ 20 jfore the strike was called April| : BB. BRATS vecesses 00 \24, so employees were working! Forecasts issued by the Tor-|gions: Mainly cloudy today, Pape gle 4 --) Hen Ree lunes individual common - law onto weather office at 5 a.m.:|Sunny with a few cloudy peri-|, TORONTO (CP) -- Observed) 1 th heen Pee Com-| contracts when they walked out. | Synopsis: Cooler air willlods and a little warmer Friday.| temperatures: lk Hed Wednest bot over.|, "Conditions were such as ex-| Move rapidly across Southern*Winds light today and southerly! Max, |o. eanescay when over) ; | ; jist under master and servant NORMALLY ' 2069 00 Ontario during today accompa-|15 on Friday | Dawson 5 29 peg Rig HF oc Mc an old sewer law," he said, and it held ; Sf ee ee ee "6 nied by clouds and 'Showers.| Marine forecasts valid until|Victoria . - LES a Pe » identified ,|that the employees had 'no| The prospects for Friday are|114.m. EDT Friday: |Edmonton . : ly ry vg : a a ae Harry) icht to strike as they did." | for Mainly sunny skies over| Lake Ontario: Winds south to|Regina ........... ai eee a | |Regina .. 9 Ilford, 25, | Archie Johngtone, president of SPECIAL ALLOWANCE : 150 00 most of, Ontario. | Southwest 15 to 25 knots becom-| Winnipeg . : 0 | Police said the team was|union's Local"899, said the un- « e @ @ « Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,/ing north to northwest 20 to 30)Lakehead ... ied E | checking the old sewer in con. jion would appeal. | rc Lake Huron regions, Windsor, |late this afternoon and evening] White River ...... { 'necti . -| David Archer, president. .of] Labaon: Sattay, "sa ake mag and diminishing to 15 to 20 Fri|S.S. Marie .. F 5s nection with planned new con-| é , president .o | " i : i-|S.8 ¢ 3 > |Struction on the site by the com-|the Ontario Federation of La- YO U Pp N LY 5 00 cloudy and cooler with showers | day Morning. Cloudy rain this ge pag wes 52 | mission. bor aad a member of the On-| ce aoe . during the morning, clearing) evening. | North bay .. ce ) M this evening. Sunny with a few| Lake Erie: Winds south to|Sudbury. .. oe pater ict an th. Peg Fh aid ¢ Shes aunt eal| cloudy periods on Friday. Winds| Southwest 15 to 25 knots becom-| Muskoka "oe | manhole first 'and was ig. in a return to 'Jungle law." light becoming northerly 15 to|ing north to northwest 20 to 30|Windsor . * come by fumes. He pte od -- - 20 this- morning. this afternoon and diminishing|London . 4 of oan | - Niagara, Lake Ontario, -Hali.|t0 15 to 20 tonight, Cloudy with|Toronto - jinto five feet of water at the | FREE INSTALLATION ° 8 8 FREE BURNER SERVICE ; s | bott i Rutherford passed burton regions, Hamilton Tor-/'4in this afternoon and evening.|Ottawa .. lout in an ieee S regcke Nian.| FOUR SEASONS mI onto: Sunny becoming cloudy| Lake Huron, Georgian Bay: | Montreal o. e Hi we eg ii and cooler with showers this|Winds north to northeast 25 to|Quebec .. *. : ' AHEAD OF TIMES TRAVEL Get All The Facis o 7 Call This Number Now afternoon, cl ; ight.|29 knots becoming naff i to Halifax ws o 4 saitstlitting ai re : Sunny with a a "cloady nent: Inorthwest 20 to 30 this evening. | --------- ----|, possiblities of the helicopter) CONFIRMS 1 : AKAadeey AIA I~ ith ' : v7 type of flight were discus YOU -ON_ ods on Friday. Winds light be-|Cloudy with rain ending this ACTOR'S WIFE DIES the vervatiie Locuseae a Yiew TH oJ coming northerly 15 to 20 this ©Vening. E 16th < afternoon. f Forecast Temperatures Hayakawa, 68, wife of movie|-------- if Georgian Bay, Algoma, Tima-| Low tonight, High Friday 4 M : jactor Sessue Hayakawa, died/| | pein | Inquire today at... 728-9441 gami regions, Nortq Bay, Sud-|Windsor .......+.. 60 |Wednesday after erati ' bury, Sault Ste.: Marie: Cloudy) St. Thomas 60 | ee aa ee ¥. R, BL CK 0.D. | } seeeees lfor peritonitis. Mrs. Hayakawa] pv >on eg showers today, | London eee 35 55 was an actress during the days| "OPTOMETRIST orien caring is evening. Sunny|Kitchener . 3! 55» Jof silent films. Her husband was|] Contact. Lens Consultation er TRAVEL [iE 7 Friday. While nnino a y pi 3 - 30 ' fone of peg bowed: i por- BY APPOINTMENT .. . ARRANGEMENTS LIMITED OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE é y i fami : eee 35 55 jtrayers 0} riental roles 'before a 20. ox St. Catharines .... 55 the war and has appeared in PHONE 723 oi) - 728-6201 : PHONE 728-9441 White River,"C oc pane re-\TOronhs oessseseers 40 3 'several post-war film@ j At a $ : , /, TOKYO (AP)--Mrs. Tsurukolin the 16th er 4 \

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