brough;* vice - president, Mrs.,;Moon, presided. The treasurer William Wilson; treasurer, Mrs.jand secretary both gave re- Archie Dewey; acting secre-|ports THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 19, 1961, 9 - King Street HSS. Association Names New President, Officers At the annual meeting of King \treet Home and School Asso- dation, Mrs. G. E. Moss, a 'ice-president of Oshawa Dis- rict Home and School District fome and School Council and ormer past-president of King itreet Home and School Asso- by Mrs. R. G. Collison, Thejheld. The following members GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES : ee tary, Mrs. K. G. Howe. Repre-! The devotional period and|scripture lesson was read by|were elected: Mrs. George Day, 5TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.,Johns, Mrs. W. S. Baker, Mrs.)Stacey; treasurer, Mrs. Roland|Sentatives to the Local Associa-ttopk: were led by Mrs. Richar¢|Mrs. George Whitbread; the|president; Mrs. David Boakes, The. 5th Scout Mothers' Aux-|Harry Keys. Morris; social convener, Mrs. my Pad Rabat gr a Fol Britton, who gave a talk on|secretary's report was read by|vice-president; Mrs. Bernard iliary held the October meeting| The November meeting. will] William Henning. ele cand Guides, Mrs.\Bolivia," giving a geography|Mrs. Duncan Nisbet and the|Uxton, secretary; Mrs. Brian at the home of Mrs. J. C. Bent-|be held at the home of Mrs.| The next regular meeting will aussie deanetac a BONO area of the vast country of Bol-|treasurer's report by Mrs. Wil-|Whitmarsh, treasurer; Mrs. ley. The president, Mrs. Ronald|Wallace Holmes, 593 Rosmere be held in November at Cedar-| After the installation a shortlivia and of the amount of work/liam Reed. Readings were given|Marie Long, entertainments. Trewin, presided sireet. The yellow patrol had|ale United Church. eS ee = Bia to be done. by Mrs. George Whitbread, Mrs'|Nineteen members were pres- » . A ad 3 Ss afte' j i. The. meeting opened with|charge of program and refresh-lsay PARENTS' COMMITTEE|thanied the pest excedtive toric, Members brought inj William Collins and Me citcleussed. Men" Leaman' Riten ments. : forldonations from the '"Fathom|mon abough. Favorite|cussed. Mrs. Lennard Riley, prayer followed by the report The 3rd Parents' Committee of|the work they had accomplish- " i . . 3 Tea. hymns were sung. Mrs. William Exley and Mrs, of the secretary and the treas-|;97s7 scoUT MOTHERS AUX.|the Oshawa Girl ide Associa-led through the year. Refresh-| . Willi: i e ) urer. Three new members were!' 'phe regular meeting of the|tion met at Guide#House for its|men{s were served by 'social con-|_, Mrs. Arthur Howard will have Refreshments were served by Fine eet Ps caenase served re- tiation, presided for re epee welcomed by t! resident. 19th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary regular meeting with 11 present,|vener, Mrs. A. D. Morison and o--- ag --, for next Gan oe Bradley and Mrs. * ~The Blo on an jie Coe Mrs, G. N. Vaéwum, president! yas held at Cedardale United|a@0d @ special guest, the mew)Mrs. A. W. pe ge mons Ene peace meeting ' SMITH MC i Kingsway district commission- will be announced later. BLIND FLEE FIRE Virs. Garth lespie; __vice- ogi sts 0 in = -- cn ta " seal ae 3: T. Gaskell, who in-) MARY ELLIO Mrs. Walter Nickerson closed ar ae ad NEW YORK (AP) --.About sresidents, ae Alec Bourne rs. iam Blake, president)<+31jed the new executive for} The Mary Elliott Smith Mis-\With prayer. The tates' ming of the|200 blind persons followed vol- A stalled the following executive i ' : ind Mrs, Gorgon Butler; record- presided. The minutes were!19¢1.69. sion Circle of First Baptist PMA CLUB Oshawa and District Old Coun- unteer workers out of the Jew- fer the new year. f mg secretary, Mrs. Harold M : read by the secretary, Mrs. Mrs. Eric-Norris presided at|Church held it: t i Salar comsmenting' Lean President, Mrs. R. G. Trew-\Robert Lewis, the treasurer's|ine meeting. The mutes were "seg land --_ igri og -- meeting of the/try Club held its annuat general|ish Guild for the Blind Wednes- _ in; vice-president, Mrs. J. E.|report was given by Mrs. Alex|;oaq by acting secretary, Mrs.|Nickerson. lub was held recently with the|meeting at Si fall recent-|day when a three - alarm fire , hike, E : president, Mrs. Elwood Bradley|ly. Aft - * Rupert; secretary, Mrs. H, J.|Wasiluke K. G. Howé> The treasurer's| The president, Mrs. RobertIpresiding. The roll was called ad a dace of clemson wolian te = bang Bw J 'ary, Mrs. Randolph Mark; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph La Roeque; executive members: Semple; treasurer, Mrs. J. C.| There were 14 members pres-|report was read by Mrs, Norris|~ Mrs. V. S. Cubitt, Mrs. George Bentley; social convener, Mrs.\ent. Mrs. George Peters in-|and the Local Association report Cuthbert, Mrs. H. L. Barker, V. A. McGahey; sewing con-|stalled the following officers:/by Mrs. J. R. Risebrough and Mrs. John Kewin, Mrs. Norman vener, Mrs. Glen McGee; press|president, Mrs. James White;|Mrs. Norris. & Winter. i reporter, Mrs. J. T. Kellington;|vice-president, Mrs. Robert) The new executive is as fol- nigh The first act of the newly- ne group leaders, Mrs. Frank|Lewis; secretary, Mrs. Jack lows: president, Mrs. J. R. Rise- installed president was to pre- sent a past president's pin to Mr. John Weir. Greetings from the Oshawa MRS. GARTH GILLESPIE District Home and School Coun-|mittees were read by the chair- cil were brought by its presi-| men as follows: Mrs. L. R. dent, Mrs. A. J. Allen. Annis; treasurer's report was Prior to the installation of of-| read by Mrs. Alec Bourne; pro- ficers a business meeting was| |gram, Mrs. Frank Jarvis; so- held with Mrs. John Weir pre-|cial, Mrs. Stanley Duffield; fi- siding. Mrs. J. D. Galbraith,/nance, Mrs. H. B. Armstrong; principal, was introduced. He| corresponding secretary, Mrs. | commented on the bars and let-|R I. Mark. ters as used in King Street| Mr, John Weir, the president, > OF L.A. & B. School. There are nine bars|expressed his thanks to all who Di i D { { Sf itd which students may earn dur-|had assisted: him during the) 9 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA 728-9521 ing a school year. In Grade 8 aljyear then asked Mrs. Alec} pupil who has amassed a total|Rourne to read the report of of 10 points from bars (0f|the nominating Committee. which one of these must be scholarship or citizenship) is presented with a letter. Mr.| Galbraith read some humorous comments from the pupils re- garding the use of bars and let- ters. The room count was won by Mr. Dennis Starkey. As part of the annual meet- ing the reports of various oe Small City Mayor | Sees Dream Theatre Taking Shape | CHICHESTER, England (CP)) One night two years ago, Leslie} Eyershed - Martin, a former nayor of this Sussex town, switched on his television set It was announced that Area/ "C" Home and School confer-| ence will be held in OCCI on |October 21 from 9 a.m. till 4| 4 p.m. The theme of this con-) ference will be "Emphasis on/| Education". The next Home| and School 'Council meeting will) be in E. A. Lovell School on Oc-| tober 24. King Street Home and School| Association will provide re- freshments for all the pupils jwho canvasses for UNICEF on} October 31, | Refreshments .were served by) |the social chairman, Mrs. Stan- ley Duffield and the mothers of} \the pupils in Mr. Starkey's room| whose grade mothers are Mrs. | Ear! Smith and Mrs. Clarence Guy. and saw Sir Tyrone Gwsbrie talking about the Festival Thea-| he brought to fame at Strat- - ford, Ont. The seed of a dream was sown. This, decided the middle- aged, sandy - haired business- man, was what he wanted for his own home town--an arena theatre in the heart of the rol- ling Sussex downs where he could stage a first-rate interna- tional drama festival. Today Evershed-Martin, who says modestly that he's no authority on the theatre, is watching his dream take shape im steel and concrete, By this) time next year, the Chichester| SAVE OVER % TUNE-UP SPECIAL ANY MAKE MACHINE ony 2,95 REGULARLY 6.50 Your sewing machine is a pre- cision meochine, it should be tuned up regularly for top jj performance. Festival Theatre, seating 1,400, will have completed its first 10-) | week season. Since the night he saw Sir) Tyrone on television, Evershed-| Martin has raised from sub-| acribers £64,000 of the total! cost of £105,000, He has also been over to Stratford, Ont., to see for himself how an arena theatre operates. Most enterprising of to become Guthrie's eouitecontt| in Chichester--the festival thea-| | MACHINE COMPANY | JUST CALL US A Singer trained mechanic will 9) come to your home and » Adjust and Balance Tension # Check Fabric Handling Mechanism Delint Thread Hendling Assembly re ¥ Oil Entire Machine » Inspect Motor Lubricate Motor if Needed w Check Wiring For Sefety SINGER SEWING ¢/o Herpell's Furniture Appliences and Upholstering -- Bae cag 4 Centre . WH. 2-4010 tre's first director.* Fri., Oct. 20th 10 A.M. Dupont -- gn " NO. 801 DIRECT IMPORTS Below WHOLESALE PRICES ® Quality Merchandise @ Brand Names in Factory Cartons EVERYTHING GUARANTEED The First Discount Seataal tare in Downtown Oshawa A RINTEET 8 year written manufac- turer's mumenten Phy AAT ONLY AVAILABLE AT ROSS E. MILLS| IN OSHAWA -- tee: BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS Are you ready to start your Christmas Shopping? We are! We bring you the very best in JEWELLERY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, CUT- LERY, CHINA, TRANSISTOR RADIOS, STAINLESS STEEL, ELECTRIC RAZORS AND LUGGAGE. QUALITY GUARANTEED AS LITTLE AS AND 1.00 PER WEEK 1.00 DOWN Ultra modern! ¢ Functionally styled! © Aclassic! ¢ Hurry--see it now! FAMOUS AND TRADITIONAL coe epyetalh SEE CATE Made by THE INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY REGISTERED FLAWLESS New, New... 100% Dupont Nylon Textured Pile Plain Broadloom in the most wanted look of luxury. & Ps CARPET DEPT. - Offers ANOTHER GREAT FIRST! You have never seen a carpet that offers so much for so "little". Nowhere else can you get an 8-year written guarantee on 12 ft. wide, 100% Dupont Nylon solid color textured pile broadloom. You not only get longer wear and clearfast 8 LIVING COLOURS colors, but nylon is mothproof and insect @ Tangerine © Oyster free, Most important, all stains including a ink are easily removed. We openly invite Gold ud you to shop and compare. Bring your room @ Beige . @ sizes to Ross Mills--or--ask for a represent- ative to call at your home for a free @ Sand bd estimate, eS 7 5 y sq. yd SEE JUST HOW LITTLE IT COSTS TO PUT BEAUTY ON YOUR FLOOR! i Wall-to-Wall or Rug Sizes of Bluebird diamonds tell the story of your léve. Here are but 3 of the many 9 Bluebird in our selection~flaw- in a class by th Ives. And insured BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 723-7622 SERVICE FOR 8 "$49.95 FOR LIMITED TIME ONL Mahogany or Blonde: Drawer Chest Included