minutes. Fifteen members were|versary Sunday will be held on}and Mrs. E. J. Luke reported on present. A bazaar is to be held|{October 29 and the annual fall!the sick list. 'on November 8. {turkey supper will be on Sat-| Mrs. Leighton Souch and com- GROUPS CLUBS AND Al J XILIARIES | Euchre parties are held every urday, November 4. mittee served refreshments. | Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.| Mrs, Arthur Ferguson, bazaar| } Wai Jopn, Mscponsld ond convener gave out material for| TARGARET HAMILION Gr. uzik served re-| i i ey the bazaar to be held in No Group of St. Paul's Church held freshments, vember, as their October meeting, recent- Mrs. Rae Crossman's group|jy a the home of Mrs. George €N'S|Leaming, Central Park north, with the president, Mrs. Derek Allen presiding. Money from |different projects was handed |in to the treasurer by the mem- |quick swabbing off at the end|have a sti{f mixture. Dip in a of each day, using a sudsy | small brush and go over the en- sponge. The plastic comes clean|tire shoe as quickly as possible. easily without hard rubbing. |Wipe off the soiled suds with a This is a really cute trick, as| sponge or cloth wrung out of more Boi ne ung Hothep clear water. wit gel problems has found. when the shoes are dry, then Ping oe zat 0 Baby's ute {apply fresh polish: You'll see ready had more coats of polish 2nd enjoy a decided improve. than you'd care to count. So just| ment. applying one more layer of white| polish over all those old ones isn't really going to brighten! them up. "DRY" SUDS | Every now and then, it's a good notion tv give the shoes a] going - over with dense "'dry"| suds. This will remove the old polish, plus the soil spots of long stanaing. | No matter what material the shoes are made of--whether fab-| ric or leather--you can use these thick suds safely. STIFF MIXTURE Mix a lot of soap or detergent with very little water, until you| Practical Hints For Young Mothers Baby talk today, starting off with a novel idea passed along by a budget - conscious young mother who says it works like a charm. INGENIOUS IDEA If a stroller or carriage sim- ply doesn't fit into the budget-- and with many a young family it doesn't--and if it is impossible to borrow one, here's an ingen- ious solution: simply use a tra- ditional "little red wagor" and a plastic laundry basket. Both items can revert to their orig- inal purpose when Baby is not out riding. Just set the basket in the wagon, set Baby in the basket, and off you go! The soft sides of the basket are ideal for Baby to grasp for 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, October 16, 1961 Several invitations were re- ceived to attend special Thank- offering services. Mrs. Neil Oliver explained about their foster son, Lam Yat Foom of Hong Kong, China and read several letters they have received from him. ! Mrs. Lawrence Allen was the guest speaker and her subject was "Love and Family Life". Mrs. John Lowry expressed the thanks of the auxiliary to| the guests. Refreshments were served by and who outlined the curriculum of a senior public school. A letter was read by the pres- ident, commending Home and School, sent by the Minister of Education, Mr. J. P. Robarts. Mr. Higgs explained the tab system since Grade 7 and 8 are no longer at Woodcrest. Announcement was made of a Home and School Conference, "Emphasis on Education", to be held on Saturday, October 21, at| 0CCI. | Room attendance was won by Miss Joan Rutley's kindergarten Mrs. Leo Gray and Miss Cora ST. STEPHEN'S MC The October meeting of the St. Stephen's United Church Mis- sion Circle was held at the home of Mrs. David Duchemin on Monday, - October 10 with + Mrs. Diane Hoskin, vice-presi- , dent, presiding. The worship service was led by Miss Dorothy Fish. The . scripture reading was given by + Mrs. Diane Hoskin. The theme ! of the worship service was Thanksgiving. A singsong fol- lowed. | Mrs. Duchemin read the study book, Chapter 1, Church and Community, out of the bonk "Signals for the Sixties". A question and discussion period followed. Bible Study was taken from the Book of Ruth, Chapter 1, and discussed. | The reports were given by the| various secretaries. Members were reminded of the bale of clothing to be sent to Jamaica. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. S. D. Jack- son on November 13, at 7:30 p.m. NELLIE DEARBORN GROUP K The Nellie Dearborn group of| Will convene the AOTS M St. Stephen's United Church met Club dinner on October 21. in the church parlors on Tues-| Refreshments were served by | day evening, October 10. Mrs. Arthur Ferguson's group. The theme for the devotions; THE FAITHFUL GROUP was "Thanksgiving". A hymn| The Faithful Group of King bers. After the business session was sung. Psalm 107 and the Street United Church met on afternoon tea was served by "Thanksgiving Creed" was|Tuesday. |Mrs. George Leaming assisted read by Mrs . Arthur Ferguson.| rhere were 12 present. The|by Mrs. Charles Cornelius. A Mrs. Lloyd Jewell led in prayer.|qessert luncheon was planned harvest smorgasbord, sponsor- Miss Jill Heard played two 414 is to be held at 1.30 p.m./ed by the Margaret Hamilton piano solos. : October 18. Members will cater{Group is to be held at St. room. H "Count Your Blessings" and for Past Matrons Club Novem-| Paul's Church on Thursday, Oc- Refreshments were served by| ar ey: {""Give Thanks" were read by ber 30. tober 26, starting at 4.45 p.m. the mothers of the pupils in| STORIE PARK AUX. | Mss. Carson fleas anda hymn! Mrs. Leighton Souch had 5. Storie Park Ladies Auxiliary| : S Sicharge of the devotional. She rate meld its regular meeting at the read by Mrs. Lloyd Jewell. Lh chi St. OXEN FOR BRIDE | RCAFA WING 420 | clubhouse, Mrs. Harry Williams| The secretary's report was Matthew and gave a reading, In ancient Greece, men pur-| Ive Ladies Awrsry of 420 presiding. read and roll call answered. |"Hallowe'en Customs", followed chased wives by paying the It was announced that anni-|by a prayer. Mrs. William Short bride's family in oxen. Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous mair. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel, Oct. 17 & 18th PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dates pport. The only upkeep necessary for Wing RCAFA held its annual this do-it-yourself stroller is a dinner at the Flying Dutchman. | Mrs. Peter Muzik read the| On their return to the mess, the president, Mrs. Wayne Pat- erson, conducted a short busi- ness meeting, after which the election of officers for 1961-62 was held. The new executive is as fol- lows: President, Mrs. Wayne The regular meeting was held | Paterson; 1st vice-president, in the Sunday school with 15 Mrs. Reginald Kent; secretary, members present. Mrs. L. S.|Mrs. A. D. McGillivray; treas- Brash, the president, presided. |urer, Mrs. Nelson Johnston. The minutes and thank-you LOUIE HOGARTH AUX. noes and correspondence were he Lode Hogarth Awdliary Yead. |of Albert Street United Church Plans were made for the rum- p14" ic" thankoffering meeting mage sale which will be held 3t/ recently, 1.30 p.m. at the CRA on October] " ; 17. Anyone having goods was Su F2Tks Srenied Mrs. L. S asked to. contact Mis Mrs. Albert Chilcott had Brash. i : _|charge of the devotional period Rally Day and Promotion Sun and the subject was based on day will be held at the Sunday ah Misses school on October 15 at 2.30 PA, Th ® 1 ssoy The devotional period was led| companied by Mrs. James Pot- by Mrs. William Mathews and {er sang a duet, "A Prayer of her committee. The theme was Thanksgiving". Mrs. Roy Corb "Thankful Hearts are Harvest| man read the Scripture. | Hearts". Harvest hymns were softly played throughout by Mrs. Clarence Scott. Mrs. Thomas) Shepherd read the seripite Jes. To Our Valued son and a reading on anks- | giving, was given by Mrs. Arthur | Customers ! Bunker. ig Douglas Langen| Naturally, you must be wondering sang a solo, 'Keys to e| ay with al e claims. being : " | de as to better this and better the Kingdom of God". Mrs. [|| 2% $5 buy. NATIONAL Bunker also read an interesting | BRAND NAME" shoes you are history of the origin of the} assured of the bes of money hymn, "There Were Ninety} £7 Pd t,o ete Sos, o/c, and Nine", and Mrs. Lander ||| OWNER-OPERATED Shoe Store for then sang this hymn. | almost a century, giving you the || added assurance of personal ser- A social half hour was then | enjoyed. vice with @ vast experience in the knowledge of fitting shoes, so es- || | Jertic) to your comfort end good | SOUTH SIMCOE Hand § ['™™ The October meeting of South Simcoe Home and School Asso- ciation was held at the schocl with Mrs. Robert Lewis presid- ing. Mrs. Cyril Weeks read the minutes and Mrs. Elmer Ostle gave the treasurer's report. It has been decided that Mrs. Lewis should attend the Area "C" conference. Sandra Fry sent a note of thanks for the| gift certificate she received in June. Mr. John Francom's Grade 8 class won the room at- tendance. Mrs. Lewis explained about the wearing of name tags each month. Mrs. Richard Gifford intro- duced Denny Zaporozan, a for- mer pupil of the school, who played several selections on his accordion. Mr. Morley Wyman spoke | briefly on the 3 per cent sales tax now in effect. Part of the] sales tax is going to help pay educational costs. An example] of the need is that in 1960 alone there were 600 new schools or |Asadvertised in McCALL'S and TODAY'S HEALTH additions to schools built. On the| first of September there were! $19.95 70,000 students more than in June. Mr. Wyman stated that this is not a luxury tax. Mrs. Morris Fogel was the winner of the door prize this month An announcement was read concerning the fun fair which will be held in the school on Saturday, October 28. There will be a candy booth, hot dogs and pop, tea room, sewing and knitting, rummage, touch and take and fish pond. | WOODCREST H-S ASSN. | LOOK TO... » TAMBLYN Wa TO SATURDAY Buy One and| TOILETRIES Get One For l- SPRAY HAIR NET BACHELOR ROLLING BALL DEODORANT with LANOLIN KEEPS CURLS NEAT ROLLS ON LASTING PROTECTION CONTROLS UNRULY HAIR io 21.01 2+1.50 ADRIENNE 2 for 2.00 HAND LOTION we 2099 25% 2+ 1.40 MILK OF MAGNESIA PURE MILD LAXATIVE Reg. 98c ADRIENNE 2 for 2 1 . IDEAL FOR CHILDREN BATH POWDER 25% Cream Deodorant "ou. si. 2 = 99* Reg. 5c FOR 76° TABLETS Reg. 98¢c Deodorant Stick 42575" 2 + 1.01 MINT FLAVORED 85's REG 54¢ 250'S REG. 1.35 LANGLOIS LAVENDER SHAVING CREAM 2: 55° 2711.36 SACCHARIN LATHER OR BRUSHLESS AEROSAL ww 270° ti 21.50 TABLETS Effervescent 69¢ 1.49 AFTER SHAVE LOTION ...":.. 2 =~ 99* Hair Dressing 2 fa 99+ Ya gr. 100s Reg. 35¢ GLOS-KREME Aor Reg. The 236° STATIONERY ENVELOPES commercial Reg. 25¢ @ for 26° ENVELOPES 2+«26° NOTE SIZE PADS 17nd 2 w 16* LETTER SIZE Air wi 2-26" 2~1.11 FOLDOVER ,."'>. 2 ~ 26* ar. 10:9 1 1 40 | TYPEWRITER: 2 = 40° ha or 2 41¢ hari 2 1,26 A-SA-REX TABLETS THORNTON'S WA VITAMINS |. [LENZ0 T00TH BRUSH. == VITAMIN & MINERAL E Convex Shape and MULTITUFT Reg. 4 ror ¢ TABLETS %: 270 51 50's Reg. 289 2 for 2.90 DENTAL PLATE BRUSH 100's Reg. 5.25 @ FOR 5.26 i 20 61° 250's Reg. 9.95 2 FOR 9.96 ts' or 30° MULTIPLE VITAMIN TABLETS 29¢ Toot ote 001 2 wr 70° 222.76 2: 4.99 COD LIVER OIL M31 Thr i: 2 «70° DENTAL FIX ..;"5. 2 «~~ 54° PLAIN High Potency . . . An Excellent Rexadent "I= 2 i 70° Source of Vitamin A ond D Reg 2 for 51° \ Nl. 1 em 2a 1,90 y fing Nn FORTIRED WITH 10A and D Dental Floss 3. FIRST AID BUYS ploper' reo 2° 1.01 FOR FALL REXALL Son Reg. 1.49 Hon Reg. 1.99 CHRISTMAS CARDS SPARKLING WINTER SCENES 14 ASSORTED CARDS oe & 1.01 1.00 box FROSTED PINE ASSORTMENT pg 2 for 1.76 1.75 TAGS & SEALS ASSORTMENT OF 100 PIECES ir 2w26° BRONCHIAL SYRUP RELIEVES CONGESTION OF COLD AND BRONCHITIS EASY TO TAKE 2 +» 90° 2~:1.50 GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES PRODUCE A PROMPT AND EFFICIENT ACTION CLINICAL INFANTS AND CHILDREN THERMOMETERS 7: 2 60° Monogram,.."s, 2 ~ 1.51 Regist 2 fr 99° Quik-Tel ;2 7% 2 «1.96 ADULTS 2 - 60° ". = i) a in = TICKS TIER Ask about Dr, Locke's "'5-point-fit" for Total Foot Comfort Fr Reg, 5% Reg. 25¢ 6-01. Reg. 8%¢ 16-01. Reg. 1.49 Reg. 25¢ Medicated Plaster "> 296" PRO-CAP ADHESIVE Laie 2 40% LI 2 10 60° HALIBUT LIVER |: 2..60° 2 OIL CAPSULES |i» 2 96° a With Vitamin B12 | ABSORBENT COTTON 5. 2 - 60° BOTTLE OF 150 SURGICAL GAUZE 2+ 60° rier 2 FOR 3, 2.6 | GAUZE BANDAGE -- STERILIZED 2" x 10 YDS. REC. 59% 3" x 10 YDS. REC. 75¢ REXALL HALIBUT or BO : LLL HALBUT. | 260° 2:76 50 Regular 1.29 Nilady Notes * 2+ 76° 100 Regular 1.98 ---y 2 Reg. 1.25 -- Belmont 250 Reguler 4.00 aa 2 FOR 4.01 BALL-POINT PEN Reg. 1.00 2 for 1.01 VITAMIN C TABLETS EVERYDAY NEEDS LADIES' . 12's Reg. 59¢ presiding. The meeting opened | the|| vith prayer after which (ASCORBIC ACID) 25 MG. 100's REG. 95¢ 2 x 96* 100 MG~REG. 2.00 2 ror 2,01 BISMA-REX MATES 2+«51° 24's ISOPROPYL RUBBING ALCOHOL A SOOTHIN 5 Gr. ASA. FAST RELIEF FROM HEADACHES HAIR BRUSH Roll Wave or Professional G BODY RUB The first fall meeting of Wood: | anceys crest Home and School was held | FOR... recently with Mrs. Glynn Pearse | precident welcomed a large at-|| Proper Fit ®@ Right Prices | tendance of teachers, parents and friends. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. Joseph Kovacs, the treasurer's report by Mrs.|| John Collins. Principal of the school, Mr. A. || F. Higgs, introduced the teach- ers. Among these were two new members of Woodcrest School, Miss Charlene Flath and Miss Joan Rutley. Mr. Higgs then introduced Mr. | George Reddick, who is princi- | pal of the new Ridgeway School, 1 Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.EA. Reg. 50¢ CAMPHORATED OIL ,.":.. Kidney & Bladder Pills ;.%. Toilet Lanolin or Castor Oil Mineral 0il ..%. 2 «90° HYDROGEN PEROXIDE is 2 for 9* 10 VOL. 4.0Z. REG. Sue 10 VOL. 16-0Z. REG. 75¢ KLENZO ANTISEPTIC Reg. 1.59 Pair | 27:31 2x 76° 299° 21.60 he 2 164) SPECIAL BONUS BUYS! HEIRLOOM CASSEROLES ELECTRIC FRY PAN ELECTRIC BLANKETS For F , E Cooke SUSIE IN Jor Fuster, Susier Coole FINEST QUALITY-- CHOICE OF COLORS Double Bed Size Fingertip Control with ALUMINUM Pilot Light. Den SERVING BASKET Single Control Fully Automatic Javere 10%2" design. omplete with Cover, 4 round Continuous opal cover Even Heat sree. 12.49 on NC ELThe KETTLE 2-Year Guarantee OR JAGoING AND EXCELLENT MASSAGE OLD SYMPTOMS 2: 99* Reg. 1.79 2 FOR 1.80 REXALL 4 Mi31 SOLUTION Mouth Wash--Gargle ond Multi-Purpose Antiseptic mw 21.01 AIR FRESHENER MANICURE SCISSORS NAIL FILES TWEEZERS BOBBY PINS POCKET OR CURL | Yeast & Iron Tablels ...:: 2+ 1.26 REXALL POLYMULSION 8-oz. REG. 3.49 For Infants & Children 283.50 room 2 tn 5.26 Multiple Yitamin 32-0z. REG. 9.25 2 ~x 9.26 SAVE! Orange Flavored ~~ BOWLING of BAGS | | | i 8 i STURDY WELL CONSTRUCTED Lal] 251° 2 rr 76*¢ 2 ~ 80° 256° 16-02. Reg. 98¢ 32-01. 100's Reg. 79¢ 2 80* 200's, Reg. 139 2 140 --ry 2 for 1.80 RUBBER GLOVES BMALL-MEDIUM OR LARGE 2-1.26 2-150 2-30 2 30° hr 2 26° NYLON POCKET 2+26* Monogram Goods Satisfactory or Your | Reg. 1.49 Money Refunded Downtown Oshawa 18 SIMCOE ST. §. PHONE 725-1833 Triple-Cut Reg. 29¢ 3 Styles Reg. 29¢ 4-01. Reg. 55¢ Black or Reg. Brown 10c 2+ 11 DRESSING Reg. 25¢ SAVE! FRESHMASTER CHOCOLATES by Smiles 'n Chuckles 2+21° PORTABLE HAND MIXER STORES ON THE WALL LIGHTWEIGHT PLASTIC CASE WITH CLIP-ON REMOVABLE PLUG = Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, Br STRONG ZIPPER PLAIN OR PLAID DESIGN REG. 1.98 SPECIAL 1.29 Pre-School, Character, Acrobatie FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS AT THE DELICIOUS WHOLESOME CANDY 2 POUNDS 1.79 or 1-qt. oval opal cover 3.98 - LADIES' PUSH-BUTTON BEATER EJECTOR SPECIAL 12.49 SPECIAL Faster more economical. ANY 2 mii, Fe more scnomico | § 6.69 UH with gutomatic ther REVERY a HEATING PADS nicl rome finish, Fully Guaranteed. DE VILBISS 91 CENTRE ST., MASONIC TEMPLE OSHAWA Information: 723-7253 BATHROOM SCALES NEW MODERN DESIGN CARRYING HANDLE MAGNIFIED LIENS LARGE PLATFORM ASSORTED COLOURS 4.49 Reg. 5.98 HAND BAGS LATEST FALL STYLES ZIPPERED CLOSING CHoICE OF COLOURS 1.98 2.99 VAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER HUMIDIFIES DRY ROOMS AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF _ FULL GALLON CAPACITY Reg. 6 vw: 6.99 | SPECIAL 6.79 HAIR DRYER Yi DIAL TYPE AIR REGULATOR Weight with Adjust Vinyl Plostic Hood Z| GC G&G Wy Crm Three Heat Switch, Washable Cover with Dome Fasteners. Attractive Colors, FULLY 4 GUARANTEED REG. 4.95 3.79 6 KING ST. PHONE 723-3143 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 725-8541