27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 7--Real Estate for Sale 9--Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 16. 1961 17 USED st TYPEWRITERS for students. Guaran- $8,100 FULL price. Easy terms. Five room home overlooking the Oshawa Golf Club, Tot, low taxes, A real buy. John Food 725-8010, Joseph Bosco Realtor. $4,500 OR best offer with low down t. Must be pod, five Seoin ban with furnace. rge lot, Ajax area, K. Chomko, M J. Bosco Realtor. chance, $6,900 faxes, 8-4606 SPECULATORS full price. Four room home, couple $29 monthly Terms. Newt Hodgson, Bosco Realtor, 725-9870. $1,300 DOWN or offer, On "he lake, ex. | ion cellent lot. Five room 'rame home. Completely winterized. Now forced air gas furnace. Private. WI. 2:0296 after 6 ideal for older includes tax. Joseph storey and balf, five- veneer, oil heating, 290 Eulalie. Telephone | SIX-ROOM brick storey and a half, for | sale or rent Albert Street, newly de-| corated, landscaped lot. For further in- formation. Apply 549 Albert. $600 DOWN buys this seven room brick home, close to downtown, in good re- pair, oil heat, low taxes. $9,000 full ce. Ask for Bill Horner at 727 51% Piovd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor, - SALE or rent -- seven-room brick, 160 rk Road North, partly furnished, lot. Good income possibili- PRIVATE sale bedroom brick double garage. 725-5270. large corner ties. 725-8133. pm FIVE-room brick Duagalow, $8,500 with THREE solid brick bungalow, oil 'heated, low down payment, immed. ate Apply 474° Lakeview Avenue, T 7 $3,000 down. Must & 728-0978. payment, FORCED sale, low down m three rooms, two LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER in finished situated STX room bungalow, garage, near south General Motors. $12,500 with $2.500 down. 723-3898. '59 FORD V-8, automatic, 19,000 miles, (© white wall tires, good condition. Tele- phone 725-9682. 28--Real Estate Wanted WE HAVE BUYERS FOR LOWER PRICED HOMES We urgently need listings on properties Of under. For appraisal free {lo SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. 723-2245 725-0243 728-8423 725-1726 Daytime Evenings Simcoe Street South. Must sell. For appointment call Toronto RU 7-114L. FOR SALE -- White frame winter across 29--Automobiles for Sale ized cottage on lot. from White Rose Station. Hydro, MO 8-4294 or WH 2-3145. SENIOR CITIZENS THINKINK OF BUYING se 25- PRIVATE sale. Three-year-old, 6 per cent NHA, five room ngalow, land ped and decorated. Telephone a 1126. CUSTOM (in the dash) Car NE Lloyd blue ana white babv ear. riage, in good $15, Telepl 125-7767, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, br guaran. 's4 CHEVROLET, good radio, back-up lights, wheel discs, whitewalls, low mileage. 105 Ritson North 725-13 parts, rushes, teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, | Rentals. . Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice, 728-0591 anytime. 53 AUSTIN in good running condi- tion, Best offer accepted, Telephone 728-8882 for further information. "55 PONTIAC new paint four new tires, very good mechanically. Make offer. 369 Drew Street. 725-8132. '56 FORD Fairlane, two-tone paint, automatic, radio, good tires, Best cash offer. 26 Westmoreland Avenue. Tele- phone 723-1333, '55 BUICK, f ) B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. STOVE, Frigidaire Imperial, 40" wide, in excellent condition. Apply 17 Me- Laughlin Boulevard after 5. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, patterns to choose from, Buy one roll, get one roll free at Edgar's Sale, 34 King Street West. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib. eral trade-in . Free d stration, Telephone 728-4683. and cot less at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe|tee standards at low prices. Bill Ham-| Street South, 728-4873, We buy and sell. |!lton, Ashburn, Brooklin. ; P be E | TENTS, camp cots, bags, lan.|PAMAGED in freight, three-piece bed- Io ye ess Baby's Birth 2 room suite, brand new, slightly mark- Prices in town. Bomimon Tore, Stores 18] SCs, Ardy noticesble. Mr. and Ms ROME (Reuters) -- Italian Health Minister Camillo Giar- Bond Street West, 725-6511. Terms to dresser, chest, bookcase bed, regular dina announced Sunday an of- suit you. $259, sacrifice $175. Wilson Furniture Co., 20 Church Street. FREE wallpaper at Edgar's Paint and ficial enquiry will be held into the birth of a baby without eyes Wallpaper. Ready pasted and regular DEER Hille, Savage 250, calibre to a mother who was said to . In atler WESTINGHOUSE frigidaire, 8 cu. ft, perfect r For quick sale, $65, Telephone 725-5798. SWEATER of Mary Maxim wool, size $5 to $8, guaranteed wash: ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-2241. gd trans rondition, $45 mission, radio, good A Telephone 725-7776, '58 SUPER Vauxhall, green with beige upholstery. with radio, gond tires, ex- SELLING furniture? We'll ouy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, panos, BOX trailer, Y:ton, all steel construc-| ed, complete with hitch and licence, $50. Apply 77 Gibbs Street, GO-KART Motor, MC 5, good condition, $60. Call 725-5088 6 p.m. have been exposed to radiation during her pregnancy. 44, white bear on rust background. Never worn. Telephone 728-5035. NORDAEIMER baby grand piano, rose- ut aq ; self artes, | (able, whatnot. Pine chairs, table, Al ago by former high commis- stoves, ete. For top cash offer ~ontact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131 cellent condition, private. 1d MO 8-5270. GOOD of d TV's t prices. Parkway Tele- t 191 ISETTA. Excellent condition. Tele: af vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your color TV store, TELEVISION General a Electric com. phone MO 8-8053. biles Wanted 30--Aut radios, lowest prices in 'town. Try Do. minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West, LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181. fo your car for cash. Fast con |Uial service, convenient terms. For in- pletely ov Phillips 21" console, $90. All sets Meag- plate able, Telephone TYPEWRITERS, cash registers, ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. + |STORM windows, twelve, 54" x 28" newly painted, able. Apply South, chest. Cranberry glass, china, papier 723-7966. To sioner for health Dr. Beniamino de Maria. guitar and| Since then further details & best offer: nave been given--that the child NEED a To choose| Was born in a Rome nursing from, all on sale, smooth top high qual-|home about six months ago and mache table, clear estate. add-|723-4254, am. "|GIBSON Hawaiian electric ase MO 8-2406, ete, *, all reason: 8 133 Oshawa hers, 5 King Street West. RCA Estate ity, % price, $35. Smoothtop continental | 3inq after a few days. stove, 30", heavy duty: beds, complete with headbomcs regu. The birth was reported a week |: MOVIE camera, Bell and Howell, two- light bar, tripod, beaded screen, pro- Jector. condi Telephone 725-3621. Reasonable. Good tion. Frigidaire refrigerator, 15 cu. ft. $150 complete, MO 8-5004 after A. ZIG ZAG sewing macihne, sews for- ward and reverse, makes ) lar $89, discount $54.50; spring-filled mattresses, hundreds of colls, al! sizes, discount price $16.88. See Ed Wilson, the mattress king, 20 Church Street. Dr. de Maria used the case to dramatize to parliament the dangers of radiation from Wants Centennial For Manitoulin SUDBURY (CP) -- It will be Aug. 4 and at least one island resident would like a centennial celebration to mark the occa. sion. G. A. Totten, a resident of Sandfield, one of the island's communities, says he thinks the island *'could set an example of co-existence to many people." Until Aug. 4, 1862, Manitoulin |formation, telephone 728-6238, Sea- board Finance, 29% Simcoe Street S. atomic tests, and said the mother had been to a Soviet atomic research station. was a reservation for the Ot- tawa and Ojibway tribes, he said. Portions of island are still set aside as Indian reser vations. Then see this smart 5-room brick bungalow, clean es o whistle, very quiet crea, pri- vote fenced in back yard with trees, selling for $12,500. You deserve happiness. Phone Bill Millar ot 728-5123. $11,200. FULL PRICE $1,200. DOWN Five-room brick bungalow with paved driveway and TREMENDOUS savings, Two-piece davenport set, slightly damaged in ship. ping, can hardly be noticed, lovely styl ing, frieze upholstery, foam cushion, . Regular $269, will sacrifice for quick| The child's father, Dr. Mario sale, $150, Wilson Furniture Co., sole, S50 on Garofalo, in whose clinic the MOVING! Stove, electric Singer power MERRY MENAGERIE does decorative stitches. Original price $179. Can be had for balance owing, $47.00 cash of seven payments of $7. Write Box 428 Oshawa Times. WINE recipes of 15 for $1.00. Send money order to "Recipes", PO Box 265, Whitby, Ontario. YELLOW chrome suite, cofise table, Rokorol, venetian blinds, playpen, child's rocker, doll carriage, snow suit, size 8. Telephone 725-9823. HAND hair dryer, Oster, new; electric deep fryer; Viking 3-brush floor polish- er; baby clothes, car seat and toilet seat. 725-3621. ; COLEMAN space heater, used one sea- son, cash $40 baby cradle, old fashion. ed, upholstered, with bonnet $13. Cooey 22' rifle, good condition $10. Call 723. 3474, ask for Bert. TOWN OF AJAX TENDER Firemen's Coats Tenders will be received by $ALL CASH$ For clean cors we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS. LTD. 512 BROCK SI. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 BUYING a home? Need money? For| lowest rates, fast service, Seaboard Finance, 29% Simcoe Street South, or phone 728-6283. serwing large Dutch baby carriage, crhome kit. chen set (6 chairs), chesterfield and chair, coffee tab you'th bed, single bed, good condition. 68 Cabot Street. $700 GRADE A diamond ring, lovely setting, one year old. Sacrifice $400. MO 8-4909. FURNACE, used, with Timken oil burn. er, in good condition, May be convert. ed to coal or wood. Apply 305 Ritson Road South. FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar. 3 antee. $2.25 per week, no down pay- ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, the undersigned until 5:00 |ment. Package deal $130. Telephone NO. 1 quality. Measurements, estimate p.m., Monday, October 23, |725-4729. |free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. jy ig | BUYING or disposing of used furniture, 1961, for five (5) Firemen's | | oli , ete. Elmer, 30 4 Coats. Details may be se- BUY YOUR {A a ™ yan cured from Fire Chief FURNITURE , -. 8 ¢ FALBY, of Si DISCOUNT PRICES ! Town of Ajox, P.O. Box 909, | AJAX, Ontario, | Baron's Home Furnishings | 424 SIMCOE ST. S. IFOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best, Eat better for less, 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaronteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100. | { | | | ) ENVOY custom, 14,000 miles, like| R 3, Bowmanville, Telephone | | | |WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. 34--Lost & Found FOUND one lady's #ng North Oshawa. Telephone 723-9459. LOST -- Girl's glasses with Reward. Write Mrs. Wi Street, Toronto 14. CL. 5-0703. LADY'S sweater, rose cashmere cardi gan, lost vicinity Centre Street near Athol, on Friday afternoon. Reward. Telephone 723-9758, 35--Legal 1 will not be responsible for any further debts contracted in my name by any- one on or after October 16, 1961, with- out my written consent. Howard Hartley, Apt. 2, 335 McArthur Road, Ottawa 2, Ontario, I, Dorman Minty (formerly of 181 Beachgrove Drive, West Hill), will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name by anyone on or after this |date, October 13, 1961, without my written consent. CAR FOR SALE? Bring buyers right to your door with a fast-action Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 now. blue tops. s, 165-7th | } Wat 7 i \, 16 World Distribated by King Features Syndicate, "Really, Glad, is s0 common y, 9, Just plain goa Productions Reserved Prompt Most dependable. The leader on the road ond track. | JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 Trade your boat on a cOr=-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 91 service, Sunbeam, Open evenings or weekends WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, --- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 BETTER USED CARS Vanguard Station Wag- on, new. Reg. $2945-- SPECIAL $2450 Herald Salon, 2 - tone, whitewalls, new Reg. $1945. SPECIAL $1649 Herald Salon, radio $1295 Pontiac Hardtop Coupe, V8, power packed, stick shift $2295 Volkswagen $595 Monarch Sedan $395 Oldsmobile Hardtop Coupe $695 Pontiac Sedan $425 Good Reconditioned REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS All parts and service AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North AJAX -- WH 2-6410 COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm windows end Prime windows and doors only $40. Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed | year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 SARGEANT'S TABLEWARE RENTALS Punch bowls, chafing dishes, ice buckets, dinnerware, glassware, tableware $ rentals for weddings, show- ers, anniversaries, buffets, reasonable prices, MARY ST. Five-room brick bungalow, with double garage, attractive living room and dining room, with natural fireplace, recrea- tion room, awnings, storms and screens, and many extras. Owner leaving city, and can give early possession. PRICED REDUCED TO $10,50 10,500. COLBORNE ST. E. Income home, seven rooms, 4 rooms on first floor rents for $75.00 monthly, 3 rooms on second floor $65.00 a month. Forced hot air oil heating, garage. Situated on a large lot, and zoned R.4 permitting a wide range of uses. 725-3454 723-3240 725-3867 725-4330 Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board | | { | '61 Roy Flintoff, Phyllis Jubb, Irene Brown, '61 '60 Lucas Peacock, '60 FOR RENT: Four roomed house, hea wiring, hydro, hot water, $65 monthly, 52 Austin, Priced for quick sale at Fina Service Station, 627 Simcoe Street 300 ACRES land, about 60 acres clear: | ---- eee mem | '56 BUICK hardtop, automatic, ed, remainder timber. Good untins | eering and ily Sacrifice! 726.0079 728-2078. Please leave telephone number if not FIVE room House at Maynooth. Full | Lorie: recreation area, Telephone 728-6438. {lowest rates, fast service, Seaboard Fi- hls i FULL PRICE, $5,900, $4,000 down, 875 phone' 728.6283 SPOT CASH 76" 6" x 4 t lot renewable in three years. Lot (alt t The Hilltop. Open trom | BH 250", Fivetoom bungalow; garage, on Hyg until midnight. Good clean cars. Trade up ' $2,000 DOWN, New seven-room split: | 60 or down. Liens paid off. ly payments of only $93.00 [level brick, tastefully decorated, ap- NeW. Including toxes. Call Irwin [FS o0ce 'one 6 per cent government. si BUICK mechanically guaranteed. | 314 PARK RD. S. 725-1343, | body fair, radio, snow tires, aulomatic. ih -- doy ! | Bert | (Bat enemies] | CARS WANTED Lloyd Reolty (Oshowa) Ltd. LOTS FOR SALE 61 CHEVROLET Bisciyne two-door | Buying a New Cor? |tiful ebony black, like new, trads.; 728-5123 |terms, sacrifice, 728-1203 | Talk "Cash" to the New i L Oshawa Golf Course. " " 101 Simcoe St. N 109 wa | transmission, radio, many Cor Dealer and "SAVE", = Phone 725-2774 ellent condition. One owner, Ee remeaaliotdarm Res. 725-5574 | - |'s8 FORD, Fairlane 500 serie 3| . LATEST PEACOCK SALLE [Emirs Fait, Si---Awomoblle Repairs | MODERN DESIGNS OR E N {be arranged. Telephone R. Dasilvia| REALTOR | 728-1911, Lo terials -- 79¢ a yard and up. LT En Turan reie:) and SERVICE STATION ¢ 728-5109 CONFECTIONARY STORE | hone 723.3153. Yo | "BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- Bedroom drapery in satins . with living quarters -- North- ; Kitch : BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ite walls, wl tinted] 'MOTOR = TUNEUP AND itchen drapery metstigls Write Box 534 Oshawa Times 9 aft | GENERAL REPAIRS. 7 : our Anor, 67 KING ST. W. i Simcoe St. N. Well establish- n wagon, four door, | . perts at nominal cost. Also o ed business, a money maker, SELLING YOUR id 723-7822 selection of ready - made beautiful condition, and spot- 35 FONTIAC, V8 standird, motor ne 32--Articles for Sale lessly clean. Also three-bed- USE {after 7. zig-zag, console, with stool; desk, 3 side M & C DRYGOODS| | drawers, one shallow drawer; adding 74 Celina Street | with the lease. Business and PHOTO CO-OP { | 4 i 725-3621 | equipment $6,900. with V O L V O AWNINGS, canvas, service, KINGSDALE AVE. FOR Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, TRI-PLEX ACTION prices. All colors, guaranteed, flat, gloss, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 3 two-bedroom apartments, 4 4 stoves, refrigerators, electric CALL Toy Shu a ns garage. Give us a call to in- Circulation Department. Oshawa Times spect. TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground RISTOW & OLSEN, REALTORS Church Street. 723-7624. TH! . W., OSHAWA si SOU7HMEAD 1 19 ATHOL ST. RE -) Line at The Hilltop. Open from 10 a.m X-room rici ungalow, until midnight. scaped lot, with patio, ond REALTORS Remington, Schick, Philashave, Ron hedged. Nicely decorated, 18 BOND ST. W. enn etc, Cords, cutting heads in stock. ER, , radiators, s linds, aluminum hy To Boag Bl path, sete, storms end screens, Required NORTH-EAST SECTION rrr 723-7088 H. Chinn. Nice clean bungoow with nes = : : and balance carries for $55. @ month, principal ond ine loom, finished recreation room, automatic dryer, new Inum storms ond screens, T.V, ontenna, paved drive, lot with maple trees. Asking $2,500.00 down, one mort- $1,000 DOWN Buys this immaculate 3-bed- living room and large roomy Hollywood kitchen. Close to Coll today for full particulars, $450 DOWN per month on one mortgage for the balance buys this home on main bus line. Brond new forced air oil furnace, year. Hurry for this one OPEN FROM 9 AM. After hours call Dick Young at 723-7183 or Lloyd Corson FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartments, stoves, r gerators. MO 8-3591. oh GIRL'S navy blue blazer and two South, grounds. 13 miles north Bancroft. Bh price $3,500. Close to schools and good NG a car? Need money? For| nance, 29% Simcoe Street South, or| monthly, at 7 per cent, open mortgage, | PAID FCR the lake. 725-8489. | Forced air oil furnace, month 4 R DODD MOTOR SALES praised $13,900. Will sell for $10,000, MA 3-2750. oD oto i -5123 to- Cruikshanks at 728 Cash only $225. Call 723-3474, ask for| ™ Reolt |V8 automatic, radio, white walls, beau. | - Ted" S50: N.H.A. approved. Overlook- Sell your used Car to "Ted [1958 OLDSMOBILE two door hardtop, | TED CAMPIN MOTORS LUCAS 3:38. | 723-4494 : v8 | FOR SALLE {in excellent condition. Financing can ceils ------ HOUSTON"S GARAGE In living room drapery ma- 725 4330 GROCERY AND | 61 F-85 Oldsmobile station wagon. less| ou 58 FOUR door pontiac deluxe, auto-| PLETE BRAKE SERVICE and rayons . . . 1.40 and up. west area--Clear property -- SNACK BAR en om Drapes made to order by ex- ent condition. Tele- with plenty of parking. In PROPERTY? dropes at discount prices. tires and clutch, body good. 72-2629 SEWING machine, Domestic, automatic | room, very modern apt. goes machine; liquor cabinet; gallon jugs. 723 7827 $3,200. down payment. | free estimates. Chair, table rentals. PAINT, _ interior, exterior. Bargain Nine-year-old, brick tri-plex. Joss. Oshawa Hardware. washer, and dryer. Double 728 51 07 save, 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $2.00 sheets. rentals. Oshawa Hardware, 8 5% NUA, RESALE TUMBLER free with $3 worth of #3 situated on a nicely land- CORSON & YOUNG ELECTRIC razor Meagher's, 5 King Street end many Sais: T.V. aerial, 723-1121 ks, pressure systems, piping and fit- a substantial down poyment many extras, including broad- terest. forced oir oil furnace, alum- covered uatio, nicely hedged gage for the balance, room bungalow, nice size oll schools and bus service. With payments of only $75 newly renovated four-room low, low taxes only $89 per TILL 9 P.M, 723-2537 anytime. $90 and $100, in modern building; tunics; one beige tweed suit: sizes 10 and 12. Telephone MO 8-2611 WHITBY, Brock Street South, two-fa newly decorated. Telephone MO 8-: for particulars. aid FOR SALE: 31" doll's pram, a Sea.| breeze record player and a Hawaiian .{Buitar. All as new; reasonable prices MO 8-4765. { Chevrolet Coach . $395 | '54 Cadillac Hard'op Coupe, power equipped Ford Coach . $295 53 $295 725-3338 FALL SPECIAL RESPONSE! fly home, 2 Kitchens, 2 bathrooms, $125 per month, Available November 1. MO 83122, COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS $45.00 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS W have several very good '49 to '52 cars in the $100 to $150 rarge. JAGUAR & TRIUMPH DEALERS SALES & SERVICE STUDENTS! A super value, approxi. | mately 630 sheets of letter size al paper (news print) for only $1.00, Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whithy 111 Dundas Street West, | Yat ia (RELIABLE lady required to look after | two children while mother works. Tele. phone MO 8-4103 after 5 p.m. { FOR SALE: Three bedroom bck bun. galow on landscaped lot. Large Kitchen | and lving room, screens and storms, | close to shopping area and schools. Im. | padiate possession. Telephone MO Newspaper Advertising Brings Reader Response... through Buying Action! ROOM and board, two girls willing to share, laundry, lunches packed, $16 weekly. Close to downtown, Mrs, Hewis, MO 8- a En SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8-2563. FOR RENT - Furnished ligh' house- keeping room. with private entrance. Phone MJ #2252 or apoly 342 Mary Street east. i FOR RENT Spacious three-room self-contained apartment, heated, park- fog! Mr. Gay, 205 Brock Sircet "outh,| Colonial Aluminum SMITH'S Sales Co SPORTS OPEN 9 AM.-9 PM. SEAVTIFOL sx room Sassi hay ag room bungalow with| SIMCOE N. AT CONLIN RD. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. THREE-R unfurnis "a ,|$110 monthly. A | FHREE-ROOM unfursished, soartment eg. ay ve December || PHONE 728-5912 728-4614 heavy duty wiring. One child welcome. Telephone MO 8-5709. ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden ond Lawn Equipment, MO 8-3226. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY _ More buying action results from newspaper advertising because of the atmos- phere of believability. You've heard people say, "I know it's true, it's in the Peper The printed word has always been accepted as more honest and inding, Newspapers report facts; other media offer entertainment. Your adver tising in an atmosphere of believability is bound to induce more '"want-to-buy" action than that framed in fiction or entertainment. Newspapers offer another vital element--an atmosphere of timeliness and urgency. This sense of immediacy fosters "here-and-now" sales action that no. other print medium can match. If it's a question of consumer responss--~newspapers are the answer! MOhawk 8 5947 FO -- ik oom, lig otsekceping "with Tau. | phone MO 5.4864 ly wily; Tele. rr Cr oar sulk, SICH jigs our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO | LE - Hillcrest Sunoco PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER Expert Repairs -- Licenced Mechanic -- Fully equip- ped to Handle All Major Repairs, Also -- IGNITION, CARBURETOR WHEEL BALANCE PICK-UP FRONT END ALIGNMENT AND DELIVERY Name Brand Anti-Freeze 3.50 Gal. Installed Including System Check Handy Man's Price 2.39 Gal, -- Bring Your Own Container WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST SEE HILLCREST OPEN 7 AM.--11'P.M. DIAL 725-4811 1 MILE EAST OF OSHAWA NO. 2 HWY, THREE . bedroom nnfurpished apart. De Seitral location in Whitby Apply 4 tson Road South or )! Zi Si telephore APPLES -- $2 and up. Bring mn con. falners. MayBelle Orchard, 14 niles {north of Whitby, Hishway 12. West side Telephone MO 8-2163. MANURE for sale, for gardens and lawns. Phone MO 8-4514. LOST -- Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist watch, brown cord strap, reward. 318 Mary Street West or phone MO 8-4294, FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auto. matic defrosting refrigerator: four ele. | ment, |8-8508 {BC SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired Statements pre. pared, income tax returns, MO 8.8252. GRAVEL - LCAM Cement, Gravel, Driveway Grovel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 SCHNEIDER'S FOOD PLAN, through ECONOMART, 15 or 20 cu. ft. FRIGIDAIRE Freez- er, one piece, NO WELD ALL-STEEL CABINET, a pro- duct of GENERAL MOTORS. App. $16.95 per week assures a fomily of four GOOD LIVING and is your total cost of freezer and 90% of your food in your home. Full WARRANTY food ond freezer. Our food consultants will gladly ex- plain our plan in detail. NO DOWN PAYMENT, NO OBLI- GATION, for appointment call MO 8-538). We GUAR- ANTEE to sove you money and time, ECONOMIZE WITH ECONOMART, i FREE heavy duty Gurney stove MO