The Oshawa Times, 16 Oct 1961, p. 17

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erover ves THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 16 THE OSHAWA nme, OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fridey Saturday 8 to 12 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 13--Business Opportunities| 18--Male or Female Help BEAUTY salon, established in Oshawa, Wanted [modern Sauipment. Bxosllent [vest | ST TIME desk clerks, writs. stating | ment. ol age, . an is employ- rae tn 725-4701 Howe 20d IO ee 311s, Olli na Te vi ives wel. |WANTED -- Someone witn variety store [SALES HELP wanted. Housew |lype of business who will trade for an| come dom Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, |attachea garage five and a hz!f rooms hs id |brick bungalow, fully decorated and |Your own home. For information tele. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent NEWLY furnished warm basement apartment, automatic washer anc dry- er, electric mantel, central, private en trance: girls preferred. Telephone 725-1562. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent $79 MONTHLY and up, modern one or two-bedroom apartments, new apart- ment buildings, all ~onveiiences, beau tifully decorated, centrally located. 728- 5282. I BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | | CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cosh orge 3 CONSECUTIVE es, 225 248 INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 it not paid within 7 doys the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions, $60 MONTHLY -- three rooms, lower |duplex, private entrance and bath, {SHid welcome. Telephone 725-3038 afier BACHELOR apartment, stove and 'frig, automatic washer and drysr, $7% monthe ly. Apply to 113 Montrave Avenue, Apartment 1. THREE rooms, one on ground floois Sink, cupboards, stove and 'frig hyd landscaped, broadioomed, wel! located |Phone MO 8-2387, Mr. St, Jol in Oshawa. Contact Cnarles Smith, [Harry Millen Real Estate. 728-1679. | 20--Room and Board " THREE - room apartment, all conven. iences, TV outlet, stove, frig, washer and dryer, in apartment building. Tele. Accountants |Fuel and Wood |Money to Loan NEW BUSINESS INTE. | tant metered 3 NTEITR, RIEHL asd FUEL and stove oil, cons no LR dy 725-3527. supply. Y. H. Young, 71 Emma, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa: Ajax, 728-8727. wVH 39990. | FIREWOOD, dry, good, for stove, fur- nace or fireplace. Free delivery. Tele: MONTENH, MONTEITH, FiEnL abd {phone CO 3-2275. $55" Simacoe Street North, Oshawa: Ajax, bry FREE cleaned every MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus, Monies also available Second Mortgages. Mortgages ond Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builders' Mortgages at reasonable rates 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act. BARFRIED ENTERPRISES LTD. ANNOUNCES NEW LOW RATES ON Ist & 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS FOR HOMEOWNERS BORROW $2,000 REPAY $35.22 PR. MT. PI. BALANCE AT END OF Ist 5 YEARS NO BONUS Other Plans Available OSHAWA RESIDENTS, FOR A CONFIDENTIAL APPOINT- MENT IN YOUR OWN HOME CALL OP. AND ASK FOR ZE 7-6540 (NO TOLL CHARGE) OTHER AREA RESIDENTS CALL GUELPH TA 2-9062 COLLECT Active Member Ontario Mortgage Broliers Assoc, LOANS To Pay All Your Bills You can Borrow $50 to $5,000 To Pay All Your Accumulated Bills. This Gives You A Fresh Start With Only One Easy Monthly Payment. $50 - $5,000 Without Endorsers Or Bankable Security SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All.Canadian Loan Company' on YALE, FRIEDLANDER, rey] Co., Accountants and Auditors. | Se Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa: B. L. Yale, | «CA; F. Friedlander, B.Comm., CPA. | | 8, T. HOPKINS and Compatly, Cert. fied Public Accountants, 17 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. | BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res., 723-7605. WILSON and BURROWS. Chartered Accountants, 3%: Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA, G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-2571. | H. E. DEWAR and Co., Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg, 11 On- tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2221. Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- teed, automotive parts and accesso ries. 145 King Street West, Oshawa. 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you. ~--Furnace --"Round the Clock" 24-hr, burner service ~--Automatic delivery --It's "White Rose" Unified Fuel Oil WESTERN OIL CO. 725-1212 Gardening and Supplies TREES Removed, Pruned, ete, All work insured. Call collect-- BALDWIN 2-1051 DRIVEWAYS EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED REASONABLE PRICES i Barristers | LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli-| citor, Notary, Alger Bldg, 37 King) Street East. 723-4943, Mortgage monies av JOHN A, CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- | tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. 723.2269. NHA and private mortgages arranged al GREER and KELLY, barrister, Solicl- lors, etc, 114 King Street East Dial 723-2278. Residence phones: J UNITED PAVING CO. 728-4801 . M. Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368; Ter- rence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. | mALPH JONES, BA, and 1roMas 1.| Patio and Flagstone | | | | | | | | + Al te Barrist: and Soli. a citors. 130 King Street East 7mo2%. ohrubs and Evergreens Mortgage loans available. -- Holland Bulbs , Notary Publle, 36% King il and sods. Be Ny aes. Se saa ®| OP soil MAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Solicl- rig? Notary Public, 26% King BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solicl. | tor, 3% Simcoe South. 725-9592, ni GARDEN CENTRE dence 728-0264. Lag Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Soliel-| 1259 SIMCOE NORTH Office 723-1101; Residence 725-5342. | RICHARD H. DONALD. BA. Barrister, HARDSAND Solicitor, Notary Public, mcoe North, 728.2891. Res. 728.2765, LANDSCAPING sters, i A jents' fund ailable for IR Fs Street North. Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, 725-3566, Charles & McGibbon, C:| Bulbs Edgar F. Bastedo, A 725 1721 55 GLOVER RD. BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrist Street East. Phone 728-1763. | tor, etc., 131% Simcoe Street Nort, | MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barri Fall Sale of Nursery Stock. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors: BR. O. Humphreys, QC; G. §. Boychyn, BA: W. A. Hillman, LLB; 36% King Street East. Phones: Office 725-1177. Res, 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725.5203. Money to loan. JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa. 728-3232 Residence 725-3405. MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| ies. Money to loa Henry Block, | King Street st. 723-4697. Resi-| dence, Dia] 723-4029. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Telephone: Business 723-2201, dence 728-5373, CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg, | 8 Simcoe Street North. 723-3346; T. K.| Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA mort: Sages arranged. JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| le. The Commercial Building, 286 King| West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available. | RUSSELL, J. MURPHY, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor, 8 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2971. Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCCME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades SHINGLE your roof now, $120 and up. Workmanship and materials guaran. teed. Easy terms at 6 per cent, with no red tape. Phil Harper, Whitby, MO- hawk 8-4558, SPECIALIZNG in roofing and repairs. Also all type home remodeling. Free estimates. Phone Harry 723-2413. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim. neys built and repaired, gas linings in. stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates, 723-2997, E. R. KNOWLTON! LANDSCAPING SERVICE Top soil and sod. Repairing and lown maintenance, patio and sidewalk slabs, 725-6047 LANDSCAPING All kinds of jobs in the Garden -- phone ENNISKILLEN GREENHOUSES CO 3-2263 | | | | | | OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL--STONE LOAM 723-3528 LOAM-GRAVEL | SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL | LEVERY NI LOTS LEVELLED : : TRACTOR, LOADER WORK |--ATURPAY UNTIL NOON Reasonable Rates {Mortgages -- DIAL 725.2156 NUMBER ONE TOP SOIL nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Street East. 723-7232, 6-YD. LOAD -- $8.00 10-YD. LOAD -- $12.00 SPECIALIZNG In brick, block and ce. | 52,000 AVAILABLE for 723-3162 ment work, home repairs, Phone Mr Rage: repay $30 monthly Peter Wolters. MO 8.2294. __|Household Repairs {phone 655-4471 evenings, | IRST AND SECOND mortgages, ar.| ALL TYPES bullding repairs, roofing. eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces, {ranged. W._ Schatzmann, Mortgage Bro. sidewalks, stoops. 728-034, Gordon) M | | Loans Life Insured Offices Throughout Ontario 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 OPEN EVERY NIGHT | | | | | | | | | | | | | id Sale | Hen. | King econd mort. | private. Tele- | Chim. { | | | | 'er, 101 Dundas West. MO 8-3338. ay. (FIRST and second mortgages. Sas | agreements purchased and sold. Hen. nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, 723.7232. CLIENTS money to loan on first mort: Sage. Mortgage and agreement of sale FALL cleanup time. Old rubbish in Purchased. » mortgages arranged cellars, incinerators and garages. wil Crelghton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- pick up anything. Please call 723.1652, |90¢h. HOMEOWNERS! Beautify and increase | Instruction the value of your home with Reynold's Aluminum Siding and Colonial Stone. PRIVATE teacher, Eliminate painting forever. As low as 16 years' experien weekly, Industrial Home Construc-|Act now, 725-1054. experience, J. E. Harris, F, G. Hains tion, Box 406, Oshawa Times. LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, and R. C. Bint. Summerland Securities CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork- DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School, ho ing, all floor coverings. Free estimates. batic. Friday and Saturday. Masonic 2Wa, Ontario. Phone 725.3568, Work guaranteed. 728-0850. | Temple, Centre Street. 723.7253. INURSING HOMES ALL types of repairs and remodel. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, | © . , wed ling, new and used materials. Reason: (tap, RAD ballet, Highland. Register g AVEN Nursing Home Ac- able rates. Estimates free. Dial now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122. | dation for private and semi. 728-6931 J. Foley. |private patients, lounge, TV. Fully lj. a LEARN TO DRIVE |censed, new building, modern. Visitors at the FREE estimates on and grading by bull dozer, MO 8-3612./ welcome. Reasonable rates, Phone -- Newcastle 4441. Oshawa Driving School Professional Instructors HOME OWNERS Nursing Services Dual Controlled Cars. Roofing, asphalt - flat, PETER PAN Day Nursery, ail or half Chimneys -- cleaned, rebuilt, Standard ond. Aun tie day, usd to 5.30, 581 Simcoe North. Day and Evening Lessons lined for ges and oil 728-2604, 728-0091 [MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh. awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vi-| cinity. Ri |, acreage, apart.| , student counsellor, ments, business. Members of Ontaro ce, by interview only. Mortgage Brokers Association, 40 vears' | | Acro. Limited, 112 Simcoe Street North, Osh | | Unlisted Numbers VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING W. Next to Western Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city. {Personal Service | NOW OPEN HERBERT ard FURIO HAIR STYLING 682 HORTOP ST PHONE 728.9611 CAN. CORP. AUX, UNIT 42 CATERING For Banquets, Weddings, etc. For Information Call MRS, E. OLEY 725-2931 TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish ond chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, min snakes. MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER--725-3887 Plumbing Heating ALL types of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates, Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J Fole PLUMBING and heatin, ies 725-3521, Harold H rk Ltd., piumbing, heating and engineer ing 255 Simcoe Street South. BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps. SO g suppl Sta burners, hot water and forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service, PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night | | Rug and Upholstery CHESTERFIELDS re-uphols re-styled. Free estimates d See our ma ing, 75 Charles Street, 723.7212. CHESTERFIELDS and old chair: covered like new. G at Modern Upholstering, South, Call 728.6451, free estimate CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, re-covered like new. Why pay more? are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed | | Subsequent Insertions ordered at o later date constitute @ new original order Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines doily Each additional line $1.60 per month, Each Initial letter abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure. counts es © word, Box charge 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements must te in by 5 p.m. the day be fore publication except Births, Memorioms Cords of Thanks which will be accepted untii 9 om Deadline for Lost end Foung and Concellotions 8:30 a.m, - Office Hours: Doily 8-5, Soturday 8 12 REGULATIONS= The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise: ments submitted otherwise thon in riting. nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement, nor beyond the orice charged for © single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And olso reserve the right to classity advertising according te its own classification In the cuse of display advertie mer The Times vill not be helo -esponsible for more space 'hor that in which the octual error occupies The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability of advertisement ore contained It ony inaccuracies in any form therein. 2--Personal SPENCER Foundation Garments, In dividually designed. Also Spirella gar ments. Mrs. J. Hendershot, 324 Admiral Road, Oshawa, I wishes ride Toronto to Oshawa, ing Dundas - Carlaw, or Danforth Pape around 5 p.m SPIRITUAL dufy nurse, Edith Jack son. Telephone 728-2550, ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa, Oct. 17th and 18th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dotes for appointment. 3--Pets & Livestock TWO loveable house broken kittens want a good home. One a tortoise shell, the other orange and white, no charge, 728-8806 BEAUTIF I baby budgie ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, DACHSHUND puppies for le, $35 leach. Telephone MO 8 4962. |terial for recovering. Dalton Upholster- DE re. DACHSHUND pups. | et the best for less and tans and reds, 142 Simcoe mas if ordered nov. |REGISTERED American Cocker Span iel puppies, blonds, goldens, reds, parti. colors, five and six weeks old, males, females, beautiful pets, 725-6473 LAB-BEAGLE puppies, wonderful and hunters, 70 Scugog Street, manville, MA 3-3958 pets Bow. 'R_hounds, two for sale, Telephonn 655-3931, Raglan, registered, bluck Will hold till Christ. Telephone 725-1669. SIAMESE. kittens, 2'4 months old, of pedigreed Sealpoint stock, Trained. Tel Our rates ephone 723.3974 after 5 Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery FEMALE German Shepherd for sale, Co. 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311}. Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, Ontari Land Surveyor, Comme ing. 11 Ontario Street. H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, ial Blue-print. 5632. Ontario East. Phone 725-6881. Tv - Radio Repairs m-- RADIO, car radio repairs, makes Thompson Electronics, Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). NEED job? The in the 14 Column of the Classified Section. Che ght now. T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. OSHAWA T.V, Free Survey and Estimates SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's TV. 725-7844 or 728-5804 | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS | Because we give -- Real Service Fast SAME DAY! Ftficient SAVE MONEY | Experience SATISFIED ! DRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes checked, gloss and tuner cleaned, set up for best pictura | A TOWER ? TRY US! Eavestroughs -- cleaned, Optometrists repaired. |F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- ein i etry, the examination of eyes, contact Waterproofing -- interior, |Insurance (lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. exterior, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up|Evenings by appointment, 723-4191. Your local contractor-- to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For'c TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please ONTARIO CONTRACTORS |Psstaps Mervice at your home, callipay accounts at downtown Dominion 728-0344 ined at home. Dial 725-4387 {Lawn Mowers Cartage JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa. {Painting and Decorating VAN HORN DECORATING. Paper WE SHARPEN AND RENT | Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- | Moving antenna? Some day? Repairs? As guod os new? TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND EAST 728-6781 Well Drilling-Digging Whitby. Reasonable rates, Fully equi ped and insured. Phone 723-3661. MOVING ? R K CALL CORNER KING AT BURK STS. CITY CARTAGE s Zona! 725-2621 | ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call -- STAN'S hanging, interior and exterior Free estimates. Alan Van Horn. Tele- phone 728-2822. DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Poperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 | | | Any | 107 fast W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHIIBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. P.O. BOX 329 [FIFTY to five thousand dnl] Dressmaking | worthwhile purpose, lowest rates, DRESSMAKING and alterations on |service. Seaboard Finance, 29% Sim. |coe Street South. 728-6283. ladies' and childen's wear. Reasonable rates. Telephone 728.8666, . Want-Ads Don't Fuel and Wood FACTORY hardwood cutling le for stoves, lephone 728-8538, + NIGHTS 725-7426 {Personal Service |OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inches In 30 days. Home rentals for vibratory belts. Barrel massagers. Slim.Rite tre, 204 King Street East. 728-4501. BETTER places to rent are offered to| you daily in the Oshawa Times fied Ads. Check Classification 25 | 5. Suit- es. | fireplaces, fu 5 now. Cost-They Pay | Classi: | Good Advertising and Good Merchandising GO HAND in HAND oi Al {Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue liners all ($1.75 157 13.mile east of place to find It Is WINTER - pot Oshawa Times per bag, free delivery. |DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. | [TOP MONEY for dead and disabled ___'HEATING equipment and IT fer 299WHY i | 4 years old, rm use, Only $25. 728.4912, 4--Market Basket Betty. HOICE winter potatoes, $1 per bag, lan Downes, Pontypool. APPLES, $1 and up. Bring own con Maybelle Orchard, 1% miles north of Whitby, Highway 12, west side Telephone MO 8-2163. TOMATOES, 50c. bushel; carrots, 75¢.; Spanish onions, $2.50; Bring co 3 chol's Garage, Cour- rst corner. atoes, 75-pound bag, $1.40 Telephone 635. tice. Go north to 1690 "TOMATOES -- Pick your own and bring containers, 50 cents a bushel. Wm Sack, Thornton Road South. First drive. | way sides APPLES, $1 up. Bring containers, please, Algoma Orchards, Thickson Road North, 13 North of Taunton Road. south of Hydro sub-station (west 5--Farmers Column Phone collect Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, collect. 24-hour, seven-day service, GMC 1950 three-ton stake tr shape, with cattle loading ramp. for farmer, reasonable. Call between 5 and 6. . good Tdeal 725-007 7--Trailers Telephone 723-2326. | | good for watchdog or phone 725-8215. heat, tile floors. One child welcome, ROOM, with or without board, good home cooking, near north General Motors and Hospital. 10 minutés walk to four corners. Apply 240 Division. FOUR and three room apartments, near Shopping Centre, paved park- ing facilities. Telephone 725-1604 for fur- ther details, GET THE FACTS! Before you invest, read the Phonz 655-3174 $i5--FOUR-ROOM, self-contained apart- ment, new stove and refrigerator, close new 20-page factual "Pro- gress Report: Coin-Operated Loundry and Drycleoning Stores." Call or write today INGLE room for gentleman or lady, lunches packed if desired, parking space, two blocks from Duplate. Tele. phone 725-2000, THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, stove, refrigerator, Young couple, no children, very central. 74 Drew Street or -4726. to downtown, available November Ll 725-4569 PARTLY furnished fhree room bases ment apartment, private entrance, Near South Genera] Motors and bus hy 5-6701 BOARD and room for two gentle- men, separate rooms, home cooking, close to north GM. Apply 292 King St., East. SUIT one or two quiet gentlemen, close to North GM, good home cooked meals, Tu if desired. Telephone 725-3048, for free brochure. No obliga- tion ALD CANADA, LTD. 25 Belfield Road Rexdale (Toronto) Ont, RO 6-7255 REFINED, congenial woman, mid- forties, would like same to share her pleasant three-room furnished apart- ment, television, telephone etc. Central location. 728-8722 after FOUR room unfurnished Apartment on |ground floor, centrally located, private ilable at the entrance, parking space: ~hildren wel available at. the come. Telephone 728-6666. [CENTRALLY jocated four room apart- | ment, $70 per month. Telephone 728-1376 pri. | for further information. EE preferred. APARTMENT to rent, two bedrooms, 25-0744 for bath, living room and kitchen, Apply 35 i North, Telephone OUR MARKET RESEARCH in- dicates that very attractive returns con be earned in the Oshawa area in a proven service develcped by RCA Victor. No selling involved Pontiac lunches packed, have TV lounge. Tele. phone 725-0078 LARGE room on main floor w vate entrance, two girls Board if desired, Telephone 7: further details. GENTLEMAN prefer: 723-9363. stop. Telephone 725-671 FURNISHED apartment: single houses keeping room, private entrance, cen tral, parking Reasonable. Apply 96 Centre Street. FOUR-ROOM apartment with private entrance and bath, close to General Mo- tors South plant, parking, telephone 725-1168 for further information. TWO-ROOMED modern furnished base. ment apartment, separate entrance, pri vate bath, parking, TV aerial. Use of washer and dryer. Apply 73 Ritson South 725-6124 after 6. LOW rental apartments, building one year old, $87 monthly, modern. two-beds room, five rooms, free washer, dryer, pri " istrict, home THREE room Apply 79 Mc ment, private entrance, ree piece | Gregor Street or telephone 725.672i.Ipath, $60 monthly. Telephone 726.6070 {ROOM and board for working girl in |for particulars, ro private home near North General Mo. |UTILTIES paid. Three room unfur- tors and hosoitz!. home-cooked meals. | nished a artment, private bath and en. Telephone 725-6449. , sd __ trance, heavy duty wiring: Oshawa ROOM and board for two gentlemen, Boulevard South; reasonable. Tele French cooking, lunches packed, park-|Phone 728-6108. cma ing, laundry done. 103 Mill Street. |THREE rooms and bath, with stove ROOM and board for three or four |and refrigerator, ideal for -~ouple, in gent 4 ne Apartment building block, central. {Sentiemen in quiet home. Telepho © 795 77 or 725-3911, ond no experience required. We train you. Can be oper- ated part-time by mon or woman and no emplcyees necessary. Ycu must have $3,000 immediately available plus a good credit rating. For full details to be mai'ed, drop o post card to RCA Victor Company, Ltd, 1450 Castle- field Avenue, Toronto 15, home, single beds, quiet self contained apart. cooking, lunches packed parking. 728-3377, NEWLY decorated, three-room apart. ment, private bathroom and entrance, new refrigerator and stove, very clean and quiet. Reasonable. Apply 25 Divi- sion Street, APARTMENT--$65 monthly, bedroom, living room, kitchen, private bathroom and entrance, in new home, heat, hydro included. Townline North. 723.7680 wo-bedroom apartments, in new apartment building, refrigerator, Attention: Specialty Products Department cr phone Tor- onto, ROger 2-7311 |FIVE days per week, private home: UNFURNISHED two bedroom apart. {close to bus lines and South GM. Tele. ment, private bath, heavy wiring, util. {phone 728-1779 for more particulars. Her paid: souple with Joung ehid. 73 | 4 2 » 7 X ROOM and board or rooms, ample Of | parking, quiet home. Apply 89 Oshawa SELF-CONTAINE _ |Boulevaid South or tele;hone 28-0236. |Nished apartment, middle aged, experi- ROSSLAND-Simcoe . area, single and | taking full charge, |double rooms with board, good beds ee _ home. Telephone and food; lunches packed, aandey| UPPER duplex fiat, Completely oo . - - Jone, Television, Parking. Apply boards, all conveniences, heat, electric EXPERIENCED cook - housekeeper -- p------ ~~ supplied. Very clean. $65 monthly, 589 wishes position taking full charge.|TWO roomers or boarders, private | Albert Street. Motherless home preferred. washroom and entrance, Close to Shen | THRE Er uPDer apartment Reeve 5 . ui 'ent, 3 5.4971. eral Motors. Roomers, $6; %oarders, wiring 'private athraom kiteh a---- RURICREEI a. s Tel 728. » > itchen cup- QUALIFED company secretary 515 Telephone 728-0394. |boards, heat, water, TV outlet, gum (ACIS). 35 years of age, seeks perma- |dry facilities, parking. Phone 728 87! 22--Store Space & Garage: J four - room unfur. vith heavy wiring, central, suitable for business couple Telephone 725-4837. 14--Emoloyment Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, |enced, capable of preferably in adult 728-6079 | pri. one PPly 52 Drew Street, _ {apartment unfurnished, private bath T stove, washer, dryer, television outlet For further information, call MO 8-8349 FOUR-ROOM apartment in good pri- vate home, heat and water supplied, heavy wiring, private bath. reasonable rent, adults. Apply 112 Oshawa Boule- {vard North (aa tsb |THREE- and four-room apartments In building, stoves, refrigera- |tors, built-in cupboards, Laundromat, | parking. 725-3938 or 68 Wayne Street. |{CENTRAL, three-room self-contained unfurnished apartment, not equipped, private entrance, heated, parking, rea. sonable. Immediate possession. 728-3952 TWO-ROOM furnished apartment with isink, cupboards, private entrance, {main floor, parking facilities. Cone trally located. 218 Celina 728-3253 {ONLY $60 three-room heated aparts |ment, heavy wiring, private entrance, three-piece bath, parking. Apply 250 awa Boulevard South. bedroom apartments, $87 and up, stoves, refrigerators, laundry facilities, ent; location." Telephone 728-7552. Wilk Fialka ReaWgstate. TWO room apartment, Turns weekly, suit gentlemen or adie. ing lot; good residential 15 Colborne Street Ea: $12 pa ke district. Appl y vate bath, cludes hot water, heating, parking. 1. 254 Malaga. Bde di i apartment, stove, refrigerator bedroom bungalow in Whit storms, screens; close to schools. Avail FOUR room modern apartment, pri. cupboards in kitchen, in. Near South GM. Possession November HOF THREE room self contained heated e and A included. TV outlet, Telephone 0. BA NT apartment, Joos, hot water heating, ran three large private en. business or older couple pre- ower. Telephone 723-4519, 1 three-room apartment {main floor of new house, garage, vate entrance and bathroom. Parking and laundry facilities. Phone 728-4409. 00M unfurnished apartment, o prie { able November 1 or 15. MO 8.8379, BFAUTIFUL six-room bungalow, close OF to South General Motors plant, Low North, Apartment 8 or telephone 728. down payment, 6 per cent mortgage, |3945. | TWO four-room apartments, furnished , close Or unfurnished. Apply 496 Simcoe Street located, $55 monthly inc'udes heat and hydro. Children welcome. 666 for further information ment, main floor, Telephone 728-6156 after 3. ~~ |THREE room unfurnished apartment MODERN five-room storey and a half,| near South General Motors, private en fireplace, hardwood and tiie through- (trance; built-in cupboards. Apply out, oil heated. Telephone 728-0468 after | Thomas Street for further information. p.m. SIX-ROOM, two - ie. 4 oil heated, immediate possession. cen. (cluded, close to downtown. Telephone trally located. Telephone 725-6236 for |723-4825. 269 FULLY ne, storey brick house, $50 monthly, light, heat and water in. nt se! heated, light wiring, suitable for couple. Just outside oiy limit: Telephone 728-6:08 evenings, ---- ee 20 EVeRINgs, THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, hath, hea ring. ronths [gs "eludes eat, water: poly 38 Al- bert Street 728- |THREE unfurnished rooms, builtin further particulars. SE SEV OM hou rmony Road North, $85 monthly. Vacant October 1. Telephone MO 8.2497. FOUR-ROOM house, heavy wiring, all conveniences, centrally located, large 3 N one and two bedroom apart. ments, stove and fridge, laundry facil- ities, parking space. Triplex, south endl. Telephone 725-5808. | | | | | unfurnished, two ladies or two gen tlemen only, all THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished or I arage, heavy duty wiring, three bloeks east of Shepping Centre, park- ing, $50 monthly. Adults. 725.6117. FURNISHED two-room apartment, pri. vate bath, laundry facilities, central of cation close to bus. Adults only. Tele. phone 725-9683. lot. Apply 320 Verdun Road from § to § p.m. SIX-ROOM brick house, semi.attached [en ipped with storms, scicens and & |private entrance. Telephone 725-7497. [NEAT three-room basement apart. ment, heat, hydro, washing facilities, near park, schools, bus, i e THREE room apartment, equipped with stove, refrigerator, chesterfield and chair. Close to bus: parking facilities. Telephone 723-1052. Adults only. [paved driveway. Telephone WHiteha'l 2-0274 after S5p.m MODERN six room bungalow, oil heat led, includes storms and screens, near |south GM. = Possession November 1. {Apply 254 Malaga Road. Ie - child welcome, Telephone 725-2254, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION BACHELOR ond 2 BEDROOM APTS. Store, 'frig., washer and dryer, locker, paved park- ing. Very low rates, Special rates for adults, APPLY AT: 213 MONTRAVE AVE. NOW RENTING Bachelor and 2 Bedroom Apts. | NIPIGON AND ELGIN CT Built-in china cabinet, colored bath, frig., stove, free auto- matic washer and dryer, paved parking, T.V. outlet, MODERN three-bedroom brick home, attached garage, large lot, suburban, $100 per month. Telephone 725-9895. SIX-ROOM two-storey brick, double garage. Vacant. Commercial location, King Street West. Reasonable to reli- {able tenant, W. McAuley Realtor, 26 | Prince Street 512 or MO 8-5765. | FURNISHED m and small kitchen with refrigerator and stove, central, | separate entrance, 97 Park Road North. | Telephone 723-2764, |$87. MONTHLY two-bedroom ments, all conveniences, Apartment 2 or 728-3377. TWO-BEDROOM. cottage for rent, win. terized, immediate occupancy. Tele. phone Pickering Beach, WH 2-0205. | THRE EDROOM home, large living {room and kitchen, finished recreation {room. Will rent with otion to buy. For information, telephone 725-3604. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent APARTMENT, bedroom, sitt cent, groom, dining area-and kitchen; rally lo- | nent position. Telephone 728-2171. S after 5. WOMAN wants baby sitting position, LARGE store for rent, 25| THREE large room apartment, {willing to go out of town. reierences|Simcoe Street South, 635-47 3243. child welcome. A day. Telephone MO 8-9021 ask for idly. off King, 728-2272. HOUSEKEEPER wanted to fake proximately 30 x 60 on main artery | FOUR roo charge of house. Apply at 165 Montrave Ample parking for 25 to 30 cars. Reply room and entrance, children welcome. |Avenue or telephone 723-4317, evenings. Box 433 Oshawa Times. e tenants, Vacant | November 1st week. Apply 68 Cabot St, 16--Female Help Wanted |23--Wanted to Rent IN APARTMENT NE, two-bed. x ex v OURE room apartments, ED IM) ; / rent, ces, am- lady to work in snack bar, night shift, | warehouse, ground floor, central, suit telex $30 per week. For interview, call New- able for storage. Write R. H. Arm Pit Barking, For particulars telephone jcastle 4566. Experience not necessary. |strong, 601 Gilmour Street, Peterboro. |. . | WAITR enced. Apply South End Restaurant, 5 garage. North-west area preferred. Rea- | Bloor Street East. : od = .. \Sonable rent, Telephone 723-1161, 8.5. COUNTER girl wanted. Anply Victory Ask for Mr. Lainchbury. Grill, 50 Simcoe Street North. liv: in five-day week. Tewpbone 655- (THRE) 469) for further information. SALES help wante s wel. come fri Brooklin etc. Telephone soliciting from your own home. For information tele. phone Mo 8-2387 Mr. St. John. | Earn Christmas money selling Avon's nationally advertised gift sets,. Call lady betwcen 20 and 40 who is interested in selling ond writing advartising copy, for well-established Oshawa firm. someone with initiative ond enthusiasm. Apply in writing to Oshawa Times, Box 440, stating age Experience not necessary, we teoch you how in vate bath, stove, sink cupboards, | supplied, evenings and Saturday all| COMMERCIAL building for rent, ap- Reasonable to reliab) building, tw Ww. EDIATELY Young | WANTED to rent large room or small oats, (Oshawa Boulevard, for day or night, xperl-|TWO.BEDROOM house with attached | GR re Tor er worwark, | 24--Houses for Rent om Pickering -Ajax - Whitby- { MERRY CHRISTMAS We have an opening for a This is a bright. future for and qualifications, twenty minutes, | | apart. Desk space and phone pro- immediate vided at our offices. If you have o pleasant voice you can earn a good income on a liberal commission basis Age no barrier if you are over 21. Convenient hours can be arranged. MR. R. YOUNG OSHAWA TIMES 723-3474 | | | service, Accessories for small and large trail- 8--Hunting DEER hunting, housekeeping cottages, $20 - $50 per week, guide extra, todge accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook good. Duck hunting season now open, same rates apply. Contact Bob Wed den, RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi-Jo Camp. | DEER hunters wanted, from November 11 on. Hunting in Haliburton county, Dogs and guides supplied. Telephone 723.7378, 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent BANCROFT, furnished two - bedroom lakefront cottage, automatic heat, frig, stove, well, dock, outside barbecue. | Excellent hunting, fishing, inside toilet. $4251 Write Box 431 Oshawa Times. | FOUR-ROOM WINTERIZED COTTAGE FOR RENT At $45 monthly. Immediate possession. Telephone 725- 2984 for information 12--Articles Wanted PIANO --. wil] pay $100 for uso in good condition. Telephon. AIM FOR the Oshawa Times Classified Section for values galore in the hunt- ing equipment you need this fall. Turn to Classification 8 now, SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Ad piano, 792.8931 cars tor wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron ond metals,: etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone | | 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER 723-2043 723-3374 (collect) Miller Heating, Ajax. WH 2.3491. |REAL estate salesman required. ox. bamboo drapes. $75 - $100 Monthly TELEPHONE 725-1196 2-7 PM. EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONTHLY Also 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK $95 MONTHLY Telephone 728.5282 OSHAWA'S FINEST Park Lane Apts. 2-Bedroom Suites Elevator Service Private Balcony Paved Parking Centrally Located cated, heated; reasonable rent. Suitable for bachelor or young couple. Apply 72-74 Simcoe Street North, |MODERN three room apartment, pri- 725-9870 or|vate entrance and bathroom, in new home; attractive large rooms and win. dows laundry facilities. Telephone 4. | 17--Male Help Wanted perienced preferred. For interview call Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-4353. | |WATCHMAKER perienced, own 705. tools. State qualifications, age, salary| . Ra TT or percentage expected. Give telephone $60 MONTHLY, heat, hydro included. |humber of interview. Reply in own|Three room apartment, in apartment |handwriting to Box No. 437, Oshawa building, central location private en- | Time: {trance and bath. 728-6489 after 5. SALESMAN for Whitby, Oshawa, Bow. (355 MONTHLY. Three room heated manville, Ajax. Full or spare time to apartment and bath, heavy wiring, present Ontario's most progressive focd|ample closet space; built-in cupboards. (Plan. Homarket Food and Freezer|oNE or two bedrooma. $95 per month Company, MO 8-5875. Ni : _|and up, parking, broadidom, drapes, EXPERIENCED installer needed. Must washers and dryers, stove and trig, have truck and equipment, | yo Dumont | janitor service, downtown location. Call Aluminum, 333 Simcoe South, 728-1651. |Douglas .L. Gower Realtor 728-4651, CARETAKER for almost new apart- ONE and two-bedroom apartments in ment house. Call 725-8342 after six. {new foodern srplex, bilan, Sentral: p= - | ically equi fully rated. CHRISTIAN man needed. Full or legal ig and PE 349 time, lifetime security. Experience Sun-|prontenae Avenue. day School, ministry helpful. Earn $100 EN. i -------- weekly and up. No competition. Write THREE-ROOM apartment, centra John Rudin Co., 22 West Madison Street, ground floor, furnished. Adults Chicago 2, A at Celina Street. GET set for the harvest with relisbls unfurnished apartment, m ee, ar wide selection, [bright and newly decorated, kitchen | lue, turn to Classification 5 in equipped with built-in cupboards and 8 Oshawa Times Classified sec-|sink. Centrally located. Apply 163 Bant. | ing vi | IN APARTMENT building, private) three-room apartment, modern through- | out, bright, clean, washer, TV aerial, | parking, near Shopping Centre Adults. | Apply 212 Stevenson Road South. FURNISHED two - room apartment, close to hospital, clean, quiet. 728.5984 or 728-4101 TWO-ROOM unfurnished apartment, bright and newly decorated, kitchen equipped with built-in cupboards and sink. Centrally located. Apply 162 Bant: ing Avenue. TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully equipped. On SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6343 9 TO 5 PM. MODERN, QUIET 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT ot 15 GIBBONS STREET Adults only or with children over 12, Apply at Apt, No, 2 in same building 1, only SALESMAN WANTED! FOR MEN'S CLOTHING STORE Experience Preferred! An Excellent Opening. | | Contact DON HOWE REALTOR 67 KING ST. EAST 725-7732 EVENINGS 723-9692 SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK RD, CALL 723-2563 Modern, 2 bedroom apart- ments fridge, stove, paved parking. TV outlet -- For information Call 723-2563. All replies strictly confidential, BOX 44] OSHAWA TIMES ATTENTION SALESMEN Salesmen. required for com- merciol and domestic' sales. Car essential. Salary com- mensurates with ability MR. J. HOLDING 314 SIMCOE ST, OSHAWA | | | | © 2 $80 AND UP extra large two-bedr apartments, stove and frig, free wash. er and dryer, paved parking, locker space, close to downtown. Call 725.6544 or 725.8333, THREE-ROOM upper duplex, 'private entrance, all conveniences, heavy w ing, heated, paved parking. Telepho 725-1113, 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Evenings, 26--Rooms for Rent FURNISHED room, in quiet home, on corner Adelaide and Division; continu. ous hot water, Telephone 723.4909 after 5 o'clock |FURNISHED room, houskeeping privile eges. Apply 23 Elgin Street East, tele- phone 723-7814 after 5 p.m COMFORTABL bedroom, in quiet home, with kitchen privileges, single girl preferred, near hospital, bus, North GM. 725-7492. after 2. TWO large rooms completely furnish- ed for ligh! housekeeping. Including electric refrigerator and stove, use of washer and dryer, central to downlown and shopping centre. One or two adults only, $15 weekly. Dial 725-5227, BRIGHT, furnished room in private home, very central, spring mattress, suit gentleman. Apply 102 Elgin Street East for further information. ONE comfortably furni light furnished hy at 77 On- tario Street. ABSTAINERS, A nice quiet reliable person, teacher or nurse, female only. Furnished room in private home. 23-3317, COMFORTABLE furnished housekeep- ing room for gentlemen in nice home and locality, central; dishes and linen supplied; plenty of hot water, bath with shower. Telephone 725-2659, LARGE. bright bed - sitting room, mod- ernly furnished, two minutes walk to Shopping Centre. Apply 460 King Street West. wo clean rooms, furnished or unfurnished, in quiet home, five min. utes' walk from downtown, near bus st 725-0816. SINGLE or double furnished room, la dies or gentlemen, use of kitchen and washing machine, Central location. Tel. ephone 725-8150. COMFORTABLE double or single rooms, also bachelor apartment, con. tinuous hot water, near General Mo- tors. 105 Ritson North. 725-1300. THREE -room basement apartment, furnished, sink, cupboards, refrigerator, stove. Close to south GM. Apply 178 Hibbert Avenue, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, with sink and cupboards, refrigerator, private entrance, central. Apply 253 Athol Street East. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 728-8671 27 --Real Estate For Sale SIX-ROOM house for rent or sale, ofl burner, garage, TV aerial. Telephone 725-3307 after 6.30 p m. SACRIFICE SALE Three new summer cottages for sale on north side of Rice Loke only 43 miles from Oshawa -- 75' x 200° lot, completely wired. $2,500 each with $500.00 down. Alsc a 75' x 200' cottage lot in same location for only $800.00 with small down payment. Call Oshawa 723« 7973.

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