versary Sunday will be held on!and Mrs. E. J. Luke reported on| October 29 and the annual fall the sick list. | {turkey supper will be on Sat- Mrs. Leighton Souch and com- urday, November 4. mittee served refreshments. 'on November 8. Mrs. Arthur Ferguson, bazaar| ya pe ARET HAMILTON GRP GROUPS CLUBS AND Al J XILIARIES | Euchre parties are held every : \ convener gave out material for| The Margaret Hamilton Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. John MacDonald and Several invitations were re-/Mrs. Peter Muzik served re-\the bazaar to be held in No- . i i .| freshments. ti |Group of St. Paul's Church held ceived to attend special Thank-| vember. heir October esting, eatt: offering services. ._INELLIE DEARBORN GROUP| Mrs. Rae Crossman's groubij, a the home of Mrs. George Mrs. Neil Oliver explained my ."Nejlie Dearborn group of Will convene the AOTS Men's} caming, Cenital Fark ae about their foster son, Lam Yat ¢ B : | Club dinner on October 21. i ' Lore | St. Stephen's United Church met 2 with the president, Mrs. Derek Foom of Hong Kong, China audi the church parlors on Tues. | Refreshments were served by| iy Presiding. Money from letters they have n x 's Beh read several le y day evening, October 10. Mrs. Arthur Ferguson's group. different' projects: was. handed FOREVER Hum Wim, on was the| The theme for the devotions THE FAITHFUL GROUP [in to the treasurer by the mem- guest "speaker and her subject|Was "Thanksgiving". A hymn| The Faithful Group of King bers. After the business session was "Love and Family Life". |%as sung. Psalm 107 and the Street United Church met on afternoon tea was served by Mrs. John Lowry expressed| i anksgiving Creed was| Tuesday. {Mrs. George Leaming assisted the tiank. ot' the auxiliary. fo read by Mrs . Arthur Ferguson.| There were 12 present. The|by Mrs. Charles Cornelius. A the guests | Mrs. Lloyd Jewell led in prayer.|jessert luncheon was planned harvest smorgasbord, sponsor- . {Miss Jill Heard played two ;n4 is to be held at 1.30 p.m./ed by the Margaret Hamilton y Refreshments were served by piano solos. Gr is i i 's kindergarten : | : October 18. Members will cater|/Group is to be held at St. Mrs. Duchemin read the study | Miss Joan Rutley's ® Mrs. Leo Gray and Miss Coral «count Your Blessings" and for Past Matrons Club Novem-| Paul's Church on Thursday, Oc- nd room. legis " i i jiwok, CHANLES Sy Po Refreshments were served by| Harvey: {Give Thanks" were read by ber 30. fober 26, starting at 4.45 p.m. , Sri Th ils i Mrs. Carson Heard and a hymn i "8 the Sixties". A|the mothers of the pupils in| STORIE PARK AUX. | ne h Mrs. Leighton Souch had a oo discussion period {Grade 5. | Storie Park Ladies Auxiliary) Was Sn Olving Thanks Was|charge of the devotional. She followed. Bible Study was taken) RCAFA WING 420 held its regular meeting at the| read by Mrs. oy ewell. read the scripture from St. f the Book of Ruth, Chapter 3 yea f 499 Clubhouse, Mrs. Harry Williams, The secretary's report was Matthew and gave a reading, 1 ! de discussed . The Ladies Auxiliary o | presiding. read and roll call answered. "Hallowe'en Customs", followed chased wives by paying the The reports were given by the Wing ROATA helt aa Mrs. Peter Muzik read the| It was announced that anni-|by a prayer. Mrs. William Short bride's family in oxen. various secretaries. Members e On their return to the mess, minded of the bale of ' : po A Bey to Jamaica. the president, Mrs. Wayne Pat The next meeting will be held erson, conducted a short busi- at the home of Mrs. S. D. Jack. |ness meeting, after which the MONDAY TO SATURDAY Get One For: quick swabbing off at the end|have a sti'f mixture. Dip in a | Practical Hints |of each Jay, using a sudsy small brush and go over the en- | | sponge. The plastic comes clean! tire shoe as quickly as possible. For Young Mothers easily without hard rubbing. |Wipe off the soiled suds with a Baby talk today, starting off This is a really cute trick, as|sponge or cloth wrung out of with a novel idea passed along| more, than one young mothericlear water. by a budget - 'conscious young with budget problems has found. when the shoes are dry, then Mother who says it works like| , NOW We get to Baby's white 10 rroch polish. You'll see a charm. shoes. Chances are, they've al-| . ready had more coats of polish/and enjoy a decided improve- INGENIOUS IDEA than you'd care to count. So just|ment. If a stroller or carriage sim-|applying one more layer of white, ply doesn't fit into the budget-- and with many a young family polish over all those old ones! isn't really going to brighten it Sossittmand if it is impossible|them up. to borrow one, here's an ingen-|,, v ious solution: simply use a tra- DRY SU DS d th it' ditional "little red wagor" and ery now and then, its a a plastic laundry basket. Both|800d notion iu give the shoes a items can revert to their orig- going - over with dense "dry" inal purpose when Baby is not suds. This will remove the old] out riding. polish, plus the soil spots of | Just set the 'basket in the long stancing. | N tt i | wagon, set Baby in the basket, o malier Whal material the; and off you go! shoes are made of--whether fab-| The soft sides of the basket ric or leather--you can use these are ideal for Baby to grasp for thick suds safely. support. STIFF MIXTURE The only upkeep necessary for| Mix a lot of soap or detergent {this do-it-yourself stroller is a|with very little water, until you| October 16, 1961 minutes. Fifteen members were} 8 THe OSHAWA TIMES, nresent. A bazaar is to be held and who outlined the curriculum of a senior public school. A letter was read by the pres- ident, commending Home and School, sent by the Minister of Education, Mr. J. P. Robarts. Mr. Higgs explained the tab system since Grade 7 and 8 are no longer at Woodcrest. Announcement was made of a Home and School Conference, ST. STEPHEN'S MC The October meeting of the St. Stephen's United Church Mis- sion Cifkle was held at the home of Mrs. David Duchemin on Monday, October 10 with + Mrs. Diane Hoskin, vice-presi- , dent, presiding. The worship service was led by Miss Dorotly Fish, The . scripture reading was given Jy 1 'onfe » lg Diane Hoskin. The theme "Emphasis on Education", to be * of the worship service was held on Saturday, October 21, at ivi A singsong fol-|OCCIL, Juankseiving. 3 fngsone | Room attendance was won by Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous mair. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel, Oct. 17 & 18th PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dotes OXEN FOR BRIDE In ancient Greece, men pur- THORNTON'S WA The regular meeting was held in the Sunday school with 15 members present. Mrs. L. S. Brash, the president, presided. The minutes and thank-you) poles and correspondence were Tho Loic Nozanth Apiary yeac. of Albert Street United Church Fans were made or he FU hei is thankoffering, meeting ig recently. 1.30 p.m. at the CRA on October of . 3 17. nny having goods was h IS. Jawseh Parks opened asked to contact Mrs. 1. §. ihe meeting with a poem. Brash. Mrs. Albert Chilcott had Rally Day and Promotion Sun-| charge of the devotional period day will be held at the Sunday | 31 ihe SUsjeet as based on school on October 15 at 2.30 p.m. |; io 2 0 AE oy ic "Glass ac. , The devotional period was ld) companied by Mrs; James Po y Vrs. |ter, sang a duet, rayer o her committee. The theme was Thanksgiving' Mrs. Roy Corb "Thankful Hearts are Harvest! man read the Scripture. { Hearts". Harvest hymns were softly played throughout by Mrs. Clarence Scott. Mrs. Thomas | Shepherd read the scripture les- || son and a reading on Thanks-| giving, was given by Mrs. Arthur | Bunker. Mrs, Douglas Lander] sang a solo, "Keys to the] the Kingdom of God". Mrs. Bunker also read an interesting! history of the origin of the hymn, "There Were Ninety] and Nine", and Mrs. Lander then sang this hymn. | A social half hour was then] enjoyed. SOUTH SIMCOE H and S Mrs. Reginald Kent; secretary, Mrs. A. D. McGillivray; treas- urer, Mrs. Nelson Johnston. LOUIE HOGARTH AUX. To Our Valued Customers ! Naturally, you must be wondering today with all the claims being made as to better this and better that. When you buy NATIONAL BRAND NAME SHOES you are assured of the best that money can buy, both in fitting ond qual- ity. Our store has been a OWNER-OPERATED Shoe Store for | almost a century, giving you the added assurance of personal ser- vice with a vast experience in the }| knowledge of fitting shoes, so es- || sential to your comfort end good || health. KLENZO TOOTH BRUSH Medically Approved Nylon Bristle Convex Shape and MULTITUFT i 251° 50¢ DENTAL PLATE BRUSH te 2 61° 0c VITAMINS ES VITAMIN & MINERAL TABLETS 50's Reg. 289 2 ror 2.90 Buy One and | TOILETRIES The new executive is as fol- BACHELOR lows: President, Mrs. Wayne ROLLING BALL DEODORANT Paterson; 1st vice-president, ROLLS ON LASTING PROTECTION The October meeting of South Simcoe Home and School Asso- ciation was held at the schoel with Mrs. Robert Lewis presid- ing. Mrs. Cyril Weeks read the 100s Reg. 5.25 2 or 5,26 250's Reg. 9.95 2 FOR 9.96 MULTIPLE VITAMIN TABLETS CHILD'S TOOTH BRUSH te' 2 ror 30° 29¢ Tooth Paste Reg. Mi31 or Powder 69¢ 2 io 70° ADRIENNE SPRAY HAIR NET with LANOLIN KEEPS CURLS NEAT ow Fr 1.01 ADRIENNE HAND LOTION Sone 299% 5%, 2+ 1.40 Reg. 98¢c 50's REG. 2.75 100's REG. 4.98 2276 24.99 COD LIVER OIL PLAIN High Potency . . . An Excellent Source of Vitamin A ond D 16-02. 2 FOR 1.90 Reg. 1.89 FORTIFIED WITH 10A and D minutes and Mrs. Elmer Ostle gave the treasurer's report. It has been decided that Mrs. Lewis should attend the Area "Cc" conference. Sandra Fry sent a note of thanks for the gift certificate she received in|.} June. Mr. John Francom's Grade 8 class won the room at-\\ tendance. Mrs. Lewis explained about the wearing of name tags each month. Mrs. Richard Gifford intro- duced Denny Zaporozan, a for- mer pupil of the school, who played several selections on his accordion. Mr. Morley Wyman spoke | briefly on the 3 per cent sales] tax now in effect. Part of the| sales tax is going to help pay educational costs. An example | of the need is that in 1960 alone | CONTROLS UNRULY HAIR 2 for 1.50 2 for 2.00 MILK OF MAGNESIA PURE MILD LAXATIVE IDEAL FOR CHILDREN 20 oz. 2 FOR 76° Reg. 75¢ TABLETS MINT FLAVORED 85's REG Sde 250'S REG. 1.35 2: 55° 2721.36 SACCHARIN TABLETS Effervescent Ya gr. 100's Reg. 35¢ 236 2.1.11] tog 199: 2 1 1,40 99 2 1 41¢ he 2 w 1,26 A-SA-REX TABLETS Reg. 1.25 5 Gr. ASA, FAST RELIEF FROM HEADACHES DENTAL FIX 5; 5%. 2» 54° Rexadent "3: {re I 2-70 Dental Floss Ji': wt 2+ 61°* FIRST AID BUYS WICK ACTING R edicated Plaster '* 296° PRO-CAP ADHESIVE ADRIENNE Reg. 2.10 Sor Reg. 1.49 LE Reg. 1.99 BATH POWDER Cream Deodorant "oss. 2 = 99* Deodorant Stick 42X50 2 rr 1.01 LANGLOIS LAVENDER SHAVING CREAM LATHER OR BRUSHLESS AEROSAL w 2«70° 1% 2+«1.50 AFTER SHAVE LOTION ,.".. 2 ~ 99" Hair Dressing for 99¢ GLOS-KREME Aer, Rog. She STATIONERY ENVELOPES commercial Reg. 25c 2 for 26° ENVELOPES 0% Vin ree 2c 21 26° NOTE SIZE PADS .": 5%... 2 = 16° LETTER SIZE Air Msil Res. 25 2D for 26 FOLDOVER x. 2 « 26° TYPEWRITER..";: 2 «~ 40° Milady Notes J: 2 76* BALL-POINT PEN .."% 2+ 1.01 EVERYDAY NEEDS LADIES' HAIR BRUSH Roll Wave or Professional iw 27 1.01 AIR FRESHENER 5"... MANICURE SCISSORS NAIL FILES TWEEZERS 3". BOBBY PINS =i." I» 2+ 11° POCKET DRESSING OR CURL 2-1 for / CHRISTMAS CARDS fh 2 SPARKLING WINTER SCENES 14 ASSORTED CARDS wi 1.01 1.00 box FROSTED PINE ASSORTMENT or 2 for 1.76 1.75 TAGS & SEALS ASSORTMENT OF 100 PIECES wr 226° BRONCHIAL SYRUP RELIEVES CONGESTION OF COLD AND BRONCHITIS EASY TO TAKE 2 + 90° 2: 1.50 GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES PRODUCE A PROMPT AND EFFICIENT ACTION INFANTS AND CHILDREN res 59: 2 or GQF 299° 24's ADULTS Reg. 98¢ 2 for 60° { ISOPROPYL RUBBING ALCOHOL 2 A SOOTHING BODY RUB \ | iting ty proper ry 2 or 1,01 | REXALL HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES v 00 schools or |As advertised in McCALL'S and TODAY'S HEALT} . " . additions o schools bu | With Vitamin B12 FOR FAL Ask about Dr. Locke's *5.point-fit" for | Total Foot Comfort additions to schools built. On the first of September there were 70,000 students more than in June. Mr. Wyman stated that this is not a luxury tax. Mrs. Morris Fogel was the winner of the door prize this month. An announcement was read concerning the fun fair which will be held in the school on Saturday, October 28. There will be a candy booth, hot dogs and pop, tea room, sewing and knitting, rummage, touch and take and fish pond. WOODCREST H-S ASSN. The first fall meeting of Wood crest Home and School was held recently with Mrs. Glynn Pearse presiding. The meeting opened with prayer after which the| president welcomed a 'large at- | Reg. 5% | $19.95 BOTTLE OF 150 run 2 FOR 3,26 REXALL HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 50 Regular 1.29 2 FOR 1.30 100 Regular 1.98 .... 2 Fr 1.99 | 250 Regular 4.00 .... 2 For 4.01 VITAMIN C TABLETS (ASCORBIC ACID) 25 MG. 100s REG. 95¢ 100 MG~--REG. 2.00 7 Dancop| "ixse" 2szoi tendance of teachers, parents tendance of FOR . .. | Yeast &Ilron Tablets... :: 2+ 1.26 The secretary's report was | i REXALL POLYMULSION read by Mrs. Joseph Kovacs,|| Proper Fit ® Right Prices | 8-oz. REG. 3.49 For Infants & Children the treasurer's report by Mrs. || 2 FOR 3.50 Pleasant 6-01. Reg. 89¢ 16-02. Reg. 1.49 neg se 2 von 40% hy 2 ror 60° hes. 552 ror 60 Hop bag 2 FOR 96° ABSORBENT COTTON ...%. 2+ 60° SURGICAL GAUZE 260° GAUZE BANDAGE -- STERILIZED 2" x 10 YDS. REC. 5% 3" x 10 YDS. REC. 75¢ 2 or 60° 2 iy 76° Stub type LOOK TO... Rr 18 12s Reg. 59¢ COLD SYMPTOMS 100s Reg. 79¢ 2+ 80° | 200's, Reg. 1.39 2 for 1.40 oy 2+ 1.80 16-02. Reg. 98¢c 2+~1.26 2+~1.50 2+«30* 2+« 30° 2: 26° NYLON POCKET 2 26° Monogram Goods Satisfactory or Your | Reg. 1.49 Money Refunded Downtown Oshawa 18 SIMCOE ST. §. PHONE 725-1833 Triple-Cut Reg, 29¢ Reg. 10 Reg. 25¢ 16-01, gd Reg. i5c ¢| Reg. Reg. | 20e 5c SAVE! FRESHMASTER CHOCOLATES by Smiles 'n Chuckles FRUITS, CREAMS NUTS AND HARD CENTRES DELICIOUS WHOLESOME CANDY 2 POUNDS 1.79 2.21¢| members of Woodcrest School, | ® : I Lillian. Mae Marsh SAVE! Miss Charlene Flath and Miss Joan Rutley. Orange Flavored SCHOOL OF DANCING BOWLING BAGS John Collins. Principal of the school, Mr, A. | F. Higgs, introduced the teach-|| Tasting 16-0z. REG, 5.25 Multiple 4 Vitamin FOR a Mr. Higgs then introduced Mr. | 2 5.26 reorge Reddick, who is princi- pal of the new Ridgeway School, | 32-oz REG. 9.25 STURDY WELL CONSTRUCTED STRONG ZIPPER ers. Among these were two new | Preparation 2 rr 9.26 . PLAIN OR NIBLLA H or i PLAID DESIGN 1-qt. oval FRI DAYS | | REG. 1.93 opal cover ond SPECIAL 3.98 .- SATURDAYS 1.29 LADIES' M ASONIC TEMPLE NEW MODERN DESIGN By carrviNG maNDLE | ©, 0 Pt oe 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA MAGNIFIED LENS cHolcr Information: 723-7253 PORTABLE HAND MIXER STORES ON THE WALL LIGHTWEIGHT PLASTIC CASE D.EA. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, Pre-School, Character, Acrobatic WITH CLIP-ON REMOVABLE PLUG PUSH-BUTTON BEATER EJECTOR SPECIAL 12.49 Faster more economical. High-speed element * with agutomatic r~ mostat, Highly polished nickel chrome finish, Fully Guaranteed. St we) DE VILBISS VAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER HUMIDIFIES DRY ROOMS ALL-NIGHT OPERATION SOOTHING VAPOR POR THERMOMETERS AND EXCELLENT MASSAGE 'Kidney & Bladder Pills ,.".. 2 ro: 76* ", 53 Mi31 SOLUTION - - L I Mineral Oil 5%. 2 +-90° RUBBER 16-01. 2 tor 9 ¢ ¢ 2:31 2 rr 76° 2-99 2: 1.60! GLASBAKE IN For Faster, Susiar Couke FINEST QUALITY-- CHOICE OF COLORS SERVING BASKET Square 103" am Fully Automatic SPECIAL 1 2.49 Neon All 15.59 Three Heat Switch, Washable Monogram..." 2 =~ 1.51 BISMA-REXMATES ,... 251° 2x 99° Toilet Lanolin 2-01. Tube 2 for 80° Reg. 1.79 Reg. 55¢ Mouth Wash--Gargle and HYDROGEN PEROXIDE bry SPECIAL BONUS BUYS! HAND WOVEN ing. Dial Your Heat. So pert 2-qt. round Comers vin Cort Continuous 2-Year Guarantee CLINICAL Quik-Tel 2+«1.96 CAMPHORATED OIL ..;%. 2=«51° ox To 2+: 1.80 Castor Oil 256° "SOLU 16-02. Multi-Purpose '99° | M UBBE 10 VOL. 4.0Z. REG. 30¢ 10 VOL. 16-0Z. REG. 75¢ KLENZO ANTISEPTIC = a. HEIRLOOM CASSEROLES ELECTRIC FRY PAN ELECTRIC BLANKETS Complete with Cover, alle Somprl opal cover Even Heat SPECIAL HEATING PADS SPECIAL 6. 6 KING ST. PHONE 723-3143 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 725-8541 HAIR DRYER DIAL TYPE AIR REGULATOR Light Weight if able' Vial" slosne Hood and Flexible Hose. Power- ful, Quiet Motor--No Rodis or TY Interference. LARGE PLATFORM GUARANTEED go OF COLOURS 1.98 2.99 coLbs AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF FULL GALLON CAPACITY 6.99 REG. 4.95 Reg. Reg. 598 9 8.75 449