The Oshawa Times, 12 Oct 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whithy Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel, MO. 8-3703 4 | : ' ig ADDITION TO WHITBY INDUSTRY ready been increased - once since it opened 215 years ago Shown here is the first part of the expansion which when si completed will double the Now nearing completion is | became necessary because of plant's size and capacity, the 12,500 square foot addition the great increase in demand of Whithy's Du Pont poly for the plastic film product. ethelene plant. The expansion | The plant's capacity has al- --0Oshawa Times Pholo WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. David Mowat, Kent Tell Of Simcoe Hall At United Church WA eet has Tetuined fom 2 two nasium was built. The bovs'| California. She was guest of her work club was started and he-!daughter, Miss Ellen Mowat. Mrs. C. came a non - denominational|She also visited with relatives Broughton performed a very club across Canada which is of and friends in Vancouver, B.C 10. The president Mrs. L. F. pleasant task in presenting life,a good character building na- File in Viens, By 7 Mrs Richardson opened the meeting membership certificates and ture ls Nowe visited Rev. and rs with words of welcome and a pins to the following mame SIVICOR HALL 0 'os McLean (si Mrs. H. Quantrill, Mrs. W. Elli- Simcoe a each . Thanksgiving Soci. we a short son. Miss Laura Pellow, Mrs: crafts, home nursing, cooking, Mss Nancy Michel Jinosa resume of her trip as a delegate E. Bond and Mrs. R. Hall etc., to the girls. They also have tas the aiest of D I Fo i Is of the WA to the Keswick Con The evening group was in a school for cerebral palsy chil- wip a : eis, und Bes fee ference and showed colored charge of the program and Mrs./dren who have two full time one Ing oe stay a it by slides of the very picturesque K. Hobbs introduced the speak- teachers, a physiotherapist tn Be a To Risin te p2uest conference area. The usual re- er for the evening, Miss Sally see they do proper exercises, Shes or Vi big Baptist ports of committees were given Parker of Simcoe Hall, Oshawa. and a doctor who gives his time Fare ! Iason ircle's ank- and an announcement concern- Miss Parker informed the group free to help these children. Two offering meeling ing the coming bazaar on Nov that the fire Jetlement Aguse of tiese shilares graduated to Thanksgiving k - ember to leave was established in England by a normal school last year A : Ing ae em the home's Mr. Barnett, He was appalled Simcoe Hall helps children home of Mr od Mr of any of the bazaar committee. by the misery of some of the brought from juvenile courts, White. dau ter Lio ] gy L Mrs. Ross Hall led the wor-!children in London they help the needy, old age) id gay ghio or 2 ad on ship period taking for her topic! In Oshawa, a group of women pensioners who have no money he ay, I - ors, "Miriam the first woman sing-|in the early 30's used the upper|for drugs, etc. The money used | Sor : My y and Miss or we hear of in the Bible, who rooms in the Times Gazette|for this purpose comes 10 them Jeffers o on The regular meeting of the punishment," said Mrs, Hall Whitby United Church WA was LIFE MEMBERSHIPS held in the Sunday School audi-. Mrs. D. Kean and torium on Tuesday evening, Oct I they v guests' at the in Sudbury and visiting friends The Mission Circle of Whitby Baptist Church held its Thank offering meeting in the church, Friday evening. The president Mrs, Harold Crawforth, occu- pied the chair and Mrs. W. E G. Summers presided at the or- gan and also accompanied Mrs J. McGraw, the soloist, for the accasion. The opening hymn, "Send Out The Light, was sung followed with praver by the president Visitors were present from First Baptist Church, Oshawa Faith Baptist Church, Whitby and the Salvation Army Home League, Whitby. Mrs. Craw- forth welcomed the guests Mrs. Ivan Hoskin gave a most inspirational devotion on 'words", and the hymn "Won. derful Words of Life' was sung She said that God had given us the wonderful gift of express ing ourselves with words, but how so often the gift was mis- used bv using slang and swear ing instead of using God's Name ana possessions in a reverent manner Mrs. J. McLeod the guest speaker, Mitchell, a young nurse who had dedicated her lite to her Lord while still in high school and had heeded the call to go to Angola Mission Field where she remained until the unsettled condition of that : introduced Miss Nancy registered were wid WED IN Pictured following their wedding in Whitby United BROCK EVENING SHOWS AT 7:00 & 8:35 sometimes called "The Song of himself gave his old home to|a joy, Miss Parker says, "You aitended on Saturday the eighth Miriam was a Prophetess. As some of the mothers coming were inclined to judge these un [For the occasion they dined at she watched him beside the but the outstanding recollection moons in their moccasins' and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mullen, Baa er nabs moming beautiful solo, "Bless This|Buests at the home of their son the Red Sea. Tater when she business men of Oshawa, ask: Mrs. A. Robertson thanked street south, dition against Moses she was had to find the money to build esses at the close of the meet. accompanied by Mrs. F. Simp- Parry Sound Mi i n ir e ker BOWLING NEWS Saturday evening in the lounge ission Circle Spea Glad Wiles event marks the beginning of missionaries to that country.' Reed 578. Agnes 575 taken herself. They were most Verna Sandford 554, Alice Hewis! Hotel, spent Thanksgiving week a acMiian thant Coy 202. Rita Cane 230. Eileen Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell. On heir Tielp In Inking, Se Sve 990. Alice Hewis 205. Martha the occasion of her birthday Leoa pronounced the Benedic- 233, Ev Moscrop 222, Bea Hud. Glenney with the assist- 933 231 aus lunch following the meeting Buickinghams 12. Winchesters 9, ii 7 WA Entertain At (200): Will Anthony 736 (25); 708 (272); Bryl Watkins 681} Whitby United Church enter Mrs. L. F. Richardson, presi- John Bruckle 629 (228); Don| Ivan Law showed colored slides (214); Vi Jordan 603 (266); | match which very much Bev Childs 203, Ron: Childs 222 country made it impossible for 311. Mrs. Ross Hall rendered Bemis 216, Jim White 222, need of the Africans both spirit- ed the group with two instru- Ron Black 265, Vic Igglesden| _ care for the many sick and suf refreshments at the close Hewitt 211, Lil Peake 234, Bill Vutenhimer 208, Rita Hansen WHITBY LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:35 Munns 227, Dianne Hancock 200, | bride is the former Marlene -aelites in a song of building. Then a Mr. Robinson from the community chest. They : : Jed the ie or who had built a new home for have a nursery school which is' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moyle e . r <lap be.| Wedding anniversary of Mr. and ' and is the oldest this group of women to use as/see a new start and a new , 3.36 Deliverance' at BS a setilement house. She said ginning". She also said if we|Mrs. W. Ambrose, of Scarhoro s child she served her brother back now and bringing their|fortunate people to remember| the Town and Country in To- Moses showing faithfulness as/ children recollect going there the Indian proverb: 'Live two!ToOnto. iv il he was found by was the giving out of cod liver we might not judge so harshly. "AN nh : A sd In her|oil and orange juice in mid- Mrs, D. Williams rendered a of Toronto, were Sunday dinner as she led them with singing] In 1950 the Women's Welfare House" accompanied by Mrs. J il dausiter inlaw, Mr. and and dancing at the crossing of League workers approached the Beaton. ' tpl The fell from her exalted place of ing them for help in building a the speaker and soloist i : 3 : leadership through an act of se- gymnasium but the women first evening group were tea host- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, i " . son, of Toronto, spent the holi- submissive to God even in her! it with. They did and a gym- ing day weekend ; he A 1 Mi ® Is | WHITBY and relatives, ngo d 1Ss10nar i | Eleanor and Chuck Kemp {were guests at a cocklail party . i . v at the Oshawa Flying Club. CIGARET LEAGUE al ying C Triples aver 550 i Joan King Ninety members attended. This fering. but at this time it is not 708, Pat Brown 618, the club's social activit y Rr 8 ies for advisable or possible ta send 601. Connie Dye on Joan the. coming season. Miss Mitchell showed colored Martha Mayne 568, Clara Row : : ; sides of her work that she had den 564, Fv Moscrop 560 Mrs. R. A. Rousseau, of Royal informative and interesting 553. Glenna McConnell 550 i i Brechin Es the gues} of Sing . 200 -- + Me- ghter son-in-law, Mrs. E. A. MacMillan thank- Singles over 200 Marg Mc nn qe y ph lara | Sunday Mrs. Rousseau was pre- : . Dolby 243, Glad Wiles 255, Clara Summers and Mrs. McGraw for g "" . bp their help in making the eve- Rowden 231, Glenna McConnell Se Mayne 240, Connie Denyer 259, | HA 'Sing To The Lord of Harvest rants ic py : 2 was sung in closing and Mr. Mc- Kay Foster 203, Agnes Johnson t son 220. Joan Reed 209, Pat on Brown 230, 234, Jean King 244, Mrs ance of some of the ladies and! Total Team Points Kools CGIT girls served a most delici- 16, Winstons 13. Black Cats 13, yr and a time of Christian fellow- Exports 7, Players 5, Cameos 5 ship was enjoved by all MIXED LEAGUE Over 600 Al. Young 766, A im McCarroll 727 (273); Doug Fairview Lodge Rowden 715 (257); Millie Peggs The Women's Association of (281); Jim Kirk 681 (251); Jean Batherson 679 (280); Katie tained the idents of Fairview Bruckle 658 (285); Marty Jordan Lodge on Friday. Oct. 6 656 (249); Ozzie Moore 636 (243); | dent of the association. was Grant 609 (263); Larry Bather- chairman for the evening. Mr. son 609 (263); Pon Pascoe 605 of hi$ trip to Virginia and also Wendy Witherspoon 600 (218). | slides of the Cobourg plowing Over 200 -- Cyril Garratt 232, enjoved Connie Denyer 248, John Denye A sing-song was enjoved hy 219, Tom Meclvor 230, Mery her to continue her work there. two solos, accompanied by her Thelma Bemis 252. Isobel Moth. Miss Mitchell told of the great! daughter Lynda, who also faver-ersill 225, Jack Mothersill 215, ually and physically. There are! mentals 249, Marg Pascoe 213, Carl Pas-| 3 so few doctors and nurses to Members of the WA served coe 208, Eileen Hewitt 213. Clem! Giddings 248, Harold Gordon 226, Gord Johansen 208, Aileen 211, Hilmar Hansen 229, Bill Col-| Church are Mr. and Mrs. lins 200, Fern Wick 208, Ted! John McNeil Lamont. The Joe Preston 220, Doug Peggs| Margaret McMinn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert | Whitby Councillors 'Ready For Election is|will run for reeve, the position} Councillor Robert Hastings expected to hand in his resigna-| vacated by Mr, Quantrill, [tion to Whitby Town Council at| Councillor Joyce Burns said {the next council meeting on that she intends to run for coun- Monday, Oct. 16. cil again and will possibly try | The resignation will be effec. her hand at the position of tive from Oct, 20. dey. Teeve uch will be va- Mr. Hastings was prompted|C2ied by the {to tend his resignation because Warren Mowat. he is A ing to his home-| that he definitely intends to ee : run for council and that pos- | He will be sailing from Los | sibly he too might try for the {Angeles on Nov. 6 and will position of deputy-reeve {arrive at Freemantle West, i Australia, on Nov. 28. expansion and possibly the He expects to reside in Perth, secession of the town from the Australia. All members of coun-|county. cil and the people of Whitby| Councillor Paul Coath will | promotion of | | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 12, 1961 Councillor George Brooks stat- § He, will stand for Whithy|§ wish him good fortune in hisalso attempt to return to his|% new endeavor. seat in council. He advocattd Councillor Hastings told Oshawa Times, in a survey, {that he will not run for Council in the elections this December, every Whitby tax dollar Reeve Everett Quantrill also] Mayor Stan Martin will stand toid the Times that he will va-|for election for his second term. cate his position on council. He told the Times that he hopes Mr. Quantril told the Times to keep the taxes where they that as a member of Council for are. {the past 10 years he had slowly) So far the mayoralty race drified away from the people he|remains uncontested. Two mem- the of {co-cperated Last year boards spent 51 cents out the|lower taxes if the school boards § represents. He now wishes to|bers of council, Reeve Quantrill| # sit back and re-assess his posi-land Councillor Hastings have tion and meet the people again. |announced that they do not in- He stated that he may run!tend to run. Two other ¢ouncil- again at a later date lors, William Davidson and Councillor Harry Inkpen said (Harry Inkpen 'remain uncom- that he had not made his deci-| mitted, leaving Councillors sion yet and will announce his/Burns, Brooks, Coath and Dep intentions at a later date. uty Reeve Mowat the only defi- Councillor William Davidson nite members contesting for the statea that he will declare him-|eight council seats in the muni self on nomination day cipal election less than two Deputy-Reeve Warren Mowat months away. YPU Resumes Fall Activities The Young People's Union of Whitby United Church com- menced its activities for the fol- lowing year on Tuesday, follow- ing the election of officers. The group has been active in the church for many years and its program of worship-study-action promotes Christian Fellowship for all interested young people. The newly elected president, Miss Gina Van Deuren, has been an active member of the union for the past five years, : Her election was unanimous. i Helen Lamory, a newcomer to the YPU, accepted the posi- § tion of secretary and Mar- gare! Webber, the club pianist, g is the treasurer for the forth- coming season The Whitby YPU representa- tive on the executive of Osh- awa Preshytery is Shirley "Civil Servants' Don't Like Name OTTAWA (CP) -- Some civil GINA VAN DEUREN Skinner, who formerly was the secrelary-treasurer, | Thies year a new system of servants are Setting tired of be: | rogramming has been inject. ing valle dust a Civils ed into the YPU procedure, Pro- ey are asking the Civil Ser-igrams based on the Worship- vice Association of Canada 10|Study-Action procedure, which use all means possible" 10has been adopted by all YPU abolish the term groups from coast to coast, will The association's Ottawa-Hull/be planned one month in local council, which represents|advance. 12,000 civil servants, Tuesday Recreat | id aouial night approved a resolution pro-| creational anc social ac. posing "to have employees of | tivities, an all important part in the government of Canada de.|the development of Christian scribed as such, rather than as fellowship, will be well planned civil servants." in the group. Charles Surtees, an external affairs department official who moved the resolution, argued that the term civil servant takes The Young People's Union, which in Whitby is open to all young people from 18 to 25 ap- proximately, holds its meetings on Tuesdays at 7.30 p.m. in the |welcome {them are doing. Myrtle Women See TV By MRS: A. DOWNEY MYRTLE -- The Church was decorated for the occasion of the Thankoffering services in : Myrtle United Church recently | The afternoon session was held at 2.30 with Mr. Roblin Nicholson of Whitby at the or- gan and Mrs. Heeming on the piano, Rev. S. J. lest speaker. At the evening service at 7.30 ithe choir from Ajax United {Church rendered several an-| {thems and Rev. S. J. Hillier our guest again. Our students who are now |serving us from Sundav to Sun |day assisted with the services (Mr. Ted Davey in the after {noon and Mr: Gerry Day in the evening service | Communion service will be held Oct. 29 with Rev. Rex T.| Norman our supervising pastor |conducting the service. Anyone| ; wir. (wishing (on have their children groom is the- son of Mr. Wil- {baptized please contact the el- | liam Lamont of North Ire- |qers. land, and the late Mrs. | The Lamont. Mr. and Mrs. Hillier was the {8 | WHITBY Woman's Association {shall '| Fall Rally held in St. Andrews'| "ARRANGE AUTUMN DANCE chapter and is well attended. | Pictured above making prep arations for the event are: front row, left to right, Mrs. Clarence Freek, Mrs. Charles | Hoag, Mrs. Harry Ash; back | row, left to right, are: Mrs. | The fourth annual "Autumn | Dance" of the House of Wind- sor Chapter of the IODE will be held on Friday, Oct. 13 at 9.00 pm. in the Club Bay- view. The dance is one of the major annual functions of the John Davies and Mrs. Mur- { ray Dettlor, Absent when the picture was taken were Mrs, Richard Matthews and Mrs. Hugh Nichol --0Oshawa Times Photo HMashall Jailed Week On Auxiliary Meets A meeting of the Helen Mar- Auxiliary WMS of St Andrews' Presbyterian Church wa hd on Oc, I0. The Brest mock set smh, was Jae : ws : "for seven days by Magistrate] te meeting with a call to wor. R. B. Dnieper who found him | ip, oe guilty of impaired driving. Cope-| The Thanksgiving service as|jand appeared in Whitby police| outlined in the October "'Glad| our Tuesday charged with Tidings" was carried out with|qriving while intoxicated, on Mesdames Dalgleish, Smithigent, 23 and Guthrie faking part Dr. H. M. Sanderson, of Osh. Mrs. D. A. Wilson, assistant awa said that he had treated secretary of Toronto East Pres-| Copeland for a cut in his mouth Samuel Copeland, 54, of 406 i | byterial, gave an interesling re- on that date and had taken a {| port of the work carried out inihlood sample. He said that in| .| connection with her office his opinion Copeland did not suf- Robson reported on the fer from shock Private Cecil Bell, of Mrs the | | Special Show At Garden Club Church, Toronto, Sept. 28, the theme was "Stewardship." The | president then closed the meet. |ing with prayer. | The group will convene on |Nov. 14. On that date the Fall Thankoffering of the auxiliary will be held. Seaway Freight Up During July |. tires rice show OTTAWA (CP) Freight 1" by car to the west coast! cleared through the St. Law-| Samer. of the {rence Seaway and Welland Ca-| gpow" are as follows: Inals increased in July com-|> * : {pared with the same month in| First Class, a vase of hardy| 11960, the bureau of statistics re. mums. Second Class, a corsage, | ported today. {any flowers permissible. Third/ However, freight transported|Class, a modern arrangement of| through the Canada - U.S. locks any flowers suitable for buffet of the Sault Ste. Marie canals °F mantel. was down almost 12 per cent| Fourth Class, an arrangement fo 12,706,152 tons from last/of fruit, flowers and leaves. July's total of 14,423,649. Fifth Class, tuberous begonia, In the St. Lawrence and Wel-| one specimen in a suitable con- land canals, shipments were up|tainer with natural foliage.| 1.9 and 7.1 per cent respectiv-|Sixth Class, one specimen of a ely. The St. Lawrence July to. rose of any color. tal was 3,206,504 tons compared| Tt has been suggested that the {with 3,145,432 the previous year| Garden Club charter a bus to A meeting of the Whitby Gar-| den Club will be held at the {King Street Public School on Thursday evening, Oct. 12 at 8 p.m "Special sented with flowers and gifts on|aWay from the good job most of church hall. Visitors will be and the Welland total 4,355,283 see the colored leaves. Mem: | tons compared with 4,066,435. |bers are expected to answer yes! --|or no at the meeting Thursday. Driving Charge Canadian Army. said that he had been driving east on Dun das street east, and was about to make a left turn into a drive. way when he was struck from the rear and his vehicle propel- led ahead about 45 feet. He said that the driver of the car which struck him staggered slightly and smelled of alcohol. Sgt. Clifford Partington and PC James Wilson, of the Whitby Police Department, said that in their opinion Copeland was in- toxicated. T Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck introduced a blood analysis showing a count of 1.6 parts per thousand alcohol. Magistrate Dnieper said he would give the accused the ben- efit of any doubt and reduce the charge to impaired. He then meted out the seven-day sen- tence. WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y3-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING. PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale et . . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times TEEN EVERY SATURDA Show Imet Wednesday 11, at the home of Mra tingham A bus load of ladies enjoyed a trip to CFTO Television re: cently to see the show "Take A {Chance by Roy Ward Dickson which will be teleivsed Oct. 9 evening, Oct Not- Whitby Lions Club CLUB BAYVIEW LIVE ENTERTAINMENT @ PRIZES TOWN Y,1P.M.104 P.M, and Oct. 16. Congratulations to Mrs. Allan Downey who won several prizes | at Oshawa Fair and also to] Dorothy Downey who showed for the first time and won the second highest prize in the Jun: ior section. Sympathy ix extended to Mr and Mrs. Elmer Johnson on the death of his aunt who resided with them for several years Well-Dressed Men Are Usually Successful ! Sympathy also goes to the family of Blake DeHart who, passed away suddenly, He was well known around this commun.' ity The annual meeting of the community club was held re- cently and the first euchre party was last Friday evening with a fairly good attendance. Is your | Lamont have established resi- dence in Whitby ful man, or in plain words has your wardrobe kept pace with your pre- gress? Make sure that the hundreds of impressions you make every day ore good impressions! Let Ron Arm- that of o PP y i = is CINEMAS COPE COLOm by DF Lire 299 Team Standings -- Sabre Jets) Minn, Whitby, and the bride- 26, Rockets 19, Dominion Sym- : : ------ Mec- | --Photo by Hornshy Studie hols 7, Fchoes 24. Poker Chips 122, Woodpeckers 20, Cubs 19, TOWN OF WHITBY TAXES wrong dress you in personalized-fitted clothes of handsome fabrics end dis- tinguished styling te suit men whe have set high goals for themselves HANDS ON DECK |County Bowl 13, Whitby Clean. ers 22, Hopefuls 21, Headpins 19, Porky's Prides 24, Beginners 14, Stokers 9 Neighbors 13 Munns Press 8 CHAS. A. BRADLEY & SON LIMITED PAINTING & DECORATING HACKETT AFFFF- EDEN DUPLICATE BRIDGE North and South: Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. MacGillivray, 61; Mr "THE LONG ROPE' with H PLUS SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS BROOKLIN WESTHILL 655-441) AT 2-0961 and Mrs. Wells, 60%; Mrs Frost and Miss Lawler, 56. East and West: Mrs. Odlum and Mrs W. Welsh, 57%: Mr. and Mrs Winter, 57. Mrs. Booth and Miss Forsyth, 55. i ugh Marlowe - Alan Hale FINAL INS collection by baliff with the For your convenience all ot any Whithy Bank. Monday, October 16th, 1961 Failure to pay all instalments by this dete empowers the Tax Collector to collect in accordance with the several statutory provisions; this includes seizure of rent, where applicable, or Town of Whitby. TALMENT and expect to meet them. ost payables by the taxpayer. current taxes are payable MEN'S WHITBY PLAZA F. N. McEWEN, Tax Collector, Ron Armsirong SHOP PHONE MO 8-8712

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