I8' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, Getober 13, Al ==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E& Saturday 8 to 1 | 9--Summer Properties 16--Female Help Wanted |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent CLASSIFIED AD RATES for Sale or Rent RELIABLE lady required to Jook after|FOUR-ROOM apartment, all convenl (NEWLY furnished warm basement 25 Words OF IB {ess rmr---- oa |two children while mother works. Tele- [ences, daundey, wi | CE" Care gh tdi CSTR i M0 Siro ly A, Rey WR Sh: mA eB 3 CONSECUTIVE i dock, outside barbecu ; erred. Bl S| N F o INSERTIONS 225 248 | EiCient hunting, fishing, inside toiet,| 17--Male Help Wanted |ramermoon T51803. $42! T . W. Bi 1 Osh: Times. centrally logaed $55 monthly includes|ssy MO! Y, INSERTIONS 375 413 50, Veils Bux 431 Osaws TWO men, full or lar for food | heat "and 3 he 81 MONTHLY. two bedroom aur . route. Apply 373 tchell Avenue be- [728-6866 for rir Russett oki It not paid within 7 days the | ]1T1--Articles for Rent tween 6 and 7 p Apartment FER 728.5377. Charge rate will apply. hn rtment, main FE, HIGH SCHOOL student, for deliveries, pat heated, light wiring, Accountants Fuel and Wood Money to Loan --| NEW BUSINESS Te oT iy 0 original | SICKROOM EQUIPMENT [two or three nights a week, be sbie to|suitable Jor couple. Just outside cicy tant 'hes-room, self . contained drive 8 Volkswagen. Telephone 728-|limits, ning Jsundry Ss fae Subsequent Insertions ordered at o gilities, good eastend district, HM. E. DEWAR and Co, Accountants 4 N b later date constitute @ new original FOR RENT OR FOR SALE aan. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment,|8836 after er 6 p and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On: SEC Unlisted Numbers |f si, Hospital beds, wheel chairs, |WANTED -- experienced window sales: private bath, heavy wiring, $50 month. MONTY 5 , tario_ Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728.2221 invalid walkers, bedsides, |man-producer. Best deal ever offered. ly, includes heat, water. Apply 318 AL = [three rooms, lower L ond profesional sng Susinem Hstings ; salary plus commission, Reply Box $32, bert Street 726.770. plex, Crivate entrance and bath. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and MORTGAGES 27.50"vur imonitor Fines dolly. [| commodes, crutches and (salar us eo ply , Child 725.3008 aime Chartered Accountants, 725-3837. --Furnace cleaned every VALLEY CREEK Each additional line $1.60 per || Cone" oli roll-away beds SELF-CONTAINED large two-room |5.30. Co. bo 133 simeoe Street North, Oshawa; Ata, i the Clock" 24-hr. Long-Term Example: FURNITURE orvh, ond slenderizing machines, FURN ITU RE partment hres bathroom: ~ THREE - room apartment, all Woven abbi ion, ig bi iences, TV X , frig, wi ¥o MO! RIEHL and burner service 145 KING W. $ tad otal iif abblevians 3 Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, nished, laundry room ~eason. | 'ences outlet, stove, fi NTEITH, MONTEITH, me artered Accountants, 725-3527 ~--Automatic delivery » parking, and Sryere in apartment build Tete. You Poy Loan Next to Western Tire word. Box charge 15¢ additional, 725-1644, able. Apply 23 Gibb Street, Apartment 1, phone 725-8215, - nw to at Simcoe Street entrance. mene Street North, Oshawa; Alex, --It's "White Rose" Unified |Borrow Monthly Term Bal. 728-4401 wi eS le. Agver eran x Wanted SALESMAN SPACIOUS bright, light housekeeping| OU And three room apa ents, : ; near Shopping Centre, paved parks el 2000 $31.74 10yr. Nil | We buy, sell, exchange used || fore publication except Births, | {oo Share three-piece bath, parking ings ities. Telephone 7 es Ok WESTERN OIL. CO. pried $47.61 10yr Nil | fumiture, washers, TV, radios || Memoriams Cords ef Thanks which -- will pay $100 for used piano,| Aggresive experienced, mo- |[acilities, $0 monthly included, heat|in% facilities. Telephone 725-1604 for fure : i and hydro. Apply 11 Hall Street, Osh- et i and so forth at prices to top will be accepted until 9 am. lin INO condition. Telephone 778 8931. ture mon for furniture and hd mati G. Edmond a CA, 728-2571. 725-1212 $4000 $63.48 10yr. Nil p Deadline for Lost end Found and awa, TH) OM furnished apartment, YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER, anyone in the city. || Conceliations 8:30 a.m, Office appliance sales, neat op- |GNE and two-bedroom = artments in | Sora" Young couple, no i li Hours: Daily 8-5, Soturday 8 - 12 , SHAW perance. Top salary and [new modern triplex utiding, central (children, ery y Conia. 74 Drew Sivest and Co., Accountants and Auditors. Gardening and Supp! ies Ww HOLDEN REGULATIONS -- Parone ne : Licensed Trustee in Bankiwpley; Sy D. . T The iin Times will not be AUTO WRECKING CO. " : I M free washer-dryer a BY, Seer 349 pl congenial woman, mid. Bing Sueet past, Oshawa; B oy WHITBY 51 KING ST. EAST Personal Service responsibly for grrors in advertise. Wants cars for wrecking Apply an only 5 0 Frontenac Avenue, forties, would like same to shar Ber EE eo -- : ments submitted otherwise than in ibe utherford, mornings © |THREE unf NS and Company, Certi- AVATING OSHAWA, ONT. v. OUR writing, nor for more than one Parts for sale, also scrap iron 12. ' 9 THREE ia. heavy duty wisiat, es ment, tev! on, telephone ete. contra Py 'Pubic Accountants, 172 King EXC 728.6081 TRY OU incorrect insertion of any adver and metals, etc. bought. blocks east of Shopping Centre, park, |location. 728-8722 after 6. Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. - 1 Ontarlo, 42 DIGGING AND BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN tisement, mor beyond the price Open Saturday ali day. Phone RUTH ERFORD ing, $50 monthly, Adults, 117, FOUR room unfurnished apartment on pC -- : d for a single mnsertion of TF LL ground floor, centrally located, private OB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting . Registered Under Mortgage Chicken plate, half chicken charge THREE-ROOM, ed apart. bh i ice. ' d A A the advertisement in which error - entrance, parking space; children wel. Ye Ce RT oar. Thee DITCHING Brokers Act with french fries, fish ond occurs. And also reserve the right 725 2311 89 BLOOR E FURNITURE ment, centrally Tocated: Reasonable to 723-7605. Telephone 728-6666 t responsible persons. Apply James Gib. |COrc: Teleph 0 8-41 72 chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, to classify advertising according to son, 149 Celina Street, Telephone 723 v apartment, upstairs, milk shakes. its Lon) clasufistion i 156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 7663. t November 7 Ag i Auto Parts MONIES FOR nN GRILL mi the case of display adverthe. WANTED 18--Male or Female Help |FURNISHED two room sparimon, | ik, a01er five. 711 Horiop. Street. KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- DRIVEWAYS MORTGAGES ' || responsible for more space thar SCRAP IRON, POULTRY Ww. + d bali -in Supboards, sink, iio vefrig- FIVEROOM TT ew teed, iv . =, % | erator, use of washer and dryer, pri apartment, unfurnished ries. Le West, Ornare Monie available on First WE DELIVER--725-3887 a ES Cotual_ error a TURN ER SALES _-- on: a a-- lio and bath, pri iA so Sue hos oif-contained, Heavy 1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you. % to reproduce all advertising matter 9 | ewives y ot and cold water oi EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP | Mortgages at 7% per annum CAN. CORP. AUX. 4 correctly but assumes no liability come from Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, FURNISHED two-room apartment, pri. and electricity supplied, at bus op. Barristers GUARANTEED without bonus. . A ot advertisement are contained 723-2043 - 723-3374 our own "Rom: For 'iormatoh from vate bath, laundry facilities, central 532 ing Strep 3 Fa Yale. Apply : Monies also available on UNIT 42 it any inaccuracies in ary form (collect) location close to bus. Adults omy. Tele- ys Trgday OREER and KELLY, barrister, Solich REASONABLE PRICES Secor] Mortgoges 30 phone MO 8-2387, Mr. St. John. phone 725-9685. Friday, 6 to etc, 114 King Street' East.| UNITED PAVING CO. Mois as: Agreements CATERING 13--Busi ities| PART TIME desk clerk, write stating [Two ROOM --mfasisieg eer | SELF-CONTAINED, four ~ room unfars furnished apartment, y . Resid hones: age, experience, and previous employ. hic *|nished apartment, with heavy wiring, reer, BA, Sc 725338; Ter. 728-4801 for Sale purchased. For Banquets, Weddings, etc. BEAUTY salon, established in Oshawa, "ot 10 Box 312, Oshawa Times. focuipped with pully. wacsards 'heh central," suitable 'for business couple zence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832, M. F. SWARTZ For Information Call rs modern equipment. Excellent invest: | sink, Centrally located. Apply Telephone PB At) een eee FALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. . F vt ' fF Sniomoti 1--Women's Column ment. All enquiries confidential, Con.|20--Room and Board ing Avenue. ment and bath, GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli-| Patio and Flagstone | Short term ond Builders MRS. E. OLEY 725-2931 |r = + |tact Ossie Martin 725-4701 Howe and ROOM and board for gentleman, 1a THREE room Spartment, slpped i ha oors, private entrance, heat citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. d E Mortgages at reasonable LUCIEN) Beauty Salon, We special Peters Realtors. , quiet home which is centrally stove, dy desined, Te 723- 23-4847 Mortgage loans avaiable, rm Shrubs an yergeeens rates Plumbing Heating Street South. THe 3, Simove WANTED -- Someone witn variety store located, _abstainer. Telephone 725.3879, |chair. Close eto Dus parking facilities, |ONE or two bedrooms, $9 per month BRUCE V. MACKEY. BA. Barrister, Holland Bulbs 26%2 King St. East type of business who will trade for an| NORTH OSHAWA -- private ~com for 053, Adulls only, 0d 3 Janine, broad; oom, ramets otary Public, 36% ng , x ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies 2_P 1 attached garage five and a half rooms (business girl, in adult home, close fo brits hide apartment in new ars: Stove a J25.2%1. Res YU su. Top soil and sods. Oshawa, Ontario Phone 7283521, Harold H. Stark 4&--TFersonal brick ry ully decorated and |bus. Telephone 725013 for further fn.|3partment building, on main floor, rest. JANLCF service, downiows location, Calf THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soiich 723-4697 Ltd, plumbing, heating and engineer-\SEENCER Foundation Garments, In.|landscaped, broadloomed, wel! located formation. dential, close to downtown; appliances. Douglas .L. Gower Realtor 728-4681, 3 ing. 255 Simcoe Street South. | eitor and Notary Public, 26% King Registered Under Mortgage |dividually designed. Also Spirella gar | ROOM | c, i . 728-1679. and 1 board or room only in Street East. Phone 728-1763. OSHAWA Brokers' Registered Act. ALL types of repairs and remodelling, |ments. wa: Hendershot, 324 Admiral Harry Millen Real Estate. 728-1679, new clean European home near Gen.|$90 AND UP extra large x bedroom rinks Ta OY hia io 7288796 in Oshawa. Contact Cnarles Smith, : Children . Tel 123-7068. THREE. 00M upper apartment, heavy BOWMAN, DAVID L.. Barrister, Solicl- new and used materials. Reasonable eral Motors. Telephone 725-7566, apartments, stove and frig, free wash- > ws dry facilities, parking. Phone , 3% Simcoe South. 725-9392, Resi. rates. Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J.|RIDE WANTED -- Oshawa downtown er and dryer, paved parking, Jocker tence 28.0984 GARDEN CENTRE Mn d and 3 r d oe. Toronto, Coll 725.1903 evenitaor Pion S ALES LARGE rooms with board, I18andry|space, close to dewatown Fog' 7a0ker | atier s, C ¥ para ad? :, , . done, good meals, low rent, close to Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solicl- Rhodes, EM 8-7031 days downtown, Teleph one 728.3643. or 725-8333, pve: ROOM apartment $18 Nelle: = mi undry fi ample parking, Si Street North. TTY DRIVING to Toronto, 401, leav NEW one and two-bedroom apartment Office 73-1101; Residence 725-5542. 1259 SIMCOE NORTH BEA APPLIANCES Oshawa at 6.43 am. room for three EXECUTIVE ROOM 'and board available at the located on" Park Bors South: Large |ou outer, ehildren welcome Telephone 723. IRAE Bi Barn, equipment, pumps. passengers. Anyone interested, kindly Pontiae Inn, home cooked meals, rooms, latest in modern ele. | 2 RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, HARDSAND J ESSO felephone 728-8972 lunches packed, have TV lounge, Tele. vators, incinerators, intercom system, i apartment, in Hampton, five licitor, Notary Public, 5214 Simcoe a : DEAR BA Will com="pak = cor $15 000 PLUS pone BW, la ove, TV, and telephone outlets, {rooms and bath, heavy wiring, heated, rth, 728-2891. Res. 728-2765, oil burners, hot water end DEAR SAM -- in oomme back on cos. + LARGE room on main floor with pri rs, dryers, lockrs, etc., fireproof private entrance. Telephone CO 3-2698 JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solicl- LANDSCAPING --T0O PAY ALL forced air furnaces, bathroom A hy _me lus chicken POSSIBLE THE FIRS vate entrance, two girls preferred. |aend soundproof. Possession from Nov, |for more particulars, tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street N Stock p f A with ¢ Anna. Fo! arm chile Bute Board if desired, Telephone 725-0744 for|1, $90 and $105, monthly, Call now Mr. THREE room basement apartment, Bast. 723-2260. NHA and private| Foll Sale of Nursery Stock. YOUR BILLS ixtures, parts ond service. que, Park Road South. --Eloise. YEAR further details. Appleby. 7256344 or 7233398. John mortgages arranged. Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, PARTNER sacbinkniel nics A Ltd., Ritr laundry facilities, for busin J Sai Bulb TO PAY OFF A PLUMBING AND HEATING N ds top |h Y ee Tatas evisce showts Hat UTS 8. HYHLN, QC, Barrister, ulbs. -- Ww company needs ome, single beds, quiet district, A THREE-ROOM upper re private | parking. fo or Cite 37 ELECTROLYSIS ew company op vate bath, stove, sink cupboards, one avaliable. i 2 ; ROOM and board for working girl in| 138 1555; ©» '0 530 p.m. Evenings, MoGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, 55 GLOVER RD. --TO BUY A HOME Rug and Upholstery RSAC pedis hair; For appointment, write : CHESTERFIELDS re.upholstered are i108 BOX 630 tors and ,, home-cooked meals. aren free rooms And sunporeh: |FGUR rooms unfurnished, private Bath Edgar F. Bastedo, QC ing, 75 Charles Street, 723.7212. gue Tl coe Street South Reasonable to reliable tenants. Vacant Po) d lik . Get the best for I : weekly, suit gentlemen or ladies; park: Humphreys, QC: G. 8. Boychyn, BA; Top soll ond sod. Repairing Low Monthly Sigg nd ARR 142 Simeos| 3--Pets & Livestock h ¢ or Whitby, MO oa 72s.5203.| ond sidewalk slabs, CHESTERFIELDS re-built, recovered training, talking strain, Apply Mrs Motherless home preferred. Apply at 496 Albert Street any time, [BASEMENT apartment, three large |725:4304, GENTLEMAN preferred, private b cooki! lunch ked. Aj 79 Mc- |entrance, all conveniences, heav: Are or Batt Ta Ate, Mortgage monies 725-1721 MORTGAGE ORONO 1782 Day or Night level men. Sooking, Junches Pac poly, 9 673s. | ing. heated. paved: memes. Memoir: (THREE large room apartment, pre child welcome. Apply 52 Drew Streets Ba isters, private home heap North Mo- off King, 728-2272. citors. Clients' funds available mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North. a re-styled. Free estimates. See our ma.| Oshawa, Oct. 17th and 18th. private bath, newly decorated, central 3366, Charles C. McGibbon, Ci E. R. KNOWLTON FOR ANY terial for recovering. Daiton Upholster-| Phone Genosha Hotel on these OSHAWA TIMES SPACIOUS wel a cation. monthly. APply 299 Sim-|Ren Br i LB phe N N ERVICE PURPOSE onl SAS Bt ssl bn Bhi ho dates for appointment, - without board, quiet home, good loca- 1st week. Apply 68 Cabot St. BOMPEREYS, BOYCHYN wad WILL. LANDSCAPING SERVIC CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re. 14--Employment Wanted tion 11 Rowe Street. Telephone 728.|TWO room apartment, furnished, $13 IN APARTMENT building, twobed- p y 7 ; EXPERIENCED cook - housekeeper|ROOM with board for gentleman, 1o-|.08 J0L; ood residential district. Apply|[oor APArtments, Oshawa aviree rel Hillman, LLB: 364 ow Street) and lawn maintenance, patio Payments South. Call 728.6431, free estimate. |SEAUIIFUL baby budgie ready for wishes position taxing hl ename |RoOR close to South Genera Motors, | 15 Colborne Street East, ple parking, For particulars telephone 725-4604 Broad, 114 Eigin Street E rooms, hot water heatin rivate ei Money to loan. 60 like new. Why pay more? Our rates ob AERC ROOM .and board, five day week, trance: br . 1d 5, Priva e.|THREE-EOOM apartment, central, JOSEPH P_ MANGAN, QC, Barrister, 725- 47 No Bonus are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | i business or older couple pre- dults : |BOXER pups, eight months old, male, E> t , breakfast weekends, lunches packed if ground floor, furnished. A only, EE Fe ay, |e, Bune, No. Extra Char Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery | Can be registered, Beige coloring, nas| Ear ERD my home ny the deren: | desired. Apply 100 Colborne store: past | ferred; TV tower. Telephone 723-4519. Apply at 63 Celina Street. King Street East, Oshawa. 728-9232. 0 EXtra arges o31i. . had all needles. Call 655- "ui [week Fenced In yard. Iclephone ROOM and board for two gentlemen, EE aun. olurnished AP ariment, [FIVE- and four - room apartments, Residence 725-3405. LANDSCAPING MINIATURE es, seven -9694. French cooking, lunches packed, park. trance; builtin cupboards. vive eo close to Sversthing, spotjessly clean, MANNING ¥. SWARTZ and EONALD AIL Kinds of Joba in the Rebate For Surveyors Fo te Soares isog $100 | REFINED widow, nursing experience, 1 ing, In laundry done, 103 Mill Street. |Tnomag Street for further information. parking, children, reasonable. 725-0813 . » Darl ie obs wishes position, four hours dally ca w Ee tarles. Money to loan. Henry Block, Garden = phone Repayment DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, Ontario, FEMALE German Shepherd for sale,|of convalescent or elderly person, light |$13 Sor week, Willing 10 WHATS, SPR |a0srivemnt, Tomes, NO: 0OM retriger.| TAREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, 26% King Be East. 723-4607. Resi- . Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue: print ii years old, good for watchdog, or|duties, Dia) 728-8616. clous attractive room with priv. ba ator, private entrance and bath, Park. newly electrically equipped, large cup dence, Dia] 723-4 ENNISKILLEN . ing. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632 farm use. Only $25. 728-4912 Betty. Lunches packed, laundry done; ing space. Apply 814 Elgin Street West, [02rd space, newly decorated. Apply to DONALD an DODDS, Barrister GREENHOUSES Loans Life Insured H, FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario] DACHSHUND puppies for sale, $35 QV ALIFED Tim nh ERLE ih parking, dvpy Me © IN APARTMENT building private Ee Febshase: 5 wriness oo East. Land Surveyurs, Sif 216 Adelaide Avene tach Telephone MO 84962. ~~ nent position. Telephone 728-2171. : roe.room aps mo odern. through: nursed ARE 15 Sncoe Biat 4 A REGISTERED American Cocker Span. oul , clean, washer, seria rest CO 3-2263 SUP ERIOR iel puppies, blonds, goldens, reds, parti. WOMAN wants baby sitting _ position, | 22----Store Space & Garages oii ing. nea: Shopping Centre. Agus: Nort, Apartment 8'or, telephone' 728 Greer. FRASER, DEYNAN a TV - Radio Repairs |colors, five and six weeks old, males, pi Brad A rane COMMERCIAL building for rent, ap-|APPly 212 Stevenson Road South. EUR Fe RDOCH, B TS TS. o- . oo b fi 725-6 hy i q -BE a me! and ay Public, ot Bldg, # OSHAWA Discount Limited TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, ali| cmales, beautiful pets. 7256473, day. Telephone MO 8-9021 ask for idly. Posimately 0 x A Fg Poi artery FURNISHED two - room apariment, up, stoves, refrigerators, laundry facili. 3 Simcoe Sireet North. 723-3346; (I ACME HAULAGE makes Thompson Electronics, 157 MALE Beagle for sale, ' Ample parki g for cars. Reply close to , Dosgita), clean, quiet. 728-5984 yi. "central location. Telephone 728-7589 Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. THE FASTEST GROWING Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred), {old, runs well. 146 Thickson Ro EXPERIENCED young married Box Oshawa Times. or 728-4 i i Wm Rialka Real Estate or 728-1128. woman, desires day work ol prams, €. i Miturdoch Nea mors ALL CANADIAN LOAN IRS CIeTER or ing, laundry, ironing ete. Telephone|23---Wanted to Rent CENTRAL Jocation .. Four.room. fur. fain : GRAVEL--STONE COMPANY | REGISTERED Beagle how 7281839 after 6 p.m. ade. Also. Taromics pedro wi an TWO-BEDROOM ¥ three months; one is 14 years. age. Also furnished bedroom in pri. - JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB 1.V. TOWERS phone 985.2854 or 725.0879. EXPERIENCED care given fo children yarn) 10, rent large entra, SA. |vate home. 728-3316 after 6. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- L 0 A M 0579. . The Ci reial Building, 286 King 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 361 GiBBONS ST. 2 any age in my home by day or week.|able for storage. Write R. Arm- | FOUR-R Host Subawa. Ontaria. Cles prog IE TN 726-6180 Ae ote Jo ee Rakin TH Lad Gin es COR J, APARTMENT available. - . lle, MA 3-958 -- ovember 1. four tors th plant, parking, telephone ul equi RUSSEL OS UNPHY. BA. ILB, 723-3528 Terms. Open evenings. pia terrier | puppies 16--Female Help Wanted WANED 0 ol. 4 il gy 725-1168 for. further fhformation. p SIM: MC COE N. Barrister and Solicitor, § King Street Open Every Night OSHAWA T.V. | weeks old. Phone MO 8.4: __|HOUSEKEEPER companion for elder-|separate bath. Call 728-0366 after 5. |THREE - room unfurnished main floor East, Oshawa, Ontars, 728.2971. LOAM-GRAVEL Until 9:00 Free Survey ? DEER hounds, two for . "Telephona | ly lady, live in, home with all conven. 2 H f Rent lights included, 45 PA Or 33 kk ™ Sotturd fil N E 635-3931, Raglan. iences, weekends free. . Hite B x 27) 24--Houses for Ren J 7234082. 9 TO 5 P M Bool eeping SAND FILL TOP SOIL ay un loon and Estimates. | ork yoy Oshawa Times, stating full particulars. No Wick howe} pri Sib aiid 0 ' : | 4--Mar et asket EXPERIENCED invoice typist required attached garage, large lot, suburban, " L. SCHAPELHOUMAN LOTS LEVELLED Offices Throughout Ontarie SAMSON | ibd Hhnbissssirintu by electronics company, located 2515100 per month. Telephone 725.9895. ents private a. Hh, heat hed MODERN, QUIET |10c. PAID for bushel baskets. J Also miles east of downtown Toronto. Must 8 am. to 11 a.m. COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Mortgages {apples for sale. MO 8-8088. be neat, and accurate. Good em.|SIX-ROOM two-storey brick, double TWO-ROOMED modern furnished base. 2-BEDROOM -- > benefits, salary commensurate garage. Vacant. Commerei 3 location, SERVICE, INCCME TAX Reasonable Rates FIRST and second mortgages. Sale TV TOWERS [Fainers. Masbene. wp. Bn oe oo ith experience. Write Box 422, Oshawa |King Street West. Reasonable to reli. 0! ATATEIGNL, Jeparute ebrancs. pn: RETURNS. DIAL 725-2156 afreements purchassd wd soi, Hen! , I stalich | north of Whitby, Highway 12, west side, | Times. foi tnt WIS iy * washer and dryer. Apply 73 Ritson soutn| ~~ APARTMENT nick an lennic) arristers, 31 King ntenna Installations {Telephone MO 82163. SALES help wanted, housewives wel. _"""7 TTF WW " after 6. 686 OSLER STREET Street East. 723.7232. Len & Lou's T.V | TOMATOES, 50c. bushel; carrots, 75¢.; | COme from Pickering -Ajax - Whitby-|COMPLETELY furnished home, mod-|NEAT three.room base s at 15 GIBBONS STREET. ment apart: $2,000 AVAILABLE for a second mort |Spanish onions, $2.50; cooking onions, | Brooklin etc. T fom em onsible'" couple, "ijg|ment, heat, hydro, washing facilities, Adul I ith child: 725-9953 NUMBER ONE gage; repay $30 monthly private, Tele. S175. B Aten W. Ek |Your own home. For information tele. months to responsible couple. 476/oar 'park, 'schools, bus. shappine. Ou dults only or with children phone 655-4471 evenings. 725-7844 or 728-5804 ie yo Nichols Garage, Cour.|Phone Mo 8.237 Mr. St. John. Lowell or 728-4172, child some, T 725-2254. - over 12. Apply at Apt. No. 2 Building Trades TOP SOIL FIRST AND SECOND morigages, ar. [tice. Go north to first corne WAITRESS for day or night, xperi| THREE brick fin. N, large, two - room apart.| In same building. i -- ranged. W, Schatzmann, Mort, Bro- WINTER potatoes, 75-pound b 81 25 enced, Apply South End Restaurant, 5|/ished recreation room, south Oshawa, ment main floor, private entrance, re. SHINGLE your roof now, $120 and up. 6-YD. LOAD er, 101 Dundas West. MO 8.333 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT aa i out: pound Bus. 635. | Bloor Street East. $100 monthly, On Lakeview Avenue, trigerator, stove, bh telephone outlet, Workmanship and materials guaran. od eH) -- $8.00 Fier aod IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! 3690 tal ulbdt help wanted, live In, plenty |[enced-in yard. Telephone 728-4060. newly Close fo downtown. SAGUENAY teed. Easy Wyma i 6 per cob, with 10-YD. LOAD - $12.00 ARTobmete Derm ed nyaies Sale T.V. and RADIO {APPLES -- Macintosh, Courtland, De.|of free time; school-aged children. [FURNISHED room and small kitchen 728-3149. APARTMENTS Rawk 8.4350 PPD Hae Yu, nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King licious and Spys. Glenosha Farms, (References required. Call 725.5723. _ |with refrigerator and stove, central, Hue ROOM apartment, furnished or SPECIALIZNG in roofing and repairs. 723-3162 Street East, 723-7232, CALL 728-5286 Townline North. Telephone 725-6089 for | WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- Young Telephone 7653784 97 Park Road North. unfusnished, two 1adie ts or two gen. KING and PARK RD. LIE 9 P) further information, lady t ork in snack bar, night shift, lemen ly, all conve ces, garage, a Alo all type home EL. Tree Howtohold Rones EN rianey to loan on first mort. All Wérk Guaranteed | "TOMATOES -- Pick your own and |$30 per week, For interview, call New. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, private entrance, Telephone 1757407" Mod CALL 723 2563 bi RS LR ry ouseho Repairs purchased. NHA mortgages arrang OSHAWA {bring containers, 30 oot bushel, Wm, |castle 4566. Experience not necessary. |now vacant also three room furnished - iy ; edroom apart YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- FALL cleanup time. Old rubbish in|CreiShton, Fraser, nd Mur ELECTRONICS |Sack, Thornton Road South. First drive. CRIENCED waitress wanted, Ap- apartment Yacan hs 3 October, pear Immediate Possession ments fridge, stove, paved 4 Bg BB nn mia Th PT co garages. WHLOSIL_ ooo TT way 'south of Hydro sub-station (west|ply Town and Country Restaurant 1s NOpping Seutrs, Apply fig Stree BACHELOR parking. TV outlet -- For ' 123.2997 pick up anything. Please call 723-1832. |MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh. To [sides Bond Street East or telephone 723. $87 MONTHLY two-bedroom apart. - information Call 723-2563. mates. 723-299 , Whitby, Ajax, Pickeri dvi : e. busk arTots, 50.3 RN are eae ments, all conveniences, immediate WHITBY, excavating Som pany- Dig- Instruction por M8 Residential, acreate, a ? ? ? WHY Fb Cia 0, el; arrots, TSc.s | ELDERLY widow needs companion, Apartment 2 or T2554. 2-BEDROOM APTS. «se Spanish onions, cooking onions, free room and board in quiet private ging and ditching. MO 3.4 ments, s of Ontaro $1.50. Bring containers. W. Eyman, 3% |home, for elderly lady in good nhealth,| FULLY Stove, refrigerator, dryer, 2 | MODERN 2 BEDROOM SPECIALIZNG In brick, si and ce-| PRIVATE tea ounsellor,| Mortgage Brokers Association. 40 years mile east of Nichol's Garage, Courtice. e 725-0468. possession. Apply ES Russet Avenue, , 5 * cher, student coun Telephon 3. blocks fi Hospital A ment work, home repairs, Phone Mr |16 years' experience, by interview only, |®Xperience, J. E. Harris, F. G. Harris Because we give -- Go north to first corner. $30 ly, light, heat and water in. locks from ospital. AP RTMENTS Peter Wolters. MO 8.2204 |Act now. 725 1054. » and R. C. Bint. Summerland Securities Real Service Fost a EAA a reid, cluded, close to downtown. Telephone CALL OSSIE MARTIN pic im! . mcoe Street North, of ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, | mmo eer Dancing School, awa, Ontario Phone 725.356, SAME DAY ! 5--Farmers Column 8 oro ioe, Previews /ny-qass, Free washer and dryer, wall eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces, 8 : i It wa Ti SEVEN-ROOM house, Harmony Road k{ Il broad Paved IDEA, Ballet, Tap, Pr Acro Efficient APPLES, $1 up. Bri tal Please apply to Box 523, Oshawa Times. (8 0 wa! roadloom. Pav walks, st 3 23-0394, G d . LES, P ring containers, - - m 0 be 4 Nay By, 5.008. 7 ordon, atic Friday and PRS Masonie NURSING HOMES SAVE MONEY 1 please. Algoma Orchards, Thickson|GIRL wanted for genwwal housework, yori $85 monthly. Vacant October 1. HOWE & P I! RS parking. Close to Simeon St. Telephone MO 8-2497. -- | Temple, Centre Street. 723.7253. Tod Road North, North Liv x eel one 655. | ROMEOWNERS! Beautify and incre |SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home -- Ac. Experie cs a0 North. ¥ North of Taunton Road. |iivy in, fivaday week. Teiephoe Apply Supt, Apt . BEAUTIFUL six-room bungalow with . the value of your home with Reynold's LORRAINE School of H Musie. for private and semi SATISFIED | DEAD farm stock picked up pi 469) for further information garage, close fo High Schoo!, ealtors 20 AVEN UE ST Aluminum Siding and Colonial Stone. [Play in Hawailan style, guitar, acces- private patients, lounge, TV. Fully li- Phone collect Hampton, COlfax 3.2721, DEPENDABLE sales lady, experience $110 monthly. Eliminate painting forever. As low as sories supplied. Call 728-8310, censed, new building, modern. Visitors DRIVE IN and SAVE Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115.|preferred but not necessary, good Telephone 73- Wh hg December 1. 67 KING ST. EAST weekly. Industrial Home Construc- welcome. Reasonable rates, Phone Tubes checked glass and TOP MONEY for d d d di d|wages. Apply in person only to: 7 25-47 01 HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, ton, 4 e) or dead and disable s De m m FOUR-ROOM h se, heavy wirin tion, Box 406, Oshawa Times. tap, RAD ballet, Re. al Newcastle 4441. tuner cleaned, set up for best farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, | Glazier's partment Store, Simeoe on avy 201 SIM OF N. | Street South. conveniences, centrally located, large Evenings 728-9714 estimate on digging basements now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122. . p ! collect. 24-hour, seven-day service. t. Apply 320 Verdun Road Furiig and grading by bulldozer. MO 85612. | ov ng Street Wes Nursing Services picture lot. Apply 320 Verdu from GMC 1950 three-ton stake truck, good p. CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork: LEARN TO DRIVE [PETER PAN Day Nursery. ail or halt A TOWER ? shape, with catlle loading ramp. deal EXPERIENCED MODE room storey nd : + half, EXCELLENT LOCATION THREE ROOMS ing, SEI estimates, day, 8.30 to 5.30, 581 Simcoe North. wer, Teasoabile, Call 725-0078 fireplace, hardwood and rough- NEW 3-BEDROOM AND BATH el ¥. A -| pes repairs SE remodel Oshawa oie School a . TRY UsSli | A HAIRDRESSER ys m. Neitss, Toupioe Hold Ye Hot d cold ti lectrl = 6 i f ot ond cold water, electrie Tk Noy na used fuawesials. Reason Professional Instructors Optometrists Moving antenna? Same day? |------ on ee Starting November 1st, good FOTO a DEW. Decorated, BUNGALOW stove and fridge, woshing fa- 728-6931 J. Foley, Dual Controlled Cars. F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom-| Repairs? As good as new? wages, good working condi ivy No Sehldron. sag 1 "soz Frew Vicinity of Schools cilities. Parking included. Standard ond Automatic etry, the examination of eyes, contact TRIO TELEVISION FURNITURE tions, 40-hour week. Tele- [coo P aq Cartage Doy and Evening Lessons lensed. Le bags Biv pA 171 BAND EAST i Beauty Sion SIX-ROOM, two - storey brick house, $95 MONTHLY 4 Telephone 5 ry . = - , evenings - 1 heated, immediat session, Wait 728-009 | pay i at ) 728-6781 SALE 6495. irally located. Telephone. 725.639 Also 728-6228 ped and insured. Phone 728 Bank or 74 Burk Street, s exam. m---- A culart. 2 BEDROOM ---- Insurance ined at home. Dial 723-4587. TV---Rentals - A INE NEWOASTLE Seven rooms, attached MOVING 2? ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up|painting and Decoratin SATURDAY, oct. 14 SEWING MACH erences are ish any APARTMENT IMMED aye . to 20 Jor sent, x outa to pay, For 9 9 Purchase your de-humidifier Contents of 12 - room house Phone after 5 p.m, Orono 1 Ring I ' CALL + Her ayrvies at your boss, eal] yo EEN DECORATING, ly $10 down ~-- $7 per month, by Public Auction in Village OPERATORS REQUIRED SIX-ROOM, two-storey house, i ADELAIDE AND PARK BACHELOR and CITY CARTAGE [Lawn Movers Een maiss. Alan Van Hors. Tee Remove the dompress from | of Hompton, consisting of Fant Simeon area, Jelestons 1% $05 MONTHLY | 2 BEDROOM APTS. your basement, Rent a tele- many valuable pieces of an- Experience in upholstered fur |r i "fri : IMMEDIATE «sion -- Storey and Store, 'frig., washer and vision -- only $7 per week tiques. Sale at 12:30, | niture preferable, Excellent [half house, open fireplace. spotless Telephone 728-5282 dryer heh i paved parle 725-2621 WE SHARPEN AND RENT DODD & SOUTER from. wages and working conditions. |¢lean, central, oil furnace. Lamson Real AAT A Le ALMOST EVERYTHING PAINTING & DECORATING ' Terms Cosh Etats Liniied TONS marge AWA'S FINEST y Give Us A Call -- CONTRACTORS MEAGHER S STX-ROOM brick house, semi-attached OSH S FINES rates Yor sdults AT: : i Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer APPLY GUY LEBLANC equipped with storms, screens and Dressmakin ' Painting, Paperhanging 5 King St. W. 723-3425 aved dri Telephone WHiteha'l P k L A PRERSARING ing pre rrr STAN"S Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, ah Hompton CO 3-2294 30 RICHMOND WEST BOT ater vem. Wanenat| [Or ane pts. 213 MONTRAVE AVE. ; ¢ Pore iro Dina - TVE-ROOM h tO ates: Telephone Tiraser "eros CORNER KING AT BURK STS. | 0 Spray Seinting vray | Vell Drilling-Digging 8--Hunting SKLAR FURNITURE [Hisnway No. DR Bets 2.Bedioom Suites NOW RENTING DRESSES made to measure, all kinds 723.3224 DAYS MO 8-5231 W. WARD DEER hunting, housekeeping cottages, Li, Cherry Grove Motel. No small chil i of repairs for ladles' and children's NIGHTS 725-7426 cy $20 - $50 per week, guide extra, lodge | _ ET -- Elevator Service Bachelor wear, Reasonable. Mrs, Marshall 723- WELL DIGGING b accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook TT |BFAU roL six. Toons a, close Privat B I 7913, Money to Loan lL I good, Duck hunting season now open, to South Genera otors plan w rivate Balcony and 2 Bedroom Apts. Personal Service por tes apply. Contact Bob Wed down payment. 6 per cent mortgage. . Fuel and Wood RA TR aL Co SR MACHINE Er re BOOK PI Telephone 734138 air 3. Paved Parking . bi Bh | worthwhile purpose, lowest rates. fas : ore inches | COECIALIZING IN 30" TILE |mosn roe aio Fog Tor thee NEW sixroom house with garage, Centrally Located NIPIGON AND ELGIN CT, FACTORY hardwood cuttings, . Buit-|service. Seaboard Finance, 20 " ys. Home rentals for vibratory ' le. E North Osh Adults. A baby wel- belts. Barrel massagers. Slim.Rite Cen. WHITBY, ONTARIO men November 6-11 for hunt on re- For acounts receivable X= or shawa, ults y Dehra tiny fireplaces, furnaces.|coe Street South. 728-6283. ee __|tre, 204 King Street East. 728-4501 ' stricted land in Haliburton Count come. $110 monthly. CO 3.2628. . 5 Ye 30 years Built-in china cabinet, colored Trem 7 ------------------| MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 |Dogs and guides supplied. Telephons| Perienced, 25 to 30 ye Contact il, v # 3 Id. 5) d k--Good | bath, frig., stove, free auto A ng Hoe Cunt meee MONIES AVAILABLE NOW OPEN 204 CHESTNUT ST. W, [NOs ; bene Hr Mong | SOUTH 'OSHAWA DON HOWE | Tote voor snd dv, < - Ti . Qe roperties paved parking, T.V. outlet, FIREWOOD, dry, good, for stove, furs ® Buy HERBERT and Pp MR. McDOUGALL NEW 3-BEDROOM REALTOR bamboo drapes. nace or fireplace, Free Jor Sov "Tele- Agreements, Mortgages, . : for Sale or Rent BUNGALOW SFT wy tr Va zing Invincible. Investments. AR DD NG Want-Ads Don't Ed wee Suds, SSrmaiete BAD BOY 67 KING ST. EAST $75 - $100 Monthly " Vicinity of schools, Fi Machi: F ide lectio rator d oil space heater, § mal valve, turn to Classification 3 mn Telephone Z. T. SALMERS 682 HORTOP ST itiserator and Oil space leater, at Sun 725-7732 TELEPHONE set View Beach on Lake Scugog Is- FURNITURE $95.00 Monthly | Yoay's Oia a i 723-1101 PHONE 728.9611 J Cost-They Pay line 3 nies om omaws: Ch Tor:| ine 57. east OSHAWA PH: 728-5282 + EVENINGS 723.9692 725-1196 2-7 P.M.