THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, October 12, 1961 15; Call Peace Corps |Clothes Dryer Gets Five Years = |[nderestimate | = F R bbi B . - [Canada's own position in rela- combining for the first time in Tumbling Tale os mo Banks Canadian View [don to the United States. the wre Bo of a Beinn. 4 | Lioyd S . "Canada's experience of what market." oper, 26, of no fixed i : A Cold War Tool | Scoffed At st oper sentenced Wedoos On R it = lies to the south of the interna-| The article summarizes views UNITED NATIONS (CP)--A Dams ad resist th | 327 io live years in penitentiary Il ain tional boundary . . . makes/about Britain and Europe ex- \ 1 ~--A|problems . . . ai sist the) or robbing two banks. H ' rk | i ; - Soviet foreign ministry spokes- adoption of proposals aimed at| TORONTO (CP) -- Reports pleaded guilty 4 the i LONDON (CP) -- British com-| 0 Cans Be Bi Rong man assailed Presidnt Kenn- developing mutually beneficial | ht en Torun robbery in August of an Ottawa rome ae says ihe ain, with only the narrow seas|the forest industries of British ico - n nomic , - ; edy"s Peace Corps Wednesday oo es Sau all clothes dryers for kicks were pang 2 Phe syemgs o vb posing Britain's entry Into the|Seiueen her Jud her nat Jy. pro: Coiba and Beri Sanagisn as a cold war tool, and called|countries." | discounted Wednesday night. He said he had been in a European Economic Commun ductive continental neighbors,| Manufacturers, ssociation. for the United Nations to reject| The Peace Corps is composed) Police officials said they had mental institution for fou rity. may have underestimated ig Corps hissed hy Vol. of trained young jE vol-| never come across the "game" |months and thought he was not| Canadian public feeling about lunteers who go abroad to aid|before. President W. L. Patten responsible for his actions in| Britain, gk A technical assist: ndeveloped countries. |of the Ontario Coin Laundry holding up the banks, |, "Feeling" is the right word, p s. {Owners Association said the|---------------------------------- Taylor says in a lengthv article M. V. Lavrichenko, deputy di-| 3 is ridie : published by the Yorkshire ® rector of the foreign ministry's| A jstbry i Hieulous. tf sub the kia wil be bursey 10/ post, because discussioas on the| (1) Trai 1] (1] ¢ department of economic affairs, | ant eaica Reeve Ab Campbell of subur-| death," the reeve said. subject tend to be based on sen-| told the 100 - nation UN Eco-| [par Scarborough said Wednes-| But Mr. Patten said the ma-| (iment rather than economics. | nomic Committee the Peace » {day he will ask township council|chinery would break down if al That however, does not les- Corps "is directly connected Ward In Jail |to pass a bylaw requiring super-|weight of more than 50 pounds| sen the significance of public| gse (4 ] conomy with the so-called mutual secur- | [vision on the automatic laund-|was put inside. Any child smal-| dissent, In Canada's atfitude to-| ity program which is, first and] PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- A|ri€s. He said children have been| ler than that couldn't climb Up|ward Britain sentiment can be, foremost, anti-Communist and coroner's jury decided Wednes. Caught in the act at a shoppinginto the machine. the decisive factor." anti-Soviet in its direction, as day that Hermyle Lalonde, 35,|Vlaza. : 3 | He said a similar story was| Taylor, just back from Tor-| HH well as with other American|a suspect in the $232,200 Have.| 'Some child is going to get started in the United States by onto, says Canada's urderstand- foreign policy programs." lock bank robbery, died in Pe |inside and someone is going to those who oppose coin laund- ing of the British position to-| The United States offered the terborough County Jail Oct. 5 of|turn up the heat too high andliries. ward Europe arises partly from experience of the Peace Corps @ heart condition and that jail) llast summer to the UN Eco. Staff carried out the full med-| {nomic and Social Council tolical care prescribed for him. help the UN's far-ranging tech.| The juky recommended that | or A VISITING TORONTO De hesistance prosrams. *- prisoners r e.q ur ing medical by TRAVEL PLAN Anthony Wedgwood Benn, | Labor member of Parliament | Lavrichenko coupled the ai-jar® should be Sejrugaied In 2 Good for travel to Winnipeg British Laborite with the | for Bristol lost his seat in the [tack on the Peace Corps with ely i A ne ear al and West. One low price title of Viscount Stansgate he Commons despite a long fight {an assault on the Economic and County Jail." | A covers everything--fare, bed, doesn't want, answers a ques- | . {Social Council. He said the] ¥ meals--even fips. ; : : . { itle i ited on | i ; Lalonde was one of five men| ; : 1 tion during an interview last | t0 shed the title inheri {council must be reorganized be-! | | night in Toronto. He says he | the death of his father last cause "The Western powers do| Charged with the armed robbery _ N GROUP DISCOUNT PLAN is sure he will become a | November, not want seriously to consider Dr. B. W. Hyatt, Peterborough! 0 h H 1 Sip g a Big savings on round trip for commoner again. The former | ~(CP_Wirephoto) |the acutest current international| o; yogpital pathologist, test. \ IS here | BS Eh iy, edu, where {fied that Lalonde had a condi- x ) The news of the year in h ° TOWERING. DAM tion of the heart that led him | ) Zam i hiked peta rum, gE ; 37.50 er uigher b GRANDE DIXENCE, Switzer-|to believe he died of a coronary | rn 1» Macaca a sun-mellow nd FAMILY FARE PLAN on nue {land (AP)--Work has been com-| occlusion, similar to coronary | { \ ny J, distinctively dry. Maraca # y Save 30% and up. Go ony |pleted on a hydro-electric dam|thrembosis. Dr. Hyatt said pills| ST \ Sy 3 Rum adds a touch of tropical 3 j Mon., Tues, Wed., or Thurs. [7,218 feet tall, which the gov- Lalonde had with him when ar-| ' 4 5 : : : Retu d ernment claims is the world's rested would have had no effect 2A ; magic to every rum drink. elurn any cay. * . I i F 1 1 1 1n | highest. on the occlusion. Neos Xap ¢ ist Try the two delicious EX n o anc g i ; \ No y varieties--MARACA White J Plud QUEBEC (CP) --The Salvas produced a contract with the | pa ak > / Label and MARACA 1 MAPLE LEAF royal commission continued its|company, signed in 1946. At his| \ Black Label Rum, -- 'PACKAGE' TOURS investigation of Union Nationale request, the contract was not 9 @ { | : ¥ A wide. voriety of ali-eAp purchasing practices today after|made public ou : | The FINER Rum ; 7 £0 | % bi bs fours 10 poinht In pens Selving no the financial opere Martineau said he received in the exotie Ld | & Ee 5. tions of a Quebec City office 890,226 over the five-year period | Caribbean netting i ¥ : ; s supplies firm owned by the son|from Remington-Rand as com-| | qt | 4 PARTY FARES of the party treasurer {mission on sales of computers : ---- £ Save 25% to 45%. Spedal The three - man commission, | to the government He had yi 4 k. £ : vas savings for groups of ten headed by Mr. Justice Elie Sal-| helped obtain the sales, he tes- ! A . ; " more travelling together | : . y coach. vas, heard evidence Wednesday tified. rg T-- : k : Tae FE earns Marie also said his firm paid & 8 f Fea ; 2\ GO NOW-PAY LATER! pany y . "some $359,000 to his father's 2 . ; g RAE : A } $100.00 10% neau, 35-vear-old son of Gerald) 7 OF : . : 2 . , 3 +o|company for new machines, re- . g - \ down, vp to 24 months Martineau, member of Quebec's| i. ang inspections &. J " | . ) : 0 - fo pay. ut i y upper House the' legisiative The figures were produced ACF a GZ; / 4 ipod, 3 : Yor toh : from the company's books. Mar-| as" ~/ £ ' ToAOn1G, Cantos or Information phone: It also heard testimony from yineay js expected to return next| ? 723.4122 other witnesses who said they| woop with papers covering some received kickbacks from COMPA: | 4aalings hetween the two Mar- nies which made sales to thejy on companies in the fiscall Quebec government between! occ 1g:n July 1, 1955, and July 1, 1960.0" _""_"_ .e the period covered by the probe BEARS SUMMON AID The younger Martineau testi- a dE | Yay Ri : fied his firm -- operated from) CHICAGO (AP) -- The Na-| ay RR aw the same building as his fath./tional Football League Chicago | i ion Le Caton n er's office supply company--| Bears placed Pete Manning, | Go" 7 5 had the provincial government Who has a knee injury, on the as its sole sales territory |reserve list Wednesday and : called up Boby Jackgn Bl ii / PRODUCES CONTRACT | substitute defensive back. Jac! A y : J He said his company had the | son, six feet one and 190 pounds, THEY'RE SO SB ms i i = Canadian National exclusive Agency. 10 sell Rem was Shiajued o0 Naien from wi ne ees Pf i ington - Rand Ltd. products to|Philadelphia Eagles, for whom a government. He said his|he played in every game dur-| GOOD TA STING agreement with Remin g ton-(ing their 1960 championship sea: | Rand was verbal but later he!son. OUR BARGAINS GIVE YOU TWICE THE VALUE OF ANY DISCOUNT OPERATION SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT BOYS' LINED " To 2.pce. SHIRT & JEAN SETS | [MENS PARKAS we om OSHAWA ® Elostic waist ® 2 pockets in Jeans 2 POCKETS eo SIZES 38TO 44 AJAX : ® Corduroy Jeans ® Plaid Check Shirt ELASTIC AT WAIST 21 BOND ST. WEST $ Breast Pocket ® Sizes 3 to 6x, ZIPPER FRONT &@ HARWOOD NORTH REG. 2.98 SET : A THERMO QUILT LINING PRE-SEASON SPECIAL BOYS' WOOL PLAID BOYS - TOP QUALITY MANFACTURERS CLEARANCE BOYS' AND GIRLS' 3-PC. DUFFLE COATS PENNYWORTH'S CLEARANCE HOUSE IN AJAX 4 TO 6X FULLY LINED LADIES' 1ST QUALITY WALTZ SNOW SUITS «Filo Lined ONT., OPEN THIS WEEKEND and every weekend | CORDED PANTS RAYON TRICOT * Folly Qed g.. 12.00 cE. SEY Hood . gy bid till Saturday, Oct. 28, 1961, when it will be closed | waist Bend Ex- NIGHTGOWNS : Lining B © Jacket or ® Button Plus : Zipper Clos- . / tension, Zipper "sow ton 77 Zipper C| 9 9 for one week and re-opened as PENNYWORTH'S Fly, Cuffed Leg, Sizes 5, M, L. JI ew * ® Tomo . TOYLAND with the largest selection of toys in | ton. Reg. Price . fosey Tim : ie Oshawa, Ajax or Whitby at prices that will save WOMEN'S VELVETEEN BOWLING you dollars. Vi MEN'S 2-PANT 1ST QUALITY GIRLS 8-14 YRS, SLIM PANTS NEG Come to the CLEARANCE HOUSE this weekend | tn SUITS ORLON d handise that t be cl d bd : Rn fri and save on merchandise al mus ie -Cleare \ REG. CARDIGANS Sizes 12 to 18. 1 Sirheige rooms before the opening of PENNYWORTH"S = 39.95 Black only ¥ wath Zioper pc es olors. wie LQG | Eni §Qc | ora 29.95 >. 1.99 Lo eg. . | Price 98¢c ....... 1 Pennyworth's CLEARANCE HOUSE located beside NAME BRAND BAYER Pennyworth s Department Store at Ajax, Ont. GIRLS'Tst QUALITY STURDY | MEN'S - Tar QUAITY . PRESHRUNK Hours -- Friday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday 10 WEIGHT HELENCA-- FLANNEL CIGARETTES STRETCH 100% A a.m. to 5 p.m. No exchanges or refunds at the 2.99 CARTON | LARANS | Cicooce Hous. | NYLON TIGHIS | PYJAMAS ; Pennyworth's Clearance H ill re- th Navy, Red, Beige In Stripes : Reg. Price 93e y ce House will re-open the | am 5%, "oe : with any purchase of 1. Sb : andy © 10 yu. & Prints yp of 1.00 Oor Fries. € second week in January, 1962. Cerone 41 - COMPARE " 3.19 Per Carton Without Purchase $1.49 & $1.89 AT $3.59