THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 7, 1961 § Wn = Autumn Thankoffering Of Afternoon Auxiliary CWL Makes Plans | The annual Autumn Thank-|Mrs. H. T. Fallaise and Mrs. L.| offering meeting of the after | Richardson brought reports! nnua qazaar noon auxiliary of the Woman's|from the Keswick Conference issi Society was d in|which met last month. The] pi Bg hg held Io which of the Ai was| The plans for the annual ba-| wick, fashion commentator from | 5 pay sday, Oct.| "The Church and You". The|zaar which includes a cold plate/ Northway and Son, thanking the Chirch # 3 pm, Tuesday, Oe Hmdte ures to learn to hare. | supper to be held, Dec .2, under/CWL for the co-operation in The president Mrs. H. Hare to enrich and renew. the convenership of Mrs. J. M./making a tremendous success | presided and opened the meet-| Before asking these ladies to MacDonald were discussed at|of the Fashion Show. ing with some thoughts on the take over the meeting Mrs. Hare|the October meeting of St. John| 1 was decided to take on 10 'church for new times. stressed the importance of thel the Evangelist CWL meeting on memberships in the Whitby Safe- Mrs. M. G. McCarty led in the word purpose as being one of Tuesday evening at the parish/ty Council. It is hoped to have worship service. Her theme was, the forces that make us work hall. a speaker from the Safety Coun. Ministering women. Mrs. Mc-/for Christ. "Are we satisfied Mrs. G. Carter, president, cil at a future meeting. Carty called attention to two with just going about or have welcomed the large group of Ia | A jazional meeting will be women in the Old Testament we a worthwhile purpose in dies with a special welcome 10 pajq Oct. 22 at St. Francis De who had served in this capacity,/ mind?" she asked. the new members. Sales Church, Pickering. The Esther who risked her life to} Mrs, Richardson showed some. Ms. C. Parise, sick convener, Whitby Council CWL will pure save her people and Ruth who slides of the buildings at Kes- pag made three visits to the chase an "Encyclical Phono- would not leave her mother-in- wick and of the beauitful sur- oshawa General Hospital andigraph Record" containing im- Haw. rounding countryside. In her she reported on the Mass cards|portant parts of the Pope's She also spoke of Martha, opening remarks Mrs. Fallaise ang haby medals sent out. Mrs. Message. Mary and several others, women spoke of the conference as being i Canzi reported the mem-| The school board tea to be | who listened and acted. "Today|both inspirational and instruct 'herchip now totals 135 mem- held. Oct. 15. will be convened thousands of women are group-'ive. Some of the highlights from ja. b M L Ruest She will also ed together but are we .as|Mrs. J. Gormen's addresses : . {Dy Airs. L. + i . i i es yr , + Mrs. A. C. Smith asked for|attend the forhtcoming National women putting first things first? were, "we must have more volunteer for VON canvass./Convention fo be held at the Are we living our lives as dedi-|Bible study in order to have a GaN RCE Co 0a Th dies -Ony ard. Hotel. Toronto | cated Christians?" she asked. better understanding of el o alk 4 por a Kung | are 0! eo pi | Mrs. Bowman, accompanied church's purpose," and Mus [iad ne pec odge % la her Sug the "Family Ro- ; : sang the Fall; ave 1 ssages of | ntige, es t by Mrs. E. Broughton, sang the Fallaise gave ¥o passages of Mrs. W. Simpson read a let-|sary" program on CKLB Osh- beautiful thanksgiving hymn, scripture from th and | om M Marjorie Chad- awa sponsored by St John The ow ea i ¥ rin 5 rer- ler ro Mrs. Me "| : . We Praise Thee Our Father". Testaments relating to two ver m Mi is i ------| Evangelist parish, Whitby. -- | sions of God's fundamental pur- | pose for man down through the Mrs. Carter read a message Serra Awards |ages. The church is a company Regular Meeting rom Discesan, Director Fathes of Christ's people who seek the ] will of God. In closing Mrs. Fal cesan president, Mrs. A, H. Col- : ' To Be Made To laise spoke of Togetherness in Rebekah Lodge han. : 7 ; 7. Action The regular meeting of Bene. |... Father Aus Slossd he : 8 v % Mrs. Richardson brought r eetin ©: meeting with praye [4 : pr Altar Boys Here some inspirational thoughts volent Rebekah Lodge met injyag served by Mrs. J. M. Mac- from the addresses given bye I00F Hall, Whitby on Wed- Donald and Mrs. V, Mallon. ¥ ka) NI iB i v y ? a in Sunday. Oct. 8, at 3.00 p.m. Rev. Gwen Hubbel. "When we nesday evening ailasseicdedianinie WIN LEGIO PEE WEE BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP m St. John the Evangelist,|ihink of church it should be not Noble Grand - sister Greta Whitby, Most Reverend F. D. only of our own church but of Campbell presided, assisted by WHITE Pictured above, with the | port team, who recently won , Harvey Ross, Freddy Fusco, | McCaffrey, capt., Joe Staples | Cawker. The team competed Marrocco DD, Auxiliary Bishop the churches all across Can- sister Olive O'Dell PNG in the . . "hs shi 3ack row. | Stephen Peleshok, Randy and Louis Pritchard. Front with five others in the cham- of Toronto, will present altar ada." she said vice-presidents chair in the ab. RINT dn a hon I Shamim ir a Set Se pb Keith Fisher. row, left to right are Cornelius | pionship race. Coach Joe [boy award certificates to 160) "God's people, who are the Sele ot i Molen NEWSP League baseball &hampion- fen, Andy Hiscox, Glen Jeff- | Middle row, left to right are Van Hewell, Kenneth Keys, Drum has just completed his boys from four parishes in the| church, are people of hope and 3, who was i av; Ib k ships, are team members and | rey, Kelly Beeling, Billy Mc- | David Shepherd, Hadley Shep Paul King, Greg McConnel, second year with the winning Oshawa area. This is the first people who have had experience It was reported that sister 2- . PK§. coach of the B and R Trans- | Caffrey, Coach Joe Drum, | herd, George Reason, George ' Eric Sanfo rd and Billy | squad. --Oshawa Times Photo time that Serra awards have of Him. The church exists to Edith Hoar is improving. Visits approximately 630 i Sa REI ~~ been presented in this area. worship and evangelize," she were made to Fairview Lodge. $1 00 The recipients are from these said Sister Alma Dewey gave the re sheets for -- . The Conference closed with a port of District meeting. Also Available in Past Grand Knight four parishes: 5 u D St. John the Evangelist, Whit- gamAnion Splvire on the 3. Sister Greta Campbell Hank | 9-ib. pkgs. by; St. Bernadette's, A j a x; St. day morning. Both reporis w ed the officers and members for F TYPING, an Is K of C Speaker Francis de Sales, Pickering; an inspiration and a real chal-| (heir assistance during her term| pia TOR ah COPIES | i ; Fahl & 5... St, Mary's Mission, Rosebank. | lenge. The meeting closed with! of office, { Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West goothe Fra ii Ms After ~ the presentations, athe hymn * Forgan Trough the| sister Isabelle Saunders DDP| INNER OFFICE Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703 Coon] Vo hie guest speaker Movie on vocations to the reli. | ARES 21d the bene Chon OUD of Oshawa will Zita ine ow MIMOS, . . cinkefe A at the semi-monthly meeting of gious life will be shown for the) 4, .% 7" hostesses. The Western Brooklin Tuesday, Oct. 10. : On Sale et . . . Council 4895 Whitby Knights of boys and their families. section of the Oshawa Presby-| Birthday greetings were ex-| WHITBY OFFICE & | Columbus held Wednesday, Oct, The Serra Club is an interna- ' Co" 1d at Ajax on : 1 Ca ; Catherine Gouldburn : ora, ration of es: 1%", Fl, Brom fended by ce te le 8) CIRCULATION Ir 1g t S Brother Ed Finan, lecturer, men dedicated to the Purpose of Hamilton will be the speaker. | 04-0 closed in regular form and| DEPT. introduced brother Shine who|INCreasing vocations to a social hour was spent. ARTETA a -- | Tea and refreshments werell Oshawa Times I snok "The S rate School priesthood. There are over 10,- Planned By OES ed In St. John's Sr ai seta on cao, vir, neni, wd) CLUB CALENDAR |orcs 5 ue Seer sm [3 -- for action on Fos tee, s{. John's Anglican Church, Swain were dressed similarly level for consideration in cor. Toronto and Winnipeg. TUESDAY, Oct. 10 ms snime-- Port Whithy, was the setting to the matron of honor but in poration fax and stated the im.| Assisting Bishop Marrocco in Whitby Red Cross work room The regular meeting of Whit-|Canada, Toronto, Eleanor Train on Saturday; Sept. 30 at 3 p.m. gold with gold brocade veiled portance of Catholics supporting fhe ceremoniel hig! be Joseph Whitby Baptist Church CGIT by Chapter Order of the East- PM, Durham, Cora Lyons PM. for the marriage of Catherine headpiece. They all carried cas- their own Parish school systems. 1 Club. pres i Bindrhols Faith Baptist Church YPA ern Star No. 248 was held in the Sunbeam. Frank Tram PWP. Ellen Gouldburn, daughter of cades of bronze and gold chry- A question period followed which G8 i ' United Church WA evening grp 3 1 it Masonic Hall on Sept., 28 with Sunbeam. Tena Roberts Mr. and Mrs, Martin Gould- santhemums proved interesting to all. Pickering who arranged this|whithy Chapter Order of the y . , . . p or Firs .. presentation. Eas St No. 248 a goodly number present, PDDGM District 11 and honor- burn, Whitby, to William John Mr Ronald Millions, brother Brother Frank Madigin thank. PreS€nta Li astern Star No. i Worthy matron Kathleen gry ER embe: x Whitby. Miilions. South Porcupine, son of the groom: acted as hig best ed the guest speaker. Brother All Saints' Anglican Church ? SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL 4 ; ro ions ; y Finan also voiced his thanks on 3 M Afternoon Guild Brown presided, assined by A warm welcome was ex- St Mx Ed Mp W. £. Milions ma. oN her Je! yr. behalf F the Council, In the ab | Evening Guild {R. A. 'Hutchison H and § dssoc. | Whitby presiding 'patron James Mar ,..q.q (o the guests and were °\ : : ii Herman y {sence of Grand Knight Ed. Sam.-| : St. Andrew's Presbyterian . The 'meeting opened in| *70¢E 10 OF ETP S00 WoT") Rev. George Nicholson offi- Hermant. ton held at thelanakl.. Dany Gland knigni| Regular Meeting | church Helen Marshall Soc. Monday: 12 noon -- 2 form with the flag being pre: f Whitby Chapter ciated" at the ceremony | For the reception, held af their', i'x "McDaniel chaired the! ) United Church WA Aft. Grp. and escorted to the Fast. Irons OF WHOS, CF apler Bic! The wedding music was play- Church Hall, the mother of the h held in St. John The! All Saints' Anglican Church) wii s pantist Church LA Jl p.m. Spm. -8pm. { nutes of the previous meet-| Si Si he by the bride's uncle, Mr, bride received the guests wear Meeting a Evening Guild Branch held its" 0y Paps i Goose, Pearl Roper, Grace ed Evangelist parish hall & ing were withheld until the ' . : ace| | latihew Gouldburn. of Oshawa. ing a dusty rose chiffon over taf-|"vangeust parish hafl bi-monthly meeting last Monday WEDNESDAY, Oct. 11 For Reservations MO 8.4365 Blow (in office), Maude Boyes, Catholic activity chairman; "pooh von hall. Mrs. T.|St. John's Anglican Church WA next meeting. Get well wishes . ) ~u who accompanied the soloist, feta sheath dress with overskirt Me x op A were expressed by worthy ma- Mae phair gn Office) 2% past Miss BECO ps Earle and matching accessories. She Brothe: aprice x Connor ht Tompkins was in charge of the! work meeting Host: Ivor Lawrence tron from the sick and sunshine : iri The bride, given in marriage was assisted by the bride.| POC 2 in "were pro. devotional. Reports were read Senior Citizens Group committee. by her father, wore a gardenia groom's mother who chose I 1 3nd the date pro and approved. L ~ |Kinette Club ; Secretary Margaret Mustard port and welcomed all guests White peau-de-soie floor length coffee silk shantung dress with!" "2 to 000g oon... Brother President Mrs. H. K. Cunliffe| Ruth WA of St. John's Anglican introduced the guests for the _ Bars. Cor ne gown, bodice and bell skirt beige accessories. Frank Canzi. membership and reported on the attendance by| Church : , and members. Correspondence 3 RE ; For their hohey trip to): 13 i, the group at the St. John's|Kathleen Rowe H and § Assoc. evening. Present were: C. Tail was read by the acting secre. nding in a chapel train with e oneymoon rip 10 incurance chairman, urged the lis ho vsms : | al C L LA PM of Harmony, Toronto, E. tary Grace Blow PM filling in appliques of Alencon lace. A Montreal and Quebec City, the council to have prospecitve Anglican Church, Port Whitby, | Royal Canadian Legion L TOWN OF WHITBY Barlow associate matron, Hill-!for Julia Thomas PM. crown of pearls held her shoul- bride left wearing a green wool embers' names submitted by|. meeting. She mentioned how|yyy;pgpay, oct. 12 crest, May Halsworth PDDGM | The business for the evening 4¢F lensth illusion veil. She car. suit with brown accessories and the next meeting. Interesting it had been lo attend Ssivation Army Women's HL T A X E S ; Rito ried a prayer book adorned with a corsage of yellow roses. terest rogram has : /hitby Garden Club was very brief due to the long pra) An interesting progr Norman Gower, Curator at the| Yhitby, H and § i vy The worthy matron thanked| the past matrons for their sup- . %, OSES 3 4 Mr. and Mrs. Millions are 5 d by the lecturer rogram ah All &r< Peach roses and siephanotis ; a been arrange: e lectu 4 P e t A rd pone om sesd. the Laem Is Matron of honor Mrs. Charles establishing residence at South for the Oct. 18 meeting in the! Hany House Museum Way gues Shuttle -- FIN A L INSTA I MENT res n wa S be held in the Oddfellows Hall Rycroft, sister of the bride, Porcupine. form of a "Panel Discussion". | Speaker and all St. John's WA| LITTE @) re ree . Out of town guests were from members were dressed in period | [HEE A (L J \ | Oct. 51. wore an olive green brocade y | ada' s PLUMBER [IM M d (0) At Hillcrest i o Dal cars will alo be dress, plain bodice, bell shaped Toronto : Ottawa, Hamilton, spending one month in Los An. eS. ihe Business: meeting A on ay, ctober 16th, 1961 8 ' LAL skirt and matching veiled head- Quebec, South Porcupine, Tim gles, California, as the guests further arrangements were Failure to pay all instalments by this date empowers the Tex held in the lodge hall on Wed- . =~ mn ; rigid : ] nesdav. Oct.r25. AN members piece The bridesmaids Mi ss ing, Peterborough and Osh- of Mr, and Mrs. John Pollock | made for the Rotary luncheons Collector to collect in accordance with the several statutory and friends are asked to make a Carole Robinson and Miss Carol > Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mor! catered by the group for the provisions; this includes seizure of rent, where epplicable, or y nd frien : ry special 'effort to: attend: and " risey are spending the holiday month of October with the fol | p y collection by baliff with the cost peyable by the texpeyer. Hillcrest Home and School make a success of these events weekend in Cobden as the guests| lowing conveners: Mrs. J, Wil. ITS GIVING For your convenience all current texes 'are payable Association held its first meet- he meeting closed in 'form of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Bell. ison, Mrs. G. Gouldburn, Mrs YOU THE { ot any Whitby Bank. ing of We, Season 2 esas with the worthy matron Kath- Bley Ahne. Sigh month old Loo, Me A i Toetison RUNABOUT? F. N. McEWEN, evening e president Mrs. J.ljcon Brown giving the farewell. Mrs. Real Robitaille, 510 Peei end guests at the home of Mr. {SUE A ares Following th nd : SEE US~-THE Tox Collector, Arthur Robertson opened the A g oe youl oh al A A "Morton, is in Sick Children's ollowing the business meet- Y Town of Whitby, meeting with the "Queen" ac. A very delightful and inspir street, entertained at her home and Mrs. M. Millar, of 159 Hill: gro0 tet where she underwent ing, an 'Opportunity Sale" of CAUSE WELL ' companied at the piano hy Mrs, ing evening followed with the at a baby shower in honor of crest drive, are Mr. and Mrs curgery. Friends of the family children's clothing was held with | S. Armstrong. She welcomed all Rainhow Girls giving a color- Mrs. Sterling Gougle (nee Elea- A. Reeve and children David Cl po el 2 coeady recovery. | Mrs. Rycroft acting as auction. resent. Various reports were ful demonstration of work done nor Powell), Approximately 22 and Glenys, of Oftawa Mrs. E. H. Wightman and! eer read and approved. in their lodge ladies were in attendance and (pn Sunday, Mrs, Laura Dy- children. Sharon and Sheila. of The meeting adjourned and Mr. D. Catherwood, Principal. The Rainbow girls will even- igvery Sis Were Presented oh son, Chestnut street west, is Niagara Falls, are spending refreshments were served by " . [J] introduced Mr. Don Gilchrist, a tually become good members va aay 5% the pi! unch celebrating her birthday. Best Thanksgiving weekend with|Mrs. F. Sugden and Mrs. E. an rt 27 7 member of the school board and of the Eastern Star and fill a : wishes. are offered to Mrs. Dy- per mother, Mrs. George Munns| Probert. The next meeting of FR andalt. «+ Sons chairman of the sports commit very important place along with ozs Sonpie Junin ras past son from her friends. Sr. of Henry street {Monday, Oct. 16, will be a "Hal- - 4 x k y i i J, s il " ee Me Gilchuist uesen sy Neil Dobe: Mig Ingyners of the powell, 837 Dundas street east, Mrs. H. Goemans of Mc. Mrs. Arthur Noble, Chestnut | O%€ en Masquerade Party". All { championship trophies to Neil Eastern Star. Lveryone enjoy... , miccellaneous shower for Cullough drive, has returned sireet, is in Oshawa General | . a a. ] t All EMMANUEI Gibson, intermediate champion- ed the work done by them and yp. G00, Twenty-five from a four-week trip to Hol-/Hospital under observation. Her REFORMED ship aud Campbell Durbar, jun iS duped, Hat more il be friends and neighbors: were land where she visited mem- kriends her a prompt recovery. lor champion of | . Field seen of the Ra yw Girls local: a % ., 2% - ' v.32 A aR present. Assisting the hostess in bers of her family. wee : Dav v and from other lodges form- serving were Mrs. Harold Col- Jacqueline, daughter of Mr. TOWN OF WHITBY Go To THIRD CONCESSION. WEST, IGH' Y 12 Hillcrest School had the high ed lins, Mrs. C. Leipsig. Mrs. K.|ana Mrs. J. W. Liddle, is cele- . o a ob wishes wore 'ox Mrs. C. L , Mrs. K.|z Mrs. J. W. Li %! y est number of points and re. Best wishes were extended p la and Miss Mary Powell. |brating her 13th birthday on Family Monuments CLERK S NOTICE OF FIRST 10:30 AM, tained the wall plaque for a sec. to the girls and members in" ypc' youn Reiger and Mrs Saturday. Her friends and] £8 Ch h > 0 hare the de trg VUS. ger a \ : y. § y utch Service ond year. een pd > De Semonsteation William Perepelipza were co- school companions of Colborne ROR POSTING OF VOTERS LIST urc 10:30 AM, Attendance banners were bre. as served by the lunch com. hostesses and presented Mrs. |School wish her many happy | oF | Sunday School, English sented to Mrs. J. Frost's Foon mittee ; Gougle with a bathineite and; returns of the day. Voters' List 1961, Town of Whitby, : 2:30 P.M for junior, and to Mrs. S. Ber- | .iother gifts, The hostesses] Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Morrison Created To : IS gevin for the senior room. Miss served a dainty lunch. and family are spending the Individual County of Ontario Wordh M. Corbett's room for the jun- WAS BOXING CHAMP Mrs. Larry Ruest attended Th ivi idav "wr Requirements ils ; ; : : orship at Bowmanville Tis . 4 : ¢ anksgiving holiday weekend Notice is hereby given that | have complied with Section 9 . ior, and Miss G. Corbett PARIS (AP)--Cleto Locatelli, ¢ rio C yo - . a or; 3:30 P.M. ng, b$ oom to RIS. (Ap) | Locatell, the Ontario County South ex- at their cottage, Lake of Bays STAFFORD BROS. of The Voters' Lists Act, 1960, and that | have posted up un ay! Bowmanville Sunday Sches! or senior, were presented with i p [a8 ecutive meeting. held at the Best wishes are offered tn at my office at the Town Hall on the 4th day of October, EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOM EE aE a rs Eo ox Mo oem Soom til i700 Todt efor Jy vee oes ot, fe i gi : : 'af 1ghie ited States Mrs. Ruest is Girl Guide con: nncagion of her birthday on Sun ENTS eipality at municipal elections and that such list remains ' The principal introduced the during the 1930s, died in a sub: vener of Ontario County South day 318 DUNDAS EAST there for inspection. ST. ANDREW S English Service, Whitby 2:30 P.M. FAITH BAPTIST 4 pa ? . And | hereby call upon all veters to take Immediate and invited the parents to visit He had been ill several months. Mr. M. Mikicel, of Perry yonhin™ Mrs William Hilts MO 8-3552 PIOCNIES eT ol Ny loys oy erDrs Eorradted occotd: PRESBYTERIAN 419 Brock St. N., Whitby members of the teaching staff urban hospital Thursday night.' Council Mrs. E. Hepburn, Mrs, Jack . Pastor: : hour was enjoyed with the moth- 55 Sunday. boxed lightweight on Thursday. His friends wish 2nd ¢aug ynne Er ---- : ye astor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, §.Th. ers of Grade 1 acting as host-/ champion Tony Canzoneri and him many happy returns of the oiser, . esses. most of the other outstanding day. Dated this 6th day of October, 1961. ------isi 9:15 AM. The next meeting will be held|lightweights and welterweights Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Whitby, JOHN R. FROST, 11 AM Radio Broadcast CKLB : P Clerk, Town of Whitby, MORNING WORSHIP Wednesday, Nov, 1. in the U.S and Mrs. J. McNaught, Oshawa, P Vv : Guest Minist 9:45 AM a -------------- -------- ed -- a-- - - tiny x 3 ister: : % attended the 70th B7A)IVersary FIRE RE ENTION Rev. W. J. 5. McClure, B.A Bible School Hour Baptist Church Missionary TOWN OF WHITBY y " the classrooms. A social half: Locatelli, who would have been street, celebrated his birthday , = daughter Sheri Lynne are ing to law, the last day for appeal being the 20th doy of CH C BROCK STARTS MON. -- Holidey Matinee ot 1:30 | meeting held in Midland. They le erth Dntaris 11:00 AM, & 7:00 P.M WHITBY Evening Shows at 7:00 end 9:00 p.m. iss visited Doth inends ave: WEEK Voting Day, Monday, Dec, 4th, 1961 I Ey Our Pastor Preaching FRED nue, entertained her group of 9:45 AM Baptismal Service in PALMER HUNTER ladies. The winners of the Is Your Name On The Voters' List? CHURCH SCHOO! the evening he FRI. SAN reaane o prizes Sere Mie W. Bowden i" EVERYONE WELCOME Soloist: Miss Olga Donnell ~2 P Mr 8 A y Vv ak 19 ined = ma rs pou A wot October 8th - 14th RR Et | Ee ---- a . (at and o ost Offices, Ske Some INFORMATION MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED BY TELE. : Y op iE quest speakers for their first | THE FIRE STATION IN BROOKLIN PHONING MO 85803 during office hours, 9 to 5 o'clock, Church UNITED CHURCH meeting of the season to be Mondays to Fridays. iid Wedvestav "01, | WILL BE OPEN FOR INSPECTION Quatieuion or voting aren foows: 20 seam atm [FEV JOHN MeLEOD rs. . Jummers, . . frarley. Her topic will he "Help: A British subject. An owner or tenant, or wife or husband ing your child fo read". Mr of an owner or tenant. eet Souche will speak on the NOTE -- Roomers and Boarders are not entitled to o THANKSGIVING SERVICE new French course in public Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Municipal Vote. Only those who occupy a domestic establish- 1 rr i PLUS -- CARNIVAL IN QUEBEC -- Color Corton schools. ment of two or more ro6ms, in which they sleep, prepare and ERR 11:00 AM 3 > J (idl Mrs. R. A. Rousseau, of and Frida from 7 fo 9 nm. serve meals, and qualify as above are entitled to vote. LAST TIME TODAY ! Royal Hotel, is celebrating Y Mm Final date for appeol -- October 18th, 1961. 7:00 P.M THANKSGIVING her birthday on Sundav. Hei JOHN R, FROST, "THE LAST MINUTE MAN" SNOW WHITE and THE THREE STOOGES - Color friends wish hor many happs ® EVERYONE WELCOME eo Clerk, Town of Whitby. Gidt Ata SUNDAY. SCHOOL ----1 IDDING"" -- Leslie Philli ceturns of the day 405 Dundas St. West, Whitby | Bible School with Classes Plus NO K sli illips Ty oiay wash » | .- for Alb Ages. : 9.45 AM. 11:00 AM. anks EE Rev. J. M. Smith, BA, B.D Rev. A. M. Butler, B.A. Mrs, J. Beaton, A.R.C.T. TA Do St he Fer pT aan " -