4 ™i OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 7, 1961 |additional rollaway beds se A Of 2 the courtroom when discharged! beer bottle the night before the cquitted SRR | adaitions into every available by Mr. Justice E. G. Moorhouse. shocting, and that they had odern Hospital Has === The beach had been the scene beaten up a man in retaliation, A of frequent disorder, blamed on Purke had gone to police the SNOW IN HosPITAL visitors} Ca pital Murder roving teen-agers, before the day before the shooting and have no place to put their hats, | ap] STE. MARIE. Ont. shooting. Several youths testi- asked for protection from rowdy coats and: overshoes. (CP)--A 39-year-old man was fied during the trial that one of sou'hs on the beach, where he Poor Storage Space Consequently, snow, ice and|acquitted Friday night of a them had been slugged with a; A had a tent 3 aa dirt are dragged into the hospi-|charge of capital murder, col- AJAX (Staff) -- Who house-|sibility to make sure that the| The cleaners in the Obstetrics tal. which otherwise could be |lapsing in the prisoner's box| cleans the modern day hospital? hospital rooms are cleaned|Department have taken over a eliminated by having proper!when the verdict was an. Until recently these duties daily and in such a way that|duty which used to be perform- cloakrooms, the staff feels. nounced. | were the responsibility of the!the patients are not put to any|cd by the nursing aides. They The housekeeping department, Philip Gordon Burke, 39, was nursing staff, but with the in-jinconvenience. distribute mid-meal snacks to therefore, has ils problems the ried before an Ontario Supreme creasing demand on their skills, For example, the cleaners in/maternity patients and thereby same as all other departments Court jury in the July 23 fatal housekeeping duties have been the medical and surgical wing|cut down on staff inter-changes in the hospital. which could all|shooting of Joseph Salopec, 17, passed onto full time house gach have eight rooms to clean|and the possibility of cross-in- be solved if more space was|at Harmony Beach, a resort 30 cleaners. daily. They must dust every!fection. available. 3 miles north of here. In such modern-day hospitals square inch of furniture in these| NEED VACUUM In the meantime, however, [he jure returned a verdict as the Ajax and Pickering Gen- rooms and wash and polish the' Cleaning equipment used by the department still manages to of not guilty after less than eral Hospital, a team of clean-!floors and windows. this department, such as floor". operate excellently with allithree hours of deliberation. ing staff operates under the when a room is empty, and polishers, waxers and scrubbers other departments and functions Burke had to be assisted from heading of the Housekeeping this does not happen too often in are up to date but the staff feel glriciently as at omni Possible - Department. this hospital, the housekeepers that a vacuum cleaner would be ih the hospital's complex oper-] y This battery of cleaners work must wash down the walls in an asset {o their work. In addi- --o SoA au Ballet, ENTERTAINMENT quickly and efficiently to elim-|addition to the normal cleaning tion the department I FEATURE TIMES Pp could find Highland, ar 30.3:25-5:25-7:28 inate dirt and dust throughout|procedure. This operation usual- la wall washing machine very HOLY STATUTE ° the hospital on a round-the-clock!ly takes one hour, which is a useful. REGINA (CP)--A one-and-a-| - i LAST COMPLETE schedule, good thing because vacated bed. Why don't they have, this half-ton figure of Christ six feet, 3 / Tap, Baton SHOW 9:15 P.M, The executive housekeeper at space is soon utilized with the equipment? eight inches tall has been # the Ajax and Pickering General constant flow of incoming pa- The explanation is simple. carved by a Winnipeg man. The ; Twirling h took three months Hospital, Mrs. Florence Horse- tients. Cleaning equipment could he figure. whic man. has a staff of four full-l In addition to these rooms, Purchased if the department 5 carve with the aid of a REGISTER NOW neumatic chisel, will hang time girls and four part-time the staff have fo clean the front had more. storage space. ive CPrOSS i men, who do the "heavy" work offices, waiting rooms, such as Present storage facilities are from a massive cross in a Re IRENE HARVEY Oa | TOLD THE WAY in the 50-bed organization. they are, the X-Ray and all/Poor and most of the equipment 8!N& church. BTA NTA. R IT IS « IT HAPPENED ! OSHAWA It is the housekeeper' s respon-: other departments. has jo stand in the corridors. ROYAL HERD pein - nother problem which stems SANDRINGHAM, England 424 KING ST. WEST 3 from the hospital's "overcrowd- (CP)--The famous royal herd PHONE 725-6122 THE HELL-TO- a SHOWING: |ing"" condition is the great dif- of 142: red poll caltle brought Ee 101 | 1 1I'C |ficulty which the staff has in £8,200 at auction on the Queen's| 2 GLORY {cleaning crammed hospital estate here. The royal estate is rn ---- ' rooms. The staff maintains that switching from dairy farming Tes: STORY 105 Anniversar it is h hard to clean | a room m when to beef production. al aah li By MRS. LORNE JONES son and daughter returned home : CLEANER IN NURSERY WEARS MASK BALSAM AND MT. ZION -- from Washington, D.C. after SPECIAL SHOWING! TONIGHT -- Oshawa Times. Photo Around 60 friends and neigh- spending several days with Mr EA bors gathered in the Mt. Zion and Mrs. Tom Crist. MATINEE Church basement and present- Mrs. Morgan Pugh spent sev- old T I di |} kk E ] ". d ed Miss Olga Mink and her fi- eral days with Mr. and Mrs ONLY ime--Modern naia VvOrgs Lxpiaine ance with a miscellaneous Elmer Wilson. shower prior to her marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roland of] RED BAR recently. Port Perry had Sunday tea with CONTINUING MONDAY & TUESDAY The monthly Woman's Asso- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones - - " By Missionary Medic ciation met on Wednesday af- Visitors at the Cecil Disney 7 i ADMISSION--$1.00 : ternoon in the church basement. home on Sunday were Miss| YELLOW SKY" | : i SIAMIAG y 'Y THOMPSON Oct. If y { DURE Aion LOMPSON rei 1 Hol Jou Have any zoo dent, and vice-president, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Marshall 4 HOWARD KEEL - * TINA 2 LOUISE : : . Walter Carson took the chair. and family of Pickering. GREGORY PECK eo RICHARD WIDMARK : In the absence of the presi-/Marlyn Tripp of Whitby and] lv sacrament of communion was donate, please call to have it h : a q : p ~~ Mrs. Robert Shank of Yukon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brooks A inister S$ - picked If d t k ~ \ ---- aministered on Sunday morn: pitked up YOU £0 Dot OW showed pictures and told of her and family of Guelph visited id ADDED FEATURE JUST FOR FUN! ing by the minister Dr. W. A. any of the members to contact,' 3 k . y gy : -- McKay call Mrs. Rose Stroud or Mrs. experiences in the Yukon. with the latter's parents, Mr. ; Added Thriller! THE OLD Joining the congregation by Ivy Thompson The Active Service Class met and Mrs. Frank Coultis. 7% profession of faith were Mr. and Mr. Edward Burkholder of the Wednesday evening at t he : Visitors at the Irving McAvoy BROOKLIN HOUSE Mrs. John Marks and Mr. and Base Line road was rushed by home of Rev. T. Fleetham oi iis on Sunday were Mr. and nn "" Old-foshi i Mrs. Hazen White. Mr. and Mrs. ambulance to East General Hos- Greenwood Mrs Jack Tulley and daugh- RA AR | -fashioned Dinner , , , Elgin McGinnis joined by trans- pital two weeks ago (Sept. 22), The theme for the evening ter of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.| Old-fashioned Flavor! fer of membership from Silver-' when he collapsed at work. For was "My Cup Runneth Over". Nerval McAvoy and family of| CINEMASCOPE AND COLOR thorn United Church about a week he was partially Business was discussed, Layton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack BRIAN KEITH * RITA An interesting guest speaker, paralyzed and suffering severe Patches were brought in to Ward and daughter of Clare- Thanks ivin Dr. Anderson, a medical mis-|pains. At last report he was be- start on a quilt mont. ® Extra © 9 9 sionary on furlough from India. ginning to: recover the use of The salvage papers were to Mr and Mrs. Stan Watson of : o spoke of his work. He knew and his limbs and the pain was eas- be picked up at any time. Markham had Sunday dinner 'THE LITTLE RASCALS" Dinner worked with Miss Muriel Bam-/ing Cards were sent out to the with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil- iN = Steak, Turk 4 ford for the last three years in| Visiting Mary - Beth Mc- sick. son and family. "FIRST ROUND-UP" p i Buck : Gabriel Deh Frankie Damme the same hospital Clement of the Base Line on the! The Mt. Zion 105th anniver-| Mrs. Gertrude Briggs of Osh- i or op) o Lyle Talbot Evelynn Eaton In January they, along with weekend were Gina Dowey and sary was held on Sunday morn-|awa spent the weekend with vith oll the trimmings ather Canadians, were present- Marilyn Elgrave of the Ontario ing and evening. The two ser- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones -------- ed to the Queen in New Delhi. Ladies College, Whitby. vices were taken by Rev. John! Mrs. Lloyd Wilson returned ~-- oa ET ET -------------- 2 ' About three vears ago the Mrs. James Harris and Mr. Veals of Caledon East and as- home after spending some time CHILDREN'S PORTIONS United Church of Canada Mis- and Mrs. Douglas Willis and sisted by Rev. T. Fleetham with her sister and brother-in- Va Price DOORS OPEN SUNDAY 1 sion was integrated with the children of Toronto visited Mr. The Telegram of Toronto held law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carson DOORS "WHERE THE UND 30 p.m, United Church of Central India. and Mrs. Walter Willis on Satur a sing song service in the church in Washington, D.C. OPEN Missionary funds are used for day. on Sunday afternoon led by Mrs. William Harbron en- 11:45 P.M Sunday & Monday BOYS ARE" continuing the educational work, hospitals Congratulations to Mr. and Rev. T. Fleetham. tertained on Sunday, Miss Mab-| ! and evangelical work, The edu- Mrs. Melvin Gordesky ¢nee Bev- PERSONALS el Harbron of Richmond Hill " ba : | 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. bul) AANKICIING DAY acaticoal work is mainly at the erly Junkin) who were married Mrs. Allan Carson and son Mr. Lorne Carson and Miss A gy LOOK INTO ET NE. ) lisp IRNOV " For reservations call: # primary school level. but there on Sept. 23. They are living in returned home from the Osh- Doctor Nancy Armburst of p: t also is a high school for girls Whitby. awa Hospital last week. Orillia visited on Sunday with THE INNERMOST DEPTHS ; IN COLOR with and one for boys The Kiwanis Convention at Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jamie-' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carson, # i BROOKLIN HOUSE MARIO LANZA U The hospitals in India are al Quebec City was well dttended -- - ---- ee | -- OF A WOMAN'S HEART... is 655-4551 most self-supporting with the M|by the local club who won a | ' # - used for memorial gong that they AND A MAN Ss DESIRES! : i and M money being nurses and their training. brought home. This was the top | 2 Yale Bg 4 . helen In the next few years the award in the 0-Q-M district A y % " evangelistic work should be 50 A ribbon was also received per cent self supporting with the for the best club of the White 3] i Indian workers ED 5 up a section or small club section EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 2 ¥ OSHAWA large percentage of the workers. Representing the local club were & As Dunbarton United Church|Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell AT kroini uL Nt Ew : 3 A celebrated: World communion Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riddell, Mr. THE P Ukrainian 5 [ service, the churches in India and Mrs. Sonny Mounce, Mr Hall iw RUST ' were also with a few minor dif- and Mrs, Frank Signoretti, Mr 681 Edith St | ferences and Mrs. E. J. Annis, Mr. Don- In India, flat unleavened and Annan and Mr. Lorne (Just off Bloor -- 1 Bleck East of Ritson Rd) wafers are used with wine of Sharkey Modern Dance Hall New Orchestra hoil L i ta p Yohled Tusin juice laken Jrom ST. ANDREW'S REFRESHMENT COUNTER OPEN ; The communion service was THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401. . .PHONE 723-4972 i well attended. It was conducted QUITS evn, 8 ats Tao © REE A -- cht TONIGHT ! | ALWAYS A COLOR | STARTS SUNDAY! gregational meeting was held yy, BOX-OFFICE OPEN 7:00 SHOW STARTS AT 7:15 Hunter preached a stir oe ge" A. ring sermon on the cleansing of | [3 AINE 'N AIR:CONDITIONED ekers noe | || LAST compLETE sHow | CH REE KibDire: © | ONE SHOWING ONLY the agenda -- the organ fund, i} 1 < d- said ul the Cedar Glen Retreal Centre, partake of the Lord's Table with COMFORT ON SALE AT AT 9:00 PLAYGROUND SUNDAY | and the visitation of Bay Ridges (pe spirit of Thanksgiving and BOX OFFICE - All Color Show! ALL COLOR SHOW! reports Faith TO THE MUSIC OF 3 On Thursday afternoon the N . : : FREE MILK FOR THE Wa hela iday afternoon the Next Sunday will be Thanks. Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra °. : BABIES AND FREE ing Si 0 Anni S$ mm ---- r---- -------------- BR RR Lr POLISH NATIONAL uy THE DEADLY [dtr Alte the morning at 11 a.m. and in UNION HALL SERVICE! Next Sunday morning v b 3 , a special Thanksgiving, service. Hog" nk, at 7.00 pm. Rev. ' : RS AMOS PLAYERS iid ¥ | COMPANIONS PRESENTING THE PERSONALS Oshawa's Largest Public Dance nebia HT brook Presbyterian Church will § | / Lorraine May returned home pe the guest wire nl \ 168 BANTING AVE | AVISION HE COLOR FINEST IN HOLIDAY : nd from Ajax Hospital on Sunday music also by both Junior and ¢ DOOR PRIZES FOR LADIES = iy IRON ENTERTAINMENT morning after a hout with pneu- Senior Choirs. The YPS met FUN FOR ALL EVERY SATURDAY 8:30-12 | = w "{2ovewTuRe Plus comeny! monia Sunday evening and saw a film aren Busbolder of Base on the work in Formosa. ete] n , SUNDAY Livdiday on Set 25 : CinemaScops 2 PAE 1 MIDNIGHT! we BABYwo we arr Mrs. Vera Panagpka was quite ill last week with the flu METROGOLOR BOX OFFICE OPENS BATTLESHIP Last Monday evening Mrs oo a i ik 11:30 Jul M Hopkinson was hostess p axine Hoy n was ho 4 : oe GIANT TRIPLE John MILLS se ATENBOROUGH at a cup and saucer shower ten- dered to Miss Ruth Irish of 2c, SAN ; ALL COLOR Firat ahs bi march SHOWN CARNIVAL of FUN! a F/ war courier, sow Pickering ; HORRORTHON! AT 9:00 Ph. y A ian i ONCE A ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Mon.-Tues.-Wed, Only ! «+ The n-We-Go Auxiliary is = a roldng se 4 sale at ONLY ! MON DAY, AT 11 :30 A.M. ONLY boning fh. " n nin A Ce! Studs Home on Fairport road JUST FOR FUN! A WACKY TALE OF A MIXED-UP-PUP AND HIS THIEVIN PAL! : "Car Production | Ni} Yel 2 WALT DISNEY MGM yar 'Takes A Jump motor - vehicle production this ' y f THAT . week is estimated at 6,808 units] li 4 y COON HAYWARD - MARTIN compared with 3.962 last week. | Ll adn Homubile : { Fd ads iii : MARTH BASH © 2 et VER Production this week consisted 3/177 Ea ------ of 5642 cars compared with 3.190 last week and 1,166 trucks compared with 772 Production to date this vear is estimated at 278.289 units PLUS ADDED FUN 206% A compared with 305867 in the | : corresponding period last year b COLOR CART From sharecropper's shack to governor's mansion, --made up of 228735 cars com- NS 6 TECHNICOLOR CARTOON FEATURLITE she clawed her way up to success! pared with 248.066 and 49.554 trucks compared with 57.801. | also THREE STOOGES COMEDY Lem 4 . WHAT WAS THE TRUTH ABOUT ADA? Car production by companies this week and this year to date snc recnrmea o with figures for last week. apd S77 i : ' STARTS SUNDAY Fe EE MANAGEMENTS the corresponding period last o OM x / 22 ¥ year in brackets i REGEN | i SUNDAY MIDNIGHT 12. s American Motors 266 (203), $.080 (nil); Chrysler 1,123 (1.- ply oihy primed, 035) 32,761 (38.167): Ford 1,822 ' ak Motors 2307 (ui) 17135 0351 gpg TOON 'MARINES LET'S GO' "or er Stuteppar . Packard 19 WN ONCE ONLY MONDAY, 00T. 8th AT 1 30 AM. | MM uso 'THE LONG ROPE' (157), 4,028 (4,045), : i er gos en Tn A TR ad a