The Oshawa Times, 4 Oct 1961, p. 24

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SPE SEN ee 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednessey, werener 4, 1987 \ THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 14--Employment Wanted LADY will take care of child by the day or week in her own home, Tele- phone 725-4356 for further inf formation. 16--Female Help Wanted $23 WEEKLY for wearing lo North Atperican. Fashion voeks 01 merican Fashion Frocks 145 KING W. . friends. No canvassing, ex- Next to Western Tire perience necessary, North America 8-4401 Fashion Frocks, Ltd., 3425 Blvd., Dept. H-2858, Montrea] 39. We buy, sell, exchange used 1 fumiture, washers, TV, radios |EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Ap. and so forth at prices to top o eG West, Oshawa, onyone in the city. HIGHEST wages, housekeeper, 25 to 40, doctor's home, with two school-age Must live in. North-west To- ronto, recent references. Telephone col. lect CH 1-6651 or write Box 304, Osh. awa Times. CANVASSERS door to door, no selling. Telephone 723-2631 for further details. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wanted, good salary, recent ref Call 728-5416. 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m, NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50 and more can easily be earned by showing our i Christmas cards, gifts, toys, te friends and neighbors. Our exciting, 80- page, full-color catalogue makes it easy to get plenty of orders. No experi. ence necessary. Send no money. Write today for samples, on approval, of love. ly Christmas cards and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co., Dept. 16, 47 East Ave., Hamilton. RECEPTIONIST OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday te Fi ne By Bl Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 20--Room and Board $16 PER WEEK, two gentlemen or girl willing to share. Single beds, TV and laundry. Central. Telephone 725-9087. 22--Store Space & Garages OFFICE or store for rent, 18 Bond Street West. Two car parking call 723-1121. Corson and Young Realtors, 23--Wanted to Rent wiring, three DUTCH couple with two small chil. 0i0cks east of Shopping Centre, park: dren desire a small two-bed use, |N€._$50_ monthly. Adults. Boy. a with basement. Will look after it as own. [FURNISHED apartment and single References. 728-5833 5 and ho rooms, private entrance, 7 pom, central, parking, reasonable. Apply 96 Centre Street, 24--Houses for Rent MODERN two-bedroom apartments on IN OSHAWA seven-room house. Could be sublet. Close to shop Montrave Avenue, all conveniences,| THREE room apartment, equipped with ping, | Available early December. Also two. stove, chesterfield ard 3 usse acilities, bus and schools, Parking facilities. bedreom apartment on B it Avenue, 4 Telephon: CO 3-2413 for inf . BARGAIN $85 montuly; Bee seven-|y 1. 1 roomed house, newly decorated, cen. trance, parking facilities. tral location, oll heated. Children Wel-| Tete none" 7950070 Far. fuicer lcqime: | Thomas Street for sey feeb, 209 come. For appointment 728-1203. |; TWO-ROOM housekeeping apartment, MODERN six-room brick home, Sun- 79 MONTHLY and up, modern one or | Completely furnished. Come and see, set Heights, $105 sk d wo apartments, new apart.| Telephone 725.1588 or 137 Elgin 8 possession, Hyman Realtor. 728-6286. | ment buildings, all conveniences, beau. | East. FREE rent in return for board for|tifully decorated, centrally located. 725- father and two-year-old son. Write giv-|6674 od 728-5282. ing as many particulars as possible to Box 409, Oshawa Times, HOUSE two-storey, reasonable rent, located at 336 Drew Street. Will rent half or whole house. Apply 302 Osh- awa Boulevard South. FOR RENT -- adults only, new furnish- ed bungalow at Newcastle for winter Must be expe: a months uly: Require low rent 12 Sover asset. Write Box 417, Oshawa Times, |obrocs. TeiePh = lg S831 in giving full particulars. |SIX-ROOM two-storey brick, double iL wanted for |garage. Vacant. Commercial location, |King Street West. Reasonable to reli. able tenant, W. McAuley Realtor, 26 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent MODERN large two-room apartment, artment, pri. Iain Roos, private hErance. reirijer. Yate hath laundry facilities, central ator, stove, a lephone ou location close to bus. Adults . owly decorated. Close downtown. 728 phone 725.9685. only. Tels 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FURNISHED two-room ap: NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers ESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Money to Loan FIFTY to five thousand dollars. Any worthwhile purpose, lowest rates. fast "|service. Seaboard Finance, 29% Sim- el. (coe Street South. RA 8-6283. MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available on Second Mortgages. Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builders' Mort- gages ot reasonable rates. 26Y2 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act. MORTGAGE LOANS NO BONDS --TO PAY OFF YOUR BILLS --TO PAY OFF A MORTGAGE --FOR ANY WORTH- WHILE PURPOSE EXAMPLES OF ONE OF OUR F R E E PLANS AVAILABLE You Pay Loon Bal. | Borrow Monthly Term Owing $1600 *$37.65P.1. 5 Yr. Nil 2000 47.12P.). 5Yr. Nil 2500 59.89P.. 5Yr. Nil MONTHLY PAYMENTS INCLUDE ALL COSTS Other plans with lower BUSIN Accountants [Building Trades a HOME owners, sningling, fiat roofs, BE AR ina 00s all types siding, blown insulation caulk: a eo Pn le A 0 8% ONTEITH, MONTEITB, RIEHL and bartered Accountants, 725.3327. | 108 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax, WH 20890. VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE FURNISHED vacant heated apartment, private bath, close to buses and south Gene: 725-9641 after 7. THREE unfurnished cupboards, heavy duty m -ROOM Jrartment, on Naren enue, private, la room, TV outlet, parking, $75 EE " (hydro. Immediate possession. 728-1203. rooms, built-in CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Chorge unfurnished a bright and newly decorated. mim s kitchen equipped with built-in cupboards and sink. Centrally located. Apply 163 Bant. ing Avenue. 3 CONSECUTIVE 225 248 INSERTIONS 375 43 It not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to origina: orders for consecutive insertions Subsequent Insertions ordered at o later date constitute a new original order Professional and Business fistings $7.50 per month tor 3 lines daily Each additional line $1.60 per month, Each initial letter abbreviation, $ ond c sign, figure counts as © word. Box charge 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m the doy be fore publication except Births, Memorioms Cards ot Thanks which will be accepted until 9 am. Deadline for Lost end Founa ond Concellations 8:30 a.m. Office Hours: Daily 8 - 5. Saturday 8 12 REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be -esponsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise thon in | - writing, nor for more then one || : incorrect insertion of amy saver || 3--Pets & Livestock tisement nor beyono the orice || Wh charged tor o single insertion of || the advertisement in which error occurs And also reserve the right to classity advertising according tc its own classification in the case of display advertise ments The Times will not be helo -esponsible for more space 'thar that in which the actuol error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability of advertisement ore contained It any inaccuracies in ary form therein. Reason: e. Dial used materials. Estimates fre 728-6931 J. Foley. CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork- ing, all floor coverings. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 728-0850. i Ajax, | -- SE ~artage JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa. Whitby. Reasonable rates, Fully equip- ped and insured. Phone 728-3661. MOVING ? CALL CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL "and Co. artered Accountants, 1--Women Column »_ Chi 135 Simcoe Street North, LUCIENNE Beauty Salon. We special. ize In permanent waving, 20% Simcoe Street South. 723-9411. 2--Personal SPENCER Foundation Garments, In. dividually designed. Also Spirella gar- ents. Mrs, J. Hendershot, 324 Admiral shawa. ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Oct. 17th and 18th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. apartment, close to near south Gener WILSON snd BURROWS, Chartered "Accountants, 34 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA, G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-2571. BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res., 723.7605. 3 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTE and Co., Accountants and Auditors. Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 6 King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; F. Friedlander, B.Comm., CPA. 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- fied Public Accountants, Rid ve LT, t East, Oshawa, Ontario. 3509. fi pa *essmaking Auto Parts |DRESSMAKING and _ alterations on oT ESTERN TIRE -- Guaran-| ladies' and childen's wear. Reasonable i ul parts and accesso. rates. Telephone 728-8666. ries. 145 King Street West, Oshawa. DRESSES made to measure, all kinds 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you. |of repairs for ladies' and children's |wear. Reasonable. Mrs, Marshall 723. Barristers i BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, 3olicl- tor, 3% Simcoe South. 725-0502. Res Fuel and Wood dence 728-0264. __|FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Ly TWO-ROOM basement. apariment, in quiet home, refrigerator and stove, use of bathroom. One block to bus. Reason able. Available now. 728-0894. |THREE-ROOM furnished ap: stove, refrigerator, young couple. No Very central. 74 Drew Street or telephone 723.4726. SELF-CONTAINED three-room apart. ment for rent, very central, Telephone FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment with porch, private entrance and bath, ground floor, parking facilities, bus at door, large yard, on King Street East. Telephone 725-3353, MUST SEE to appreciate! New modern apartment, five large rooms, wall to wall broadloom, colored bath, beauti- fully decorated, all conveniences, excel- | MO 8-2398. lent location. 728.5282. THREE-ROOM apart ot he pr Pca -- ---- 2 a THREE clean, unfurnished rooms, up-|and refrigerator. aa, hii wove per duplex, kitchen cupboards, hot era) Motors. $60 includes heat, light water, ample parking. Ideal for couple, and water, 725-8859. $55 monthly, Telezhone 726-8283, | MODERN Three rosa 350: fo) mati Prince Street, 723-2512 85765. NEW two-bedroom . - room a WOMAN as companion, help for elder- Tice Stree vi B12 or Mo we Ny tvs bedroom, a Sut ecte floor, new loiise, gar yale, an. ly couple, to live in, light housework, [NEW modern bungalow, three bed.(Cally equipped, including automatic trance, bathroom. Salt adults. 385 Ball. age 50 or over preferred. Write Box 436, Toms, Sencrated, North Oshawa dig; [Washer ang Sier. Sw pontaly. Fives Win Stieet, 728-4400, ---- e '|trict, only $95 per month. For more in- . he whontuly, gi n sParEment iL SACRO RE | Rg or eo 728-4956, Paved parking. Apply 213 Montrave| FOUR-ROOM modern apartment, pri. WOMAN to live In and care for 1hiee| oor PRON ------ | Avenue, Apartment 1, vale bath, cupboards in kitchen. Ine children, while mother works, for room |W HATBY, three-bedroom bungalow, ex- THREE-ROOM, Cludes heating, hot water, parking. Pos- pro gd cellent location. Phone MO 8-3083. EE-ROOM, ) session November 1. Apply 254 Malaga board and small remuneration, |°¢/\€Nt location. Phon "oo q partment, private bathroom, TV out-|Road after 5 5 yi Write Box 115, Osh, _____|SEVEN-ROOM house, Harmony R 0 a d|jet, use of automatic washer and dryer, | - A sacs a TWO part-time waitresses wanted, Ap North, $85 monthly. Vacant October 1. reasonable rent, central, Telephone | THREE bright unfurnished rooms on ply in person to the Envoy Restaurant! LE RE second floor with balcony. Good locality, 522 Ritson Road South. [8 hoon! house. two bathrooms, | THREE-ROOM basement _spartment/| snone 720 pun hoyr Leber 1. Tele: BOOK-KEEPER wanted, experienced | "0 kitchens, oil furnace. Immediate business couple preferred, central lo-| -- od i ------ particulars. 5% day week. Good working condi. (Possession. Telephone 725-6184 or 728- | cation, private entrance, Telepione TWO. four. toom apartments, fu ed REGISTERED Dachshund puppies, six tions. Steady employment. Apply in/20. | 23-45i9 for further information. North. Avmtment a or Vyameoe Street weeks old, lovely house lly Telephone | E€rson to Mr. McDougall, Bad Boy FOR SALE or rent, sevpn-room house FRE Tn North, Apartment 8 or telephone MA 33430 Bowmanville after 5 p.m. Appliances, Kink Street East of Town | with 5% acres, telephone Pickering WH for more information. Line, Oshawa. {26753 for further information rent one month, heated, modern 3945. three rooms, kitchenette and bath- | MODERN three .bedroom ranch style Rug and Upholstery | 4--Market Basket 17--Male Help Wanted bungalow with TV antenna, in Apple a \1 Con REAL esmen, experienced in room, washer - dryer, $60. MA 3-5096 ASpt. 4, 63 King Street West, Bowman- -- mameoac---- etme abi m---- Hill, available October 15. Telephone CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and APPLES -- MacIntosh, Courtland, De. Estate salesmen, experienced | 795 77g P re-styled. Free estimates. See our malicious and Spys. Glenosha Farms, ville, 3 pr to take | terial for recovering. Dalton Upholster-| Townline North. Telephone 725-6089 for 212. for doctor's office. B n GIRL wanted for genera] houseowrk, live in, five-day week. Telephone 655. 4690 for further information. PHEASANTS for sale, $6 a pair. No. 2 Highway, about three miles west of | Bowmanville. J. Roeie. MA 3-2780. h- 8, Moi. |FOUR month old black American Cocker Spaniel, male, champion sired and registered. Telephone WH 2.6428, UTIFUL baby budgie ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, FOURTEEN colonies of bees and equip- ment for sale. Telephone Mr. Cutting, RR 3 Bowmanville, 725-7580 for further Oshawa Times. [. SALME A, Barr .|able for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces. . T. SALMERS, BA, Barri Solici- a Tigh 13% Simcoe Street North, Telephone 728-8535. = Office 723-1101; Residence 725-5542. |FUEL and stove oil, constant metered RICHARD H. DO! [supply. ~ Y. Young, RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, Supp Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe (728-8727. North, 728-2891. Res. 728-2765. BRUCE V_ MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% King Street East 728-2381. Res.. YU 52127 THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- me and Notary Public, 26% King Street East. Phone 728-1763. JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street 723-2269. NHA and private sc cf <4 oc --Furnace cleaned every A PLEASANT self-containe ed apartment, new stove, TV outlet, ample closets, good neighborhood, $70, 728-8836 after 6, TWO - ROOM furnl apartment, stove, refrigerator, hot and cold water, suit couple or two gentlemen. Apply 448 Drew Street. year ~""Round the Clock' 24-hr. burner service ----Automatic delivery --It's "White Rose' Unified Fuel Oil WESTERN Olt. CO. 725-1212 LOUIS 5. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soll- citor, Notary, Alger Bldg.. 37 King Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. | RALPH JONES, i = Thomas H) & , Associate Barristers an oli- | . . EE "Kin Street East. 128.6246 | Furniture Repair Mortzage loans available. | FURNITURE Tools Te Sal GREER and KELLY, Barrister. Solicl French polishing. Our specialty anti. Simcoe Street South. ques. Satisfaction guaranteed. 728-8451. Residence WAL ges: | J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368: Ter-| ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. 51 - | MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North. 725.3566, Charles C. MeGibbon, C; Edgar F. Bastedo, ¢ oa MPHREYS, BOYCHYN MAN, Barristers, Solicitor: R. O. Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillm: LB: 36% King Street East. Phones: 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761: 725-5203. Money to loan. JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232. 725. SELF-CONTAINED four - room unfurn- = 6. ished apartment with heavy wiring, charge of a new subdivision close to| TWO-FAMILY bungalow, large modern central, suitable for business couple. ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. further information. Oshawa. Prospect list available. Must Kitchen, and living room, three hed.|Telephone 725-4837, ing, Aares Juree, mani. | em Snore ------------ |have car. Splendid commission arrange. rooms, four-piece bath, self-contained, CHESTERFIELDS re-built, recovered | TOMATOES, 50c. bush rrots, 75¢.; ment. Apply Box 620 Oshawa Times. |three-room basement apartment, price MODERN three-room warm, dry base. ment apartment, All conveniences. Prie vate entrance and bath, laundry room. Can be seen any time. 723-3218. FOUR-ROOM apartment with private bath, entrance and basement. Adults only. Apply 320 Verdun Road after all kitchen d stove, Park Road North. separate entrance, 97 Telephone 723-2764. SELF - contained ground floor rte ment, Simcoe Street South, near south General Motors, garage, use of base. ment, Telephone 728-8520. UTILITIES paid, three-room unfurnishe ed apartment, private bath and entrance heavy duty wiring. Oshawa Blvd. South, Reasonable. Telephone 728-6108, TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished for lady, or older couple. Apply 756 Gifford Street or Telephone 725-6792. THREE - room apartment and bath, hardwood floors, private entrance, heated, parking facilities, garage ¥f de- sired. Telephone 723-4847. IN new home, two-room furnished apartment, for two gentlemen, refriger- Gardening and Supplies TOPSOIL ond Front End Loader with truck available, 655-4746 EE. R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE contained four {rooms and bath, separate entrance, bus |at door, parking, furnished. Adults only, TRC NEWLY decorated four - room apari- monthly payments available, 3 TOES h . Toom 8p |like new. Why pay more? Our rates|SPanish onions, $2.50; cooking onions, MARRIED man, 24.39 for route sales, cduced for good tennant. Call L. §. North GM. quiet home, heavy wiring, A . t, water Adul 5. and ask for ZE 7-6540 (no H rat Ya-mile east of Nichol's Garage, Cour- ; | 2eaL, Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Ld ati | TWO-BE .y tice. Go north to first corner. cation, car necessary. Box 339 Oshawa DROOM bungalow, located at toll charge). Others call |Co, 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725 WINTER potatos: 75 pound bag ¥izs | TIme*- Oshawa Blvd. North. Vacant with refrigerator o STERF ran al aha b: A vi v. o | a a. . BARFRIED CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re. FCC, bag, free delivery. Telephone 635. |; coc) MAN = experienced Ltd., 182/IN COLUMBUS -- five-room house, cup. ne 723-2764. H ------------------_|Simcoe South. Telephone 725-2066. boards, hot and cold water, heavy wir-| FURNISHED bachelor apartme t, bed Mod Upholstering, 142 Simcoe [---- ee Wheto ". I | 4 partment, ENTERPRISES a toe 728.6451, free estimate. A PROGRESSIVE heating company | I¥; Outside plumbing, near school, $45 sitting room, kitchen, fully equipped, S rs year round employment for suitable MODERN six - room bungalow, oft | TV outlet, bus stop, business couple. Mortgage Brokers Assn. urveyo 3 d CAPONS applicants. 725.4729, forced air heating, storms, screens, 723-4967. C ial Blue | an {November 1. Apply 254 Malaga Road ork es ario Land Surveyor, Commerc! . {bondable, good future for strong, alert, |M gag printing. 11 Ontario Street. 725.5632. | Dressed and Delivered doe or oot, future for Strong. alert, | after 3. {at door, pas p--r |723-7763 King East. ranged. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage Bro-|Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue | | Apply Owens, Cherney rent at Oshawa lakefront. Telephone | THREE-ROOM upper duplex, private en er, 101 Dundas West, MO 8-3338, | East. Phone 725-6881. FRANK HOAG | Brothers, 80 King Street East. (725-3198. |trance, all conveniences, heavy wiring, mt a---- ROSSLAND ROAD WEST {WANTED man for part time light parcel i |delivery. Reply to Box 418 Oshawa |galow for rent, spotless condition, va- ne: am. to 530 p.m. Evenings nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Ty, RADIO, car radio repal Tin EA Or cant, possession, $95 month. Also, new | . Street East. 723-7232 makes Thompson Electronics, AVERAGE 3230 hourly, parttime.|, 0 "%) och 00 SCnt | » i , A possession, | A t f ol $1 up. Bring containers, |need three neat appearing men, 24 - 39 go month. Call Mr. Appleby, TE a ry ovS Aud refrigerator, <lvse ee awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vi- Road North, % North of Taunton Road. Times. pote edn i dud cinity. Residential, acreage, apart DEAD farm stock picked up Promptly, ee ment, private bathroom, near bus, h residents Il op. br 4 | Oshawa resident call P. are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed $1.75. Bring containers. W. Eymann, $117 pins expen 10 start. Siete edu. | Snelgrove Co. Ltd., 723-9810. ea i FURNISHED room Guelph TA 2-9062 collect, 0311 | PRESSMAN -- experienced on 10 by 15 October 15. Telephone Sunderland 76R2 | ine on Dx covered like new. Get the best for less 4690. m------ thly. Good roads. 728-2820, | requires installers for warm air heatin non |built-in cupboards, stove, refrigerator, Member of Ontario TURKEYS 5 |DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, On- TRUCK driver, experienced, must be Car South General Motors. Available NICE, clean. warm se | | " C R-ROOM winter oO tana: fou » s N | , Good starting salary and usual fringe FOUR-ROOM winterized cottage for FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, ar-|H, FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario| PHONE 725-6837 | benefits. ary ge { # | man N ve-room and one om bun. heated, paved parking. Telephone 725- FIRST and second mortgages. Sale| TV _ Radio Repairs ONE five-room and one bree bum p ? . Pome agreements purchased and sold. Hen . P mes five-room duplex for rent, upper and §;5 FOUR-ROOM self-contained apart. . Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). MORTGAGE loans, anville, h. " A E lo Bowmanville, Os Igoma Orchards, Thickson|for route work, 8 to 16 hours weekly. | 723-3398. John A, J. 'Bolahood Telephone 725-4569. ments, business. Members of Ontario $75 MONTHLY seven-room two. MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- taries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 26% King Street East. 723-4697. Resi- dence, Di Loin WERNER, DONALD BLA DODDS, Barrister | and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Mortgage Brokers Association. Sum- merland Securities Limited. 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 725-3568. CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- Top soil end sod. Repairing and lawn maintenance, patio and sidewalk slabs, 725-6047 Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi-| dence 728-5373. doch. T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. OSHAWA T.V. Free Survey Phone collect Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. TOP MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, collect. 24-hour, seven-day service. 6--Auction : AUCTION sale, Stirtevant's Ouction men, $1.50 per hour, Ty Box 342 Oshawa Times, | orey house, four bedrooms. south-east Oshawa, vacant, private drive, oil fur. nace. Apply 214 Mitchell Avenue, AVAILABLE November 1, five-room bungalow, all conveniences, on Gibb Street, $75 monthly. Apply to 109 Alma Street after 6. 75 -- FIVE-ROOMS, two-storey house, newly decorated. Apply 238 Kaiser car essential, Sales Representative Mon with good reputation == required by well-established MODERN 4-room unfurnished apart. ment in nice quiet new home, all con. veniences. Private entrance, near bus, reasonable rent, abstainers, adults. 725-9297. FURNISHED or ator, private entrance and bath, Parke ing space. Apply 314 Elgin Street West. THREE. room self-contained apartment private entrance, pat three-piece bath. Aj Dy 539 Albert Street or telephone apartment, self-contained, newly deco- rated, close to south General Motors, $55 monthly, parking space. Telephone 728-6016. TWO-ROOMED modern furnished base. ment apartment, separate entrance, pri- vate bath, parking. TV aerial, Use of a LA NDSCAF G and Estimates Room, 33 Hall Street, Thursd insurance company to se washer and dryer. Apply 73 Ritson South ON, FRASER, DRYNAN an IN 1 . | 1 et, rsday even- ¥ nh Crescent. CREIGHTON, g --- MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors. No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., ] t North. 723-3346; T. K. G. K. Murdoch. mort. gages arranged. oe JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. lic. The Ci 1 286 King NURSING HOMES SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home -- Ae- commodation for private and semi private patients, lounge, TV. Fully li- censed, new building, modern. Visitors welcome. Reasonable rates, Phone Newcastle 4441. All kinds of jobs in the Garden -- phone ENNISKILLEN GREENHOUSES CO 3-2263 Nursing Services West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking | available. RUSSELL, J. MURPHY, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2971. Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING { PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or half day, 8.30 to 5.30, 581 Simcoe North. 728-2604. ; OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 or 728-5804 |ing, October 5, at p.m. Large quantities of household contents con- sisting of dressers, chests of drawers, vanity, chesterfield, occasional chairs, sectional book-case, kitchen cabinet, bedding, end tables, rug, cedar chest, dining room suite, kitchen table and chairs, book shelves, floor polisher, vacuum cleaner, three rockers, lawn chairs, floor lamps, table lamps, {1adder, Dukes verandah blinds, tool v other articles too numerous to | mention. Terms, cash. Frank Stirtevant. FELECIFC Day Nursery now in oper | ation. Official opening in September. | Cal] 728-2412 for interview LTD, GRAVEL--STONE LOAM 723-3528 Optom etrists C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please | a at nD | y Bank or 74 Burk Street. invalids exam. | SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades WHITBY, excavating company. ging and ditching. MO 8-4172. 5 SPECIALIZNG in brick, block and ce. ment work, home repairs. Phone Mr Peter Wolters. MO 8-294 : ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. 728-0394, Gordon May a = YOUR local chimney cleaner Chim neys built and repaired, gas linings in stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- Di | LOAM-GRAVEL ined at home. Dial 725-4587. | F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- | etry, the examination of eyes, contact] lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. HARDSAND SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS | three | children. Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. | | LANDSCAPING Fall Sale of Nursery Stock. Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, Bulbs. 725-1721 55 GLOVER RD. Painting and Decorating |VAN HORN DECORATING. Paper hanging, interior and exterior painting. {Free estimates. Alan Van Horn. Tele- {phone 728-2822. DODD & SOU {ER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED TRACTOR, LOADER WORK 77? WHY Because we give -- Real Service Fost SAME DAY! Efficient SAVE MONEY | Experience SATISFIED ! DRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes checked, glass and tuner cleaned, set up for best picture ! 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent is COTTAGE on Mitchell , Trent Canal System, 58 miles from Oshawa, bedrooms, hydro, heavy duty one month oid. Safe beach for Treed lot, $3,900. Can be financed. Call 722.1005 after 5. DON'T do it yourself! Let one of the experts listed under 'Business Serv- ices" in Classified do it for you. Check Classified now. 12--Articles Wanted WANTED -- electric range, heavy duty, four-burner, 24" to 30", in good condition, reasonable. Telephone 728- 4138 after 5. cable, SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars tor wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone automobile -- fire and other lines of insurance in Oshawa. LOVELY 1%-storey brick home, fully landscaped, fruit trees, in back yard, 1036 Cedar Street, $95 Avail. FOUR-ROOM apartment, al] conveni- ences, laundry, separate entrance, hot water free, bus at the door, Apply 165 Verdun Road Telephone 723- 3096. 725-6124 after 6. THREE - room apartment, newly deo corated, close to north General Motors, able November 1. Apply 1038 Cedar Street. THREE-ROOM stucco bungalow, south district, furnished or unfurnished, land. scaped, large lot. Telephone 728-3545 for further information. 30 years of age or over and married. We will provide troining and sales assistance. This is a full-time position. private bath and entrance. Bus close, Telephone 723.9615. THREE rooms and bath, partly fam nished, reasonable rent, heat. lights anf water included. Telephone . $75 IN APARTMENT building, three THREE-ROOM apartment, with rang- ette, sink and stool, suitable for pen- sion couple, $50 monthly includes heat, and hydro, also four-room upstairs apartment, gas stove and refrigerator, $60 monthly, with heat and hydro. Tel 7 Please write in confidence to BOX 314 -- OSHAWA TIMES EATON'S IN OSHAWA Requires An experienced FURNITURE SALESMAN Salary and Commission Apply Personnel Office T. EATON Co. Ltd. OSHAWA SHOPFING CENTRE THREE-BEDROOM home, large living room and kitchen, finished recreation room, Will rent with option to buy. For information, 725-360 FIVE-ROOM house, hot and cold water, in Brooklin. Telephone 655-3368. FIVE. all conve: M brick bungalow, ga e, oil heated, i t required. Telephone 725-8188. NEW e-room bungalow in Rossland Heights, oll heated, close to bus and schools. Available now, Telephone 725- 4093. FIVE-ROOM house, three.piece bath able November 1, will decorate. 171 Kal- ser Crescent. 725.9510. ideal location, suit couple, immediate possession, Telephone Toronto 8.92959. _ |FIVE-ROOM |(two bedrooms), self-contained, heavy possession, centrally located. references electricity supplied, at bus stop. 88 room on Nassau Street, hot air, avafl-| er lrescent. 725-9510. ______|room apartments for rent, WHITBY lovely six - room bungalow, | HU | 725-6544. John SALES TRAINEE 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 23-3757 after 3. $90 AND UP extra large two-bedroom apartments, stove and frig, free wash- er and dryer, paved parking, locker space, close to downtown. Call 725-6544 or 725-8333. room apartment, stove, refrigerator built-in cupboards, laundromat, parks ing. 725-3938 or 68 yne Street. THREE-ROOM self-contained with built-in cupboards and Wb: age also: available. Telephone for further particul GROUND floor self-contained two-room ment. Immediate possession, ofl Telephone 725-6184 or 728-2017. THLY~--Third floor apartment, one bedroom. self-contained. private ene trance. parking. 348 King West, or 725-5132. th, gan 725.0180 rtment, unfurnished, duty wiring, heated, hot, cold water, el 822 King Street East. Available. Apply |g on premises, Thursday to Saturday, 6 to 8 p. Bata, THRE M ent, unfurnish- ed. Private entrance and bath, range, parking facilities. Apply 730 Simeoe Street South. 723-2315. SIMCOE NORTH -- Modern two-bed- including stove and refrigerator, ,aved parking. To inspect call Mr. Siklock now at ohn A. W. Bolahood Ltd, EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONTHLY Realtor. MODERN three-room upstairs apart. ment, private bathroom and entrance, TWO partly furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, sitting room, use of re- frigerator and stove. Reasonable. Tele- phone 728-9804. FOUR-ROOM apartment, private bath, hot and cold water, heated. garage, centrally located. Telephone 725-8702. REQUIRED to assist in Sales and De- livery, Must be aggressive ond willing to learn quickly in order to advance with a stove, refrigerator in kitch- stops at door. Telephone Also 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK en, bus 725-6473. APARTMENT to rent, two bedrooms, bath, living room and kitchen. Apply 356 Simcoe Street South. Telephone 723-9363. AVAILABLE October 1. four-room and rapidly expanding organiza- tion, Apply by phone for appoint- ment-- MR. FERTILE FIRESTONE STORES 190 KING E.,, OSHAWA 725-6566 mates. 723-2997. Sik HOMEOWNERS! Beautify and increase the value of your home with Reynold's Aluminum Siding and Colonial Stone. Eliminate painting forever. As low as| $5 weekly. Industrial Home Constru tion, Box 406, Oshawa Times. SPECIAL in roofing and oe pairs. Also all type home remodeling | Free estimates. Phone Harry 7232413 | THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath and entrance, centrally located, close to bus, ample parking. Telephone 728- 5948 for further information. CENTRAL LOCATION --- Four-room furnished apartment. Heat, hydro and garage. Also furnished bedroom in pri. vate home. 728-5916 after 6 HEATED, four-room apartment with bath, immediate possession, located two-room flats in private home, TV outlets, equipped kitchens, utilities in- $95 MONTHLY id in rent. Apply 17 Elena Avenue. Telephone 728. 5282 U R t apart. ment, private bath, heavy wiring, utili- ties paid. couple with young child. 73) 26--Rooms for Rent FY suit gentlemen, Central Park North, 728-6888. room, parking space, laundry, breakfast, bus MODERN, QUIET at door. Apply 356 Park Road South or DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 Reasonable Rates DIAL 725-2156 NUMBER ONE TOP SOIL A TOWER ? TRY US! Moving antenna? Same day? Repairs? As good as new? TRIO TELEVISION 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Personal Service OCTOBER Special, shampoo and set, $1.50 and permanents, $4.95 and up. |Gerda Beauty Salone. Call for appoint- | |ment. 728-2641. | FREE estimate on digging basements and grading by bulldozer. MO 8-5612, | OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inches in | 130 days. Home rentals for vibratory belts. Barrel massagers. Slim.Rite Cen. | 6-YD. LOAD -- $8.00 171. BOND EAST 728-6781 |. TURNEK 723-2043 - 723-3374 close to North General Motors. Call Alan Dayes, 725-1636 between 6.45 and 7 p.m., Monday to Thursday. 18--Male or Female Help 2-BEDROOM BRIGHT furnished bedrorm in quiet home, very central iocation, continuous -- |'10-YD. LOAD -- $12.00 DRIVEWAYS | 723-3162 First-Class Workmanship - Guoranteed - Reasonable Prices | struction ATOR Bho E teacher, student counsellor, | N ITED {16 peas' experience, by interview only. | {Act now, 725. 5 PAVING CO. |Giviav wae wassa pase Dancing School, 728-4801 |DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School, Acro- | batic Friday and Saturday. Masonic Temple, Centre Street. 723.7283. HOME OWNERS LORRAINE School of Hawaiian Music, tyle, guitar, acces. Roofing, asphalt - flat. AR ry Chimneys -- cleaned, rebuilt, sa lined for gas and oil. Eavestroughs -- cleaned, repaired Water-prooting - -- interior, exterior your local contractor ONTARIO CONTRACTORS 728-0344 APARTMENT ot 15 GIBBONS STREET. Adults only or with children over 12. Apply at Apt, No, 2 in same building. NOW RENTING Wanted | y To SALES help wanted, Housewives wel. | 13--Business Opportunities| come for Pickering, Ajax, Whitby and hise | eee Brooklin, etc. Telephone solicitin, fro; PHILCO-BENDIX Launderette our own home. For information tele: i} available, coin operated, King-Kol {phone MO 82387. Mr. St. John, Launderette and Kleenette, to be open- ed in Ajax, Ontario. Initial investment 20--Room and Board - ROOM and board ava approximately $6,500. Information upon MACHINE request. Koin Laundry Sales, 188 Uni. versity Avenue, Toronto 1. Care of tiac Inn, home cooks packed, have TV loun 0078. SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO {arty Bennelt, ROOM and board for working girl in private home, near north General MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 | ear lease. Groen siamo to a s00 smn. | 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. |Phone 725.3167, 9 to 5. P.O. BOX 329 Motors and Hospital. Home cooked Telephone 725-6449. Terrific Opportunity and board for one gentleman, WHENEVER New in Canada French cooking, lunches packed, park- You Have 'Anything ng, pundry done. 103 Mill Street. TO SELL -- OF A VACANCY TO RENT Phone THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Dial RA 3-3492 tre, 204 King Street East. 728-4501. (collect) hot water. Only five minutes walk to downtown. Telephone 725-0393, FURNISHED light housekeeping room, reasonable, centrally located, lady red. Telephone 725-3751. ISHED bedroom, near King and Ritson, ot water, parking, breakfast optional, abstainers only. 31 Rowe Street. 725-1365, NEWLY DECORATED furnished room, housekeeping privileges if desired, close downtown. 213 Albert Street. GROUND fioor, in new bungalow, two Bachelor and 2 Bedroom Apts. rooms (one very large), partly furnishe ed, cupboards, sink. close to Shopping Centre. lephone 728-5549, IN CT |Centre. Telephor Tdi NIPIGON AND ELG c R apartment building. Share living room and kitchen facilities. Girls only. Central location. Telephone 728- 2718 after 6 p.m, LARGE clean room, private home, cooking privileges, near four corners, suit one or two girls. Appiv 29 Char'es, -9128. TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe Street North. Telephone 725-6343, 9 a m to 5 p.m. SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK RD. CALL 723-2563 Modern, 2 bedroom apart- ments fridge, stove, paved parking. TV outlet -- For information Call 723-2563. MODERN 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Free washer and dryer, wall to wall broadloom. Paved parking. Close to Simcoe St. Apply Supt. Apt. 14 20 AVENUE ST. Available Now Large three-room apartment. 'Frig.. heavy duty stove, pri- vate bath. $70.00 monthly. Dial 725-5433 or 725-2267 $90.00 and UP 2 BEDROOM APTS. Spacious 2-bedroom apart- ments, decorated to choice. Extra large modern kitchen with stove and fridge, 4-pc tiled bath, free washer and dryer, locker space, paved parking. Close to Shopping Centre. Call 725-6544 of 725-8333 enytime, --- Well Drilling-Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING by TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french. fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes. MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER--725-3887 CAN. CORP. AUX. UNIT 42 CATERING For Banquets, Weddings, ete. For Information Call MRS, E, OLEY 725-2931 the Pon. meals, lunches . Telephone 725 le sories HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, {tap, RAD ballet, Highland. Register now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122. LEARN TO DRIVE at the Cshawa Driving School Professional Instructors Dual Controlled Cars. Standard and Automatic Day and Evening Lessons 728-0091 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay. Fer personal service at your home, call 725-1625. TI Built-in china cabinet, colored bath, frig., stove, free auto- matic washer and dryer, paved parking, T.V. outlet, We - are introducing into Canada a new product that has had tremendous accep- once in the U.S.A. and are choosing distributors for dif- ferent areas. No previous bus- iness backround necessary as we will instruct you in our dis- tribution methods. We would like to start you on a part- time basis with a small .in- vestment provided you are genuinely interested in build- ing this into full time busi- ness with our assistance, We welcome your most rigid in- vestigation and this may be the opportunity you have been looking for. Call MR. HAMEL of MELARD ASSOCI- ATES LTD., WINDSOR, at the Genosha Hotel, phone 723-4641, Room 506, and arrange for an interview 14--Employment Wanted SS ROOM and board for gentlem: close to Malleable, Pedlars and Duplate, six days per week. Telephone 723-2625 any- ime, LARGE room on main floor with pri. vate entrance. Two girls preferred, Board if desired. Telephone 725.0744 for further det SINGLE room and board or could be shared, close to Four Corners, gentle. men preferred. Telephone 725-5565. ROOM and board or room only, clean home, near Hospita) and north Gen- eral Motors. 10 minutes walk to four corners. Apply 240 Division, rE bamboo drapes. SINGLE or double ram, use of kiteh. en, washing machine, ladies or gentle $75 - $100 Monthly en, washing machine, Tadies or ge mn senira 0 downtown. Tele, TELEPHONE 7253150 725-1196 2-7 P M. FURNISHED, bright ('ght housekeaping room, clean, quiet, central, close to OSHAWA'S FINEST Park Lane Apts. ONE furnished light housekeeping room with frigidaire. Apply 163 Simcoe Street South. 2.Bedroom Suites Elevator Service Private Balcony Paved Parking Centrally Located Contact DON HOWE REALTOR 67 KING ST. E. 725-7732 Plumbing Heating CASH in on the high readership In "Personals" in the Oshawa Times Clas- sified Section, Dial 723-3492 now to get your ad in this popular column, JOIN the fun! Read "Personals" in the Classified Section every day. Don't miss ges you find there. MBING and heating supplies. Phone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer. ing. 255 Simcoe Street South ALL types of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates, Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J, Foley. BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps. SSO : <3 FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS CONTACT A. JAMES ALLEN Building Contractor 725-6126 Repairs Remodelling Additions Alterations Recreation Rooms Garages, Cottages Kitchens Remodelled NHA and Custom Homes TWO rooms, heated and partly furnish ed, suitable for two single tenants: cen. trally located. Call Alan Dayes 725-1638 between 6.15 and 7 p.m. Monday to Thursday LARGE, bright furnished room for gentlemen, willing to share, single parking. Telephone 728-3905 for informe ation, FURNISHED room in private home, separate entrance, five minutes from downtown and Shopping Centre, Home- cooked meals. Telephone 723-2338. GENTLEMEN preferred. Private home, single beds, quiet district, home cooking, lunches packed. Apply 79 Me. Gregor Street or telephone 725-6721. ROOM and board for one or two girls. Close to Shopping Centre and bus. Very Telphone 728-4997, NEED a job? The place fo find it is in the 14 Column of the Oshawa Times Classified Section. Check right now. Lawn Mowers WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call -- STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-3224 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 728-8671 I) well-kept room with or without board, quiet home, good loca- (tor. 11 Rowe Street. Telephone 728. |3350. pas -- -- ..|ROOM and board available at the LADY willing to take care of children (Pontiac Inn, home cooked meals, by the week, in her own home. Large |lunches packed, have JV lounge. Tele fenced yard, Telephone 733-4538. phone 725-0078. oil burners, hot water and forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night

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