EL. am ab a dd a EET THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnasduy, October 4, 1961 23 BRTHS | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange an Developing NET EARNINGS ADAMS -- Keith and Melva (nee n the birth | . Myers) re Happ Ibs 8 ors nh TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS ich Li 1LNe Saturday, September 30, 1961, at Osh: By The Canadian Press Stock Sales Wigh Liw a.m (1 awa General Hospital. Thanks to Dr 1 Toronto Stock Exchai Oct. 4 Miller and surap, (Quotations in cents unless marked 8. REINHARDT David and Muereta ¥ ; (nee Hull) wish to announc rights, xw---Ex-warrants Net change is 210 1 their daughter, Jane Louise from previous day's close.) 3 2 Odd lot, xd-Exdividend, xr--FEx. Pim Text 860 514% 14% a) Royal Royilite $i Russell 5 $10% Salada-8 200 $15% Bank 53 877% on day, October 3, 1961, at the Toronto Exquisite pr 250 13% 13 Seven Arts $101 General Hospital INDUSTRIALS Fam Play 163 isu SHORT -- Norman and Donna 11 Net Fibre 100 11 Montgomery) wish to announce the ar- Block Sales High iw a.m. Ch'ge Fleetwood % 16% $27% $42% $15 $471% rival of Susan Ruth, a baby sister for Abitibi $39% 39 39 Ford Com 5 153% - st ti 9 3 h eel Can xd 210 875% Danny, weighing 9 lbs. 11 ozs., on Sun. Acad-Atl " sios, 10% 10% --- Yh Gat Si pr B 109% Vi Suptest ord 750 $137 14% 14% - av, October 1, 1961, at Oshawa Gen- ARs ow 100 100 100 L10 28% 28% - Tor-Dom Bk 300 d eral Hospital Alta Gas $o0% 34% MU -- 4% 2 RY 5% 505, 505 T Fin A 540 AltaGas pr $107'5 107% 107% -- * : 12 12% + T Fin B 230 WILKINSON -- Neil and June (nee rrp i SE fed Iz T Fin 57 w 505 Durham) wish te announce the birth of A LL 3 a ) ' ; 3 Alta Nat 19% k Tr Can PL 565 a son, Barry Neil (8 Ibs, 2 ozs on . « ' ' ; Tre Can Jes Tuesday, October 3. 1961, at Oshawa Algoma - W $15% 15% General Hospital. A brother for Teddy. mi os a ir Wpg vt 125 $15% 15% 15% 1 Analog Un Gas xd 125 Thanks to Dr. McLean and staff | Aum pr I A479 104 Grevhos 260 $161 16% U cop pr 30 Hardee 740 11 1 Vendomat 300 INTERESTING FAMILY HISTORIES| Argus 5 34 3 Hard Carp 150 $13% 13% 1 p ean be written with clippings from Atlas Steel 0: $30, 30%. 3 Horne Pf 445 300 383 385 +i Walk OW 1002 Jue Denawa Times of the Hanky Bank Mont Imp Life 135 $152 151 13 3 Won vt. a0 B 8S, ENGAGE Bank NS i 3 : IRTH A Imp Oil 544 346% 46% Weston A 50 MENTS and WEDDINGS. Notice for th nts only $1.50. Bring them to sified Counter or tele Bell Phone ; dl 1 Ac 225 pr 30 $47 46% he phone The Oshawa Times RA 3.3492. | { Brazil BA Oil Brown 5 $14% 1 inter PL 50 $76 76% DEFART, Blake al Pow 2 i Jnr Sin A is A Suddenly at his late residence, Brook an Bread 0 i i 210 340 lin, Ontario. on Monday. October an Cem 2 Tx pr 00 3% 1961. Blake DeHart. beloved hushand of I Fndry Kelly D A 225 $63 Maude Nancekivell and dear father of an Mat Kelvinator 1025 $11 Ialeen (Mrs. 1. Crawford), of Brooklin Pack B Relvin 2s Ma and Ruth (Mrs, R. Farrow) of Hamp Aviation g or ton, in his 62nd vear. Resting at the dn Brew ToC ws Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin dn Celan 24 Sa 293 Laurent A. 1300 Service in the chapel on Thursda Cel 175p A + Laur 125 pr 100 October 5, 1961. at 2.30 p.m. Interment | yur 444 Groveside Cemetery, HBrooklin. (100F| Chem w 20 5 0 Joy a Jon service by Beethoven Lodge No A and Rebekah Service by Kinoven Lodge No. 353 on Wednesday evening at 9.30 Chem F Prod 2p as In pr 4 5 Husky J 3 5 A MB PR 563 Pg N 1 s SANDERSON, Simeon (Sim) ice M ; M Ie Ma ns on od At Port Perry Community Hospital on Ind Gas } : - Mass-F 880 Tuesday, October 3, 1961. Simeon San ' 4 2 14a Ment CProp 1000 derson, beloved husband of the late I 1 350 $344 34 4 Met Stores 130 Minnie Ferguson. and dear father of § 1 ; 2 Milt Brick 200 Harry, brother of Unice (Mrs. Rupert a S03 9 Molson A 210 Werry) of Burketon. Resting at the ies i i Molson B 210 ( ( ( « ( « ( ( ( al E 0il Bath P A 1 3 3 " " Imp Tob 785 S14% 14 - 9 1 Beay lam 8 Ind Ace xd 1000 $32% 32a 32% Weston B18 22 A wis 417 Bow-M pr ¢ A 1 Ae wis 170 $20 20 n oo iv RA : 5, Inland Gas 200 $5% 54 Y Knit B30 Inind G w 100 140 140 Zenith DEATHS BC Frat xq S05 Jou ) ; W Int Util 100 $40 40 - nit | BC Phone ve 49% 49 Int. Util pr. 175 348 48 Anglo-Nfid 59 1 Asbestos 50 CD Sug 200 200 750 160 D Glass pr Dupont : Ogilvie 2 5 LOnt Cem 500 26 Price Br »24 $40% OILS 1 Alminex 200 208 6s Dixise 00 $3 : ' LobCo B 210 Asamera 2200 Loeb M 110 $2 2 y Bata 10000 Ld» 60) S Pete 200 Chi Del' dn I Ex Mic eftn 500 93 hi 150 390 ev 700 380 Gas 100 154 Del 1771 650 Mac 100 300 chapel of McDermott - Panabaker, Port i be 4 : Molson pr 75 3 Dome Pete 1325 Perry, for service on Thursday at 2 Ab En} . Mon Foods 580 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Cad JAR i 3 Moore 1859 mus od 220 N St Car 700 3 NO NGas 400 WILLIAMS, David James as 35. 42 : Oshawa A 635 vi 20 20% 41 P G Nat r Pl ong ains 600 $143 Point 2500 29 Mill City 8000 17 Pete 500 298 ac Pete 1320 $1 i Iv 2. Newcastle, on r 5 7 : 3 3 rameil ' Suddenly, at RR 3. News atic, i" 23 Page-Hers 1 2 a: 23% Pamoil 00 39 Tuesday. O 61. David James 2 2 2 Pina ris Permo 2300 41 kl i ed 23 months, beloved in 135 Williams, ag nth Phantom 135 Pr ace fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Kent a' 20 1s % 60 $563 5612 56 : Ponder 2500 54 Pow Corp tinms and dear hrother of Christ Y r " 7 7 0 2 P t et hapel 3 QN Gas 700 $64 rove Resting at the Morris Funeral : : 0 22, 223 . QN Gas wi 2390 200 195 2 5 Ranger 100 170 o nville. Service in the Chavel on D Bridge ' A od Rowma Y 4 Reichold 00 $12% Gas 100 Sarcee 1000 92 Thursday, at 2.30 p.m. Interment Bow ' lect ih » 2 Roe AV ( 660 36% 6% 6% 4 South 1 2000 manville Cemetery D Fndry director or phone 725.2327 $5 KING STREET WEST, RCAF On Exercises Road Details Flowers Nor eves Secs n. CARD OF THANKS HALIFAX (CP) -- Canadian Floral tributes, from 3.75 and United States navy and. TORONTO (CP Hespital arrangements | McINTYRE -- We wish to express RCAF units have moved into three proposed heartfelt thanks and appreciation , heen waters this week to road systems that are expected - Iv fresh flower and up Daily esh t many relatives, friends and CARNATION GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me FLOWER SHOP Mortal For piacement contact funeral Canada-U.S. Navy, Toronto Area y Tora fram our own greenhouse neighbors for the kindness and aym conduct a joint submarine war- to alleviate traffic Free delivery in Oshawa and ¥ shown us in the Joss of our be. fare exercise until 1980 were ph d husband and father, Donald wre Bowmanville atisfaction vant especially wish to thank Mr Operating in the week long day by Ontario guaranteed Phe lect verry fo MA 3 TIAY: 'after hours (if: Mules and ata He the aircraft carrier Bonaven- conference MA 3.2944 care and kindness shown; all donors of lUrE, five destroyer escorts, the, A (oilactor road system run rs -------- _- man 1 A vfferi h many beautiful floral offerings and the| British submarine Aurochs, the ning beside Highway 401 to han | kind and sympathetic understanding in local traffic will cost $50, GERROW FU NERAL our recent sad bereavement sho and maritime patrol air-{00 000 and a four-lane road lo CHAPEL "irs Donald McIntyre, Ralph and craft from RCAF bases at oa A Tiighway 40f And Greenwood, N.S., and Summer: oyiending fo Newmarket will Both are ex yet within reach of all Guilty To Charge The force involves 2,500 offic- pected to be completed by 1967 728-6226 i ers and men under Commodore Highway 404 will extend even - | M Stirling, senior Canadian tually to Gravenhurst and pro Of Manslaughter officer afloat (Atlantic) vide a route comparable to TORONTO (CP) -- Charles This week's exercise follows |Highw ay 400, only on the east Robinson Funeral Home for their verv|yi ied States fleet tanker Neo- dle Glenn Kindness beyond price side, P.E.L cost $13,000,000 KING STREET WwW EST LOCKE' S FL ORIST Roberts, 54, of Toronto, was re- another held off Labrador in-lof Lake Simcoe. Funeral errangements end |manded to Oct, 13 Tuesday af- [volving aircrews of the Bona-| A new Malton floral requirements for all ter pleading guilty to a reduce secasions. charge of manslaughter in the OSHAWA SHOPPING hammer slaying of his wife, Vi- corts Restigouche and St. Croix. 1963 CENTRE olet. 50. : Highways Minister Cass said I} HOUR PHONE SERVICE The woman's battered hody sons, Paul, 20, and Brian, 11./the department is also studying ; jes found April 6 in an apart. Roberts was originally charged the traffic situation al Ottawa ment where she lived with her!with non - eapital murder, iand London and other airports. 728-6555 his 2 words: Dr. Ren- exercise off Hudson Strait are highways officials out department of al a press Air d|venture's aircraft and opera- octimated to cost $1,500,000. will | tions teams of the destroyer es he completed by 1962 or early Details of mito - area congestion lined Tues port road COME AND GET IT! There's a Delicious for YOU at the SHORGAS AND IT'S FREE Sizzling' Steak waiting AR-B-QUE In front of the SHORGAS : : WH ER E : Showroom in the Oshawa WH E | u Friday night, Oct. 6th, from Shopping Centre. 7 pm.to9 p.m. ADULTS ONLY ~ THIS IS AN APPRECIATION BAR-B-QUE! way of expressing our appreciation fo the citizens of the Oshawa Arsa for their kee erest ond quick approve! of the wondrous world of Natural Gas , . . the modern { ! jel for heating, cooking, water heating, clothes drying, etc Your enthusiastic approval of sur preducts proves conclusively that Natural Gas is clean, dependable, completely safe -- and ~~ most economical Whether you now use Natural Gas or not -- we invite you ell te sur BAR-B.QUE. Come n {ow join in on the fun BULLETIN Arrangements have been completed with the COLEMAN CO, to hove on display at sur BAR-B-QUE the fomous which will show you all the wonderful uses of Geos . . . its peed, economy, its scheme in todays' way of living. / YOU DON'T MISS IT! g SANWIN, FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY, OCT. 8th [4 Gas RANGE Drop in at our Showroom, Fill FROM 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. tJ ODE Eh Nothing 'to buy ' iid be a winner! : Friday Night Only OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 128-9441 COLEMAN MOBILE UNIT 7 LUCKY DRAW na y the you 14 Net 1" 11 ¥ ,m. Ch' Sales High Low am. Ch Btock Sales High Low am. Ch Stock Sales High +. ow am. Ch'ge - Dom Stores 575 814% 14% W% + Roe AV pr $85 89 Tidal 2000 60 0 Lab Min 215 826 2 2% oon enic es | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Dom Tar $45 $18% 18% Rothman 11% Triad Ol 1000 15% 55 155 » Dufault 5 475 M5 400 1] fii ; nm : i EE yin | DETROIT (CP) -- General Horne and Pitfield Foods Ltd., Un Reef P1300 201; 2 230 330 Motors Corporation has been) year ended April 15: 1061, net : 108 1 La 53 31 8 {working a year to develop ve- profi Wshurne g : 9 5 4 2 al LER AY Bh Ihicles for travel on the moon, [loss $1.016,234: 1960, net J 133 +8 {it was announced Tuesday. "1 $246,506. ; 3 : 300 | Harold Boyer, general mana-| Abacus 1 M 3 4 Advocate 950 630 625 am as? _y ger of the corporation's defence Agnico 1000 102 102 Maritime 0.70 80 43 systems division, said three Anglo Hur 100 725 725 3 Marti R 3m ARE win os 1 Martin Bt Th models of moon vehicles are be-| A Arcadia 2:00 46 43 } McWat 1 i i ing tested. These are a three- Atlin-Ruf 1000 7% 7% 3 Merrill 67 axle vehicle, with large wheels | Bankeno 10100 45 2 5 Midr 3 35 J B Metals 300 7 +d bv 3 suitable for irregular terrain; a, Brae Lod § 5 Moneta La itracked vehicle, with the track m , ' A hl 3 ; Mi Wien of 0 - encircling the body of the m Cadamet 63500 813 + Nama Cr 4 13 3 chine, for use on either hard or Camp Chib 250 735 73% 3 New Alger 421 5 (soft lunar soil; and multipie- « E 4700 24) 23 y C a 300 107 or 1 Ne es 500 71 | screw configuration, which ca Cassar 4000 Sie 2% 1 Newlund 4 + progress in loose or fluffy soil ent Pa 20 : 134 1 S 1 i ry Cent Pore 14000 8 re enator 8 18 |even if completely buried. Coch Will 1000 445 Noranda 50 0% -- More than 500 persons are 3 Coniagas 2000 75 - Normetal E 5 2 working under Boyer at labor- z n-Key 000 18 Northgate. : : : | atories in the Detroit area and 240 240 Callinan 6500 9 8 ' O'Brien p - MS {near Santa Barbara, Cal. Discov 500 212 212 : O'Leary Halli 4000 12 2 42 Opemiskh 2 35 4 Marcus 6300 4143 93 3 84 aki, Orchan A: 9 S on M § 7R7 $2314 23% 23% Ormsby Mogul 1800" 104 104 Osisko Morrisin 3500 30 29 Parman ® 13 ! Mosher' 700 192 1 I rato" ) > | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Pest mo ila Ni Li Pee Expl HI ; Wi Hudson's Bay Company, 9 DID YOU KNOW th Coprand 575 108 if Pow Rou 5 51 cents per share plus 3% cents| of 4 wild flower with a blossom Coulee 40300 Fu a 1 Preston ? $ per share, Nov. 21, record Oct. shaped peculiarly like a pulpit? Craigt i. 1% 1h 12 Any BE ; pi o 30 Jack-in-the-pulpit is also one of Deer Hora 3000 30 291 Quemont f 3 Sherritt Gordon Mines Lid, the flowers in the new Brooks Denison 167 950 960 94 1 Rayrock : - 20 cents, Dec. 1, record Nov. Bond picture ecard series: Wild Nicknsn 3850 380 365 7! Realm 3 Dome 150 $24% 24% Rin Algom 1 030 9 3 10 Flowers of North America. Thess Donalda 000 614 61a 6 San. Ant " 5 r Webb and Kna W full-color cards are free in Red Elder 500 164 164 43 Sherritt 1320 505 3 + d ivid pp. (Canada) Rose and Blue Ribhon teas and El Sol S00 44 4% Sho Ltd, a dividend equal to § ph AT picrare cards have ach 7 wth a ST uhh cenis pre. common_ share, Oct, Safes, Al 43 lets ards irs ui Ol iu, S08 132 Steep 31 v8 > 12, in the form of 7Y per cent| goers on the backs, by artist- Mines 100 21% 21% + Sturgeon Giant YK 229 $10% 10% 10} Taurcan 50 5 ; debentures of Triton Shopping| peeyralist Roger Tory Peterson. Gr Jumng : Teck-H 30 131 181 13 Centres ILtd., in the principall 4y;a 47 COLLECTORS: To com- iraniue 400 370 370 Temag b 3 an t f $1 f h it f| Gunnar 1531 B95 AAS ' Thom L 0 63 3 mount '0 or each unit ol 5/00, your animal cord collection, Hard Rock 500 12 Tombill 50 12% common shares, record) gs, order form in packages come Hasting 500 115 1 Tormont 20 2 - 3 +1 Oct. 10. Dividend in respect of taining Wild Flower cords. H of Lakes 3000 2 9 Tribag b z i Headway 2000 47 6 Un Kenn im sii 11 11 "(units of less than 12}4 common] GOLLEGTOR'S ALBUM: Holds Jiigh-Rel 0 1 231 BL Upp. Can E ! shares will be paid in cash at| 511 48 Wild Flower cards. 25¢ st Hoes io a as ay : Varies 1 5% 8 rate of 8 cents per share. most grocers or from: Picture Hud Bay 3 3% 5114 31 Visp: 5 5 5 05 a ut--g, . Int 'Moly \ oral wm Bh 330 CITIES LEAD Card Dept., Brooke Bond Canada IntoMely. a A hi : Limited, 4305 Cédte de Lie Int Nickel 1 2% 820 a2 4 Wiliroy M4 : 1 Urban dwellers make up two- | Rd., Montreal 9, Que. J} Waite > 3 UN Young HG 15 0 40 A 4 thirds of the population in Can- Kerr Add 143 940 930 940 Sales to 11 a.m.: 999,000 lada. USEDCAR THE 62's HAVE HIT THE MARK! MAKES OUR YOU CAN Juy USED OAR SELECTION EVEN BETTER THAN now EVER! DROP IN TODAY ... YOU'RE SURE TO | coo FIND THE CAR OF YOUR OHOIOE ... AT THE | weEK.END PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY! TRAVEL 1957 DODGE 1955 1960 SEDAN with V8 engine, aute- CHEVROLET VAUXHALL matic transmission, redis. SEDAN, Clearing ot CUSTOM MODEL. Now only 795 *695 *1395 1955 FORD | 1957 PONTIAC | 1957 METEOR CONVERTIBLE CONVERTIBLE SEDAN with automatic, radio, power brakes, ond Rodin, 2-tene finish, with 'radio steering *895 *1385 51245 | BEEN LOOKING FOR A SECOND LADIES! CAR? -- LOOK NO FURTHER!! 1959 1959 o CADILLACS | AUSTIN SPRITE | HILLMAN ® OLDSMOBILES ol 2 Shorp in Roman Red CONVERTIBLE with custom radio, ® CORVAIRS a 875 885 CHEVROLETS 1959 1960 CHEVROLET AND THE BRAND NEW $ VAUXHALL CORVAIR SEDAN tore finish with automatic ond radie. "CHEVY 2" 5995 $1895 THE SPARKLING NEW For The Best Choice . . . Choose from the Largest Selection at ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND WEST LIMITED 725-6507