The trials held by the Up- land Bird Dog Club, north of Courtice on Sunday, had terized by keen competition among the dogs taking part. Sunday School a | large entry and was charac- | Ae Gp A EL DO Seen winners here At right is Beau's Boay, of Kingston. who won first prize in the open derby stakes. AL Br TRIALS BIG SUCCESS are two of the y owned by H. D. Hume, of Tor- jyistory". Hystye Lou, owned by George | At left is Mitzey, | Oshawa Teachers! Plan Institute | dhe Osha Times Oshawa Public Schoo! teach-|teachers library at E. A. Lovell ers will hold their annual Teach-| School with discussion of the] SECOND SECTION ers' Institute this coming Fri-|various aspects of special edu- ---- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1961 PAGE NINE day. An interesting and instruc- cation tive program has been arrang- Following the business meét- ed and the various discussion ings in the morning, a dinner groups are expected to be will be served in Harmony Unit- spirited. de Church Hall at 12,15 p.m. The kindergarten section will Dr. C. M. Elliott, MA. B.Paed,| # meet in the kindergarten of Dr. Ed.D., superintendent of Osh-| S. J. Phillips School. The awa Public Schools, will address speaker will be Mrs. M. L. Bap-| the teachers on the subject *Cri- tie, a kindergarten teacher with tically Speaking". the Toronto Board of Educa- Greetings will be brought by| tion, who will speak on *"Corre-|S. G. Saywell, chairman of the| lating Kindergarten with Grade! Oshawa Board of Education and| I: Fe m. En a . " W. J. MacDonald, BA, B.Paed,| Grade 1, 2 and 3 teachers will| inspector of Oshawa Public} meet in the auditorium of Rit- Schools. son School. The speakers will] Mrs. A. Trotter, president of be Miss A. Smith, supervisor of the teachers' organization, will the primary department, Wind- preside. Other members of )the| sor Public Schools and H. A. txecntive are: Dr. C. M. Elliott, | § Scott, inspector of publi ¢ W. J. MacDonald and T. J.| schools, Scarborough. Miss| Health, honorary presidents; Smith's theme will be *Con- I. Weiderick, past president; D. lerete Aids": while Mr. Scott| Peel, vice-president and Miss will speak on "'Arithmetic in H. Kearns, secretary-treasurer, | Pri v Grades." School representatives are: the Primary Miss J. Johnson, Mrs, J. Bar- The teachers of Grades 4. 5 rand, Miss D. Arnott, Miss L. and 6 will gather in the auditor- cyjjis, Miss D. Phillips, Miss ium of Dr. S. J. Phillips School D. Armstrong, Mrs. J. Frolick, with M. Dobson, of Toronto Miss B. Cummings, Mrs. A.| Teachers' College, as speaker Long, Miss J. Martyn, Miss G. on the theme "Arithmelic in icon Mrs, D. Alker, Miss D. Junior Grades'. Brown. Miss M. Knight, Miss The meeting of Grade 7 and/E. Ewart, L Piurko, Mrs. E. 8 teachers will be held in the Boyd, Miss M. Kerr, A. Hill auditorium of T. R. McEwen|Miss C. McGirr, Miss M. Honey, Senior School with E. J. Quick,| Miss C. Cook and Miss H, Par- of Toronto Teachers' College, as don. the speaker. He will speak on| Members of the "Correlation of Geography and| committee are: L. Mrs. J. Barrand and There will also be a special! Pardon. Choir Voice Test | 'Method Described The opening dinner and meet- suitable for the 8-year-olds sing- nominating Weiderick, Miss H onto, who won first prize in the restricted derby and the Smith Open Stakes Trophy. --Oshawa Times Photo Youthful Pedro Rodriguez , ing the Canadian Grand Prix | in his Ferrari Dino streaks | at Mosport, Saturday. Hol- past the wreckage of Bob | bert was taken to Bowman- FIRST LA 13 his car rolled over several | times shortly after the race started, suffering from head lacerations. Rodriguez finish- OF GRAND PRIX Canadian Peter Ryan driving a Lotus Monte Carlo. Approx imately 35,000 spectators ate tended. ng it. . . He described in detail the por- Centre, Royal Canadian College tions of the service where such |of Organists, was held recently 2 choir could be used effec- {at Hotel Lancaster. tively. Speaker of the 'evening was Mr. Hawke was introduced by H. W.. Hawke, Mus. B., of Gan-| David Smith, a former pupil and nanoque, an organist and choir- thanked by Mrs. G. K. Drynan. {master who is equally well Earlier in the meeting, the {known in Canada and the Unit- chairman, Alan Reesor, welcom-| ing of the Oshawa and District | Holbert"s RS61 Porsche dur- | ville Memorial Hospital after Promotion Held Johnston, ed in second place behind --Oshawa Times Photo" It was a happy occasion for|rice secretary-treas- boys and girls at Simcoe Street urer; David McCaldon, secre- Pentecostal Church on Sunday, tary of senior department; Oct. 1, when the Sunday School| William P3rtridge, secretary of Department observed the an-!junior department; Mrs. D. Bell, nual promotion day exercises absentee secretary. Teachers and pupils along The teaching staff consists with members of the congrega- of: Nursery, Mrs. H. Dawson, were Crest- Free Grade 6, Mrs. Mrs. Homemakers, Seniors, Mar- BEST METHOD y. | Smoked and cured pork, such Port Hope's total of 282 was|as hams, should be cooked at up by 39. This included 179/170 degrees Fahrenheit for best imales and 103 females. This results. "Babies are ill and hungry More People dl wh he 4 176 Members South African |At Communion World Wide Communion Sun- Han ed In Cell day was held at the Centre g [Street United Church Sunday P BLOEMFONTEIN (Reuters) Morning, October 1. There were § iii Season. : David Pratt, wealthy English- 176 communicanis who were : ae wong increase IN'born farmer who tried last year| "Guest At His Table". 1] said :b per cent, it fo assassinate Prime Minister | The Ininister, Rey. Pk vin Tia : ; ; irik erwoerd, has com- G ickson, presided. Assisting] tor rele, yold Prodae mitted suicide at a mental in- him were Elders: Goon pre - Second World War level stitution here, it was announced Wonnscott, Bert Terwillegar, | measured on a per capita ba today, : George Dennis, Roy Starr, Earl 2 | sis He was 2ouny desl in his cell James, R R: yajentine; arcie 1 1 ot &3 ywith a sheet tied ar is| Britton, Haro itbread Jr, | | 3 { The report said production in neck Stunday.-lis i ed Leonard Goldsmith, Norinan i 4 e / py Communist China declined Pratt was committed to. Bie. Welsh, Robert Kirk and Wil! BISHOP BLESSES OSHAWA CHURCH i Clergy From Canadian Highways Claim . : ussia 10 123 Lives During Weekend led States, and a member of the ed the members, outlined the | tion assembled in the lower assistant Miss Sharon Bowler; {national executive of th e|vear's plans, and with Mrs. Dry- auditorium. At the conclusion Beginners, Miss Jean Lager- T be i i g 5 In thw raffic C 5 e |berta, thr | trained and conducted choirs, National Convention of the Rev. Dr. J. Zhidkov, president Tratlie Bolen: Dcoounisd and tw em Ios 2ilic vear phage teh pastor, Rev. R. A, Bombay and ston; Kindergarten, Mrs. M. 2 | junior, intermediate and senior RCCO held in August at St. of the Baptist Federati i or the majority of the 33 fafa 1 o unclassifie , three traf- about 10 miles west of Pem- the Sunday School Superinten-| Johnston : | groups, Hambeting in all 120 Catharines. He was pleased to pt ederation of talities in Canada during the|fic fatalities in Nova Scotia, two|broke, while fishing with his dent, Frank Marshall, spoke| Primary department: Grade % ; . i i : bi | Gananoque. His skill in han.|tion was present from Oshawa Zhidkov and Rev. I. Ivanov, Twenty - three were recorded| VeW Brunswick. Mrs. Amelia Bateman, 51, achievements and of the chal-| Miss Lois Haggarty: Grade 3, ane aT choirs is welll and district. will address an open meeting of (On roads in a Canadian Press Ontario dead: |Landén, On. Sairday when a lenge the new Sunday School Ted Marshall: Grade 4, Giles tubliched <0 that his talk on| Of particular interest to the the Oshawa Baptist Congrega.|Survey from 6 p.m. Friday to| car collided with a parked truck year presented. Hughes; Grade 5, Mrs. Wm Vo ; i: : air cadet at RCAF Centralia, in i i Ordination services of particular interest to Osh- nouncement concerning the re- tonight. | Four provinces, Newfound- a cay . truck collision on High- 2 or ilaren, ums teachers ® come to the front ye pp egigte; held last Sunday in aws organists cital to be presented at St| Dr. Zhidkov and his party|land, Prince Edward Island, way 7 near Belleville Saturday |liss. {wo months, and Wendy ee oe favium. and, call out N. Sweet. view Evangelical . George's Anglican Church Oct. under the sponsorship of the Manitoba and Saskatchewan, y+ 11158, s S, . I : S na s r being hit by a car in Tor-|lire at London, Ont., Sunday. : . br for on how to recruit members for : fon tl f the dit weekend. The sur d t ) ndon, ., Sunday. Caldon: Grade 8 Girls, Mrs. . organist, Peter Hurford. outlining some o e conditions} h urvey does not onto. eg the lags Though the door. R. A. Bombay; Grade 8 Boys, Rev. William Spencer, Jr., a (such groups, How -to conduct "ag, grford, who is organist| that exist in Russia for the Bap. | include 8 industrial mishaps.) William Liedtkie, 53, Renfrew Rs Fo hii of A education. Walter Bowler; Grade 9-10-11, former resident of Oshawa. | Sight Sa ow fo em St. Alban's Cathedral in lists and other Christian Yalths. [known suicides, slayings and|County farmer, by a Sholgunioar as he crossed a street. Presentation of seals and Burton Rodaey. a Mr. Spencer attended public {singing and how to maintain England will be touring Canada| He has taken time out from natura deaths. blast near Pembroke, Saturday, Witold Swirdy, 31, Toronto, diplomas will be held at a Young People's Class, ; du h rio f i ville. After graduation from [zed the importance of having Reesor emphasized how fortun- inde? the suspices of the rus sx traffic, one drowning, four| Steven Leptanen, 9, suffocated| make a curve. This Sunday School has a Bible Classes: Praicie Bible Ingtitute he |suitable music for such young|ate the Oshawa organists are 2 in, Ril so Boa Bap istin a fire, one hunting and one|Saturday when the tunnel he| Joseph Gerald Melanson, 26, total enrolment of 291 and does Mrs. M. Gordon: Prairie Bible Institue he | foie to sing and. described|in being able to present him in 2d § lovee ristian Church suffocation. Quebec followed was digging at Garson, near Toronto, saturday night when not include the two thriving shall Gordon with the Unevangelized Fields |hearing one hymn "I was Sink- recital for the people of Osh. " NETEZEUONS, : wih nine -- eight traffic and an Sudbury, collapsed. {his car rolled over-on Highway branch works of Byng Avenue Spare teachers --Junior de- Mission. Returning home be. |ing Deep in Sin", obviously un-|awa. The Russian Baptist Federa- asphyxiation. Artillery Sergeant James W.|401 near Toronto. in North Oshawa and South- partment: Mrs. R, Young, Mrs. T fv ES i i i wife the former, Ruth John- 1] Ps lo SAPs s In uaa, ai § Fi The school staff other than age: J. March and A. Ottele. ston, of Winnipeg, he served other Ontario centres. He will even Ireva S the Minister and Superintendent Y 0ung People's: George with a church in Northern spend some time at McMaster 4 is: William Perrow, assistant Yeomans Minnesota before going to | University, Hamilton, after he H . superintendent and spare teach- Transport dispatcher: Mrs. C. Austen. Mr. and Mrs. William [leaves here. ere atur ay er for senior department; Mau- Bebee. vi ri hi Rod motored down for the special | aie Party will arrive at the) go. yp oails were re. as ore (@) 58 Sores EN Yl Ee F< rs Be : ; will speak to the three congrega- ceived Saturday by the Oshawa : i and Mrs. Spencer have two SHANNON (AP) -- Stranded|. . . Men face job dismissal. . . . tions and anyone who wishes to COBOURG -- Unemployment represented an increase of 39 tits : [for five days after a nostalgic|Situation disgraceful and seri- attend at 8 p.m. ' ; for the Cobourg - Port Hope|in the number of mal hil , Philip, 8 and Alan, 5. A truck / : os, wie On Ww k d BIRTHDAYS sons : Emp, > ang trip to Ireland that turned intojous. . . . No funds. . . . Con- --_ NTT A fruck fire Yas reported at ee en Congratulations and best 3 a nightmare, 103 Americans to-|tacted U.S. embassies in Dublin (4:30 p.m, on King street west crease for the month of Septem-|ed static. Only two accidents were re- wishes to the following resi- Changes In Jets Club Holds near the shopping centre. bey when the totals for the two Employment officials at Co POried 10: the Ocrs Dob ol dents of Delowe pos es Bid sai the club paid an, At 9 p.m. equipment was sent towne i i BRB FPOrt the year ;: have Department a | | re © : The chartered airliner that 0 charter the plane from foes 5 ; $ s|been relatively good. rom Des ment. over the weekend. who are celebrating their Hydraulic System was due to pick them up at|the President Air Lines for the| C RB t ID 3% Nassen Stent where 2{ month. and an increase of 66|early spring to late summer the ious na- hl Pd ) tr at br Back y spac er was report-/ gover the same mont X i + Carol Reardon, 235 Dear- 10S ANGELES (AP) -- Fed. Shahuon &irbort last Wednesday $5) that brought Many hack 30 orn 0as | nth last year. employment level in the two amage was es t ap- y : U z5¢] : hist N 3 . . , i AI : : : : 2 POT 5 fesimatey aL Ap Tellus: Uta Dietzsch, eral Aviation Agency Chief Na- Is, About 50 students from the Called to quench a blazing hay figures in this area must take/mum with several firms using S| yne . jeeb Halaby said Saturday and on the carpeted floors of| Bill O'Mahony, one-time Chi- Oshawa Collegiates attended an| Stack at 7:58 p.m. on Oxford into consideration the regions | full staffs. While the tobacgo of 192 Gibbon street and Her.| « sweeping changes will be made|the air terminal--most of them C380 bus driver returned to Ire-| outdoor social and corn a served by the two offices. While harvest is now over and the hg Tk 3 i Ro 4 Simens north, celebrated in the hvdraulic svstem of the Out of money, some of them ill |'and two ye ago, took two|Saturday night at the Mills] At 8 p.m. a false alarm was|/ Cobourg serves not only the/crop in the warehouses, the Co- : , of 8h,| her birthday yesterday. | i Wer ed in a rearend, py, gery, Speaking to a symposium of , The group from the Irish. (erick. event was sponsored by the King and Farewell streets. An ship of Hamilton, Haldimand the commission have been able vest the Society of Experimental Test American Erin's Own Club of| "I'S great to see my old/ISCF Club (Inter-School Chris-| overheated motor in a washing|and Alnwich, Port Hope office|to place several applicants for and. Stevenson road. at 7.05 - ; -- ihe Society of Experime changes| Chicago, who came to Ireland a friends," he said. 'But I'm tian Fellowship) of Central Col foverpes, at | : pu Saturday. MANY LOST ARTICLES 5, y § S| ; | | Township. prticularly at Colborne. Pros- amage was estimated at ap- The Oshawa Police Depart-|g,.. 3 rdraulic sve. Scraped up $15 Sund i this." acting as master of ceremonies. 5 Cob unctions in the hydraulic sys- p $15 Sunday night to '™* : : ) ; t 12:50 p.m. / ¢| Cobour, ] ne Jou Sys-lsend a cabled appeal "please For some the first real sleep _ Following games, skits and periment BL105 py Tuck! increase of 56 and included appear moderately bright. alleged to have been driven by|number of bicycles and tri- Six hundred Eastern Air Lines help us" to President Kennedy. they got was when a group of imitation activities (for the ; i ; 286 males and 151 females, in- James Aldred, of 75 Pleasapt/ cycles at the police station.| i. AY { da i : fire was reported at Oshawal|Creases of 37 and 19 respective- boulevard, Toronto, apparently They were recovered by mem- hey would OD fn Ded er ent, and Rev. Edward Salmon, Nearby airport hostel early to-|lunch, a sing-song was held. An ay .L poe s ly in three davs of the PAA didmi|curate of St. Gabriel's Church, day, leaving enough room for|address was given by Dr. Geof- boulevard south. a hydro pole at 437 Centre lieved to have been either lost hr Pig Chicago, signed the cable, which he wemen and children in the|frey Beally, pathologist at the| Four ambulance calls were street at 8 p.m. Saturday. or stolen, en lic system was safe, to move in. active worker with the Inter- a > AIP DOOT! Varsity Christian Fellowship at SEE _-- In the airport lounge the men So who spent their fifth night on the university level. locked gratefully at the plane-- three-school , get-together wi 11 a DC7C of the same airline Pecome a monthly event this Than Food whose plane crashed in the Year. The ISCF club, whose of 83 lives Sept, 10. tian Fellowship, is active with IO luce As they looked at it out of Weekly meetings in some 400 weaiy eyes, some of the men | Secondary schools across Can- United Nations Food and Agri- |. A i i " culture Organization reported ramtelo tha hatin TP: for, S n i & . 's unday world food production port lounge are thick." |RCCO. Mr. Hawke has recently nan, presented a report on the Speak Here | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | There were five deaths in Al-|Brown, 38, drowned Saturday of the opening exercises the quist, assistant Mrs. R. Living- ) members, in his church in|Teport that a good representa- Russia, his son, Rev. Michael weekend. in British Columbia and one in/wife and son. briefly of the past year's/i, Mrs. A. Stinson; Grade 2, i ga. Survey iro ! Charles E illis, 17 IS ORDAINED "raining Junior Choirs" was Members was Mr. Reesor's an- tions at First Baptist Church | Midnight Sunday. arles Edward Willis, 17, an on Highway 7 near Sarnia, The superintendent asked the perrow, raining J ' : : ; : wiki X Jack Loie, 83, Friday night af-|/ Homer, 5, victi f a house GC " His talk contained suggestions : . : Znolish | Baptist F t > could boast a fatality - free |szemer, ia, viclims of & Having done this the teacher Teens: Grade 7, Mrs. D, Mc- Church. Austen, Texas, 11 by the outstanding English Baptist Federation of Canada, y te and high schools in Bowman. | discipline. Mr, Hawke emphasi- and the United States and Mr. his busy schedule to come here| Ontario led with 13 fatalities while hunting. Sunday when his car failed to later date. B. Rodney. cause of the health of his lion president bas been speak mead on Thomas street. J. Head, Mrs. J. Marsh. Teen- Spencer Sr., of Nonquon road | JFK A SOS > Cs NSWers CNR station here at 4 p.m. and . | | Two Accidents CELEBRATING Fire Department. area showed a slight in-the number of females remain- day were promised a plane ride!and London but no results." home. birthdays today: ture, N ed. The fire department was| ap analysis of unemployment|areas has been close -to- maxi- The Americans slept in chairs Years. driven by Irvine Mel Harrison, | Mrs. Mary Grace, 572 DC-8 jetliner. babies wailing men to stay at his home in Lim- property on Nonquon road. The reported from the corner of town of Cobourg and the town. bourg and Port Hope offices of collision at King street west re fl 183 Arthur street |Serves both the town and Hope work in the canning industry SR Rhy SEG _imonth ago for a vacation, |SOITY to see them stranded like|legiate with Douglas Perkins) : . ; > ' : ollow a '"'series of serious mal 8 resulted in a call to the fire de-| o's fotal of 437 showed pects for fall and winter work proximately $425 when a car ment reports it has a large Covi Yai "I pas . : ~ ave at 1:50 p.m. and a chimney pilots served motice Salirdey avn Carty, the club presi- Passengers moved out of the Grade 9-ers) but before the went out of control and struck bers of the force and are be- assure them the plane's hydrau- said Chicago party, 'and a few men Oshawa General Hospital and a)50 received the floor there, stretched and! It is anticipated that the Shannon estuary with the loss aims are Bible Study and Chris; WASHINGTON (AP) -- The even managed a smile. And one | { during the 1960-61 season failed to keep pace with population in- i! creases. In its annual report, the GAO H said preliminary estimates indi- : | cate production, exclusing Com- i |munist China, was about one {| per cent larger than in the pre- FORMER ST. GREGORY'S'SCHOOL PUPILS HONORED the leader- {sharply because of drought and ; a 8 |toria jail Sept. 26 last year 4fter| liam Frost. r A large number of the {other natural disasters. 4 : The report noted that "there @ Supreme Court judge found| The choir under members of the parish were present Sunday morning when His Excellency the Most | Rev. Isidore Borecky, DD plessed Blessed Virgin Mary Slovak Greek Catholic Church, 464 Ritson road south, and conducted a pontifical high mi Bishop Borecky is seen | here (centre) flanked by Very Rev. Michael Rusnak, | CSR, dean of parishes Rev. John Fetsco, CSR ministrator of the local pare h, as they prepared to enter the church and in the economically more devel- oned half of the world ide with continuing de ba malnutri is still an abundance, often a|him to be an epileptic and men-| ship of the qrganist, Mr. R, K.| 4. (surplus of agricultural products|tally disordered. At an earlier hearing had fold the court of his nense feeling of relief" Pratt "im- aiter tion and even hunger in many shooting the prime minister at|family in ~Oshawa Times Photo |of the less developed countries." | farm show in April, 1960. St. School, and Sheila Memorial flowers were placed] Drumm, are seen here with Two former pupils at Gregory's Separate Robert McKay Kellington, has a them special an- the sanctuary by the Ross| the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Paul memory of their] Dwyer at the presentation of 'daughter, Vera Ross Guest. | $50 scholarships at a Com- pl (in munion Breakfast Sunday morning in St. Gregory's Au- ditorium. The scholarships, awarded by the Catholic Women's League, were pre- sented to the students in Grade 12 at St. Gregory's School with the highest avers age who continued their stud. ies in high school. Both Sheila and Robert are now attending the O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute. ' --Oshawa Timés Photo EE a Ed i dha