The Oshawa Times, 30 Sep 1961, p. 8

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§ THE QSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, September 30, 1961 UK. Conferences Sober This Year LONDON (CP)--The turbulent store," observed the indepen- international climate has dis-|dent Times. rupted the usually quiet but| "They are faced once more steady buildup for Britain's an-|with gathering support the hard nual political party conferences. way." Participants sobered by crises|y A goRITES UNITED stretching from the United Na-| "1; "the Labor Party, leader tions to Berlin and the Congoigyoh Gaitskell has reasserted gan, hardly be pected To his authority. display the exujeranc The party's left wing, which ually essrve for the fall feast last year drummed up enough party po . . (support to adopt a resolution Instead, both Labor and Lib-| yin for unilateral nuclear eral party leaders have urged gicarmament, appears to have an early resumption of parlia-[po. "hoitrarlad mentary sessions to give urgent| "coiicpell now can count on consideration to a serious inter- majority support at the coming national situation. conference for the party's of- Their appeals may have had|ficial line on defence. This ba- some effect. The government, sically is a pledge to maintain | has announced that Parliamentianq strengthen Western al- FREE: 7 DAY SUPPLY OF SOFT WATER PHONE ANYTIME, INCLUDING SUNDAY will be called back from its sum-| liances to meet the Soviet threat sea bone To Prove to You How It Quickly Improves Your Complexion...Makes Your | +=" Hajr Glow With New Life. ..Brings Out The Hidden Flavors of Food... Saves You Up To $117 A Year On Soaps, Detergents and Shampoos The Liberals, seeking to in-|plenty of grist for their mill as crease party strength, haveiz result of the government's He'll tell you that down through the centuries soft water has been known as Mother Nature's called for greater efforts and a economic program. | The fall greatest aid to skin and hair beauty: It really drive for new members. wage-talks season works! You look in the mirror and you can color restored. Your towels launder soft and incredibly fluffy. Nylon stockings last up to three times as long. And yet . . . impossible as it may seem . . . you use- only one-ninth as much detergent! All this because soft water is PURE WATER --- free from the harsh mineral deposits found in Oshawa tap water. Yes -- if you've never used soft water before you're in for an astonishing surprise! And it costs you nothing to find out. This seven day supply of soft water is yours absolu- tely free. It doesn't cost you a single cent. Read the exciting details below. Then phone 728-4091 or 728-3698 anytime between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. including Sunday. salesman will ever call. Your 7 day supply of soft water won't have cost you a single penny. Why do we make this astonishing no-risk offer? Because we know that once most people try soft water they will never willingly do with- out it. That's because soft water is exactly the same as pure rain water . . . free from harmful min- eral deposits. That's why your grandmother put out tubs to gather this precious rain water. There's noth- ing like it in the world to improve your comp- lexion. Suddenly jycur skin begins to look years younger. Fresher and smoother. Much more youthful. Now all this is true. Ask any skin specialist. expense. And that will be the end of the matter. No HOW SOFT WATER SAVES YOU WORK AND MONEY AFTER | In Oshawa, municipal author- into your pores, irritating and "Just what exactlylities calculate that the water| enlarging them. That's when| contains 11 grains of hardness.| Nature hegins to fight back. That's because the original Nature fights back by toughen- pure rain water has seeped|ing and coarsening your skin At this point you're probably Toronto Daily Star Reports How You Benefit (CP)--Amaz- dental it as the rain from the . . and free from harm- ful mineral deposits. That's why doctors recom- {mend soft water to clear up |infants' rashes. That's why skin specialists {recommend soft water to clear up complexion troubles. That's why beauty parlors use -- and charge $2 for a |As pure [clouds . through the ground . . . picking, , . up strong traces of sulphur, al- kali, calcium, magnesium, lime- stone and other mineral de- posits. And that you can see for your- self. You have only to look in- side your tea kettle to see how obvious these deposits. are. You'll see a dirty yellowish crust . . . a layer so thick you! can literally scrape it off with building up a wall of re- sistance against this foreign in- vasion. Is it any wonder then that over a period of a few short years your skin loses the bloom of youth and begins to look rough and scaly? Think of it! Every time you wash this gummy residue of sulphur, alkali, magnesium and limestone seeps into your pores, In an article on soft water (Jan. 13, 1961) the Toronto Daily Star reported how much the average family can save using a water softener. Good Housekeeping Institute verifies the figures. Monthly 1.80 1.00 1.20 3.00 Yearly 21.60 12.00 14.40 36.00 Laundering Dishwashing Plumbing, Appliances Wearing apparel ......eeese 1.20 .60 14.40 7.20 12.00 117.60 Personal hygiene .... Household Cleaning .. Cooking It doesn't matter what kind off When you rinse in soft water expensive shampoos you use. there's an incredible difference, Every time you rinse in hard Now your hair looks softer, water a gummy film of mineral| healthier, more luxurious -- and {deposits is left on your hair.| glowing with beauty. All be- {Leaving it dull, lifeless and cause soft water is free from | stringy-looking. |sticky mineral deposits. BEFORE | | » +++ 10 or more r 4 E35 ic " } | You use so much detergent) Because soft water is pure because of this simple fact:|water -- free from harsh min- Most of the cleaning power of eral deposits -- soaps and de- detergents goes into fighting the tergents go instantly to work -- harsh alkali content of hard floating the dirt away. Nothing water. By the time, this harsh|-- absolutely nothing can alkali has been overcome| make your laundry come out so there's very little cleaning) white and fluffy. Yet you use power left to fight grease and|only one-ninth as much deter- dirt. I gent! : BEFORE AFTER | {will provide an acid test for FOG CLEARS ¢ | Chancellor of the Exchequer "Under the new management, |g. oo 1104's austerity meas- the fog of well-meaning incom-| - ° petence that used .to envelope Tp | oo struggling' to en these assemblies has cleared, . 5 tort | ; force a wage pause in an effor said The Times of London in an to keep the nation's products] editorial on the first of the con- competitive on world markets Here is one of the most remarkable offers ference atmosphere now is brisk, i lo Hig the threat of infla-|ayer made to readers of this newspaper. purposeful. . . ." : { Think of it! . If you phone 728-4091 we The Liverals, doever; ave | WANT PAY BOOST " ' will deliver -- FREE OF CHARGE -- a port- a tough climb to retur | The country's teachers, first . : : ; hardly recognize yourself. Yes . . . a miracle is prominent position in the na-\to feel the restraint, have able water softening unit to your home. This iy rec g you SE ie 2 Hace | iton's political life. : launched a major offensive to water softener is yours to use for 7 days at happenmy + +.» y g young Their problem Anply is 10 obtain what they and many absolutely no cost to you. ge fwater wit a bats aid! achieve a following 2 others feel they justly deserve And here is our iron-clad guarantee: If at ut soft water is ar more than a beauty aid! enough to put more MemOerSiin pay boosts. " , 1. Soft water brings out the natural flavor in the House of Commons. Some| Electricians, automobile fac-'the end of that time you don't agree that a of Tooke and b ra supporters banked on a weaken-\tory workers, truck and bus water softener is the greatest blessing a home ods a overages. ing of the Labor party to doidrivers are among the seg: ..n pave if you don't wholeheartedly agree Soft water makes your dishes and glass- ow Liberal dreams of a ments 3 he Lavor force de that every statement made on this page is ab: ware sparkle like brilliant jewels. dramatic collapse of Labor's] «The government has staked solutely true . then simply phone 728-7521 And soft water brings sheer luxury to your empire must be returned t0/a good deal on the success of again . and the unit will be removed at our laundry. There's no other word for it! lits wages policy," says The Fin- White shirts come out dazzling white. S er Stock |aneial os Wea he Colored fabrics come out with original umm {determination to fight will be . " severely tested. Brinkmanship "Any sign of weakening at is I this stage would be disastrous." | wondering: *J /INNIPEG (CP) Summer is soft water? hii d th | The answer is simple. theatre ete hag puertevied fle Soft water is PURE WATER. delicate art of thriving artistic- m ove ally while teetering on the brink of financial gisaster, i Bed | The eight years of Winnipeg's| D t ] outdoor stage and those who en da use it have been marked by one| financial crisis after ander. | gw But despite this, productions t on the giant Rainbow Stage in on 1 1011S a suburban East Kildonan par! . N I get bigger sd Detter eagh year. 0 EO in And park officials continue 10|y,0514h have been reported in the|shampoo. ; : ¢ improve and expand facilities 10|New Zealand city Pot Hastings| Now here is the important knife. . irritating and inflaming them. | keep pace with the bigger Pro-|as a result of fluoridation of|thing for you to realize. That| Yet you drink, wash and) That's why your sensitive skin ductions. water supplies. Oshawa tap water you are now bathe in this water every day. [often breaks out in ugly red This year Rainbow Stage add-| The tests have been in pro- using is HARD -- extremely) WHY THESE MINERAL [blotches after washing. Nature ed an expensive stereophonic gress for 61% years and the re-|pard. | DEPOSITS ARE HARMFUL [is yebelling against this chem- sound system and $40,000 worth|sults are believed fo be the] And that you can judge for| This mineral residue clogs|ical invasion. | " y ee : of improvements to backstage best achieved anywhere in the/yourself. In a article on soft|your pores every time you wash ~~ TATTLE-TALE GREY them in soft water they Some) WHY 104, COPPER AND facilities. And to nobody's sur- world. {water the Toronto Daily Star|... is responsible for a lot of | What's equally important, this out, sparkling like brilliant] ABLES TASTE prise, the Winnipeg Summer, New Zealanders are notorious|(Jan. 13, 1961) reported how complexion disorders. _ | mineral residue costs you a lot|jewels. Absolutely crystal clear, Li BETTER re Association lost $13,000(for their high susceptibility to|authorities grade the hardness, Make no mistake about it.|of money. It causes soaps and|Squeaky clean. Gone is that This is just the beginning! Theat g : . : 4 ai ; , on its first offering, the musical{dental cares. An unusually|ef water, [Every time you wash® these detergents to form a sticky grey whiteish, umsanitary - looking You'll suddenly notice that comedy Most Happy Fella. |large proportion of people have| Here is the hardness table: (harsh minerals go to"work=on ceed if™your laundry waterstiim ised By the lime de: you're using less tea and coffee} The association was formed complete sets of artificial teeth) wATER GRAINS [your skin. What happens next These soap curds do not rinse posits in the hard Oshawa --and getting a richer and in 1956 by 70 citizens to bring|ear]y in life. | 'Soft .. vevsssssd to .5 [Will shock you. out in hard water. They stick yater. nd Imore, (fragrant flavor. You'll good professional theatre to| Hastings. with a population of) gjightly "hard 5 to 3 WOMEN OVER 25 [to the fabrics . . . causing them" gow Au tar better. pecan Rainbow Stage which had been|about 32,000 was the first sub wogerately hard .... 3 to 7 PLEASE READ THIS to turn coarse, stiff and grey. * ™ yu' TH) TANMOFR. fs te far better. . . . because built and operated by the Win-|stantial community in New Zea-| yy,,4 CAREFULLY If you bleach your laundry to| pgEACHES AND CREAM [there is no calcium, sulphur nipeg parks board. It promptly|land to approve fluoridation. Very Hard .. These harmful chemicals seep burn this residue out, you weak- COMPLEXION {and magnesium to shrivel the began losing money on a grand| Results of the experiment re-| en the fabrics. If you don't! put perhaps the most drama-|texture and kill the natural, scale and has done so ever ported 1 regional conference of bleach, this mineral residue acts i. result of all is the difference delicate flavor. m- since. We World, Health Organisation as an abrasive and splits the oon water makes to your skin. | This is still just the begin- showed: iil fibres. The first dgy or §0, you gon't ning! You find that your're sav HELPED BY CITY Children who had been drink- Either way you lose. Shirts kuotice pl ic Bly Butlin oop oan 1 Bt YIP re Sav: Losses have caused consider- ine Juoridated Veter 2 Shalt wear out faster. Nylon stock- fio You'll notice a sudden and|dering Ra a : Ard ad lives t 7 2 i : i P 1 \ 4 able pain to civic officials be-| orcent in dental decay, be- ; B |ings are more apt to run, [dramatic improvement. Th e hold cleaning. Yes -- you'll dis- galise the Cty is. frequently); ved ito be a world record) | : § | | HOW SOFT WATER reason for this is simplecover that you need to use called on for subsidies and to Whi 212 Ser ote. . 7 | MAKES AN {enough. Because mo longer is| only one-ninth as much deter- meet bills. : ere" Denmanen. gti pel (INCREDIBLE DIFFERENCE your skin suffering from that gent . . . because soft water After the 1957 production of. in 1954. only 6.3 ho --_-- But when you use soft water continuous irritation caused by| contains no harsh alkali . Can-Can had a money-losing were now affected. ; you'll notice an astonishing dif-/{he harsh chemical depositsthe chemical that fights and run, Alderman Douglas Chis ference. 'A water softener |found in hard water. Now it is|weakens the cleaning power of holm said: "I could get together EARLY START HELPS strains out ALL these mineral{gotting a chance to heal up. vour soaps and detergents, more people than that for a] Seven-year-old children using deposits gives you S|" After about three days you'll On top of all that, you'll find yo-yo contest." fluoridated water most of their water .'. . as soft and pure asipotice that minor blemishes|ihat soft water makes vour But the summer theatre, after|lives showed a reduction of 57 the rain from the clouds. ~~ |have cleared up and completely housework miiich. easier. Bath. threatening to throw in the towel per cent, and eight-year-olds a : i ; | The results are immediate Gisappeared. Now soft water is|yube and sinks are easy to keep twice, persevered and now oper- drop of 48 per cent. Children Lo land dramatic. You'll literally cally going to work! GIVINg conn iad any wp nesp ates on a $100,000 annual budget. aged nine, whose teeth were al- % [gasp with astonishment when Nature a fighting chance! Barkin. Sectuse Jolt wal ii Something always comes along ready calcified when fluorida- . you see your towels come out yn orning as you look in the|coap seunt anion Hi floats to save it. This year it was a a began, had a reduction of Amazing New $69 95 Portable of the laundry. Notice how soft|,irror you'll hardly recognize |yuay down. the drain fund-raising telethon conducted 9? Per cent. . and incredibly fluffy they are!|yqi self. Yes -- a miracle is » ; Ww Softening Unit Exolained HOW YOU SAVE AT Cutting Into Plumbing Pipes Unnecessary PP fe in| There now are five times as B is ' : : tivo) by a Winnipeg television station | ® foveaw: and Gie.y You'll get the surprise of your happening. . . your skin is being| which raised enough to cover] I35nY Sve Yest-old and six-year life when you see your white ade young again. Now those | LEAST $117 A YEAR most of last year's $18,000 def- pletely free from dental decay shirts and sheets come out of ugly pores are beginning to| That's the beauty of a port- leit. roid . las when the water treatment the laundry Not near white --icjose up. Your Skin is now be-\aple water softener. You save Association officials say their p.,.n but dazzling white. Most sur-\coming soft and smooth again. on tea and coffee. You save on luck could be better. Its opening Despite the results reported prising of all, those colored | pore youthful looking. Glow-| shampoos and rinses. You save v blouses you'd thought slightlyling with health. Just as it was| on coanc and detergents. You faded . . . now they come out of when you were a young girl. |_, . your laundry soft and lustrous After six days you'll literally| Who says you need to pay out $300 to $450 for a water soften- ing unit? Or pay $7.50 a month for a rental? Forget all that! Here is a revolutionary new portable water softening unit that weighs only 13 lbs. -- can be carried from kitchen sink to bathroom -- from bathroom to laundry room. No need to cut into your plumbing pipes. Simply slip the hose over your tap and out pours pure soft water -- as pure and soft as the rain from the clouds. Regenerates itself every two weeks -- at a cost of only one half-cent. This means that now you can get soft water for a penny a month. Hard water is loaded with] When you rinse in soft water save x bleaches: and Sean mineral deposits of limestone, there's an Bstonishing Sifter. vith iginal color gasp wi is Jow STs. You save wear and tear|cajcium, sulphur and mag-|ence. Your glassware comes ou Ary 1 hg, onary A hig i pg "and on your clothes and linens. | pesjum, This sticky mineral res-|sparkling like brilliant - jewels. But wait! That is not all. Ever smooth you can hardly believe| These are no small savings. ique leaves a cloudy, un-|So clean they actually squeak notice how dull and streaky|i; At long last you've acquired | fact, the Toronto Daily Star sanitary-looking film on yourjwhen you i them, Gone is your glasses sometimes 100k? [that smooth, peaches and cream (Jan. 13, 1961) estimated that glassware. i that dirty-looking, whitei £ Now you can say goodbye to all\complexion that women the|the average family saves at} hai Wyen 3% wash and rips) wurid over buve buen searing an Sm Eyer hy yelp oon oo With zero grains of food and beverages taste better for. {x : o ats. Y, | ...Saves y er $2 a week % / i hardness. You need to regener- saves you over A 3 When you ii of hel ate it only about once ever tojul S030, detergents, cusielics {into your home . . . the ease of|Weeks -- at a cost of only one-| 2A § orp res op Stan {cleaning bathrooms the [half cent. This means that this P ope ol again. i ; out| heer Juxury of shampooing and Amazing new 'portable water | unit wi be picked Up ang ye buying expensive shaving bathing . . . the better taste of | Softening unit now gives you moved at our expense. creams for the man in your|e 4.0 4 beverages the soft water for a penny a month! | And that will be the end of house. With soft water an ordi-|,,...¢ improvement it "makes to TRY IT ENTIRELY the matter. There are no ary bar 504 ives you. : 3 Po wld strings attached. Your seven- nary bar of soap gives you your complexion . VOU Can AT OUR RISK |S Ing oceans of suds. . . suds that bil-lo Gio "ceo that it: makes good! 3 vou dia? day supply of soft water won' low up to give him closer and|once to use a water softener Here's one product you on't have cost you a single penny. less irritating shaves. Shaves po ..uce richt now hard water risk a single cent to prove. | And no salesman will ever call. that leave his face smooth and|c" ¢octing voll Tar more than F20 HY It entirely al our risk. LIMITED QUANTITY actually refreshed . . . hecause| yuo tiny" cost of a portable And you are absolutely under PHONE 728-4091 NOW show this year was upset by the fay of the major cities in New first heavy rain of the vear. Zealand have introduced fluori- Critics have generally been| dation of water supplies. A lavich in their praise of the strong and vigorous element in, quality of the productions. One| most areas maintains opposition said they compare with Broad-ito the principle of compulsory way. additions to water: BAILEY FOODS LTD. as the rain from the|your complexion makes Why Doctors Agree Water Is 85% of Life | And the better the water the better the life. I believe that many physicians will agree with me that drink- ing hard water daily is the, origin of several diseases, directly or indirectly. I have frequently laid stress upon this fact in articles in medical jour-| OCEANS OF SUDS FROM AN ORDINARY BAR OF SOAP And you can forget cleanser of the digestive tract|pipes become encrusted and about by absorbing the poisons and occluded, Their capacity is re- carrying them out of the circu- duced accordingly, Deposits oc- lation through the kidneys. Soft cur on the living membranes water can cleanse the system of the blood vessels, and grad- in this way, and does, if drunk ually * the changes described at the proper times and in regu-|take place. Thus develops ar- lar quantities, teriosclerosis, or hardening of I have frequently told my pa- the arteries. tients that they cannot be cured R. S. NEW LOCATION 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Copeland, MD for- THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa and WHITBY PLAZA BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE HOME DAIRY, Ajax SPECIALS! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Chocolate Metropolitans 3 ,, 19° Apple Cream Taris 4 . 27 FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. nals and also in published works There is little doubt that in certain subjects the constant in- gestion of hard water frequently | brings on a state of chronic con- stipation, the '"'bugbear" of the present day, because retained matter in the intestine acts as |a culture ground for various {| pathogenic bacteria. These tox- ins are gradually absorbed into the system, producing auto-in- toxication. Toxins so absorbed when carried into the blood [stream cause various diseases |of the digestive system, and predispose fo gouf, rheumatism, | and kidney complaints. It stands as efficiently as it should, as a during the last quarter century. | of gout, rheumatism, and many forms of indigestion, if they con- tinue to drink hard water, and have often had the satisfaction of observing those who took my advice and used only soft water for drinking, were soon relieved of their spasmodic aches and pains Thomas Hutton, MD. Whether you are old depends largely on the state of your mer Commissiviier of Health, City of New York. Soft water is the great life saver that keeps the blood clean. --quoted from] 'How to Be Useful and Hap- py from Sixty to Ninety",| by A. L. Smith, MD. Waters which are taken from lime soaked wells will sooner or later caleify ine body with heart and blood vessels. If your|their deposits. The railroad en- pump does its work, and your gineer never loads his boiler blood runs through flexible and With lime soaked water, yet we healthy blood vessels, you are saturate ourselves with water |young. In disease, the vessels of this kind. If you are an ar- |become hardened, stiff and un- thritis sufferer, beware of this yielding. Under the fingers they type of water. | to reason that water loaded with|feel like whipcord. The change carbonate of lime can not act/is not unlike the effect of time Care of The Body, by P. M on a plumbing system. The --quoted from Lovel, MD ' no sticky mineral deposits are| ier softener. left on his skin. | But hold on! You save even THE ONLY PORTABLE more! No longer will you need WATER SOFTENER ON THE to buy those expensive sham-| MARKET--COSTS poos that only do half a job. JUST $69.95 -- FULL PRICE Now for the first time your hair| Now a word of caution. will not only WASH clean . . . [Do not 'confuse our water soften- now for the first time your hair|ing unit with any other. There's| will RINSE clean. Because now no other like it on the market. | at long last you've eliminated|For one thing, it costs just all those gummy mineral de-{$69.95 full price. Most others! vosits found in hard water cost from $250 to $450. For an-| rinses. lother thing, it's portable. You After a shampoo you'll notice can carry it from kitchen to that your hair looks softer. , . |bathroom to laundry room. Un thicker . . more luxuriant, . . |like other water softening units, and glowing with new life.|vour plumbing doesn't need t All this because no sticky min-|be ripped open for it to be in- eral deposits are Teft on your stalled. You simp:y attach the hair t6 make it stringy and dull hose to your tap, and out pours ils natural beauty, |buckets of pure, soft water ,., | no obligation to buy OR SUNDAY To get your free seven-day put naturally we have only a supply of soft water here's all limited number of these port- vou do. lable water softeners available Simply phone 728-4091 and we for this free home trial. This will immediately deliver one of offer is necessarily limjted to our portable water softeners to/those who write or phone vour home. With this iron-clad promptly. Order will. be filled guarantee: . |strictly in rotation. If at the end of seven days| That's why we suggest you you don't agree that this port-|act now. Tear out this page as able water softener is the great-(a reminder. Phone "728-4091, est blessing a home can have 9 a.m. to » p.m. Including Sun- . . . if you don't agree that this day. {water softener quickly improves! You'll bless the day you did, | [Phone 728.4091. If busy Call 728-3698 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. vl INCLUDING SUNDAY 0.5.C. WATER CONDITIONERS "137 ADELAIDE EAST

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