Mrs. E. J. Reed and Dr. A. P, Fulton; Tuesday, A. E. Deru- maux and Mr. G. Lofthouse, Wednesday, Dr. A. P. Fulton. Rir Cadet Killed Square Dance Club Re-Opens On Oct. 11 The Circle 8 Square Dance Club will start jis io Seasun an opening t on - . nesaay; Oct. 11, for advanced In Car Bccident cers. | Two groups of beginners will] SMITHS FALLS (CP) -- also get oO aglway, ve on|harles Edward Willis, 17, an Tuesday, Oct. 10, and one on air cadet at RCAF Centralia, Thursday, Oct. 12. The latter was killed in a head-on car group will have its regular night on Monday, after the. pif truck crash near here Friday night. night. of the groups consists of] The youth, son of Mr. and i pe Mrs. E A. Willis, of Brunswick, approximately 70 couples, which is the maximum number that|Maine, died when a car in which he was travelling collided with can be accommodated. The meetings will be held in|a transport truck driven by Dal- the Oshawa Airport recreation|ion Pitts, of St. Catharines. Mr. hall. Callers will be: Monday,!Pitts was not injured. COMING EVENTS BINGO EEE Church Hall, Saturday, October 21, jerved from 4.30. Adults $1.50. Children CORONAT:ON ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th 7:30 P.M. 20 Gomes -- $8 Share the Wealth 4--3$40 Jackpots to go. clation monthly meeting on Monday, October 2 at 8 p.m. in club se. Everyone welcome. OSHAWA Duplicate Bridge Club, for October 3 only will meet in room 216, Hote] Genosha, 7:30 p.m. sharp. OSHAWA DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB for OCT. 3rd ONLY WILL MEET IN ROOM 216] HOTEL GENOSHA 7:30 P.M. SHARP TURKEY DINNER At Utica Hall on Saturday, Sept. 30tn ot 5:30 p.m. till oll are served. (Utica Hall 2 miles west of Manchester), Adults $1.50; Children 6 yrs. and under 12, 75¢. 1--$150 Jackpot to go. SIM LASH ond HIS TRIO Parties Dances Weddings Banquets 725-8762 725-4706 OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOCIATION announces DOG TRAINING CLASSES starting 7 P.M., WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, 1961 UNITED STEELWORKERS HALL 115 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA For further information call 723-9991 -- 723-9708 MONSTER BINGO Over $500 in Prizes SUNNYSIDE Park Neighborhood Asso Seen here is the chancel of Blessed Virgin Mary Slovak | Pontifical Greek - Catholic Church, 464 | a.m. The church has recently Ritson road south, which will | been painted and colored mark the 10th anniversary of | glass windows installed in the its founding this Sunday. His | sanctuary. Bishop Borecky Excellency Most Rev. Isidore | will bless the church prior to THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, September 30, 1961 3 Brougham Junior Calf Club --! Lome Disney and Glen Wilson. OPEN SECTION RESULTS The top entries in each class of the Junior Farmer Open Sec- tion were placed as followed by judges, Les Smith and John Howden. Senior Holstein Heifer -- Ed- gar Werry, Hampton, RR 1; Jack Holliday, Brooklin, RR 1; Jane Flett, Oshawa, RR 2. Junior Holstein Heifer -- Ed- gar Werry, Hampton, RR. I; Heather Holliday, Brooklin, RR 1; Brian Reazin, Brooklin, RR 1 Senior Ayrshire Heifer -- Gloria Cooper, Brooklin, RR 1; Keith Jones, Claremont, RR 2; Wayne Hollinger, Cherrywood. Junior Ayrshire Heifer -- Gloria Cooper, Brooklin, RR 1; Larry Weales, Brooklin, RR 1 Junior Jersey Heifer -- Batty, Brooklin RR 1; Batty, Brooklin, RR 1. Junior Guernsey Heifer -- linda Batty, Brooklin, RR 1; Jeff Bailey, Uxbridge; Ricky Batty, Brooklin, RR 1. Junior Beef Heifer -- Brian Beath, Brooklin; Michael Line do, Locust Hill; Ross Bailey, Uxbridge. Dairy Showmanship -- Gloria Cooper, Brooklin RR 1; Ed Werry, Hampton, RR 1; Gl Disney, Brocklin, RR 1 The Oshawa Kiwanis Grain Club is also sponsored at the Oshawa Fair. The club, un- der Leader Bob Holliday of Brooklin, had all 13 members complete their project. The top grain was shown by Ken and Ralph Nottingham, of Oshawa, Heather Cooper, Brooklin, RR|RR 1 1 Senior Jersey Heifer -- Doug Batty, Brooklin, RR 1. Senior Guernsey Heifer -- Harold Guthrie, Whitby, RR 2; Gary Batty, Brooklin RR 1; Bruce Batty, Brooklin, RR 1. Senior Beef Heifer -- Don Rick- ard, Bowmanville, RR 4; Ross known MOONE'S EMERALD OIL, sufferers prompt and effective ree lief from the itching distress of DISCOVERS HOM SKIN REMEDY This clean stainless antiseptie all over Canada as brings of the Slovak Greck-Catholic parishes and the Rev. John Fetsco, CSR, present admini- strator of the parish, will as- sist His Excelency at the al- tar, After the ceremonies a banquet will be held in the parish hall, The history of the parish is long and colorful, marked by the zealous efforts of the parishioners. The parish was founded 10 years ago by SLOVAK CREEK-CATHOLIC CHURCH TO MARK FEAST, TENTH ANNIVERSARY Bort. DD il er | te Mas, Vey fo, Mi Rev. Rusnak and 40 parish- ioners. In a few years land was purchased and a new church erected. With the years Bailey, Uxbridge; Locust Hill: Don Rickard, Bow- manville, RR 4. Bailey, Uxbridge; Don Lindo, Locust Hill. Baby Beef Steer -- Ron Baker, Hampton, RR 1; Grant Beath, Oshawa, RR 2; James Rickard, Bowmanville, RR 4. Beef Showmanship -- Ross many skin troubles--Itching Ecze« ma--Itching Scalp--Itching Toes and Feet, etc. MOONE'S EMERALD OIL fs pleasant to use and it is so ante septic and penetrating that many old stubborn cases of long standing have yielded to its influence. MOONE'S EMERALD OIL is sold by druggists everywhere. A Don Lindo, real discovery for thousands who have found blessed relief. a the group continued to grow until today the parish sees the full fruits of its labors. --Photo by Mary's Studio THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION and its Three Plays. OBITUARIES 'Junior Farmers Presented | FUNERAL OF MRS. LOUISE CHINCHA | Mrs. Louise Chincha, who died| Brougham, at the Oshawa General Hospital BOWMANVILLE (Staff) ° --| Wednesday, Sept. 27. A half-filled hall greeted the| three dramatic groups who par- ticipated in the opening of the annual drama festival, sponsor- ed by the Durham Central A cultural Society, at Orono day night. The groups presenting play were the Orono Players, the| I Durham County Workshop of view Lodge, Whitby, Bowmanville and the Pickering|Sept. 2, of Mrs. Emm S Township Little Theatre. Start-|Gibson. The deceased was in ing at 8 p.m. today the Lindsay her 97th year. Little Theatre production off Born at Epson, Reach Town- "She Married Well" by John|ship, the former Emma Louise Kirkpatrick; the Oshawa Little| Hooker, she was a daughter of Theatre's "I Spy" by John{the late John and Orilla Hooker. Dwyer sang the mass. etery. ; | Ziligi and J. Puskas. was -a son of the late John i High requiem mass was sung Martha. Mairs. He was married) Ha Y e Large Entry S| lin St. Gregory's Roman Catho-jin 1930 at Claremont and has At Festival ie Church at 9 a.m. today for|been a The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Paul| tering the hardware business, he| ua Fair These exhibitors, alll | ment was in St er operated in RT picment 20 years of age or under, show-| Club, 14 boys and girls showed ment was in St. gory's alershiy ative vi'ag |ed calves in one of the keenest|calves representing four breeds. he pallbearers were Chris|John's United Church, Brough-| "ry, hroeds of dairy cattle|for their calf and for showman- osm, Sn IL, Mime, Alam and member of Broughatt shown by the participants, each|ship, which will be added to the |Union Lodge, AF and AM. Helof whom has been responsible|points which they accumulated <|MRS. EMMA LOUISE GIBSON| was a member of the Pickering|for the care of his or her calf] The death occurred at Fair-|Liberal Association. Friday, | a Louise | Wife, the former Helen Dawson, | noon | Born at Brougham, Mr. Mairs lifetime resident ofl boys and girls| rotates among the dairy breeds, 1 3 from Ontario and Durham Coun-|was this year awarded for the Mr. Mairs opened a hurdware| ties exhibited livestock in the top Junior Ayrshire calf, shown store in 1939 and prior to en-|Junior Farmer Section of Osh- by Gloria Cooper. In the Oshawa 4-H Dairy Calf He was a member of Sti .ompatitions of the fair. {Each was awarded points both 0 f through the club year. The top | since early spring. |showmen were Gloria Cooper The early part of the after-| and Bill McDonald. The various L 1 was spent with the|sections for calves were won by a daughter, Mrs. Peter De| Achievement Days for the Osh-Jack Holliday, Heather Holli- [Smear (Bashuta) of Cua Lake, java Kiwanis 4-H Dairy Calf{day, Gloria Cooper, Harold | . , -{Club, the Brougham 4-H Calf i (ham. One grandson, Mark Dean | cyl, and the Brougham Junior Gututle and Doug Batty. De Smedt, of Cold Lake, Alta.,|cair Club, Later the members| BROUGHAM EXHIBIT Twenty-four members of the Brougham 4-H Calf Club ex- Mr. Mairs is survived by his {and two brothers, Colin Madill,|of these clubs, as well as other of Claremont and Henry Madill,| young farm people, competed in Advisory Vocational Committee Anncunce the 1961-1962 Program For ADULT EDUCATION EVENING CLASSES Registration of O'Neill Collegiate & Vocational Institute 301 SIMCOE STREET NORTH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1961 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1961 AT 7:30 P.M IN THE AUDITORIUM Classes will start immediately on registration The Board of Education may offer the following classes and others If there is sufficient demand: Technical Subjects @ Auto-Mechanics == Basic Auto-Mechanics Advanced Blueprint Reading Building Cor (House Froming end Cabinet Work) Drafting -- Generel Electricity Electronics yRodis, and TV. ory) Machine Shop--Basie t €uhi Acad English--Basic English--Intermediate English--Advanced English--Grade 13 English--For every day use French---Besie French--Advanced Spanish Mathematics Algebra Mathematics == Trigonometry Mathematics Geometry Matheme bigs Intermediate COURSES will be provided if fifteen or more people make @ request in writing or register -- on or before opening night. FEES: $10.00 PER COURSE TO BE PAID AT TIME OF TER GRADE e ENROLEMENT 13 SUBJECTS SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th i Y 7's |She was married at Greenwood | fe mal . Te Mortimer and Ore al |of Lindsay, also survive. the open classes competition of | hibited their calves to complete i NearlyNew Shop AT 8:00 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS TICKETS ON 10 TURKEYS to be drawn on Sept. 30 CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED KINSMEN BINGO 20-$20 GAMES $150 Jackpot $20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5--$30 Games; 2--$250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 57 and 55 TEAM 3 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION -- TUESDAY, OCT. 3rd Children under 16 not admitted Monday BINGO 8:00 p.m. ST. GERTRUDE'S "AUDITORIUM 690 KING EAST AT FAREWELL 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 Snowball 56 Nos. -- $100 -- $20 Con. Plus $10.00 each horizontal line Regular Jackpot, 51 Nos. -- $100 - $20 Con. SHARE-THE-WEALTH GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE TICKETS FOR TURKEYS WILL BE DRAWN NO CHILDREN, PLEASE WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY Wednesday, Oct. 4th, 8 p.m. Bus Leaves Oshawa Terminal--25¢ Return SPECIAL GAME OF $200 MUST GO $20 eoch horizontal line--$100 a full card. $25 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $150 IF WON IN 52 NUMBERS Church Bus leaves 4 corners 7:30 p.m. Anniversary" by the Knox The-in 1898. : atre Group of Peterborough will] Mrs. Gibson was a lifetime be presented. resident of Greenwood and a Leonard Crainford, the adjudi-| member of the Greenwood Unit- cator, summarized the efforts of(€d Church. She was a member the three groups and later visit-|0of the Women's Auxiliary of ed the players to offer more de-| Greenwood United Church. tailed criticism. He reserved| The deceased was pre- judgment on the competitive as-|deceased by her husband, James pects of the plays until tonight.|Gibson, in 1951. In addition, she The Orono Players opened the Was predeceased by two sisters, program with "The Purple Door|Mrs. William Huff (Frances) Knob" by Walter Pritchard{and Mrs. Archie John Eaton. Maureen Johnson played|ston (Bertha) and a brother, the leading role and was ably | Harry Hooker, all of the Brook- assisted by Gladys Aslett and|'in area. She is survived by 13 Margaret Powell. The stage nieces and nephews. : manager was Bob Johnson. The remains are at the Robin- A more ambitious project «yp (SON Funeral Chapel, Brooklin, Battle of Wits", was presented for service in the chapel, Sun- by the Bowmanville group. | 92%, ot 5 8 20 pa Suen: Members of the cast were Judy| men Bd hn ba em Leme. Jeffery, Mery. English, Tom|'cY: Kinsale. Rev. Rex Nor. Park. Hel Nell > 4 F i | man, minister of St. Paul's Unit- Soucer elen Nelles and ran jed Church, Ajax, will conduct : {the services. Probably the finest offering was the Pickering group's pres- FUNERAL OF entation of the situation piece, GEORGE MADDER "Rise and Shine" by Elda Cadi-| The memorial service | The remains are at the Me: [1h jor Sect] ; { - 4 e J Sect f . Eachnie Funeral Home, 28 King- unior. Section of the fair Commercial Subjects ® Office Proctice NO REF their club project. The top dairy AT EN showman was Gladys Disney, UNDS D OF ston road west, i heting, ur KEEN COMPETITION service in the chapel, Sunday,| One of the keenest competi- Oct. 1, at 2.30 p.m. Interment [tions was for the Arthur Percy beef Showman, ee will follow in Erskine Cemetery.| Showmanship Trophy. The top|son Kenn Wilson, Keith Jones Rev. A. Cresswell, minister of beef showman, Ross Bailey of|Jim Wilson and Don Lindo. St. John's United Church, Uxbridge, edged out the top| mpe Brougham Junior Calf Brougham, will conduct the dairy showgirl, Gloria Cooper, |ciub is composed of members services. | Brooklin, RR 1, who won the ynder 12 years of age, Twelve MRS. JACK S. WADE | lrophy last year. These two hoys and 'girls showed calves. ..+| champions had to prove their|y; led Mrs. Peggy Joan Wade died| ity to show both their dary ua MeGriskin yas te 19 t Bowmanville Me-| ale . : dey Bt Friday, Sept [0 Doo! £alves in competing | wood and Michael Lindo showed 29. in her 38th year. eT TO EN Trovh which | the top calves. This Jr. Club is The former Peggy Joan 2a oY [sponsored by the Whitby Ro- Tweed, Mrs. Wade was born in tary Club and the Oshawa Fair London, England, and married NAMED PROFESSOR Board. Jack S. Wade at Bromley, Kent,| The University of Toronto has! Much of te Soe o the in March 1945. She was a resi-| announced the appointment of!' ; Ss depe. n dent of Newcastle for the past|ynicc muoenie M. Stuart. fo (work of the club 'eaders. The 15 years and a member of the fd M. Stuart, former leaders of the Oshawa 4-H Anglican Church there. She was [Superintendent of nurses at the|Calf Club are Ken Holliday and : Oshawa General Hospital, as|Ron Werry, of the Brougham while Don Lindo was the top : ae Ts dhinay Ld pi . LL TERM Classes may be held on one or more of four eve enings, Monday to Thursday. An ef- fort will be made to ge time to suit students. I Credit Cards will be issued to stu- dents who meet the required ston- dard of proficiency REGISTER EARLY, AND IN PERSON REGISTER IN PERSON AT O'NEILL COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 301 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Tuesday, October 10 or Wednesday, October 11 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. BOARD OF EDUCATION S. G. SAYWELL, Chairman OSHAWA J. R. BACKUS, Business Administrator usiness and issued by the University. of Toronto Extension during the menths Oc= tober to March inclusive, 1961/1962, it there are en registrations fo Home E o Dressmaking ® Sewing--Fesie Sewing--Advenced o Foods Special Courses Fhe Principal, Art D'Neill Collegiote & Vocationa! Institute, BOY Simcoe St. No, * ® Interior Decorating ® Music ® Physical y iv A was an active member of WA, rocor in the School of Hy-|4-H Calf Club are Bill Boyes and of that church. Besides her husband she is|B8iee. Frank Barkey, and of the survived by a son, Douglas, of Newcastle, her parents Mr. for|and Mrs. John Tweed of Kent, gan. Imaginative sets and light-| ing, produced by Jack Knowles and Dr. Gordon Edmond, re-| spectively, set the scene for a| witty presentation. The excellent cast included Allan Anderson, Shirley Knowles, Don Clark and Norma Clark. Sound effects were in charge of Dennis Axler. The directors responsible for the plays were: Leslie Aslett, Orono; Miss Jerri Ross, Bow- manville and Cynthia Haggitt, Pickering. In remarks Mr. Crainford commented that his role is es- sentially that of an outsider. "My job as well as to assess the comparative merits of the productions, is to give con- structive ideas and advice to the | George Madder, who died at hte|England; two brothers, Laddie, | Brougham. The deceased was in Oshawa General Hospital Tues-|of London and Eric of Graves- day, Sept. 26, was held at the|end, England, and a sister, Mrs. Armstrong Funeral Home at 2(Bernard Whitehorn (Honour) of p.m. Friday, Sept. 29. * London, England. The services were conducted] Funeral service will be held by Rev. C. D. Cross, rector of(in the Morris Funeral Chapel, St. George's Anglican Church, | Bowmanville, Monday, Oct. 2, assisted by Rev. Donald Wilson, |at 2.30 p.m. Interment wiii be curate of the church. Interment|in Bowmanville Cemetery. was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Bert CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Morgan, William Morrison, Lorne Nancekivell, George Speer, B. Kirkbride and J. Mec- Donald, Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and dis- trict who are celebrating DEAN L. MAIRS The death occurred suddenly, birthdays this weekend: Those who celebrate today at the Ajax-Pickering General are: Clayton Lee, Marina Hospital, Friday, Sept. 29, of Apts., Simcoe street south. Dean L. Mairs, a well-known hardware players," he said. his 62nd year. 5 GAMES AT $30 -- 20 GAMES AT $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES 1st--No. 55, 2nd--No. 53,'$30 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Door Prizes--Proceeds got to Building Fund Children under 16 not admitted WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO -- MONDAY, OCT. 2 2--$250.00 Jackpots Nos. 57-58 1--$150.00 Jackpot (Must Go) Uackpots Pay Double in 52 Nos. or Less) 20 GAMES--$20 AND 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 Nos. or LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $1.00--EXTRA BUSES Admission Ticket g'ves You Free Chance on Door Prizes RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Re-opening THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 2-430 = 6-9P.M. CITY AND DISTRICT $800 DAMAGE i Damage estimated at $800 was caused when vehicles driv-| er by Ronald W. Clarke, 173 Ce-| lina street and Gary E. Banks, 80 Eastlawn avenue, were in- volved in a collision at the cor-| ner of Simcoe and Albany streets at 12.40 a.m. today. CHILD INJURED Howard Cane, 5, of 452 Sim- coe street south, was treated for a small cut on his head and pos- sible concussion at the Oshawa General Hospital Friday after- noon.' The child was injured when the bike he was riding was . involved in an accident with a transport truck driven by Ernest D. Wilson, Brassey street. TWO INJURED Harry kysyckyi, of 748 Daniel street and Kenneth W. Vail, of Nash road, Darlington town. ship, were injured in a two-car collision at the corner of Athol and Drew streets at 1.50 a.m.| today. Lysyckyi suffered a cut| on his head; while Vail sustain- ed a bruised right arm and sprained right ankle. Damage in the accident is estimated at ST. GERTRUDE'S - 690 KING ST. &. $1300, -- THE COUNTY OF HASTINGS 1961 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING | » MATCH >| OCTOBER 4, 5,6, 7 AT... | BELLEVILLE, ONT. See plowmen from across Canada, vie for special and Championship prizes totalling 15,000.00. Top winners to compete in 1962 World plowing match to be held in Holland. ONTARIO PLOWMEN'S ASSOC. Winner of the fine Westing- house stereo-TV combination, grand prize in Christie's Bread contest at the Canadian Na- | tional Exhibition in Toronto, was Miss Janis Loos of 621 Masson street, Oshawa. Here, Miss Loos, right, is: shown re- ceiving the set from Christie's sales supervisor, Don Bowen, left. Beaming approval, are her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Loos. Daily, draws were con- ducted during the contest with two hampers of Christie's bread, cakes, and sweet goods going to winners each day. More than 93,000 entries were received in 15 days -- an aver age of better than 6,200 a day, ~