The Oshawa Times, 30 Sep 1961, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 30, 1961 17 A History Of Russia" Covers 11-Century Era ist jargon for Jelfersonian s -- or for those of Locke that the cumulative heris of Russian ory will pers her to embrace "Anglo- | Saxon" tradition. | Yet diversity of cultures does | not »d to mean irreconcilable >on The obstacles in the way of intelligent understanding 1d mutual ect are many (and it is not {i proper task of history to prophe the precise shape of things to come, adds or Clarkson. Thi s is a book of intense time. this rapid'y chang- , one that should prominence on contemporary 32--Articles for Sale ELECTRIC range, Kenmore, four ele- ments, oven, white € Saal, 29--Automobiles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale FURNISSED room, $5 weekly, gentle. DOWN, three to choose from, CUSTOM (in the dash) car|21" pairs 723.2853 for fur- | will consider car as down pay-|radios, lowest prices in town. Try Do.|lined drapes, oh Oe, 84", ment on two bungalows, s'tuated on minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. , |One air table lamps. 569 Masson St., {{ ne OPI WORTH it to the last penny. '55 Pon- "oo Telepho ae ¥4 1 radio, signals, windshield wash- LARGE double cement laundry tubs, REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, in excel- condition, $395 cash. Private, {complete with taps and stand. Also full jon; working condition, com- Avy 00 Simcoe Street South, side!'size bed sprives in good condition. partment, white enamel, loads of stor- {Telephone 725-7531 age space. Telephone 728-8317. 53 FONTIAG coach, body, motor and LARGE boat ry %-inch tongue oo" 4 tires, A-1 new paint, seat covers end and groved board and PArwood 1 feet |[HIGOINS Camper, trates, i news inside trim. Must be sold. Price $393. by 6 feet. Best offer, 725-8932 tire, signals. Telephone Telephone 728-1890. PAINT, Ad eTior, Bargain 125 7945 for further 81 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, black, prices. colors, -- ry 348 engine, 3 by 2 carburetor, 4.11|gloss. Oshawa Hardware and Electric. BENDIX automatic washer, & 7009 ood con. Post traction, three.speed Corvett trans, 8 Church Street, 723-7624. i__|p.m. for further particulars. | , ra white walls, wheel| yg aT grinder, first class condition, 4" FAT veld full lengih. ear. The concept of world revolu- dises. ._Can be 'financed. 725 3 b . Telephone MO 8.4311. LW ng gown, ful Jength, 58 ROLET I la, two-tone, low| rons ee nation white silk faille, chapel train, | tion, to be brought about by any THEY A mpala, Jb hit DOUBLE bed for sale with solid head-!long sleeved bodice, scoop neckline ac | mileage, V-8, automatic, radio, white-1;,5,4 'and spring filled mattr inicenied with lace and embroidered in) and all means, has never beer 1s. 02, officially repudiated. in the So- ' |27--Real Estate For Sele | in new condition. 111 26--Rooms for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent COMFORTABLE duty wiring, TV outlet, private pet du to store and buses. 728.5455. IN new home, two-room furnished Sivate eatiance Ad Bath: Parking space. es 314 Elgin Street Wi THREE-ROOM walk id Mates, bate base- H rtment, private entrance, Paths outlet, stove cable, $55 monthly. T 725-6612. TWO-ROOM unfurnished partment, bright and newly decorated, kitchen equi with built-in cupboards and sink. Centrally located. Apply 163 Bant- ing Avenue. THREE-ROOM newly decorated throughout, parkng facilities. Abply Be Eulalie Avenue or ther pa lars, i FURNISHED font room for rent, suit Harmony Road storey snd He single gentlemen, ample parking space. {ad Bill Millar ag oe soy d fad 25 Quebec Street. fea Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., room! OSE eres, conveniences. : parking space. Apply 02 Cuming fs, a soma ~~ | Albert Stree! n Oshawa, near Png | 27 --Reel Estate for Sale Cone or pg Write Rox 349 Oshawa s. $2,000 DOWN ~ brick bun. ror frame dwelt, and tle floors, new galow, water and hydro, ted Bloor Street oi furnace, all conveniences and ga. East. Full price ry Telephone rage. x phone St. Eloi Avenue. No agent (ale-|723 . 188. PRIVATE » exterior. supplies, also, a long felt need Ma n the presentation of Russia : history to the modern reader | As the jacket sta deed is a truly e ing event." So far as Three-bedroom bungalow, ay, aluminum storms, and bus, $11,200. Tele- phone 725.8158 after 5. $2,000 DOWN, New seven-room split- {level brick, praised $13,900. Will sell for $10,000, balance one 6 per cent government. 25-1343. COUNTRY living, near Ashburn, one acre, four rooms and bath, fruit trees, ssh ferms. Call 655-3123 . No agents please. $1500 DOWN, buys 110 acres of scenic land, with Gavaraska Hig! flowing |bals S&P- th, h property. 17 miles from Osh- Sag $6800 full price. Call Walter W. McQuay ,Realtor, MA ill modern ent, | for informa ion i ing publish: | THREE-ROOM basement apartment, raished, with three-piece bath, sep- iv the "cold war' this ; from the sheer polarity of sus picion between two dominant says the authc conferenc e could pos unful arate entrance and hard ply at 518 Wilson Road ut! $12 WEEKLY -- two-room completely furnished, good district. Suit lady or gentleman. Parking space. Apply 15 Colborne Street East, THREE-ROOM centrally located, $55 monthly includes heat and hydro. Children welcome, Telephone 728-6666 for further informa. tion. RESIDENTIAL district, North Oshawa, tal, 10 minutes downtown, | apartment Oshawa, seven-roomn house, has mod- Horner. Lloyd Realty Oshawa Limited. | 1® ences, bars, large pigpen, Realtor. 11960 ENVOY, may be gravel dope tw {Guelph Street between 5 and 9. with a Call Waiter 200 ACRES, mixed farm, good build- . W. McQuay Realtor, MA 3.3003 Bowmanville, {or exchange for house. Mr, Artur Gan- V O L V O [tert, RR 1, Kirkfield, Ontario. E sale -- Most dependable. The leader on the road ond 133 ACRES, 100 |PRIVATE sale -- storey and half track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE ance wood and pasture, Big river run 4 {through pasture: 7-room house with con- Dodroom Bowk Vales, od heating.) 290 Eulalie. Telephone | FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 Mi {line at The Hilltop. Open from 10 a until scen at 510 | Sy |88:000; down $2,000 with one mortgage | ion- of f of every veniences, big barn, water in; 2 drive , stove, Frigi- 2 brooder houses, garage, tool | LF Sa storage space, ing shed. "id farm is for beef cattle or ,» bedroom, leash crop. Plenty of water and large FO! LJ bath, TV outlet, garage, a red rden, berries, strawberries, some ized cottage on lot. )) E -- While frame winter Manchester across Hydro, MO Clarkson is the and translator of works in the field ry and Russian a frequent cone 1y scholarly jours fessor wthor, editor Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 912 f noe f practi- It his is a book to be Cherish and re- e-read many | |1642. | PAINT 'ed, N.S. School Does Alcohol Studies n her opinion "the school didn't n one way or the other." Mr. . Gilchrist, who has two 501s, ad s he is a teetotaller > says it is not the school's se to age opinions moderate king or abstis TWO unfurnished rooms and small|y, kitchen with cupboards and sink, park- ing, bus at door. 622 Bloor East. 7. 7617. carriafe, l'ke new, color grey, 11 sell for $19. Tele;hone 655-4836 for | {information |Two girls' 1817 each: Guide uniform, |plete, excellent condition. 1725-6697. winter coats, sizes 10-12 size 12, com-| Telephone the the GURNEY electric stove, four burner, 121" width, good condition, reasonably priced. Telephone 725-2962. ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes. | No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates Terms. Order early. 723-4989. m includes he ple ti or sale or will trade for from White Rose Station. rig i... veg oJ and dry usines: fliness forces sale; make [84294 or WH 23145. and many extras. Available now. offer. Apply owner, S. Hussel, RR 3, pre SURRGOM ranch type home. Please call 725.8680. Omemas. and tile flooring. vats piece raished main floor PRIVATE sale, five room brick byn| nga- | colored bath, All decorated. Recreation Torte pia rates, he light Jaw, two bedrooms, hardwood, 4tile room and two-piece bath, Oil heating, ' 116 fully landscaped, patio, paved laundry tubs, garage, asphalt driveway 723-4082. . North end. Call 728-5885. {Three years old. jiikhealth feasn for sale. Apply 216 Chadburn Stree! m | TRADE or or sell | new six- plex, fully "rent | dein si Bib dy RIS | ed, $53,000 with $14,000 down or ex-|10-ACRE lots near 401 Highway, y, $5000 to 5 pm change for home or business. Balance with $1500 down. Call Walter Frank, Write Box 511 Oshawa D, W. McQuay Realtor. MA 3-3393 Bow- 3 BACHELOR a artment, stove and frig. Times. manville, Open evenings or weekends automatic was and dryer, $75 month. | --_ _ momen - ------ ly. Apply to gi Monroe Avenue, [LARGE six-room m built brick SIX- -ROOM thr bedroom brick v og E OF alow with built-in stove and oven, neer bungalow, near schools Anarment 1 ane to wall earpeting in living and Sacrifice $13,000 cash to mortgage THE HOM |dining roam, ceramic tile bathroom Private 507 Dean venue. "plus two other washrooms, fireplace ou tor Ful ll in ee "bedrooms, GOOD USED CARS | |upstairs and i finished Yeo! ation Jarge living room, in s-otless cond't room, split level entrance, outside en- o '$50| THREE room apartment, equipped with [trance to basement, double garage and only a, 0 wi terms. Bala Phin "Before You Buy - -- stove, refrigerator, chesterfield and lots of other extras, strictly residential, 725.3852, Gi BillAT chair. Close to bus: parking facilities, $10,000 down and jake over morgage, ry Tear Shopping ive Bi ry" Telephone 723-1052. Adults only. need money for other business. Tele |) ER ungalow, S o! Dome y hone MO 8-3119 Centre and schools, excellent location, BILL WHITTICK for R thres bedrooms. recreation room, down 26--Rooms for Rent 730 BUYS 50 acres wooded level Sai and. Pigeon River winds through prop. Pavmen ase inter MOTORS LTD HEAR wi i, Cauipped Bouse} erty. Good hunting and fishing. Suit-|[EF a a er Tan 6050, 729 Glenfor- | . keeping room. Would suit one gentle-|,pie" marsh farming. Call Don Sirados- man, central location. Avply 58 Nas- |p; ee Schofields, 723-2265. Evenings ®t Street [ 146 BROCK ST. N. Sau _Sireet or lelephone 733-7921. 728.8423 #500 DOWN -- six-room bunpalow. all| WHITBY MO 8-474] R! , south section only, $7,500. FURNISHED bed-sitting room with hot ZONE MIb, large six room bungalow, da Raton 26 Ags Hod RN 723-2512 or MO 8-5765, olate and refrigerator, on bus route, £10,000, Low down payment, low month. North Simcoe Street, pit iable for sin- iy hayments, jow es, one open mort Scotia School holds Nova walls, very good condition. hardly used. Rea- 725-9659 after 5. 25.3489, WET no Fu cl arpaulins, camp groun {viet Union. Yet there have beer pion Spd ss than 10.000 original | Crinoline with hoop. 30 Like new. ITERS, cash reg $600 88317. |ELECTRIC stove, ah ingle se used. Bil foree has been gradually weak- brick home, close to d [1954 CONSUL sedan, excellent condition. mer, warming Hamilton, Ashburn, Brooklin |sonable 725-4 [UMBLER "with $3 worth of gaso- Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe scale clearly survives, but the TYPEWRITERS for students. "Guaran | siration. Telephone 735.4683 |old slogans and by inherited TSION General Elastic unt at | Union may be groping for a new|world at larg hers, 5 King Street West. | Street North. Your authorized RCA Vie | chan |death of Stalin have not been|T.eninism constit a»pliances, ete Call Elmer, 30 years' |34--Lost & Found with stand, new picture tube. recently north section of Oshawa, Septembe {afraid of personal contact with facts of life, so also I TAUFFER | e rest with "plastic | L. M. D., vicinity of Osbawa Boulevard path, requiring a real inter-|ypder the operation 0 [taining week's pay Thursday at 12:43) coexistence with the "capitalist"| Clarkson: of course, too Paint Company, 1051 Nelson Street. | os | A 35--Legal . |ed by Jesse D. Clarkson, profes- PTANO, two, avartment size. $395 and "XCHANGE Polaroid complete, for | | OF RUSSIA" (Random House of IN THE ESTATE OF sia for 11 centuries from the ALL persons having claims TP Parsons. caving : |of Rus, to Nikita S. Khrush- (CP)--Among |thousands of LEGGOTT, late of the City of 4 5 rp . {munist Party of the Soviet| tion department, one deals with deceased, who died on or USSR. The | Studies sonable. T' ITE! '60 PONTIAC Laurentian, four door| rrpnNTION Bridestobe! WAI ey entals. Osh: Hardware, 8 sedan, dark blue, hydramatie with sheets Street 737638, a indications that the earlier ides Mileage. Immaculate condition, Make APY 76 Bond Street TYP ers, ada. | Of effecting the desired effect by DOWN buys seven-room | | offer. Telephone 728-8317. pa 3 od usin, Viking ers, sales, rvice, new, in automatic ov ening. The ambitions to estab- I repair, oil heat, and low taxes, $9600 y 'joven, timed ples. New condition. Rea: | |we h » iy tor a : po ACRE farm only six mlics rom me peice Coll 128.5123 and #3h for Bill] {Telephone 7259153 for further particu- sonable Po54855, (ved vay Highest prices a x clty Jor|lish communism on a world "FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib.| Strategy seems to have been jun eral trade-in Mowarce F Free demon: | changing. Though hampered by teed standards at low prices. Bill Ham-| ~~ -- tantly, FOR Rawleith good heal t inked : ) h ilton, Ashburn, Brookl : TS Reeomane est ealth products. ways of thinking, the Soviet|of the Sovi T 4 3 \; WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car| isi oyerhauied Si. Philips i [radios only at Parkway TV. 918 Simcoe aPproach jo iis old problem. The creasingly outmoding revolut le, 599. . es in the regime sin y 1 - |tor service depot for Oshawa. 8 8 ce the ary Bolshevik theory. Just BUYING or disposing of used furniture, | : Cotta 3.2294 {very profound, but it may be tion, however d experience, ax_3-2204. | that more flexible minds, les e TELEVISION, 24" Motorola complete | | YELLOW and green budgie, e. Tost J . ds, less practical Marxist dc overhauled by reputable technicians, in|Reward. = Finder please ii od the West, may try to guide the ism been und $100. 8-2027 anytime, {Soviet peoples along a different|almost impe a small "grey sy Beagle, e ear r tattooed stirrups and stretcher bar, $150, and King St Street, Telephone 728-0620. ey ational Jelente" and me cal realiti rfect condition. Telephone Orono LOST: Brown bank envelope con. WLNE more an semi-iso ate Says ket all kinds. Manufacturing |D.m. in vicinity of Toronto Dominion world. is, much to ex § 6 . P. tt| Bank, Whitby, Reward, MO 8-5178. | ssi ill discard the nrices. Sale hours 4 p.m. Parro The above opinion is express- pect that Russia wi S 728-3622. . 3990 {sor of history at Brooklyn Col- 2 # Si x ' | [Firnitore and Appiances, NOTICE TO CREDITORS |lege, in a new book, "HISTORY for D OTHER ; portable tape record: | AND O 5 CANADA LTD.), a scholarly en, cheap; ten 7-foot| well-documented history of Rus- | WILLIAM JOHN LEGGOTT, DECEASED. {ttme of Rurik, the legendary | Viking founder of the kingdom HaLIFAR against the estate of the sch ap said WILLIAM JOHN |chev. First Secretary of the|thou! Bi chools Lge | Central Committee of the Com-|Wing of the Nova Scotia edu Oshawa, in the County of Hinds i a : D> o I J ¥ Ontario, Retired Electrician, {Union and Chairman of the OBI me Subject Jeverage h | Council of Ministers of the" ay about the 13th day of Sep- tember, A.D. 1961, are re- | {Alcohol jeep. Call | gle sir Telephone 728-6925. Don COMPLETE use of facilities, TV. stove, laundry, ete. Rooms for one or two girls in new bungalow. Very rea-| sonable. 725-2757. TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent, | close to hospital. Suitable for nurses | or teachers Reasonable. Telephone 725-5168. FURNISHED, , bright Tight housekeeping | room, clean, quiet, central, close hospital. Telephone 728-5084 or 728- Gor, TWO furnished rooms, laundry, park. ing facilities. Right across from Shop- ping Centre. 378 King Street West or telephone 728. 1127. FURNISHED | room, , with double bed, in clean home, $6 weekly. Apply 105 Mary Street or telephone 728-0764, ISHED room. housekeening priv. ileges, near hospital and downtown. | Apply 23 Elgin street east or esll{ 723-7814 after 8. BED-sitting room, furnished, Tooke facilities, room telephone, washer and dryer; close to hosnital, downtown, north GM. Telephone 728-5507. E single and one double room, tinuous hot water: also al 105 Ritson Nori 725-1300. PARTLY furnished, flat, use of washing machine. Adults. Apply 48 Drew Street between § and 8 in | | ingle | a home v. LARGE single room, with Tieges if , five Four Corners. Telephone 723-7237, rl room or room and board for entleman, in clean, quiet home which £ prose located, abstainer. Tele- phone 725-3879. ATTRACTIVELY furnished bedroom, private home, Wilson Road, bus at door. Suit one or two single girls. Telephone r S. SINGLE furnished room, us. of Kit. chen and washing machine. Handy to downtown and North GM. Ample park ing. Telephone 725-8150. LARGE furnished housekeeping room, built-in cupboards and sink, parking cilities, close to bus, all convenience Apply 320 Frontenac Avenue. FURNISHED bedroom and kitchen, all | conveniences, very central, $12 per| week. Also furnished light 'housekeep- | ing room. Telephone 728-6844. clean quiet with h first | Fog » | lunches packed, ample parking, to io SveryWhere, Apply 81 Park Road Sout TWO furnished rooms, bedroom kitchen with new refrigerator, Duiltin | cupboards and sink. All conveniences. Apply 887 Ritson R | ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 728-8671 rare Stradeski ings 728-8423. SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? USE How 0 OP ACTION CALL 728-5107 RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS . 723-2265 even- | 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA MUST BE SOLD MOVED TO USA. Smart ranch type bungalow with attached carport closed in with California redwood; put the door on ord you hove a garage. Basement rece room 85% complete, just tile the floor and few odds ond ends. Best of all, main floor is spotless, tastefully deccrated, 3 spocious bed- rooms, family-size modern kitchen ond living room to match. Good londscaping. Will consider $1,500 down; north-west crea. Call Mr. Siblock or Mr. Bolahood at 725-6544, INDEPENDENCE YOUR OWN BUSINESS $1,500 down or offer; or trade any recl estate you may have on a money-maker right downtown. Smart rest- ourant with short hours and closed Sundays. For more details and appointment call Mr. Siblock or Mr. Bolahood ot 725-6544, JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD RLTR. LTD. INSC. WHITBY CLASSIFIED TO RENT: 1% storey house, in Brook. | lin, $ rooms. Central. Phone MO 8-4822,| | ADY d res ride from Oshawa to ants leaving four men around o'clock. MO 85039 after 6. STUDENTS! A super value, mately 630 sheets of letter ¢ paper (news print) for only Apply Oshawa Times Office, whith 1 Dundas Street West. FL DUTCH girl requires "child care or cleaning work in your own home. Phone | MO 8-4770. ~ppr: 2 Spas Y, 3 covers. Gow! fit. ting our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 8 272. THREE- ROOM "unfurnished apartment, | on second floor, with private bath and | he duty wirin Bi child welcome. hone MO 8-5 FOR SALE: Three bedroom brick bun. galow on landscaped lot, and living room; screen and close to shopping area and school mediate possession. Phone MO 8.2664. FOR SALE: Whitby, large modern clap-| board bungalow. finished recreation room. Oil heated. Near school, stores) and bus. MO 3.8765 after 4 p.m. | THREE-room unfurnished apartment 5 private Ng adults pre. Mo | storms; | Im-| entral loca yard, $65 pe: month, including Tati Nene, water. fo 8-4494 after THREE- RS apartment, for rent, very central. Youd su suit business couple. FOR RENT -- Semi-detached five-room house, immediate possession, one or two children welcomed. Apply 116 Cen- {tre Street North LARGE "bedsitting "room "with Kitchen- lette, for rent, central, Suitable for two * [girls or one. Phone after 6 p.m., MO 8-3151. FOR RENT: Four-roomed house, "heavy wiring. hydro, hot water; also three | MO 8.3727, 15 rooms, tral: adults preferred. FOR SALE: Income home, cellent revenue, $5.000 down, terms ranged. Choice building lots, 70x165, 11 sell 50 feet or more frontage, fully serviced, $600 down, terms arranged. | {Call McAuley Rea) 'Estate. representa- {tive Helen Allan, MO 8-4065, "PTIC TANKS cleaned. Walter Ward. | 1204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 82563. |FOR RENT self contained apartment, central, large kitchen parking. Reasonable to a good tenant. | Telephone 655-4471 [i EVEN-ROOM house on 1 acre of love- | y grounds, just two miles north of Whitby, Three very large bedrooms, {four-piece bath, oil heated. $12,800. $2100 down carries $90 monthly includ. | os interest 3338. W. Building. FURNISHED three room apartment in ,_|apartment building in Whitby, laundry ~| facilities and parking. $70 monthly, vacant now. Telephone 725-32 14. $900 DOWN $12,100 full price bungalow, screens, fenced, sodd other improvements. MO 38-5428, LOST -- Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist Schatzman Realtor Brock {roomed self-contained apartment; cen- pacious three-roomed | Call Helen Simpson MO | PRIVATE Six-room custom built home, storms and screens two fin- ished rocms in basement, two fireplaces, built-in stove, oven, exhoust funs near cll scho I-to wall carpet throughout nouse. 725-3993 BUYING OR SELLING (o] LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Lloyd Realty (Ushawa) Ltd., 101 Simcoe Street North 728.5123 FOR REAL ESTATE DON S$. SMITH Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 728-4879 29--Automobiles for Sale 1954 CHEV. sedan, good condition and new paint, $395, Aprly 302 Oshawa Boulevard South. TUMBLER-FREE with $3 worth of gasoline at The Hilltop. Open from 10 a.m. unt) midnight. '53 AUSTIN, green, good running order, tires in fair condition, extras. Tele. phone 725-4441 for further particulars. 1951 PONTIAC, exceptionally good con. | Business WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 | "EDWARD DRUMM" | A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITR A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED §xx PF XX XXXX xx X % 4 Xx XxX xxx Xxx Xxx¥ X Txxx Xxx XXX x % x x x : : x x x x XXX x LOAN THE BANK OF dition, new tires, radio, two-tone, auto- atic, hardtop, $200 cash. Telephone 58 | 1961 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, I light mw metal. NOVA SCOTIA | lie green, four door, miles. Very reasonable 725.7809. hil |30--Aut ut Wanted TRADE-IN YOUR OLD CAR! If your car needs repairs . . or perhaps 'it's on it's 'last legs . . . you can borrow the money to put it in shape or to trade on a new one. We will be pleased to lend you money for any worthwhile purpose. Drop in tomorrow ond discuss your loan in complete confidence. From $50.00 to $5,010.00 SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY of Canada Limited : 29%2 SIMCOE Ss. 728-6283 SEPTEMBER | CLEARANCE ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED '59 CHEVROLET Impala Convertible, radio, auto- matic, power brakes, etc. PONTIAC Sedan, matic transmission. MERCURY Monterey Se- dan, outomatic, radio. CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach, leather uphol- tery, new tires. CHEVROLET Deluxe Se- don, automatic trans- mission, "Immaculate Condition' CHEVROLET Four-door Hardtop "Interior Like New", TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS '58 CHEVROLET Pick-Up | | | auto- -Ton $895 Va LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers cars for wrecking. Highest prices pal 725-1181. t bio) get one roll free at Edgar's Sale, 34 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off, NICHOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-800) SPOT CASH PAID FCR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 |31--Automobile Repairs { HOUSTON'S GARAGE { and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 |32--Articles for Sale |PIANO, upright, in A-1 condition, | Jus {recently tuned. Price $275 or best offe | Telephone 7 728-8587 for information, T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vonized. Guaranteed one year. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. t | | | free FU Professor Clarkson, | speaks Russian fluently, CES, forced air, ten year guar. $2.25 per week, no down pay | Package deal $130. Telephone quired to file with the under- signed solizitors for the executors, full particulars in writing of such claims, on or before the 14th day of October, A.D. 1961, after which date the executors will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED aot Oshawa, Ontario, this 20th day of September, A.D 1961. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario Solicitors herin for the executors, Richard Ellsworth Leggott antee, ment, 4729 LING "furniture? We'll buy | it. Re fri tors, TV's. washers, pianos, | stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street, Phone 728-1131 | TYPING paper on sale, letter size, | white newsprint buy in bulk lots and| save, 4% |b pkg $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $200 Circulation Department. Oshawa Times B | masterful job despite the enorm- |, |ity of his historical canvas -- it iis one of the better jobs of mod- |ern times as he skilfully blends| the Russian story from the earli- | est times to the present. | This is a timely and fascinat- |ing book that should be read by {all who would have a better | understanding of the Soviet |Union in these crucial times when the peace of the world is (imperiled. | LONG RESEARCH ". GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat. | ators, tele | t 725-4543 Kelvinator refrigei n. Thrifty Budget Plan, VACUUM clearer repairs, all makes, | parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. teed rebullt machines. Estimates free. | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser-| | vice. 728.059 i | USED tires, "most all sizes, , $3 and | wl |B. F_ Goodrich Stores, 725-4543 (TE NTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, 3 lan- | terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Best prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, 725-6511. Terms to) suit you. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, 4 hp motors, | $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash: | ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp. | ton, CO 3-2241. USED furniture and appliances cost, less at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Street South, 728-4873. We buy and sell.| B-flat tenor saxaphone, 1 very good con- | dition, student forced to sell. Telephone | 725.4265. Ask for Los | ELECTRIC razor service, Sunbeam, Remington, Schick, Philashave, Ron- son etc. Cords, cutfing heads in stock. Meagher's, 5 King Street West, BANKRUPT stock of rugs and broad- loom. Many sizes. Must sell. Box 507] Oshawa Times. REFRIGERATOR, stov da ashing | machine, all for $250 or best offer, if sell separately. All in good Bid 725.2962, | Today she is showing symp-| BICYCLE --- CCM 1960, used very little, like new. |8 aa, - 530 pm FREE wallpaper at Edgars Paint and | Wallpaper. Ready pasted and regular patterns to choose from. Buy one roll, I and William Arlan Leggott Ghana Disrlayirgy Illness Symptoms By DOUG MARSHALL | al - {bounced independently into the| world four years ago she was centration of power around his the picture of new - born health./own person. | | = lalysis. Reports reaching Britain in: |imputations of corruption. dicate the country is going| The left wing has consistently through its worst crisis since{urged more radical socialist independence and some corres- pondents are concerned that the end may be near for President Kwame Nkrumah. Strikes are gripping the ports and railways, Nkrumah's cab- inet is divided, members of his party are critical of their bur- caucrats and there are signs of revolt among the nation's cocoa farmers. The immediate cause of this crisis is the harsh budget intro- duced personally by Nkrumah in July before leaving for an ex- tended tour through the Com- munist-bloc countries, The new measures were bound to cause hardship for Ghana's masses and the presi- dent's prolonged absence re- sulted in the first open chal- lege to his power and leader- Pp. In effect, the budget made al clean break with previous eco-| nomic policies and moved| (Ghana another stage to the left| in the developing socialist struc-| ture of the state. USED CONTROLS The government reduced] spending power by greatly in- creasing direct and indirect taxes, implementing a total wage freeze and introducing a system of forced savings. Ghana's people had not been psychologically prepared for all this. Until recently the coun- | try had swung along with al happy - go - lucky economy that drained away the prosperous monetary reserves with which she started life. thorized the formation of a new Now Nkrumah needs money |bank holding company with $6,- for development projects, for a|200,000,000 in assets. growing defence program and| Approved by the New York for loans to neighboring coun: state banking board was a plan tries--all part of his personal by the Morgan Guaranty Trust project to make Ghana the so-|Co. of New York city and six cialist focal point of a pan-Af- other state banks to organize| rican federation. |as IF King Street West. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, |free estimates. - Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm windows and Prime windows and doors only $40. Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price, Call {| ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaronteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 SALE NOW ON Now is the time to replace those draughty wooden doors ond windows with the best Aluminum-products obtain. able. Reid Installations 725-4344 FALL SPECIAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS $45.00 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS: getting the upper hand. Yet the balance of power still has been an immensely popu-| lar leader. But in Accra now there is talk of a successor and some of the president's associates are not merely critical but bla- tantly disrespectful. If Nkrumah can settle the|? crisis peacefully he will prob- | ably retain full control. If he is | 1: li Ic t | | IS I | | of the workers, he may fall. His chief asset is his popular- | feverish kind of popularity that could be shattered overnight. t 'Operating Deficit Of CNR Decreased MONTREAL erating deficit of Canadian Na-| tional Rai'ways for August w [$282,000 compared with a defi cit of $2,287,000 for August 1961. | | The net operating deficit for the eight months was $11,121,000 against $7,012,000, or an increase| of $4,019,000. 'Bank Holding Firm Approved NEW A 5p (AP) State banking authorities Friday au [t t Colonial Aluminum Sales Co OPEN 9 A.M.-9 P.M. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. who here for a week each su who Seventy pupils, has been visiting professor of| tended this year. | History at the Russian Institute| re {of Columbia University, does ajp educs province, started the sc years ago. to educate teac | entific lever, anyone interested in the prob- ing {motion pict | cussi ions, This book is the product ofthe {more than 30 years of research, | graduation certif {teaching and "scholarship -- it is that graduates {to their home communities pre- pared to pass on to others the The president has long been land society in gener LONDON (CP)--When Ghana criticized by a right-wing ele- {not, ment for the increasing con- people whethe Helped by left-wing support- [thought otherwise, iE 8 "Girl's full size, new toms of advanced infantile par- ers, Nkrumah tried to discredit] |school seemed to be pi {his gonservative ministers with|a doctrine of Roman Catholic priest at policies at home. The July bud-| one school ses get indicated this element was|3 hinges on the political skill and|"dWard Island director of prestige of Nkrumah himself. He| cohol studies, school did not deyoted most of one | forced to embark on repression | {of ity but it has always been that MOST TEETOTALLERS [totallers but |answer, | [blame them for (CP) -- Net options." as| side, said the somewhat ers invited to present the jerate 'drinker's viewpoint" {declined to attend. Victor an an Order nurse, opinion i 1 ndg I . The ma teachers, cl § and social wor epresented. R. Gilchrist, tion superv given scien of the I u 0 eff temp S01 junction wit their home and when they are ol¢ He says it is 1 y F uld make he education de » y of ' How- to al cohol." school open facts the is nal em of alcoholism. Classes consist ures Those week's of 1d who co lectures, yanel dis- com] N I a e Aug iF idea attended b ill go back 2 Scotia y Six » Island the! Newfoundland. T three were visiting Texas. 14-19 28 h full Ww Nov information school. SCIENTIFIC DATA Mr. Gilchrist says the school, {aims to give scientific data on 1g of beer, wine cts the individual 1. It does attempt to tel they should or they get at toon draws Tuition is $6 board brings bout $30, a he says, : Mr. ncial gove tah *'one way. or Nova Scotia edu ment pays about lo oper: The number of Hopo|£ rown from 21 fo took the fioor af , EVen our wors sion to urge that|!he government m drinker's view-|It should be b be given. next year." {should not d Some of tI 1 total abs Rev. Arthur Pen River. P.E.L "mod rate point' ble ects the ations 11 the pers s that young up should be 1d social know- of beverage immediate and then h teachings of church -- and enough--they ir own deci- ENROLMENT UP He recruits students by send- material to heads of re- and edu. in the four lic provinces, sessi persons from from from New Prince and 22 from he remaining g tourists from Another such school at Saska- : pupils Prairie provinces. from the and a week's cost up to on. In most Gilchrist, pro- iments pick up the another," The cation depart $2.000 a year te the school. graduates has ur years ago. t crities said ust keep it up, r and better Later David Boswell, Pri ince 1] said that if the NEWS BRIEFS "a more balanced approach" his prov- nce might have to set up its own. Mr. Boswell did not attend his year's school. Rev. Robert C. 3 rector at Canso, N.S. Roy Albion King, philoso Fmd at Cornell University present SEEK RARE apy De: led for supj Tuck, 'atl he Hones n go tc ound three bottle : ecture 10!ish.colored liqueu assaulting the moderation poir , BN . : " and is view, "I thought he was vec unfair." more, JOIN FO \DON (CP) {t Corporat Honey: ympany have rm Inertial G » siaff and ned {ee- He said most of tl {students were unash SI is a hought there an 'Mr. Gilchrist and other lec- LY, rs tried to be fair. I don't having convic- ure tems for missiles. of Summer- PEI, school - teacher, *hool may have been pro-abstinence his couldn't be avoided. Lloyd Simmons a BOURNEM 0 U 1in's local bro: (CP) but |p f ak- mod had indsc Elsie Carter, a W Said th from TRIAL PE tained @ LIQUEUR LONDON (CP)--Doctors have lies of a rare * to help pro- three-year-old leukemia, vernment has s of the green- alled Tokay searching for RCES ~The British on.and Minne- ropean aircraft and RIOD T H, England Bournemouth, nt went on ay trial pe- MERRY MENAGERIE MO Ftohuas a. -- Morgan New York State| tained apartment, $50. Mr. Say, 209 | Brock Street South, MO 8.5047. FOR RENT NT -- 360 "monthly, three and rour room apartments, balcony. Resi dential area, newly decorated, laundry facilities. Parking, close to schools, children's playground. Apply 300 High Street. FOR RENT: two-bedroom apartments, | GROUND floor, two "room unfurnished $90 and $100, in modern building; apartment with kitchen and bed sitting stoves, refrigerators. MO 8.3591. foes Hydro, heat included: convenient | FOUR-ROOM _ apartment for rent, Co. on. Parking space. MO 8-518. parly furnished, all conveniences. Ap. BC SERVICES, Complete bookkeeping ply alter 6.30 p.m. Mrs. Bates. 305 fervice for small businesses, weekly, Trent Street West, Whitby. monthly or as desired Statements pre. pared, income tax returns. MO 88252, ATTENTION HUNTERS | We rent: Canoes, Cor Top GRAVEL - LCAM Boots, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cement, Gravel, Cabin Trailers, Gelso Power Drivewoy Gravel ond Fill Toqls, Garden ond Lawn | Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon Equipment. MO 8-326, ERIC C. BRANTON WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY MO 8-2660 watch, brown cord strap, reward. 318 Mary Street West or phone MO 8-4294 [SPACIOUS modern two-bedroom apart. ments for rent. from $85. Cal] J. Daly, MO 98-4775, FOR "Late model Crosley auto. matie defrosting refrigerator: four ele.| Ment. heavy duty Gurney stove. MO| 728-4614 WRECKING OLD BANK BUILDING KING AND SIMCOE STS. ALL MATERIALS FOR SALE Stone, bricks, steel beams, stairs, windows, doors, ook flooring, oak panneling, french doors, plumbing, hot water square sectional boiler, radiators, pipe, lumber of every description. Salesman on job. ST. CLAIR HOUSE WRECKING CO. LTD, V2-Ton Pick- $145 MERCURY Sedan, radio . $139 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM Nkrumah cut short his Rus. | Corp. Sian holiday to go home and| Still required are approvals| face the music. His first move from the federal reserve board was to deliver an ultimatum, and stockholders of participat-| later extended, ordering strik-|ing banks. | ers to return to work. Strikes| Joining in the proposal are| are illegal under Ghana's trade| Manufacturers and Traders union legislation. {Trust Co., Buffalo; Rochester| Even if he succeeds with the Trust Co., Rochester; National| strikers, he will soon have to Commercial Bank and Trust| deal with irate cocoa farmers/G0» Albany; First Trust and now that the cocoa season Deposit Co., Syracuse; Oneida [beginning. It is not clear What National Bank and Trust Co. of | the outcome will be. Central New York, Utica; and First - City National Bank of PARTY CONFLICT Binghamton. Nkrumah's political problems] are less easy to define. The| FOOT TREATMENT main threats seem to come| The Sudanese women of West from conflicts within his own!|Africa mash onions the way |* Convention People's Party. The grapes are crushed in some opposition party is ineffective. |cther areas--with their Lae] 361 '52 FARGO Up GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 LATEST MODERN DESIGNS In living room drepery ma- terials -- 79¢ a yard and up. Bedroom drapery in satins ond rayons . , . 1.49 and up Kitchen drapery materials eos 89 up Dropes made to order by ex- perts at nominal cost. Also a selection of ready-made drapes at discount prices. M & C DRYGOODS 74 Celina Street 723-7827 '51 FOR AN HONEST DEAL SEE "TED TED CAMPIN | MOTORS | 607 KING ST. E. | OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 -- RES, 725-5574 | | "It's his turn to walk the baby!"

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