The Oshawa Times, 29 Sep 1961, p. 5

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TT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 29, 1961 § 1 . : | WHITBY And DISTRICT Focus On Fashion ium me vei rem su un . Is CWL Projec 1 fures by Ken, John Burtinsky. srs IL. Mcintyre, Mrs. D, News Pushed Wife AWAY AS ue re roi mo so svn Given Kiss: Defendant": ge crowd and introduced the So ® JERE FEEL cot angora, This most successful evening|Newman, Jill Ottenbrite, Terry was under the capable convener-| McIntyre, Judy Carter, Susanne ship of Mrs. Dennis Ullyett, as- McCarroll, Kathy Sorichetti, sisted by Mrs. Andrew Miller| Mary Ann Hamilton, Linda Gar- and Mrs. J. Corrigan. ratt. Boy models: Stephen Otten- The following were models: brite, Denis Robitaille, Joe Cor- Senior models: Miss Sus a nirigan and John Corrigan, twins, {School auditorium. Mrs. G. : | ¢ iview of styles included the ver- Carter, president, welcomed the satile jacket dress, the casual Moris, nd Beauty Counsellor, | an, Mrs. W. McMonagle, Mrs. y iSCompanim .|K. MacDonald, Miss Susan the first fall activity presented|umn shades, the greens, blues by St. John The Evangelist and reds were gay and exciting. An Oshawa man, being sued Regarding the incident of the telephone for assistance or! fashion commentator, Mrs. Mar for damages for alienating the July 19, 1960, which Wiatrowski'a ride somewhere. jorie Chadwick. , Swealets which team well sk . appropriately provided by Mrs. . J. G, McGee, Miller. Junior models: Rhoda CWL took place Wednesday : , : 2¢> | Clothes this year are relaxed {evening at Henry Street High and easy to wear. This fall pre- {affections of another man's wife claimed had broached the ac-, She told defence cou nsel' Fashions by John Northway i r ltold a Supreme Court jury in|tion, Niemec said that Mrs. George Boychyn that she could|ang Son Limited were so varied course the timeless black not love her husband after what Roisin: Married recently in St. John The Evangelist Church were Mr. and Mrs. William Ber- nard Te-Vruchte Formerly Miss Thea Maria Goemans, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Goemans, WED IN AUTUMN CEREMONY the bride- Mr. Te-Vruchte, of Whitby groom is the My Bernard Pickering | --Photo by and son of and of Stannett Whitby Whitby on Thursday that the {plaintiff in the action owes him {84,500 which he borrowed ant in the action, Niemiec, 38, of 1002 Simcoe street south, told the court that the plaintiff, Roman Wiatrowski, 46, of 217 Johnston avenue, bor- rowed the money and has never repaid it. Wiatrowski is seeking damages from Niemiec for alienation of the affections of Wiatrowski's wife, Sophia, 38. Niemec told the jury that he and Wiatrowski had been close friends from their first meeting in 1949 until July 19, 1960. For nine of those years, Niemiec said that he had boarded at the Wiatrowski home. He said that when Mr. and Mrs. Wiatrowski decided to build their own home in 1953. he had provided $1,500 for their use In 1960, prior to July, he said, Wiatrowski had asked to bor- row more money lo build an- other house. On this occasion, said the defendant, he agreed to lend more money ony if Wiat- rowski attended with a lawyer to draw up proper papers. He said that Wiatrowski refused and no further loan was made. Niemiec told the court that during the nine years he had been their boarder, Mr. and Mrs. Wiatrowski had had many quarrels. He said that Wiatrow- ski often told his wife to leave and accused her of being un- faithful. However, he said, dur- ing the years he had known Wiatrowski not once had they ever quarrelled. in! ® 1953 to build a house. Defend-| Tadeusz| Wiatrowski had sat on his knee and kissed him in a chair in the Wiatrowski living room. He claimed that he was her away as she kissed him. He |said he did not know why Mrs, Wiatrowski kissed him. But, he added, "I wasn't afraid much." Mrs. Wiatrowski, taking the stand on behalf of the defend ant, said that she had kissed Niemiec on that occasion, "on purpose." "l had to end the life we had together," she told the court. 'I was fed up because we (she and her husband) lived like two strangers." She explained that she and her husband got along badly right after their marriage in a displaced persons camp in 1948. She said that she asked for a church wedding following their civil ceremony and her husband had told her that he would not "marry a woman like you in church." KILLED HER LOVE She said that she came lo Canada in 1949 to a farm where her husband worked and it was there "he killed my love for him." On this occasion, she said, she had been made sleep on the floor She told the court that after her husband found her Kissing Niemiec on July 19, 1960, he had ruled that she wou'd not cook for him any more, Niemiec left the next day, she said, and she had seen him several times after that after calling him on and lovely that every lady, pushing| he did to her. Gladys Giwronska, 19, Mrs. Belts fasten in the back, and] {would find some particular out qo "0 pencil slim for fall! Wiatrowski's niece, who lives| fit 10 suit her particular taste. guts were smart and lovely and with her at 205 Grenfell avenue, Ihe beautiful golds and browns, said that there had been many quarrels in the Wiatrowski home in the year she lived with the couple. She said that they often quarrel'ed because Mrs. Wiatrowski wanted a church wedding. On one occasion, in the sum- mer of 1960, she said, Paul Edward Knudson alias tured she Paul Alfred Turcott of 800 Brock | present. included fur felt in soft muted -- tones, shoes were pointed, very Jailed 3 Months On Traffic Count mai Shere im dount chic, with a real air of comfort. The stage and floral decora- itons also in rich autumn shades that the children's fashions cap- the heart of everyone The competent (but| heard Wiatrowski tell friends street north, Whitby was given|just a little shy) Junior models] that he would give the man ala three-month jail sentence by|displayed a for| coats, driving while under suspension, pretty dark cottons that will go| Charges of careless driving, all through winter, i bottle of whisky who took his Magistrate R. B. Dnieper wife ofi his hands. Mrs. Mary Jacek, of Colling- wood. who said she had visited and theft of auto against Knud- variety of} suits and] wide nylon snow Adding to the success of the| the Wiatrowski home many son were withdrawn by Crown cyening were three tiny French] 1951, also related|Attorney Bruce Affleck. times since tween the couple. She said that drawn by Magistrate Dnieper in ried by models. They had been a Roman Whitby Magistrate's Court, dyed to match a particular out. ~-- Mrs. Wiatrowski, Catholic, thought she would not Thursday. get absolution at confession be- in the church. | Alpoodles owned by Mrs, F. Mc-| evidence of many quarrels be- charge of joy riding was with- Gammond of Oshawa and car- NOTICE THE WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION will acce REGISTRATIONS WW | 1961-62 SEASON § on Saturday, Sept. 30th between the hours of 8:30 end 0:30 a.m. at the WHITBY ARENA Please note that all players must reside within the Whitby Town Limits and that the minimum age for Pee Wee classification is 9 years of age as of Aug- ust 1st, 1961, FRED ING; President -- W.M.H.A, fit. A model wearing a poodle] Knudson testified that he had coat carried a tiny pink poodle. cause she had not been married (aken his employer's car from : his employer's residence at 801 Bloye drew the prize winning During intermission Mrs. L. Two vears ago, she said, she Byron street in Whitby after he tickets, the winners were: Mrs. had been visiting the home with had drank a few beers at her husband and heard Wiatrow-| Whitby hotel. ski say he did not want to live with his wife because he hated and picked up his girl friend, weil, Mrs. J. then drove to Port Perry and Bur friend | A: p'aintiff, have told the court that home to Oshawa and back to Mrs. W. Hurley said hel czewski, Whitby, her so much All witnesses, including the then returned his girl until the kissing incident of July Whitby, The accused 19, 1960, Wiatrowski had sidered Niemiec his best friend. for a drive and went to Brook- Mrs. a Sandy Carlaw, He drove the car fo Oshawa Mrs. W. Simpson, Mrs. Vander- | con-| then decided to take the car out Orr, Toronto, Mrs. H. Allan, Mrs. D. A. Tuk, Mrs. G. Daigle, | Kalar, Mrs. S.| nes. Mrs. C. H, Longo, Mrs.| Glanfield, Mrs. E. Kochx,| Mrs. G. M.| Joyce M. Lewis, Pat Chidley, Mrs. Zemko, | The trial, which began in the lin, On the way back on High. Hildegard Herring, Os hawa,j Supreme Court at Whitby, be-'way 12 at the Fourth Conces- Mrs. D. Kehoe, Brooklin. fore Mr. Justice W. D. Parker|sion he turned around to check and a six-man jury, on Tuesday, his dog in the back seal, lost audience control of the car when it hit cial showing of the very latest in continues again today It was at this time that the , Mrs. J. Chas-§ was treated to a spe-| TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY 1961 TAXES The second and last instalment of 1961 TAXES ARE DUE on or before MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1961 TAXES may be paid at the TOWNSHIP OFFICE COLUMBUS, ONTARIO or et THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 27 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO PENALTIES WILL BE ADDED TO UNPAID WHITBY SPORTS PARADE BLAIR the shoulder and upset it. hair coloring and styling by Ken | The accused suffered scraped legs, bruised chest and sore ribs; in the accident which complete. |W | ly demolished the vehicle, Knud-|ing to the g son stated that the car's owner dyed - to - m [ John Laaper had never refused French poodle. Ken was inter-| [him permission to use the car| viewed by the commentator. on previous occasions. He described the coming trend The owner of the ¢ar, John!il coiffures and he mentioned ar, John ii i he and Mrs. Hardie will Liaaper of 30) Byron sires: jes 4ql visit in Rome, Paris fied that Knudson worked for|in April Vis will onl |Spain and Germany and will on and modelled by Carol Starr of] TAXES AFTER OCTOBER 2nd, 1961 "Coffures by Ken." Her hair GEORGE FARNCOMB, CLERK AND TAX COLLECTOR as a stunning mauve and ata. Columbus, September 22nd, 1961 amor she carried a| match tiny mauve] She Ran Into Door, Explains Wife's Scar 150-pound By GERRY CHADWICK TO JOIN KINGSTON The first all-pro hockey attractior the Whitby could carry a some 1,000 The AHL Kingston It was ; NEW HARTT FLEXIBLES Charges of assault causing mother had asked Shirley to she bodily harm and countercharges stay outside while he went up- railway tie fing that Kiudso : of assault involving four per- stairs to get the baby because Magistrate Dnieper intervened im a > ag Sioweq wim 10 his return be able to express in sons from RR 1 Claremont and|his mother was afraid of Shirley. at this point and asked what! cine but never without Eris his styling the very latest. Special thanks were given to Community was well received by local sports enthusiasts on Wednesday night arena, RR 1 Pickering continued in He had also asked her to stay Shirley's waist measurement] ci i aw i Whitby Magistrate's Cour t,foutside while he went upstairs was. She claimed it to be 23 or Je sialeq that he 58v ihe ac 5 ven to Thursday. to get the baby and its clothes.|24 inches but could not tell the|qriveway at 10.30 p.m. Sept. 20.! On Thursday, Sept. 21, Shirley; Edward claimed that when he Magistrate the measurement of pl A # . oh ; i" . ; Ann Cammack of RR 1 Picker. got back downstairs Shirley was|her biceps. paper «se aie e next) ing testified that her husband, standing in the hall -and Wwhen| Edward told the court that his| wrecker's the following day He! Edward Cammack, her brother-/'Thomas came in she hit him in|yife handled the baby roughly|got in touch with Corporal| lin-law Thomas Cammack and the nose causing it to bleed. Helang handed the infant to him be-| james Barter at the Whithy! Doreen Bainbridge had assault- then took Shirley by the arm and{ca, se she wanted to fight. Police Station at 12.15 Sept. 21. ed her causing an inch long sat her on the chesterfield. | Doreen Bainbrid testified] * 4 nis $ her forehead on Aug. 23. ¢ DW @ ' ainbridge testified) Magistrate Dnieper in dis- gash in er f A in CHOKED WITH TIE that she had changed the baby's| pensing judgment told Knudson: Thomas Cammack and Doreen) 'when Thomas walked through/diaper upstairs and when she|*"If you ever appear before me| Bainbridge have laid assault/ihe pall into the kitchen Shirley|came downstairs Shirley kicked! again it will be the penitentiary Sharpes Rl, ui Shirley Ann grabbed him BY he i Sudiher on the pelvic bone. for vou". Knudson's lengthy K, took the stove lifter off the . ' .| recor " ra) During yesterday's hearing bY |giove to hit him. Edward grab. goon Caled she was Be TeSurd was yea hots the trial the 6-4 the bested uit, of from Rochester Frontenacs of the Eastern Pro circ "old home week" for the attendance, with the appearance again of Bobby Atters- ley, Alf Treen, Harry Sinden and Wren Blair, all former Dunnies, Long John Henderson was slated for duty, but somewhere along the line his pads were waylaid. As a result, the inexperienced Wayne Rut- ledge handled the netminding chores for the entire 60 minutes. The Kingston goaltending will not be settled until the Boston Bruins conclude their pre- season training camp and tour, they will then ship Ed Chadwick to the Limestone City for the 1961-62 season. representatives majority fans in DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. §., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating This of course hinges on the performance of Don Head, currently stable as the Bruin's first choice. Bruce Gamble a third participant in the goaltending race was dispatched to Portland two weeks ago. Chadwick had previously balked at the idea of reporting to the minors, even though offered a major league contract, and flew the coop to his home, where he was isolated enough to gather his thoughts. The ring of dollar signs on his private cash must have swayed his thinking for he promptly called Bruin manager Lynn Patrick to inform him that had reconsidered and would report to Kingston. But with all this strategy by the Bruin organization, they register ne haven't forgotten Hender=- son. He will be employed as the number two man on the Frontenac roster. Should he perform more capably than Chadwick somewhere along the line, he would be given opportunity the role once more. The pr John is giving way to Chadwick problem of commutin the of into chief reason why moving ncipal to our way of thinking is the g all the way from Toronto. Town and Country A deegation from Oshawa was present at the proposed Senior league meeting held earlier this week in Belleville. Four clubs are set to go, and a possible entry from Toronto is still pending. Greg Currie, a prominent sports figure in the Metro area is hoping to obtain sponsorship before the next meeting which will be held on Monday night in Osh=- awa. The Bowmanville arena appears to be the site for the Oshawa club should the league definitely materialize . Tonight at Club Bayview, the Whitby Minor Hockey Associatior e holding their big dance, with proceeds going to w pe out debts incurred with the acquistion of extra ice time e hockey youth of Whitby. Festivities will get rolling at Club' Bay- view approximately at 9:00 p.m. It is open to anyone n the Whitby and Oshawa area . . . Two of Rochester's outstanding players were not in the Wednesday night Keenan and Alex Faulkner are sidelined with minor injuries. Just the powerhouse club the Americans will boast return, for line-up here on Larry imagine upon their Magistrate R. B. Dnieper, Shir- ley testified that she had struck Doreen and Thomas only in self defence A. C. Stone of RR 1 Pickering, Shirley's father testified that he had driven his daughter to the residence of her mother-in-law in Uxbridge Township but re- mained in the car while his daughter went to get her baby which had been placed in her custody at Whitby Family Court earlier that day. A few minutes later Thomas Cammack drove into the drive: way like a maniac, he said, and was swinging his arms. as he approached the house. He was cursing and hollered: '"'don't let her take that baby" when he came closer to the door of the house, stated Mr, Stone, CALED FOR POLICE Mr. Stone said that while he was waiting in the car he heard his daughter shout from inside the house to get the police be- cause they (the Cammacks) were beating her up Mr. Stone said he then drove three or four miles to telephone the police and when he returned to the Cammack house Edward Cammack's truck was gone, The next time he saw his daugh- ter was at the Oshawa General Hospital where Shirley spent three days. When Mr. Stone was why he Lad not house to go to the aid of his daughter he replied: "Had 1 gone in and seen the blood on her I think I could have licked the whole Cammack family." He stated he did not go in because Shirley's attorney had told him not to get into trouble! with the Cammacks asked entered the bed the stove Shirley on lifter and put the chesterfield again. She then grabbed him by| cit . his tie and began choking nm kitchen door. stated Edward Edward told the court that Shirley then threw herself at the door and when he assisted her in getting up he noticed the blood coming from her head Edward testified that he, then, with the aid of his brother Thomas put Shirley in his truck and went to the doctor in Stouff ville When Shirley refused treat- ment by the Stouffville doctor he drove her to the Oshawa General Hospital. On the way to the hospital she again assault- ed Thomas who asked him fo stop the truck and got out stated Edward Cammack. LIFT RAIL TIE Edward told the court that when a nurse in the hospital asked Shirley what had happen- ed she replied that they were having a free for all. He also told the court that his 120-pound wife was very strong because Most Folks Are grabbed the stove lifter which| Dnieper. Edward took away and oid ---- -- 4 Joseph Robert Mallany of To- saw Shirley jump on Thomas' ronto received a one-day jail {back as he was coming through! sentence for driving while under| Shirley then|suspension by Magistrate R. B.| Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Well Murals went back into the hall again. She stated that she did not kick] Shirley at any time, Magistrate Dnieper adjourned court at 1 p.m. and will con. tinue the hearing of the case at 10 a.m. on Oct. 3 RED TRADE GENEVA (AP)~The United Nations economic commission for Europe reports Soviet im- ports from Red China dropped by 23 per cent in 1960 while So- viel exports to the same coun- try decreased 14 per cent. DROPS : >" "BULB DRIVE" WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y3-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING. PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale at . . . WHITBY OFFICF & C!RCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times WHITBY | KINSMEN STARTING MON., OCT. 2 Please Support This Drive For Local Service Work And The Kinsmen Park THE %/ ULTIMATE IN SHOE COMFORT! Try on the new Hartt Flexibles, Lighter, softer, more flexible, yet gives the same solid support, lasting comfort and quality that is built-in to every pair of Hartt shoes. GOOD SHOWING the stacks in the Western man. TOKYO (AP)--Hibiya Public Mer instead of having a librar. Shirley's husband Edward Cammack testified that after Careful Drivers Library with the results of a five-month experiment in which t book borrowers were allowed to make their own selections from 130,000 people an fetch the books. More than roamed among he books and only 72 volumes [vanished a much lower figure than expected WHITBY / wn ng COLOR GORDON $COTY A PR EY BROCK Evening Shows at 7:00 and 8:25 Last Complete Show at 8:25 THRILLS GALORE ! TWO ACTION-FILLED FEATURES! with Ci SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS 1.30 Mieph y 7 y DOLORES EAE "= IEMA Family Court he had arranged to pick up Shirley at her house, after lunch, drive to his moth. er's house to pick up the baby and return them to Shirley's house. When he arrived at Shirley's house to pick her up there was a note on the door stating that she had waited until 2 p.m. and had gone to fetch the baby her- self Canadien Head Office--Torente, Ont If you are a careful driver, | call me. You may qualify for State Farm's top-notch pro. tection at rock-bottom rates, WM. H. (BILL) MIDDLETON 608 Brock St. § ® Whitby, Ont. MO 8.3762 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Edward testified that his BROOKLIN 655-4411 | LIMITED PAINTING & DECORATING WESTHILL AT 2-0961 ONE - PIECE CONCRETE Jliy _& ® FOR YOUR NEW HOME ® REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS © NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM He spar! wean HARTT COME IN AND FEEL THE DIFFERENCE + AT THESE STORES DAVIDSON'S SHOE STORE Operated by E. A. Southwell 31 SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Oshawa) 725-3312 OLIVER 23-3311 20h CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. 119 BROCK ST, 5. -- WHITBY -- MO 8.3476 Collins. Shoes ® OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. o ¢ al

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