The Oshawa Times, 28 Sep 1961, p. 3

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RJAX COUNCIL SAYS NO High School Fight For Shop Training Room AJAX (Staff) will st. Andrew's Senior School in Ajax get an all-purpose room and facilities for manual training? The Ajax Public School Board| will now have to decide on this controversial issue between the board and council. On Monday, council officially disapproved the board's applica- tion of $79,000 for the financing of the proposed addition but sug- gested that the proposed ex- penditure be submitted to the Planning Board and council to be considered as part of the town's Capital Works Budget in conjunction with other needs of the community. Application for funds to pro- vide the manual training, do- mestic science and physical training facilities, which are now lacking for the most part of the public school machine, were first submitted to council five years ago. The board's request was stall- ed at that time because the town was having debenture dif- ficulties. The resolution reads as fol- [tows: | "WHEREAS the council has |given serious consideration to the Public School Board's re- |quest to issue debentures in the amount of $79,000 for the addi- tion of an all purpose room, etc., to the St. Andrew's School; AND WHEREAS the increase in assessment over the past sev- |eral years for the Public School |Supporters has been too small to justify increased taxes for an {expenditure of this type at this time; | AND WHEREAS the Public School ratepayers will have to |pay more taxes to pay for the |said addition; | AND WHEREAS the council feels that the proposed addition |is not an expenditur= that should |be made at this time; | AND WHEREAS the Town's |Capital Works Budget now in {preparation shows that as the |town grows money will have to {be borrowed and additional taxes levied .0o pay for many In speaking to the resolution, finance committee chairman, Edward Wetherall said he hoped the school board would give some favor to council's feeling in the matter. "I hope the board will follow the lines we have suggested by placing the request in the hands of the Planning Board and its Capital Works Budget," he said. Councillor Ower Ashley ex- pressed sympathy to the board because lack of funds prevented the provision of the facilities. "It is my belief," he said, "that the expenditure in the amount of $79,000 should not have been sprang on council as a 'do or die' proposition." "The Ratepayers have to pay the taxes," Mayor William Par- ish pointed out, "and it is diifi- cult enough for us to. control spending for the absolute essen- tials. "It is just a matter of dollars and cents," he said. Even though council has dis- approved of the addition to the Mrs. Martin Dica, 48 Har- ris street, looks at a lemon tree which grew one large school, it is the school board's| other community needs; t S prerogative to raise the money| | THEREFORE be it resolved| lemon and has several more starting. They acquired the tree at a seed house in rs mig Rg Pn GBI RE B® at ad The Westmount Kiwanis Club celebrated its third year as a service club when the mem- bers and their wives attended a Club Celebrates 3rd Anniversary Georgetown two years ago and last year it bloomed for the first time. Mrs. Dica raises many flowers and dwarf fruit trees in their home as a hobby. They have one vine in their front room, which if straightened, would be approximately 30 feet long. The vine blooms between 10 | dinner meeting at Adelaide House recently. The anniversary night was under the chairmanship of Westmount Kiwanis President] Henry Reed, who welcomed the members and gave a brief his- tory of the young club which was formed three years ago this month. President, Reed expressed re- gret that many of the charter members were no longer with the club. Many had been moved by their companies to other ci- ties. TRIBUTES PAID President Reed went on to say: "We have picked up new men to fill the vacancies left by members who have moved away and here tonight we have men in Kiwanis who will make Teachers Plan Prize Recital Many gifted people, unable to - PE Pe Ee, our club one of the best in Can- ada. All our committees have been very active, and the men leading these committees have done a wonderful job in making our club one of the best." Head table guests included Kiwanians Bob Branch and Mrs. Branch, Jules and Mrs. Eithier, John and Mrs. How- son, Cy and Mrs. Powell, Presi- dent Henry and Mrs. Reed, and Mr. Jim McCall of the Bell Telephone Company. PINS PRESENTED Following dinner and a wel- come by President Reed, the Westmount Kiwanis president presented perfect attendance pins to the following members: Three Year Attendance Pins -- Dr. Roy Rowsell, Don Ormi- ston, John Howson, Bob Branch, Darren Michael, D'Arcy Bell, past president Cy Powell and Henry Reed. Two year perfect attendance pins went to Ray Holland, Peter Simpson, Al Rundle; one year perfect attendance pins went to Tom Fairbrother and John Rie- ger. Sa 8 Th sn ns he a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 28, 1961 Reason U.S. Favor Of Britain In ECM OTTAWA (CP)--External Af- fairs Minister Green said today the United States favors the British entry to the Common Market because it would create "one big Europe" and destroy Commonwealth tariff prefer- ences. However, Mr. Green told the Commons, in a speech Tuesday night in Timmins, he had not used the word "crowding" to de- scribe the American attitude on the current negotiations on the British entry. EIR A, ae, on, F. R. BLACK 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Contact Lens Consultation er Eye Examination BY APPOINTMENT . , , PHONE 723-4191 136 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA Following the awards Jim Mc-|/ | express themselves, go through life as excess baggage. This provocative statement was and 12 p.m. | --Oshawa Times Photo | Call, of the Bell Yelephone Com- pany, showed the members and their wives a film on weather|/ However, in July of this year|that the Council of the Town of|by a capital levy in the general the project was revived by the Ajax hereby disapproves of the budget of 1962. { school board and the new appli- application of the Ajax Public The school board now has to cation made. |School Board for $79,000 for the decide whether they will go |tinancing of the all purpose ahead and build the addition -- MET EARLIER for the St. Andrew's|and they are confident that its| Earlier this month council and |¢ hool: » {financing will not distort the school board met to discuss the" AND FURTHER be it re-|town's financial picture too, Huancing and need of the addi-| 1 04 that the Council recom-|much, or whether hey. willl FIRST RACE on, mends strongly tu the Public|place the request in the hands, ir" mai aim.) Council was asked to raise the School Bat the board sub-|of the Planning Board as sug. Sirptilals, Sie gens, an | necessary funds by a debenture| mit this proposed expenditure to|gested by council and hope that, ee and four-year-olds foaled: 7- issue over a three-year period. the Planning Board and Council|it will receive top priority asi; "co 242 one mile and 1-16. The resolution passed on Mon-|to be considered a part of the pant of the Capital Works Bud- 1. Clip's Viscount. Parnell, day, followed serious considera-|Town's Capital Vorks Budget|get. : X112 FIFTH RACE travelogue program. enjoyed a} ; ) t tion of council as a result of the in conjunction with the other The flex schoo) board meeting 2. Joy's Runner, Simpson, "Cobden," allowance, purse similar treat ns Sy, ome Sn B. Jackom parley. needs of the community. {is on Monday, Oct. 16. XXX104 To TO TY Br Tes et FOr Per 5 when pity es of . Plucky Crest, Fitzsimmons, | 1. Clocker Tom, NB, 110 ling. American music will be pro-| Sunday School or | made by Eileen Weldon Par-/Which was much enjoyed. sons, a noted teacher of speech arts. Mrs. Parsons was the after dinner speaker at the annual dinner of the Oshawa and Dis- trict Branch of the Ontario Re- gistered Music Teachers' Asso- ciation Wednesday evening at Simcoe United Church. Mrs. C. A. Naylor presided California Trip Shown On Slides Members of the Oshawa Ki- wanis Club, who as one of| their fund-raising projects, an-| nually present to the citizens| S23 smouniced that the Awual of Oshawa a splendid series of|9; The next meeting of the! illustrated lectures, in their|oRMTA will be held at the NEW WOODBINE ENTRIES Friday, Sept. 29 Cromwellian, Adams, 116 Prince Tour, NB, 115 Windy, NB, 113 Sweet Peg, Fitzsimmons, 106 4, 5. 6. X112 2. Tworullah, Rogers, (A)114 An extremely interesting, en-|vided by Mrs. Edythe Dickson] Ll Entertained . The Nutts, Rogers, (A)117 | tertainin : | | By g and educational pro-|and Edward Oscapello, two Osh-| - Puss 'N Boots, NB, 114 awa Registered Music Teachers. | The Sunday School of First Baptist Church commenced its 1961 fall season of special ac- itvities Tuesday, Sept. 19, when OBITUARIES MRS. BALAZS CHINCHA In failing health for the past year, Mrs. Balazs Chincha, 'of 128 Gladstone avenue, died at Oshawa General Hospital, Wed- Interment followed in Oak Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ernest) White, Harvey Muldrew, Her-| bert Reid, Harry Trew, Orley . Winter Garden, Lallai, 114 . Storms Best, Rasmussen, 117 7. Becky Armbro, NB, 114 8. Mokedy, NB, 122 9. Oh Larry, Hale, 117 . Lonesome Chic, Harrison, | 1 | | . Burnt Roman, Dalton, 114 . Windkin, Fitzsimmons, 110 . Napper Tandy, Gonzales, X105 . Caledon Belle, Robinson, 107) (A) R. C. McNeill and C. B. McNeil entry gram was presented by fellow- member Kiwanian "Bob" Mec- Nab, in a presentation of color- ed slides, pictures taken earlier | this year when Kianianw "Bob"| and Mrs. McNab enjoyed a motor trip to and through the| Mrs. Parsons went on to say that art is man's expression of life. It is given by God but needs man's skill of expression. Some gifted people can ex- as did some of the great mas- press themselves without help) IF YOU WERE... / Definitely A The quiet elegance of the worlds' finest woollens tastefully styled for confidence. See yourself in one Soon. "The House of Style for Men end Boys" BLACK'S Men's Wear Ltd. 74 Simcoe St. N. 723-3611 the junior, intermediate and senior departments w er e|nesday, Sept. 27. : guests of the brotherhood at a| Born in Hungary, April 22, barbeque held at Camp Pretor-|1891, the former Louise Huszar, she was a daughter of the late ia, Columbus. The men of the church had a/Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Huszar, of well planned Rr Hin She was married in state of California. The collection of well-photo- graphed scenes included points of interest such as San Fran- cisco and beautiful scenery pictures, taken in the Painted Desert, at Grand Canyon, Yel- lowstone National Park, etc. As speaker of the day, Ki- wanian Bob was introduced to his fellow-members and the day's guests by past-president "Bill" Gibbie and at the con- clusion of the presentation, Kiwanian "Bill" Solonuik ably expressed the keen appreciation of the club. ters of drama, music, painting, but many need teachers to give direction. The speaker was introduced by Mr, Jackson and thanked) by Mr. R. G. Geen. Born Yesterday you probably can't eppre- ciate the difference new carpets can make in @ home. But if you have been around for a while you know how they con brighten up a home and odd a look of elegance. For the largest selection of imported and domestic carpets visit, Nu-Way Rug Co. 174 MARY ST. J ssell. [SECOND RACE Trew and Jack Russe | SIXTH RACE FUNERAL OF "Thorndale," claiming all $3,500, | ri omasville » allow. purse MRS. FREDERICK I. GIBSON |Purse $1,900, three-year-olds, $2,600, three-year-olds and up,| Funeral services for Mrs, furlongs. m 6 furlongs Frederick I. Gibson, of 120! 1. Chorus Queen, Griffiths, gs. Fitzsi Rossland road east. who died | (A)X101 3 Castle Sx, Fisimuons, at Oshawa General Hospital, | 2 Sg Bricken, Harrison, Sunday, Sept. 24, were held C pit Dittt h 109 from the MclIntosh-Anderson > Eropia, P ach, X108 |Funeral Home, Wednesday, .* B Hyn, ame ) dx X101! Sept. 27, at 2 p.m. | 5. Bonnie Jean, arrison, J 1} 3 . Amber Mist, Wright, 109 Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister : : : p 3 . Big Native, McComb, 122 of Northminster United Church " Redavat, Armstrong, 112 conducted the services. Inter- : ment followed in Oshawa Union| > Fall Front, Rabinson, Cemetery. The volume of floral |;o Discovery Bay, NB, 119 tributes indicated the esteem in| 7 2 y 111, Kayroman, NB, 109 olds and up, one and Y, turf ich fle daceated was held in yy" Brave Sparton, Remillard, |course. y. { 116 1. Nobillium, Harrison, X113 i Pallbearers were C. B. The- igible: Nirbi i iri year student in honor English|o¢ Oshawa, also survive. berge, S. R. Springstein, K. C.| Gomer. (ALI: Trish Cuke. Har 2 Dell 3:4. Despitito, Mn | 4 5 and Latin at McMaster Univer-| The remains are at the Arm-| Watson, T. P. Mutrie, W. A, Al-| . sity, Hamilton. He addressed strong Funeral Home for pray-|exander and E. H. O'Neill. Li Ped XX109; Cedrela, NB, 4. War Bans, Rogers, In the group on the subject, "Who ers in the chapel, Friday at FUNERAL. OF $3) R. Gian and 5. Rotenberg we s » ngary. door games for the young pgcple Hungary, July 12, 1912. and following this all w : reat: wre Chincha has been a resi- 3 bo well Bere Co jen of Oshawa and Canada for chocolate. The Hi-teens class as-| the Past % Years She a sisted by taking charge of the member of St Gregory's Ho- barbecues. man Catholic Church. To close the evening everyone Mrs. Chincha is survived by gathered in the dining hall for her husband, Balazs; a daugh- a devotional period led by Sun-|ter, Mrs. Michael Peter, of day School Superintendent, Mor-| Oshawa and a brother, Joseph Jey Chesher. The guest speaker) Huszar, of Hungary. In addition for the occasion was Douglas|three grandchildren, Michael, Taylor, a former Sunday School|Steven and Louis Peter, and a , who is now a third|great-grandson, David Peter, all ADDITIONAL JOB LONDON (CP)--James Thorn-| ton, 54-year-old deputy secre- tary of the BBC, has been ap- pointed secretrry of London branch of the Gulbenkian Foun- dation which makes grants in Britain and the Commonwealth. 2. Empiric, Sandover, 120 3. Senor Teddy, Dittfach, 109 4, Cyprian Cat, Dalton, 114 R J 6 . Palenque 3rd, Adams, 120 . Bext-T., Annesley, 113 QUINELLA BETTING SEVENTH RACE "Wadsworth, claiming all $10, 000, purse $2,400, three-year-| Did You Know . .. In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95c. Five Drivers Assessed Fines Is My Neighbor?"' Rev. F. were Swackhammer pronounced the benediction Sunday, Sept. 24, was Rally| Day in the Sunday School and} Fred Crome spoke to an open| session regarding Church Exten-| sion both at home and abroad. 7:30 p.m. High Requiem Mass will be celebrated in St. Greg- ory's Roman Catholic Church, Saturday, Sept. 30, at 9 a.m. Interment will follow in St. Gregory's Cemetery. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Paul M. Dwyer will] sing the Mass. entry Stafford Farm entry L. Maloney and Albion Hills stable entry BEVERLEY ANN WRIGHT (B) Funeral services for Beverley (©) Ann Wright, who was found dead| in her Agnes street home, Sat-| |urday, Sept. 23, were held from [the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, IRD RACE Wednesday, Sept. 27, at 2 p.m.| 'Longford," maidens, purse Canadian two- 8. Leon K., Dalton, 118 7. Manor Hill, NB, 113 EIGHTH RACE "Brighurst,"" claiming alll [$2,500, purse $1,900, four-year-| olds and up, one and 4 miles. 1. Man O'Valor, NB, 119 Five Oshawa drivers fined a total of $135 and costs for traffic infractions in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Wednesday. | Fred Beadle, 188 Orchard View boulevard, was fined $25 and costs or five days in jail} when he pleaded guilty to a 1955 The deceased was in her 7m SE, dian foaled, of the old First Baptist Church| FUNERAL OF year. Year-o S, 4 urlongs. on King Street, the commenc-| MRS. SUSAN FOWLER Rev. C. D. Cross, rector of| I: Reid] Dove, Robinson, 115 ing of the new building, various| Memorial services for Mrs.|St. George's Anglican Church, | " Xan ill, Harrison, stages of its progress and final-\g,can Fowler, of 74 Fisher St., conducted the services. Inter- Bitters. Dalton. 115 wi Sompletein. Bie Bri who died at Oshawa General ment fallowed in Oshawa Union a. Giol. Bacussen. 115 wed picinre had 1axen| yy, ital Monday, Sept. 25, in y. Foie Brel use, Ds yisiting the Mis Field fo 4 ars. Wore Patviok | 9. Epic Circle, McComb, 11 yale visiting it a her 72nd year, were held from Fallbestels Were Partick Pav . Costalortune, Griffiths, Baptist Work abroad 77% /the Armstrong Funeral Home, | NiS er, ona Fos ett, Jack XX108 aphis Sunday Oct. 1. Promo- followed by a service in Eliza-| Yarrow, Donald Casper, George| . Navy Jay, Rogers, 118 tion Sunday will be observed|bethville United Church, Wed-|Arbourne and Thomas Bowen. | g Agincourt. NB, 118 tid . Mr. Yo Te, Despirito, X113 ber of schol 11/nesday, Sept. 27, at 2 p.m. zn when a number of scholars will Own Colleen, Fitzsimmons, [POST TIME - P.M. | Walter Beach, 34 Farewell b} r class 7. G . Wright, min- 10. advance to new classes. Attend- ey o oorge W. yng oy in, Emergency Called L 0 CUDY AND HEAVY Istreet, was fined $10 and costs| ance awards and diplomas will|ls 12 {11. Pont Rouge, NB, 115 AAC--X-5, XX-7, XXX-10. Ibs.(or 30 days on a charge of open: 'In Western China charge of failing to yield the right of way. Bernard": Witte- veen, 303 Highland avenue, paid a fine of $25 same charge. | A charge of careless driving] cost Roland Ball, 282 Gold |street, $50 and costs; while Wil-| [liam Gilkes, 1022 Hortop street, | Iwas fined $25 and costs on a] |charge of disobeying a traffic| His address was very effective- ly illustrated by colored slides| 2. Kate Kirk, Annesley, 111 . Sagarius, Adams, 119 . Bewildered, Morreale, 117 5. Smirlys Rouge, McComb, and costs on the| : 3 Hy Ti : . d OLDSMOBILE | oem CONVERTIBLE Fully Power Equipped. Completely Re-Finished " *1145 CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 117 . Xeno Luke, Rogers, 119 . Lovely Susy, Harrison, X114 . Trust Him, Morreale, 111 . Prince Porter, Borgemenke 114 . Mac's Trophy, Rogers, 117 Y 11. Jet Turbine, Wright, 116 [signal giv IC , conducted the services. ; also be given. CHyich,e : 12. Rick's Pick, Parnell, X113 |ing his car door on a street Also eligible: Arctic Deal, when it was not safe to do so. | COMING EVENTS SIM LASH and | prizes, lunch served. Admission 50c. HIS TRIO Parties Dances Weddings Banquets 7258762 7254706 TURKEY DINNER At Utica Hall on Saturday, Sept. 30tn at 5:30 p.m. till all are served. (Utica Hall 2 miles west of Manchester), Adults $1.50; Children 6 yrs. and under 12, 75¢. BINCO AT THE AVALON THURSDAY 7.30 P.M. NOVEL BINGO | THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. SEPTEMBER 28th EASTVIEW PARK Neighborhood Assoc. 20 Regular Games aot $6 & $10 6 Jackpots at $40 | of Park Clubhouse, 8 p.m. Seven EUCHRE, Fernhill Friday, September 29, | RUMMAGE SALE | = AT CRA. | Friday, Sept 29, 1:30 p./n. Sponsored by Couples Club St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. BINGO Harman Park Association | ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner Bloor and Simcoe FRIDAY, SEPT. 29th 7:45 P.M. 20 Games, $6 and $10 5---$40 Jackpots at ST. GEORGE'S HALL, (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $180 JACKPOT INCLUDED Also Share-The-Wealth Door Prize $15 | OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOCIATION announces DOG TRAINI starting 7 P.M., WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, 1961 UNITED STEELWORKERS HALL NG CLASSES 115 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA For further information call 723-9991 -- 723-9708 TAIPEI (AP) -- Nationalist| NB, 115; Miss Elandel, Annes- Chinese intelligence sources 'e¥, 115; Lace Petticoat, Dalton, were quoted Wednesday as say- 115; Chopora, Gonzales, X110; | ing a state of emergency has Fenetang, Brown, 118; Rail been proclaimed in the vast Blues, Biamonte, 115. |West China province of Sinki- {ang as a result of a heavy ra-| FOURTH RACE {dioactive fallout from Soviet "Wintergreen," nuclear explosions. Sinkiang |beria, | claiming all] . $7,500, purse $2,200, three-year-| borders Soviet Si- gjds. 6 furlongs. 1. Star Shadow, NB, 113 | The sources were quoted by| 2 Dalton Run, Dittfach, 122 {the Nationalist Chinese govern-| 3 Chops On, Robinson "109 {ment information office in tel-| : = CORRECTION | It was reported in Tuesday's issue of The Oshawa Times that Anna Caruana and Violet| Hanewich, co-owners of the |and received minor cuts. J |The court was told a boy on a| {bicycle struck the open door] 230 KING ST. WEST 725-6651 road south, were fined $10 and costs, for keeping their place of business open on a Sunday. The report, it is stated, should have said the pair were fined for sell- ing a grocery item on a Sunday and not for remaining open on a| Sunday. | {ephone calls to foreign corres- {pondents. } A similar report was carried {by the official Central News { Communist Chinese radio sta- | Agency. J This was the story: = | | N --- A CS tions Tuesday night in domes- tic broadcasts urged that all people in Sinkiang take every possible precaution against the spread of radioactive fallout. | The broadcasts directed] emergency measures for Com- munist troops, health centres and the general population to cope with possibly harmful fall- {out and urged preparations for |a mass evacuation from Sinki- ang if this might prove neces- sary. U.S. FAMILIES INSURANCE RICH It is estimated that Am- erican families receive more than $20 million a day from their insurance policies. About 60 per cent go in liv- ing benefits. You can "live it up" more if you rent your vacant prop- erty. You can find desirable tenants quickly and easily through an Oshawa Times Ad. To turn vacant proper- ty into cash dial RA 3-3492 right now and start an ad working for you. COUNTY Sold In Detai Jumping Skis, Trick Skis; Hunting Boots, Waders; GEORGE KOCH, 149 BROCK STREET NORTH --BY -- | PUBLIC AUCTION --AT SPORTS WHITBY I Including: Hockey Equipment, Skates; Water Skis, Slalom Skis Fishing Tackle; Football Equipment; Cameras, Projectors, Screens, etc.; Toys Suitable for Christmas Gifts; Marire Hardware; Life Jackets; Hunting Coats, Guns, Sleeping Bags, Electric Trains; Badmin- ton Sets; Snow Skis; Boats and Trailers; Baseball Equipment, Electric "Sports" sign. SALE TO BE HELD AT: COUNTY SPORTS BUILDING 149 BROCK STREET NORTH SEPTEMBER 29th & 30th 11:00 a.m. WHITBY -- Auctioneer Vienna Delicatessen, 543 Ritson|l 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS eo WING AND T-BONE RED BRAND LEAN MEATY BLADE SHORT CUT (1st 4) PRIME RIB ECONOMY -- 6 & 7 PRIME RIB BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA BY-THE-PIECE J b J J FRESH PORK 9 9 J J FRESH PORK FRESH PORK END LOIN ROLL FRESH PORK Spareribs SHOULDER Maple Leaf COTTAGE Cello DELMAR 45 55 59 55 99 CANADA DUNCAN Fresh 2V2 to BANANAS GOLDEN YELLOW Margarine Cake Mixes 33 CHICKENS Oven-Ready 3V2 lbs. 21.33: 23: 39: PACKERS TIN 12.-0Z. HINES ¢ Ib

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