SRI TERETE IV YR OY Sy vw arp ew tomorrow---FORD presents fwo distinctive new series 62 GALAXIE 'GALAXIE/50 Galaxie/500 Tudor Hardtop GALAXIE--superb performance at a new low price GALAXIE/5 00--classic beauty with | fine car luxury * Galaxie and Galaxie/500 . . . bringing you Thunderbird-inspired beauty . . . Thunderbird power in a choice of two V-8's; or the new improved six-cylinder engine . . . quality that sets a new industry standard --all af a price you can afford. '62 Galaxie offers you Thunderbird styling, performance, muiffler aluminized and double-wrapped to last up to SEE YOUR power--in sedans and station wagons--at a new low price. '62 Galaxie/500 is a true luxury car--beautifully appointed, superbly detailed---quiet as a whisper--in convertibles, sedans and station wagons, And whichever series you choose, you get such proven economy features as: up to 30,000 miles between chassis lubrications; brakes that adjust themselves automatically; vital body parts treated to resist rust and corrosion; three times as long. You never have to wax the Diamond- lustre finish. And now you go up to 6,000 miles between oil changes. There is a 30,000-mile or 2-year radiator coolant. Your Ford Dealer gives you a warranty for 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first, And Galaxie prices make it the easiest to own of all luxury cars. See the 1962 Galaxie and Galaxie/500 at your Ford Dealers. Galaxie Fordor Sedan Fordor Country Sedan Galaxie/500 Fordor Sedan Galaxie/500 Fordor Hardtop ¢ Galaxie/500 Sunlines # : enduring elegance with the power fo please... ON DISPLAY ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FROM 9 A.M. TO 11 P.M. SEAWAY MOTORS LIMITED 200 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY PHONE MO 8-3331