The Oshawa Times, 23 Sep 1961, p. 7

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1 University Club | Re-Assembles At Afternoon Tea I The University Women's Club of Oshawa and district held its annual Get-Acquainted Tea las Wednesday at the home of Mrs. § Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor H. F. Millen, Masson street. The excellent attendance of members and prospective mem: Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, September 23, 1961 bers from Uxbridge, Whitby, 7 |Brooklin, Port Perry, Oshawa land Bowmanville was largely Day School For Tiny Tots |vener. (due to the efforts of Mrs. Ken-® neth Wooster, membership con-§ eceiving with the hostess Should Be a Boon to Mothers [sere ire' ii" "Cieveraon. fi Realization of a two-year proj- = ect will become a reality next | week when Mrs. Dorothy Kubicki will open her nursery { school for children aged two- and-a-half to five years. Mrs. Kubicki worked with the Feli- cian Sisters' Nursery School in Hamilton and took a summer course at McMaster University for nursery school teachers, be- fore deciding to open her own president and 'Mrs. E. M. Culp, Eo " vice-president. i 3 Pouring tea were Mrs. G. K. i Drynan, Mrs. D. H. Moore, 1 Mrs. W. F. Taylor and Miss Ai- leen Parker. The hostesses included Mrs. J. H. Daniell-Jenkins, Mrs. Bar- nard Lewis, Mrs. S. G. Werry, Mrs. A. J. Marsala, Mrs. Har- Fletcher. Those serving were Mrs. Ha old Sproule and Mrs. George SOCIAL NOTICES | ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kube of Maple Grove announce the engagement of their daughter, Nellie, to Mr. Allen Wilbert Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Carmen Thompson of Courtice | The marriage will take place on| Saturday, October 21, 1961, at 3 pm. In Courtice United Church. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cochrane of Raglan announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Eva Joan, to Mr. Robert George Lindsay, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay of West Hill. The marriage will take place at Columbus United Church on Saturday, October 14, at 3.15 p.m, AT HOME : : © officiated and the St. Paul" Helen Hickling {Choir ied ip She singing of the Tohn B Shaw 5s the 23rd Psalm 'by her father, wore a street- Wed In Uxbridge length dress f champagne In 3t. Paul's Anglican Church,{Peau de soie, embroidered Cina Sai Lei Elizabeth |with pearls and alencon lace. Hickling, daughter of Mr. and|The dress featured three-quar- Mrs. Arthur E. Hickling, Ux-|ler length sleeves, a high neck bridge, exchanged wedding/and ~mbroidered flowing panels vows with John Beverley Shaw,(Which gave a train effect to son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare J./the back, Her short veil was at- Shaw, Willowdale. {tached to a matching embroi- The Reverend D. L. Lattimer (dered tiara and she carried a Ad spray of champagne orchids. Miss Peggy-Ann Hickling was {processional hymn, and also The bride, given in marriage the engagement of their daugh-| *% fer, Reap Jean, to Mr' ap maid of honor for her sister and Franklin Beard, son of Mr. and Miss Joan Sickiing was ihe Mrs. Thomas I. Beard, Oh ling midnight blue taffeta sheath awa. es en Eo wo, oy dresses with overskirts of blue place oy au ay, clo or 1's|and chiffon and velvet bow hats. 1961, at 4.00 p.m. in St. Paul'sippey "carried coral sprays of United Church, Bowmanville. roses and gladioli petals AT HOME | Mr. Robert M. Shaw of Mont- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- ton, Enniskillen, will be at home to their relatives and friends on Saturday, September 30, from 2.30 to 4.30 and 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniver- ig , a real was best man for his bro- | Mr . and Mrs. Blake DeHart of ther and ushers were Mr. Harry {Brooklin will be at home to Haat ends: and. relati B. Kennedy, Toronto, and Mr. {their frien S and relations onigi.non Stevenson, London. | Thursday, September 28, be-| : [tween 7 p.m; and 10 p.m. on the| After a honeymoon in Jam- loccasion of their 40th wedding aica, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw will | |reside in New York City. establishment in Oshawa. ; anniversary. The Pejecitic Nursery Schoo} chardson, Mrs. D. V. Hill, Mrs, a8 E. i i enue, Sppos is Re R. S. Bishop, Mrs. C. J. M. Bur- WELCOMING members | of Oshawa and district, to the i pping Lilt : gess and Mrs, Herbert Cole. | ; Get-Acquainted Tea held at entirely new building built to : : Mrs. William Stirling con-| and prospective members of her home is Mrs. H. F. Millen, government requirements, for vened the successful social| the University Women's Club | left, wiih the president, Mrs. active member of several or- SCHOOL OF DANCING and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE the day care of the pre-school event. | = ganizations while in Oshawa. D.E.A. den Macdonald, Mrs. R sary. | i | H. D. Cleverdon, centre, and ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Purdy, a guest, Mrs. T. S. Brandon. | owe tine Poe pn vi own | BAILEY FOODS LTD ---- [ ® Canadian Club of Ontario Coun-| 11 : NEW LOCATION ty and Mrs. Morgan was an . Lillian. Mae Marsh || 10 smcox st. sours Big windows in the two play- rooms, decorated in gay colors, admit the maximum amount of sunlight. The rooms are equip- ped with miniature chairs and tables and a doll corner with stove and dresser and every- PERSONALS Sy The 6th annual conference of former Miss Josephine Bell of meet them on their brief visit 0 the Oshawa Deanery Woman's Oshawa and Mr, Lack was born and to learn something of the thing to "play house." [Auxiliaries was held in St.|/in Lindsay. The couple were 'earthly paradise" in which The washroom with five little, di All Do to the George's Memorial Church, Osh-| married in St. Gregory's Roman they are now making their home low sinks and mirrors, is scaled buil ng bc e open 10 IN€l, wa, last Wednesday, with rep- Catholic Church, September 15,|and to which they will be re- to meet the requirements of | genera Publ. . resentatives present from every|1921, and have spent their mar-| turning next week. They are tiny personnel and there is an| Mrs. Kubicki and her assist. district in the deanery. Mrs. ried life in Oshawa. Mr. Lack|jeaving today for Ottawa. Ey tee oe ess Von cob oy Sra, Jighionure Yeoh Barrels fowman gt Bobson Lewes . ' fv Ad : ave an a ess e - y Mrs. Lac! E seady for outduur" play wilh to explain he program lo inter ing of WA und 'Mrs. Philiplactive member of Holy Cross "We do not allow playthings Sutherland will supervise gtr auuey of Toronle JSigke, on Women's Auxilery. brought from home," Mrs./noon tea with Mrs. Norman |p. district of 'Alberta ¥ Kubicki said. "We hope to/Hanaka, Mrs. Paul Woolacott| : . teach the child to share withland Miss Donna Kubicki assist MRS. DOROTHY KUBICKI THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe St. N., and W WHITBY PLAZA THE HOME DAIRY, Ajax Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, Pre-School, Character, Acrobatic FRIDAYS and SPECIALS: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday SATURDAYS DATE BRAN MUFFINS oo, 4l¢ M ASONIC TEMPLE CHEESE TEA BISCUITS ,.. 39° 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA Information: 723-7253 PARSON IN GOAL DUMBARTON, Scotland (CP) Rev. William Kenny may be- come a professional soccer Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Watt, Hor- player. Dumbarton, the Scottish top street, were hosts at a corn club, has oj Fogular goal 7) © 1... |and wiener roast Thursday even- keepers on the injured list so] others. Here, at the school, our|ing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lack,|® . a . h layed i material does not belong to any| The Misses Bonnie Suther. Gibbs street, were honored at jig. Gaests were Dr am mis: ye Ken, it A a: one individual, it belongs to allljang Joan Hanaka and Mary 2 buffet supper and surprise ©" =o Po 0% Soe 00 walvices ? of us to enjoy and use con-|an, 'Hanaka will act a: guides. Party at the home of Mr. Harry Board of Health. The barbe.|-- structively. T. Lack and Mrs. Lack, Steven-| ae goon lig We have taken all precau- son road north, on the occasion | Co od dancing hdres, When you need "HOME-NURSING Call a V.0.N. Nurse tions for the well-being of the| of their 40th wedding anniver- child. His safety, happiness and| CLUB CALENDAR sary. The party was given by feeling of security is important their immediate family, Mr. to us and we desire io make his|yroNDAY 725.2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" Mrs. W. S. Watson, national president of the Women's Chris-| FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. day away from home happy and ni Mes. char £22k, Me tian Temperance Union will ad- interesting Southmead Park Aux. and Mrs. Bernard Lack, Mr. res a meeting in Oshawa at The school schedule begins at| Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club and Mrs. Harry Lack, Mr. and|{pe latter part of November 8.30 ith a light breakfast . tn. feral Mrs. James Lack, Mr. and|ynder the auspices of the On pot 8.0. Wl 18 hg '|Past Matrons' Club, OES Mrs. Joseph Lack, Mr. and Mrs. |tario-Durhsz 3 ies WCTU. | From 9 to 10, outdoor play : tario-Durham Counties WCTU, |__ weather permitting; 10-10.45,|IODE (Prince Philip Ch) {Joseph Worona (Eleanore), all : . creative work: 10.45 to 11.30./Castle Chapter Alumnae {of Oshawa; Mr. Robert Lack, Mrs. G. D. Conant entertain- circle time, (games, music and|13th Scout Mothers' Aux. |B Port Perry and Mr. andjed at dinner and later at her stories); 11.30, dinner. (This| . Mrs. Francis Duffell (Rose-| home last night for Mr. and Consists of 2 hot mez) adequate Oshawa Lionettes mary) of West Rouge, Ontario.|Mrs. David Morgan, formerly of and nutritious in a child's diet).|IODE (Golden Jubilee Ch) Meo Dresent was the father of Oshawa, who have been living in J i thi is a rest{20th Scout Mothers' Aux. the bride, Mr. James Bell of|the Virgin Islands for the past Sifter Ser ore Kirkfield, and 15 of the 17|/two and a half years. Mr. Mor-| H 2.45 afternoon i o A period a oid BO CHSDAY grandchildren. Mrs. Lack is the|gan is a past president of the | play outdoors. "From time to time, with|/TOPS Club , we willlRe-Echo Lodge | 1 take the cides 0 Sipedl St. Peter's WA tions; a trip to the Shopping Centre, firehall or to the park.|>A Home League These events are very exciting," |St. Matthew's Guild NTS ek esplaived, 's0/Christ Church WA will be planned accordingly." . : : This "oe fron 3 to 7 p.m. Canadian Legion Auk the school will be open for in- Ont. Regt. Assn. Aux. spection. Her Worship Mrs. [Holy Trinity WA Christine Thomas will pay an|/H and S Council official visit. Members of City|Jessie Panton Aux. Council and prominent citizens|Court Oshawa, 10F are expected and the whole Albert Street WA Calvary Baptist YWMC 9th Scout Mothers' Aux. King Street WA Arvilla McGregor Aux. First Baptist WA Frendship Group Beta Sigma Phi Dorcas Group {Nellie Dearborn Grp. "The Pace. Setter Took" Mary Bonnetta Sept. 26-27 Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 to 10 p.m. rE Oshawa YW.C. A. 2 coe sme i. a REGISTER NOW for your activities 27 CELINA ST. OSHAWA 728-0662 WEDNESDAY Victory Lodge, LOBA Rebekah Lodge No. 3 Cheerful Givers Storie Park Auxiliary Christ Church Aft. Guild THURSDAY [Calvary Baptist WMS {19th Group Committee {Christ Church Eve. Guild |Albert Street WMS {Oakleigh Lodge |St. Stephen's WA |Couples' Club (St. Matthew's WA Scout Ex. Board CONVENER Mrs. Jane Potter is con- 7 % vener of the ways and means 0 compensate for the ef- committee of the Oshawa [ects of inflation and higher Business and Professional |!2Xation a married Canadian | Women's Club which is with two dependents needed an arranging the bridge to be income of $6,000 in 1960 to * held next month under the ©qual the purchasing power of auspices of the club, The an income of $2,750 in 1939. proceeds from the bridge will | SAY -- go towards scholarships and the UNESCO chalet for | women students at Ghana College. --Photo by Hornsby V o W to Present Brief to Premier At 2.30 p.m. Monday after- noon, September 25, a delega- tion from Voice of Women of Canada will meet with Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker in Ottawa to present to him their brief concerning a World Peace Year. The initiation of a World Peace year has been one of the projects of Voice of Women from its very beginning. The Ottawa delegation will be headed by Mrs, Helen Tucker, national president of Voice of Women, and Mme. Therese Cas- grain of Quebec, who is one of VOW's vice-presidents On Monday the delegation will be supported by busloads of Voice of Women members from Toronto and Montreal, as well as the Ottawa and district members. At the same time, provincial VOW presidents will be leading delegations to pro- vincial premiers to acquaint them with the idea of World Peace Year and to ask for Her) JUNIORS AND TEENS-- Swimming Classes for Boys and Girls Junior Gym and Games for Public School Girls Y-Teen Club for Teenage Girls in School MEN and Women:-- Badminton Club Bridge Class (Beginners and * Advance) Craft Classes Ballroom Dancing Club For Young Adults CRAFTS Mosaics Millinery Painting and Drawing WOMEN:-- Keep-Fit Classes Elegant Living Room Furniture moderately priced Swimming Classes Rendez-Vous Club Mother's Day Out (Nursery for Children) Small fees are charged for membership in clubs and classes * The Y.W.C.A. is assisted by the Oshawa Community Chest. This is your opportunity to find out what it offers you. FREE REFRESHMENTS

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