The Oshawa Times, 23 Sep 1961, p. 5

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Members of the Anderson St. High School Junior Foot- ball team are in strict train- ing for their first football game against OCCI on Mon- day in Whitby at 4.00 p.m. | practice session. Left to right Four team members are | ; ; shown receiving initial instruc- | are Bob Boychyn, Wayse Yar tion from team coach, Dave | row, Teddy Gow an ete Clutchey, right, in a recent | Neve. The team will be wear- PRACTISE FOR HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL WHITBY PERSONALS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 23, 1961 Out of town guests who at- tended the Freisen-Bernier wed- 4 ding held in St. John the Evan- 1 |gelist RC Church were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Larocque, grandpar- ents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larocque, Gerald, Norman, Rachel, Madelaine, Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Chap Brisebois, Colette, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Brunet, Ray- mond, Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Loiselle, Sudbury, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Walker, To- ronto; Mrs. Lucien Gatien, Hu- guette, Lilian, Monique, Ger- ard, Jacqueline of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Rene Larocque, Ciaire, Helene, Thelmsford, Ont., Mr. and Mrs, Peter Frei- sen, Mr. and Mrs. Martin and family and Mr. John Freisen of Simcoe. Out of town guests who at- tended the Lam on tMcMinn wedding which took place in Whitby United Church Parlor were: the groom's aunt, Mrs. King St. H&S Meets Teachers The September meeting of King Street Home and School Association was held on Thurs: day evening at the school with Mrs. Fred Read presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of "O Canada" after which the president welcomed all present and introduced the principal, Mr. J. Stachow. Mr. Stachow in turn intro ing a new set of sweaters financed by the Whitby High School Board. ~--Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West duced the teachers and then welcomed Mr. Souche, French teacher for Whitby public schools. Mr. Souche spoke on the teaching of oral French to Grades 5 and 6. He was thanked by Mrs. C. Hoag. The meeting then closed and the parents adjourned to the Tel, MO. 8-3703 classrooms where the teachers outlined the year's work in each grade. Refreshments were served by the executive. The next meeting will be held Thursday, Oct. 19. New Treasurer Is Named At | Guild Meeting | CLUB CALENDAR All Saints' Anglican Church| MONDAY, Sept. 25 St. Margaret Guild held its bi- monthly meeting on Thursday| ars evening at the church hall. The |, Troop Scouts and Cubs president, Mrs. Alex McAllister, |cactle Chapter Sr. Group opened the meeting with thes) saints Anglican Church La- member's prayer. Various|" gies' Aux. 3rd Scouts and Cubs reports were read and ap-, proved. During the business meeting| LoLSDAY, Tent, 28 a new treasurer was elected, Mrs. H. Wright, and also two new members were welcomed, Mrs. J. Martinson and Mrs. Betty Smith, Final arrangements were made for the Oct. 18 meeting when a guest will be speaking and demonstrating "Interior Whitby Baptist Church CGIT Faith Baptist Church YPA Dundas Street East H and § Whitby Baptist Church 3 B's Whitby Girl Guide Association WEDNESDAY, Sept. 27 St. John's Anglican Church WA work meeting Senior Citizens Group Decorations titled "Fashions in Unity Club Past Noble Grand ur in 1961". Mrs, (Rebekah) Brown, the demonstrator, fis y p with the Toronto Simpson-Sears Bova) Loam Legion 1adies Store. Tickets for this special evening may be obtained from any members at St. Margaret Guild. The members spent the re- THURSDAY, Sept 28 Salvation Army Women's Home League Manager: Lloyd Robertson TOP JUNIOR LEAGUE Elect Officers A H k C | At Rebekah Lodge m | The regular meeting of Bene- Jr. oc ey d p |volent Rebekah Lodge No. 132 |was held in the IOOF Hall on Wednesday evening. Noble ens ere ues ay grand sister Greta Campbell was in the chair assisted by By CLIFF GORDON |there were a lot of smart guys| 08 grand sister Sells Mel.ean The hockey season is fast ap-|around, especially i He Josten ary Pp aching and a new league part of Ontario that laughed ""." " ee is soon to be introduced when the eastern Sr. " fi, Sale nd flowers were sent to ths Whitby fans. Jr. "A"|league decided to go "A" after oe is reported still in Kospie hockey will make its debut here/some fine success in *"B" com- (io re De ay ord on Tuesday night Oct. 31 as pany. The league won three their wish for &. prompt Tezov- the Whitby Jr. A team will host|Allan cups and a pair of world, ov Variotiz, committees' gave the Brampton entry. The league titles in three years. We are. ov reports is a five team affair with two not saying that this new league pt Wolo dlected Tor the teams from Toronto, St. Mi-|will duplicate this but let's not new. tern. Installatios will: be chael's College, and Toronto sell it down the river before it is held Oct "18 Lodge closed in Marlies, Brampton, Unionville given a chance to prove it be- the Ysa asiber alter which and Whitby. The local team will|longs in the "A" calibre. oe am ved play their home games on Tues-| Manager Ivan Davie has an- The meting of the Unity Club day nights with the exception nounced that he hopes to start will be held Wednesday. Sept of St. Mike's who will play|camp on Sept. 26, with the big 27 at 8 p.m. This will be Tollow their Sous James here on Satur-|opening SE the Samp 4 for the in ed by a degree practice. ason tickets and subscrib- the Po He hig iy Jt er's tickets are now on sale at|night that he has some 50 play- » age the arena box office for the ers invited to camp. Senior Citizens coming season. This is one good, Players back from last year's way of making sure you get alJr. B team and up from Juv. lo- . - good seat for every game. With|cally will include, Lorne Camp- rst eeting a subscriber's seat or a season| bell, Cliff Godridge, Bob Tripp, . es y ticket you get the same seat{Len Bobbie, Butch Kadwell,| Senior Citizens Group held its| for every game. Full informa-|George Ashby (perhaps???),|first meeting of the season on] tion and tickets are available|Gord Luke, Elmer Tran, Ron|Wednesday afternoon at All| at the arena box office. | Moore, Garry McCullough, Pete|Saints' Anglican Church hall. = | Mrs. Leslie McFarlane and The Whitby entry will play Shearer, Rickey Switzer (per-| a number of games in Maple haps ???), Rowland Mackey, | ! Leaf Gardens with many of Brian Fletcher, Ted Napiorkow-|and Mrs. R. H. Bedell, president them slated for Sunday after-|ski, Stan Sharmon, Ron Brem. of the local Red Cross, wel- noons. The first one that the ner and Mike Morrison. So in{comed all present. Mrs. C. E. local team will play in is Nov. 5'all it looks as if manager Da-|Goode, retiring hostess for the Members stood in silence in Evening Shows at 6:55 & 8:35 Saturday Matinee aot 1:30 WHITBY when the Whitbv entry will tan-|vie is going to have a fighting|Pa¥® n gle with the Marlies. club again this year. He has a|and the group expressed their There has been considerable new coach, Bob Cherry, who/appreciation of her efforts. talk in regard to the strength of also knows his way around and/ There were 31 members pres- the new Jr. A league. We would we think they will win their ent with three new members. like 'to go on record as saying'share of games. Rey. S. Armstrong called in to, ir mi . r---- welcome the group. Mr. James | |Rainnie entertained at the piano | - and games were enjoyed by all. | 1scount reenwoo Tea and cookies were served. | Any Senior Citizens interested in| . . attending these weekly Wednes- | Plans Birthda Brid be) day afternoon gatherings are y most yelcome to attend. If transportation is needed call Viscount Greenwood Chapter/ed Children for donation of an MO 8-5125. IODE, held its first meeting of electric clock. the season on Monday afternoon, Education secretary reported . at the United Church Hall, with all prizes had been presented Another Big Red the regent Mrs. F. W. Browne to public schools. Awards and . presiding, who welcomed the/prizes in Henry Street High Atom Blast Fired members after the holidays. School will be presented at com-| |mencement. is WASHINGTON (AP)--Another Letters we » Soviet atomic blast was fired memory of a deceased charter- Torin ols from the Friday, the 15th since the Rus- ed member, Mrs. C. Freeman, northern school in Spring Bay sians resumed nuclear tests who held office as first vice re- Mrs. Geo A d Serv. Sept. 1, the U.S. Atomic Energy gent for several years and was). . [> Scorge Anderson, Serv. Commission announced ; ices at Home and Abroad con need. also a membership CONVeNner ono. asked for small paper It said: "The detonation oc- and a taunsellor. covered books for troops in Ger curred in the vicinity of Novaya An invitation was read from many these to be brought at/2¢m!va and had a yield on the the Susie Sorabja Chapter IODE the next meeting. order of a megaton. of Uxbridge to attend their Fall wps Leslie MacFarlane was festival being held on Oct. 3 and gjected unanimously as a new tennial in 1967 and the impor- . ; {member. Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, tance for members to make A letter of appreciation was Empire and World Affairs con- plans of celebrations. read from the School of Retard-Ivener, spoke of the Canada Cen-| An executive meeting was called for Oct. 2, at 2 p.m. at the home of the regent to com- | plete plans for the 23rd annual OC birthday bridge and tea on Mon- day, Nov. 20. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. ua THE Mrs. James Ross was tea host- ITHOUT A FACE? ess. STEWART BRA presents STAR OF "BEN. \EE T WHITE | NEWSPRINT 4Y2-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in b. pkgs. If IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale of . . WHITBY OFFICF & CIRCULATION DEPT. | Oshawa Times Plus! All New All Thrilling ! Mrs. W. J. Hare, co-hostesses,| Corner. 4 two years was also present |gia Court of Appeals ruled in a {that Cuba is a sovereign gov Whitby Chapter Order of the! mainder of the evening sewing Eastern Star No. 248 on the quilt and stuffed animals for the Christmas sale. Lunch was served by Mrs. | Patsy Brown and Mrs. Jean Family Monuments LAT | akes/ Created To \ H Individual | Requirements STAFFORD BROS. CAN'T SUE CUBA ATLANTA (AP) -- The Geor- far . reaching decision Friday ernment and not subject to suit in state courts unless it con | LTD sents. The unanimous opinion re-| : versed Savannah city court ac-| MONUMENTS tion in attaching funds of the] 318 DUNDAS EAST Cuban ' Consulate in that port MO 8-3552 city to satisfy the claims of two creditor companies. GYPTEX a TEXTURE PAINT 7 colours Give your home a distinctive freshness with GYPTEX, the remarkable texture paintthathides small cracks and patches. Easy to apply, easy to texture, GYPTEX comes in decorator shades of Tusk Ivory, Desert Buff, Aqua Green, Shell Pink, Silver Grey, Horizon Blue, and White. Simply add water--mix to a heavy paste-- let stand a half-hour--then brush on. At Leading Hardware, Paint, and Building Supply Stores | Whitby Baptist Church explor-| M. Jamieson, RR No. 2, Whit by and her two daughters the| Misses Patricia and Mary Lou Janieson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. D. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Peterson Jr., Messrs John and Robert Peterson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stirtevant, Orillia, Mr. an Mrs. Bruce Hannan and Mr. and Mrs. N. Yokeley of Oshawa. A quiet wedding took place on| Saturday, Sept. 9 in United Church parlor when Marlene| Margaret McMinn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert McMinn, was united in marriage to Mr. John McNeill Lamont, Whitby, son of Mr. William Lamont, of Mr. and Mrs. A. Carr are at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs. J. B. Carr, mother of Mr. Albert Carr. Interment is at|/North Ireland, and the late Birds Creek Cemetery on Sat-|Mrs. Lamont. Rev. John M. urday. Smith officiated at the cere- mony. Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Hendren, is celebrating his 12th birthday today. His friends wish him many happy returns of the day. The bride, given away by her| father, wore a white satin bal-| lerina length gown, square ncekline, three quarter length sleeves. Her shoulder = length veil was held by a seeded pearl tiara. She carried a white Bible topped by white lace and adorned with white roses. Her only attendant, Miss Jean McMinn, wore a pale blue vel- vet dress, full skirt and match- ing accessories. She carried a cascade bouquet of white roses. Mr. Edward Lutz acted as best man. For the reception held at the bride's parents Ontario Hospital ; farm residence, the mother of further arrangements. were|ihe bride received wearing a| made for the December bazaar.|jioht blue brocade sheath dress, | More material is being pur-|\hite accessories and a corsage | chased to make articles by the!of pink carnations. | members for the bazaar. For their wedding trip to Ni- The meeting closed with pray-|agara Falls, the bride donned er and refreshments werela brown two-piece suit and served by the social committee, beige accessories. Her corsage For next week's meeting the/was of pink carnations. | members will meet at the home| Mr. and Mrs. Lamont have of Mrs. A. Carr, Brock street ) ) LITTLE ®\) | Raudalls piumser | Home League To Tour Cannery Salvation Army Women's Home League, held its weekly meeting on Thursday evening at the Citadel with Mrs. Major Simpson in charge of the devo- tional. During the business meeting Van Camp canning factory. 'Marlene McMinn September Bride established residence at Cray- don road apartments in Whit- by. RIBADU TO VISIT OTTAWA (CP) -- Muham- madu Ribadu, Nigerian minis. ter of defence, will arrive here by air today from London for a six - day official visit to Can ada. On Wednesday he will in- spect the Royal Military Col lege at Kingston and the Royal Canadian School of Signals at Barriefield. Whitby Churches Let's All Go To Church This Sunday! EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION, WEST, OF HIGHWAY 12 10:30 AM. Dutch Service 10:30 AM. Sunday School, English English. Son Eo ity ng! rvice, 2:30 P.M Worship at Bowmanville 3:30 P.M, Bowmanville Sunday School EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9:45 P.M. RALLY DAY SERVICE Guest Speaker: Rev. D. M. Warne Parents ond Friends are invited to attend. FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St. N., Whitby Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, $.Th, 9:15 AM. Radio Broadcast CKLB 9:45 AM. Bible School Hour ; 11:00 AM. Guest Speaker Mr. Harry Wilson of Central Baptist Seminary 7:00 P.M. Our Pastor Specking Special Music north, and arrangements have been made to tour the Stokely WHENEER AN INSTALLATION , TO HEAT A HOME, WE SELL* A TH =. E GATISFIED HOME OWNERS THEIR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS TELL Finance |The name to remember for MONEY! | | Whitby Baptist Church REV. JOHN McLEOD Mrs. W. E. Summers, AT.CM. 11:00 AM. "Get on with your Job" 7:00 P.M, "He ren 9:45 P.M. RALLY DAY in the Bible School 101 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY You Are Cordially Invited WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Annual W.MSS. Services 11:00 AM. Sunday School Promotions 9:45 em. & 11:00 em. {BROCK BLDG. MO --T ONTARIO NO. 1 il New POTAT AMERICA DRY BALLET Toi GINGER ALE 9 Il Tissue 10 == 1.00 Prices Effective in Oshawa and Whitby until 6 p.m. Tuesday, September 26 OMINION 30-01. BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT I-

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