THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 22, 1961 17 na AM. 12:30 P.M. 5:30 P.M. indow on the World | 7--Sherlock Holmes 11--Lets Look At Canada T E L E V I S I10 N L oO Gi pA yi Xi Eis on fn tia iy ba OSHAWA 4 Popeye Plavhouse | e ie Cal | aw! 8 7 Your Cou uv Hu Dre STRANGEL. SUODENLY THERE IS NO SHOOTING TAKE NOW THERES SHOOTING AGN! i i iy nis BUA KET. HIT ANYTHIN A EAPOSED TAAGEY. STNG: BOWLING NEWS J ae] a hii M THE SONG HOUSE... NOT EVEN WHEN A CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto | 9:15 AM, apa Playhouse | 34-Nationai Tennis RO TE ONS i : I Po WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo | 2--Pinpoint feta oN | EE a NN § | cine soar apres wavon "a LEAGUE " . 1] hs ! ! :30 AM. { | 3--Naked WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester | s-Tim McCoy 1:00 ¥.M. 0 | 2--Pinpoint 7--Mr. and Mrs. North june" Church In ' x " v Jewel 4 CFTO-TV Channel 9---Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3---Barrie | 10:00 AM. 4-Sunday Playhouse | 3 py 3 ee us a a Modern Uphol- ad 0 venture | | 9--Rin in stering 4, Acadian Cleaners 3, Strouds "yt | a AR cy : 2 Randolph Soot =x College * 2 4 Yo Moderns 3 FRIDAY EVENING SgGynamake 5: | &=Lamp Unto My Feet | 1:3. Pm. Foisius ng s. 4--Starlight Theatre i163 Bugs Bunny | 2--Cartoon Playhouse 9--Douglas Fairbanks | 6_ [Disney Presents 7-5--Pope; | 3--Movie "ab . resents | &--Twentieth Century-- Pores Playhowe | *phive ap |3Sast calamt I ta Was 3 | 7--San Francisco Beat | ~ walter Cronkite 2--Big Rascals 6---Wrestling 2---Wrestling J py 20 AM | 2 Ye ings Divorce p Cogs 12:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. y ro > #" 7--Early Show | 9--Friday Night Theatre (1--Tugboat Annie wh Lo | 2-Fguman Footbal} Game f\1--Down From the Stars bisy Safari In Asia | LM. s~Countey ime 5---Christophers 5--Burns and Alle | 3--Clencannon 5--Playhouse Five 9-- Epilogue 5--Hong Kong 4--Uncle Jerry's Club | 6-4- -3.2--NFL Football | 5--~Walt Disney Presents 4--Theatre 2~Theatre | 3-All Star Golf 2----Religious Educ 2:30 P.M. 4-1 Love Lucy 3----Cannonball | SA1URDAY | 6:30 P.M Week 11-6-3--Good Life Theatre| 3--Ramar of the Jungle 3 3 . , Dive Das nM AM. I dy 1m: AM. 3. M. 7:00 P.M. and, 220, 3 3 ad | 5--~Bozo's Story Book aN " 8--Around The Worla |il--Rev. Oral Roberts |t1--(Special Israel is » 9--Whirlybirds 2-Willie Wonderful Sa -Nows: Weather; 7-U.S Navy Presents | 5--Family Playhouse ee, ie ya Edna i «73, Nu i Sonstis 8:3 A | 6-UN Review Spinich, Service | | 4:30 ste SaCors 212), Mabel Moss 649 (352, 6), Maurie 5--Felix The Cat 2 --Highway Patrol 5--This Is The Life |; pecital (262, 228), Joan Jackson 813 2---Highway Patrol &--Popeye Playhouse 6:45 I.M. txDoto's Cartoon 4:00 P.M. Sasazel 05) ye Zena Mandziuk 643 (238, 235). 6:15 P.M. Book . 6--Trackdown The ret "i 6-4--News: Sports 2-The Big Rascals Yo Tuibowt zie 2-Shirley (emple Show 3~Farm Market Report Pd bid gg i: ah. 11:3 AM : -M. assie WHAT You m 7--Window On The |(1.6:3--Dennis The Ss 11--Canonball . WELL..WHAT DO ELL World re 7 The Christophers |'g3 Canada. File lel rM, THINK NOW, ROY? Ne. Weather 3=Toree Stokes Series! 7. 3-Men ao Space a i " free [4-Film Featurette $--Donna Heed ON HIM, 3 . COP IF THERE 5--The Flint Stones 2--Fantasy Island Rahway Patrol 2--Men of Annapolis [SF PM 7--Follow The Sun WAS ADE / STRAIGHT and Innis DeLong 609 4--News; Weather: 9.30 A. --U of B Round Table | 12:00 NUON : -M. | 5--Best of The Post ; AS A sourie of good single games we A Sports 4--Museum of Science 2-~Harbor Command 9--Bravo Theatre is Jae Tete | Ponds a mo Jolie] By gers a ca ! 4 M. 5-2--Pip The Piper 7:30 P.M 7 --Church In The 6:45 P.M. { 0:00 A.M. 11=-Douna Read Show Home U63-News Magazine |y1.6.43-Ed Sullivan OSHAWA MEN'S TEN-PINS 54 News 5.2 Shari lewis Show ing Ganam Show 6-3--Good Life Theatre og RL Ty Show Games won on Monday were Union POTL00 P.M {ideo Village 7--Counter Intelligence | 3=Film Feature | "pple, 9--Academy Perform Sky Eoay Son Ts Tndustrial Tools 0: . iid orps 11--Family Theatre S- Professor's Pty | 6--Dr. Kildare Sports { 3-Danger 1s My §-2--National Velvet 9--Big Four Playback -- 5.2-King Leonardo Twenties 2-West Point | Ben and Raike 2; Charlton Traciols 5, 7 - M. 4--Amateur Hour 8: 3 P. tarlo Motor Sales 2; Town a Football Highlights 52 9. | 4--Mighty Mouse { 12:15 P.M. | = Ted Mack 7--Lawmai 6--Seven-O-One Playhouse y Mas Congress | 2~Speak Up 5-2-Tab AD ler Show Wholesale 5, Tuck Tapers 2; Millwork 3--Father Knows Best X 3-Charlie Chan a | » : zz: Building Supplies 4, Team No. 5, 3: 2--Brothers Brannigan 11:00 A.M. 5 vol A Glen's exon 4, Young Sports 3 and RREN |e n CROSSWORD + : 5-2--Fury ~Jambores x 7--News; Weath 3 3--Sgt Bilk | itt ; 500 s! Tan PM Magis Lang B30 o.. | 4 i ) (200, 190, 185), P. Small ss cio} s¥T HE MM, i 5 F. Taylor 553 (201, 183), G. Ye meyer | 9--Sports College J-Father Knows Best | ACROSS 4Yes : Cay : i, 1), R. Mite 318 Hoo: ¥ A y §-2--jlhe ne Ranger A 88), D. T=Maity's Funday Roy Rogers I-jeave 4 - Porous 5. Begone! IEEE LiKE ; Haves sts Cia, 6. MacDs 08 Funties 11:45 AM. Tan Eunier rock 6. Game of DEADMP RANVIER] (194), R. Buzminski 506 (180), B. wee 6--Sports Huddl A 5-2--Tall Man EL] [PIU] 3 (182). S--The Asphalt Jungle | 9--Boys' and Girls' 4--The Defenders . Dross chance EEeDE Sli fiell 505 and G. Reid 30: 4--Rawhide Western House ; 3--Sea Hunt . Long, flat 7. Southern x [RAL ICSITIE A ucy J2:00 Noo od = Site LD wagon constel- HE na aaa 3 5 = OUR cove NAT ON) : 5 S ede i 1 THINK SOVETUNG'S | Yo Ae Tos. Hn, Nore Hedrich 186, B I-Buftalo Sap ara 11-6-3--Great Movies . Atoll base I SEAT..CHAISE | [™ EE +r S 3 / H /, Fogal 185, F. Zarowny 183, K. Fisher 2--International Show | g_News, Weather, y--Naked City lation LE SALESMAN! Ls 162 T. Tyers 182 and G. Somerville 180. Mm. Sports §.3--Great Movies . Seaweed 8. French- A ey = l LONGUE .. VISION | R= ' / } po] 11-6-3--Red River 3--Jet Jackson 2--Movie . Heavy man A SeEEE CEMED CHAR. "TABLE AND AY F ) N 052 ALBERT STREET CHURCH LEAGUE Jamboree 4--Sky King V | shoe Worked [ASEAN la ~~ SOF Z 4 \ | 1 There were some very nice scores 9--Theatre 2--Update S-Featoyaina | o » Wore ' IETS] Vid I] | p f \ rolled on Monlay evening, setting a 7---Harrigan and Son 12:15 P.M. 4--Have Gun Will - Insect hard : | % \ 1] / ; oA ; f i Very fast pace for our mew season. The 2-W. C. Fields These Travel . Feathered . Guided ,Under- Yesterday's Answer : i i 2d ] » \ I Hustlers, Beavers, and Gabbers took 4 8:30 P.M. "P.M. 10:00 P.M. | scarf Wild pig sized points from the Go-Getters, Wizzards taunt 3 i and Buzzers Lhe Flintstones lio Rogers Show J-Bomiue | 16. Ancient ,---- and animals 37.0n the top and Glinkers. The Strikers nd Buizers 6-3--Car 54 é--News With Charles | 4-- Gunsmoke . Gold (her.) skittles . Dine 39. Conclude Sa Zive Star Susie Kuralt . Yankees . Robbery . God 40. The OE0L mM 2 Danger 1s My 7--San Francisco Beat and ..Unsteady of Victorian 11--The Bad Streak -- 12: 15 P.M. - Anse i Pirates, . Shinto love ---- Charles Boyer Theatre BRR ti eg. temple . Ex- 42. French of 824 (330, 301) and Perc brik ig om 1:00 P.M. Sports | 20.Bacon slice 23, Turkish change coin - NA aie, tobi' of te at 03 aa §-2-The Lawless Years il--Vavro School of 11:00 P.A . American weight premium (abbr.) Ml. Music 11-9-7-6-4-3--News: Indian Fi Kn pr eA 11-6-3--Perry Mason b ire} Review Weather: Sports . Anesthetic Ve, 8 5 i u E. Jasklin 648 (249, 222), G. Ford 610 2 menimahons fine i 0 1 ol 1 i Seized omen" 600 Without Handicap -- W 5-2-- Westinghouse 15 P.M. bv.M. , r . night on 4 5--Feature Movie News. Weather: . Unable to ] ¥ Scott was high lady bowler for the night 4--Adventure Theatre 1:30 P.M. hear with 687 (253, 239, 204), M. Kornic 601 10:00 P.M. 7----Wrestling Champions | .7--Late Show , -- dozen Men 200 No Handicap -- A. Venema 7--The Detectives 4--Film Featurette 8-~Night Metro . Really 233. 201 W, Grandy 233. aptain David Grief | 4--Late Sports | 4 Women 200 No Handicap = M. Jack- ews And Sports 3--Movie . On high ' 0 A HEN NDMA | lin 223, I'VE FOUND TH' VERY BEST, IT'LL BE DANDY FOR WHEN ..OR WHEN GRAND S Fon = h vith Handicap = 5. Hust 2--~Michael Shayne C2.00 P.M. 11:30 P.M. , "The -- - iL 7. \ BILLY, | : / 10:30 P.M. 11--Roy Rogers 1--Late Show Around Us" Hyg : E SUPER-DUPER HIDIN' PLACE WE PLAY HIDE AN' SEEK..); HUNTIN'AN ERRAND BOY! 247, W. Hamilton 231, M. Morrison 234, H--Peter funn Matt -Baseball 9--Saturday Night Shosh n . J IN TH' WHOLE WORLD // t 2 & uf: mm J. Taylor 22%: 22, E. Hawley 215, K $-Hart of e' Matter . ' { Hd "RA 3 otter 7--Law and Mr. Jones |. M.. oTheatre Indian : Ji ean 205, M. Hil 203. Lari Clhly " all 4--Starlight Theatre | 37. Employ if i Women Jo Yih Halliead lee Wi | %. ~ y i » 4_News -- Walter -3--World of Sport 12:00 P.M. | 38. Pressing , ' \ La il randy s Cronkite 3:00 P.M. 5--Movie | 40.Heroie wy 5 GI d ; Team Standing -- Strikers 7, Hustlers 3----Tightrope 7--Wrestling 1:00 A.M. . Aim i Z 2 N go 7 | 7, Gabbers 5, Beavers 4, Stinkers 4, 11:00 P.M. 3:" PM t=Late News | To face - 74 ; } / y Wizzards 4. Go-Getters 4, Buzzers 3, 5.4 S 7-NFL 3) ail * . a p) S 1 A 7 . Mark 2, Clinkers 0. 44743433 News; 7 NFL, Pro Football 'g_ Epilogue Covers with TN : arkers Te 5 P.M, 5--Film Feature 5. «DAY turf i. -- Saad = 7 i i DUPLATE SOCIAL AND SPORTS d--Weather 4:00 P.M. EL AN. . Sounded, as A % Y, » Ee =! > brio ¥ Bowlng is here again, and 'makes $---Sports '61 7---NCAA Football s Is 0 e A : AS ¢ A /3 4 ¥ P us wonaer where the summer went, bul Joe Crysdale "50 Pm. 8:15 AM the phone Y%, : * > = 2 <1 | |by the feel of the temperature in the I-Lae Sw Show 25 Wrestling 2--Christian Science i v ga . C2 fa. d : Phe 7 # alleys it makes us think it is still here pa tf "Theatre tam Teaue 8:30 A.M. f i 5 ri ? 3 Mc Ju IAT fi a, ar scores rolled and it looks like some of 2-Sports Reel Saudi s+ EVF 5--Tales of the Texas SN - ie the vs were practicing through the 11:30 P.M, 5:00 P.M. Rangers strongly rvy ine' 11--Late Show 1.6-3--Outside Broad. 3-far Home and . Friars "Team standings are: Team No No 12-4 5 te ' asts arden | 0. 3 0, H 0. 3-Bener La title No: 378 No: 32: No. 111 Nov1osts No. 3-0; No. 14-0; No. 11-0; No. 6 --0. the good scores rolled were Some of t! ls. Collins 746 (306), L. Locke 704 (279), ne Evans 692 (281), D, Crowder 688 (246, 230), R. Chute '280 (232), R. Gare |dian 680 (300), G. Shullman 678 (249, E 210), V. Sozansky 666 (237), J. Conboy ® oo oo |663 (280, 231), A. Lyson 661 (244), H. Ballantine 656 (317), O. Thompson 655 (244), J. Dionne 655 (243), J. Hardie 637 (235), M. Solaroli 631 (236), D. Weather» EA 630 (238), J. Kellar 629 (257), H. Curwin 626 (331), Clare Mason 622, F. J] | Gavas 606 and F. Waite 606 266 KING ST. WwW. 723-4634 Some Dther Lin singles oo 3 McRae 257, C3 Bs si 256, R. Pilon 252, L. Rose 241, L. Patterson 234 anl G. DeLong 230. Rocky / ROCKY. STOP NOW YOU WON'T" FEEL LADIES MAJOR "B" LEAGUE THAT MAN / ANY PAIN! Second week of bowling showed a marked improvement in the bowling JANE HKRDEN ers 1 point. Men 600, No Handicap -- G. Maunder 695 (246, 204), S. Sry 693 (238, 231, 204), C. Davis 607 (268 Men 600, With ny -- Ross Clark was high bowler for the night with a MICKEY MOUSE Nevertheless there were some real good Now on Display at NE Ee NATURALLY, THE MANY : © BEATINGS YOUVE TAKEN HOWEVER -- [FOR HE'S y HAVE SOFTENED YOUR, HERE'S PROOF //~ v Sz, M & ' 4 BRAIN, FOSDICK YOUR APPLICATION THE LONE RANGER scores. Motor City took all 4 points from Burns. Whites, Saywells, Bints and Hen- dersons each took 3 points and left and Horne's Esso with 1 point apiece. Standings -- Whites 7, Motor City 7, Glaziers 5, Burns 4, Horne's Esso 4, Saywells 4, Bints 3, Hendersons 3, Mitchells 2 and Nesbitts 1. Over 600 -- Effie Baldwin 708, with a lovely single of 356. Congratulations Effie and may you have many more of the same. Olive Vaillancourt 684, Aud- rey Hodgson 649, Cecilia Casey 644, Mildred Turney 627, Lois Shaw 625, Dot McLellan 624, Ede Reading 614, and Bea Northey 612, Top 10 -- Vera Kalynko 268, Leta Nelson 252, Bea Alexander 243, Flo Wil- liamson 238, July Carlson 236, Barb Sager 234, Florence Russell 230, Beth Shortt 222, 201, Marj Carswell 218 and Phoebe Mullen 214. v - ' Nan Bennets' stare, of 231 was over- THAT looked in last week's Top 10, so we give HOW her special mention tonight. LI'L ii} : JEP PROFESSOR DatvXed by Te Et If LUDWIG VON DRAKE MAY 1 SEE WHERE HAVE YOU BEENS 2) OF VIENNA 15 CONNG y ve = i 6G (THE ROOM? [I'VE MisSED YOU LATELY | oF ef o IVE a | HE'S AN ALL- JS REDECORATING i ROUND GENIUS! ee GUEST ROOM, {| lg Po You Executive fo! r the 1961-62 season is: LIKE IT? AUTOMATIC. President, Vera Bint; Vice-President, > Nelda Thompson; Secretary, Beth Shortt; Treasurer, Helen Trott and Press Reporter, Leta Nelson. MOTOR CITY MIXED BUSINESS LEAGUE Our second night of scores was not as high as the first, but will pick up as the season progresses, I am certain. We had a nice triple again though, with Harry Fayle walking off with a 72% (223, 288). Bill Gallant came through for us again with a 677 (245, 233), not to mention Art Smart's 638 (240). That's nice bowling, boys! Us women were no slouches either, not to be out done by the men, Helen Wiggins scored a 615 (253) and Lily Rae a 607. Pretty good, I would say. 200 games (Men) -- B. McLean 24% P. Cormier 231, B. Trick 224, J. Norrie 217, J. Zavitsky 216, F. McKee 206, J. Crawford 205. - had Games omen) Tor SS adelifle You orrison 244, Rose Crawford , Irene A Hurtibese 217, Dorothy Giles 211. Lmon League -- Edith McKee 65, Joan Williams 70, Nellie Hall 81, Ben Maughan 85, Bev. Thomas 88, David Graham 98. See you next week at 8.30! DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER -- ee eto oot i bre pot rm semen cot imc THERE'S NOTHIN' LIKE WORK TO TAKE A FELLERS MIND OFF HIS HOBBIES JULIET JONES ISLAND'S TALLEST Pe 4 ; < 14a 4 VICTORIA, B.C. (CP) -- A WHY AM T 7 ; AS $1,000,000 12-storey luxury apart Ni SPILLING THIS i ~ lia] \u e==N ies | ment building to be erected LOAD OF VITRIOL : - overlooking Beacon Hill will be ABOUT SABINE ? ; the tallest building on Vancou- BECAUSE IN MY ie i ver Island. ODD, TWISTED WAY : 1 LIKE YOU, MISS JONES, h/t A | SALLY'S SALLIES MOONLIGHTING / b © 1961. Ki ug Poatures Syndicate, Tne. World rights reserved H SEren Cont BoB | AND ES DO Sucn : yx 1 TALKED WITH A MAN HE WAS LATER ARRESTED FOR SOME GOING OTHE, § ! i A 78 1 HAD NOT SEEN SINCE 1941 PART HE HAD HAD IN THE 1956 UPRISING, DRUG=. BY DOCTOR SALLER, IN BUDAPEST ..- HE TOLD ME THAT BUT HE MANAGED TO GET WORD TO ME ~ HOW DID YOU LEARN WHEN 1 WAS SENT AWAY A HUNGARIAN | "SHE/8 M4 CAMADA ~ THAT YOUR DAUGHTER i FAMILY ADOPTED NOT MUCK TOGO ON,151T7 44 oa MIGHT BE HERE IN #4 § ; > HILDA HE DID Wl < CANADA? ' ; = NOT KNOW z y THEIR NAME LARRY BRANNON WELL, MR BRANNON, ABOUT A YEAR AGO - BE © 1351, King Favre 7 "He makes a living wage, Mom. We're both stil alive