The Oshawa Times, 22 Sep 1961, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 22, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 17--Male Help Wanted |25-----Apts. & Flats for Rent EXPERIENCED janitor, ful] time em. /TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe Apply General Printers, 57 Straet North. Telephone 725-6343, 9am. Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. to 5 p.m [SALARIED sales position, open for two [350 MONTHLY, men, Permanent. Resident n district| apartment, private bath and private en. for five years or more. Age 25 to 45,|trance. Aly 318 Albert Street. Tele- married, $350 per month to start plus Phone 728-7703 bonuses and travelling allowance. Must| THREE. have own automobile. Write Box 332/04, EE room 3 pam a Oshawa Times. trance, parking faciliti Apply 17 AVERAGE 5250 hourly, parttime, | hiontrave Avenue. Adul need three neat appearing men, 24 - 39/375. SIMCOE - Bloor, "newly Fre ed for route work, 8 to 16 hours weekly. two bedroom apartment, stove, refrig- Box 340 Oshawa Times. |erator, laundry facilities. Vacant. ry ps N |7 -0748 or 725-5427. + OIL SALESMAN wanted. Steady | 7 Brougham, apartments for rent, employment, Part or full time. Avriy) -| Jack Perry. Harry O. Perry | Rewly decorated, Bachelor and two-bed. it ample parking; WH 2-5047. "UPHOLSTERERS AND TRIMMERS Experienced, good wages." Apply: HELLER FURNITURE MFRS. LTD 496 Queen St., E., Toronto 20--Room and Board OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Mond Fri Sen Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERV Building Trades |ALL types building ;|eavestroughing a eys, sidewalks, stoops. 3 16--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED proofreader. Good working group insurance benefits. Reply to Box 245, Oshawa Times. ROOM, board and remuneration given lady in for 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent THREE-ROOM self-contained a private bath, $65 monthly. Reatias Filling Lloyd Realty, (Oshawa) Ltd. ™O0 heated apartments, second and third floor, private entrance. Apply 74 Bond Street East or telephone 725-9308 for for further information. | THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment, {beavy wiring, cupboards, sink in kite jchen, oi] heated, share rn ed bedroom sv suit la $65 MONTHLY -- three. room aparts ment, heated, heavy wiring, unfurnishe ed, ample parking. Apply 759 hrane Street, Whitby, M 0 | 4 Sos TWO large, self-contained room: vate entrance, oil heated, close to bus. Adults only, Telephone 728-8870 for fure ther information. 1--Women's Column Herr Beauty Salon. We special ize in Zermanent aving, 29% Simcoe CE DIRECTORY [== | RIDE wanted to Toronto, vicinity Bay {and Dundas, leaving approximately 6.45. {Telephone 7 -1233 after 6. Journ Je ride to Toronto v th Y--Vorousi y Ls housekeeping and care of one five. year-old, lovely modern home. Tele- a phone MO 8-5945 after 6. Instruction |Personal Service High-| RESPONSIBLE woman for light house- Accountants H. E, DEWAR and Co. Accountants d Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 ario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2221 8. T. HOPKINS and "Company, Certi- feld Public Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and Co., Chartered Accountants, 725-3527. 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax, WH 2.0890. MONTEITH, H, MONTEITH, | RIEHL Co., Chartered Accountants, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa: Ajax, WH 2-0890. WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA, G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-2571. BOB CLANCY'S Ontari "Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res., 723-7605 repairs, roofing, 2 firepla . Gordon ti | 7 5.6122, al fo we convenience FURNISHED two room apartment, cen. tral. conveniences, heat, lights, parking, Shildon welcome. Telephone 728-4386 or 180, { ONE- and two bedroom apartments for rent in new apartment building, refrig- erator and stove supplied, nny fa- cilities, Telephone MO 8. 8349. DUPLEX --Upper three rooms, and refrigerator. Apply 324 Kingsdale Avenue or telephone 725. 2395. THREE- ROOM apartment, trance, bathroom, parking, washer. Television antenna. or ny Hussey 25 SEER three large and = pines THREE room apartment, "equipped with stove, refrigerator, chesterfield and chair, Close to bus; parking facilities. Telephone 723-1052. Adults only, MODERN two-bedroom apartment in anartment building, refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer. Paved parking. 82 Park Roa South. 725-3212. |THREE - room furnished basement apartment, private entrance, central lo- ation, parking facilities. Adults only. | Apply 235 King Street East. FOUR-ROOM apartment, all conven. |¢, ences, laundry, separate entrance, hot| water free, bus at the door, Apply 165 erdun Road. d. Telephone 72: = |MODE RN 4. room have young lady FIVE-R0O) » two - bedroom, heated ment in nice quiet unches packed 2Partment, unfurnished, parking facili- | veniences. if desired, all home privileges, laundry Yes Private entrance and bathroom. |reasonable done. Apply 561 King E. I | 725-9297. st. 76 Simcoe Street South. £ ROOM and board available at the Pon.| NEWLY decorated large, | FIVE-ROOM tiac Inn, home cooked meals, lunches (boards, TV periment, with sink, cup- packed, have TV lounge. Telephone 725.{P0ards, TV outlet, heavy duty wirin 0078. Shopping Centre, Telephone 72 22--Store Space & Garages| THREE ROOM, self-contained apart. |heated, parking facilities, central lo- t with built-in cupboards and bath. |cation. Immediate possession. Reason. FOR RENT -- Store or office space.| ind Telephone 5.0186 for further infor- |able rent, Telephone 728-3952, Central location, Whitby, Available | mation. October 15. Contact Stuart C. Roblin 1 ROOM unfurnished apartment, Whitby, MO. 8-2855 modern spaci-|Pright and newly decorated, kitchen EE --------------------|ous unfurnished apartment, heavy (®UIPPed with built-in cupboards and GARAGE FOR RENT -- suitable for|wiring, private bath and entrance, use| 50k Centrally located. Apply 163. Bant. small car or boat, vicinity of Mary and of washer, dryer. No children. 725.7789, |\N8_Avenue Sina ---------- Connaught Streets. Telephone 725-1945. | AVAILABLE October 1 -- |STX- and four-room apartments, indi. WANTED to rent, garage in Oshawa |apartment, newly decorated, reason.|vidual bathrooms, sinks, cupboards, area. Telephone 728-2793 evenings, |able. Telephone 728-0929 or apply 295 separate hot water F tanks, Children wele STORE or office for rent, 12 Prince Arthur Street. 5 Dial CO '3.23%5. Street, west side near King. November NEWLY decorated four room basement | THREE-ROOM _ apartment, equipped 1 or sooner. Telephone 728-8175. |apartment, $55 a month, includes light,|With stove; refrigerator, chesterfield [heat and water, centrally located. Tele {and chair, 'close to bus, parking facili- phone 725.4360 ties. Telephone 723- 1052, only. OFFICES |MODERN, two bedroom apartment, re. | ATTRACTIVE basement apartment for FOR RENT frigerator, stove, washer, dryer, drapes, |Tent, very reasonable. Cal] 728.5455 for Parking Space Available. 112 Simcoe Street North, I- range ALL types of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates. Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J. Foley. BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps. ESSO "private en. refrigerator, Teachers preferred. 40 Colborne West. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, , "HUNTER and C Accountants and uditors. | Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 ~artage King Street East, Oshawa: B. L. Yal . JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa-| ALLSTATE CA; F. Friediander, B.Comm., CPA. Hisnxs R: ble rates. Fully equipp-|to 20 per cent, A t Parts ed and i and insured ._ Phone 1 728- -3661. personal service at your uro - | 725-1625. KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- | M 9) V | N G ? teed, automotive parts and accesso-| CALL CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 | Yressmaking shawa Ti apartment, 1 unfurnished, rooms and bath, private en. yEaTking Aaeililies, television 'elephone 1735 and in for further | details. ujre Auto Insurance. Save up six months to pay. For home, call "unfurnished apart. new home, all con. Private entrance, near bus, rent, abstainers, adults, WOULD like to boarder, close to bus, Clear up those blues by spending a few hours daily serving on AVON TERRITORY Call Collect TORONTO RU 2-4782 17--Male Help Wanted [Lawn Mowers apartment, heavy duty |wiring, private bath, parking facilities, Simcoe South. 725-0081 or 725-9544. SELF-CONTAINED three-room unfur- nished apartment, private entrance, WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call Barristers Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici-| Simcoe treet North _Re dence, 725-5542. Barrister, Solich 725-9592. Resi. = rPUPPI - A male Beagle, three months old, black, white and brown. Good for hunting or house pet. Phone {MO 8-4167 N, Dav r, 3% Simcoe "south, dence 728-0264 RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, DRE MAKIX and alterations R [WANTED -- small poodle to go to an excellent home, reasonable price. Land pieuse telephone 725-2993. East. 4--Market Basket PRY turkey Surveyors H. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario |Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue | Phone 725-6881 DONEVAN (ario Land Surveyor, | printing, 11 Ontario Street. [TV - Radio Repairs TV. RADIO car ra makes. Thompson Electronics, {Elio venue, Tisvanse (F' red). T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBCNS ST. 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. OSHAWA 1V, Free Survey ond estimates. | 22 9WHY Because we give -- Real Service Fast SAME DAY! Efficient SAVE MONEY ! Experience SATISFIED { DRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes checked, glass ond tuner cleaned, set up for best picture ! A TOWER ? TRY US! Moving antenna? Same day? Repairs? As good as new? TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND EAST 278-6781 SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. _ 725-7844 or 728-5804 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All ork Guranteed ELECTRONICS (Well Drilling-Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST, WwW, P.O. BOX 329 LIKE to supplement your income by $100 to $200 ner --onth during your spare time? 725-1356. MARRIED man, 24-39 for route sales, manure, no straw, dent [$117 plus expenses to start. State edu. r gardens. Thirty-five cents covered cation, car necessary. Box 339 Oshawa hel basket, three for $1. Turkey Times. ) m, '2 mile west Columbus ii OAN rr Ee PTET i "all BARTLETT pears, 65 cents, six-quart experience necessary, transportation 157 |hasket, $2.75 a bushel. Pollock Orch-|supplied, average $2.76 per hour. Stu- ds, First orchard north off 3rd Con-|dents excepted. For appointment phone cession, east side of Highway 12, Watkins Products 728-2383, See Yb [ENJOY "THE SATISFACTION of being business for yourself. Our line con. TOMATOES 25 cents basket, $1.00 bu. |i | shel, Spanish onions 5 cents each. Pick | sate mosh in vitamins toniss, Ny {your own, bring containers, carrots Produc rushes, cosmetics, etc. Goo 75 cents bushel. W. Eyman, half mile territories available, High commission. least of Nichols Garage, Courtice. Go|Write to F2milex] Dept. § 16, 1600 Del- | |north to first corner. | 4 uf RN wy | POTATOES, large quantity, fresh, dug | daily, Cobblers and Sebegos. poles a and retail. Reasonable, Avpy 134 | miles west of Brooklin on No. 7 High- -- |way. Fred Buldyke. | LLB. | BA, ne Street 72 AND FLEISHMAN, Commercial Biue- 725-5632. At on io repairs, cuttings. Suit furnaces | | | FREE cleaned m apartment, "in , stove, refrigerator, on Russett Avenue, 25-9341. riving at 8 or 8.15 a.m. york and looking after children while LORRAINE School of Hawaiian Music. FELECLFC Day Nursery now in oper- i 723. if! {Tork a re OE fy with board, waiia style, gul , acces-| ation. icial opening in Play in Ha #1 Call_728-2412 for interview Small remuneration. Telephone 725-6278. SR Tn UTH HAVEN N ge Hom ee ~~ Ae NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50 and more , flat ofs, HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, 50 5 ursing Home --- ELECTROLYSIS RE singling on caulk ommod a i TV. Fully fabulous Christmas cards. gifts, joys, io i L . 24 King Street West private patients, lounge 3 friends and neighbors. Our exciting, 80- ing. Phil Harpér, Whitby, MO | 358. now. King {ce ensed, new building, modern. Visitors| Removal of superfluous hair, page, full-color catalogue makes SPECIALIZING in roofing and re- LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, welcome. Reasonable rates. Phone e easy to get plenty of orders. No experi. pairs. Also all type home remodeling. | DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School, Acro- | Newcastle 4441, Marie Murduff will be in batic. Friday and Satun Masonie today for samples, on approval, of love 1 ly Christmas cards and free catalogue ALL types of repairs and niin] Phone Genosha Hotel on these |Monarch Card Co., Dept. 16, 47 Easf ing, new and used jnaterials, Reason ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Ave., Hamilton. able rates. Estimates free. Dial LEARN TO DRIVE hone 7253521, Harold H.' Stark,| dates for appointment. at the (Lid Plumbing, heating and store with pleasing personality. One ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, Oshawa Driving School ing. 255 Simcoe Street South. 3--Pets & Livestock |who, would like to learn selling. At yes hing, himneys, fireplaces, . {least two years high school ce: Sidewalks, stoops. 720.004, Gord on Professional Instructors FRENCH poodle for sale, $45. Owner |Write Box 33 Oshawa Times. May. . Standard and Automatic It or more particulars. wily Tap SR a hilary Bars] Pr oh Serle Lewes A Y ces v X ul iin 232097, 2 | | Wonderful for deer. Telephone 728-6700, |employment, References required. fda Malleable, Pedlars and Duplate, six le, five months old, | Sooo or----------r reg ftime, Insurance [BE AGLE hound, mal URGENT, housekeeper required for two very reasonable, Telephone MO 8-2738.| {school children. Telephone 728-3637 after | FURNISHED room or room and board oil burners, hot water and | 3 ririnE pincher puppies, Min|S P. for gentlemen, abstainer, central, forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service. 875. Apply 341 Jarvis Street or tele- . MO 82388 after ! PARTNER {phone 7257203. GERMAN Shepherd puppies for sale, ORONO 1782 Day or Night registered, Jo Brea Kennels, Picker- | particulars. Ist: a ---- ------ Rug and Upho story ee | BOXER puppies, registered, six weeks CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-|old, one male boxer, one and one-half covered like new. Get the best for less years old. Good disposition. Telephone | | South. Call 728-6451, free estimate, | CORNER KING AT BURK STS. |CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and | re-styled. Free estimates. See our ma- ACR 723-3224 terial for recovering. Dalton Upholster- on | a o ITIFU ' for Solicitor, Notary Publ 524 Simcoe | 1adies' and childen's wear. bl CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered| BEAUTIFUL baby budgie ready North, 728-2891. Res. 72 |rates. Telephone 728-8666 __ [Money to Loon like new. Why pay more? Our a Sina piv M Mrs, BI / MACKEY, BA, Barrister, 1 are rv ble. Satisfaction guarantee a a = Solicitor, * Notary Public, 3615 King DRESSES made to measure, all Kinds | CLIENTS: money to loan on first mort. (Mattresses re-built. Oshawa A AUTIFUL female Seal pomt Sine Bage wear, Reasonable. Mrs, Marshall 723- hased. NHA mortgage arranged. 0311. me THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli-(7913, on agg go er | d of pedigreed stock, $35. 728-4645. nd Notary Public, 262 King| doch, one 728-176 MURPHY, FURRIER MONIES FOR East, Oshawa, Ontario. and DRESSMAKER JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- ond Alterations Remodelling. tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street | Monies. available: 'on First mortgages arranged. Mortgages at 7% per annum LOUIS 5. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, sii 22 ROWE STREET without bonus. citor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 King| available. 728-6706 Second Mortgages Mortgages and Agreements RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas H. gag GREER, Associate Barristers and soli.| Fuel and Wood for Sole purchased. Morigage loans available lable for stov fireplaces, d NALD BLAKE DODD. Barrister Telephone 728-8 Short term and Builders' Mort- and Solicitor, 26% King Street East gages at reasonable rates. Telephones pe asiness 723-2201. i 26% King St. Eas ~QC, Barrister,! Oshawa, Ontario Office 1414 728-8232. | P. MANGAN, Solicitor Meney to loan. King Street st, Oshawa. Resi 725-3405. MA ING F. SWARTZ and RONALD | L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| taries., Money to loan. Henry Block,| 26% King Street East. 723-4697 Resi- dence, Dial 723-4029, JAMES A. MacDONALD, "PA, LLB, | Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking | d can easily be earned by showing our all types siding, blown insulation caulk- (tap, RAD ballet, F for private an se ence necessary. Send no money. Write he Harry 7 723-2413 4 . Free ssimme Pome Temple, Centre Street. 723.7253. |Plumbing Heating Oshawa, Oct. 17th and 18th. 728-6931 J. Foley. STOCK girl for ladies ready to wear Dual Controlled Cars. |moving, must sell. Telephone MO 8-4398 | | BOOKKEEPER for general office work YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- Write Box 336 Oshawa Times. avs per week. Telephone 723-2625 any |Pins registered from champion stock. net home, 117 PLUMBING AND HEATING ling. Telephone WH 2-1607 for further S T A N / S at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcue 723. 9122. ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. i -- Street East 728-2381. Res 127, (of repairs for ladies' and children's Mortgage and agreement of sale|Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-| /CSUTEEE [OREE Deal POTS BA Barrister and Solicitor, East. 723-2269. NHA and private LOW PRICES Monies also available Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies| tors, 30 King Street East. 728-6246 FACTORY hardwood M. F. SWARTZ Resi-| 723-4697 INDUSTRIAL SALES We have an opening for a mature man in our Industrial Sales Dept. Candidate should be virtually interested in entering the in- dustrial sales field. Sales experience desirable but not essential, Should have a good technical background drafting, shop training, etc. Should have considerable sales potential and matriculation or equiva- lent. Age 25 to 36. Apply: Personnel Mgr., R. D. Werner Co. (Con.) Ltd. Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. BOYS WANTED FOR RINK HELP Boys wanting jobs as rink help at Children's Arena, apply at Arena on 'Wednes- day, September 27th ot 4:15 p.m. Those applying must be 14 years of age and be strong, willing workers. This is evening work, Registered Under Mortgage every Brokers' Registered Act ~Furnace year ~'"Round the Clock" burner service ~--Automatic delivery "White Rose" Fuel Oil WESTERN OIL CO. 725-1212 IT'S EASY TO PAY THE "SEABOARD" WAY It's eas be for worthwhile purpose. into our office and your loan in confidence. you can borrow from $50. 00 TO $5,000.00 Repay your loan on our low, monthly payment plan, SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY of Canada Limited 292 Simcoe S, 728-6283 24-hr. |Ample parking; close jo, Shopping Cen- [more details {tre, 285 Montrav ly 725 FOUR -. room \ apartment, pri private bath, AVAILABLE Octobr Ton fur-| Parking facilities. One block from bu » niched bachelor apartment, newly deco-|€ast end. Abstainers and noni -smokers For information rated, convenient for two men. Tele-|only. Telephone 728-3624, -- hone 728. phone 728-0929 or apply 295 Arthur | BASEMENT "apartment, three rooms, Telephone 728-8441 {heated, heavy wiring, cupboards, pri. THREE large room apartment, ground (vate entrance, bath, Sune welcome. 210 floor, private entrance, newly deco-|Chadburn Street 723.72 23--Wanted to Rent |rated, $12 weekly. Telephone 728-1719. |INFURNISHED fou VANTED to rent, one large room, | EXTR, » large modern, five-room two-|r00m apartment, central, ground floor. Write R. H. Arm aor, Spartment, ove, refrigerator, |tral to down tow strong, 601 Gilmour Street, Peterboro, |Washer, dryer. Available on or before BRIGHT, two by | FARM "house required, five to eight [Dectabes J: Jelophone T2991. apartment building, rooms, located in Whitby- Oshawa dis. [MUST SEE to appreciate! New modern (washer and dryer, trict. Apply to C. M. Brown, RR 1, Whit. i fg large JOOS, wall to |For further details telephone 72 725. by on No. 2 Highwa wal roadloom, colores ath, beauti-| pp " pel - way. |fully decorated, all Sonveniences, excel- BRIGHT, (ractive apartment down. YOUNG banker requires two bedroom | [lent location, 728.528: cation Tee rooms and bath, apartment in Oshawa im y. | -- -- |refrigerator, stove. Reasonable rent for Telephone 728-4900 or 725.1188. [$79 MONTHLY and up, modern one or |good tenant, Mr, Michael Clayton, 725- BANK manager requires three ie arom Spaiments, Bey apap. 3501.3 0 3 pm, Se , 5--Farmers Column bedroom home, October or November tifully a Soavenioness Peat: |FIVE-ROOM apartment, large rooms, - women - possession. Write to Box 334 Oshawa [6674 04 728-5282. "|Snfurnished, self-contained, heated, hot $1 up. Bring containers, Times. <a and cold water supplied, also electricity. Algoma Orchards, Thickson [LARGE modern 1 hig room ie iy | Heavy uty wiring. Fireplace, dining % North of Taunton Roa | entrance, refrigeral ors {room beam ceiling, living room Rud nr s------------ 24--Houses for Rent | an: outlet, Tel lling. Apply on Loni AL, 6 Pog So! 1 OSHAWA -- new bungalow, ow, tm. | OF further details. p.m. September 18 to 20. Unified |APPLES, please Road North, --It's Drop to rrow GisCuss IDEAD farm stock picked up promptly, Phone collect Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. TOP MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, collect. 24-hour, seven-day service. mediate occupancy, three bedrooms, THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, |THREE.-ROOM apartment. unfornish. $100 monthly includes taxes. Also two. built-in cupboards in kitchen, stove ed, heated, hot and cold wou. bedroom apartment, Adelaide West, |and refrigerator, television, laundry (plied, heavy duty wiring. Available, $95 monthly. 725-3568, 8.30 a.m. till 5 facilities. Vacant October 1. "Apply 205 [located at 822 King Street oat at bug p.m. 728-5282 evenings. Nassau Street. |stop. Apply on premise to 8 p.m., di to 20. $80 PER MONTH -- Immediate posses AVAILABLE November 1, 614 Lans.|ScPtember 18 | |sion, six-room house, tiled floors down drive, two-bedroom apartment, (LARGE four-room two-bedroom a rt | throughout, new furnace, Two separate [split level duplex, free washer and ment, built-in stove and oven, private {bathrooms, upstairs and downstairs, (dryer, stove and refrigerator, TV aerial entrance and bath. central down. large yard. Close to school. Apply 174 |s3rases $115. 441 King Street East. town. Telephone 728-3186 after Ritson Road South. 725-2790, {$80 MONTHLY "five rooms, alse TWO-BEDROOM bungalow for rent, \ FREE rent one month, modern, newly three rooms, $50 monthly, water, heat, partly furnished, oil heated, centrallyidecorated apartments with lawn, free hydro free. "Telephone 728-8587 for fur Farad, close to North GM, off Ade- {parking and laundry facilities. MA [ther information. laide ephone 728-3707. 3.3996. Apartments 4 or 7. 63 King West, | LyranionED room and small kitchen E | Bowmanville. i ---- [with refrigeraotr and stove, cengral, Utilities fully paid. Includes washer and SPACIOUS three: -room apartment, pri-|separate entrance. 97 Park Road North, ryer. Close to shopping Centre. 728- vate bath, new home, heavy wiring, Telephone 723- 2764. 4733 {heat and water, laundry facilities am. --- FAB EI Gaon CRI ALE |[TWO-BEDROOM apartment in new NICE seven room house, near Park Pic_Slorage space. Telephone 725-6856. (p.dine" stove, refrigeraton supplied. Road and Adelaide, TV antenna, oil. SHO G CENTRE spacious mod: Close to south plant. Days, 728-6214 o; heated, newly decorated, children wel-|/dern, t - bedroom apartments, Jase. evenings, 723-2341 come, available September 15, $90 rated (your choice) from $85. Pave BACHELOR monthly 728-1203. | parking. John J. Bolahood, Ltd., 755 BAC apart | Apartments, 281 Simcoe Street |BUNGALOW one year old, three bed. °o3% {rooms, newly decorated, fenced yard, FURNISHED apartments, central lo-|for further information, |oil heated, storms, screens, landscaped. | cation, with all furniture including tele- | VERY 4 unfurnished four Available October 15. Apply 551 Dean vision set, One four-room, $95; two-room room upstairs apartment, self contain. very reasonable to reliable ten. Avenue, japart $50. 728-1203. Telephone 723-2335 after 9 p.m, MODERN six-room brick home, Sun. FURNISHED apartment and single | ants, set Heights, FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment | with porch, private entrance and bath, $110 monthly, Immediate housekeeping rooms, private entrance,| | possession. Hyman Realtor. 728-6286. |central, parking, reasonable. Apply 96 TWO-BEDROOM bungalow, oil heated, [Centre Street. {ground floor, parking facilities, bus at on extra large lot, north-east location, BACHELOR apartment, two rooms, un-| door, large Yori on King Street East. $80 monthly. Telephone 728-2155 after 6 furnished, refrigerator, stove, sink, cup- | Telephone 7: p.m, boards, private entrance, TV outlet, we -------- m-------- THREE-ROOM mo apartment, TWO.FAMILY bungalow, five Targe Suit business couple or single person, | | on bus line, parking facilities and gare rooms, on main floor, modern three- (53 monthly inclusive. 12¢ Park Road] |age, close to hospital, north GM. Tele. room basement apartment, self-contain- ------ -- phone 725-2992, ed. Call L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd, 723. THREE-ROOM aps apartment, unfurnished, NI 9810. [private entrance, three-piece bath, tele: [ette: NISHED Wero FIVE-ROOM stucco house, oil heated, Hsin Suet parsing facinties, close ful," private entrance, centra) location, adults only, $70 per joss' Coneral ! s. phone ing, suit two. Central. month, Apply at 136 Church Street. nem 30 -- . [MODERN three - bedroom ranch ae aw, go IRON Iran {26--Rooms for Rent jngalow with cone 1 Teepe ing, two children welcome, fenced yard. |BED - SITTING room for girl, priva 786. : 777 Rowena, 728-4437. [bath, broadloom, cooking privileges, ; EWLY furnished, warm basement everything supplied, in better home, SSHOROUGH DRIVE Et inluding electric mantel, near hospital. Telephone 725-3093: { * automatic washer and dryer, central. COMFORTABLE room in quiet Some, Grils only, 562, {with kitchen privileges, on Sim BACHELOR and three-room apartment, | Street North. Park »~d laundry ack: private, three piece bath, refrigerator, ties. 8--Hunting FOR RENT: Three duck ponds, {location to be rented together. {phone Nestleton 986-4711 good Tele- 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent |FOR SALE -- White frame winter- ized cottage on lot. Manchester across from White Rose Station. Hydro. MO 8.4294 or WH | | | [12--Articles Wanted {PIANO and ben xood condition age pensioner WANTED girl. Any condition, -- two-week Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, ar. 13hgsd, W, Schatzmann, Mortgage Bro- , 101 1 Dundas West. . MO 8-3338. 23 and second mortgages. Sale 01 purchased and sold. Hen. Barristers, 31 King 2. y - 7284 a [FIRST "and I , apartment size, in sh with delivery. Old | Telephone MO 8-3224 | A sidewalk bicyele, Phone 655-3082. » nt, furnished, for for Janitor apartment 1, Apply Marina South for | { Apply to: | MR. RON SIMCOE | OSHAWA CHILDREN'S ARENA MESSENGER BOYS WANTED APPLY -- CANADIAN PACIFIC | TELEGRAPH 1172 KING ST. E. ADAMS FURNITURE Ontario's Largest Furnishers Established in 1881 telephone WRECKING CO. for wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS . TURNEK 723-2043 723-3374 (collect) Ls AUTO Wants cars | | | | two-room with Kitchen. clean and cheer off street parke 185 Centre Street, 94 | BE | -- Spacious| ; recreation room, and drapes in living room and dining room. 1. Telephone 725-8452. NEW MODERN six-room ranch style house with garage, recreation room, oil heated, large garden, Taunton Road West, respectable couple with baby. Telephone 723-7237, renting now. FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom bunga- low, Whitby, close to schools, storms and screens, Available October 15. Phone MO 8-8379. SIX-ROOM house, oil heated, automa- tic, hot water; central at 181 Celina Street. For inquiry, apply at 351 Albert Street. SIX-ROOM three-bedroom bungalow, private driveway, at 506 Dieppe Avenue, near Ritson Road South, For informa- tion, apply 510 Dieppe. $85 MONTHLY four-room house, two bedrooms, six years old, all con- veniences, North Oshawa. Partly or | w=] | 13--Business Opportunities| 41 Gladstone Avenue, Available Octo- | | im You Pay Borrow Monthly slabs STORE for rent of Bond Street, Call 728-0529. NUTRI-BIO Unlimited income opportun- ities for part-time and full- time distributors, If you wish to learn how you con assure yourself of a secure financial future with Canada's fastest- arowing industry, telephone Mr. Thorndyke Telephone 723-1300. stove, downtown. Available immediate. 3 Reasonable. 39 Simcoe North, (FU RNISHED bedroom . near King and ly Ritson, continuous hot water, parking, 725-3352. = ___ |breakfast optio=n' -bstainers only, 31 $55 MONTHLY. Three. m unfurnished | Rowe Street. 725-1365. basement apartment, heavy wiring, will . o decorate. Close to south GM; § uit HOUSEKEEPING room, ground floor, couple. 723-9742. |clean, between downtown and Shopping |Centre, $8 weekly, 27Park Road South SAGUENAY or 728-0429. ROOM with separate kitchen for rent, APARTMENTS unfurnished, suitable for two, in good KING and PARK RD. CALL 723-2563 location, close t obus. Apply 251 Chad. Modern, 2 bedroom apart- burn Street, Oshawa, anytime. TWO rooms, completely furnished, ments fridge, stove, paved parking. TV outlet -- For conveniences, parking space. Apply 202 information Call 723-2563, | corr | ber 1 | Guaranteed Water | under contract available. GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solici- tors, etc, 7% Simcoe Street South. : Food Freezer Services Dia 723-3278. Residence pho a. Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, HOMARKET Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, 725-3566, Charles C. McGibbon, Ci; Red and Blue Brand Meat B ER TIT Only. All Nome Brand UMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL-| : Ma Barristers, Sol R. a2 Groceries. toy Humphreys, QC; G. 5. Bo ; 123 BROCK N., WHI W. A. Hillman, LLB: "it King Street East. Phones: Office 725-1177 so MO 8-5875--M0O 8-5876 Money to loan. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and [Furniture Repair MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-[FERNITURE repairs, refinishing, tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., French polishing. Our spec $ Simcoe street North, 723-3346; '5 K| ques, Satisfaction guaranteed. Dryas gs. Moriosh NYA mort Gardening and Supplies [558 ME. IBROWN'S TREE REMOV aL service. MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh: i {Over 20 ye experience. Telephone; Whithy, Ajax, Pickering and v Bookkeeping |Gss-5108, Brooktin Sint. Reacniay 'screagt, apart . f "(ete.), "any iments, Dusiess. Members ol ntario L. SCHAPELHOUMAN foc, She suality Susraniseds free FY Ta enn Lina 108 Sh COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING [3.3933 Bowmanville. Street North, Oshawa. Phone 725-3568. RETURNS. HARDSAND MORTGAGE 686 OSLER STREET APING 725-9953 LANDSC NO BONDS Building Trades Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, FREE estimate on digging basements| Bulbs --TO PAY OFF YOUR 725-1721 BILLS SPECIALIZNG in brick, block and Le 55 GLOVER RD, --T0 PAY OFF A De Toil 20 iy Lone Mr MORTGAGE CERAMIC, plasti Il tile, woodwork. | Eee, Fal ko AL Wil, RB. KNOWLTON WHILE PURPOSE SCAPIN vi LANDSCA 5 EXAMPLES OF ONE OF QUR PLANS AVAILABLE DRIVEWAYS arid lawn maintenance patio Loan Bal. First-Class 'Workmanship and sidewalk Term Owing Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices - UNITED Lc 725 «6047 2000 47:12 P.1. 5Yr. Nil 2500 59.89 P.1. 5Yr. Nil PAVING CO. OSHAWA. MONTHLY PAYMENTS |HOME LANDSCAPING CLUDE ALL COSTS Other plans with lower LASTERING ding, seeding, weed killing, ; P Complete garden service, require reliable Prompt Service -- Satis 728 6366 tion Guaranteed New i Work cor Repairs -- Nothing too large, Nothi rg Joo small. NUMBER ONE outside representatives Liberal commission arrange- ments mode with selected applicants. APPLY TO: Albert Street. LARGE furnished housekeeping room. Also two or three furnished or unfure nished rooms, close to Shopping Centre. 728- 2618 after 4 p.m. M. Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368: " Ter. FOOD & FREEZER CO. Edgar F, Bastedo, Qc. 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8.2761; 725-5! Creighton, Sc; Fraser, QC; agre ients pu |cEpAR TREES for hedges, mbers of Ontario SERVICE, INCOME TAX Fall Scale of Nursery Stock and grading by bulldozer. MO 83612. | --FOR ANY WORTH- Work guaranteed. 728-0850. Top soil ond sod. Repairing $1600 $37.65P.1. 5Yr. Nil 728 -4801 Landscaping designing, sod- monthly payments available, The : Price is call Oshawa residents call op. ond ask for ZE 7-6540 (no v we guarantee to obtain water AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION or there will be no charge. toll charge) Others call Guelph TA 2-9062 collect. LIMITED 110 King Street East BARFRIED 728-5103 | | | 6-YD. LOAD--$8.00 | 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 723-3162 ENTERPRISES HOME OWNERS Member of Ontario Roofing, asphalt - flat Chimneys -- cleaned, rebuilt, lined for gas and oil. Eavestroughs -- cleaned, repaired Water-proofing -- interior, exterior. your local contractor | OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. If |pay Mortgage Brokers Assn. Optom etrists F. RICHARD BLACK. Doctor of Optom. Fulton Well Drilling | HAMPTON CO 3-2790 etry, the examination of eves, contact [tenses 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invallds exam. ined at home. Dial 725-4587. NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers GRAVEL -- STONE LOAM RA 3-3528 l ONTARIO CONTRACTORS 728-0344 FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS CONTACT A. JAMES ALLEN] Building Contractor 725-6126 Repairs Remodelling Additions Alterations Recreation Rooms Garages, Cottages Kitchens Remodelled NHA and Custom Homes LOAM-GRAVEL | | SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Reasonable Rates DIAL 725- 2156 HEDGES Hardy Privet Chinese Elm 'ie Lombardy Poplars Red Barberry Roses, Flowering bs, Trees, Evergreens, etc., etc VERSLUIS LANDSCAPING SERVICE & NURSERIES if North of | | Cc up up up up | | | Stevenson's Airport Dial 725-9642 Oshowa {Painting and Decorating PAINTING by tradesmen, work guar. anteed, free estimates, exterior and in- terior work, reasonable rates. Tele {phone 7 728-. -2558, DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. [107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8- 5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 (Personal Service PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or haif| day 8:30 to 5:30 at 581 Simcoe North {728-2604 TRY OUR... BAR-B:QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish and hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER -- 725-3887 chips, | | | OPEN NOW {Kingsway Beauty Salon] 2 mile east of Town Line on | King Street, OPENING SPECIAL COLD WAVES--$5.00 PHONE 728-6101 VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING W. to Western Tire 728-4401 Next 725-9107 ENJOY THE SECURITY and comfort of a substantial income. For health reasons we are forced to give up new- ly decorated, and popular snack bor and restaurant loc- ated on Simcoe St, North, Good size building, spacious lot, comfortable living quart- er Will accept $15,000 for building, lot, business and complete equipment with $5000 down Or will sell business ond equipment alone $4000 cash, along with a reasonable long term lease. CALL 728-4143 appointment to inspect. | for We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city. Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay C i | 14--Employment Wanted YOUNG 4 Would Telephone L ironing Write married woman, experienced. house cleaning or ironing. 728-1839 after 6 p.m. would like to by day. Telep PART-TIME bookke t hours to suit Box 247, ARPENTER perienced in fin- | shing. Cupboards, cabinets or paint. | ng. Also small repair jobs. Telephone 28-6950 after 5 o'clock ACTICAL mployment Abby out and 728.2273 bing wanted. Will Available immediately. Oshawa Times, ®o do one nurse requires immediate | Experienced. Address re. plies to Box 4383 Oshawa Times MR. R. HARPER, mgr. ADAMS' FURNITURE 40 King St. W. Oshawa SEABOARD FINANCE CO. OFFERS opporiunities Unusual for men. TRAINEE POSITIONS Available for men' aged 21- 27, who _have the obility to advance rapidly to managerial positions. EXPERIENCED FINANCE MAN Also required for our expan sion program. If you are in- terested in: ~--RAPID ADVANCEMENT --SECURE FUTURE --EXCELLENT SALARY --TOP PENSION PLAN See or phone Mr. T. Sulik 728-6283 -- 9 to 5 P.M, fully furnished. Write Box 443 Oshawa imes, FARM house for rent, near Newton- ville, eight rooms, pressure system, oil furnace, $60 monthly. A. W. Savage, 11 Hill Crescent, Fairport Beach FIVE-ROOM bungalow for rent, two children welcome. Call after 6 on Fri ay evening at 214 Wilson Road South. SIX room, 3 bedroom, 2 storey hou: large yard; central to downtown. Tele- phone 725-6934 for further details. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 4 rooms -- free use of auto- matic washer and dryer. $90 MONTHLY ly 213 Montrave Avenue. Apt. 1 TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator, built-in cup- boards and sink, all conveniences. Ap ply 887 Ritson Road South. BUSINESS woman has rooms for one or two girls in new bungalow. Rossland and Stevenson area, Telephone 725-2757. FURNISHED housekee/ing room ior gentleman, central, close to North GM, hospital, stores and bus. Nice locality. Apply 12 Elgin Street East. E room or room and board for 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FOUR-ROOM apartment, self- rere dl] private bathroom, in quiet private home, central, néar bus, North GM| office. Telephone 723-7665 anytime. PRIVATE apartment, fully furnished, freshly decorated, private bath. Apply 325 Simcoe Street South or telephone 725-3243. GROUND FLOOR MODERN 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Free washer and dryer, wall to wall broadloom. Paved parking. Close to Simcoe St. Apply Supt. Apt. 14 20 AVENUE ST. gentleman, in clean, quiet home which is centrally located, abstainer. Tele- 79. clean room, man, quiet district. Close to north Gene eral Motors. $8 per week. Telephone 728-4245. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS NICE ¢ suitable for gentle ONE-BEDROOM APARTMEN | All facilities. Available now. Apply-- LOGUE APARTMENTS 795 KING ST. EAST 723-9292 NEWLY DECORATED 2-BEDROOM APARTMENTS $85-$95 basement -- 2nd floor in apt. building, near Shopping Centre Ample parking. 29%2 Simcoe St. S., Oshowa CALL 728-6795 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE 725-3815 or 728-6485 Available in private home. 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 728-8671 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Available Now Large three-room apartment. 'Frig. heavy duty stove, pri- vate bath. $70.00 monthly. Dial 725-5433 or 725-2267 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 728-8671 LOOKING for a better job? Check the Job offers listed in "Help Wanted" in the Oshawa Times Classified Section today and every day. THE very workers you need are reads

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